2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
/ * *
* @ description Meshcentral Multi - Server Support
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire
* @ version v0 . 0.1
* /
// Construct a Mesh Multi-Server object. This is used for MeshCentral-to-MeshCentral communication.
module . exports . CreateMultiServer = function ( parent , args ) {
var obj = { } ;
obj . parent = parent ;
obj . crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
2017-09-13 18:25:57 +00:00
obj . peerConfig = parent . config . peers ;
obj . forge = require ( 'node-forge' ) ;
obj . outPeerServers = { } ; // Outgoing peer servers
obj . peerServers = { } ; // All connected servers (in & out). Only present in this list if the connection is setup
// Create a mesh server module that will connect to other servers
obj . CreatePeerOutServer = function ( parent , serverid , url ) {
var obj = { } ;
obj . parent = parent ;
obj . serverid = serverid ;
obj . url = url ;
obj . ws = null ;
obj . conn = null ;
obj . certificates = parent . parent . certificates ;
obj . common = require ( './common.js' ) ;
obj . forge = require ( 'node-forge' ) ;
obj . crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
obj . pki = obj . forge . pki ;
obj . connectionState = 0 ;
obj . retryTimer = null ;
obj . retryBackoff = 0 ;
obj . connectHandler = null ;
obj . webCertificatHash = obj . parent . parent . webserver . webCertificatHash ;
obj . agentCertificatHashHex = obj . parent . parent . webserver . agentCertificatHashHex ;
obj . agentCertificatAsn1 = obj . parent . parent . webserver . agentCertificatAsn1 ;
obj . peerServerId = null ;
obj . authenticated = 0 ;
// Disconnect from the server and/or stop trying
obj . stop = function ( ) {
obj . connectionState = 0 ;
disconnect ( ) ;
// Make one attempt at connecting to the server
function connect ( ) {
obj . retryTimer = null ;
obj . connectionState = 1 ;
// Get the web socket setup
const WebSocket = require ( 'websocket' ) ;
var WebSocketClient = require ( 'websocket' ) . client ;
obj . ws = new WebSocketClient ( ) ;
obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Connecting to: ' + url + 'meshserver.ashx' ) ;
// Register the connection failed event
obj . ws . on ( 'connectFailed' , function ( error ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Failed connection' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; } ) ;
// Register the connection event
obj . ws . on ( 'connect' , function ( connection ) {
obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Connected' ) ;
if ( obj . meshScanner != null ) { obj . meshScanner . stop ( ) ; }
obj . connectionState |= 2 ;
obj . conn = connection ;
obj . nonce = obj . forge . random . getBytesSync ( 32 ) ;
// If the connection has an error or closes
obj . conn . on ( 'error' , function ( error ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Error: ' + error ) ; disconnect ( ) ; } ) ;
obj . conn . on ( 'close' , function ( ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Disconnected' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; } ) ;
// Get the peer server's certificate and compute the server public key hash
if ( obj . ws . socket == undefined ) return ;
var rawcertbuf = obj . ws . socket . getPeerCertificate ( ) . raw , rawcert = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < rawcertbuf . length ; i ++ ) { rawcert += String . fromCharCode ( rawcertbuf [ i ] ) ; }
var serverCert = obj . forge . pki . certificateFromAsn1 ( obj . forge . asn1 . fromDer ( rawcert ) ) ;
obj . serverCertHash = obj . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( serverCert . publicKey , { encoding : 'binary' , md : obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) } ) ;
// If a message is received
obj . conn . on ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
if ( msg . type == 'binary' ) { var msg2 = "" ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < msg . binaryData . length ; i ++ ) { msg2 += String . fromCharCode ( msg . binaryData [ i ] ) ; } msg = msg2 ; }
else if ( msg . type == 'utf8' ) { msg = msg . utf8Data ; }
if ( msg . length < 2 ) return ;
if ( msg . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 123 ) {
if ( obj . connectionState == 15 ) { processServerData ( msg ) ; }
} else {
var cmd = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 0 ) ;
switch ( cmd ) {
case 1 : {
// Server authentication request
if ( msg . length != 66 ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer: BAD MESSAGE(A1)' ) ; return ; }
