diff --git a/meshcentral.js b/meshcentral.js
index e05afd37..10703c33 100644
--- a/meshcentral.js
+++ b/meshcentral.js
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) {
if (obj.config.domains == null) { obj.config.domains = {}; }
if (obj.config.domains[''] == null) { obj.config.domains[''] = {}; }
if (obj.config.domains[''].dns != null) { console.log("ERROR: Default domain can't have a DNS name."); return; }
- var xdomains = {}; for (i in obj.config.domains) { if (obj.config.domains[i].title == null) { obj.config.domains[i].title = 'MeshCentral'; } if (obj.config.domains[i].title2 == null) { obj.config.domains[i].title2 = '2.0'; } xdomains[i.toLowerCase()] = obj.config.domains[i]; } obj.config.domains = xdomains;
+ var xdomains = {}; for (i in obj.config.domains) { xdomains[i.toLowerCase()] = obj.config.domains[i]; } obj.config.domains = xdomains;
var bannedDomains = ['public', 'private', 'images', 'scripts', 'styles', 'views']; // List of banned domains
for (i in obj.config.domains) { for (var j in bannedDomains) { if (i == bannedDomains[j]) { console.log("ERROR: Domain '" + i + "' is not allowed domain name in config.json."); return; } } }
for (i in obj.config.domains) {
diff --git a/public/scripts/agent-redir-ws-0.1.1.js b/public/scripts/agent-redir-ws-0.1.1.js
index 8c6e0c3d..55e4ab87 100644
--- a/public/scripts/agent-redir-ws-0.1.1.js
+++ b/public/scripts/agent-redir-ws-0.1.1.js
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
//obj.debug = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }
obj.Start = function (nodeid) {
- var url2, url = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws") + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/')) + "/meshrelay.ashx?browser=1&p=" + obj.protocol + "&nodeid=" + nodeid + "&id=" + obj.tunnelid;
- //if (serverPublicNamePort) { url2 = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws") + "//" + serverPublicNamePort + "/meshrelay.ashx?id=" + obj.tunnelid; } else { url2 = url; }
+ var url2, url = window.location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws') + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/meshrelay.ashx?browser=1&p=' + obj.protocol + '&nodeid=' + nodeid + '&id=' + obj.tunnelid;
+ //if (serverPublicNamePort) { url2 = window.location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws') + '//' + serverPublicNamePort + '/meshrelay.ashx?id=' + obj.tunnelid; } else { url2 = url; }
if ((authCookie != null) && (authCookie != '')) { url += '&auth=' + authCookie; }
obj.nodeid = nodeid;
obj.connectstate = 0;
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
obj.socket.onclose = obj.xxOnSocketClosed;
//obj.meshserver.send({ action: 'msg', type: 'tunnel', nodeid: obj.nodeid, value: url2 });
- var rurl = "*" + domainUrl + "meshrelay.ashx?p=" + obj.protocol + "&nodeid=" + nodeid + "&id=" + obj.tunnelid;
+ var rurl = '*' + domainUrl + 'meshrelay.ashx?p=' + obj.protocol + '&nodeid=' + nodeid + '&id=' + obj.tunnelid;
if ((rauthCookie != null) && (rauthCookie != '')) { rurl += ('&rauth=' + rauthCookie); }
obj.meshserver.send({ action: 'msg', type: 'tunnel', nodeid: obj.nodeid, value: rurl, usage: obj.protocol });
- //obj.debug("Agent Redir Start: " + url);
+ //obj.debug('Agent Redir Start: ' + url);
obj.xxOnSocketConnected = function () {
if (obj.debugmode == 1) { console.log('onSocketConnected'); }
- //obj.debug("Agent Redir Socket Connected");
+ //obj.debug('Agent Redir Socket Connected');
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
obj.webSwitchOk = true; // Other side is ready for switch over
} else if (controlMsg.type == 'webrtc1') {
- obj.sendCtrlMsg("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc2\"}"); // Confirm we got end of data marker, indicates data will no longer be received on websocket.
+ obj.sendCtrlMsg('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc2"}'); // Confirm we got end of data marker, indicates data will no longer be received on websocket.
