2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
/ * *
* @ description Meshcentral MeshAgent
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire & Bryan Roe
* @ version v0 . 0.1
* /
// Construct a MeshAgent object, called upon connection
module . exports . CreateMeshAgent = function ( parent , db , ws , req , args , domain ) {
var obj = { } ;
obj . parent = parent ;
obj . db = db ;
obj . ws = ws ;
obj . fs = parent . fs ;
obj . args = args ;
obj . nodeid = null ;
obj . meshid = null ;
obj . dbNodeKey = null ;
obj . dbMeshKey = null ;
obj . forge = parent . parent . certificateOperations . forge ;
obj . common = parent . parent . common ;
obj . authenticated = 0 ;
obj . domain = domain ;
obj . receivedCommands = 0 ;
obj . connectTime = null ;
obj . agentCoreCheck = 0 ;
obj . agentInfo ;
obj . agentUpdate = null ;
var agentUpdateBlockSize = 65520 ;
// Send a message to the mesh agent
obj . send = function ( data ) { if ( typeof data == 'string' ) { obj . ws . send ( new Buffer ( data , 'binary' ) ) ; } else { obj . ws . send ( data ) ; } }
// Disconnect this agent
obj . close = function ( arg ) {
2017-08-31 18:03:02 +00:00
if ( ( arg == 1 ) || ( arg == null ) ) { try { obj . ws . close ( ) ; obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'Soft disconnect ' + obj . nodeid ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } // Soft close, close the websocket
if ( arg == 2 ) { try { obj . ws . _socket . _parent . end ( ) ; obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'Hard disconnect ' + obj . nodeid ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket
2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
if ( obj . parent . wsagents [ obj . dbNodeKey ] == obj ) {
delete obj . parent . wsagents [ obj . dbNodeKey ] ;
obj . parent . parent . ClearConnectivityState ( obj . dbMeshKey , obj . dbNodeKey , 1 ) ;
// Other clean up may be needed here
if ( obj . unauth ) { delete obj . unauth ; }
if ( obj . agentUpdate != null ) { obj . fs . close ( obj . agentUpdate . fd ) ; obj . agentUpdate = null ; }
// When data is received from the mesh agent web socket
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
if ( msg . length < 2 ) return ;
if ( typeof msg == 'object' ) {
// Convert the buffer into a string
var msg2 = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < msg . length ; i ++ ) { msg2 += String . fromCharCode ( msg [ i ] ) ; }
msg = msg2 ;
if ( obj . authenticated == 2 ) { // We are authenticated
if ( msg . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 123 ) { processAgentData ( msg ) ; }
if ( msg . length < 2 ) return ;
var cmdid = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 0 ) ;
if ( cmdid == 11 ) { // MeshCommand_CoreModuleHash
if ( msg . length == 4 ) { ChangeAgentCoreInfo ( { caps : 0 } ) ; } // If the agent indicated that no core is running, clear the core information string.
// Mesh core hash, sent by agent with the hash of the current mesh core.
if ( obj . agentCoreCheck == 1000 ) return ; // If we are using a custom core, don't try to update it.
// We need to check if the core is current.
// TODO: Check if we have a mesh specific core. If so, use that.
var agentMeshCoreHash = null ;
if ( msg . length == 36 ) { agentMeshCoreHash = msg . substring ( 4 , 36 ) ; }
if ( agentMeshCoreHash != obj . parent . parent . defaultMeshCoreHash ) {
if ( obj . agentCoreCheck < 5 ) { // This check is in place to avoid a looping core update.