// Check that the server hash matches the TLS server certificate public key hash
if ( obj . serverCertHash != msg . substring ( 2 , 34 ) ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer: Server hash mismatch.' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; return ; }
obj . servernonce = msg . substring ( 34 ) ;
// Use our agent root private key to sign the ServerHash + ServerNonce + AgentNonce
var privateKey = obj . forge . pki . privateKeyFromPem ( obj . certificates . agent . key ) ;
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ;
md . update ( msg . substring ( 2 ) , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
// Send back our certificate + signature
agentRootCertificatAsn1 = obj . forge . asn1 . toDer ( obj . forge . pki . certificateToAsn1 ( obj . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( obj . certificates . agent . cert ) ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
obj . conn . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 2 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( agentRootCertificatAsn1 . length ) + agentRootCertificatAsn1 + privateKey . sign ( md ) ) ; // Command 3, signature
break ;
case 2 : {
// Server certificate
var certlen = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 2 ) , serverCert = null ;
try { serverCert = obj . forge . pki . certificateFromAsn1 ( obj . forge . asn1 . fromDer ( msg . substring ( 4 , 4 + certlen ) ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
if ( serverCert == null ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer: Invalid server certificate.' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; return ; }
var serverid = obj . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( serverCert . publicKey , { encoding : 'hex' , md : obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) } ) ;
if ( serverid !== obj . agentCertificatHashHex ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer: Server hash mismatch.' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; return ; }
// Server signature, verify it
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ;
md . update ( obj . serverCertHash , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . servernonce , 'binary' ) ;
if ( serverCert . publicKey . verify ( md . digest ( ) . bytes ( ) , msg . substring ( 4 + certlen ) ) == false ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer: Server sign check failed.' ) ; disconnect ( ) ; return ; }
// Connection is a success, clean up
delete obj . nonce ;
delete obj . servernonce ;
delete obj . serverCertHash ;
obj . connectionState |= 4 ;
obj . retryBackoff = 0 ; // Set backoff connection timer back to fast.
obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Verified peer connection to ' + obj . url ) ;
// Send information about our server to the peer
if ( obj . connectionState == 15 ) { obj . conn . send ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'info' , serverid : obj . parent . peerConfig . serverId , dbid : obj . parent . parent . db . identifier , key : obj . parent . serverKey } ) ) ; }
//if ((obj.connectionState == 15) && (obj.connectHandler != null)) { obj.connectHandler(1); }
break ;
case 4 : {
// Server confirmed authentication, we are allowed to send commands to the server
obj . connectionState |= 8 ;
if ( obj . connectionState == 15 ) { obj . conn . send ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'info' , serverid : obj . parent . peerConfig . serverId , dbid : obj . parent . parent . db . identifier , key : obj . parent . serverKey } ) ) ; }
//if ((obj.connectionState == 15) && (obj.connectHandler != null)) { obj.connectHandler(1); }
break ;
default : {
obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'OutPeer ' + obj . serverid + ': Un-handled command: ' + cmd ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
// Not sure why, but we need to delay the first send
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( ( obj . ws == null ) || ( obj . conn == null ) ) return ;
// Start authenticate the mesh agent by sending a auth nonce & server TLS cert hash.
// Send 256 bits SHA256 hash of TLS cert public key + 256 bits nonce
obj . conn . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 1 ) + obj . serverCertHash + obj . nonce ) ; // Command 1, hash + nonce
} , 10 ) ;
} ) ;
obj . ws . connect ( obj . url + 'meshserver.ashx' , null , null , null , { rejectUnauthorized : false , cert : obj . certificates . agent . cert , key : obj . certificates . agent . key } ) ;
// Disconnect from the server, if we need to, try again with a delay.
