Added browser notification support in the main web app.
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function CreateWsmanComm(/*host, port, user, pass, tls, extra*/)
obj.PerformAjaxEx = function (postdata, callback, tag, url, action) {
if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { if (obj.FailAllError != 999) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: obj.FailAllError }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); } return; }
if (!postdata) postdata = "";
//console.log("SEND: " + postdata); // DEBUG
if (globalDebugFlags & 1) { console.log("SEND: " + postdata + "\r\n\r\n"); } // DEBUG
// We are in a DukTape environement
if (obj.digest == null)
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ function CreateWsmanComm(/*host, port, user, pass, tls, extra*/)
//console.log('Request ' + (obj.RequestCount++));
req.on('error', function (e) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: 600 }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); });
req.on('response', function (response) {
//console.log('Response: ' + response.statusCode);
if (globalDebugFlags & 1) { console.log('Response: ' + response.statusCode); }
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
//console.log('ERR:' + JSON.stringify(response));
if (globalDebugFlags & 1) { console.log('ERR:' + JSON.stringify(response)); }
obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: response.statusCode }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]);
} else {
response.acc = '';
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function CreateWsmanComm(/*host, port, user, pass, tls, extra*/)
obj.gotNextMessages = function (data, status, request, callArgs) {
if (obj.FailAllError == 999) return;
//console.log("RECV: " + data); // DEBUG
if (globalDebugFlags & 1) { console.log("RECV: " + data + "\r\n\r\n"); } // DEBUG
if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { callArgs[1](null, obj.FailAllError, callArgs[2]); return; }
if (request.status != 200) { callArgs[1](null, request.status, callArgs[2]); return; }
callArgs[1](data, 200, callArgs[2]);
@ -1 +1 @@
function CreateWsmanComm(){var a={};a.PendingAjax=[];a.ActiveAjaxCount=0;a.MaxActiveAjaxCount=1;a.FailAllError=0;a.digest=null;a.RequestCount=0;if(arguments.length==1&&typeof(arguments[0]=="object")){[0].host;a.port=arguments[0].port;a.authToken=arguments[0].authToken;a.tls=arguments[0].tls}else{[0];a.port=arguments[1];a.user=arguments[2];a.pass=arguments[3];a.tls=arguments[4]}a.PerformAjax=function(d,c,f,e,g,b){if((a.ActiveAjaxCount==0||((a.ActiveAjaxCount<a.MaxActiveAjaxCount)&&(a.challengeParams!=null)))&&a.PendingAjax.length==0){a.PerformAjaxEx(d,c,f,g,b)}else{if(e==1){a.PendingAjax.unshift([d,c,f,g,b])}else{a.PendingAjax.push([d,c,f,g,b])}}};a.PerformNextAjax=function(){if(a.ActiveAjaxCount>=a.MaxActiveAjaxCount||a.PendingAjax.length==0){return}var b=a.PendingAjax.shift();a.PerformAjaxEx(b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],b[4]);a.PerformNextAjax()};a.PerformAjaxEx=function(d,c,g,h,b){if(a.FailAllError!=0){if(a.FailAllError!=999){a.gotNextMessagesError({status:a.FailAllError},"error",null,[d,c,g])}return}if(!d){d=""}if(a.digest==null){if(a.authToken){a.digest=require("http-digest").create({authToken:a.authToken})}else{a.digest=require("http-digest").create(a.user,a.pass)}a.digest.http=require("http")}var f={protocol:(a.tls==1?"https:":"http:"),method:"POST",,path:"/wsman",port:a.port,rejectUnauthorized:false,checkServerIdentity:function(i){console.log("checkServerIdentity",JSON.stringify(i))}};var e=a.digest.request(f);e.on("error",function(i){a.gotNextMessagesError({status:600},"error",null,[d,c,g])});e.on("response",function(i){if(i.statusCode!=200){a.gotNextMessagesError({status:i.statusCode},"error",null,[d,c,g])}else{i.acc="";i.on("data",function(j){this.acc+=j});i.on("end",function(){a.gotNextMessages(i.acc,"success",{status:i.statusCode},[d,c,g])})}});e.end(d);a.ActiveAjaxCount++;return e};a.pendingAjaxCall=[];a.gotNextMessages=function(c,e,d,b){a.ActiveAjaxCount--;if(a.FailAllError==999){return}if(a.FailAllError!=0){b[1](null,a.FailAllError,b[2]);return}if(d.status!=200){b[1](null,d.status,b[2]);return}b[1](c,200,b[2]);a.PerformNextAjax()};a.gotNextMessagesError=function(d,e,c,b){a.ActiveAjaxCount--;if(a.FailAllError==999){return}if(a.FailAllError!=0){b[1](null,a.FailAllError,b[2]);return}if(a.FailAllError!=999){b[1]({Header:{HttpError:d.status}},d.status,b[2])}a.PerformNextAjax()};a.CancelAllQueries=function(b){while(a.PendingAjax.length>0){var c=a.PendingAjax.shift();c[1](null,b,c[2])}};return a}module.exports=CreateWsmanComm;
