2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2018 - 2019 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* /
/ * *
* @ fileoverview Intel ( r ) AMT Management
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire
* @ version v0 . 1.0
* /
/ * *
* Construct a AmtStackCreateService object , this ia the main Intel AMT communication stack .
* @ constructor
* /
function AmtManager ( agent , db , isdebug ) {
var sendConsole = function ( msg ) { agent . SendCommand ( { "action" : "msg" , "type" : "console" , "value" : msg } ) ; }
var debug = function ( msg ) { if ( isdebug ) { sendConsole ( 'amt-manager: ' + msg ) ; } }
var amtMei = null , amtMeiState = 0 ;
var amtLms = null , amtLmsState = 0 ;
var amtGetVersionResult = null ;
var oswsstack = null ;
var osamtstack = null ;
var amtpolicy = null ;
var obj = this ;
obj . state = 0 ;
obj . lmsstate = 0 ;
obj . onStateChange = null ;
obj . setDebug = function ( x ) { isdebug = x ; }
// Set current Intel AMT activation policy
obj . setPolicy = function ( policy ) {
if ( JSON . stringify ( amtpolicy ) != JSON . stringify ( policy ) ) {
amtpolicy = policy ;
//debug('AMT policy set: ' + JSON.stringify(policy));
obj . applyPolicy ( ) ;
// Try to load up the MEI module
var rebindToMeiRetrys = 0 ;
obj . reset = function ( ) {
++ rebindToMeiRetrys ;
amtMei = null , amtMeiState = 0 , amtLms = null , amtLmsState = 0 , obj . state = 0 , obj . lmsstate = 0 ;
//debug('Binding to MEI');
try {
var amtMeiLib = require ( 'amt-mei' ) ;
amtMei = new amtMeiLib ( ) ;
amtMei . on ( 'error' , function ( e ) { debug ( 'MEI error' ) ; amtMei = null ; amtMeiState = - 1 ; obj . state = - 1 ; obj . onStateChange ( amtMeiState ) ; } ) ;
amtMei . getVersion ( function ( result ) {
if ( result == null ) {
amtMeiState = - 1 ;
obj . state = - 1 ;
if ( obj . onStateChange != null ) { obj . onStateChange ( amtMeiState ) ; }
if ( rebindToMeiRetrys < 10 ) { setTimeout ( obj . reset , 10000 ) ; }
} else {
amtGetVersionResult = result ;
amtMeiState = 2 ;
obj . state = 2 ;
rebindToMeiRetrys = 0 ;
if ( obj . onStateChange != null ) { obj . onStateChange ( amtMeiState ) ; }
//debug('MEI binded');
obj . lmsreset ( ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { debug ( 'MEI exception: ' + ex ) ; amtMei = null ; amtMeiState = - 1 ; obj . state = - 1 ; }
// Get Intel AMT information using MEI
var amtMeiTmpState = null ;
obj . getAmtInfo = function ( func ) {
if ( ( amtMei == null ) || ( amtMeiState < 2 ) ) { if ( func != null ) { func ( null ) ; } return ; }
try {
amtMeiTmpState = { Flags : 0 } ; // Flags: 1=EHBC, 2=CCM, 4=ACM
amtMei . getProtocolVersion ( function ( result ) { if ( result != null ) { amtMeiTmpState . MeiVersion = result ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getVersion ( function ( result ) { if ( result ) { amtMeiTmpState . Versions = { } ; for ( var version in result . Versions ) { amtMeiTmpState . Versions [ result . Versions [ version ] . Description ] = result . Versions [ version ] . Version ; } } } ) ;
amtMei . getProvisioningMode ( function ( result ) { if ( result ) { amtMeiTmpState . ProvisioningMode = result . mode ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getProvisioningState ( function ( result ) { if ( result ) { amtMeiTmpState . ProvisioningState = result . state ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getEHBCState ( function ( result ) { if ( ( result != null ) && ( result . EHBC == true ) ) { amtMeiTmpState . Flags += 1 ; } } ) ;
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