if ( obj . parent . parent . defaultMeshCoreHash == null ) {
// Update no core
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 10 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ; // Command 10, ask mesh agent to clear the core
} else {
// Update new core
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 10 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) + obj . parent . parent . defaultMeshCoreHash + obj . parent . parent . defaultMeshCore ) ; // Command 10, ask mesh agent to set the core
obj . agentCoreCheck ++ ;
} else {
obj . agentCoreCheck = 0 ;
else if ( cmdid == 12 ) { // MeshCommand_AgentHash
if ( ( msg . length == 36 ) && ( obj . agentInfo != undefined ) && ( obj . agentInfo . update == true ) ) {
var agenthash = obj . common . rstr2hex ( msg . substring ( 4 ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( agenthash != obj . agentInfo . hash ) {
// Mesh agent update required
console . log ( 'Agent update required, NodeID=0x' + obj . nodeid . substring ( 0 , 16 ) + ', ' + obj . agentInfo . desc ) ;
obj . fs . open ( obj . agentInfo . path , 'r' , function ( err , fd ) {
if ( err ) { return console . error ( err ) ; }
obj . agentUpdate = { oldHash : agenthash , ptr : 0 , buf : new Buffer ( agentUpdateBlockSize + 4 ) , fd : fd } ;
// We got the agent file open ont he server side, tell the agent we are sending an update starting with the SHA256 hash of the result
//console.log("Agent update file open.");
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 13 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ; // Command 13, start mesh agent download
// Send the first mesh agent update data block
obj . agentUpdate . buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
obj . agentUpdate . buf [ 1 ] = 14 ;
obj . agentUpdate . buf [ 2 ] = 0 ;
obj . agentUpdate . buf [ 3 ] = 1 ;
var len = - 1 ;
try { len = obj . fs . readSync ( obj . agentUpdate . fd , obj . agentUpdate . buf , 4 , agentUpdateBlockSize , obj . agentUpdate . ptr ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
if ( len == - 1 ) {
// Error reading the agent file, stop here.
obj . fs . close ( obj . agentUpdate . fd ) ;
obj . agentUpdate = null ;
} else {
// Send the first block to the agent
obj . agentUpdate . ptr += len ;
//console.log("Agent update send first block: " + len);
obj . send ( obj . agentUpdate . buf ) ; // Command 14, mesh agent first data block
} ) ;
else if ( cmdid == 14 ) { // MeshCommand_AgentBinaryBlock
if ( ( msg . length == 4 ) && ( obj . agentUpdate != null ) ) {
var status = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 2 ) ;
if ( status == 1 ) {
var len = - 1 ;
try { len = obj . fs . readSync ( obj . agentUpdate . fd , obj . agentUpdate . buf , 4 , agentUpdateBlockSize , obj . agentUpdate . ptr ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
if ( len == - 1 ) {
// Error reading the agent file, stop here.
obj . fs . close ( obj . agentUpdate . fd ) ;
obj . agentUpdate = null ;
} else {
// Send the next block to the agent
obj . agentUpdate . ptr += len ;
//console.log("Agent update send next block: " + len);
if ( len == agentUpdateBlockSize ) { obj . ws . send ( obj . agentUpdate . buf ) ; } else { obj . ws . send ( obj . agentUpdate . buf . slice ( 0 , len + 4 ) ) ; } // Command 14, mesh agent next data block
if ( len < agentUpdateBlockSize ) {
//console.log("Agent update sent");
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 13 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) + obj . common . hex2rstr ( obj . agentInfo . hash ) ) ; // Command 13, end mesh agent download, send agent SHA256 hash
obj . fs . close ( obj . agentUpdate . fd ) ;
obj . agentUpdate = null ;
else if ( cmdid == 15 ) { // MeshCommand_AgentTag
ChangeAgentTag ( msg . substring ( 2 ) ) ;
else if ( obj . authenticated < 2 ) { // We are not authenticated
var cmd = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 0 ) ;
if ( cmd == 1 ) {
// Agent authentication request
if ( ( msg . length != 66 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 1 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 1 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Check that the server hash matches out own web certificate hash
if ( obj . parent . webCertificatHash != msg . substring ( 2 , 34 ) ) { obj . close ( ) ; return ; }
// Use our server private key to sign the ServerHash + AgentNonce + ServerNonce
var privateKey = obj . forge . pki . privateKeyFromPem ( obj . parent . certificates . agent . key ) ;
