2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
/ *
2021-01-09 22:31:09 +00:00
Copyright 2019 - 2021 Intel Corporation
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
2019-08-11 05:34:21 +00:00
var PDH _FMT _LONG = 0x00000100 ;
var PDH _FMT _DOUBLE = 0x00000200 ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
var promise = require ( 'promise' ) ;
if ( process . platform == 'win32' )
var GM = require ( '_GenericMarshal' ) ;
GM . kernel32 = GM . CreateNativeProxy ( 'kernel32.dll' ) ;
GM . kernel32 . CreateMethod ( 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx' ) ;
GM . pdh = GM . CreateNativeProxy ( 'pdh.dll' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhAddEnglishCounterA' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhCloseQuery' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhCollectQueryData' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhGetFormattedCounterValue' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayA' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhOpenQueryA' ) ;
GM . pdh . CreateMethod ( 'PdhRemoveCounter' ) ;
function windows _cpuUtilization ( )
var p = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
p . counter = GM . CreateVariable ( 16 ) ;
p . cpu = GM . CreatePointer ( ) ;
p . cpuTotal = GM . CreatePointer ( ) ;
var err = 0 ;
if ( ( err = GM . pdh . PdhOpenQueryA ( 0 , 0 , p . cpu ) . Val ) != 0 ) { p . _rej ( err ) ; return ; }
// This gets the CPU Utilization for each proc
if ( ( err = GM . pdh . PdhAddEnglishCounterA ( p . cpu . Deref ( ) , GM . CreateVariable ( '\\Processor(*)\\% Processor Time' ) , 0 , p . cpuTotal ) . Val ) != 0 ) { p . _rej ( err ) ; return ; }
if ( ( err = GM . pdh . PdhCollectQueryData ( p . cpu . Deref ( ) ) . Val != 0 ) ) { p . _rej ( err ) ; return ; }
p . _timeout = setTimeout ( function ( po )
var u = { cpus : [ ] } ;
var bufSize = GM . CreateVariable ( 4 ) ;
var itemCount = GM . CreateVariable ( 4 ) ;
var buffer , szName , item ;
var e ;
if ( ( e = GM . pdh . PdhCollectQueryData ( po . cpu . Deref ( ) ) . Val != 0 ) ) { po . _rej ( e ) ; return ; }
if ( ( e = GM . pdh . PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayA ( po . cpuTotal . Deref ( ) , PDH _FMT _DOUBLE , bufSize , itemCount , 0 ) . Val ) == - 2147481646 )
buffer = GM . CreateVariable ( bufSize . toBuffer ( ) . readUInt32LE ( ) ) ;
po . _rej ( e ) ;
return ;
if ( ( e = GM . pdh . PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayA ( po . cpuTotal . Deref ( ) , PDH _FMT _DOUBLE , bufSize , itemCount , buffer ) . Val ) != 0 ) { po . _rej ( e ) ; return ; }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemCount . toBuffer ( ) . readUInt32LE ( ) ; ++ i )
item = buffer . Deref ( i * 24 , 24 ) ;
szName = item . Deref ( 0 , GM . PointerSize ) . Deref ( ) ;
if ( szName . String == '_Total' )
u . total = item . Deref ( 16 , 8 ) . toBuffer ( ) . readDoubleLE ( ) ;
u . cpus [ parseInt ( szName . String ) ] = item . Deref ( 16 , 8 ) . toBuffer ( ) . readDoubleLE ( ) ;
GM . pdh . PdhRemoveCounter ( po . cpuTotal . Deref ( ) ) ;
GM . pdh . PdhCloseQuery ( po . cpu . Deref ( ) ) ;
p . _res ( u ) ;
} , 100 , p ) ;
return ( p ) ;
function windows _memUtilization ( )
var info = GM . CreateVariable ( 64 ) ;
info . Deref ( 0 , 4 ) . toBuffer ( ) . writeUInt32LE ( 64 ) ;
GM . kernel32 . GlobalMemoryStatusEx ( info ) ;
var ret =
MemTotal : require ( 'bignum' ) . fromBuffer ( info . Deref ( 8 , 8 ) . toBuffer ( ) , { endian : 'little' } ) ,
MemFree : require ( 'bignum' ) . fromBuffer ( info . Deref ( 16 , 8 ) . toBuffer ( ) , { endian : 'little' } )
} ;
ret . percentFree = ( ( ret . MemFree . div ( require ( 'bignum' ) ( '1048576' ) ) . toNumber ( ) / ret . MemTotal . div ( require ( 'bignum' ) ( '1048576' ) ) . toNumber ( ) ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
ret . percentConsumed = ( ( ret . MemTotal . sub ( ret . MemFree ) . div ( require ( 'bignum' ) ( '1048576' ) ) . toNumber ( ) / ret . MemTotal . div ( require ( 'bignum' ) ( '1048576' ) ) . toNumber ( ) ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
ret . MemTotal = ret . MemTotal . toString ( ) ;
ret . MemFree = ret . MemFree . toString ( ) ;
return ( ret ) ;
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
var cpuLastIdle = [ ] ;
var cpuLastSum = [ ] ;
function linux _cpuUtilization ( ) {