} else if (controlMsg.type == 'webrtc2') {
// TODO: Resume/Start sending data over WebRTC
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
function performWebRtcSwitch() {
if ((obj.webSwitchOk == true) && (obj.webRtcActive == true)) {
- obj.sendCtrlMsg("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc0\"}"); // Indicate to the meshagent that it can start traffic switchover
- obj.sendCtrlMsg("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc1\"}"); // Indicate to the meshagent that data traffic will no longer be sent over websocket.
+ obj.sendCtrlMsg('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc0"}'); // Indicate to the meshagent that it can start traffic switchover
+ obj.sendCtrlMsg('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc1"}'); // Indicate to the meshagent that data traffic will no longer be sent over websocket.
// TODO: Hold/Stop sending data over websocket
if (obj.onStateChanged != null) { obj.onStateChanged(obj, obj.State); }
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
var configuration = null; //{ "iceServers": [ { 'urls': 'stun:stun.services.mozilla.com' }, { 'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' } ] };
if (typeof RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { obj.webrtc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); }
else if (typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { obj.webrtc = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration); }
- if (obj.webrtc != null) {
- obj.webchannel = obj.webrtc.createDataChannel("DataChannel", {}); // { ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 2 }
+ if ((obj.webrtc != null) && (obj.webrtc.createDataChannel)) {
+ obj.webchannel = obj.webrtc.createDataChannel('DataChannel', {}); // { ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 2 }
obj.webchannel.onmessage = obj.xxOnMessage;
//obj.webchannel.onmessage = function (e) { console.log('WebRTC data', e.data); obj.xxOnMessage(e); }
obj.webchannel.onopen = function () { obj.webRtcActive = true; performWebRtcSwitch(); };
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
if (e.candidate == null) {
try { obj.sendCtrlMsg(JSON.stringify(obj.webrtcoffer)); } catch (ex) { } // End of candidates, send the offer
} else {
- obj.webrtcoffer.sdp += ("a=" + e.candidate.candidate + "\r\n"); // New candidate, add it to the SDP
+ obj.webrtcoffer.sdp += ('a=' + e.candidate.candidate + '\r\n'); // New candidate, add it to the SDP
obj.webrtc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function () {
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
} else {
// IE10, readAsBinaryString does not exist, use an alternative.
- var binary = "";
+ var binary = '';
var bytes = new Uint8Array(e.data);
var length = bytes.byteLength;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); }
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
} else {
// IE10, readAsBinaryString does not exist, use an alternative.
- var binary = "", bytes = new Uint8Array(e.data), length = bytes.byteLength;
+ var binary = '', bytes = new Uint8Array(e.data), length = bytes.byteLength;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); }
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
if (!data || obj.connectstate == -1) return;
if (typeof data === 'object') {
// This is an ArrayBuffer, convert it to a string array (used in IE)
- var binary = "", bytes = new Uint8Array(data), length = bytes.byteLength;
+ var binary = '', bytes = new Uint8Array(data), length = bytes.byteLength;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); }
data = binary;
else if (typeof data !== 'string') return;
- //console.log("xxOnSocketData", rstr2hex(data));
+ //console.log('xxOnSocketData', rstr2hex(data));
if ((typeof args != 'undefined') && args.redirtrace) { console.log('RedirRecv', typeof data, data.length, (data[0] == '{')?data:rstr2hex(data).substring(0, 64)); }
return obj.m.ProcessData(data);
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
obj.send = function (x) {
- //obj.debug("Agent Redir Send(" + obj.webRtcActive + ", " + x.length + "): " + rstr2hex(x));
- //console.log("Agent Redir Send(" + obj.webRtcActive + ", " + x.length + "): " + ((typeof x == 'string')?x:rstr2hex(x)));
+ //obj.debug('Agent Redir Send(' + obj.webRtcActive + ', ' + x.length + '): ' + rstr2hex(x));
+ //console.log('Agent Redir Send(' + obj.webRtcActive + ', ' + x.length + '): ' + ((typeof x == 'string')?x:rstr2hex(x)));
if ((typeof args != 'undefined') && args.redirtrace) { console.log('RedirSend', typeof x, x.length, (x[0] == '{') ? x : rstr2hex(x).substring(0, 64)); }
try {
if (obj.socket != null && obj.socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