function disconnect ( ) {
if ( obj . authenticated == 3 ) { obj . parent . ClearPeerServer ( obj , obj . peerServerId ) ; obj . authenticated = 0 ; }
if ( ( obj . connectionState == 15 ) && ( obj . connectHandler != null ) ) { obj . connectHandler ( 0 ) ; }
if ( obj . conn != null ) { obj . conn . close ( ) ; obj . conn = null ; }
if ( obj . ws != null ) { obj . ws = null ; }
if ( obj . retryTimer != null ) { clearTimeout ( obj . retryTimer ) ; obj . retryTimer = null ; }
// Re-try connection
if ( obj . connectionState >= 1 ) { obj . connectionState = 1 ; if ( obj . retryTimer == null ) { obj . retryTimer = setTimeout ( connect , getConnectRetryTime ( ) ) ; } }
// Get the next retry time in milliseconds
function getConnectRetryTime ( ) {
if ( obj . retryBackoff < 30000 ) { obj . retryBackoff += Math . floor ( ( Math . random ( ) * 3000 ) + 1000 ) ; }
return obj . retryBackoff ;
// Send a JSON message to the peer server
obj . send = function ( msg ) {
try {
if ( obj . ws == null || obj . conn == null || obj . connectionState != 15 ) { return ; }
if ( typeof msg == 'object' ) { obj . conn . send ( JSON . stringify ( msg ) ) ; return ; }
if ( typeof msg == 'string' ) { obj . conn . send ( msg ) ; return ; }
} catch ( e ) { }
// Process incoming peer server JSON data
function processServerData ( msg ) {
var str = msg . toString ( 'utf8' ) ;
if ( str [ 0 ] == '{' ) {
try { command = JSON . parse ( str ) } catch ( e ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'Unable to parse JSON (' + obj . remoteaddr + ').' ) ; return ; } // If the command can't be parsed, ignore it.
if ( command . action == 'info' ) {
if ( obj . authenticated != 3 ) {
// We get the peer's serverid and database identifier.
if ( ( command . serverid != null ) && ( command . dbid != null ) ) {
if ( command . serverid == obj . parent . peerConfig . serverId ) { console . log ( 'ERROR: Same server ID, trying to peer with self. (' + obj . url + ', ' + command . serverid + ').' ) ; return ; }
if ( command . dbid != obj . parent . parent . db . identifier ) { console . log ( 'ERROR: Database ID mismatch. Trying to peer to a server with the wrong database. (' + obj . url + ', ' + command . serverid + ').' ) ; return ; }
obj . peerServerId = command . serverid ;
obj . peerServerKey = command . key ;
obj . authenticated = 3 ;
obj . parent . SetupPeerServer ( obj , obj . peerServerId ) ;
} else if ( obj . authenticated == 3 ) {
// Pass the message to the parent object for processing.
obj . parent . ProcessPeerServerMessage ( obj , obj . peerServerId , command ) ;
connect ( ) ;
return obj ;
// Create a mesh server module that received a connection to another server
obj . CreatePeerInServer = function ( parent , ws , req ) {
var obj = { } ;
obj . ws = ws ;
obj . parent = parent ;
obj . common = require ( './common.js' ) ;
obj . forge = require ( 'node-forge' ) ;
obj . crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
obj . authenticated = 0 ;
obj . remoteaddr = obj . ws . _socket . remoteAddress ;
obj . receivedCommands = 0 ;
obj . webCertificatHash = obj . parent . parent . webserver . webCertificatHash ;
obj . agentCertificatHashHex = obj . parent . parent . webserver . agentCertificatHashHex ;
obj . agentCertificatAsn1 = obj . parent . parent . webserver . agentCertificatAsn1 ;
obj . infoSent = 0 ;
obj . peerServerId = null ;
if ( obj . remoteaddr . startsWith ( '::ffff:' ) ) { obj . remoteaddr = obj . remoteaddr . substring ( 7 ) ; }
// Send a message to the peer server
obj . send = function ( data ) {
try {
if ( typeof data == 'string' ) { obj . ws . send ( new Buffer ( data , 'binary' ) ) ; return ; }
if ( typeof data == 'object' ) { obj . ws . send ( JSON . stringify ( data ) ) ; return ; }
obj . ws . send ( data ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
// Disconnect this server
obj . close = function ( arg ) {
if ( ( arg == 1 ) || ( arg == null ) ) { try { obj . ws . close ( ) ; obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'InPeer: Soft disconnect ' + obj . peerServerId + ' (' + obj . remoteaddr + ')' ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } // Soft close, close the websocket
if ( arg == 2 ) { try { obj . ws . _socket . _parent . end ( ) ; obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'InPeer: Hard disconnect ' + obj . peerServerId + ' (' + obj . remoteaddr + ')' ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket
if ( obj . authenticated == 3 ) { obj . parent . ClearPeerServer ( obj , obj . peerServerId ) ; obj . authenticated = 0 ; }
// When data is received from the mesh agent web socket
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
if ( msg . type == 'binary' ) { var msg2 = "" ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < msg . binaryData . length ; i ++ ) { msg2 += String . fromCharCode ( msg . binaryData [ i ] ) ; } msg = msg2 ; }
else if ( msg . type == 'utf8' ) { msg = msg . utf8Data ; }
if ( msg . length < 2 ) return ;
if ( obj . authenticated >= 2 ) { // We are authenticated
if ( msg . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 123 ) { processServerData ( msg ) ; }
if ( msg . length < 2 ) return ;
var cmdid = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 0 ) ;
// Process binary commands (if any). None right now.