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ;
md . update ( msg . substring ( 2 ) , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
obj . agentnonce = msg . substring ( 34 ) ;
// Send back our certificate + signature
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 2 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( parent . agentCertificatAsn1 . length ) + parent . agentCertificatAsn1 + privateKey . sign ( md ) ) ; // Command 2, certificate + signature
// Check the agent signature if we can
if ( obj . unauthsign != undefined ) {
if ( processAgentSignature ( obj . unauthsign ) == false ) { disonnect ( ) ; return ; } else { completeAgentConnection ( ) ; }
else if ( cmd == 2 ) {
// Agent certificate
if ( ( msg . length < 4 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 2 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 2 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Decode the certificate
var certlen = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 2 ) ;
obj . unauth = { } ;
obj . unauth . nodeCert = null ;
try { obj . unauth . nodeCert = obj . forge . pki . certificateFromAsn1 ( obj . forge . asn1 . fromDer ( msg . substring ( 4 , 4 + certlen ) ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { return ; }
obj . unauth . nodeid = obj . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( obj . unauth . nodeCert . publicKey , { encoding : 'hex' , md : obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) } ) ;
// Check the agent signature if we can
if ( obj . agentnonce == undefined ) { obj . unauthsign = msg . substring ( 4 + certlen ) ; } else { if ( processAgentSignature ( msg . substring ( 4 + certlen ) ) == false ) { disonnect ( ) ; return ; } }
completeAgentConnection ( ) ;
else if ( cmd == 3 ) {
// Agent meshid
if ( ( msg . length < 56 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 4 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 4 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Set the meshid
obj . agentInfo = { } ;
obj . agentInfo . infoVersion = obj . common . ReadInt ( msg , 2 ) ;
obj . agentInfo . agentId = obj . common . ReadInt ( msg , 6 ) ;
obj . agentInfo . agentVersion = obj . common . ReadInt ( msg , 10 ) ;
obj . agentInfo . platformType = obj . common . ReadInt ( msg , 14 ) ;
obj . meshid = obj . common . rstr2hex ( msg . substring ( 18 , 50 ) ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
obj . agentInfo . capabilities = obj . common . ReadInt ( msg , 50 ) ;
var computerNameLen = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 54 ) ;
obj . agentInfo . computerName = msg . substring ( 56 , 56 + computerNameLen ) ;
obj . dbMeshKey = 'mesh/' + obj . domain . id + '/' + obj . meshid ;
completeAgentConnection ( ) ;
} ) ;
// If error, do nothing
ws . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err ) ; } ) ;
// If the mesh agent web socket is closed, clean up.
2017-08-31 18:03:02 +00:00
ws . on ( 'close' , function ( req ) { obj . close ( 0 ) ; } ) ;
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// Start authenticate the mesh agent by sending a auth nonce & server TLS cert hash.
// Send 256 bits SHA256 hash of TLS cert public key + 256 bits nonce
obj . nonce = obj . forge . random . getBytesSync ( 32 ) ;
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 1 ) + parent . webCertificatHash + obj . nonce ) ; // Command 1, hash + nonce
// Once we get all the information about an agent, run this to hook everything up to the server
function completeAgentConnection ( ) {
if ( obj . authenticated = ! 1 || obj . meshid == null ) return ;
// Check that the mesh exists
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbMeshKey , function ( err , meshes ) {
if ( meshes . length == 0 ) { console . log ( 'Agent connected with invalid domain/mesh, holding connection.' ) ; return ; } // If we disconnect, the agnet will just reconnect. We need to log this or tell agent to connect in a few hours.
var mesh = meshes [ 0 ] ;
if ( mesh . mtype != 2 ) { console . log ( 'Agent connected with invalid mesh type, holding connection.' ) ; return ; } // If we disconnect, the agnet will just reconnect. We need to log this or tell agent to connect in a few hours.
// Check that the node exists
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbNodeKey , function ( err , nodes ) {
// Mark when we connected to this agent
obj . connectTime = Date . now ( ) ;
if ( nodes . length == 0 ) {
// This node does not exist, create it.