amtMei . getControlMode ( function ( result ) { if ( result != null ) { if ( result . controlMode == 1 ) { amtMeiTmpState . Flags += 2 ; } if ( result . controlMode == 2 ) { amtMeiTmpState . Flags += 4 ; } } } ) ; // Flag 2 = CCM, 4 = ACM
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
//amtMei.getMACAddresses(function (result) { if (result) { amtMeiTmpState.mac = result; } });
amtMei . getLanInterfaceSettings ( 0 , function ( result ) { if ( result ) { amtMeiTmpState . net0 = result ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getLanInterfaceSettings ( 1 , function ( result ) { if ( result ) { amtMeiTmpState . net1 = result ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getUuid ( function ( result ) { if ( ( result != null ) && ( result . uuid != null ) ) { amtMeiTmpState . UUID = result . uuid ; } } ) ;
amtMei . getDnsSuffix ( function ( result ) { if ( result != null ) { amtMeiTmpState . dns = result ; } if ( func != null ) { func ( amtMeiTmpState ) ; } } ) ;
} catch ( e ) { if ( func != null ) { func ( null ) ; } return ; }
// Called on MicroLMS Intel AMT user notification
var handleAmtNotification = function ( notifyMsg ) {
if ( ( notifyMsg == null ) || ( notifyMsg . Body == null ) || ( notifyMsg . Body . MessageID == null ) || ( notifyMsg . Body . MessageArguments == null ) ) return null ;
var amtMessage = notifyMsg . Body . MessageID , amtMessageArg = notifyMsg . Body . MessageArguments [ 0 ] , notify = null ;
switch ( amtMessage ) {
case 'iAMT0050' : { if ( amtMessageArg == '48' ) { notify = 'Intel® AMT Serial-over-LAN connected' ; } else if ( amtMessageArg == '49' ) { notify = 'Intel® AMT Serial-over-LAN disconnected' ; } break ; } // SOL
case 'iAMT0052' : { if ( amtMessageArg == '1' ) { notify = 'Intel® AMT KVM connected' ; } else if ( amtMessageArg == '2' ) { notify = 'Intel® AMT KVM disconnected' ; } break ; } // KVM
default : { break ; }
// Sent to the entire group, no sessionid or userid specified.
if ( notify != null ) { agent . SendCommand ( { "action" : "msg" , "type" : "notify" , "value" : notify , "tag" : "general" } ) ; }
// Launch LMS
obj . lmsreset = function ( ) {
//debug('Binding to LMS');
var amtLms = null , amtLmsState = 0 ;
obj . lmsstate = 0 ;
try {
var lme _heci = require ( 'amt-lme' ) ;
amtLmsState = 1 ;
obj . lmsstate = 1 ;
amtLms = new lme _heci ( ) ;
amtLms . on ( 'error' , function ( e ) { amtLmsState = 0 ; obj . lmsstate = 0 ; amtLms = null ; debug ( 'LMS error' ) ; setupMeiOsAdmin ( 1 ) ; } ) ;
amtLms . on ( 'connect' , function ( ) { amtLmsState = 2 ; obj . lmsstate = 2 ; debug ( 'LMS connected' ) ; setupMeiOsAdmin ( 2 ) ; } ) ;
//amtLms.on('bind', function (map) { });
amtLms . on ( 'notify' , function ( data , options , str , code ) {
//debug('LMS notify');
if ( code == 'iAMT0052-3' ) {
kvmGetData ( ) ;
} else {
//if (str != null) { debug('Intel AMT LMS: ' + str); }
handleAmtNotification ( data ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) { amtLmsState = - 1 ; obj . lmsstate = - 1 ; amtLms = null ; }
// KVM Data Channel
var setupMeiOsAdmin = function ( state ) {
//debug('Setup MEI OS Admin');
if ( ( amtMei == null ) || ( amtMeiState < 2 ) || ( amtGetVersionResult == null ) ) { return ; } // If there is no MEI, don't bother with obj.
amtMei . getLocalSystemAccount ( function ( x ) {
if ( x == null ) return ;
//debug('getLocalSystemAccount ' + JSON.stringify(x));
var transport = require ( 'amt-wsman-duk' ) ;
var wsman = require ( 'amt-wsman' ) ;
var amt = require ( 'amt' ) ;
oswsstack = new wsman ( transport , '' , 16992 , x . user , x . pass , false ) ;
osamtstack = new amt ( oswsstack ) ;
//if (func) { func(state); }
// We got the $$OsAdmin account setup.