else if ( obj . authenticated < 2 ) { // We are not authenticated
var cmd = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 0 ) ;
if ( cmd == 1 ) {
// Agent authentication request
if ( ( msg . length != 66 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 1 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 1 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Check that the server hash matches out own web certificate hash
if ( obj . webCertificatHash != msg . substring ( 2 , 34 ) ) { obj . close ( ) ; return ; }
// Use our server private key to sign the ServerHash + AgentNonce + ServerNonce
var privateKey = obj . forge . pki . privateKeyFromPem ( obj . parent . parent . certificates . agent . key ) ;
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ;
md . update ( msg . substring ( 2 ) , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
obj . agentnonce = msg . substring ( 34 ) ;
// Send back our certificate + signature
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 2 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( obj . agentCertificatAsn1 . length ) + obj . agentCertificatAsn1 + privateKey . sign ( md ) ) ; // Command 2, certificate + signature
// Check the agent signature if we can
if ( obj . unauthsign != undefined ) {
if ( processAgentSignature ( obj . unauthsign ) == false ) { disconnect ( ) ; return ; } else { completePeerServerConnection ( ) ; }
else if ( cmd == 2 ) {
// Agent certificate
if ( ( msg . length < 4 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 2 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 2 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Decode the certificate
var certlen = obj . common . ReadShort ( msg , 2 ) ;
obj . unauth = { } ;
obj . unauth . nodeCert = null ;
try { obj . unauth . nodeCert = obj . forge . pki . certificateFromAsn1 ( obj . forge . asn1 . fromDer ( msg . substring ( 4 , 4 + certlen ) ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { return ; }
obj . unauth . nodeid = obj . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( obj . unauth . nodeCert . publicKey , { encoding : 'hex' , md : obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) } ) ;
// Check the agent signature if we can
if ( obj . agentnonce == undefined ) { obj . unauthsign = msg . substring ( 4 + certlen ) ; } else { if ( processAgentSignature ( msg . substring ( 4 + certlen ) ) == false ) { disconnect ( ) ; return ; } }
completePeerServerConnection ( ) ;
else if ( cmd == 3 ) {
// Agent meshid
if ( ( msg . length < 56 ) || ( ( obj . receivedCommands & 4 ) != 0 ) ) return ;
obj . receivedCommands += 4 ; // Agent can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
completePeerServerConnection ( ) ;
} ) ;
// If error, do nothing
ws . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'InPeer: Connection Error: ' + err ) ; } ) ;
// If the mesh agent web socket is closed, clean up.
ws . on ( 'close' , function ( req ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'InPeer disconnect ' + obj . nodeid + ' (' + obj . remoteaddr + ')' ) ; obj . close ( 0 ) ; } ) ;
// obj.ws._socket._parent.on('close', function (req) { obj.parent.parent.debug(1, 'Agent TCP disconnect ' + obj.nodeid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')'); });
// Start authenticate the mesh agent by sending a auth nonce & server TLS cert hash.
// Send 256 bits SHA256 hash of TLS cert public key + 256 bits nonce
obj . nonce = obj . forge . random . getBytesSync ( 32 ) ;
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 1 ) + obj . webCertificatHash + obj . nonce ) ; // Command 1, hash + nonce
// Once we get all the information about an agent, run this to hook everything up to the server
function completePeerServerConnection ( ) {
if ( obj . authenticated != 1 ) return ;
obj . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 4 ) ) ;
obj . send ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'info' , serverid : obj . parent . peerConfig . serverId , dbid : obj . parent . parent . db . identifier , key : obj . parent . serverKey } ) ) ;
obj . authenticated = 2 ;
// Verify the agent signature
function processAgentSignature ( msg ) {
var md = obj . forge . md . sha256 . create ( ) ; // TODO: Switch this to SHA256 on node instead of forge.