obj.xxOnSocketClosed = function () {
- //obj.debug("Agent Redir Socket Closed");
+ //obj.debug('Agent Redir Socket Closed');
//if (obj.debugmode == 1) { console.log('onSocketClosed'); }
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ var CreateAgentRedirect = function (meshserver, module, serverPublicNamePort, au
// Clean up WebRTC
- //obj.debug("Agent Redir Socket Stopped");
+ //obj.debug('Agent Redir Socket Stopped');
obj.connectstate = -1;
if (obj.socket != null) {
- try { if (obj.socket.readyState == 1) { obj.sendCtrlMsg("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"close\"}"); obj.socket.close(); } } catch (e) { }
+ try { if (obj.socket.readyState == 1) { obj.sendCtrlMsg('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"close"}'); obj.socket.close(); } } catch (e) { }
obj.socket = null;
diff --git a/translate/translate.json b/translate/translate.json
index 3cce6347..23e590fb 100644
--- a/translate/translate.json
+++ b/translate/translate.json
@@ -4003,7 +4003,7 @@
"pt": "Área de Trabalho",
"ja": "デスクトップ",
- "nl": "bureaublad"
+ "nl": "Bureaublad"
"en": "Desktop -",
@@ -4023,7 +4023,7 @@
"pt": "Notificação na área de trabalho",
"ja": "デスクトップ通知",
"cs": "Informovat na ploše",
- "nl": "bureaublad melding"
+ "nl": "Bureaublad melding"
"en": "Desktop Prompt",
diff --git a/views/default-min.handlebars b/views/default-min.handlebars
index e5c3a852..5ae41d26 100644
--- a/views/default-min.handlebars
+++ b/views/default-min.handlebars
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{{{title}}}My Devices | My Account | My Events | My Files | My Users | My Server | |
General | Desktop | Terminal | Files | Events | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server disconnected,click to reconnect.
My Devices
![](images/info.png) | No device groups. |
My Account
Device Groups ( New )My Events
| Show | |
My Files
These files are shared publicly, click "link" to get public url.
My Server
Server StatisticsIntel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
Remote computer is not powered on, click here to issue a power command.
Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
Remote computer is not powered on, click here to issue a power command.
| Show | |
General -
Events -
| Show | |
My Server Plugins
| | Name | Description | Link | Version | Latest | Status | Action | |
No plugins on server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}My Devices | My Account | My Events | My Files | My Users | My Server | |
General | Desktop | Terminal | Files | Events | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server disconnected,click to reconnect.
My Devices
![](images/info.png) | No device groups. |
My Account
Device Groups ( New )My Events
| Show | |
My Files
These files are shared publicly, click "link" to get public url.
My Server
Server StatisticsIntel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
Remote computer is not powered on, click here to issue a power command.
Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
Remote computer is not powered on, click here to issue a power command.
| Show | |
General -
Events -
| Show | |
My Server Plugins
| | Name | Description | Link | Version | Latest | Status | Action | |
No plugins on server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Moje zařízení | Můj účet | Moje události | Moje soubory | Uživatelé | Můj server | |
Obecné | Plocha | Terminál | Soubory | Události | Detaily | Intel® AMT | Konzole | Pluginy | |
Server odpojen,klikni pro opětovné připojení.
Moje zařízení
![](images/info.png) | Žádná skupina zařízení. |
Moje události
| Zobrazit | |
Moje soubory
Tyto soubory jsou veřejné, klikni "link" pro získání veřejného url.
Můj server
Statistiky serveruIntel® AMT přesměrování portu nebo KVM vlastnost je vypnuta, zde kliknout pro aktivaci.
Vzdálený počítač není zapnutý, klikněte zde pro zapnutí.
Intel® AMT přesměrování portu nebo KVM vlastnost je vypnuta, zde kliknout pro aktivaci.
Vzdálený počítač není zapnutý, klikněte zde pro zapnutí.
| Zobrazit | |
Obecné -
Události -
| Zobrazit | |
Moje serverové pluginy
| | Jméno | Popis | Odkaz | Verze | Poslední | Status | Akce | |
Žádný plugin na serveru.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Moje zařízení | Můj účet | Moje události | Moje soubory | Uživatelé | Můj server | |
Obecné | Plocha | Terminál | Soubory | Události | Detaily | Intel® AMT | Konzole | Pluginy | |
Server odpojen,klikni pro opětovné připojení.
Moje zařízení
![](images/info.png) | Žádná skupina zařízení. |
Moje události
| Zobrazit | |
Moje soubory
Tyto soubory jsou veřejné, klikni "link" pro získání veřejného url.