function CreateWsmanComm(){var a={};a.PendingAjax=[];a.ActiveAjaxCount=0;a.MaxActiveAjaxCount=1;a.FailAllError=0;a.digest=null;a.RequestCount=0;if(arguments.length==1&&typeof(arguments[0]=="object")){[0].host;a.port=arguments[0].port;a.authToken=arguments[0].authToken;a.tls=arguments[0].tls}else{[0];a.port=arguments[1];a.user=arguments[2];a.pass=arguments[3];a.tls=arguments[4]}a.PerformAjax=function(d,c,f,e,g,b){if((a.ActiveAjaxCount==0||((a.ActiveAjaxCount<a.MaxActiveAjaxCount)&&(a.challengeParams!=null)))&&a.PendingAjax.length==0){a.PerformAjaxEx(d,c,f,g,b)}else{if(e==1){a.PendingAjax.unshift([d,c,f,g,b])}else{a.PendingAjax.push([d,c,f,g,b])}}};a.PerformNextAjax=function(){if(a.ActiveAjaxCount>=a.MaxActiveAjaxCount||a.PendingAjax.length==0){return}var b=a.PendingAjax.shift();a.PerformAjaxEx(b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],b[4]);a.PerformNextAjax()};a.PerformAjaxEx=function(d,c,g,h,b){if(a.FailAllError!=0){if(a.FailAllError!=999){a.gotNextMessagesError({status:a.FailAllError},"error",null,[d,c,g])}return}if(!d){d=""}if(globalDebugFlags&1){console.log("SEND: "+d+"\r\n\r\n")}if(a.digest==null){if(a.authToken){a.digest=require("http-digest").create({authToken:a.authToken})}else{a.digest=require("http-digest").create(a.user,a.pass)}a.digest.http=require("http")}var f={protocol:(a.tls==1?"https:":"http:"),method:"POST",,path:"/wsman",port:a.port,rejectUnauthorized:false,checkServerIdentity:function(i){console.log("checkServerIdentity",JSON.stringify(i))}};var e=a.digest.request(f);e.on("error",function(i){a.gotNextMessagesError({status:600},"error",null,[d,c,g])});e.on("response",function(i){if(globalDebugFlags&1){console.log("Response: "+i.statusCode)}if(i.statusCode!=200){if(globalDebugFlags&1){console.log("ERR:"+JSON.stringify(i))}a.gotNextMessagesError({status:i.statusCode},"error",null,[d,c,g])}else{i.acc="";i.on("data",function(j){this.acc+=j});i.on("end",function(){a.gotNextMessages(i.acc,"success",{status:i.statusCode},[d,c,g])})}});e.end(d);a.ActiveAjaxCount++;return e};a.pendingAjaxCall=[];a.gotNextMessages=function(c,e,d,b){a.ActiveAjaxCount--;if(a.FailAllError==999){return}if(globalDebugFlags&1){console.log("RECV: "+c+"\r\n\r\n")}if(a.FailAllError!=0){b[1](null,a.FailAllError,b[2]);return}if(d.status!=200){b[1](null,d.status,b[2]);return}b[1](c,200,b[2]);a.PerformNextAjax()};a.gotNextMessagesError=function(d,e,c,b){a.ActiveAjaxCount--;if(a.FailAllError==999){return}if(a.FailAllError!=0){b[1](null,a.FailAllError,b[2]);return}if(a.FailAllError!=999){b[1]({Header:{HttpError:d.status}},d.status,b[2])}a.PerformNextAjax()};a.CancelAllQueries=function(b){while(a.PendingAjax.length>0){var c=a.PendingAjax.shift();c[1](null,b,c[2])}};return a}module.exports=CreateWsmanComm;
@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
db.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail(,, function (err, docs) {
if (docs.length > 0) {
// Notify the duplicate email error
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', type: 'notify', value: 'Failed to change email address, another account already using: <b>' + EscapeHtml( + '</b>.' })); } catch (ex) { }
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', type: 'notify', title: 'Account Settings', tag: 'ServerNotify', value: 'Failed to change email address, another account already using: <b>' + EscapeHtml( + '</b>.' })); } catch (ex) { }
} else {
// Update the user's email
var oldemail =;
@ -857,8 +857,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Remove notes for this user
db.Remove('nt' + deluser._id);
db.Remove('ws' + deluser._id); // Remove user web state
db.Remove('nt' + deluser._id); // Remove notes for this user