md . update ( obj . parent . parent . webserver . webCertificatHash , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . nonce , 'binary' ) ;
md . update ( obj . agentnonce , 'binary' ) ;
if ( obj . unauth . nodeCert . publicKey . verify ( md . digest ( ) . bytes ( ) , msg ) == false ) { return false ; }
if ( obj . unauth . nodeid !== obj . agentCertificatHashHex ) { return false ; }
// Connection is a success, clean up
obj . nodeid = obj . unauth . nodeid . toUpperCase ( ) ;
delete obj . nonce ;
delete obj . agentnonce ;
delete obj . unauth ;
if ( obj . unauthsign ) delete obj . unauthsign ;
obj . authenticated = 1 ;
return true ;
// Process incoming peer server JSON data
function processServerData ( msg ) {
var str = msg . toString ( 'utf8' ) ;
if ( str [ 0 ] == '{' ) {
try { command = JSON . parse ( str ) } catch ( e ) { obj . parent . parent . debug ( 1 , 'Unable to parse JSON (' + obj . remoteaddr + ').' ) ; return ; } // If the command can't be parsed, ignore it.
if ( command . action == 'info' ) {
if ( obj . authenticated != 3 ) {
// We get the peer's serverid and database identifier.
if ( ( command . serverid != null ) && ( command . dbid != null ) ) {
if ( command . serverid == obj . parent . peerConfig . serverId ) { console . log ( 'ERROR: Same server ID, trying to peer with self. (' + obj . remoteaddr + ', ' + command . serverid + ').' ) ; return ; }
if ( command . dbid != obj . parent . parent . db . identifier ) { console . log ( 'ERROR: Database ID mismatch. Trying to peer to a server with the wrong database. (' + obj . remoteaddr + ', ' + command . serverid + ').' ) ; return ; }
if ( obj . parent . peerConfig . servers [ command . serverid ] == null ) { console . log ( 'ERROR: Unknown peer serverid: ' + command . serverid + ' (' + obj . remoteaddr + ').' ) ; return ; }
obj . peerServerId = command . serverid ;
obj . peerServerKey = command . key ;
obj . authenticated = 3 ;
obj . parent . SetupPeerServer ( obj , obj . peerServerId ) ;
} else if ( obj . authenticated == 3 ) {
// Pass the message to the parent object for processing.
obj . parent . ProcessPeerServerMessage ( obj , obj . peerServerId , command ) ;
return obj ;
// If we have no peering configuration, don't setup this object
if ( obj . peerConfig == null ) { return null ; }
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// Generate a cryptographic key used to encode and decode cookies
obj . generateCookieKey = function ( ) {
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return new Buffer ( obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 32 ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ;
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// Encode an object as a cookie using a key
obj . encodeCookie = function ( o , key ) {
try {
if ( key == undefined ) { key = obj . serverKey ; }
o . time = Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) ; // Add the cookie creation time
var msg = JSON . stringify ( o ) ;
msg = obj . crypto . createHmac ( 'sha256' , key . substring ( 16 ) ) . update ( msg , 'binary' , 'binary' ) . digest ( 'binary' ) + msg ;
var iv = new Buffer ( obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) , 'binary' ) ;
var cipher = obj . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-128-cbc' , key . substring ( 0 , 16 ) , iv ) ;
crypted = cipher . update ( msg , 'binary' , 'binary' ) ;
crypted += cipher . final ( 'binary' ) ;
var total = new Buffer ( iv , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) + new Buffer ( crypted , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; // HEX: This is not an efficient concat, but it's very compatible.
var cookie = new Buffer ( total , 'hex' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
return cookie . replace ( /\+/g , '@' ) . replace ( /\//g , '$' ) ;
} catch ( e ) { return null ; }
// Decode a cookie back into an object using a key. Return null if it's not a valid cookie.
obj . decodeCookie = function ( cookie , key ) {
try {
if ( key == undefined ) { key = obj . serverKey ; }
cookie = new Buffer ( cookie . replace ( /\@/g , '+' ) . replace ( /\$/g , '/' ) , 'base64' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; // HEX: This is not an efficient split, but it's very compatible.
