#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threading import web from core.core import * from core.modules.mod_analyst import * import json import time import random import ast def cooktheticket(ticket, action, target): if ticket == "aaa": return True else: return False class Auth: def POST(self): # '{"username":"fff", "password":"azerty"}' data = json.loads(web.data().decode('utf-8')) print(data["username"]) # Test Login # If true generate an ticket # use date and ip i = web.input(ticket='aaa') web.setcookie('ticket', i.ticket, 3600) return """ CLASS MONGO CACHE """ class General_Search: def GET(self, query, id): try: result = core.generalsearch(query, id) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return json.dumps(result) class QueryCache_Infra: def GET(self, dest, date, cluster=None, node=None, vmid=None): try: result = core.generalquerycacheinfra(dest, date, cluster, node, vmid) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return json.dumps(result) class QueryDates: def GET(self, keytype): try: result = core.getkey(keytype) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return json.dumps(result) """ CLASS DIRECT """ class Cluster: def GET(self, cluster=None): try: if cluster: result = core.get_clusters_conf(cluster) else: result = core.get_clusters_conf() except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } ## Revoir pour un truc plus clean keyv = 0 for cluster in result["value"]: for key in cluster: if key == "password" or key == "user": result["value"][keyv][key] = "Information not available" keyv += 1 return json.dumps(result) def POST(self): try: data = json.loads(web.data().decode('utf-8')) result = core.insert_clusters_conf(data) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result def PUT(self, cluster): try: data = json.loads(web.data().decode('utf-8')) result = core.change_clusters_conf(cluster, data) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result def DELETE(self, cluster): try: result = core.delete_clusters_conf(cluster) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result class Instance: def GET(self, id, action=None): try: if action: """ GET INSTANCE STATUS """ result = core.status_instances(id, action) else: """ GET INSTANCE INFORMATION """ result = core.info_instances(id) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return json.dumps(result) def POST(self, vmid=None, status=None): try: if vmid: """ GET INSTANCE INFORMATION """ result = core.status_instances(vmid, status) else: """ CREATE NEWS INSTANCES""" count = json.loads(web.data().decode('utf-8'))["count"] """ LOAD CLUSTER CONFIGURATIONS """ select = Analyse(core.clusters_conf, generalconf) sorted_nodes = dict(select.set_attribution(count)) """ START ALL Thread """ for nodeid, count in sorted_nodes.items(): """ GENERATE UNIQ COMMAND ID """ randtext = ''.join(random.choice('AZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN') for i in range(8)) command_id = "Please, do not change or delete this ID \n" \ "id={0}_{1}".format(time.time(), randtext) """ Find information by id mongodb""" realnode = core.generalsearch('{ "_id": {id} }'.format(id=nodeid)) # Limit to 5 instance per block thci = threading.Thread(name="Insert Instance", target=core.insert_instance, args=(realnode["name"], cluster["cluster"], str(count), command_id,)) thci.start() """ Wait all results of Thread from redis messages queue. Valid or not """ timeout = 2 * int(generalconf["deploy"]["concurrencydeploy"]) * int(generalconf["deploy"]["delayrounddeploy"]) for t in range(timeout): time.sleep(1) try: if len(ast.literal_eval(redis_msg.get_message(command_id)["value"])) == int(count): break except BaseException as err: print("Value not found", err) """ Return messages """ return ast.literal_eval(redis_msg.get_message(command_id)["value"]) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result def PUT(self, vmid): try: data = json.loads(web.data().decode('utf-8')) result = core.change_instances(vmid, data) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result def DELETE(self, vmid): try: result = core.delete_instances(vmid) except BaseException as e: result = { "result": "ERROR", "type": "PYTHON - API", "value": "Invalid request: {0}".format(e) } return result class ThreadAPI(threading.Thread): #def __init__(self, threadid, name, urls, c, g, r): def __init__(self, threadid, name, urls, c, g): """ Pass Global var in this theard.""" global core, generalconf, redis_msg core = c generalconf = g redis_msg = core.redis_msg """ RUN API """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadid self.threadName = name self.app = HttpApi(urls, globals()) self.app.notfound = notfound def run(self): print("Start API server...") self.app.run() def stop(self): print("Stop API server...") self.app.stop() def notfound(): return web.notfound({"value": "Bad request"}) class HttpApi(web.application): def run(self, ip="", port=8080, *middleware): func = self.wsgifunc(*middleware) return web.httpserver.runsimple(func, (ip, int(port)))