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
var ret = { cpus : [ ] } ;
var info = require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/proc/stat' ) ;
var lines = info . toString ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
var columns ;
var x , y ;
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
var cpuNo = 0 ;
var currSum , currIdle , utilization ;
for ( var i in lines ) {
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
columns = lines [ i ] . split ( ' ' ) ;
if ( ! columns [ 0 ] . startsWith ( 'cpu' ) ) { break ; }
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
x = 0 , currSum = 0 ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
while ( columns [ ++ x ] == '' ) ;
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
for ( y = x ; y < columns . length ; ++ y ) { currSum += parseInt ( columns [ y ] ) ; }
currIdle = parseInt ( columns [ 3 + x ] ) ;
var diffIdle = currIdle - cpuLastIdle [ cpuNo ] ;
var diffSum = currSum - cpuLastSum [ cpuNo ] ;
utilization = ( 100 - ( ( diffIdle / diffSum ) * 100 ) ) ;
cpuLastSum [ cpuNo ] = currSum ;
cpuLastIdle [ cpuNo ] = currIdle ;
if ( ! ret . total ) {
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
ret . total = utilization ;
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
} else {
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
ret . cpus . push ( utilization ) ;
2022-05-25 17:04:37 +00:00
++ cpuNo ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
var p = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
p . _res ( ret ) ;
return ( p ) ;
function linux _memUtilization ( )
var ret = { } ;
var info = require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/proc/meminfo' ) . toString ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
var tokens ;
for ( var i in info )
tokens = info [ i ] . split ( ' ' ) ;
switch ( tokens [ 0 ] )
case 'MemTotal:' :
ret . total = parseInt ( tokens [ tokens . length - 2 ] ) ;
break ;
case 'MemFree:' :
ret . free = parseInt ( tokens [ tokens . length - 2 ] ) ;
break ;
ret . percentFree = ( ( ret . free / ret . total ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
ret . percentConsumed = ( ( ( ret . total - ret . free ) / ret . total ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
return ( ret ) ;
function macos _cpuUtilization ( )
var ret = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ;
child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { this . str += chunk . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU"\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
var lines = child . stdout . str . split ( '\n' ) ;
if ( lines [ 0 ] . length > 0 )
var usage = lines [ 0 ] . split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] ;
var bdown = usage . split ( ',' ) ;
var tot = parseFloat ( bdown [ 0 ] . split ( '%' ) [ 0 ] . trim ( ) ) + parseFloat ( bdown [ 1 ] . split ( '%' ) [ 0 ] . trim ( ) ) ;
ret . _res ( { total : tot , cpus : [ ] } ) ;
ret . _rej ( 'parse error' ) ;
return ( ret ) ;
function macos _memUtilization ( )
var mem = { } ;
var ret = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ;
child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { this . str += chunk . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'top -l 1 | grep -E "^Phys"\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
var lines = child . stdout . str . split ( '\n' ) ;
if ( lines [ 0 ] . length > 0 )
var usage = lines [ 0 ] . split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] ;
var bdown = usage . split ( ',' ) ;
mem . MemTotal = parseInt ( bdown [ 0 ] . trim ( ) . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
mem . MemFree = parseInt ( bdown [ 1 ] . trim ( ) . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
mem . percentFree = ( ( mem . MemFree / mem . MemTotal ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
mem . percentConsumed = ( ( ( mem . MemTotal - mem . MemFree ) / mem . MemTotal ) * 100 ) ; //.toFixed(2);
return ( mem ) ;
throw ( 'Parse Error' ) ;
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
function windows _thermals ( )
var ret = [ ] ;
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\System32\\wbem\\wmic.exe' , [ 'wmic' , '/namespace:\\\\root\\wmi' , 'PATH' , 'MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature' , 'get' , 'CurrentTemperature,InstanceName' , '/FORMAT:CSV' ] ) ;