amtMeiState = 3 ;
obj . state = 3 ;
if ( obj . onStateChange != null ) { obj . onStateChange ( amtMeiState ) ; }
obj . applyPolicy ( ) ;
//var AllWsman = "CIM_SoftwareIdentity,IPS_SecIOService,IPS_ScreenSettingData,IPS_ProvisioningRecordLog,IPS_HostBasedSetupService,IPS_HostIPSettings,IPS_IPv6PortSettings".split(',');
//osamtstack.BatchEnum(null, AllWsman, startLmsWsmanResponse, null, true);
// Setup KVM data channel if this is Intel AMT 12 or above
var amtver = null ;
try { for ( var i in amtGetVersionResult . Versions ) { if ( amtGetVersionResult . Versions [ i ] . Description == 'AMT' ) amtver = parseInt ( amtGetVersionResult . Versions [ i ] . Version . split ( '.' ) [ 0 ] ) ; } } catch ( e ) { }
if ( ( amtver != null ) && ( amtver >= 12 ) ) {
debug ( 'KVM data channel setup' ) ;
kvmGetData ( 'skip' ) ; // Clear any previous data, this is a dummy read to about handling old data.
obj . kvmTempTimer = setInterval ( function ( ) { kvmGetData ( ) ; } , 2000 ) ; // Start polling for KVM data.
kvmSetData ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'restart' , ver : 1 } ) ) ; // Send a restart command to advise the console if present that MicroLMS just started.
} ) ;
var kvmGetData = function ( tag ) {
osamtstack . IPS _KVMRedirectionSettingData _DataChannelRead ( obj . kvmDataGetResponse , tag ) ;
var kvmDataGetResponse = function ( stack , name , response , status , tag ) {
if ( ( tag != 'skip' ) && ( status == 200 ) && ( response . Body . ReturnValue == 0 ) ) {
var val = null ;
try { val = Buffer . from ( response . Body . DataMessage , 'base64' ) . toString ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { return }
if ( val != null ) { obj . kvmProcessData ( response . Body . RealmsBitmap , response . Body . MessageId , val ) ; }
var webRtcDesktop = null ;
var kvmProcessData = function ( realms , messageId , val ) {
var data = null ;
try { data = JSON . parse ( val ) } catch ( e ) { }
if ( ( data != null ) && ( data . action ) ) {
if ( data . action == 'present' ) { kvmSetData ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'present' , ver : 1 , platform : process . platform } ) ) ; }
if ( data . action == 'offer' ) {
webRtcDesktop = { } ;
var rtc = require ( 'ILibWebRTC' ) ;
webRtcDesktop . webrtc = rtc . createConnection ( ) ;
webRtcDesktop . webrtc . on ( 'connected' , function ( ) { } ) ;
webRtcDesktop . webrtc . on ( 'disconnected' , function ( ) { obj . webRtcCleanUp ( ) ; } ) ;
webRtcDesktop . webrtc . on ( 'dataChannel' , function ( rtcchannel ) {
webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel = rtcchannel ;
webRtcDesktop . kvm = mesh . getRemoteDesktopStream ( ) ;
webRtcDesktop . kvm . pipe ( webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel , { dataTypeSkip : 1 , end : false } ) ;
webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . on ( 'end' , function ( ) { obj . webRtcCleanUp ( ) ; } ) ;
webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . on ( 'data' , function ( x ) { obj . kvmCtrlData ( this , x ) ; } ) ;
webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . pipe ( webRtcDesktop . kvm , { dataTypeSkip : 1 , end : false } ) ;
//webRtcDesktop.kvm.on('end', function () { debug('WebRTC DataChannel closed2'); obj.webRtcCleanUp(); });
//webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('data', function (data) { debug('WebRTC data: ' + data); });
} ) ;
kvmSetData ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'answer' , ver : 1 , sdp : webRtcDesktop . webrtc . setOffer ( data . sdp ) } ) ) ;
// Process KVM control channel data
var kvmCtrlData = function ( channel , cmd ) {
if ( cmd . length > 0 && cmd . charCodeAt ( 0 ) != 123 ) {
// This is upload data
if ( obj . fileupload != null ) {
cmd = Buffer . from ( cmd , 'base64' ) ;
var header = cmd . readUInt32BE ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( header == 0x01000000 ) || ( header == 0x01000001 ) ) {
fs . writeSync ( obj . fileupload . fp , cmd . slice ( 4 ) ) ;
channel . write ( { action : 'upload' , sub : 'ack' , reqid : obj . fileupload . reqid } ) ;
