From 597c67bb1f085c236fe051a9dbbab917a8170a52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: silversword411 Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2022 10:40:36 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] typo squashing --- .vscode/settings.json | 383 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- webserver.js | 42 ++--- 2 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json index 2026805d..b94c4dc4 100644 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ { "cSpell.words": [ "abcdf", + "accountchange", + "accountcreate", "accountid", + "accountremove", + "acmd", "acmepath", "actiontype", "adddevicegroup", @@ -16,17 +20,30 @@ "addusertousergroup", "adminaccount", "adminname", + "agentaliasdns", + "agentaliasport", "agentallowedip", + "agentapp", "agentblockedip", "agentconfig", "agentconsole", + "agentcoredump", + "agentcoredumpusers", "agentcustomization", "agentdownload", "agenterrorlogs", + "agentid", "agentidletimeout", + "agentinfo", + "agentinvite", + "agentinvitecodes", "agentkey", "Agentless", "agentnoproxy", + "agentport", + "agentportbind", + "agentporttls", + "agenttransfer", "agenttype", "agentupdateblocksize", "agentupdatetest", @@ -34,57 +51,97 @@ "aliasport", "allevents", "allowaccountreset", + "allowframing", "allowfullscreen", + "allowhighqualitydesktop", + "allowsavingdevicecredentials", + "allusers", "alreadyinstalled", "amtacmactivation", + "amtevents", + "amthost", "amtmanager", "amtoff", "amton", "amtonly", + "amtpass", "amtreset", "amtscanner", + "amtscanoptions", + "anewaccountcaptcha", + "apassword", + "apasswordhint", "apikey", + "apos", "appmetrics", + "apprelays", "ashx", + "assistantconfig", + "assistantcustomization", + "assistantnoproxy", "atag", "authcookie", "authenticode", + "authfail", "authlog", "authlogfile", "Authn", + "authorizationurl", + "authstr", + "authstrategies", "autofido", "awsrds", + "backgroundcolor", "backgroundonly", "backupcode", "backuppath", + "badargs", + "badtlscert", + "bancommonpasswords", + "batchupload", "bitmask", + "Bounser", "callbackurl", + "captchaargs", "ccmp", "Centralv", "certbot", "certfiles", + "certhash", + "certkeyhash", "certpfx", "certpfxpass", "certurl", "cfile", "changedevice", "changenode", + "changepassword", "chatnotify", + "checkemail", + "checkmail", + "chnl", "CIRA", + "ciraconn", "ciralocalfqdn", "ckey", "clearpower", "clientid", "clientsecret", + "clipboardget", + "clipboardset", + "cmdoptions", "cmds", + "cnonce", "companyname", "configfile", "configfiles", "configkey", "connectionstring", + "Consts", "cookieipcheck", "cookiesamesite", "coolofftime", + "coredump", "coredumps", "createaccount", "createmesh", @@ -92,8 +149,14 @@ "crowdsec", "crypted", "cscli", + "curloptionshttp", + "curloptionshttps", "cuser", + "cuserid", + "customui", + "datafile", "datapath", + "datas", "datastr", "dbconfig", "dbdeleteconfigfiles", @@ -107,67 +170,119 @@ "dbpulldatafiles", "dbpushconfigfiles", "dbshowconfigfile", + "debuglevel", "defaultuserwebstate", + "deldump", + "deleteaccount", "deletedefaultdomain", "deletedomain", "deletemesh", "deleteuser", "deleteusergroup", + "deluser", + "deluserpath", + "DESKLIMITEDINPUT", + "desktopmultiplex", "desktopnotify", "desktopprivacybar", "desktopprompt", + "desktoprelays", "desktopviewonly", "devbox", + "devicefile", "deviceid", "deviceinfo", "deviceinfocount", "devicemessage", "deviceopenurl", "devicepower", + "devicepowerevents", + "devicesearchbarserverandclientname", + "deviceshare", "devicesharing", "devicetoast", "devid", + "Digesthash", + "disablerequestedauthncontext", "displayname", + "dlccore", + "dlcore", + "dldump", + "dnscount", "dnssuffix", "domaindefaults", "domainid", + "domainname", + "domainurl", + "domainx", "dont", "dontlognull", + "downloadfile", "dumpcores", + "dumpfile", "editdevice", "editdevicegroup", "editgroup", "editmesh", "edituser", + "emailaddress", + "emailcheck", + "emaildomain", "emailexists", + "emailok", + "emailvalidation", + "emailvalidationrequired", "emailverified", "entityid", "entrypoints", + "errdesc", "errlogpath", "esversion", "etype", "eventlogger", "exactport", "exactports", + "exphbs", "extractall", + "extrakey", "extralinks", + "extrascriptsrc", + "factorauth", + "factorwarning", + "fadev", + "fahold", + "fasent", "fastcert", + "fchallenge", "fileaccess", + "filedata", + "filefullpath", "filenotify", "fileprompt", + "filesize", "filespath", + "filestats", + "fileurl", "filteredusers", "filterid", "firebaserelay", "firstname", "forceduserwebstate", + "foregroundcolor", + "forwardclient", "forwardfor", + "forwardwrite", + "forwardwsocket", + "fpath", "Freemonitoring", "frontends", + "ftarget", + "fullpath", "fullrights", "fullscreen", "gatewaymac", "generateinvitelink", + "geourl", "getnetworkinfo", "getsysinfo", "getwspass", @@ -175,49 +290,85 @@ "gotodevicename", "gotonode", "groupid", + "guestdevicesharing", "guestname", + "GUESTSHARING", + "hashhex", "Hashi", "hashpass", "hashpasssplit", "hashpassword", + "Hashs", "healthcheck", "Hilaire", + "hkey", "httpheaders", "httplog", + "httpport", + "hwchallenge", + "hwotp", + "hwstate", + "hwtoken", + "Ider", "idexists", "idhex", "idpurl", + "idsplit", "iframe", "ignoreagenthashcheck", + "iishash", + "imagebase", + "imagefile", "indexagenterrorlog", "indexmcrec", + "installflags", + "installsize", "installtext", "intelamt", "interactiveonly", "interuser", "invitecodes", + "ipaddr", + "ipblockeduserredirect", + "ipcheck", + "ipex", "ipkvm", "iplayer", "ipranges", + "isaml", "Jitsi", "jumpcloud", "keyfile", + "keygrip", + "keyid", "lanonly", "LAPI", "lastaddr", "lastconnect", "lastname", "ldapauth", + "ldapobj", "ldapoptions", + "ldapsaveusertofile", + "ldapsyncwithusergroups", "ldapuserbinarykey", "ldapuseremail", + "ldapusergroups", + "ldapuserimage", + "ldapuserkey", "ldapusername", + "ldapuserphonenumber", + "ldapuserrealname", + "ldapuserrequiredgroupmembership", "ldapusers", "leok", "letsencrypt", + "lightgray", "limiteddesktop", "limitedevents", + "LIMITEVENTS", "Linaro", + "linuxpath", "listdevicegroups", "listdevices", "listdomains", @@ -228,56 +379,93 @@ "listusersessions", "listusersofdevicegroup", "loadconfigfromdb", + "localdiscovery", "localfile", "localpath", + "localrelay", + "localsessionrecording", "localurl", "lockagentdownload", "locksettings", + "logfile", + "logincodeb", "logindomain", "loginfooter", "loginkey", "loginkeyfile", + "loginlogo", + "loginmode", "loginpass", + "loginpicture", + "loginscreen", "logintoken", "logintokengen", "logintokenkey", "logintokens", "loginuser", "logoback", + "logoutcontrols", "logouturl", + "macrouter", + "magenturl", "mailserver", "mailtokengen", "maintenancemode", + "mainwelcome", + "MANAGECOMPUTERS", "managedevices", "manageusers", + "markcoredump", "maxfidokeys", "maxlen", + "maxuseraccounts", "mcpath", "mcrdesktop", "mcrec", "mcrfiles", + "mcrouter", "Mebx", + "meshaction", "meshadmin", "meshagent", "meshagents", "meshauth", "meshcentral", "meshcentralhost", + "meshchange", "meshcmd", "meshcommander", + "meshcookie", "meshcore", "meshctrl", + "meshdesktopmultiplex", + "meshdevicefile", + "mesherrorlogpath", "mesherrors", + "meshfilename", "meshid", + "meshidhex", "meshidname", + "meshinstall", "meshmail", + "meshmessenger", + "meshmessengerid", + "meshmessengerpicture", + "meshmessengertitle", "meshname", + "meshosxagent", "meshquota", "meshrelay", + "MESHRIGHT", "meshrights", "meshscanner", + "meshserver", + "meshsettings", + "meshsettingslines", "meshtype", + "meshuser", "Messagebox", + "messageid", "Messenging", "minfo", "minifyall", @@ -287,17 +475,25 @@ "mongorestore", "moutput", "movetodevicegroup", + "mpkg", "mpsaliasport", "mpscert", "mpsdebug", + "mpspass", "mpsport", "mpsserver", "mpsservers", "MPSSSL", + "mpstlsoffload", "mqttbroker", "MSCHA", + "msgid", "mstsc", + "mstscrelay", + "mtype", + "multiplexor", "multiresponse", + "multivalued", "myaccountname", "mycompany", "mydomain", @@ -309,13 +505,19 @@ "netif", "newaccountemaildomains", "newaccountname", + "newaccountrealms", "newaccounts", + "newaccountscaptcha", "newaccountspass", "newaccountsrights", + "newaccountsusergroups", "newgroupname", "newobj", + "newpass", "newpassword", "NGNIX", + "nightmode", + "noact", "noagentupdate", "noamt", "noauth", @@ -324,47 +526,91 @@ "nodecount", "nodeid", "nodeids", + "nodeidsplit", "nodeinfo", + "nodekey", "nodepath", + "NODESKTOP", "nodewindows", "nofiles", "nofirewall", + "nolog", + "nologout", + "NOMESHCMD", "nominify", "nonalpha", + "NONEWDEVICES", "nonewgroups", + "noproxy", + "noredirect", + "nosniff", "noterminal", "notools", + "nouser", "nousers", "novnc", "npmjs", "npmpath", "npmproxy", "npmtag", + "objid", "ODELAY", "offloader", "offloaders", "oidc", + "oldpassword", + "oldpasswordban", + "oldpasswords", + "oneclickrecovery", + "onlyselecteddevicegroups", + "onlyselectedusers", + "openidconnect", + "openstreetmap", "openurl", "orphanagentuser", "osdesc", "osinfo", + "otpdev", + "otpekey", + "otpemail", "otphkeys", "otpkeys", + "otplib", + "otppush", "otpsecret", + "otpsms", "parentpath", + "passchange", + "passhint", + "passlogin", + "passrequirementstr", + "passtype", "passwordrequirements", + "passwordrequirementsstr", + "pastlogin", + "pathx", + "peinfo", + "phonenumber", "PKCK", "plivo", + "pluginadmin", "plusplus", + "portbind", + "postflight", "poweraction", "powerevents", "Proto", "publicid", + "pushlogin", + "pushrelay", + "pushrelayserver", + "qport", "randompass", "Raritan", "rauth", "rawdata", "rcookie", + "rdpport", "realname", "recordencryptionrecode", "recordpath", @@ -373,11 +619,21 @@ "redirections", "redirport", "redirserver", + "refreshtoken", + "relayaliasport", "relaydns", + "relayid", "relayport", + "relayserver", + "relaysession", + "remembertoken", + "remoteaddr", + "remoteaddrport", + "REMOTECOMMAND", "remotecontrol", "remotefile", "remotepath", + "REMOTEVIEWONLY", "removeallusersfromusergroup", "removedevicegroup", "removedomain", @@ -392,11 +648,20 @@ "removeuserfromusergroup", "removeusergroup", "resetaccount", + "RESETOFF", "resetpass", "responseid", + "restoreserver", "rightsstr", "rname", "rnamel", + "rootcert", + "rootredirect", + "rpassword", + "rpasswordhint", + "rport", + "rtpass", + "rtuser", "runasuser", "runasuseronly", "runcommand", @@ -404,23 +669,43 @@ "runmode", "runonservererror", "runonserverupdated", + "ruserid", + "sameorigin", "selfupdate", + "selfurl", "senderid", "sendgrid", "sendinviteemail", + "serialtunnel", + "SERVERBACKUP", + "serverfeatures", "serverfiles", + "serverhttps", "serverid", + "serveridhex", "serverinfo", "serverkey", "servername", + "servernoproxy", + "serverpath", + "serverpic", + "serverport", + "SERVERRESTORE", + "servertlshash", "serverupdate", "servicename", "servicepath", + "sessioncode", "sessionkey", "sessionrecording", + "sessionsamesite", "sessiontime", + "setbad", + "SETNOTES", "settodomain", + "sftpconnect", "shareid", + "showagents", "showall", "showallmeshes", "showevents", @@ -428,20 +713,31 @@ "showitem", "showmeshes", "shownodes", + "showpasswordlogin", "showpower", "showsmbios", "showusergroups", "showusers", + "showversion", "siteadmin", + "SITERIGHT", "sitestyle", "smsserver", "specificupdate", "splitip", + "splitpath", + "spliturl", "srights", + "sshconnect", + "sshfilesrelay", + "sshport", + "sshrelay", + "sshterminalrelay", "ssid", "sspi", "startack", "statsevents", + "stricttransportsecurity", "Strs", "subdir", "swarmallowedip", @@ -451,86 +747,171 @@ "syslogauth", "syslogjson", "syslogtcp", + "tcpport", "telnyx", + "temail", "tenantid", "terminalnotify", "terminalprompt", "termsize", + "timedoc", + "titleid", "titlepicture", "tkip", "tlscertcheck", + "tlshash", + "tlsock", "tlsoffload", + "tlsoptions", "tlsrootcert", "tlsstrict", + "tmpdl", + "tokenemail", + "tokenlogin", + "tokenpassword", + "tokenpush", "tokenrequired", + "tokensms", + "tokenurl", + "tokenuserid", + "tokenusername", + "totalsize", + "tpass", + "tpassword", + "tpush", "traefik", "translateall", "translationpath", "trustedcert", "trustedproxy", + "tsms", "TTLS", "tunnelws", "tunnelwsstate", + "tuser", + "tuserid", + "tusername", + "twofactor", + "twofactorcookiedurationdays", + "twofactortimeout", "tzoffset", + "uaparser", + "ucookie", "ugroup", "ugroups", "ugrp", "ugrpid", "uicustomevent", "unadmin", + "unknownuserrootredirect", "unsealkey", + "updatefiles", "uploadack", "uploaderror", + "uploadfile", + "uploadfilebatch", + "uploadmeshcorefile", "uploadstart", + "urlpath", + "urlswitching", "useid", "userallowedip", "userblockedip", "userbroadcast", "userconsentflags", "usercount", + "userex", + "userfiles", + "usergroupchange", "usergroups", "userid", "userids", + "userimage", + "userinfourl", "usernameisemail", "userquota", + "userrequiredhttpheader", "Usersessionidletimeout", + "usersid", + "usersplit", "vaultdeleteconfigfiles", "vaultpullconfigfiles", "vaultpushconfigfiles", "verifyemail", "Viewmode", "viewonly", + "WAKEDEVICE", "wakedevices", "Walkthru", "wanonly", + "Webauthn", + "webcerthash", + "webdefault", "webemailspath", + "webider", "webpublicpath", "webpush", + "webrelay", + "webrelaydata", "webrelayserver", + "webrequest", "webrtc", "webrtconfig", "webserver", "websockets", "WEBSSL", + "webstate", "webviewspath", + "WELCOMEMSG", "welcomepicture", + "welcomepicturefullscreen", "welcometext", + "wgetoptionshttp", + "wgetoptionshttps", + "wildleek", + "winassistant", + "winpath", + "winrouter", "winservice", + "wsagents", "wscompression", + "wsrelays", "wssessioncount", "wssessions", + "xarg", + "xbytes", + "xcmd", + "xdomain", "xdomains", "xenv", + "xevents", + "xfile", + "xfilelen", + "xfilepath", + "xflags", + "xforwardedhost", "xinstall", "xjslint", "xmeshes", "xpad", + "xpassword", + "xrelay", "xrestart", + "xstate", + "xtls", + "xtransport", "xuninstall", + "xuserid", + "xusername", + "xxdata", "xxprocess", "xxurl", + "xxuser", "xxxprocess", "Ylian", - "yubikey" + "yubikey", + "yubikeyotp", + "zdata", + "zipfile" ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/webserver.js b/webserver.js index 5fb0fac9..ed813bb5 100644 --- a/webserver.js +++ b/webserver.js @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF obj.wsPeerSessions3 = {}; // ServerId --> UserId --> [ SessionId ] obj.sessionsCount = {}; // Merged session counters, used when doing server peering. UserId --> SessionCount obj.wsrelays = {}; // Id -> Relay - obj.desktoprelays = {}; // Id -> Desktop Multiplexor Relay + obj.desktoprelays = {}; // Id -> Desktop Multiplexer Relay obj.wsPeerRelays = {}; // Id -> { ServerId, Time } var tlsSessionStore = {}; // Store TLS session information for quick resume. var tlsSessionStoreCount = 0; // Number of cached TLS session information in store. @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF for (i in docs) { var u = obj.users[docs[i]._id] = docs[i]; domainUserCount[u.domain]++; } for (i in { if (([i].share == null) && (domainUserCount[i] == 0)) { - // If newaccounts is set to no new accounts, but no accounts exists, temporarly allow account creation. + // If newaccounts is set to no new accounts, but no accounts exists, temporarily allow account creation. //if (([i].newaccounts === 0) || ([i].newaccounts === false)) {[i].newaccounts = 2; } console.log('Server ' + ((i == '') ? '' : (i + ' ')) + 'has no users, next new account will be site administrator.'); } @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF if (!user) { fn(new Error('cannot find user')); return; } if ((user.siteadmin) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) { fn('locked'); return; } - // Succesful login token authentication + // Successful login token authentication var loginOptions = { tokenName:, tokenUser: loginToken.tokenUser }; if (loginToken.expire != 0) { loginOptions.expire = loginToken.expire; } return fn(null, user._id, null, loginOptions); @@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // Get the email address for this LDAP user var email = null; - if (domain.ldapuseremail) { email = xxuser[domain.ldapuseremail]; } else if (xxuser['mail']) { email = xxuser['mail']; } // Use given feild name or default + if (domain.ldapuseremail) { email = xxuser[domain.ldapuseremail]; } else if (xxuser['mail']) { email = xxuser['mail']; } // Use given field name or default if (Array.isArray(email)) { email = email[0]; } // Mail may be multivalued in LDAP in which case, answer is an array. Use the 1st value. - if (email) { email = email.toLowerCase(); } // it seems some code elsewhere also lowercase the emailaddress, so let's be consistant. + if (email) { email = email.toLowerCase(); } // it seems some code elsewhere also lowercase the emailaddress, so let's be consistent. // Get the real name for this LDAP user var realname = null; @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF function checkUserOneTimePasswordSkip(domain, user, req, loginOptions) { if (parent.config.settings.no2factorauth == true) return null; - // If this login occured using a login token, no 2FA needed. + // If this login occurred using a login token, no 2FA needed. if ((loginOptions != null) && (typeof loginOptions.tokenName === 'string')) { return { twoFactorType: 'tokenlogin' }; } // Check if we can skip 2nd factor auth because of the source IP address @@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF const cookies = req.headers.cookie.split('; '); for (var i in cookies) { if (cookies[i].startsWith('twofactor=')) { - var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(cookies[i].substring(10)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire feild, assume 30 day timeout. + var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(cookies[i].substring(10)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire field, assume 30 day timeout. if ((twoFactorCookie != null) && ((twoFactorCookie.ip == null) || checkCookieIp(twoFactorCookie.ip, req.clientIp)) && (twoFactorCookie.userid == user._id)) { return { twoFactorType: 'cookie' }; } } } @@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // Return true if this user has 2-step auth active function checkUserOneTimePasswordRequired(domain, user, req, loginOptions) { - // If this login occured using a login token, no 2FA needed. + // If this login occurred using a login token, no 2FA needed. if ((loginOptions != null) && (typeof loginOptions.tokenName === 'string')) { return false; } // Check if we can skip 2nd factor auth because of the source IP address @@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF const cookies = req.headers.cookie.split('; '); for (var i in cookies) { if (cookies[i].startsWith('twofactor=')) { - var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(cookies[i].substring(10)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire feild, assume 30 day timeout. + var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(cookies[i].substring(10)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire field, assume 30 day timeout. if ((twoFactorCookie != null) && ((twoFactorCookie.ip == null) || checkCookieIp(twoFactorCookie.ip, req.clientIp)) && (twoFactorCookie.userid == user._id)) { return false; } } } @@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // Check 2FA login cookie if ((token != null) && (token.startsWith('cookie='))) { - var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(token.substring(7)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire feild, assume 30 day timeout. + var twoFactorCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(decodeURIComponent(token.substring(7)), obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, (30 * 24 * 60)); // If the cookies does not have an expire field, assume 30 day timeout. if ((twoFactorCookie != null) && ((twoFactorCookie.ip == null) || checkCookieIp(twoFactorCookie.ip, req.clientIp)) && (twoFactorCookie.userid == user._id)) { func(true, { twoFactorType: 'cookie' }); return; } } @@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // Check is email already exists obj.db.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail(, email, function (err, docs) { if ((err != null) || ((docs.length > 0) && (docs.find(function (u) { return (u._id === req.session.cuserid); }) < 0))) { - // Email already exitst + // Email already exists req.session.messageid = 102; // Existing account with this email address. } else { // Update the user and notify of user email address change @@ -2515,8 +2515,8 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF }); } - // Called when a strategy login occured - // This is called after a succesful Oauth to Twitter, Google, GitHub... + // Called when a strategy login occurred + // This is called after a successful Oauth to Twitter, Google, GitHub... function handleStrategyLogin(req, res) { const domain = checkUserIpAddress(req, res); const authStrategy = req.user.strategy @@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF setSessionRandom(req); } else