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
if ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) != '' )
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
var lines = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\r\n' ) ;
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
var keys = lines [ 0 ] . trim ( ) . split ( ',' ) ;
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
for ( var i = 1 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i )
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
var obj = { } ;
var tokens = lines [ i ] . trim ( ) . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var key = 0 ; key < keys . length ; ++ key )
if ( tokens [ key ] ) { obj [ keys [ key ] ] = key == 1 ? ( ( parseFloat ( tokens [ key ] ) / 10 ) - 273.15 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) : tokens [ key ] ; }
ret . push ( obj ) ;
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
return ( ret ) ;
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
function linux _thermals ( )
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
var ret = [ ] ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "for folder in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/; do [ -e \"$folder/temp\" ] && echo \"$(cat \"$folder/temp\"),$(cat \"$folder/type\")\"; done\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
if ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) != '' )
var lines = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i )
var line = lines [ i ] . trim ( ) . split ( ',' ) ;
ret . push ( { CurrentTemperature : ( parseFloat ( line [ 0 ] ) / 1000 ) , InstanceName : line [ 1 ] } ) ;
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
child . stdin . write ( "for mon in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*; do for label in \"$mon\"/temp*_label; do if [ -f $label ]; then echo $(cat \"$label\")___$(cat \"${label%_*}_input\"); fi; done; done;\nexit\n" ) ;
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
child . waitExit ( ) ;
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
if ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) != '' )
var lines = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i )
var line = lines [ i ] . trim ( ) . split ( '___' ) ;
ret . push ( { CurrentTemperature : ( parseFloat ( line [ 1 ] ) / 1000 ) , InstanceName : line [ 0 ] } ) ;
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
return ( ret ) ;
function macos _thermals ( )
var ret = [ ] ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( ) { } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'powermetrics --help | grep SMC\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
if ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) != '' )
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c )
this . str += c . toString ( ) ;
var tokens = this . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
for ( var i in tokens )
if ( tokens [ i ] . split ( ' die temperature: ' ) . length > 1 )
2023-10-21 00:30:39 +00:00
ret . push ( { CurrentTemperature : tokens [ i ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 3 ] , InstanceName : tokens [ i ] . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] } ) ;
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
this . parent . kill ( ) ;
} ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'powermetrics -s smc\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( 5000 ) ;
return ( ret ) ;
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
switch ( process . platform )
case 'linux' :
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
module . exports = { cpuUtilization : linux _cpuUtilization , memUtilization : linux _memUtilization , thermals : linux _thermals } ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
break ;
case 'win32' :
2021-01-20 22:38:04 +00:00
module . exports = { cpuUtilization : windows _cpuUtilization , memUtilization : windows _memUtilization , thermals : windows _thermals } ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
break ;
case 'darwin' :
2021-01-21 20:09:49 +00:00
module . exports = { cpuUtilization : macos _cpuUtilization , memUtilization : macos _memUtilization , thermals : macos _thermals } ;
2019-08-07 00:58:29 +00:00
break ;