From 92b9a9d5be90bcca409bb2e234dfe3b5bec5076c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ylian Saint-Hilaire Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2019 14:28:08 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Many server improvements, wildcard certs, local keyboard map, improved object cleanup, limited input mode. --- agents/meshcore.js | 5 +- agents/meshcore.min.js | 2 +- agents/ | 2 +- certoperations.js | 172 +++-- meshagent.js | 45 +- meshcentral.js | 57 +- meshuser.js | 913 +++++++++++++------------- package.json | 2 +- public/scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js | 3 +- public/scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js | 3 +- swarmserver.js | 13 +- views/default-min.handlebars | 2 +- views/default-mobile-min.handlebars | 2 +- views/default.handlebars | 79 ++- 14 files changed, 707 insertions(+), 593 deletions(-) diff --git a/agents/meshcore.js b/agents/meshcore.js index 8a842b7e..a494ec6a 100644 --- a/agents/meshcore.js +++ b/agents/meshcore.js @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ var MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW = 256; var MESHRIGHT_NOTERMINAL = 512; var MESHRIGHT_NOFILES = 1024; var MESHRIGHT_NOAMT = 2048; +var MESHRIGHT_LIMITEDINPUT = 4096; function createMeshCore(agent) { var obj = {}; @@ -772,12 +773,12 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) { }; if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.hasOwnProperty("connectionCount")) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount++; } else { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount = 1; } - //sendConsoleText('KVM Rights: ' + this.httprequest.rights); - if ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) != 0) { + if ((this.httprequest.rights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) != 0) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW) == 0))) { // If we have remote control rights, pipe the KVM input this.pipe(this.httprequest.desktop.kvm, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text. Pipe the Browser --> KVM input. } else { // We need to only pipe non-mouse & non-keyboard inputs. + //sendConsoleText('Warning: No Remote Desktop Input Rights.'); // TODO!!! } diff --git a/agents/meshcore.min.js b/agents/meshcore.min.js index 0086270e..89591ac1 100644 --- a/agents/meshcore.min.js +++ b/agents/meshcore.min.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -process.on("uncaughtException",function(a){require("MeshAgent").SendCommand({action:"msg",type:"console",value:"uncaughtException1: "+a})});var MESHRIGHT_EDITMESH=1;var MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS=2;var MESHRIGHT_MANAGECOMPUTERS=4;var MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL=8;var MESHRIGHT_AGENTCONSOLE=16;var MESHRIGHT_SERVERFILES=32;var MESHRIGHT_WAKEDEVICE=64;var MESHRIGHT_SETNOTES=128;var MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW=256;var MESHRIGHT_NOTERMINAL=512;var MESHRIGHT_NOFILES=1024;var MESHRIGHT_NOAMT=2048;function createMeshCore(agent){var obj={};var meshCoreObj={action:"coreinfo",value:"MeshCore v6",caps:14};try{require("os").name().then(function(v){meshCoreObj.osdesc=v})}catch(ex){}var meshServerConnectionState=0;var tunnels={};var lastMeInfo=null;var lastNetworkInfo=null;var lastPublicLocationInfo=null;var selfInfoUpdateTimer=null;var http=require("http");var net=require("net");var fs=require("fs");var rtc=require("ILibWebRTC");var amt=null;var processManager=require("process-manager");var wifiScannerLib=null;var wifiScanner=null;var networkMonitor=null;var amtscanner=null;var nextTunnelIndex=1;var amtPolicy=null;if(agent==null){db=require("SimpleDataStore").Shared();sha=require("SHA256Stream");mesh=require("MeshAgent");childProcess=require("child_process");if(mesh.hasKVM==1){try{if((process.platform=="win32")||(process.platform=="darwin")||(require("monitor-info").kvm_x11_support)){meshCoreObj.caps|=1}}catch(ex){}}}else{meshCoreObj.value+="-NodeJS";meshCoreObj.caps=8;mesh=agent.getMeshApi()}try{var AMTScannerModule=require("amt-scanner");amtscanner=new AMTScannerModule()}catch(ex){amtscanner=null}var SMBiosTables=null;var SMBiosTablesRaw=null;try{var SMBiosModule=null;try{SMBiosModule=require("smbios")}catch(ex){}if(SMBiosModule!=null){SMBiosModule.get(function(data){if(data!=null){SMBiosTablesRaw=data;SMBiosTables=require("smbios").parse(data);if(mesh.isControlChannelConnected){mesh.SendCommand({action:"smbios",value:SMBiosTablesRaw})}if(SMBiosTables.amtInfo&&(SMBiosTables.amtInfo.AMT==true)){var amtmodule=require("amt-manage");amt=new amtmodule(mesh,db,true);amt.onStateChange=function(state){if(state==2){sendPeriodicServerUpdate(1)}};if(amtPolicy!=null){amt.setPolicy(amtPolicy)}amt.start()}}})}}catch(ex){sendConsoleText("ex1: "+ex)}try{var wifiScannerLib=require("wifi-scanner");wifiScanner=new wifiScannerLib();wifiScanner.on("accessPoint",function(data){sendConsoleText("wifiScanner: "+data)})}catch(ex){wifiScannerLib=null;wifiScanner=null}var getIpLocationDataExInProgress=false;var getIpLocationDataExCounts=[0,0];function getIpLocationDataEx(func){if(getIpLocationDataExInProgress==true){return false}try{getIpLocationDataExInProgress=true;getIpLocationDataExCounts[0]++;var options=http.parseUri("");options.method="GET";http.request(options,function(resp){if(resp.statusCode==200){var geoData="";{geoData+=geoipdata};resp.end=function(){var location=null;try{if(typeof geoData=="string"){var result=JSON.parse(geoData);if(result.ip&&result.loc){location=result}}}catch(e){}if(func){getIpLocationDataExCounts[1]++;func(location)}}}else{func(null)}getIpLocationDataExInProgress=false}).end();return true}catch(e){return false}}function clearGatewayMac(str){if(str==null){return null}var x=JSON.parse(str);for(var i in x.netif){if(x.netif[i].gatewaymac){delete x.netif[i].gatewaymac}}return JSON.stringify(x)}function getIpLocationData(func){var publicLocationInfo=db.Get("publicLocationInfo");if(publicLocationInfo!=null){publicLocationInfo=JSON.parse(publicLocationInfo)}if(publicLocationInfo==null){getIpLocationDataEx(function(locationData){if(locationData!=null){publicLocationInfo={};publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr=lastNetworkInfo;publicLocationInfo.locationData=locationData;var x=db.Put("publicLocationInfo",JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo));if(func){func(locationData)}}else{if(func){func(null)}}})}else{if(clearGatewayMac(publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr)==clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo)){if(func){func(publicLocationInfo.locationData)}}else{getIpLocationDataEx(function(locationData){if(locationData!=null){publicLocationInfo={};publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr=lastNetworkInfo;publicLocationInfo.locationData=locationData;var x=db.Put("publicLocationInfo",JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo));if(func){func(locationData)}}else{if(func){func(publicLocationInfo.locationData)}}})}}}if(!String.prototype.endsWith){String.prototype.endsWith=function(searchString,position){var subjectString=this.toString();if(typeof position!=="number"||!isFinite(position)||Math.floor(position)!==position||position>subjectString.length){position=subjectString.length}position-=searchString.length;var lastIndex=subjectString.lastIndexOf(searchString,position);return lastIndex!==-1&&lastIndex===position}}obj.path={join:function(){var x=[];for(var i in arguments){var w=arguments[i];if(w!=null){while(w.endsWith("/")||w.endsWith("\\")){w=w.substring(0,w.length-1)}if(i!=0){while(w.startsWith("/")||w.startsWith("\\")){w=w.substring(1)}}x.push(w)}}if(x.length==0){return"/"}return x.join("/")}};function toNumberIfNumber(x){if((typeof x=="string")&&(+parseInt(x)===x)){x=parseInt(x)}return x}function char2hex(i){return(i+256).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase()}function rstr2hex(input){var r="",i;for(i=0;i8){return"[...]"}if(x==undefined){return"[undefined]"}if(typeof x=="string"){if(p==0){return x}return'"'+x+'"'}if(typeof x=="buffer"){return"[buffer]"}if(typeof x!="object"){return x}var r="{"+(ret?"\r\n":" ");for(var i in x){if(i!="_ObjectID"){r+=(addPad(p+2,pad)+i+": "+objToString(x[i],p+2,pad,ret)+(ret?"\r\n":" "))}}return r+addPad(p,pad)+"}"}function addPad(p,ret){var r="";for(var i=0;i2&&x[0]=="-"&&x[1]=="-"){if(current!=null){results[current]=true}current=x.substring(2)}else{if(current!=null){results[current]=toNumberIfNumber(x);current=null}else{results._.push(toNumberIfNumber(x))}}}if(current!=null){results[current]=true}return results}function getServerTargetUrl(path){var x=mesh.ServerUrl;if(x==null){return null}if(path==null){path=""}x=http.parseUri(x);if(x==null){return null}return x.protocol+"//"":"+x.port+"/"+path}function getServerTargetUrlEx(url){if(url.substring(0,2)=="*/"){return getServerTargetUrl(url.substring(2))}return url}function sendWakeOnLan(hexMac){var count=0;try{var interfaces=require("os").networkInterfaces();var magic="FFFFFFFFFFFF";for(var x=1;x<=16;++x){magic+=hexMac}var magicbin=Buffer.from(magic,"hex");for(var adapter in interfaces){if(interfaces.hasOwnProperty(adapter)){for(var i=0;i0){sendNextBlock--;var buf=new Buffer(4096);var len=fs.readSync(this.filedownload.f,buf,4,4092,null);this.filedownload.ptr+=len;if(len<4092){buf.writeInt32BE(16777217,0);fs.closeSync(this.filedownload.f);delete this.filedownload;sendNextBlock=0}else{buf.writeInt32BE(16777216,0)}this.write(buf.slice(0,len+4))}break;case"upload":if(this.httprequest.uploadFile!=undefined){fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile);this.httprequest.uploadFile=undefined}if(cmd.path==undefined){break}var,;try{this.httprequest.uploadFile=fs.openSync(filepath,"wbN")}catch(e){this.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify({action:"uploaderror",reqid:cmd.reqid})));break}this.httprequest.uploadFileid=cmd.reqid;if(this.httprequest.uploadFile){this.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify({action:"uploadstart",reqid:this.httprequest.uploadFileid})))}break;case"copy":for(var i in cmd.names){var sc=obj.path.join(cmd.scpath,cmd.names[i]),ds=obj.path.join(cmd.dspath,cmd.names[i]);if(sc!=ds){try{fs.copyFileSync(sc,ds)}catch(e){}}}break;case"move":for(var i in cmd.names){var sc=obj.path.join(cmd.scpath,cmd.names[i]),ds=obj.path.join(cmd.dspath,cmd.names[i]);if(sc!=ds){try{fs.copyFileSync(sc,ds);fs.unlinkSync(sc)}catch(e){}}}break;default:break}}}}}}}function onTunnelWebRTCControlData(data){if(typeof data!="string"){return}var obj;try{obj=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){sendConsoleText("Invalid control JSON on WebRTC: "+data);return}if(obj.type=="close"){try{this.close()}catch(e){}try{this.xrtc.close()}catch(e){}}}function onTunnelControlData(data,ws){var obj;if(ws==null){ws=this}if(typeof data=="string"){try{obj=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){sendConsoleText("Invalid control JSON: "+data);return}}else{if(typeof data=="object"){obj=data}else{return}}if(obj.action){switch(obj.action){case"lock":try{if(process.platform=="win32"){var child=require("child_process");child.execFile(process.env.windir+"\\system32\\cmd.exe",["/c","RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"],{type:1})}}catch(e){}break;default:break}return}if(obj.type=="close"){try{ws.close()}catch(e){}}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc0"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.httprequest._term.unpipe(ws)}else{ws.httprequest.process.stdout.unpipe(ws);ws.httprequest.process.stderr.unpipe(ws)}}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(ws)}else{ws.rtcchannel.httprequest=ws.httprequest;ws.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners("data");ws.rtcchannel.on("data",onTunnelData)}}ws.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc1"}')}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc1"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest._term);ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest._term,{dataTypeSkip:1})}else{ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin);ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin,{dataTypeSkip:1})}ws.resume()}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm);try{ws.webrtc.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}catch(e){sendConsoleText("EX2")}ws.resume()}}ws.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc2"}')}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc2"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.httprequest._term.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}else{ws.httprequest.process.stdout.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false});ws.httprequest.process.stderr.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1})}}}else{if(obj.type=="offer"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){return}ws.webrtc=rtc.createConnection();ws.webrtc.websocket=ws;ws.webrtc.on("connected",function(){});ws.webrtc.on("disconnected",function(){});ws.webrtc.on("dataChannel",function(rtcchannel){rtcchannel.xrtc=this;rtcchannel.websocket=this.websocket;this.rtcchannel=rtcchannel;this.websocket.rtcchannel=rtcchannel;this.websocket.rtcchannel.on("data",onTunnelWebRTCControlData);this.websocket.rtcchannel.on("end",function(){if(this.websocket.desktop&&this.websocket.desktop.kvm){this.unpipe(this.websocket.desktop.kvm);this.websocket.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(this)}});this.websocket.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc0"}')});var sdp=null;try{sdp=ws.webrtc.setOffer(obj.sdp)}catch(ex){}if(sdp!=null){ws.write({type:"answer",ctrlChannel:"102938",sdp:sdp})}}}}}}}var consoleWebSockets={};var consoleHttpRequest=null;function consoleHttpResponse(response){{sendConsoleText(rstr2hex(buf2rstr(data)),this.sessionid);consoleHttpRequest=null};response.close=function(){sendConsoleText("httprequest.response.close",this.sessionid);consoleHttpRequest=null}}function openUserDesktopUrl(url){var child=null;try{switch(process.platform){case"win32":child=require("child_process").execFile(process.env.windir+"\\system32\\cmd.exe",["/c","start",url],{type:childProcess.SpawnTypes.USER});break;case"linux":child=require("child_process").execFile("/usr/bin/xdg-open",["xdg-open",url],{uid:require("user-sessions").consoleUid()});break;case"darwin":child=require("child_process").execFile("/usr/bin/open",["open",url],{uid:require("user-sessions").consoleUid()});break;default:break}}catch(ex){}return child}function processConsoleCommand(cmd,args,rights,sessionid){try{var response=null;switch(cmd){case"help":response="Available commands: help, info, osinfo,args, print, type, dbget, dbset, dbcompact, eval, parseuri, httpget,\r\nwslist, wsconnect, wssend, wsclose, notify, ls, ps, kill, amt, netinfo, location, power, wakeonlan, scanwifi,\r\nscanamt, setdebug, smbios, rawsmbios, toast, lock, users, sendcaps, openurl, amtreset, amtccm, amtdeactivate,\r\namtpolicy, getscript, getclip, setclip.";break;case"getclip":require("clipboard").read().then(function(str){sendConsoleText(str,sessionid)});break;case"setclip":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: setclip (text)"}else{require("clipboard")(args._[0]);response="Setting clipboard to: "+args._[0]}break;case"amtreset":if(amt!