// Delete all files on the server for this account
try {
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 256) == false) break; // Notification message is between 1 and 256 characters
// Create the notification message
var notification = { action: "msg", type: "notify", domain:, "value": command.msg };
var notification = { action: "msg", type: "notify", domain:, "value": command.msg, "title":, icon: 0, tag: "broadcast" };
// Send the notification on all user sessions for this server
for (var i in parent.wssessions2) {
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Account count exceed, do notification
// Create the notification message
var notification = { action: "msg", type: "notify", value: "Account limit reached.", userid: user._id, username:, domain: };
var notification = { action: "msg", type: "notify", value: "Account limit reached.", title: "Server Limit", userid: user._id, username:, domain: };
// Get the list of sessions for this user
var sessions = parent.wssessions[user._id];
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
require('./pass').hash(command.newpass, function (err, salt, hash) {
if (err) {
// Send user notification of error
displayNotificationMessage('Error, password not changed.');
displayNotificationMessage('Error, password not changed.', 'Account Settings', 'ServerNotify');
} else {
// Change the password
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true) && (command.hint != null)) {
@ -1044,12 +1044,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Account password changed: ' +, domain: });
// Send user notification of password change
displayNotificationMessage('Password changed.');
displayNotificationMessage('Password changed.', 'Account Settings', 'ServerNotify');
} else {
// Send user notification of error
displayNotificationMessage('Current password not correct.');
displayNotificationMessage('Current password not correct.', 'Account Settings', 'ServerNotify');
@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if ((user.groups != null) && (user.groups.length > 0) && ((chguser.groups == null) || (findOne(chguser.groups, user.groups) == false))) break;
// Create the notification message
var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": "<b>" + + "</b>: " + EscapeHtml(command.msg), "userid": user._id, "username": };
var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": command.msg, "title":, "icon": 9, "userid": user._id, "username": };
// Get the list of sessions for this user
var sessions = parent.wssessions[command.userid];
@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Create the notification message
var notification = {
"action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": "<b>" + + "</b>: Chat Request, Click here to accept.", "userid": user._id, "username":, "tag": 'meshmessenger/' + encodeURIComponent(command.userid) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(user._id)
"action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": "Chat Request, Click here to accept.", "title":, "userid": user._id, "username":, "tag": 'meshmessenger/' + encodeURIComponent(command.userid) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(user._id)
// Get the list of sessions for this user
@ -2297,6 +2297,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'userWebState': {
if (common.validateString(command.state, 1, 10000) == false) break; // Check state size, no more than 10k
db.Set({ _id: 'ws' + user._id, state: command.state });
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, { action: 'userWebState', nolog: 1, domain:, state: command.state });
case 'getNotes':
// Argument validation
@ -2363,7 +2369,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Display a notification message for this session only.
function displayNotificationMessage(msg, tag) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": msg, "userid": user._id, "username":, "tag": tag })); }
function displayNotificationMessage(msg, title, tag) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": msg, "title": title, "userid": user._id, "username":, "tag": tag })); }
// Read the folder and all sub-folders and serialize that into json.
