GET_Dates(); $array = json_decode($dates, true); $result = array(); foreach ($array as $keydate => $value) { $vm = $d->GET_qemu($keydate, $node, $search); $array = json_decode($vm, true); $array['cpu'] = $array['cpu']*100; $array['mem'] = $array['mem'] / (1024 * 1024); $array['timestamp'] = $array['timestamp'] * 1000; $array['netout'] = $array['netout'] / (1024 * 1024); $array['netin'] = $array['netin'] / (1024 * 1024); $result[] = $array; } return $result; } public function List_Groups($timestamp = "") { $d = new API_GET_INFO; $groups = $d->GET_Groups($timestamp); $html = ''; $arr_groups = json_decode($groups, true); foreach ($arr_groups as $group) { $clusters = $d->GET_Groups($timestamp, $group); $arr_clusters = json_decode($clusters, true); sort($arr_clusters); reset($arr_clusters); if (!empty($group)) { $html = $html.'
  • '.$group.''; $html = $html.'
  • '; } else { $html = $html.'
  • '.$group.''; $html = $html.'
  • '; } } $html = $html.''; return $html; } public function List_Dates($timestamp = "") { $d = new API_GET_INFO; $dates = $d->GET_Dates(); $dates_list = json_decode($dates, true)['value']; arsort($dates_list); $html = ''; return $html; } public function List_VMs($date, $node=null) { $html = ''; $d = new API_GET_INFO; $vms_list = json_decode($d->GET_qemu($date), true)['value']; $last_clust = ""; $last_disk = ""; foreach ($vms_list as $qemu) { $qemu = (object) $qemu; $macs = ""; $volids = ""; $volsize = 0; if($last_clust != $qemu->cluster) { $last_clust = $qemu->cluster; $clusters_info = json_decode($d->GET_clusters_conf($qemu->cluster), true)['value'][0]; $clusters_info = (object) $clusters_info; } //$disklists = json_decode($d->GET_Disk($date, $qemu->cluster, $qemu->node, $qemu->vmid), true)['value']; // Disk selection. Dump all disk from node ismore quickly to dump all disk from vmid (less requests on api) if($last_disk != $date.$qemu->cluster.$qemu->node) { $last_disk = $date.$qemu->cluster.$qemu->node; $disklists = json_decode($d->GET_Disk($date, $qemu->cluster, $qemu->node), true)['value']; } foreach($disklists as $vol) { $vol = (object) $vol; if (property_exists($vol, 'vmid')) { if ($vol->vmid == $qemu->vmid) { $volids = $vol->volid.",".$volids ; $volsize = $volsize + $vol->size ; } } } foreach($qemu->macaddr as $mac) { $macs = $mac.",".$macs ; } $html = $html.' '.$qemu->cluster.' '.$qemu->node.' ExternalProxmoxLink '.$qemu->name.' '.$qemu->vmid.' '.formatBytes(round($qemu->maxmem)).' '.$qemu->cpus.' ", $volids).'">'.formatBytes($volsize).' ", $macs).'">'.$macs.' '.secondsToDays($qemu->uptime).' '.$qemu->status.' Link Button '; } return $html; } public function List_HYPs($date, $cluster = null) { require(dirname(__DIR__).'/requires/configs.php'); //$m = new REQUESTS_MYSQL; //$non_grata = $m->non_grata_select(); $q = new API_GET_INFO; $nodes = json_decode($q->GET_hyp($date, $cluster), true)['value']; arsort($nodes); $row_non_grata = []; /* foreach ($non_grata as $rows) { $row_non_grata[] = $rows->name; } */ $html = ''; $last_sto = ""; $last_clust = ""; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $node = (object) $node; $sto_info = json_decode($q->GET_sto($date, $node->cluster, $node->node), true)['value']; if ($this->sto_regx_status == true) { foreach ($sto_info as $sto) { $sto = (object)$sto; if (preg_match($this->sto_regx, $sto->storage)) { $sto_el = $sto->storage; break; } } } if($sto_el == "" or $this->sto_regx_status == false) { foreach ($sto_info as $sto) { $sto = (object)$sto; $sto_new = $sto->total; if ($sto_new > $sto_max) { $sto_max = $sto_new; $sto_el = $sto->storage; } } } if($last_clust != $node->cluster) { $last_clust = $node->cluster; $clusters_info = json_decode($q->GET_clusters_conf($node->cluster), true)['value'][0]; $clusters_info = (object) $clusters_info; } $ram_use_percent = round(($node->memory['used']/$node->memory['total'])*100); $ram_alloc_percent = round(($node->totalallocram/$node->memory['total'])*100); $cpu_alloc_percent = round(($node->totalalloccpu/$node->cpuinfo['cpus'])*100); $disk_use_percent = round((100/$sto_el_node->total)*$sto_el_node->used); $disk_alloc_percent = round(($sto_el_node->totalallocdisk/$sto_el_node->total)*100); // revoir param 1 $load_percent = round($node->load*100); $eligibility = eligibility($ram_use_percent, $ram_alloc_percent, $cpu_alloc_percent, $disk_use_percent, $disk_alloc_percent, $load_percent); if (in_array($node->name, $row_non_grata)) { $grata = ' Nongrataimg'; $eligibility = round($eligibility + $non_grata_weight); } else{ $grata = ' Nongrataimg'; } $html = $html.' '.