var device = { type : 'node' , mtype : mesh . mtype , _id : obj . dbNodeKey , icon : obj . agentInfo . platformType , meshid : obj . dbMeshKey , name : obj . agentInfo . computerName , domain : domain . id , agent : { ver : obj . agentInfo . agentVersion , id : obj . agentInfo . agentId , caps : obj . agentInfo . capabilities } , host : null } ;
obj . db . Set ( device ) ;
// Event the new node
var change = 'Added device ' + obj . agentInfo . computerName + ' to mesh ' + mesh . name ;
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , obj . dbMeshKey ] , obj , { etype : 'node' , action : 'addnode' , node : device , msg : change , domain : domain . id } )
} else {
// Device already exists, look if changes has occured
var device = nodes [ 0 ] ;
if ( device . agent == undefined ) {
device . agent = { ver : obj . agentInfo . agentVersion , id : obj . agentInfo . agentId , caps : obj . agentInfo . capabilities } ; change = 1 ;
} else {
var changes = [ ] , change = 0 ;
if ( device . agent . ver != obj . agentInfo . agentVersion ) { device . agent . ver = obj . agentInfo . agentVersion ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent version' ) ; }
if ( device . agent . id != obj . agentInfo . agentId ) { device . agent . id = obj . agentInfo . agentId ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent type' ) ; }
if ( ( device . agent . caps & 24 ) != ( obj . agentInfo . capabilities & 24 ) ) { device . agent . caps = obj . agentInfo . capabilities ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent capabilities' ) ; } // If agent console or javascript support changes, update capabilities
if ( device . meshid != obj . dbMeshKey ) { device . meshid = obj . dbMeshKey ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent meshid' ) ; } // TODO: If the meshid changes, we need to event a device add/remove on both meshes
if ( change == 1 ) {
obj . db . Set ( device ) ;
// Event the node change
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'changenode' , nodeid : obj . dbNodeKey , domain : domain . id , msg : 'Changed device ' + device . name + ' from mesh ' + mesh . name + ': ' + changes . join ( ', ' ) } ;
var device2 = obj . common . Clone ( device ) ;
if ( device2 . intelamt && device2 . intelamt . pass ) delete device2 . intelamt . pass ; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this.
event . node = device ;
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , device . meshid ] , obj , event ) ;
// Check if this agent is already connected
var dupAgent = obj . parent . wsagents [ obj . dbNodeKey ] ;
obj . parent . wsagents [ obj . dbNodeKey ] = obj ;
if ( dupAgent ) {
// Close the duplicate agent
dupAgent . close ( ) ;
} else {
// Indicate the agent is connected
obj . parent . parent . SetConnectivityState ( obj . dbMeshKey , obj . dbNodeKey , obj . connectTime , 1 , 1 ) ;
// We are done, ready to communicate with this agent
obj . authenticated = 2 ;
// Command 4, inform mesh agent that it's authenticated.
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 4 ) ) ;
// Check the mesh core, if the agent is capable of running one
if ( ( obj . agentInfo . capabilities & 16 ) != 0 ) { obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 11 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ; } // Command 11, ask for mesh core hash.
// Check if we need to make an native update check
obj . agentInfo = obj . parent . parent . meshAgentBinaries [ obj . agentInfo . agentId ] ;
if ( ( obj . agentInfo != undefined ) && ( obj . agentInfo . update == true ) ) { obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 12 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ; } // Ask the agent for it's executable binary hash
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Verify the agent signature
function processAgentSignature ( msg ) {
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ; // TODO: Switch this to SHA256 on node instead of forge.
md . update ( obj . parent . webCertificatHash , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . agentnonce , 'binary' ) ;
if ( obj . unauth . nodeCert . publicKey . verify ( md . digest ( ) . bytes ( ) , msg ) == false ) return false ;
// Connection is a success, clean up
obj . nodeid = obj . unauth . nodeid . toUpperCase ( ) ;
obj . dbNodeKey = 'node/' + domain . id + '/' + obj . nodeid ;
delete obj . nonce ;
delete obj . agentnonce ;
delete obj . unauth ;
if ( obj . unauthsign ) delete obj . unauthsign ;
obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'Verified agent connection to ' + obj . nodeid ) ;
obj . authenticated = 1 ;
return true ;
// Process incoming agent JSON data
function processAgentData ( msg ) {
var str = msg . toString ( 'utf8' ) ;
if ( str [ 0 ] == '{' ) {
try { command = JSON . parse ( str ) } catch ( e ) { console . log ( 'Unable to parse JSON' ) ; return ; } // If the command can't be parsed, ignore it.
switch ( command . action ) {
case 'msg' :
// Route a message.