=null){amt.reset();response="Done."}break;case"amtlmsreset":if(amt!=null){amt.lmsreset();response="Done."}break;case"amtccm":if(amt==null){response="Intel AMT not supported."}else{if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: amtccm (adminPassword)"}else{amt.setPolicy({type:0});amt.activeToCCM(args._[0])}}break;case"amtdeactivate":if(amt==null){response="Intel AMT not supported."}else{amt.setPolicy({type:0});amt.deactivateCCM()}break;case"amtpolicy":if(amtPolicy==null){response="No Intel(R) AMT policy."}else{response=JSON.stringify(amtPolicy)}break;case"openurl":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: openurl (url)"}else{if(openUserDesktopUrl(args._[0])==null){response="Failed."}else{response="Success."}}break;case"users":if(meshCoreObj.users==null){response="Active users are unknown."}else{response="Active Users: "+meshCoreObj.users.join(", ")+"."}require("user-sessions").enumerateUsers().then(function(u){for(var i in u){sendConsoleText(u[i])}});break;case"toast":if(process.platform=="win32"){if(args._.length<1){response='Proper usage: toast "message"'}else{require("toaster").Toast("MeshCentral",args._[0]);response="ok"}}else{response="Only supported on Windows."}break;case"setdebug":if(args._.length<1){response="Proper usage: setdebug (target), 0 = Disabled, 1 = StdOut, 2 = This Console, * = All Consoles, 4 = WebLog, 8 = Logfile"}else{if(args._[0]=="*"){console.setDestination(2)}else{console.setDestination(parseInt(args._[0]),sessionid)}}break;case"ps":processManager.getProcesses(function(plist){var x="";for(var i in plist){x+=i+", "+plist[i].cmd+((plist[i].user)?(", "+plist[i].user):"")+"\r\n"}sendConsoleText(x,sessionid)});break;case"kill":if((args._.length<1)){response="Proper usage: kill [pid]"}else{process.kill(parseInt(args._[0]));response="Killed process "+args._[0]+"."}break;case"smbios":if(SMBiosTables==null){response="SMBios tables not available."}else{response=objToString(SMBiosTables,0," ",true)}break;case"rawsmbios":if(SMBiosTablesRaw==null){response="SMBios tables not available."}else{response="";for(var i in SMBiosTablesRaw){var header=false;for(var j in SMBiosTablesRaw[i]){if(SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].length>0){if(header==false){response+=("Table type #"+i+((require("smbios").smTableTypes[i]==null)?"":(", "+require("smbios").smTableTypes[i])))+"\r\n";header=true}response+=(" "+SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].toString("hex"))+"\r\n"}}}}break;case"eval":if(args._.length<1){response='Proper usage: eval "JavaScript code"'}else{response=JSON.stringify(mesh.eval(args._[0]))}break;case"notify":if(args._.length!=1){response='Proper usage: notify "message" [--session]'}else{var notification={action:"msg",type:"notify",value:args._[0],tag:"console"};if(args.session){notification.sessionid=sessionid}mesh.SendCommand(notification);response="ok"}break;case"info":response="Current Core: "+meshCoreObj.value+".\r\nAgent Time: "+Date()+".\r\nUser Rights: 0x"+rights.toString(16)+".\r\nPlatform: "+process.platform+".\r\nCapabilities: "+meshCoreObj.caps+".\r\nServer URL: "+mesh.ServerUrl+".";if(amt!=null){response+="\r\nBuilt-in LMS: "+["Disabled","Connecting..","Connected"][amt.lmsstate]+"."}if(meshCoreObj.osdesc){response+="\r\nOS: "+meshCoreObj.osdesc+"."}response+="\r\nModules: "+addedModules.join(", ")+".";response+="\r\nServer Connection: "+mesh.isControlChannelConnected+", State: "+meshServerConnectionState+".";response+="\rlastMeInfo: "+lastMeInfo+".";var oldNodeId=db.Get("OldNodeId");if(oldNodeId!=null){response+="\r\nOldNodeID: "+oldNodeId+"."}if(process.platform!="win32"){response+="\r\nX11 support: "+require("monitor-info").kvm_x11_support+"."}break;case"osinfo":var i=1;if(args._.length>0){i=parseInt(args._[0]);if(i>8){i=8}response="Calling "+i+" times."}for(var j=0;j0){meshCoreObj.osdesc=args._[0];mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);response=JSON.stringify(meshCoreObj)}else{response="Proper usage: sendosdesc [os description]"}break;case"args":response="args "+objToString(args,0," ",true);break;case"print":var r=[];for(var i in args._){r.push(args._[i])}console.log(r.join(" "));response="Message printed on agent console.";break;case"type":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: type (filepath) [maxlength]"}else{var max=4096;if((args._.length>1)&&(typeof args._[1]=="number")){max=args._[1]}if(max>4096){max=4096}var buf=Buffer.alloc(max),fd=fs.openSync(args._[0],"r"),r=fs.readSync(fd,buf,0,max);response=buf.toString();var i=response.indexOf("\n");if((i>0)&&(response[i-1]!="\r")){response=response.split("\n").join("\r\n")}if(r==max){response+="..."}fs.closeSync(fd)}break;case"dbkeys":response=JSON.stringify(db.Keys);break;case"dbget":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: dbget (key)"}else{response=db.Get(args._[0])}break;case"dbset":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}if(args._.length!=2){response="Proper usage: dbset (key) (value)"}else{var r=db.Put(args._[0],args._[1]);response="Key set: "+r}break;case"dbcompact":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}var r=db.Compact();response="Database compacted: "+r;break;case"httpget":if(consoleHttpRequest!=null){response="HTTP operation already in progress."}else{if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: httpget (url)"}else{var options=http.parseUri(args._[0]);options.method="GET";if(options==null){response="Invalid url."}else{try{consoleHttpRequest=http.request(options,consoleHttpResponse)}catch(e){response="Invalid HTTP GET request"}consoleHttpRequest.sessionid=sessionid;if(consoleHttpRequest!=null){consoleHttpRequest.end();response="HTTPGET "+options.protocol+"//"":"+options.port+options.path}}}}break;case"wslist":response="";for(var i in consoleWebSockets){var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];response+="Websocket #"+i+", "+httprequest.url+"\r\n"}if(response==""){response="no websocket sessions."}break;case"wsconnect":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wsconnect (url)\r\nFor example: wsconnect wss://localhost:443/meshrelay.ashx?id=abc"}else{var httprequest=null;try{var options=http.parseUri(args._[0]);options.rejectUnauthorized=0;httprequest=http.request(options)}catch(e){response="Invalid HTTP websocket request"}if(httprequest!=null){httprequest.upgrade=onWebSocketUpgrade;httprequest.on("error",function(e){sendConsoleText("ERROR: "+JSON.stringify(e))});var index=1;while(consoleWebSockets[index]){index++}httprequest.sessionid=sessionid;httprequest.index=index;httprequest.url=args._[0];consoleWebSockets[index]=httprequest;response="New websocket session #"+index}}break;case"wssend":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wssend (socketnumber)\r\n";for(var i in consoleWebSockets){var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];response+="Websocket #"+i+", "+httprequest.url+"\r\n"}}else{var i=parseInt(args._[0]);var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];if(httprequest!=undefined){httprequest.s.write(args._[1]);response="ok"}else{response="Invalid web socket number"}}break;case"wsclose":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wsclose (socketnumber)"}else{var i=parseInt(args._[0]);var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];if(httprequest!=undefined){if(httprequest.s!=null){httprequest.s.end()}else{httprequest.end()}response="ok"}else{response="Invalid web socket number"}}break;case"tunnels":response="";for(var i in tunnels){response+="Tunnel #"+i+", "+tunnels[i].url+"\r\n"}if(response==""){response="No websocket sessions."}break;case"ls":response="";var xpath="*";if(args._.length>0){xpath=obj.path.join(args._[0],"*")}response="List of "+xpath+"\r\n";var results=fs.readdirSync(xpath);for(var i=0;i0){var r="",pstates=["NotActivated","InActivation","Activated"];for(var i in data){var x=data[i];if(r!=""){r+="\r\n"}r+=x.address+" - Intel AMT v"+x.majorVersion+"."+x.minorVersion;if(x.provisioningState<3){r+=(", "+pstates[x.provisioningState])}if(x.provisioningState==2){r+=(", "+x.openPorts.join(", "))}r+="."}}else{r="No Intel AMT found."}sendConsoleText(r)})}}else{response="Intel AMT scanner module not present."}break;case"modules":response=JSON.stringify(addedModules);break;case"getscript":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: getscript [scriptNumber]."}else{mesh.SendCommand({action:"getScript",type:args._[0]})}break;default:response='Unknown command "'+cmd+'", type "help" for list of avaialble commands.';break}}catch(e){response="Command returned an exception error: "+e;console.log(e)}if(response!=null){sendConsoleText(response,sessionid)}}function sendConsoleText(text,sessionid){if(typeof text=="object"){text=JSON.stringify(text)}mesh.SendCommand({action:"msg",type:"console",value:text,sessionid:sessionid})}function handleServerConnection(state){meshServerConnectionState=state;if(meshServerConnectionState==0){if(selfInfoUpdateTimer!=null){clearInterval(selfInfoUpdateTimer);selfInfoUpdateTimer=null}lastSelfInfo=null}else{var oldNodeId=db.Get("OldNodeId");if(oldNodeId!=null){mesh.SendCommand({action:"mc1migration",oldnodeid:oldNodeId})}mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);if(SMBiosTablesRaw!=null){mesh.SendCommand({action:"smbios",value:SMBiosTablesRaw})}meInfoStr=null;sendPeriodicServerUpdate()}}var sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null;function sendNetworkUpdateNagle(){if(sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer!=null){clearTimeout(sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer);sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null}sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=setTimeout(sendNetworkUpdate,5000)}function sendNetworkUpdate(force){sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null;var netInfo=mesh.NetInfo;netInfo.action="netinfo";var netInfoStr=JSON.stringify(netInfo);if((force==true)||(clearGatewayMac(netInfoStr)!=clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo))){mesh.SendCommand(netInfo);lastNetworkInfo=netInfoStr}}function sendPeriodicServerUpdate(flags){if(meshServerConnectionState==0){return}if(!flags){flags=4294967295}if((flags&1)&&(amt!=null)){amt.getAmtInfo(function(meinfo){try{if(meinfo==null){return}var intelamt={},p=false;if(meinfo.Versions&&meinfo.Versions.AMT){intelamt.ver=meinfo.Versions.AMT;p=true}if(meinfo.ProvisioningState){intelamt.state=meinfo.ProvisioningState;p=true}if(meinfo.Flags){intelamt.flags=meinfo.Flags;p=true}if(meinfo.OsHostname){;p=true}if(meinfo.UUID){intelamt.uuid=meinfo.UUID;p=true}if(p==true){var meInfoStr=JSON.stringify(intelamt);if(meInfoStr!=lastMeInfo){meshCoreObj.intelamt=intelamt;mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);lastMeInfo=meInfoStr}}}catch(ex){}})}if(flags&2){sendNetworkUpdateNagle(false)}}obj.start=function(){mesh.AddCommandHandler(handleServerCommand);mesh.AddConnectHandler(handleServerConnection);try{var userSession=require("user-sessions");userSession.on("changed",function onUserSessionChanged(){userSession.enumerateUsers().then(function(users){var u=[],a=users.Active;for(var i=0;isubjectString.length){position=subjectString.length}position-=searchString.length;var lastIndex=subjectString.lastIndexOf(searchString,position);return lastIndex!==-1&&lastIndex===position}}obj.path={join:function(){var x=[];for(var i in arguments){var w=arguments[i];if(w!=null){while(w.endsWith("/")||w.endsWith("\\")){w=w.substring(0,w.length-1)}if(i!=0){while(w.startsWith("/")||w.startsWith("\\")){w=w.substring(1)}}x.push(w)}}if(x.length==0){return"/"}return x.join("/")}};function toNumberIfNumber(x){if((typeof x=="string")&&(+parseInt(x)===x)){x=parseInt(x)}return x}function char2hex(i){return(i+256).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase()}function rstr2hex(input){var r="",i;for(i=0;i8){return"[...]"}if(x==undefined){return"[undefined]"}if(typeof x=="string"){if(p==0){return x}return'"'+x+'"'}if(typeof x=="buffer"){return"[buffer]"}if(typeof x!="object"){return x}var r="{"+(ret?"\r\n":" ");for(var i in x){if(i!="_ObjectID"){r+=(addPad(p+2,pad)+i+": "+objToString(x[i],p+2,pad,ret)+(ret?"\r\n":" "))}}return r+addPad(p,pad)+"}"}function addPad(p,ret){var r="";for(var i=0;i2&&x[0]=="-"&&x[1]=="-"){if(current!=null){results[current]=true}current=x.substring(2)}else{if(current!=null){results[current]=toNumberIfNumber(x);current=null}else{results._.push(toNumberIfNumber(x))}}}if(current!=null){results[current]=true}return results}function getServerTargetUrl(path){var x=mesh.ServerUrl;if(x==null){return null}if(path==null){path=""}x=http.parseUri(x);if(x==null){return null}return x.protocol+"//"":"+x.port+"/"+path}function getServerTargetUrlEx(url){if(url.substring(0,2)=="*/"){return getServerTargetUrl(url.substring(2))}return url}function sendWakeOnLan(hexMac){var count=0;try{var interfaces=require("os").networkInterfaces();var magic="FFFFFFFFFFFF";for(var x=1;x<=16;++x){magic+=hexMac}var magicbin=Buffer.from(magic,"hex");for(var adapter in interfaces){if(interfaces.hasOwnProperty(adapter)){for(var i=0;i0){sendNextBlock--;var buf=new Buffer(4096);var len=fs.readSync(this.filedownload.f,buf,4,4092,null);this.filedownload.ptr+=len;if(len<4092){buf.writeInt32BE(16777217,0);fs.closeSync(this.filedownload.f);delete this.filedownload;sendNextBlock=0}else{buf.writeInt32BE(16777216,0)}this.write(buf.slice(0,len+4))}break;case"upload":if(this.httprequest.uploadFile!=undefined){fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile);this.httprequest.uploadFile=undefined}if(cmd.path==undefined){break}var,;try{this.httprequest.uploadFile=fs.openSync(filepath,"wbN")}catch(e){this.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify({action:"uploaderror",reqid:cmd.reqid})));break}this.httprequest.uploadFileid=cmd.reqid;if(this.httprequest.uploadFile){this.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify({action:"uploadstart",reqid:this.httprequest.uploadFileid})))}break;case"copy":for(var i in cmd.names){var sc=obj.path.join(cmd.scpath,cmd.names[i]),ds=obj.path.join(cmd.dspath,cmd.names[i]);if(sc!