$node->cluster.' '.$node->node.' ExternalProxmoxLink '.$grata.' '.formatBytes($node->memory['used']).' ('.$ram_use_percent.'%) '.formatBytes($node->totalallocram).'/'.formatBytes($node->memory['total']).' ('.$ram_alloc_percent.'%) '.$node->totalalloccpu.'/'.$node->cpuinfo['cpus'].' ('.$cpu_alloc_percent.'%) '.formatBytes($sto_el_node->used).'('.$disk_use_percent.'% - '.$sto_el.') '.formatBytes($sto_el_node->totalallocdisk).'/'.formatBytes($sto_el_node->total).' ('.$disk_alloc_percent.'%) '.$load_percent.'% '.secondsToDays($node->uptime).'d '.$eligibility.' '.formatBytes($node->swap['used']).'/'.formatBytes($node->swap['total']).' '.$node->pveversion.' '.$node->kversion.' '.$node->cpuinfo['model'].' '; } return $html; } public function List_STO($date, $node=null, $sto=null) { $q = new API_GET_INFO; $stos_list = json_decode($q->GET_sto($date), true)['value']; $html = ''; $last_clust = ""; $last_disk = ""; foreach ($stos_list as $sto) { $sto = (object) $sto; // Limit requests if($last_clust != $sto->cluster) { $last_clust = $sto->cluster; $clusters_info = json_decode($q->GET_clusters_conf($sto->cluster), true)['value'][0]; $clusters_info = (object) $clusters_info; } try { $stoavail = round(($sto->avail * 100 ) / $sto->total); $stoused = round(100 - ($sto->avail * 100) / $sto->total); $disk_alloc_percent = round(($sto->totalallocdisk/$sto->total) * 100); } catch (Exception $e) { $stoavail = 'Not available'; $stoused = 'Not available'; $disk_alloc_percent = 'Not available'; } $htmldisk = ''; // Limit requests if($last_disk != $date.$sto->cluster.$sto->node) { $last_disk = $date.$sto->cluster.$sto->node; $disklists = json_decode($q->GET_Disk($date, $sto->cluster, $sto->node), true)['value']; } foreach ($disklists as $disklist) { $disklist = (object) $disklist; if ($disklist->storage == $sto->storage) $htmldisk = $htmldisk.' '; } $htmldisk = $htmldisk.'
    Type Size
    '.$disklist->content.' '.$disklist->volid.' '.formatBytes($disklist->size).'
    '; $html = $html.' '.$sto->node.' ExternalProxmoxLink '.$sto->storage.' '.formatBytes($sto->total).' '.formatBytes($sto->totalallocdisk).' ('.$disk_alloc_percent.'%) '.formatBytes($sto->avail).' ('.$stoavail.'%) '.formatBytes($sto->used).' ('.$stoused.'%) '.$htmldisk.' '; } return $html; } } function testcolor($type, $value) { // charges points in percents $cpu_low = 30; // less than $cpu_height = 60 ; // more than $cpu_low_alloc = 100; // less than $cpu_height_alloc = 200 ; // more than $ram_low = 50; // less than $ram_height = 75 ; // more than $ram_low_alloc = 75; // less than $ram_height_alloc = 110 ; // more than $disk_low = 50; // less than $disk_height = 70 ; // more than $disk_low_alloc = 90; // less than $disk_height_alloc = 190 ; // more than $color = ""; $l_color = '#088A08'; // Green $m_color = '#DF7401'; // Yellow $h_color = '#B40404'; // Red $array_calc = array( "ram_alloc" => array("low" => $ram_low_alloc, "height" =>$ram_height_alloc), "ram_use" => array("low" => $ram_low, "height" => $ram_height), "disk_use" => array("low" => $disk_low, "height" => $disk_height), "disk_alloc" => array("low" => $disk_low_alloc, "height" => $disk_height_alloc), "cpu_alloc" => array("low" => $cpu_low_alloc, "height" => $cpu_height_alloc), "cpu_use" => array("low" => $cpu_low, "height" => $cpu_height) ); if($value < $array_calc[$type]["low"]) $color = $l_color; elseif (($array_calc[$type]["low"] <= $value ) and ($value < $array_calc[$type]["height"])) $color = $m_color; elseif ($value >= $array_calc[$type]["height"]) $color = $h_color; return $color; } function testvalue($val, $min, $max) { return ($val >= $min && $val <= $max); } class DbConn { public $conn; public function __construct() { require(dirname(__DIR__).'