[system] ; System configurations user: hyperproxmox ; If not exist at startup, the key will be auto-generate. key_pvt: private/keys/Ragnarok.pvt.key key_pub: private/keys/Ragnarok.pub.key admin_mail: tlams@localhost [web] user: www-data [api]: user: hyperproxmox [databases] ; Databases configurations ; NOSQL databases, should use a password mongodb_user: mongodb_password: mongodb_ip: mongodb_port: 27017 redis_user: redis_password: redis_ip: redis_port: 6379 [deploy] ; Maximum concurrent deployment ; A high value can overcharge your physicals servers concurrencydeploy: 2 ; Delay between two deployment round ; If your infrastructure isn't very large, you should'nt reduce this delay. ; A low delay can overcharge your physicals servers delayrounddeploy: 15 [walker] ; Delay in seconds between to crawl (update) walker: 300 ; Lock file -- prevent concurrent crawling walker_lock: /tmp/hyperproxmoxwalker.lock [logger] ; logs level 1: "INFO", 2: "WARNING", 3: "ERROR", 4: "CRITICAL", 5: "DEBUG" logs_level = 5 ; Limit IO write, if debug level is active, this value is overwrite to 0 bulk_write = 1 ; Buffer size bulk_size = 1000 ; log output logs_dir = /var/log/hyperproxmox/