// If this command has a sessionid, that is the target.
if ( command . sessionid != undefined ) {
var splitsessionid = command . sessionid . split ( '/' ) ;
// Check that we are in the same domain and the user has rights over this node.
if ( ( splitsessionid [ 0 ] == 'user' ) && ( splitsessionid [ 1 ] == domain . id ) ) {
// Check if this user has rights to get this message
//if (mesh.links[user._id] == undefined || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0)) return; // TODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// See if the session is connected
var ws = obj . parent . wssessions2 [ command . sessionid ] ;
// Go ahead and send this message to the target node
if ( ws != undefined ) {
command . nodeid = obj . dbNodeKey ; // Set the nodeid, required for responses.
delete command . sessionid ; // Remove the sessionid, since we are sending to that sessionid, so it's implyed.
ws . send ( JSON . stringify ( command ) ) ;
} else if ( command . userid != undefined ) { // If this command has a userid, that is the target.
var splituserid = command . userid . split ( '/' ) ;
// Check that we are in the same domain and the user has rights over this node.
if ( ( splituserid [ 0 ] == 'user' ) && ( splituserid [ 1 ] == domain . id ) ) {
// Check if this user has rights to get this message
//if (mesh.links[user._id] == undefined || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0)) return; // TODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// See if the session is connected
var sessions = obj . parent . wssessions [ command . userid ] ;
// Go ahead and send this message to the target node
if ( sessions != undefined ) {
command . nodeid = obj . dbNodeKey ; // Set the nodeid, required for responses.
delete command . userid ; // Remove the userid, since we are sending to that userid, so it's implyed.
for ( var i in sessions ) { sessions [ i ] . send ( JSON . stringify ( command ) ) ; }
} else { // Route this command to the mesh
for ( var userid in obj . parent . wssessions ) { // Find all connected users for this mesh and send the message
var user = obj . parent . users [ userid ] ;
if ( user ) {
var rights = user . links [ obj . dbMeshKey ] ;
if ( rights != undefined ) { // TODO: Look at what rights are needed for message routing
command . nodeid = obj . dbNodeKey ;
var sessions = obj . parent . wssessions [ userid ] ;
for ( var i in sessions ) { sessions [ i ] . send ( JSON . stringify ( command ) ) ; }
break ;
case 'coreinfo' :
// Sent by the agent to update agent information
ChangeAgentCoreInfo ( command ) ;
break ;
case 'netinfo' :
// Sent by the agent to update agent network interface information
delete command . action ;
command . updateTime = Date . now ( ) ;
command . _id = 'if' + obj . dbNodeKey ;
command . type = 'ifinfo' ;
obj . db . Set ( command ) ;
// Event the node interface information change
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , obj . meshid ] , obj , { action : 'ifchange' , nodeid : obj . dbNodeKey , domain : domain . id , nolog : 1 } ) ;
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break ;
case 'location' :
// Sent by the agent to update location information
2017-08-30 20:52:56 +00:00
if ( ( command . type == 'publicip' ) && ( command . value != null ) && ( typeof command . value == 'object' ) && ( command . value . ip ) && ( command . value . loc ) ) {
2017-08-28 22:06:29 +00:00
var x = { } ;
x . publicip = command . value . ip ;
x . iploc = command . value . loc ;
ChangeAgentLocationInfo ( x ) ;
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break ;
// Change the current core information string and event it
function ChangeAgentCoreInfo ( command ) {
if ( ( command == undefined ) || ( command == null ) ) return ; // Safety, should never happen.