function readFilesRec(path) {
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.7 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.8 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.7 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.1 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.9 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ NoMeshesPanel img {
width: 250px;
#p12warning, #p12warning2, #p14warning, #p14warning2 {
#p12warning, #p12warning2, #p11warning, #p11warning2 {
max-width: 100%;
display: none;
cursor: pointer;
@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
<p><strong>Account actions</strong></p>
<p class="mL">
<span id="verifyEmailId" style="display:none"><a onclick="account_showVerifyEmail()">Verify email</a><br /></span>
<span id="accountEnableNotificationsSpan" style="display:none"><a onclick="account_enableNotifications()">Enable web notifications</a><br /></span>
<a onclick="account_showChangeEmail()">Change email address</a><br />
<a onclick="account_showChangePassword()">Change password</a><span id="p2nextPasswordUpdateTime"></span><br />
<a onclick="account_showDeleteAccount()">Delete account</a><br />
@ -415,19 +416,18 @@
<h1>Desktop - <span id=p11deviceName></span></h1>
<div id="p14warning" onclick="showFeaturesDlg()">
<div id="p11warning" onclick="showFeaturesDlg()">
<div class="icon2"></div>
<div class="warningbox">Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled<span id="p14warninga">, click here to enable it.</span></div>
<div class="warningbox">Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled<span id="p11warninga">, click here to enable it.</span></div>
<div id="p14warning2" onclick="showPowerActionDlg()">
<div id="p11warning2" onclick="showPowerActionDlg()">
<div class="icon2"></div>
<div class="warningbox">Remote computer is not powered on, click here to issue a power command.</div>
<div id=deskarea0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<div id=deskarea1 class="areaHead">
<div class="toright2">
<span id="p14power"></span>
<span id="p11power"></span>
<div class='deskareaicon' title="Toggle View Mode" onclick="toggleAspectRatio(1)">⇲</div>
<div class='deskareaicon' title="Rotate Left" onclick="drotate(-1)">↺</div>
<div class='deskareaicon' title="Rotate Right" onclick="drotate(1)">↻</div>
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
<div id="p12warning" onclick=showFeaturesDlg()>
<div class="icon2"></div>
<div class="warningbox">Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled<span id="p14warninga">, click here to enable it.</span></div>
<div class="warningbox">Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled<span id="p12warninga">, click here to enable it.</span></div>
<div id="p12warning2" onclick=showPowerActionDlg()>
<div class="icon2"></div>
@ -871,6 +871,13 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
'use strict';
// Process server-side web state
var webState = "{{{webstate}}}";
if (webState != "") { webState = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(webState)); }
for (var i in webState) { localStorage.setItem(i, webState[i]); }
var args;
var autoReconnect = true;
var powerStatetable = ['', 'Powered', 'Sleep', 'Sleep', 'Sleep', 'Hibernating', 'Power off', 'Present'];
@ -985,11 +992,11 @@
// Setup page controls
Q('sortselect').selectedIndex = sort = getstore("sort", 0);
Q('sizeselect').selectedIndex = getstore("viewsize", 1);
Q('SearchInput').value = getstore("search", "");
Q('sizeselect').selectedIndex = getstore("_viewsize", 1);
Q('SearchInput').value = getstore("_search", "");
showRealNames = (getstore("showRealNames", 0) == 1);
Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked = showRealNames;
Q('viewselect').value = getstore("deviceView", 1);
Q('viewselect').value = getstore("_deviceView", 1);
Q('DeskControl').checked = (getstore('DeskControl', 1) == 1);
// Display the page devices
@ -1198,7 +1205,7 @@
updateNaggleTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (updateNaggleFlags & 512) { center(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 1) { onSearchInputChanged(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 2) { onSortSelectChange(true); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 2) { onSortSelectChange(false); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 128) { updateMeshes(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 4) { updateDevices(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 8) { drawNotifications(); }
@ -1345,7 +1352,7 @@
// Node was found, dispatch the message
if (message.type == 'console') { p15consoleReceive(nodes[index], message.value); } // This is a console message.
else if (message.type == 'notify') { // This is a notification message.
var n = { text:message.value };
var n = { text: message.value, title: message.title, icon: message.icon };
if (message.nodeid != null) { n.nodeid = message.nodeid; }
if (message.tag != null) { n.tag = message.tag; }
if (message.username != null) { n.username = message.username; }
@ -1362,7 +1369,7 @@
} else {
if (message.type == 'notify') { // This is a notification message.