if ( header == 0x01000001 ) { fs . closeSync ( obj . fileupload . fp ) ; obj . fileupload = null ; } // Close the file
return ;
debug ( 'KVM Ctrl Data: ' + cmd ) ;
//sendConsoleText('KVM Ctrl Data: ' + cmd);
try { cmd = JSON . parse ( cmd ) ; } catch ( ex ) { debug ( 'Invalid JSON: ' + cmd ) ; return ; }
if ( ( cmd . path != null ) && ( process . platform != 'win32' ) && ( cmd . path [ 0 ] != '/' ) ) { cmd . path = '/' + cmd . path ; } // Add '/' to paths on non-windows
switch ( cmd . action ) {
case 'ping' : {
// This is a keep alive
channel . write ( { action : 'pong' } ) ;
break ;
case 'lock' : {
// Lock the current user out of the desktop
if ( process . platform == 'win32' ) { var child = require ( 'child_process' ) ; child . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe' , [ '/c' , 'RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' ] , { type : 1 } ) ; }
break ;
case 'ls' : {
/ *
// Close the watcher if required
var samepath = ( ( obj . httprequest . watcher != undefined ) && ( cmd . path == obj . httprequest . watcher . path ) ) ;
if ( ( obj . httprequest . watcher != undefined ) && ( samepath == false ) ) {
//console.log('Closing watcher: ' + obj.httprequest.watcher.path);
//obj.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
delete obj . httprequest . watcher ;
* /
// Send the folder content to the browser
var response = getDirectoryInfo ( cmd . path ) ;
if ( cmd . reqid != undefined ) { response . reqid = cmd . reqid ; }
channel . write ( response ) ;
/ *
// Start the directory watcher
if ( ( cmd . path != '' ) && ( samepath == false ) ) {
var watcher = fs . watch ( cmd . path , onFileWatcher ) ;
watcher . tunnel = obj . httprequest ;
watcher . path = cmd . path ;
obj . httprequest . watcher = watcher ;
//console.log('Starting watcher: ' + obj.httprequest.watcher.path);
* /
break ;
case 'mkdir' : {
// Create a new empty folder
fs . mkdirSync ( cmd . path ) ;
break ;
case 'rm' : {
// Remove many files or folders
for ( var i in cmd . delfiles ) {
var fullpath = path . join ( cmd . path , cmd . delfiles [ i ] ) ;
try { fs . unlinkSync ( fullpath ) ; } catch ( e ) { debug ( e ) ; }
break ;
case 'rename' : {
// Rename a file or folder
try { fs . renameSync ( path . join ( cmd . path , cmd . oldname ) , path . join ( cmd . path , cmd . newname ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { debug ( e ) ; }
break ;
case 'download' : {
// Download a file, to browser
var sendNextBlock = 0 ;
if ( cmd . sub == 'start' ) { // Setup the download
if ( obj . filedownload != null ) { channel . write ( { action : 'download' , sub : 'cancel' , id : obj . filedownload . id } ) ; delete obj . filedownload ; }
obj . filedownload = { id : cmd . id , path : cmd . path , ptr : 0 }
try { obj . filedownload . f = fs . openSync ( obj . filedownload . path , 'rbN' ) ; } catch ( e ) { channel . write ( { action : 'download' , sub : 'cancel' , id : obj . filedownload . id } ) ; delete obj . filedownload ; }
if ( obj . filedownload ) { channel . write ( { action : 'download' , sub : 'start' , id : cmd . id } ) ; }
} else if ( ( obj . filedownload != null ) && ( cmd . id == obj . filedownload . id ) ) { // Download commands
if ( cmd . sub == 'startack' ) { sendNextBlock = 8 ; } else if ( cmd . sub == 'stop' ) { delete obj . filedownload ; } else if ( cmd . sub == 'ack' ) { sendNextBlock = 1 ; }
// Send the next download block(s)
while ( sendNextBlock > 0 ) {
sendNextBlock -- ;
var buf = Buffer . alloc ( 4096 ) ;
var len = fs . readSync ( obj . filedownload . f , buf , 4 , 4092 , null ) ;
obj . filedownload . ptr += len ;
if ( len < 4092 ) { buf . writeInt32BE ( 0x01000001 , 0 ) ; fs . closeSync ( obj . filedownload . f ) ; delete obj . filedownload ; sendNextBlock = 0 ; } else { buf . writeInt32BE ( 0x01000000 , 0 ) ; }
channel . write ( buf . slice ( 0 , len + 4 ) . toString ( 'base64' ) ) ; // Write as Base64
break ;
case 'upload' : {
// Upload a file, from browser
if ( cmd . sub == 'start' ) { // Start the upload
if ( obj . fileupload != null ) { fs . closeSync ( obj . fileupload . fp ) ; }
if ( ! cmd . path || ! cmd . name ) break ;