Můj server
Statistiky serveruIntel® AMT přesměrování portu nebo KVM vlastnost je vypnuta, zde kliknout pro aktivaci.
Vzdálený počítač není zapnutý, klikněte zde pro zapnutí.
Intel® AMT přesměrování portu nebo KVM vlastnost je vypnuta, zde kliknout pro aktivaci.
Vzdálený počítač není zapnutý, klikněte zde pro zapnutí.
| Zobrazit | |
Obecné -
Události -
| Zobrazit | |
Moje serverové pluginy
| | Jméno | Popis | Odkaz | Verze | Poslední | Status | Akce | |
Žádný plugin na serveru.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Mes Appareils | Mon Compte | Mes Événements | Mes Dossiers | Mes Utilisateurs | Mon Serveur | |
Général | Desktop | Terminal | Dossiers | Événements | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server disconnected,click to reconnect.
Mes Appareils
![](images/info.png) | Aucun groupe d'appareils. |
Mon Compte
Device Groups ( Nouveau )Mes Événements
| Afficher | |
Mes Dossiers
Ces fichiers sont partagés publiquement, cliquez sur "lien" pour obtenir une URL publique.
Mon Serveur
Statistiques du serveurAvertissements du serveur Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
L'ordinateur distant n'est pas sous tension, cliquez ici pour émettre une commande d'alimentation.
Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
L'ordinateur distant n'est pas sous tension, cliquez ici pour émettre une commande d'alimentation.
| Afficher | |
Général -
Événements -
| Afficher | |
Statistiques de mon serveur
Mes plugins serveur
| | Nom | Description | Lien | Version | Dernier | Statut | Action | |
No plugins on server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Mes Appareils | Mon Compte | Mes Événements | Mes Dossiers | Mes Utilisateurs | Mon Serveur | |
Général | Desktop | Terminal | Dossiers | Événements | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server disconnected,click to reconnect.
Mes Appareils
![](images/info.png) | Aucun groupe d'appareils. |
Mon Compte
Device Groups ( Nouveau )Mes Événements
| Afficher | |
Mes Dossiers
Ces fichiers sont partagés publiquement, cliquez sur "lien" pour obtenir une URL publique.
Mon Serveur
Statistiques du serveurAvertissements du serveur Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
L'ordinateur distant n'est pas sous tension, cliquez ici pour émettre une commande d'alimentation.
Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled, click here to enable it.
L'ordinateur distant n'est pas sous tension, cliquez ici pour émettre une commande d'alimentation.
| Afficher | |
Général -
Événements -
| Afficher | |
Statistiques de mon serveur
Mes plugins serveur
| | Nom | Description | Lien | Version | Dernier | Statut | Action | |
No plugins on server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}私のデバイス | マイアカウント | 私のイベント | 私のファイル | 私のユーザー | 私のサーバー | |
全般 | デスクトップ | ターミナル | ファイル | イベント | 詳細 | インテル®AMT | コンソール | プラグイン | |
![](images/info.png) | デバイスグループはありません。 |
デバイスグループ ( 新しい )私のイベント
| ショー | |
| ショー | |
| ショー | |
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}私のデバイス | マイアカウント | 私のイベント | 私のファイル | 私のユーザー | 私のサーバー | |
全般 | デスクトップ | ターミナル | ファイル | イベント | 詳細 | インテル®AMT | コンソール | プラグイン | |
![](images/info.png) | デバイスグループはありません。 |
デバイスグループ ( 新しい )私のイベント
| ショー | |
| ショー | |
| ショー | |
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Mijn apparaten | Mijn Account | Mijn gebeurtenissen | Mijn bestanden | Mijn gebruikers | Mijn server | |
Algemeen | bureaublad | Terminal | Bestanden | Gebeurtenissen | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server verbroken,klik om opnieuw verbinding te maken.
Mijn apparaten
![](images/info.png) | Geen apparaatgroepen. |
Mijn Account
Gebruikersaccount beveiliging
Apparaatgroepen ( Nieuw )Mijn gebeurtenissen
| Tonen | |
Mijn bestanden
Deze bestanden worden openbaar gedeeld, klik op "link" om de openbare URL te krijgen.
Mijn server
ServerstatistiekenIntel® AMT omleidingspoort of KVM-functie is uitgeschakeld, klik hier om in te schakelen
Externe computer is niet ingeschakeld, klik hier om een stroomopdracht uit te voeren.