var n = { text:message.value };
var n = { text: message.value, title: message.title, icon: message.icon };
if (message.tag != null) { n.tag = message.tag; }
if (message.username != null) { n.username = message.username; }
@ -1606,6 +1613,24 @@
switch (message.event.action) {
case 'userWebState': {
// New user web state, update the web page as needed
if (localStorage != null) {
var oldShowRealNames = localStorage.getItem('showRealNames');
var oldUiMode = localStorage.getItem('uiMode');
var oldSort = localStorage.getItem('sort');
var webstate = JSON.parse(message.event.state);
for (var i in webstate) { localStorage.setItem(i, webstate[i]); }
// Update the web page
if ((webstate.deskAspectRatio != null) && (webstate.deskAspectRatio != deskAspectRatio)) { deskAspectRatio = webstate.deskAspectRatio; deskAdjust(); }
if ((webstate.showRealNames != null) && (webstate.showRealNames != oldShowRealNames)) { showRealNames = Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked = (webstate.showRealNames == "1"); masterUpdate(6); }
if ((webstate.uiMode != null) && (webstate.uiMode != oldUiMode)) { userInterfaceSelectMenu(parseInt(webstate.uiMode)); }
if ((webstate.sort != null) && (webstate.sort != oldSort)) { document.getElementById("sortselect").selectedIndex = sort = parseInt(webstate.sort); masterUpdate(6); }
case 'servertimelinestats': { addServerTimelineStats(; break; }
case 'accountcreate':
case 'accountchange': {
@ -1904,7 +1929,7 @@
case 'notify': {
var n = { text: message.event.value };
var n = { text: message.event.value, title: message.event.title, icon: message.event.icon };
if (message.event.tag != null) { n.tag = message.event.tag; }
@ -1939,7 +1964,7 @@
function onRealNameCheckBox() {
showRealNames = Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked;
putstore("showRealNames", showRealNames ? 1 : 0);
@ -1947,8 +1972,8 @@
if (i != null) { Q('viewselect').value = i; }
for (var j = 1; j < 5; j++) { Q('devViewButton' + j).classList.remove('viewSelectorSel'); }
Q('devViewButton' + Q('viewselect').value).classList.add('viewSelectorSel');
putstore("deviceView", Q('viewselect').value);
putstore("viewsize", Q('sizeselect').value);
putstore("_deviceView", Q('viewselect').value);
putstore("_viewsize", Q('sizeselect').value);
setTimeout("masterUpdate(512)", 200);
@ -2873,7 +2898,7 @@
function onConsoleFocus(x) { consoleFocus = x; }
function onSearchInputChanged() {
var x = Q('SearchInput').value.toLowerCase().trim(); putstore("search", x);
var x = Q('SearchInput').value.toLowerCase().trim(); putstore("_search", x);
var userSearch = null, ipSearch = null, groupSearch = null;
if (x.startsWith('user:')) { userSearch = x.substring(5); }
else if (x.startsWith('u:')) { userSearch = x.substring(2); }
@ -3617,7 +3642,6 @@
var powerTimeline = null;
function getCurrentNode() { return currentNode; };
function gotoDevice(nodeid, panel, refresh, event) {
// Remind the user to verify the email address
if ((userinfo.emailVerified !== true) && (serverinfo.emailcheck == true) && (userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access a device until a email address is verified. This is required for password recovery. Go to the \"My Account\" tab to change and verify an email address."); return; }
@ -5760,6 +5784,10 @@
meshserver.send({ action: 'otp-hkey-get' });
function account_enableNotifications() {
if (Notification) { Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) { QV('accountEnableNotificationsSpan', permission != "granted"); }); }
function account_showVerifyEmail() {
if (xxdialogMode || (userinfo.emailVerified == true) || (serverinfo.emailcheck != true)) return;
var x = "Click ok to send a verification mail to:<br /><div style=padding:8px><b>" + EscapeHtml( + "</b></div>Please wait a few minute to receive the verification.";
@ -7328,8 +7356,10 @@
function notificationSelected(id) {
var j = -1;
for (var i in notifications) { if (notifications[i].id == id) { j = i; } }
if (j != -1) {
var n = notifications[j];
if (j != -1) { notificationSelectedEx(notifications[j], id); }
function notificationSelectedEx(n, id) {
if (n.nodeid != null) {
if (n.tag == 'desktop') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 12); // Desktop
else if (n.tag == 'terminal') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 11); // Terminal
@ -7344,7 +7374,6 @@
// Remove one notification
function notificationDelete(id) {
@ -7367,6 +7396,22 @@
// Add a new notification and play the notification sound
function addNotification(n) {
// If web notifications are granted, use it.