/dbconf.php'); $this->host = $host; // Host name $this->username = $username; // Mysql username $this->password = $password; // Mysql password $this->db_name = $db_name; // Database name $this->tbl_logs = $tbl_logs; $this->tbl_nodes = $tbl_nodes; try { // Connect to server and select database. $this->conn = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $db_name . ';charset=utf8', $username, $password); $this->conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (\Exception $e) { error_log("Database connection error:".$e); die('Database connection error'); } } } class REQUESTS_MYSQL { function non_grata_select() { try { $db = new DbConn; $tbl_nodes = $db->tbl_nodes; $stmt = $db->conn->prepare("SELECT `name` FROM ".$tbl_nodes." WHERE `status` = 1"); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); return $result; } catch (PDOException $e) { $err = "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); } //Determines returned value ('true' or error code) $resp = ($err == '') ? 'true' : $err; return $resp; } function non_grata_update($node, $value) { try { $db = new DbConn; $tbl_nodes = $db->tbl_nodes; $stmt = $db->conn->prepare("REPLACE INTO ".$tbl_nodes."(`name`, `status`) VALUES ('".$node."','".$value."')"); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); return $result; } catch (PDOException $e) { $err = "Error: " . $e->getMessage(); } //Determines returned value ('true' or error code) $resp = ($err == '') ? 'true' : $err; return $resp; } } function eligibility($ram_use, $ram_alloc, $cpu_alloc, $disk_use, $disk_alloc, $load) // data in percent !!! // ' .$sto->total - $sto->avail - $sto->used.' { $coef_ram_use = 4; $coef_ram_alloc = 3; $coef_cpu_alloc = 2; $coef_disk_use = 4; $coef_disk_alloc = 3; $coef_load = 3; $coef_total = $coef_ram_use + $coef_ram_alloc + $coef_cpu_alloc + $coef_disk_use + $coef_disk_alloc + $coef_load; $calc = 0 - ($ram_use * $coef_ram_use) - ($ram_alloc * $coef_ram_alloc) - ($cpu_alloc * $coef_cpu_alloc) - ($disk_use * $coef_disk_use) - ($disk_alloc * $coef_disk_alloc) - ($load * $coef_load); $calc = $calc / $coef_total; $calc = $calc / 10; return round($calc*-1,1); } function curl($url, $ip="", $port="8080", $type="GET", $fieldsjson="") { $url = "http://".$ip.":".$port."/".$url; $ch = curl_init(); if($type == "POST") { curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fieldsjson)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fieldsjson); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } function secondsToDays($seconds) { // extract hours $days = floor($seconds / 86400); return $days; } function secondsToTime($seconds) { // extract hours $hours = floor($seconds / (60 * 60)); // extract minutes $divisor_for_minutes = $seconds % (60 * 60); $minutes = floor($divisor_for_minutes / 60); // extract the remaining seconds $divisor_for_seconds = $divisor_for_minutes % 60; $seconds = ceil($divisor_for_seconds); // return the final array $obj = array( "h" => (int) $hours, "m" => (int) $minutes, "s" => (int) $seconds, ); return $obj; } function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $kilobyte = 1024; $megabyte = $kilobyte * 1024; $gigabyte = $megabyte * 1024; $terabyte = $gigabyte * 1024; if (($bytes >= 0) && ($bytes < $kilobyte)) { return $bytes . ' B'; } elseif (($bytes >= $kilobyte) && ($bytes < $megabyte)) { return round($bytes / $kilobyte, $precision) . ' KB'; } elseif (($bytes >= $megabyte) && ($bytes < $gigabyte)) { return round($bytes / $megabyte, $precision) . ' MB'; } elseif (($bytes >= $gigabyte) && ($bytes < $terabyte)) { return round($bytes / $gigabyte, $precision) . ' GB'; } elseif ($bytes >= $terabyte) { return round($bytes / $terabyte, $precision) . ' TB'; } else { return $bytes . ' B'; } }