#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Author: Tlams Langage: Python Minimum version require: 3.4 """ from pathlib import Path from api.v1.api import * from core.modules.mod_access import * import configparser import getpass import os import stat import urllib3 global passhash urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Read conf """ localconf = configparser.ConfigParser() localconf.read('private/conf/config') CritConf = CryticalData() """ Step One: test private key or create it """ key_pvt = Path(localconf['system']['key_pvt']) if not key_pvt.is_file(): print("No key found, auto-generation started ...") passhash = encodepassphrase(getpass.getpass("Need a passphrase to start the generation:")) print("This action can take some minutes, please wait.") gen = CritConf.generate_key(localconf['system']['key_pvt'], localconf['system']['key_pub'], passhash) if gen['result'] == "OK": print("Your new key has been generate ! " "\n - Private Key: {0} " "\n - Public Key: {1}" .format(localconf['system']['key_pvt'], localconf['system']['key_pvt'])) print("Passphrase HASH: {0}".format(passhash)) print("You must save your passphrase hash in a security place !") else: print(gen['Error']) exit(1) """ Test valid right for your private Key """ if oct(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(localconf['system']['key_pvt']).st_mode)) != oct(0o600): print("Your private key has not the good right({0})..." "This problem can be very critical for your security.". format(oct(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(localconf['system']['key_pvt']).st_mode)))) os.chmod(localconf['system']['key_pvt'], 0o600) print("Auto correction... done !") """ Step two""" if 'passhash' not in vars(): passhash = encodepassphrase(getpass.getpass("This system need a passphrase to start:")) key_pvt = CritConf.read_private_key(localconf['system']['key_pvt'], passhash) if key_pvt['result'] != "OK": print("{0}: {1}" "\n Please verify your passphrase".format(key_pvt['type'], key_pvt['error'])) exit(1) key_pub = CritConf.read_public_key(localconf['system']['key_pub']) # URL MAPPING urls = \ ( # MAPPING INSTANCES '/api/v1/instance', 'Instance', '/api/v1/instance/new', 'Instance', '/api/v1/instance/([0-9]+)', 'Instance', '/api/v1/instance/([0-9]+)/status/([a-z]+)', 'Instance', '/api/v1/instance/([0-9]+)/package', 'package', '/api/v1/instance/([0-9]+)/vhost(?:/([0-9]+))', 'vhost', '/api/v1/instance/([0-9]+)/database(?:/([0-9]+))', 'database', #  MAPPING NODES '/api/v1/node(?:/([0-9]+))', 'node', # MAPPING SERVICES '/api/v1/service/([a-z]+)/instance/([0-9]+)/vhost(?:/([0-9]+))', 'service', # AUTH '/api/v1/auth', 'Auth', # MANAGEMENT '/api/v1/administration/cluster', 'Cluster', '/api/v1/administration/cluster/new', 'Cluster', ) generalconf = { "keys": {"key_pvt": key_pvt["data"], "key_pub": key_pub["data"]}, "mongodb": {"ip": localconf['databases']['mongodb_ip'], 'port': localconf['databases']['mongodb_port']}, "redis": {"ip": localconf['databases']['redis_ip'], 'port': localconf['databases']['redis_port']}, "deploy": {'concurrencydeploy': localconf['options']['concurrencydeploy'], 'delayrounddeploy': localconf['options']['delayrounddeploy']} } """ First redis connection """ Lredis = Redis_messages(generalconf["redis"]["ip"]) Lredis.connect() """ Init Core thread """ core = Core(generalconf, Lredis) """ Init API thread """ api_th = ThreadAPI(1, "ThreadAPI", urls, core, generalconf, Lredis) api_th.start()