obj . fileupload = { reqid : cmd . reqid } ;
var filepath = path . join ( cmd . path , cmd . name ) ;
try { obj . fileupload . fp = fs . openSync ( filepath , 'wbN' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
if ( obj . fileupload . fp ) { channel . write ( { action : 'upload' , sub : 'start' , reqid : obj . fileupload . reqid } ) ; } else { obj . fileupload = null ; channel . write ( { action : 'upload' , sub : 'error' , reqid : obj . fileupload . reqid } ) ; }
else if ( cmd . sub == 'cancel' ) { // Stop the upload
if ( obj . fileupload != null ) { fs . closeSync ( obj . fileupload . fp ) ; obj . fileupload = null ; }
break ;
case 'copy' : {
// Copy a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for ( var i in cmd . names ) {
var sc = path . join ( cmd . scpath , cmd . names [ i ] ) , ds = path . join ( cmd . dspath , cmd . names [ i ] ) ;
if ( sc != ds ) { try { fs . copyFileSync ( sc , ds ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
break ;
case 'move' : {
// Move a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for ( var i in cmd . names ) {
var sc = path . join ( cmd . scpath , cmd . names [ i ] ) , ds = path . join ( cmd . dspath , cmd . names [ i ] ) ;
if ( sc != ds ) { try { fs . copyFileSync ( sc , ds ) ; fs . unlinkSync ( sc ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
break ;
default : {
debug ( 'Invalid KVM command: ' + cmd ) ;
break ;
var webRtcCleanUp = function ( ) {
debug ( 'webRtcCleanUp' ) ;
if ( webRtcDesktop == null ) return ;
if ( webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel ) {
try { webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
try { webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . removeAllListeners ( 'data' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
try { webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel . removeAllListeners ( 'end' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
delete webRtcDesktop . rtcchannel ;
if ( webRtcDesktop . webrtc ) {
try { webRtcDesktop . webrtc . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
try { webRtcDesktop . webrtc . removeAllListeners ( 'connected' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
try { webRtcDesktop . webrtc . removeAllListeners ( 'disconnected' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
try { webRtcDesktop . webrtc . removeAllListeners ( 'dataChannel' ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
delete webRtcDesktop . webrtc ;
if ( webRtcDesktop . kvm ) {
try { webRtcDesktop . kvm . end ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
delete webRtcDesktop . kvm ;
webRtcDesktop = null ;
var kvmSetData = function ( x ) {
osamtstack . IPS _KVMRedirectionSettingData _DataChannelWrite ( Buffer . from ( x ) . toString ( 'base64' ) , function ( ) { } ) ;
// Delete a directory with a files and directories within it
var deleteFolderRecursive = function ( path , rec ) {
if ( fs . existsSync ( path ) ) {
if ( rec == true ) {
fs . readdirSync ( obj . path . join ( path , '*' ) ) . forEach ( function ( file , index ) {
var curPath = obj . path . join ( path , file ) ;
if ( fs . statSync ( curPath ) . isDirectory ( ) ) { // recurse
deleteFolderRecursive ( curPath , true ) ;
} else { // delete file
fs . unlinkSync ( curPath ) ;
} ) ;
fs . unlinkSync ( path ) ;
} ;
// Polyfill path.join
var path = {
join : function ( ) {
var x = [ ] ;
for ( var i in arguments ) {
var w = arguments [ i ] ;
if ( w != null ) {
while ( w . endsWith ( '/' ) || w . endsWith ( '\\' ) ) { w = w . substring ( 0 , w . length - 1 ) ; }
if ( i != 0 ) { while ( w . startsWith ( '/' ) || w . startsWith ( '\\' ) ) { w = w . substring ( 1 ) ; } }
x . push ( w ) ;
if ( x . length == 0 ) return '/' ;
return x . join ( '/' ) ;
} ;
function md5hex ( str ) { return require ( 'MD5Stream' ) . create ( ) . syncHash ( str ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
// Deactivate Intel AMT CCM
// When called, this will use MEI to deactivate Intel AMT when it's in CCM mode. Simply calls "unprovision" on MEI and checks the return code.