=ds){try{fs.copyFileSync(sc,ds)}catch(e){}}}break;case"move":for(var i in cmd.names){var sc=obj.path.join(cmd.scpath,cmd.names[i]),ds=obj.path.join(cmd.dspath,cmd.names[i]);if(sc!=ds){try{fs.copyFileSync(sc,ds);fs.unlinkSync(sc)}catch(e){}}}break;default:break}}}}}}}function onTunnelWebRTCControlData(data){if(typeof data!="string"){return}var obj;try{obj=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){sendConsoleText("Invalid control JSON on WebRTC: "+data);return}if(obj.type=="close"){try{this.close()}catch(e){}try{this.xrtc.close()}catch(e){}}}function onTunnelControlData(data,ws){var obj;if(ws==null){ws=this}if(typeof data=="string"){try{obj=JSON.parse(data)}catch(e){sendConsoleText("Invalid control JSON: "+data);return}}else{if(typeof data=="object"){obj=data}else{return}}if(obj.action){switch(obj.action){case"lock":try{if(process.platform=="win32"){var child=require("child_process");child.execFile(process.env.windir+"\\system32\\cmd.exe",["/c","RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"],{type:1})}}catch(e){}break;default:break}return}if(obj.type=="close"){try{ws.close()}catch(e){}}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc0"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.httprequest._term.unpipe(ws)}else{ws.httprequest.process.stdout.unpipe(ws);ws.httprequest.process.stderr.unpipe(ws)}}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(ws)}else{ws.rtcchannel.httprequest=ws.httprequest;ws.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners("data");ws.rtcchannel.on("data",onTunnelData)}}ws.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc1"}')}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc1"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest._term);ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest._term,{dataTypeSkip:1})}else{ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin);ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin,{dataTypeSkip:1})}ws.resume()}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm);try{ws.webrtc.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}catch(e){sendConsoleText("EX2")}ws.resume()}}ws.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc2"}')}else{if(obj.type=="webrtc2"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){if(process.platform=="win32"){ws.httprequest._term.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}else{ws.httprequest.process.stdout.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false});ws.httprequest.process.stderr.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1,end:false})}}else{if(ws.httprequest.protocol==2){ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel,{dataTypeSkip:1})}}}else{if(obj.type=="offer"){if(ws.httprequest.protocol==1){return}ws.webrtc=rtc.createConnection();ws.webrtc.websocket=ws;ws.webrtc.on("connected",function(){});ws.webrtc.on("disconnected",function(){});ws.webrtc.on("dataChannel",function(rtcchannel){rtcchannel.xrtc=this;rtcchannel.websocket=this.websocket;this.rtcchannel=rtcchannel;this.websocket.rtcchannel=rtcchannel;this.websocket.rtcchannel.on("data",onTunnelWebRTCControlData);this.websocket.rtcchannel.on("end",function(){if(this.websocket.desktop&&this.websocket.desktop.kvm){this.unpipe(this.websocket.desktop.kvm);this.websocket.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(this)}});this.websocket.write('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"webrtc0"}')});var sdp=null;try{sdp=ws.webrtc.setOffer(obj.sdp)}catch(ex){}if(sdp!=null){ws.write({type:"answer",ctrlChannel:"102938",sdp:sdp})}}}}}}}var consoleWebSockets={};var consoleHttpRequest=null;function consoleHttpResponse(response){{sendConsoleText(rstr2hex(buf2rstr(data)),this.sessionid);consoleHttpRequest=null};response.close=function(){sendConsoleText("httprequest.response.close",this.sessionid);consoleHttpRequest=null}}function openUserDesktopUrl(url){var child=null;try{switch(process.platform){case"win32":child=require("child_process").execFile(process.env.windir+"\\system32\\cmd.exe",["/c","start",url],{type:childProcess.SpawnTypes.USER});break;case"linux":child=require("child_process").execFile("/usr/bin/xdg-open",["xdg-open",url],{uid:require("user-sessions").consoleUid()});break;case"darwin":child=require("child_process").execFile("/usr/bin/open",["open",url],{uid:require("user-sessions").consoleUid()});break;default:break}}catch(ex){}return child}function processConsoleCommand(cmd,args,rights,sessionid){try{var response=null;switch(cmd){case"help":response="Available commands: help, info, osinfo,args, print, type, dbget, dbset, dbcompact, eval, parseuri, httpget,\r\nwslist, wsconnect, wssend, wsclose, notify, ls, ps, kill, amt, netinfo, location, power, wakeonlan, scanwifi,\r\nscanamt, setdebug, smbios, rawsmbios, toast, lock, users, sendcaps, openurl, amtreset, amtccm, amtdeactivate,\r\namtpolicy, getscript, getclip, setclip.";break;case"getclip":require("clipboard").read().then(function(str){sendConsoleText(str,sessionid)});break;case"setclip":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: setclip (text)"}else{require("clipboard")(args._[0]);response="Setting clipboard to: "+args._[0]}break;case"amtreset":if(amt!=null){amt.reset();response="Done."}break;case"amtlmsreset":if(amt!=null){amt.lmsreset();response="Done."}break;case"amtccm":if(amt==null){response="Intel AMT not supported."}else{if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: amtccm (adminPassword)"}else{amt.setPolicy({type:0});amt.activeToCCM(args._[0])}}break;case"amtdeactivate":if(amt==null){response="Intel AMT not supported."}else{amt.setPolicy({type:0});amt.deactivateCCM()}break;case"amtpolicy":if(amtPolicy==null){response="No Intel(R) AMT policy."}else{response=JSON.stringify(amtPolicy)}break;case"openurl":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: openurl (url)"}else{if(openUserDesktopUrl(args._[0])==null){response="Failed."}else{response="Success."}}break;case"users":if(meshCoreObj.users==null){response="Active users are unknown."}else{response="Active Users: "+meshCoreObj.users.join(", ")+"."}require("user-sessions").enumerateUsers().then(function(u){for(var i in u){sendConsoleText(u[i])}});break;case"toast":if(process.platform=="win32"){if(args._.length<1){response='Proper usage: toast "message"'}else{require("toaster").Toast("MeshCentral",args._[0]);response="ok"}}else{response="Only supported on Windows."}break;case"setdebug":if(args._.length<1){response="Proper usage: setdebug (target), 0 = Disabled, 1 = StdOut, 2 = This Console, * = All Consoles, 4 = WebLog, 8 = Logfile"}else{if(args._[0]=="*"){console.setDestination(2)}else{console.setDestination(parseInt(args._[0]),sessionid)}}break;case"ps":processManager.getProcesses(function(plist){var x="";for(var i in plist){x+=i+", "+plist[i].cmd+((plist[i].user)?(", "+plist[i].user):"")+"\r\n"}sendConsoleText(x,sessionid)});break;case"kill":if((args._.length<1)){response="Proper usage: kill [pid]"}else{process.kill(parseInt(args._[0]));response="Killed process "+args._[0]+"."}break;case"smbios":if(SMBiosTables==null){response="SMBios tables not available."}else{response=objToString(SMBiosTables,0," ",true)}break;case"rawsmbios":if(SMBiosTablesRaw==null){response="SMBios tables not available."}else{response="";for(var i in SMBiosTablesRaw){var header=false;for(var j in SMBiosTablesRaw[i]){if(SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].length>0){if(header==false){response+=("Table type #"+i+((require("smbios").smTableTypes[i]==null)?"":(", "+require("smbios").smTableTypes[i])))+"\r\n";header=true}response+=(" "+SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].toString("hex"))+"\r\n"}}}}break;case"eval":if(args._.length<1){response='Proper usage: eval "JavaScript code"'}else{response=JSON.stringify(mesh.eval(args._[0]))}break;case"notify":if(args._.length!=1){response='Proper usage: notify "message" [--session]'}else{var notification={action:"msg",type:"notify",value:args._[0],tag:"console"};if(args.session){notification.sessionid=sessionid}mesh.SendCommand(notification);response="ok"}break;case"info":response="Current Core: "+meshCoreObj.value+".\r\nAgent Time: "+Date()+".\r\nUser Rights: 0x"+rights.toString(16)+".\r\nPlatform: "+process.platform+".\r\nCapabilities: "+meshCoreObj.caps+".\r\nServer URL: "+mesh.ServerUrl+".";if(amt!=null){response+="\r\nBuilt-in LMS: "+["Disabled","Connecting..","Connected"][amt.lmsstate]+"."}if(meshCoreObj.osdesc){response+="\r\nOS: "+meshCoreObj.osdesc+"."}response+="\r\nModules: "+addedModules.join(", ")+".";response+="\r\nServer Connection: "+mesh.isControlChannelConnected+", State: "+meshServerConnectionState+".";response+="\rlastMeInfo: "+lastMeInfo+".";var oldNodeId=db.Get("OldNodeId");if(oldNodeId!=null){response+="\r\nOldNodeID: "+oldNodeId+"."}if(process.platform!="win32"){response+="\r\nX11 support: "+require("monitor-info").kvm_x11_support+"."}break;case"osinfo":var i=1;if(args._.length>0){i=parseInt(args._[0]);if(i>8){i=8}response="Calling "+i+" times."}for(var j=0;j0){meshCoreObj.osdesc=args._[0];mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);response=JSON.stringify(meshCoreObj)}else{response="Proper usage: sendosdesc [os description]"}break;case"args":response="args "+objToString(args,0," ",true);break;case"print":var r=[];for(var i in args._){r.push(args._[i])}console.log(r.join(" "));response="Message printed on agent console.";break;case"type":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: type (filepath) [maxlength]"}else{var max=4096;if((args._.length>1)&&(typeof args._[1]=="number")){max=args._[1]}if(max>4096){max=4096}var buf=Buffer.alloc(max),fd=fs.openSync(args._[0],"r"),r=fs.readSync(fd,buf,0,max);response=buf.toString();var i=response.indexOf("\n");if((i>0)&&(response[i-1]!="\r")){response=response.split("\n").join("\r\n")}if(r==max){response+="..."}fs.closeSync(fd)}break;case"dbkeys":response=JSON.stringify(db.Keys);break;case"dbget":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: dbget (key)"}else{response=db.Get(args._[0])}break;case"dbset":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}if(args._.length!=2){response="Proper usage: dbset (key) (value)"}else{var r=db.Put(args._[0],args._[1]);response="Key set: "+r}break;case"dbcompact":if(db==null){response="Database not accessible.";break}var r=db.Compact();response="Database compacted: "+r;break;case"httpget":if(consoleHttpRequest!=null){response="HTTP operation already in progress."}else{if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: httpget (url)"}else{var options=http.parseUri(args._[0]);options.method="GET";if(options==null){response="Invalid url."}else{try{consoleHttpRequest=http.request(options,consoleHttpResponse)}catch(e){response="Invalid HTTP GET request"}consoleHttpRequest.sessionid=sessionid;if(consoleHttpRequest!=null){consoleHttpRequest.end();response="HTTPGET "+options.protocol+"//"":"+options.port+options.path}}}}break;case"wslist":response="";for(var i in consoleWebSockets){var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];response+="Websocket #"+i+", "+httprequest.url+"\r\n"}if(response==""){response="no websocket sessions."}break;case"wsconnect":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wsconnect (url)\r\nFor example: wsconnect wss://localhost:443/meshrelay.ashx?id=abc"}else{var httprequest=null;try{var options=http.parseUri(args._[0]);options.rejectUnauthorized=0;httprequest=http.request(options)}catch(e){response="Invalid HTTP websocket request"}if(httprequest!=null){httprequest.upgrade=onWebSocketUpgrade;httprequest.on("error",function(e){sendConsoleText("ERROR: "+JSON.stringify(e))});var index=1;while(consoleWebSockets[index]){index++}httprequest.sessionid=sessionid;httprequest.index=index;httprequest.url=args._[0];consoleWebSockets[index]=httprequest;response="New websocket session #"+index}}break;case"wssend":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wssend (socketnumber)\r\n";for(var i in consoleWebSockets){var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];response+="Websocket #"+i+", "+httprequest.url+"\r\n"}}else{var i=parseInt(args._[0]);var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];if(httprequest!=undefined){httprequest.s.write(args._[1]);response="ok"}else{response="Invalid web socket number"}}break;case"wsclose":if(args._.length==0){response="Proper usage: wsclose (socketnumber)"}else{var i=parseInt(args._[0]);var httprequest=consoleWebSockets[i];if(httprequest!=undefined){if(httprequest.s!=null){httprequest.s.end()}else{httprequest.end()}response="ok"}else{response="Invalid web socket number"}}break;case"tunnels":response="";for(var i in tunnels){response+="Tunnel #"+i+", "+tunnels[i].url+"\r\n"}if(response==""){response="No websocket sessions."}break;case"ls":response="";var xpath="*";if(args._.length>0){xpath=obj.path.join(args._[0],"*")}response="List of "+xpath+"\r\n";var results=fs.readdirSync(xpath);for(var i=0;i0){var r="",pstates=["NotActivated","InActivation","Activated"];for(var i in data){var x=data[i];if(r!=""){r+="\r\n"}r+=x.address+" - Intel AMT v"+x.majorVersion+"."+x.minorVersion;if(x.provisioningState<3){r+=(", "+pstates[x.provisioningState])}if(x.provisioningState==2){r+=(", "+x.openPorts.join(", "))}r+="."}}else{r="No Intel AMT found."}sendConsoleText(r)})}}else{response="Intel AMT scanner module not present."}break;case"modules":response=JSON.stringify(addedModules);break;case"getscript":if(args._.length!=1){response="Proper usage: getscript [scriptNumber]."}else{mesh.SendCommand({action:"getScript",type:args._[0]})}break;default:response='Unknown command "'+cmd+'", type "help" for list of avaialble commands.';break}}catch(e){response="Command returned an exception error: "+e;console.log(e)}if(response!=null){sendConsoleText(response,sessionid)}}function sendConsoleText(text,sessionid){if(typeof text=="object"){text=JSON.stringify(text)}mesh.SendCommand({action:"msg",type:"console",value:text,sessionid:sessionid})}function handleServerConnection(state){meshServerConnectionState=state;if(meshServerConnectionState==0){if(selfInfoUpdateTimer!=null){clearInterval(selfInfoUpdateTimer);selfInfoUpdateTimer=null}lastSelfInfo=null}else{var oldNodeId=db.Get("OldNodeId");if(oldNodeId!=null){mesh.SendCommand({action:"mc1migration",oldnodeid:oldNodeId})}mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);if(SMBiosTablesRaw!=null){mesh.SendCommand({action:"smbios",value:SMBiosTablesRaw})}meInfoStr=null;sendPeriodicServerUpdate()}}var sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null;function sendNetworkUpdateNagle(){if(sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer!=null){clearTimeout(sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer);sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null}sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=setTimeout(sendNetworkUpdate,5000)}function sendNetworkUpdate(force){sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer=null;var netInfo=mesh.NetInfo;netInfo.action="netinfo";var netInfoStr=JSON.stringify(netInfo);if((force==true)||(clearGatewayMac(netInfoStr)!=clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo))){mesh.SendCommand(netInfo);lastNetworkInfo=netInfoStr}}function sendPeriodicServerUpdate(flags){if(meshServerConnectionState==0){return}if(!flags){flags=4294967295}if((flags&1)&&(amt!=null)){amt.getAmtInfo(function(meinfo){try{if(meinfo==null){return}var intelamt={},p=false;if(meinfo.Versions&&meinfo.Versions.AMT){intelamt.ver=meinfo.Versions.AMT;p=true}if(meinfo.ProvisioningState){intelamt.state=meinfo.ProvisioningState;p=true}if(meinfo.Flags){intelamt.flags=meinfo.Flags;p=true}if(meinfo.OsHostname){;p=true}if(meinfo.UUID){intelamt.uuid=meinfo.UUID;p=true}if(p==true){var meInfoStr=JSON.stringify(intelamt);if(meInfoStr!=lastMeInfo){meshCoreObj.intelamt=intelamt;mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);lastMeInfo=meInfoStr}}}catch(ex){}})}if(flags&2){sendNetworkUpdateNagle(false)}}obj.start=function(){mesh.AddCommandHandler(handleServerCommand);mesh.AddConnectHandler(handleServerConnection);try{var userSession=require("user-sessions");userSession.on("changed",function onUserSessionChanged(){userSession.enumerateUsers().then(function(users){var u=[],a=users.Active;for(var i=0;i ### END INIT INFO -SCRIPT=/usr/local/mesh_services/meshagent/meshagent +SCRIPT=/usr/local/mesh/meshagent RUNAS=root PIDFILE=/var/run/ diff --git a/certoperations.js b/certoperations.js index 5964ad49..825de60e 100644 --- a/certoperations.js +++ b/certoperations.js @@ -171,6 +171,20 @@ module.exports.CertificateOperations = function (parent) { return str.split('\r').join('\n'); // If there is no \n, replace all \r with \n. } + // Return true if the name is found in the certificates names, we support wildcard certificates + function compareCertificateNames(certNames, name) { + if (certNames == null) return false; + if (certNames.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) >= 0) return true; + for (var i in certNames) { + if ((certNames[i].startsWith('*.') == true) && (name.endsWith(certNames[i].substring(1)) == true)) { return true; } + if (certNames[i].startsWith('http://*.') == true) { + if (name.endsWith(certNames[i].substring(8)) == true) { return true; } + if ((certNames[i].endsWith('/') == true) && (name.endsWith(certNames[i].substring(8, certNames[i].length - 1)) == true)) { return true; } + } + } + return false; + } + // Returns the web server TLS certificate and private key, if not present, create demonstration ones. obj.GetMeshServerCertificate = function (args, config, func) { var i = 0; @@ -268,55 +282,66 @@ module.exports.CertificateOperations = function (parent) { if (xxargs.length > 2) { mpsOrganization = xxargs[2]; } } + if (rcount === rcountmax) { + // Fetch the certificates names for the main certificate + r.AmtMpsName = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.mps.cert).subject.getField("CN").value; + var webCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.web.cert); + r.WebIssuer = webCertificate.issuer.getField("CN").value; + r.CommonName = webCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; + if (r.CommonName.startsWith('*.')) { + if (commonName.indexOf('.') == -1) { console.log("ERROR: Must specify a server full domain name in Config.json->Settings->Cert when using a wildcard certificate."); process.exit(0); return; } + if (commonName.startsWith('*.')) { console.log("ERROR: Server can't use a wildcard name: " + commonName); process.exit(0); return; } + r.CommonName = commonName; + } + r.CommonNames = [r.CommonName.toLowerCase()]; + var altNames = webCertificate.getExtension("subjectAltName"); + if (altNames) { for (i = 0; i < altNames.altNames.length; i++) { r.CommonNames.push(altNames.altNames[i].value.toLowerCase()); } } + var rootCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.root.cert); + r.RootName = rootCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; + } + // Look for domains that have DNS names and load their certificates r.dns = {}; for (i in { if ((i != "") && ([i] != null) && ([i].dns != null)) { dnsname =[i].dns; - if (args.tlsoffload) { - // If the web certificate already exist, load it. Load just the certificate since we are in TLS offload situation - if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt")) { - r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt", "utf8") }; -[i].certs = r.dns[i]; - } else { - console.log("WARNING: File \"webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt\" missing, domain \"" + i + "\" will not work correctly."); - } + // Check if this domain matches a parent wildcard cert, if so, use the parent cert. + if (compareCertificateNames(r.CommonNames, dnsname) == true) { + r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-cert-public.crt", "utf8"), key: obj.fileLoad("webserver-cert-private.key", "utf8") }; } else { - // If the web certificate already exist, load it. Load both certificate and private key - if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt") && obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key")) { - r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt", "utf8"), key: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key", "utf8") }; -[i].certs = r.dns[i]; - // If CA certificates are present, load them - caindex = 1; - r.dns[i].ca = []; - do { - caok = false; - if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt")) { - r.dns[i].ca.push(obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt", "utf8")); - caok = true; - } - caindex++; - } while (caok === true); + if (args.tlsoffload) { + // If the web certificate already exist, load it. Load just the certificate since we are in TLS offload situation + if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt")) { + r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt", "utf8") }; +[i].certs = r.dns[i]; + } else { + console.log("WARNING: File \"webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt\" missing, domain \"" + i + "\" will not work correctly."); + } } else { - rcountmax++; // This certificate must be generated + // If the web certificate already exist, load it. Load both certificate and private key + if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt") && obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key")) { + r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt", "utf8"), key: obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key", "utf8") }; +[i].certs = r.dns[i]; + // If CA certificates are present, load them + caindex = 1; + r.dns[i].ca = []; + do { + caok = false; + if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt")) { + r.dns[i].ca.push(obj.fileLoad("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt", "utf8")); + caok = true; + } + caindex++; + } while (caok === true); + } else { + rcountmax++; // This certificate must be generated + } } } } } if (rcount === rcountmax) { - // Fetch the Intel AMT MPS common name - r.AmtMpsName = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.mps.cert).subject.getField("CN").value; - // Fetch the name of the server - var webCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.web.cert); - r.WebIssuer = webCertificate.issuer.getField("CN").value; - r.CommonName = webCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; - r.CommonNames = [r.CommonName.toLowerCase()]; - var altNames = webCertificate.getExtension("subjectAltName"); - if (altNames) { for (i = 0; i < altNames.altNames.length; i++) { r.CommonNames.push(altNames.altNames[i].value.toLowerCase()); } } - var rootCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.root.cert); - r.RootName = rootCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; - if ((certargs == null) && (mpscertargs == null)) { if (func != undefined) { func(r); } return r; } // If no certificate arguments are given, keep the certificate var xcountry, xcountryField = webCertificate.subject.getField("C"); if (xcountryField != null) { xcountry = xcountryField.value; } @@ -325,14 +350,13 @@ module.exports.CertificateOperations = function (parent) { if (certargs == null) { commonName = r.CommonName; country = xcountry; organization = xorganization; } // Check if we have correct certificates - if ((r.CommonNames.indexOf(commonName.toLowerCase()) >= 0) && (r.AmtMpsName == mpsCommonName)) { - // Certificate matches what we want, keep it. + if (compareCertificateNames(r.CommonNames, commonName) == false) { forceWebCertGen = 1; } + if (r.AmtMpsName != mpsCommonName) { forceMpsCertGen = 1; } + + // If the certificates matches what we want, use them. + if ((forceWebCertGen == 0) && (forceMpsCertGen == 0)) { if (func !== undefined) { func(r); } return r; - } else { - // Check what certificates we really need to re-generate. - if ((r.CommonNames.indexOf(commonName.toLowerCase()) < 0)) { forceWebCertGen = 1; } - if (r.AmtMpsName != mpsCommonName) { forceMpsCertGen = 1; } } } if (parent.configurationFiles != null) { console.log("Error: Database missing some certificates."); process.exit(0); return null; } @@ -418,33 +442,53 @@ module.exports.CertificateOperations = function (parent) { r = { root: { cert: rootCertificate, key: rootPrivateKey }, web: { cert: webCertificate, key: webPrivateKey, ca: [] }, mps: { cert: mpsCertificate, key: mpsPrivateKey }, agent: { cert: agentCertificate, key: agentPrivateKey }, ca: calist, CommonName: commonName, RootName: rootName, AmtMpsName: mpsCommonName, dns: {}, WebIssuer: webIssuer }; + // Fetch the certificates names for the main certificate + var webCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.web.cert); + r.WebIssuer = webCertificate.issuer.getField("CN").value; + r.CommonName = webCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; + if (r.CommonName.startsWith('*.')) { + if (commonName.indexOf('.') == -1) { console.log("ERROR: Must specify a server full domain name in Config.json->Settings->Cert when using a wildcard certificate."); process.exit(0); return; } + if (commonName.startsWith('*.')) { console.log("ERROR: Server can't use a wildcard name: " + commonName); process.exit(0); return; } + r.CommonName = commonName; + } + r.CommonNames = [r.CommonName.toLowerCase()]; + var altNames = webCertificate.getExtension("subjectAltName"); + if (altNames) { for (i = 0; i < altNames.altNames.length; i++) { r.CommonNames.push(altNames.altNames[i].value.toLowerCase()); } } + var rootCertificate = obj.pki.certificateFromPem(r.root.cert); + r.RootName = rootCertificate.subject.getField("CN").value; + // Look for domains with DNS names that have no certificates and generated them. for (i in { if ((i != "") && ([i] != null) && ([i].dns != null)) { dnsname =[i].dns; - if (!args.tlsoffload) { - // If the web certificate does not exist, create it - if ((obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt") === false) || (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key") === false)) { - console.log("Generating HTTPS certificate for " + i + "..."); - var xwebCertAndKey = obj.IssueWebServerCertificate(rootCertAndKey, false, dnsname, country, organization, null, strongCertificate); - var xwebCertificate = obj.pki.certificateToPem(xwebCertAndKey.cert); - var xwebPrivateKey = obj.pki.privateKeyToPem(xwebCertAndKey.key); - obj.fs.writeFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt"), xwebCertificate); - obj.fs.writeFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key"), xwebPrivateKey); - r.dns[i] = { cert: xwebCertificate, key: xwebPrivateKey }; -[i].certs = r.dns[i]; + // Check if this domain matches a parent wildcard cert, if so, use the parent cert. + if (compareCertificateNames(r.CommonNames, dnsname) == true) { + r.dns[i] = { cert: obj.fileLoad("webserver-cert-public.crt", "utf8"), key: obj.fileLoad("webserver-cert-private.key", "utf8") }; + } else { + if (!args.tlsoffload) { + // If the web certificate does not exist, create it + if ((obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt") === false) || (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key") === false)) { + console.log("Generating HTTPS certificate for " + i + "..."); + var xwebCertAndKey = obj.IssueWebServerCertificate(rootCertAndKey, false, dnsname, country, organization, null, strongCertificate); + var xwebCertificate = obj.pki.certificateToPem(xwebCertAndKey.cert); + var xwebPrivateKey = obj.pki.privateKeyToPem(xwebCertAndKey.key); + obj.fs.writeFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-public.crt"), xwebCertificate); + obj.fs.writeFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-private.key"), xwebPrivateKey); + r.dns[i] = { cert: xwebCertificate, key: xwebPrivateKey }; +[i].certs = r.dns[i]; - // If CA certificates are present, load them - caindex = 1; - r.dns[i].ca = []; - do { - caok = false; - if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt")) { - r.dns[i].ca.push(fixEndOfLines(obj.fs.readFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt"), "utf8"))); - caok = true; - } - caindex++; - } while (caok === true); + // If CA certificates are present, load them + caindex = 1; + r.dns[i].ca = []; + do { + caok = false; + if (obj.fileExists("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt")) { + r.dns[i].ca.push(fixEndOfLines(obj.fs.readFileSync(parent.getConfigFilePath("webserver-" + i + "-cert-chain" + caindex + ".crt"), "utf8"))); + caok = true; + } + caindex++; + } while (caok === true); + } } } } diff --git a/meshagent.js b/meshagent.js index 834dbe49..00325da1 100644 --- a/meshagent.js +++ b/meshagent.js @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { const forge = parent.parent.certificateOperations.forge; const common = parent.parent.common; - const agentUpdateBlockSize = 65520; + const agentUpdateBlockSize = 65531; var obj = {}; obj.domain = domain; @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try { ws.close(); if (obj.nodeid != null) { parent.parent.debug(1, 'Soft disconnect ' + obj.nodeid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddrport + ')'); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket if (arg == 2) { try { ws._socket._parent.end(); if (obj.nodeid != null) { parent.parent.debug(1, 'Hard disconnect ' + obj.nodeid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddrport + ')'); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket // If arg == 3, don't communicate with this agent anymore, but don't disconnect (Duplicate agent). + + // Remove this agent from the webserver list if (parent.wsagents[obj.dbNodeKey] == obj) { delete parent.wsagents[obj.dbNodeKey]; parent.parent.ClearConnectivityState(obj.dbMeshKey, obj.dbNodeKey, 1); @@ -53,14 +55,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { // Get the current mesh const mesh = parent.meshes[obj.dbMeshKey]; - // Other clean up may be needed here - if (obj.unauth) { delete obj.unauth; } - if (obj.agentUpdate != null) { - if (obj.agentUpdate.fd) { try { parent.fs.close(obj.agentUpdate.fd); } catch (ex) { } } - parent.parent.taskLimiter.completed(obj.agentUpdate.taskid); // Indicate this task complete - delete obj.agentUpdate; - } - // If this is a temporary or recovery agent, or all devices in this group are temporary, remove the agent (0x20 = Temporary, 0x40 = Recovery) if (((obj.agentInfo) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities) && ((obj.agentInfo.capabilities & 0x20) || (obj.agentInfo.capabilities & 0x40))) || ((mesh) && (mesh.flags) && (mesh.flags & 1))) { // Delete this node including network interface information and events @@ -85,7 +79,26 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { // Update the last connect time if (obj.authenticated == 2) { db.Set({ _id: 'lc' + obj.dbNodeKey, type: 'lastconnect', domain:, time: obj.connectTime, addr: obj.remoteaddrport }); } } - delete obj.nodeid; + + // If we where updating the agent, clean that up. + if (obj.agentUpdate != null) { + if (obj.agentUpdate.fd) { try { parent.fs.close(obj.agentUpdate.fd); } catch (ex) { } } + parent.parent.taskLimiter.completed(obj.agentUpdate.taskid); // Indicate this task complete + delete obj.agentUpdate; + } + + // Perform aggressive cleanup + if (obj.nonce) { delete obj.nonce; } + if (obj.nodeid) { delete obj.nodeid; } + if (obj.unauth) { delete obj.unauth; } + if (obj.remoteaddr) { delete obj.remoteaddr; } + if (obj.remoteaddrport) { delete obj.remoteaddrport; } + if (obj.meshid) { delete obj.meshid; } + if (obj.dbNodeKey) { delete obj.dbNodeKey; } + if (obj.dbMeshKey) { delete obj.dbMeshKey; } + if (obj.connectTime) { delete obj.connectTime; } + if (obj.agentInfo) { delete obj.agentInfo; } + ws.removeAllListeners(["message", "close", "error"]); }; // When data is received from the mesh agent web socket @@ -112,7 +125,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { const agentMeshCoreHash = (msg.length == 52) ? msg.substring(4, 52) : null; // If the agent indicates this is a custom core, we are done. - if ((agentMeshCoreHash != null) && (agentMeshCoreHash == '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')) { + if ((agentMeshCoreHash != null) && (agentMeshCoreHash == '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')) { obj.agentCoreCheck = 0; obj.send(common.ShortToStr(16) + common.ShortToStr(0)); // MeshCommand_CoreOk. Indicates to the agent that the core is ok. Start it if it's not already started. agentCoreIsStable(); @@ -197,7 +210,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { else if (cmdid == 12) { // MeshCommand_AgentHash if ((msg.length == 52) && (obj.agentExeInfo != null) && (obj.agentExeInfo.update == true)) { const agenthash = msg.substring(4); - if ((agenthash != obj.agentExeInfo.hash) && (agenthash != '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')) { + if ((agenthash != obj.agentExeInfo.hash) && (agenthash != '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')) { // Mesh agent update required, do it using task limiter so not to flood the network. Medium priority task. parent.parent.taskLimiter.launch(function (argument, taskid, taskLimiterQueue) { if (obj.authenticated != 2) { parent.parent.taskLimiter.completed(taskid); return; } // If agent disconnection, complete and exit now. @@ -353,13 +366,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { // Perform the hash signature using older swarm server certificate parent.parent.certificateOperations.acceleratorPerformSignature(1, msg.substring(2) + obj.nonce, obj, function (obj2, signature) { // Send back our certificate + signature - obj2.send(common.ShortToStr(2) + common.ShortToStr(obj2.parent.swarmCertificateAsn1.length) + obj2.parent.swarmCertificateAsn1 + signature); // Command 2, certificate + signature + obj2.send(common.ShortToStr(2) + common.ShortToStr(parent.swarmCertificateAsn1.length) + parent.swarmCertificateAsn1 + signature); // Command 2, certificate + signature }); } else { // Perform the hash signature using the server agent certificate parent.parent.certificateOperations.acceleratorPerformSignature(0, msg.substring(2) + obj.nonce, obj, function (obj2, signature) { // Send back our certificate + signature - obj2.send(common.ShortToStr(2) + common.ShortToStr(obj2.parent.agentCertificateAsn1.length) + obj2.parent.agentCertificateAsn1 + signature); // Command 2, certificate + signature + obj2.send(common.ShortToStr(2) + common.ShortToStr(parent.agentCertificateAsn1.length) + parent.agentCertificateAsn1 + signature); // Command 2, certificate + signature }); } } @@ -419,7 +432,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { }); // If error, do nothing - ws.on('error', function (err) { console.log('AGENT WSERR: ' + err); }); + ws.on('error', function (err) { console.log('AGENT WSERR: ' + err); obj.close(0); }); // If the mesh agent web socket is closed, clean up. ws.on('close', function (req) { @@ -703,7 +716,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) { console.log('recoveryAgentCoreIsStable()'); // Close the recovery agent connection when done. - obj.close(1); + //obj.close(1); } obj.sendUpdatedIntelAmtPolicy = function() { diff --git a/meshcentral.js b/meshcentral.js index 5c44a1a8..a6d9f51b 100644 --- a/meshcentral.js +++ b/meshcentral.js @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { obj.serverKey = Buffer.from(obj.crypto.randomBytes(48), 'binary'); obj.loginCookieEncryptionKey = null; obj.serverSelfWriteAllowed = true; - obj.taskLimiter = obj.common.createTaskLimiterQueue(20, 20, 60); // This is a task limiter queue to smooth out server work. + obj.taskLimiter = obj.common.createTaskLimiterQueue(50, 20, 60); // (maxTasks, maxTaskTime, cleaningInterval) This is a task limiter queue to smooth out server work. try { obj.currentVer = JSON.parse(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'package.json'), 'utf8')).version; } catch (e) { } // Fetch server version // Setup the default configuration and files paths @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { }; obj.RemoveEventDispatch = function (ids, target) { obj.debug(3, 'RemoveEventDispatch', id); - for (var i in ids) { var id = ids[i]; if (obj.eventsDispatch[id]) { var j = obj.eventsDispatch[id].indexOf(target); if (j >= 0) { obj.eventsDispatch[id].splice(j, 1); } } } + for (var i in ids) { var id = ids[i]; if (obj.eventsDispatch[id]) { var j = obj.eventsDispatch[id].indexOf(target); if (j >= 0) { if (obj.eventsDispatch[id].length == 1) { delete obj.eventsDispatch[id]; } else { obj.eventsDispatch[id].splice(j, 1); } } } } }; obj.RemoveEventDispatchId = function (id) { obj.debug(3, 'RemoveEventDispatchId', id); @@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { }; obj.RemoveAllEventDispatch = function (target) { obj.debug(3, 'RemoveAllEventDispatch'); - for (var i in obj.eventsDispatch) { var j = obj.eventsDispatch[i].indexOf(target); if (j >= 0) { obj.eventsDispatch[i].splice(j, 1); } } + for (var i in obj.eventsDispatch) { var j = obj.eventsDispatch[i].indexOf(target); if (j >= 0) { if (obj.eventsDispatch[i].length == 1) { delete obj.eventsDispatch[i]; } else { obj.eventsDispatch[i].splice(j, 1); } } } }; obj.DispatchEvent = function (ids, source, event, fromPeerServer) { // If the database is not setup, exit now. @@ -1148,9 +1148,9 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { // Read meshcore.js and all .js files in the modules folder. var meshCore = null, modulesDir = null; const modulesAdd = { - 'windows-amt': 'var addedModules = [];\r\n', - 'linux-amt': 'var addedModules = [];\r\n', - 'linux-noamt': 'var addedModules = [];\r\n' + 'windows-amt': ['var addedModules = [];\r\n'], + 'linux-amt': ['var addedModules = [];\r\n'], + 'linux-noamt': ['var addedModules = [];\r\n'] }; // Read the recovery core if present @@ -1158,8 +1158,8 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { if (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'recoverycore.js')) == true) { try { meshRecoveryCore = obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'recoverycore.js')).toString(); } catch (ex) { } if (meshRecoveryCore != null) { - modulesAdd['windows-recovery'] = 'var addedModules = [];\r\n'; - modulesAdd['linux-recovery'] = 'var addedModules = [];\r\n'; + modulesAdd['windows-recovery'] = ['var addedModules = [];\r\n']; + modulesAdd['linux-recovery'] = ['var addedModules = [];\r\n']; } } @@ -1168,8 +1168,8 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { if (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'agentrecoverycore.js')) == true) { try { meshAgentRecoveryCore = obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'agentrecoverycore.js')).toString(); } catch (ex) { } if (meshAgentRecoveryCore != null) { - modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'] = 'var addedModules = [];\r\n'; - modulesAdd['linux-agentrecovery'] = 'var addedModules = [];\r\n'; + modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'] = ['var addedModules = [];\r\n']; + modulesAdd['linux-agentrecovery'] = ['var addedModules = [];\r\n']; } } @@ -1184,39 +1184,39 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { if (modulesDir[i].toLowerCase().endsWith('.js')) { var moduleName = modulesDir[i].substring(0, modulesDir[i].length - 3); if (moduleName.endsWith('.min')) { moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length - 4); } // Remove the ".min" for ".min.js" files. - var moduleData = 'try { addModule("' + moduleName + '", "' + obj.escapeCodeString(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(moduleDirPath, modulesDir[i])).toString('binary')) + '"); addedModules.push("' + moduleName + '"); } catch (e) { }\r\n'; + var moduleData = [ 'try { addModule("', moduleName, '", "', obj.escapeCodeString(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(moduleDirPath, modulesDir[i])).toString('binary')), '"); addedModules.push("', moduleName, '"); } catch (e) { }\r\n' ]; // Merge this module // NOTE: "smbios" module makes some non-AI Linux segfault, only include for IA platforms. if (moduleName.startsWith('amt-') || (moduleName == 'smbios')) { // Add to IA / Intel AMT cores only - modulesAdd['windows-amt'] += moduleData; - modulesAdd['linux-amt'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); + modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); } else if (moduleName.startsWith('win-')) { // Add to Windows cores only - modulesAdd['windows-amt'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); } else if (moduleName.startsWith('linux-')) { // Add to Linux cores only - modulesAdd['linux-amt'] += moduleData; - modulesAdd['linux-noamt'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); + modulesAdd['linux-noamt'].push(...moduleData); } else { // Add to all cores - modulesAdd['windows-amt'] += moduleData; - modulesAdd['linux-amt'] += moduleData; - modulesAdd['linux-noamt'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['windows-amt'].push(...moduleData); + modulesAdd['linux-amt'].push(...moduleData); + modulesAdd['linux-noamt'].push(...moduleData); } // Merge this module to recovery modules if needed if (modulesAdd['windows-recovery'] != null) { if ((moduleName == 'win-console') || (moduleName == 'win-message-pump') || (moduleName == 'win-terminal')) { - modulesAdd['windows-recovery'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['windows-recovery'].push(...moduleData); } } // Merge this module to agent recovery modules if needed if (modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'] != null) { if ((moduleName == 'win-console') || (moduleName == 'win-message-pump') || (moduleName == 'win-terminal')) { - modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'] += moduleData; + modulesAdd['windows-agentrecovery'].push(...moduleData); } } } @@ -1226,11 +1226,11 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { // Merge the cores and compute the hashes for (var i in modulesAdd) { if ((i == 'windows-recovery') || (i == 'linux-recovery')) { - obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = obj.common.IntToStr(0) + modulesAdd[i] + meshRecoveryCore; + obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = [obj.common.IntToStr(0), ...modulesAdd[i], meshRecoveryCore].join(''); } else if ((i == 'windows-agentrecovery') || (i == 'linux-agentrecovery')) { - obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = obj.common.IntToStr(0) + modulesAdd[i] + meshAgentRecoveryCore; + obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = [obj.common.IntToStr(0), ...modulesAdd[i], meshAgentRecoveryCore].join(''); } else { - obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = obj.common.IntToStr(0) + modulesAdd[i] + meshCore; + obj.defaultMeshCores[i] = [obj.common.IntToStr(0), ...modulesAdd[i], meshCore].join(''); } obj.defaultMeshCoresHash[i] = obj.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(obj.defaultMeshCores[i]).digest("binary"); obj.debug(1, 'Core module ' + i + ' is ' + obj.defaultMeshCores[i].length + ' bytes.'); @@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { obj.updateMeshCmdTimer = 'notset'; obj.updateMeshCmd = function (func) { // Figure out where meshcmd.js is and read it. - var meshCmd = null, meshcmdPath, moduleAdditions = 'var addedModules = [];\r\n', moduleDirPath, modulesDir = null; + var meshCmd = null, meshcmdPath, moduleAdditions = ['var addedModules = [];\r\n'], moduleDirPath, modulesDir = null; if ((obj.args.minifycore !== false) && (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.path.join(obj.datapath, 'meshcmd.min.js')))) { meshcmdPath = obj.path.join(obj.datapath, 'meshcmd.min.js'); meshCmd = obj.fs.readFileSync(meshcmdPath).toString(); } else if (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.path.join(obj.datapath, 'meshcmd.js'))) { meshcmdPath = obj.path.join(obj.datapath, 'meshcmd.js'); meshCmd = obj.fs.readFileSync(meshcmdPath).toString(); } else if ((obj.args.minifycore !