var iv = new Buffer ( cookie . substring ( 0 , 32 ) , 'hex' ) ;
var msg = new Buffer ( cookie . substring ( 32 ) , 'hex' ) ;
var decipher = obj . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-128-cbc' , key . substring ( 0 , 16 ) , iv )
var dec = decipher . update ( msg , 'binary' , 'binary' )
dec += decipher . final ( 'binary' ) ;
var msg = dec . substring ( 32 ) ;
var hash1 = dec . substring ( 0 , 32 ) ;
var hash2 = obj . crypto . createHmac ( 'sha256' , key . substring ( 16 ) ) . update ( msg , 'binary' , 'binary' ) . digest ( 'binary' ) ;
if ( hash1 !== hash2 ) { return null ; }
var o = JSON . parse ( msg ) ;
if ( ( o . time == null ) || ( o . time == undefined ) || ( typeof o . time != 'number' ) ) { return null ; }
o . time = o . time * 1000 ; // Decode the cookie creation time
o . dtime = Date . now ( ) - o . time ; // Decode how long ago the cookie was created
return o ;
} catch ( e ) { return null ; }
// Dispatch an event to other MeshCentral2 peer servers
obj . DispatchEvent = function ( ids , source , event ) {
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var busmsg = JSON . stringify ( { action : 'bus' , ids : ids , event : event } ) ;
for ( var serverid in obj . peerServers ) { obj . peerServers [ serverid ] . send ( busmsg ) ; }
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// Dispatch a message to other MeshCentral2 peer servers
obj . DispatchMessage = function ( msg ) {
for ( var serverid in obj . peerServers ) { obj . peerServers [ serverid ] . send ( msg ) ; }
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2017-09-13 18:25:57 +00:00
// Attempt to connect to all peers
obj . ConnectToPeers = function ( ) {
for ( serverId in obj . peerConfig . servers ) {
// We will only connect to names that are larger then ours. This way, eveyone has one connection to everyone else (no cross-connections).
if ( ( serverId > obj . peerConfig . serverId ) && ( obj . peerConfig . servers [ serverId ] . url != null ) && ( obj . outPeerServers [ serverId ] == null ) ) {
obj . outPeerServers [ serverId ] = obj . CreatePeerOutServer ( obj , serverId , obj . peerConfig . servers [ serverId ] . url ) ;
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// We connected to a peer server, setup everything
obj . SetupPeerServer = function ( server , peerServerId ) {
console . log ( 'Connected to peer server ' + peerServerId + '.' ) ;
obj . peerServers [ peerServerId ] = server ;
server . send ( JSON . stringify ( { action : 'connectivityTable' , connectivityTable : obj . parent . peerConnectivityByNode [ obj . parent . serverId ] } ) ) ;
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// We disconnected to a peer server, clean up everything
obj . ClearPeerServer = function ( server , peerServerId ) {
console . log ( 'Disconnected from peer server ' + peerServerId + '.' ) ;
delete obj . peerServers [ peerServerId ] ;
//delete obj.parent.peerConnectivityByMesh[peerServerId]; // TODO: We will need to re-adjust all of the node power states.
var oldList = obj . parent . peerConnectivityByNode [ peerServerId ] ;
obj . parent . peerConnectivityByNode [ peerServerId ] = { } ;
obj . parent . UpdateConnectivityState ( oldList ) ;
// Process a message coming from a peer server
obj . ProcessPeerServerMessage = function ( server , peerServerId , msg ) {
//console.log('ProcessPeerServerMessage', peerServerId, msg.action, typeof msg, msg);
switch ( msg . action ) {
case 'bus' : {
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( msg . ids , null , msg . event , true ) ; // Dispatch the peer event
break ;
case 'connectivityTable' : {
obj . parent . peerConnectivityByNode [ peerServerId ] = msg . connectivityTable ;
obj . parent . UpdateConnectivityState ( msg . connectivityTable ) ;
break ;
case 'SetConnectivityState' : {
obj . parent . SetConnectivityState ( msg . meshid , msg . nodeid , msg . connectTime , msg . connectType , msg . powerState , peerServerId ) ;
break ;
case 'ClearConnectivityState' : {
obj . parent . ClearConnectivityState ( msg . meshid , msg . nodeid , msg . connectType , peerServerId ) ;
break ;
2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
obj . serverKey = obj . generateCookieKey ( ) ;
2017-09-13 18:25:57 +00:00
setTimeout ( function ( ) { obj . ConnectToPeers ( ) ; } , 1000 ) ; // Delay this a little to make sure we are ready on our side.
2017-08-28 16:27:45 +00:00
return obj ;