if (req.query.login && (obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey != null)) { var loginCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(req.query.login, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, 60); // 60 minute timeout - //if ((loginCookie != null) && (loginCookie.ip != null) && !checkCookieIp(loginCookie.ip, req.clientIp)) { loginCookie = null; } // If the cookie if binded to an IP address, check here. + //if ((loginCookie != null) && (loginCookie.ip != null) && !checkCookieIp(loginCookie.ip, req.clientIp)) { loginCookie = null; } // If the cookie is bound to an IP address, check here. if ((loginCookie != null) && (loginCookie.a == 3) && (loginCookie.u != null) && (loginCookie.u.split('/')[1] == { // If a login cookie was provided, setup the session here. parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: cookie auth ok.'); @@ -3942,7 +3942,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF if ((err != null) || (docs == null) || (docs.length != 1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } const doc = docs[0]; - // If this is a recurrent share, check if we are at the currect time to make use of it + // If this is a recurrent share, check if we are at the correct time to make use of it if (typeof doc.recurring == 'number') { const now =; if (now >= doc.startTime) { // We don't want to move the validity window before the start time @@ -4567,7 +4567,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF tlsock.setEncoding('binary'); tlsock.on('error', function (err) { parent.debug('webrelay', "CIRA TLS Connection Error", err); }); - // Decrypted tunnel from TLS communcation to be forwarded to websocket + // Decrypted tunnel from TLS communication to be forwarded to websocket tlsock.on('data', function (data) { // AMT/TLS ---> WS if (ws.interceptor) { data = ws.interceptor.processAmtData(data); } // Run data thru interceptor @@ -4615,7 +4615,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF ws.forwardclient.onData = function (ciraconn, data) { //parent.debug('webrelaydata', 'Relay CIRA data to WS', data.length); - // Run data thru interceptorp + // Run data thru interceptor if (ws.interceptor) { data = ws.interceptor.processAmtData(data); } //console.log('AMT --> WS', Buffer.from(data, 'binary').toString('hex')); @@ -4633,7 +4633,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF ws.forwardclient.onSendOk = function (ciraconn) { }; } - // When data is received from the web socket, forward the data into the associated CIRA cahnnel. + // When data is received from the web socket, forward the data into the associated CIRA channel. // If the CIRA connection is pending, the CIRA channel has built-in buffering, so we are ok sending anyway. ws.on('message', function (data) { //parent.debug('webrelaydata', 'Relay WS data to CIRA', data.length); @@ -6703,7 +6703,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF const urlCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(req.query.c, parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey, 32); // Allow cookies up to 32 minutes old. The web page will renew this cookie every 30 minutes. if (urlCookie == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } - // Decode the incomign cookie + // Decode the incoming cookie if ((urlCookie.ruserid != null) && (urlCookie.x != null)) { if (parent.webserver.destroyedSessions[urlCookie.ruserid + '/' + urlCookie.x] != null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } @@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // Indicates to ExpressJS that the override public folder should be used to serve static files. if ([i].webpublicpath != null) { - // Use domain public pathe + // Use domain public path,[i].webpublicpath)); } else if (obj.parent.webPublicOverridePath != null) { // Use override path @@ -7154,7 +7154,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, doneF // The web relay session is valid, use it relaySession.handleRequest(req, res); } else { - // No web relay ession with this relay identifier, close the HTTP request. + // No web relay session with this relay identifier, close the HTTP request. res.sendStatus(404); } } else {