== false) && (obj.fs.existsSync(obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'meshcmd.min.js')))) { meshcmdPath = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'meshcmd.min.js'); meshCmd = obj.fs.readFileSync(meshcmdPath).toString(); } @@ -1268,13 +1268,14 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { // Merge this module var moduleName = modulesDir[i].substring(0, modulesDir[i].length - 3); if (moduleName.endsWith('.min')) { moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length - 4); } // Remove the ".min" for ".min.js" files. - moduleAdditions += 'try { addModule("' + moduleName + '", "' + obj.escapeCodeString(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(moduleDirPath, modulesDir[i])).toString('binary')) + '"); addedModules.push("' + moduleName + '"); } catch (e) { }\r\n'; + moduleAdditions.push('try { addModule("', moduleName, '", "', obj.escapeCodeString(obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.path.join(moduleDirPath, modulesDir[i])).toString('binary')), '"); addedModules.push("', moduleName, '"); } catch (e) { }\r\n'); } } } // Set the new default meshcmd.js - obj.defaultMeshCmd = moduleAdditions + meshCmd; + moduleAdditions.push(meshCmd); + obj.defaultMeshCmd = moduleAdditions.join(''); //console.log('MeshCmd is ' + obj.defaultMeshCmd.length + ' bytes.'); // DEBUG, Print the merged meshcmd.js size //obj.fs.writeFile("C:\\temp\\meshcmd.js", obj.defaultMeshCmd.substring(4)); // DEBUG, Write merged meshcmd.js to file if (func != null) { func(true); } @@ -1284,7 +1285,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) { obj.updateMeshCmdTimer = null;, function (eventType, filename) { if (obj.updateMeshCmdTimer != null) { clearTimeout(obj.updateMeshCmdTimer); obj.updateMeshCmdTimer = null; } - obj.updateMeshCmdTimer = setTimeout(function () { obj.updateMeshCmd(); /*console.log('Updated meshcmd.js.');*/ }, 5000); + obj.updateMeshCmdTimer = setTimeout(function () { obj.updateMeshCmd(); }, 5000); }); } }; diff --git a/meshuser.js b/meshuser.js index 6ccac934..716867fc 100644 --- a/meshuser.js +++ b/meshuser.js @@ -15,30 +15,59 @@ // Construct a MeshAgent object, called upon connection module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, user) { + const fs = require('fs'); + const path = require('path'); + const common = parent.common; + var obj = {}; - obj.db = db; - = ws; - obj.args = args; obj.user = user; - obj.parent = parent; obj.domain = domain; - obj.common = parent.common; - obj.fs = require('fs'); - obj.path = require('path'); - obj.serverStatsTimer = null; // Send a message to the user - //obj.send = function (data) { try { if (typeof data == 'string') {, 'binary')); } else {; } } catch (e) { } } + //obj.send = function (data) { try { if (typeof data == 'string') { ws.send(Buffer.from(data, 'binary')); } else { ws.send(data); } } catch (e) { } } // Disconnect this user obj.close = function (arg) { - if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try {; obj.parent.parent.debug(1, 'Soft disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket - if (arg == 2) { try {; obj.parent.parent.debug(1, 'Hard disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket + if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try { ws.close(); parent.parent.debug(1, 'Soft disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket + if (arg == 2) { try { ws._socket._parent.end(); parent.parent.debug(1, 'Hard disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket + + // Perform cleanup + parent.parent.RemoveAllEventDispatch(ws); + if (obj.serverStatsTimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.serverStatsTimer); delete obj.serverStatsTimer; } + if (req.session && && == ws) { delete; } + if (parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId]) { delete parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId]; } + if (parent.wssessions[ws.userid]) { + var i = parent.wssessions[ws.userid].indexOf(ws); + if (i >= 0) { + parent.wssessions[ws.userid].splice(i, 1); + var user = parent.users[ws.userid]; + if (user) { + if (parent.parent.multiServer == null) { + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*'], obj, { action: 'wssessioncount', username:, count: parent.wssessions[ws.userid].length, nolog: 1, domain: }); + } else { + parent.recountSessions(ws.sessionId); // Recount sessions + } + } + if (parent.wssessions[ws.userid].length == 0) { delete parent.wssessions[ws.userid]; } + } + } + + // If we have peer servers, inform them of the disconnected session + if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) { parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessage({ action: 'sessionEnd', sessionid: ws.sessionId }); } + + // Aggressive cleanup + if (obj.user) { delete obj.user; } + if (obj.domain) { delete obj.domain; } + if (ws.userid) { delete ws.userid; } + if (ws.domainid) { delete ws.domainid; } + if (ws.sessionId) { delete ws.sessionId; } + if (ws.HandleEvent) { delete ws.HandleEvent; } + ws.removeAllListeners(["message", "close", "error"]); }; // Convert a mesh path array into a real path on the server side function meshPathToRealPath(meshpath, user) { - if (obj.common.validateArray(meshpath, 1) == false) return null; + if (common.validateArray(meshpath, 1) == false) return null; var splitid = meshpath[0].split('/'); if (splitid[0] == 'user') { // Check user access @@ -52,38 +81,29 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } else return null; var rootfolder = meshpath[0], rootfoldersplit = rootfolder.split('/'), domainx = 'domain'; if (rootfoldersplit[1].length > 0) domainx = 'domain-' + rootfoldersplit[1]; - var path = obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx, rootfoldersplit[0] + "-" + rootfoldersplit[2]); - for (var i = 1; i < meshpath.length; i++) { if (obj.common.IsFilenameValid(meshpath[i]) == false) { path = null; break; } path += ("/" + meshpath[i]); } + var path = path.join(parent.filespath, domainx, rootfoldersplit[0] + "-" + rootfoldersplit[2]); + for (var i = 1; i < meshpath.length; i++) { if (common.IsFilenameValid(meshpath[i]) == false) { path = null; break; } path += ("/" + meshpath[i]); } return path; } - // + // TODO: Replace this with something better? function copyFile(src, dest, func, tag) { - //var ss = obj.fs.createReadStream(src, { flags: 'rb' }); - //var ds = obj.fs.createWriteStream(dest, { flags: 'wb' }); - var ss = obj.fs.createReadStream(src); - var ds = obj.fs.createWriteStream(dest); - ss.fs = obj.fs; + var ss = fs.createReadStream(src), ds = fs.createWriteStream(dest); ss.pipe(ds); = ss; - /* - if (!this._copyStreams) { this._copyStreams = {}; this._copyStreamID = 0; } - = this._copyStreamID++; - this._copyStreams[] = ss; - */ if (arguments.length == 3 && typeof arguments[2] === 'function') { ds.on('close', arguments[2]); } else if (arguments.length == 4 && typeof arguments[3] === 'function') { ds.on('close', arguments[3]); } - ds.on('close', function () { /*delete[];*/ func(tag); }); + ds.on('close', function () { func(tag); }); } // Route a command to a target node function routeCommandToNode(command) { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 8, 128) == false) return false; + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 8, 128) == false) return false; var splitnodeid = command.nodeid.split('/'); // Check that we are in the same domain and the user has rights over this node. if ((splitnodeid[0] == 'node') && (splitnodeid[1] == { // See if the node is connected - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[command.nodeid]; + var agent = parent.wsagents[command.nodeid]; if (agent != null) { // Check if we have permission to send a message to that node var rights = user.links[agent.dbMeshKey]; @@ -95,14 +115,14 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } } else { // Check if a peer server is connected to this agent - var routing = obj.parent.parent.GetRoutingServerId(command.nodeid, 1); // 1 = MeshAgent routing type + var routing = parent.parent.GetRoutingServerId(command.nodeid, 1); // 1 = MeshAgent routing type if (routing != null) { // Check if we have permission to send a message to that node var rights = user.links[routing.meshid]; if ((rights != null) && ((rights.rights & 8) || (rights.rights & 256))) { // 8 is remote control permission command.fromSessionid = ws.sessionId; // Set the session id, required for responses. command.rights = rights.rights; // Add user rights flags to the message - obj.parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessageSingleServer(command, routing.serverid); + parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessageSingleServer(command, routing.serverid); } } } @@ -116,8 +136,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // TODO !!!! // See if the node is connected - for (var nodeid in obj.parent.wsagents) { - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[nodeid]; + for (var nodeid in parent.wsagents) { + var agent = parent.wsagents[nodeid]; if (agent.dbMeshKey == meshid) { try { agent.send(JSON.stringify(command)); } catch (ex) { } } } return true; @@ -125,72 +145,76 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use try { // Check if the user is logged in - if (user == null) { try {; } catch (e) { } return; } + if (user == null) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // Check if we have exceeded the user session limit if ((typeof domain.limits.maxusersessions == 'number') || (typeof domain.limits.maxsingleusersessions == 'number')) { // Count the number of user sessions for this domain var domainUserSessionCount = 0, selfUserSessionCount = 0; - for (var i in obj.parent.wssessions2) { if (obj.parent.wssessions2[i].domainid == { domainUserSessionCount++; if (obj.parent.wssessions2[i].userid == user._id) { selfUserSessionCount++; } } } + for (var i in parent.wssessions2) { + if (parent.wssessions2[i].domainid == { + domainUserSessionCount++; if (parent.wssessions2[i].userid == user._id) { selfUserSessionCount++; } + } + } // Check if we have too many user sessions if (((typeof domain.limits.maxusersessions == 'number') && (domainUserSessionCount >= domain.limits.maxusersessions)) || ((typeof domain.limits.maxsingleusersessions == 'number') && (selfUserSessionCount >= domain.limits.maxsingleusersessions))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'stopped', msg: 'Session count exceed' })); - try {; } catch (e) { } + try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } } // Associate this websocket session with the web session - = req.session.userid; - =; + ws.userid = req.session.userid; + ws.domainid =; // Create a new session id for this user. - obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(20, function (err, randombuf) { - = user._id + '/' + randombuf.toString('hex'); + parent.crypto.randomBytes(20, function (err, randombuf) { + ws.sessionId = user._id + '/' + randombuf.toString('hex'); // Add this web socket session to session list - obj.parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId] =; - if (!obj.parent.wssessions[user._id]) { obj.parent.wssessions[user._id] = [ws]; } else { obj.parent.wssessions[user._id].push(; } - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer == null) { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*'], obj, { action: 'wssessioncount', username:, count: obj.parent.wssessions[user._id].length, nolog: 1, domain: }); + parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId] = ws; + if (!parent.wssessions[user._id]) { parent.wssessions[user._id] = [ws]; } else { parent.wssessions[user._id].push(ws); } + if (parent.parent.multiServer == null) { + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*'], obj, { action: 'wssessioncount', username:, count: parent.wssessions[user._id].length, nolog: 1, domain: }); } else { - obj.parent.recountSessions(; // Recount sessions + parent.recountSessions(ws.sessionId); // Recount sessions } // If we have peer servers, inform them of the new session - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer != null) { obj.parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessage({ action: 'sessionStart', sessionid: }); } + if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) { parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessage({ action: 'sessionStart', sessionid: ws.sessionId }); } // Handle events - = function (source, event) { - if (!event.domain || event.domain == { + ws.HandleEvent = function (source, event) { + if (!event.domain || event.domain == { try { if (event == 'close') { try { delete req.session; } catch (ex) { } obj.close(); } - else if (event == 'resubscribe') { user.subscriptions = obj.parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); } + else if (event == 'resubscribe') { user.subscriptions = parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); } else if (event == 'updatefiles') { updateUserFiles(user, ws, domain); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'event', event: event })); } } catch (e) { } } }; - user.subscriptions = obj.parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); // Subscribe to events - try {, 240000); } catch (ex) { } // Set TCP keep alive + user.subscriptions = parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); // Subscribe to events + try { ws._socket.setKeepAlive(true, 240000); } catch (ex) { } // Set TCP keep alive // Send current server statistics obj.SendServerStats = function () { var os = require('os'); var stats = { action: 'serverstats', totalmem: os.totalmem(), freemem: os.freemem() }; - if (obj.parent.parent.platform != 'win32') { stats.cpuavg = os.loadavg(); } // else { stats.cpuavg = [ 0.2435345, 0.523234234, 0.6435345345 ]; } + if (parent.parent.platform != 'win32') { stats.cpuavg = os.loadavg(); } // else { stats.cpuavg = [ 0.2435345, 0.523234234, 0.6435345345 ]; } var serverStats = { - "User Accounts": Object.keys(obj.parent.users).length, - "Device Groups": Object.keys(obj.parent.meshes).length, - "Agent Sessions": Object.keys(obj.parent.wsagents).length, - "Connected Users": Object.keys(obj.parent.wssessions).length, - "Users Sessions": Object.keys(obj.parent.wssessions2).length, - "Relay Sessions": obj.parent.relaySessionCount, + "User Accounts": Object.keys(parent.users).length, + "Device Groups": Object.keys(parent.meshes).length, + "Agent Sessions": Object.keys(parent.wsagents).length, + "Connected Users": Object.keys(parent.wssessions).length, + "Users Sessions": Object.keys(parent.wssessions2).length, + "Relay Sessions": parent.relaySessionCount, }; - if (obj.parent.relaySessionErrorCount != 0) { serverStats['Relay Errors'] = obj.parent.relaySessionErrorCount; } - if (obj.parent.parent.mpsserver != null) { serverStats['Connected Intel® AMT'] = Object.keys(obj.parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections).length; } + if (parent.relaySessionErrorCount != 0) { serverStats['Relay