// Check capabilities value
if ( command . caps == undefined || command . caps == null ) { command . caps = 0 ; } else { if ( typeof command . caps != 'number' ) command . caps = 0 ; }
// Check that the mesh exists
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbMeshKey , function ( err , meshes ) {
if ( meshes . length != 1 ) return ;
var mesh = meshes [ 0 ] ;
// Get the node and change it if needed
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbNodeKey , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( nodes . length != 1 ) return ;
var device = nodes [ 0 ] ;
if ( device . agent ) {
var changes = [ ] , change = 0 ;
// Check if anything changes
if ( device . agent . core != command . value ) { if ( ( command . value == null ) && ( device . agent . core != undefined ) ) { delete device . agent . core ; } else { device . agent . core = command . value ; } change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent core' ) ; }
if ( ( device . agent . caps & 0xFFFFFFE7 ) != ( command . caps & 0xFFFFFFE7 ) ) { device . agent . caps = ( ( device . agent . caps & 24 ) + ( command . caps & 0xFFFFFFE7 ) ) ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'agent capabilities' ) ; } // Allow Javascript on the agent to change all capabilities except console and javascript support
if ( command . intelamt ) {
if ( ! device . intelamt ) { device . intelamt = { } ; }
if ( device . intelamt . ver != command . intelamt . ver ) { device . intelamt . ver = command . intelamt . ver ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'AMT version' ) ; }
if ( device . intelamt . state != command . intelamt . state ) { device . intelamt . state = command . intelamt . state ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'AMT state' ) ; }
if ( device . intelamt . flags != command . intelamt . flags ) { device . intelamt . flags = command . intelamt . flags ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'AMT flags' ) ; }
if ( device . intelamt . host != command . intelamt . host ) { device . intelamt . host = command . intelamt . host ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'AMT host' ) ; }
if ( mesh . mtype == 2 ) {
var remoteaddr = obj . ws . _socket . remoteAddress ;
if ( remoteaddr . startsWith ( '::ffff:' ) ) { remoteaddr = remoteaddr . substring ( 7 ) ; }
if ( device . host != remoteaddr ) { device . host = remoteaddr ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'host' ) ; }
// TODO: Check that the agent has an interface that is the same as the one we got this websocket connection on. Only set if we have a match.
// If there are changes, save and event
if ( change == 1 ) {
obj . db . Set ( device ) ;
// Event the node change
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'changenode' , nodeid : obj . dbNodeKey , domain : domain . id , msg : 'Changed device ' + device . name + ' from mesh ' + mesh . name + ': ' + changes . join ( ', ' ) } ;
var device2 = obj . common . Clone ( device ) ;
if ( device2 . intelamt && device2 . intelamt . pass ) delete device2 . intelamt . pass ; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this.
event . node = device ;
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , device . meshid ] , obj , event ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2017-08-28 22:06:29 +00:00
// Change the current core information string and event it
function ChangeAgentLocationInfo ( command ) {
if ( ( command == undefined ) || ( command == null ) ) return ; // Safety, should never happen.
// Check that the mesh exists
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbMeshKey , function ( err , meshes ) {
if ( meshes . length != 1 ) return ;
var mesh = meshes [ 0 ] ;
// Get the node and change it if needed
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbNodeKey , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( nodes . length != 1 ) return ;
var device = nodes [ 0 ] ;
if ( device . agent ) {
var changes = [ ] , change = 0 ;
// Check if anything changes
if ( ( command . publicip ) && ( device . publicip != command . publicip ) ) { device . publicip = command . publicip ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'public ip' ) ; }
if ( ( command . iploc ) && ( device . iploc != command . iploc ) ) { device . iploc = command . iploc ; change = 1 ; changes . push ( 'ip location' ) ; }
// If there are changes, save and event
if ( change == 1 ) {
obj . db . Set ( device ) ;
// Event the node change
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'changenode' , nodeid : obj . dbNodeKey , domain : domain . id , msg : 'Changed device ' + device . name + ' from mesh ' + mesh . name + ': ' + changes . join ( ', ' ) } ;
var device2 = obj . common . Clone ( device ) ;
if ( device2 . intelamt && device2 . intelamt . pass ) delete device2 . intelamt . pass ; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this.
event . node = device ;
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , device . meshid ] , obj , event ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
// Update the mesh agent tab in the database
function ChangeAgentTag ( tag ) {
if ( tag . length == 0 ) { tag = undefined ; }
// Get the node and change it if needed
obj . db . Get ( obj . dbNodeKey , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( nodes . length != 1 ) return ;
var device = nodes [ 0 ] ;
if ( device . agent ) {
if ( device . agent . tag != tag ) {
device . agent . tag = tag ;
obj . db . Set ( device ) ;
// Event the node change
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'changenode' , nodeid : obj . dbNodeKey , domain : domain . id , nolog : 1 } ;
var device2 = obj . common . Clone ( device ) ;
if ( device2 . intelamt && device2 . intelamt . pass ) delete device2 . intelamt . pass ; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this.
event . node = device ;
obj . parent . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , device . meshid ] , obj , event ) ;
} ) ;
return obj ;