obj . deactivateCCM = function ( ) {
amtMei . unprovision ( 1 , function ( status ) {
if ( status == 0 ) {
debug ( 'Success deactivating Intel AMT CCM.' ) ;
agent . SendCommand ( { "action" : "coreinfo" , "intelamt" : { "state" : 0 , "flags" : 0 } } ) ;
applyPolicyTimer = setTimeout ( obj . applyPolicy , 8000 ) ;
} else {
debug ( 'Intel AMT CCM deactivation error: ' + status ) ;
} ) ;
// Activate Intel AMT to CCM
function makePass ( length ) {
var text = "" , possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { text += possible . charAt ( Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * possible . length ) ) ; }
return text ;
obj . activeToCCM = function ( adminpass ) {
if ( ( adminpass == null ) || ( adminpass == '' ) ) { adminpass = 'P@0s' + makePass ( 23 ) ; }
intelAmtAdminPass = adminpass ;
//debug('Trying to get local account info...');
amtMei . getLocalSystemAccount ( function ( x ) {
if ( ( x != null ) && x . user && x . pass ) {
//debug('Intel AMT local account info: User=' + x.user + ', Pass=' + x.pass + '.');
var transport = require ( 'amt-wsman-duk' ) ;
var wsman = require ( 'amt-wsman' ) ;
var amt = require ( 'amt' ) ;
oswsstack = new wsman ( transport , '' , 16992 , x . user , x . pass , false ) ;
osamtstack = new amt ( oswsstack ) ;
//debug('Trying to get Intel AMT activation information...');
osamtstack . BatchEnum ( null , [ '*AMT_GeneralSettings' , '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService' ] , activeToCCMEx2 , adminpass ) ;
} else {
debug ( 'Unable to get $$OsAdmin password.' ) ;
} ) ;
var activeToCCMEx2 = function ( stack , name , responses , status , adminpass ) {
if ( status != 200 ) { debug ( 'Failed to fetch activation information, status ' + status ) ; }
else if ( responses [ 'IPS_HostBasedSetupService' ] . response [ 'AllowedControlModes' ] . length != 2 ) { debug ( 'Client control mode activation not allowed' ) ; }
else { stack . IPS _HostBasedSetupService _Setup ( 2 , md5hex ( 'admin:' + responses [ 'AMT_GeneralSettings' ] . response [ 'DigestRealm' ] + ':' + adminpass ) . substring ( 0 , 32 ) , null , null , null , null , activeToCCMEx3 ) ; }
var activeToCCMEx3 = function ( stack , name , responses , status ) {
if ( status != 200 ) { debug ( 'Failed to activate, status ' + status ) ; }
else if ( responses . Body . ReturnValue != 0 ) { debug ( 'Client control mode activation failed: ' + responses . Body . ReturnValueStr ) ; }
else {
debug ( 'Intel AMT CCM activation success.' ) ;
db . Put ( 'amtCCMPass' , intelAmtAdminPass ) ;
agent . SendCommand ( { "action" : "coreinfo" , "intelamt" : { "state" : 2 , "flags" : 2 , "user" : "admin" , "pass" : intelAmtAdminPass } } ) ;
applyPolicyTimer = setTimeout ( obj . applyPolicy , 8000 ) ;
obj . start = function ( ) {
// Try to load Intel AMT policy
var amtPolicy = null ;
try { amtPolicy = JSON . parse ( db . Get ( 'amtPolicy' ) ) ; } catch ( ex ) { debug ( 'Exception loading amtPolicy' ) ; }
//if (amtPolicy == null) { debug('no amtPolicy'); } else { debug('Loaded amtPolicy: ' + JSON.stringify(amtPolicy)); }
try { intelAmtAdminPass = db . Get ( 'amtCCMPass' ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
if ( typeof intelAmtAdminPass != 'string' ) { intelAmtAdminPass = null ; }
obj . reset ( ) ;
// Apply Intel AMT policy
var intelAmtAdminPass , wsstack , amtstack , applyPolicyTimer ;