if (Notification && (Notification.permission == "granted")) {
var notification;
if (n.nodeid) {
var node = getNodeFromId(n.nodeid);
if (node) { notification = new Notification("{{{title}}} - " +, { tag: n.tag, body: n.text, icon: '/images/notify/icons128-' + node.icon + '.png' }); }
} else {
if (n.icon == null) { n.icon = 0; }
notification = new Notification("{{{title}}} - " + n.title, { tag: n.tag, body: n.text, icon: '/images/notify/icons128-' + n.icon + '.png' });
notification.xtag = n.tag;
notification.nodeid = n.nodeid;
notification.username = n.username;
notification.onclick = function (e) { notificationSelectedEx(; }
} else {
if (n.time == null) { n.time =; }
if ( == null) { = Math.random(); }
@ -7374,6 +7419,7 @@
// Remove all notifications
function deleteAllNotifications() {
@ -7688,6 +7734,9 @@
QC(panels[i]).add((x == i) ? 'style3sel' : 'style3x');
// If going to the remote desktop tab, adjust the tab.
if (x == 11) { deskAdjust(); }
// Panel 115 is weird, it's panel 15 for device console but used as a server console.
if (x == 115) { QV('p15', true); }
QV('p15uploadCore', x != 115);
@ -7696,6 +7745,9 @@
if (x == 1) masterUpdate(4);
// Setup web notifications
if ((x == 2) && Notification) { QV('accountEnableNotificationsSpan', Notification.permission != 'granted'); }
// Fetch the server timeline stats if needed
if ((x == 40) && (serverTimelineStats == null)) { refreshServerTimelineStats(); }
@ -7705,7 +7757,7 @@
// Generic methods
function joinPaths() { var x = []; for (var i in arguments) { var w = arguments[i]; if ((w != null) && (w != '')) { while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); } while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); } x.push(w); } } return x.join('/'); }
function putstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return; localStorage.setItem(name, val); } catch (e) { } }
function putstore(name, val) { try { if ((typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') || (localStorage.getItem(name) == val)) return; localStorage.setItem(name, val); } catch (e) { } if (name[0] != '_') { var s = {}; for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; ++i) { var k = localStorage.key(i); if (k[0] != '_') { s[k] = localStorage.getItem(k); } } meshserver.send({ action: 'userWebState', state: JSON.stringify(s) }); } }
function getstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return val; var v = localStorage.getItem(name); if ((v == null) || (v == null)) return val; return v; } catch (e) { return val; } }
//function addLink(x, f) { return "<a style=cursor:pointer;color:darkblue;text-decoration:none onclick='" + f + "'>♦ " + x + "</a>"; }
function addLink(x, f) { return "<span style=cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none onclick='" + f + "'>" + x + " <img class=hoverButton src=images/link5.png></span>"; }
@ -1292,18 +1292,22 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if ((!obj.args.user) && (obj.args.nousers != true) && (nologout == false)) { logoutcontrol += ' <a href=' + domain.url + 'logout?' + Math.random() + ' style=color:white>Logout</a>'; } // If a default user is in use or no user mode, don't display the logout button
var httpsPort = ((obj.args.aliasport == null) ? obj.args.port : obj.args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified
// Fetch the web state
obj.db.Get('ws' + user._id, function (err, states) {
var webstate = (states.length == 1) ? states[0].state : '';
if (obj.args.minify && !req.query.nominify) {
// Try to server the minified version if we can.
try {
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile-min' : 'default-min'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer });
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile-min' : 'default-min'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer, webstate: encodeURIComponent(webstate) });
} catch (ex) {
// In case of an exception, serve the non-minified version.
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile' : 'default'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer });
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile' : 'default'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer, webstate: encodeURIComponent(webstate) });
} else {
// Serve non-minified version of web pages.
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile' : 'default'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer });
res.render(obj.path.join(obj.parent.webViewsPath, isMobileBrowser(req) ? 'default-mobile' : 'default'), { authCookie: authCookie, viewmode: viewmode, currentNode: currentNode, logoutControl: logoutcontrol, title: domain.title, title2: domain.title2, extitle: encodeURIComponent(domain.title), extitle2: encodeURIComponent(domain.title2), domainurl: domain.url, domain:, debuglevel: parent.debugLevel, serverDnsName: obj.getWebServerName(domain), serverRedirPort: args.redirport, serverPublicPort: httpsPort, noServerBackup: (args.noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0), features: features, sessiontime: args.sessiontime, mpspass: args.mpspass, passRequirements: passRequirements, webcerthash: Buffer.from(obj.webCertificateFullHashs[], 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'), footer: (domain.footer == null) ? '' : domain.footer, webstate: encodeURIComponent(webstate) });
} else {
// Send back the login application
// If this is a 2 factor auth request, look for a hardware key challenge.