Errors'] = parent.relaySessionErrorCount; } + if (parent.parent.mpsserver != null) { serverStats['Connected Intel® AMT'] = Object.keys(parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections).length; } stats.values = { "Server State": serverStats } try { ws.send(JSON.stringify(stats)); } catch (ex) { } } @@ -199,47 +223,24 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use ws.on('message', processWebSocketData); // If error, do nothing - ws.on('error', function (err) { console.log(err); }); + ws.on('error', function (err) { console.log(err); obj.close(0); }); // If the web socket is closed - ws.on('close', function (req) { - obj.parent.parent.RemoveAllEventDispatch(ws); - if (obj.serverStatsTimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.serverStatsTimer); obj.serverStatsTimer = null; } - if (req.session && && == ws) { delete; } - if (obj.parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId]) { delete obj.parent.wssessions2[ws.sessionId]; } - if (obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid]) { - var i = obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid].indexOf(ws); - if (i >= 0) { - obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid].splice(i, 1); - var user = obj.parent.users[ws.userid]; - if (user) { - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer == null) { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*'], obj, { action: 'wssessioncount', username:, count: obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid].length, nolog: 1, domain: }); - } else { - obj.parent.recountSessions(ws.sessionId); // Recount sessions - } - } - if (obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid].length == 0) { delete obj.parent.wssessions[ws.userid]; } - } - } - - // If we have peer servers, inform them of the disconnected session - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer != null) { obj.parent.parent.multiServer.DispatchMessage({ action: 'sessionEnd', sessionid: ws.sessionId }); } - }); + ws.on('close', function (req) { obj.close(0); }); // Figure out the MPS port, use the alias if set - var mpsport = ((obj.args.mpsaliasport != null) ? obj.args.mpsaliasport : obj.args.mpsport); - var httpport = ((obj.args.aliasport != null) ? obj.args.aliasport : obj.args.port); + var mpsport = ((args.mpsaliasport != null) ? args.mpsaliasport : args.mpsport); + var httpport = ((args.aliasport != null) ? args.aliasport : args.port); // Build server information object - var serverinfo = { name: obj.parent.certificates.CommonName, mpsname: obj.parent.certificates.AmtMpsName, mpsport: mpsport, mpspass: obj.args.mpspass, port: httpport, emailcheck: ((obj.parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi')), domainauth: (domain.auth == 'sspi') }; - if (obj.args.notls == true) { serverinfo.https = false; } else { serverinfo.https = true; serverinfo.redirport = obj.args.redirport; } + var serverinfo = { name: parent.certificates.CommonName, mpsname: parent.certificates.AmtMpsName, mpsport: mpsport, mpspass: args.mpspass, port: httpport, emailcheck: ((parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi')), domainauth: (domain.auth == 'sspi') }; + if (args.notls == true) { serverinfo.https = false; } else { serverinfo.https = true; serverinfo.redirport = args.redirport; } // Send server information try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'serverinfo', serverinfo: serverinfo })); } catch (ex) { } // Send user information to web socket, this is the first thing we send - try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'userinfo', userinfo: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(obj.parent.users[user._id]) })); } catch (ex) { } + try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'userinfo', userinfo: parent.CloneSafeUser(parent.users[user._id]) })); } catch (ex) { } // We are all set, start receiving data ws._socket.resume(); @@ -250,22 +251,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use function processWebSocketData(msg) { var command, i = 0, mesh = null, meshid = null, nodeid = null, meshlinks = null, change = 0; try { command = JSON.parse(msg.toString('utf8')); } catch (e) { return; } - if (obj.common.validateString(command.action, 3, 32) == false) return; // Action must be a string between 3 and 32 chars + if (common.validateString(command.action, 3, 32) == false) return; // Action must be a string between 3 and 32 chars switch (command.action) { case 'ping': { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'pong' })); } catch (ex) { } break; } case 'authcookie': { // Renew the authentication cookie - try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'authcookie', cookie: obj.parent.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: user._id, domainid: }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey) })); } catch (ex) { } + try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'authcookie', cookie: parent.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: user._id, domainid: }, parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey) })); } catch (ex) { } break; } case 'serverstats': { if ((user.siteadmin & 21) != 0) { // Only site administrators with "site backup" or "site restore" or "site update" permissions can use this. - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.interval, 1000, 1000000) == false) { + if (common.validateInt(command.interval, 1000, 1000000) == false) { // Clear the timer - if (obj.serverStatsTimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.serverStatsTimer); obj.serverStatsTimer = null; } + if (obj.serverStatsTimer != null) { clearInterval(obj.serverStatsTimer); delete obj.serverStatsTimer; } } else { // Set the timer obj.SendServerStats(); @@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Request a list of all meshes this user as rights to var docs = []; - for (i in user.links) { if ((obj.parent.meshes[i]) && (obj.parent.meshes[i].deleted == null)) { docs.push(obj.parent.meshes[i]); } } + for (i in user.links) { if ((parent.meshes[i]) && (parent.meshes[i].deleted == null)) { docs.push(parent.meshes[i]); } } try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes', meshes: docs, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } break; } @@ -291,22 +292,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } else { // Request list of all nodes for one specific meshid meshid = command.meshid; - if (obj.common.validateString(meshid, 0, 128) == false) return; + if (common.validateString(meshid, 0, 128) == false) return; if (meshid.split('/').length == 0) { meshid = 'mesh/' + + '/' + command.meshid; } if (user.links[meshid] != null) { links.push(meshid); } } // Request a list of all nodes - obj.db.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered(links,, 'node',, function (err, docs) { + db.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered(links,, 'node',, function (err, docs) { var r = {}; for (i in docs) { // Add the connection state - var state = obj.parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(docs[i]._id); + var state = parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(docs[i]._id); if (state) { docs[i].conn = state.connectivity; docs[i].pwr = state.powerState; - if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[docs[i]._id]; if (agent != null) { docs[i].agct = agent.connectTime; } } - if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { var cira = obj.parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[docs[i]._id]; if (cira != null) { docs[i].cict = cira.tag.connectTime; } } + if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { var agent = parent.wsagents[docs[i]._id]; if (agent != null) { docs[i].agct = agent.connectTime; } } + if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { var cira = parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[docs[i]._id]; if (cira != null) { docs[i].cict = cira.tag.connectTime; } } } // Compress the meshid's @@ -335,8 +336,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Query the database for the power timeline for a given node // The result is a compacted array: [ startPowerState, startTimeUTC, powerState ] + many[ deltaTime, powerState ] - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == false) return; - obj.db.getPowerTimeline(command.nodeid, function (err, docs) { + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == false) return; + db.getPowerTimeline(command.nodeid, function (err, docs) { if (err == null && docs.length > 0) { var timeline = [], time = null, previousPower; for (i in docs) { @@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'powertimeline', nodeid: command.nodeid, timeline: timeline, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } } else { // No records found, send current state if we have it - var state = obj.parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(command.nodeid); + var state = parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(command.nodeid); if (state != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'powertimeline', nodeid: command.nodeid, timeline: [state.powerState,, state.powerState], tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } } } }); @@ -383,10 +384,10 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'lastconnect': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == false) return; + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == false) return; // Query the database for the last time this node connected - obj.db.Get('lc' + command.nodeid, function (err, docs) { + db.Get('lc' + command.nodeid, function (err, docs) { if ((docs != null) && (docs.length > 0)) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'lastconnect', nodeid: command.nodeid, time: docs[0].time, addr: docs[0].addr })); } catch (ex) { } } }); break; @@ -402,27 +403,27 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Check permissions if ((user.siteadmin & 8) != 0) { // Perform a file operation (Create Folder, Delete Folder, Delete File...) - if (obj.common.validateString(command.fileop, 4, 16) == false) return; + if (common.validateString(command.fileop, 4, 16) == false) return; var sendUpdate = true, path = meshPathToRealPath(command.path, user); // This will also check access rights if (path == null) break; - if ((command.fileop == 'createfolder') && (obj.common.IsFilenameValid(command.newfolder) == true)) { + if ((command.fileop == 'createfolder') && (common.IsFilenameValid(command.newfolder) == true)) { // Create a new folder - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(path + "/" + command.newfolder); } catch (e) { - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(path); } catch (e) { } - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(path + "/" + command.newfolder); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(path + "/" + command.newfolder); } catch (e) { + try { fs.mkdirSync(path); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(path + "/" + command.newfolder); } catch (e) { } } } else if (command.fileop == 'delete') { // Delete a file - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.delfiles, 1) == false) return; + if (common.validateArray(command.delfiles, 1) == false) return; for (i in command.delfiles) { - if (obj.common.IsFilenameValid(command.delfiles[i]) == true) { - var fullpath = obj.path.join(path, command.delfiles[i]); + if (common.IsFilenameValid(command.delfiles[i]) == true) { + var fullpath = path.join(path, command.delfiles[i]); if (command.rec == true) { deleteFolderRecursive(fullpath); // TODO, make this an async function } else { - try { obj.fs.rmdirSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { try { obj.fs.unlinkSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { } } + try { fs.rmdirSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { try { fs.unlinkSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { } } } } } @@ -432,28 +433,28 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use try { if (command.path[0].startsWith('mesh//')) { path = meshPathToRealPath([command.path[0]], user); - obj.fs.readdir(path, function (err, dir) { if ((err == null) && (dir.length == 0)) { obj.fs.rmdir(path, function (err) { }); } }); + fs.readdir(path, function (err, dir) { if ((err == null) && (dir.length == 0)) { fs.rmdir(path, function (err) { }); } }); } } catch (ex) { } } } - else if ((command.fileop == 'rename') && (obj.common.IsFilenameValid(command.oldname) == true) && (obj.common.IsFilenameValid(command.newname) == true)) { + else if ((command.fileop == 'rename') && (common.IsFilenameValid(command.oldname) == true) && (common.IsFilenameValid(command.newname) == true)) { // Rename - try { obj.fs.renameSync(path + "/" + command.oldname, path + "/" + command.newname); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.renameSync(path + "/" + command.oldname, path + "/" + command.newname); } catch (e) { } } else if ((command.fileop == 'copy') || (command.fileop == 'move')) { - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.names, 1) == false) return; + if (common.validateArray(command.names, 1) == false) return; var scpath = meshPathToRealPath(command.scpath, user); // This will also check access rights if (scpath == null) break; // TODO: Check quota if this is a copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for (i in command.names) { - var s = obj.path.join(scpath, command.names[i]), d = obj.path.join(path, command.names[i]); + var s = path.join(scpath, command.names[i]), d = path.join(path, command.names[i]); sendUpdate = false; - copyFile(s, d, function (op) { if (op != null) { obj.fs.unlink(op, function (err) { obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); }); } else { obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); } }, ((command.fileop == 'move') ? s : null)); + copyFile(s, d, function (op) { if (op != null) { fs.unlink(op, function (err) { parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); }); } else { parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); } }, ((command.fileop == 'move') ? s : null)); } } - if (sendUpdate == true) { obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); } // Fire an event causing this user to update this files + if (sendUpdate == true) { parent.parent.DispatchEvent([user._id], obj, 'updatefiles'); } // Fire an event causing this user to update this files } break; } @@ -498,12 +499,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use break; } case 'usersessions': { - for (var i in obj.parent.wssessions) { - r += (i + ', ' + obj.parent.wssessions[i].length + ' session' + ((obj.parent.wssessions[i].length > 1) ? 'a' : '') + '.