Intel® AMT omleidingspoort of KVM-functie is uitgeschakeld, klik hier om in te schakelen
Externe computer is niet ingeschakeld, klik hier om een stroomopdracht uit te voeren.
| Tonen | |
Algemeen -
Gebeurtenissen -
| Tonen | |
Mijn serverplug-ins
| | Naam | Omschrijving | Link | Versie | Laatste | Status | Aktie | |
Geen plug-ins op server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Mijn apparaten | Mijn Account | Mijn gebeurtenissen | Mijn bestanden | Mijn gebruikers | Mijn server | |
Algemeen | Bureaublad | Terminal | Bestanden | Gebeurtenissen | Details | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Server verbroken,klik om opnieuw verbinding te maken.
Mijn apparaten
![](images/info.png) | Geen apparaatgroepen. |
Mijn Account
Gebruikersaccount beveiliging
Apparaatgroepen ( Nieuw )Mijn gebeurtenissen
| Tonen | |
Mijn bestanden
Deze bestanden worden openbaar gedeeld, klik op "link" om de openbare URL te krijgen.
Mijn server
ServerstatistiekenIntel® AMT omleidingspoort of KVM-functie is uitgeschakeld, klik hier om in te schakelen
Externe computer is niet ingeschakeld, klik hier om een stroomopdracht uit te voeren.
Intel® AMT omleidingspoort of KVM-functie is uitgeschakeld, klik hier om in te schakelen
Externe computer is niet ingeschakeld, klik hier om een stroomopdracht uit te voeren.
| Tonen | |
Algemeen -
Gebeurtenissen -
| Tonen | |
Mijn serverplug-ins
| | Naam | Omschrijving | Link | Versie | Laatste | Status | Aktie | |
Geen plug-ins op server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Meus dispositivos | Minha conta | Meus Eventos | Meus arquivos | Meus usuários | Meu servidor | |
Geral | Área de Trabalho | Terminal | Arquivos | Eventos | Detalhes | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Servidor desconectado,clique para reconectar.
Meus dispositivos
![](images/info.png) | Nenhum grupo de dispositivos. |
Resultados da Localização
Minha conta
Grupos de dispositivos ( Novo )Meus Eventos
| Mostrar | |
Meus arquivos
Esses arquivos são compartilhados publicamente, clique em "link" para obter o URL público.
Meu servidor
Estatísticas do servidorIntel® Porta de redirecionamento AMT ou recurso KVM desativado, clique aqui para habilitá-lo.
O computador remoto não está ligado, clique aqui para emitir um comando de energia.
Intel® Porta de redirecionamento AMT ou recurso KVM desativado, clique aqui para habilitá-lo.
O computador remoto não está ligado, clique aqui para emitir um comando de energia.
| Mostrar | |
Geral -
Eventos -
| Mostrar | |
Estatísticas do meu servidor
My Server Plugins
| | Nome | Descrição | Ligação | Versão | Latest | Status | Ação | |
No plugins on server.
{{{StartGeoLocation}}}{{{EndGeoLocation}}}{{{title}}}Meus dispositivos | Minha conta | Meus Eventos | Meus arquivos | Meus usuários | Meu servidor | |
Geral | Área de Trabalho | Terminal | Arquivos | Eventos | Detalhes | Intel® AMT | Console | Plugins | |
Servidor desconectado,clique para reconectar.
Meus dispositivos
![](images/info.png) | Nenhum grupo de dispositivos. |
Resultados da Localização
Minha conta
Grupos de dispositivos ( Novo )Meus Eventos
| Mostrar | |
Meus arquivos
Esses arquivos são compartilhados publicamente, clique em "link" para obter o URL público.
Meu servidor
Estatísticas do servidorIntel® Porta de redirecionamento AMT ou recurso KVM desativado, clique aqui para habilitá-lo.
O computador remoto não está ligado, clique aqui para emitir um comando de energia.
Intel® Porta de redirecionamento AMT ou recurso KVM desativado, clique aqui para habilitá-lo.
O computador remoto não está ligado, clique aqui para emitir um comando de energia.
| Mostrar | |
Geral -
Eventos -
| Mostrar | |
Estatísticas do meu servidor
My Server Plugins
| | Nome | Descrição | Ligação | Versão | Latest | Status | Ação | |
No plugins on server.