obj . applyPolicy = function ( ) {
applyPolicyTimer = null ;
if ( ( amtMeiState != 3 ) || ( typeof amtpolicy != 'object' ) || ( typeof amtpolicy . type != 'number' ) || ( amtpolicy . type == 0 ) ) return ;
if ( ( amtpolicy . password != null ) && ( amtpolicy . password != '' ) ) { intelAmtAdminPass = amtpolicy . password ; }
obj . getAmtInfo ( function ( meinfo ) {
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
if ( ( amtpolicy . type == 1 ) && ( meinfo . ProvisioningState == 2 ) && ( ( meinfo . Flags & 2 ) != 0 ) ) {
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
// CCM Deactivation Policy.
wsstack = null ;
amtstack = null ;
obj . deactivateCCM ( ) ;
} else if ( ( amtpolicy . type == 2 ) && ( meinfo . ProvisioningState == 0 ) ) {
// CCM Activation Policy
wsstack = null ;
amtstack = null ;
if ( ( amtpolicy . password == null ) || ( amtpolicy . password == '' ) ) { intelAmtAdminPass = null ; }
obj . activeToCCM ( intelAmtAdminPass ) ;
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
} else if ( ( amtpolicy . type == 2 ) && ( meinfo . ProvisioningState == 2 ) && ( intelAmtAdminPass != null ) && ( ( meinfo . Flags & 2 ) != 0 ) ) {
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
// Perform password test
var transport = require ( 'amt-wsman-duk' ) ;
var wsman = require ( 'amt-wsman' ) ;
var amt = require ( 'amt' ) ;
wsstack = new wsman ( transport , '' , 16992 , 'admin' , intelAmtAdminPass , false ) ;
amtstack = new amt ( wsstack ) ;
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
try { amtstack . BatchEnum ( null , [ '*AMT_GeneralSettings' , '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService' , '*AMT_RedirectionService' , '*CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] , wsmanPassTestResponse ) ; } catch ( ex ) { debug ( ex ) ; }
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
} else {
// Other possible cases...
} ) ;
var wsmanPassTestResponse = function ( stack , name , responses , status ) {
if ( status != 200 ) {
if ( amtpolicy . badpass == 1 ) { obj . deactivateCCM ( ) ; } // Something went wrong, reactivate.
} else {
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
/ *
var redir = ( amtsysstate [ 'AMT_RedirectionService' ] . response [ "ListenerEnabled" ] == true ) ;
var sol = ( ( amtsysstate [ 'AMT_RedirectionService' ] . response [ "EnabledState" ] & 2 ) != 0 ) ;
var ider = ( ( amtsysstate [ 'AMT_RedirectionService' ] . response [ "EnabledState" ] & 1 ) != 0 ) ;
var kvm = false ;
if ( amtsysstate [ 'CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] != null ) {
kvm = ( ( amtsysstate [ 'CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] . response [ "EnabledState" ] == 6 && amtsysstate [ 'CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] . response [ "RequestedState" ] == 2 ) || amtsysstate [ 'CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] . response [ "EnabledState" ] == 2 || amtsysstate [ 'CIM_KVMRedirectionSAP' ] . response [ "EnabledState" ] == 6 ) ;
* /
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
// Success, make sure
2019-03-10 18:47:03 +00:00
debug ( 'SUCCESS!' + JSON . stringify ( responses ) ) ;
2019-03-05 07:48:45 +00:00
// TODO: Check Intel AMT Features need to be enabled & if Intel AMT CIRA needs to be setup
module . exports = AmtManager ;