'); - for (var j in obj.parent.wssessions[i]) { - var addr = obj.parent.wssessions[i][j]._socket.remoteAddress; + for (var i in parent.wssessions) { + r += (i + ', ' + parent.wssessions[i].length + ' session' + ((parent.wssessions[i].length > 1) ? 'a' : '') + '.
'); + for (var j in parent.wssessions[i]) { + var addr = parent.wssessions[i][j]._socket.remoteAddress; if (addr.startsWith('::ffff:')) { addr = addr.substring(7); } - r += ' ' + addr + ' --> ' + obj.parent.wssessions[i][j].sessionId + '.
'; + r += ' ' + addr + ' --> ' + parent.wssessions[i][j].sessionId + '.
'; } } break; @@ -514,9 +515,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use break; } case 'tasklimiter': { - if (obj.parent.parent.taskLimiter != null) { + if (parent.parent.taskLimiter != null) { //var obj = { maxTasks: maxTasks, maxTaskTime: (maxTaskTime * 1000), nextTaskId: 0, currentCount: 0, current: {}, pending: [[], [], []], timer: null }; - const tl = obj.parent.parent.taskLimiter; + const tl = parent.parent.taskLimiter; r += 'MaxTasks: ' + tl.maxTasks + ', NextTaskId: ' + tl.nextTaskId + '
'; r += 'MaxTaskTime: ' + (tl.maxTaskTime / 1000) + ' seconds, Timer: ' + (tl.timer != null) + '
'; var c = []; @@ -530,18 +531,18 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if ((args["_"].length != 1) || (parseInt(args["_"][0]) < 1) || (parseInt(args["_"][0]) > 1000)) { r = 'Usage: setmaxtasks [1 to 1000]'; } else { - obj.parent.parent.taskLimiter.maxTasks = parseInt(args["_"][0]); - r = 'MaxTasks set to ' + obj.parent.parent.taskLimiter.maxTasks + '.'; + parent.parent.taskLimiter.maxTasks = parseInt(args["_"][0]); + r = 'MaxTasks set to ' + parent.parent.taskLimiter.maxTasks + '.'; } break; } case 'cores': { - if (obj.parent.parent.defaultMeshCores != null) { for (var i in obj.parent.parent.defaultMeshCores) { r += i + ': ' + obj.parent.parent.defaultMeshCores[i].length + ' bytes
'; } } + if (parent.parent.defaultMeshCores != null) { for (var i in parent.parent.defaultMeshCores) { r += i + ': ' + parent.parent.defaultMeshCores[i].length + ' bytes
'; } } break; } case 'showconfig': { // Make a copy of the configuration and hide any secrets - var config = obj.common.Clone(obj.parent.parent.config); + var config = common.Clone(parent.parent.config); if (config.settings) { if (config.settings.configkey) { config.settings.configkey = '(present)'; } if (config.settings.sessionkey) { config.settings.sessionkey = '(present)'; } @@ -557,25 +558,25 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use break; } case 'migrationagents': { - if (obj.parent.parent.swarmserver == null) { + if (parent.parent.swarmserver == null) { r = 'Swarm server not running.'; } else { - for (var i in obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.migrationAgents) { - var arch = obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.migrationAgents[i]; + for (var i in parent.parent.swarmserver.migrationAgents) { + var arch = parent.parent.swarmserver.migrationAgents[i]; for (var j in arch) { var agent = arch[j]; r += 'Arch ' + agent.arch + ', Ver ' + agent.ver + ', Size ' + ((agent.binary == null) ? 0 : agent.binary.length) + '
'; } } } break; } case 'swarmstats': { - if (obj.parent.parent.swarmserver == null) { + if (parent.parent.swarmserver == null) { r = 'Swarm server not running.'; } else { - for (var i in obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.stats) { - if (typeof obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i] == 'object') { - r += i + ' ' + JSON.stringify(obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i]) + '
'; + for (var i in parent.parent.swarmserver.stats) { + if (typeof parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i] == 'object') { + r += i + ' ' + JSON.stringify(parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i]) + '
'; } else { - r += i + ' ' + obj.parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i] + '
'; + r += i + ' ' + parent.parent.swarmserver.stats[i] + '
'; } } } @@ -620,24 +621,24 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var filter = ['user/' + + '/' + command.user.toLowerCase()]; if ((command.limit == null) || (typeof command.limit != 'number')) { // Send the list of all events for this session - obj.db.GetUserEvents(filter,, command.user, function (err, docs) { + db.GetUserEvents(filter,, command.user, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) return; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'events', events: docs, user: command.user, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } }); } else { // Send the list of most recent events for this session, up to 'limit' count - obj.db.GetUserEventsWithLimit(filter,, command.user, command.limit, function (err, docs) { + db.GetUserEventsWithLimit(filter,, command.user, command.limit, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) return; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'events', events: docs, user: command.user, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } }); } - } else if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == true) { // Device filtered events + } else if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 0, 128) == true) { // Device filtered events // TODO: Check that the user has access to this nodeid var limit = 10000; - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.limit, 1, 60000) == true) { limit = command.limit; } + if (common.validateInt(command.limit, 1, 60000) == true) { limit = command.limit; } // Send the list of most recent events for this session, up to 'limit' count - obj.db.GetNodeEventsWithLimit(command.nodeid,, limit, function (err, docs) { + db.GetNodeEventsWithLimit(command.nodeid,, limit, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) return; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'events', events: docs, nodeid: command.nodeid, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } }); @@ -646,13 +647,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var filter = user.subscriptions; if ((command.limit == null) || (typeof command.limit != 'number')) { // Send the list of all events for this session - obj.db.GetEvents(filter,, function (err, docs) { + db.GetEvents(filter,, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) return; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'events', events: docs, user: command.user, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } }); } else { // Send the list of most recent events for this session, up to 'limit' count - obj.db.GetEventsWithLimit(filter,, command.limit, function (err, docs) { + db.GetEventsWithLimit(filter,, command.limit, function (err, docs) { if (err != null) return; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'events', events: docs, user: command.user, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } }); @@ -664,8 +665,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Delete all events if (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) break; - obj.db.RemoveAllEvents(; - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-global'], obj, { action: 'clearevents', nolog: 1, domain: }); + db.RemoveAllEvents(; + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-global'], obj, { action: 'clearevents', nolog: 1, domain: }); break; } case 'users': @@ -673,9 +674,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Request a list of all users if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; var docs = []; - for (i in obj.parent.users) { - if ((obj.parent.users[i].domain == && (obj.parent.users[i].name != '~')) { - docs.push(obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(obj.parent.users[i])); + for (i in parent.users) { + if ((parent.users[i].domain == && (parent.users[i].name != '~')) { + docs.push(parent.CloneSafeUser(parent.users[i])); } } try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'users', users: docs, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -685,10 +686,10 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Change the email address if (domain.auth == 'sspi') return; - if (obj.common.validateEmail(, 1, 256) == false) return; - if (obj.parent.users[req.session.userid].email != { + if (common.validateEmail(, 1, 256) == false) return; + if (parent.users[req.session.userid].email != { // Check if this email is already validated on a different account - obj.db.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail(,, function (err, docs) { + db.GetUserWithVerifiedEmail(,, function (err, docs) { if (docs.length > 0) { // Notify the duplicate email error try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', type: 'notify', value: 'Failed to change email address, another account already using: ' + EscapeHtml( + '.' })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -697,19 +698,19 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var oldemail =; =; user.emailVerified = false; - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); // Event the change - var message = { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', domain: }; + var message = { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', domain: }; if (oldemail != null) { message.msg = 'Changed email of user ' + + ' from ' + oldemail + ' to ' +; } else { message.msg = 'Set email of user ' + + ' to ' +; } - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, message); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, message); // Send the verification email - if ((obj.parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi')) { obj.parent.parent.mailserver.sendAccountCheckMail(domain,,; } + if ((parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi')) { parent.parent.mailserver.sendAccountCheckMail(domain,,; } } }); } @@ -719,10 +720,10 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Send a account email verification email if (domain.auth == 'sspi') return; - if (obj.common.validateString(, 3, 1024) == false) return; - if ((obj.parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (obj.parent.users[req.session.userid].email == { + if (common.validateString(, 3, 1024) == false) return; + if ((parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (parent.users[req.session.userid].email == { // Send the verification email - obj.parent.parent.mailserver.sendAccountCheckMail(domain,,; + parent.parent.mailserver.sendAccountCheckMail(domain,,; } break; } @@ -731,12 +732,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Request a list of all web socket user session count var wssessions = {}; if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer == null) { + if (parent.parent.multiServer == null) { // No peering, use simple session counting - for (i in obj.parent.wssessions) { if (obj.parent.wssessions[i][0].domainid == { wssessions[i] = obj.parent.wssessions[i].length; } } + for (i in parent.wssessions) { if (parent.wssessions[i][0].domainid == { wssessions[i] = parent.wssessions[i].length; } } } else { // We have peer servers, use more complex session counting - for (i in obj.parent.sessionsCount) { if (i.split('/')[1] == { wssessions[i] = obj.parent.sessionsCount[i]; } } + for (i in parent.sessionsCount) { if (i.split('/')[1] == { wssessions[i] = parent.sessionsCount[i]; } } } try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'wssessioncount', wssessions: wssessions, tag: command.tag })); } catch (ex) { } // wssessions is: userid --> count break; @@ -745,8 +746,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Delete a user account if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048) == false) break; - var delusersplit = command.userid.split('/'), deluserid = command.userid, deluser = obj.parent.users[deluserid]; + if (common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048) == false) break; + var delusersplit = command.userid.split('/'), deluserid = command.userid, deluser = parent.users[deluserid]; if ((deluser == null) || (delusersplit.length != 3) || (delusersplit[1] != break; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain if ((deluser.siteadmin != null) && (deluser.siteadmin > 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) break; // Need full admin to remote another administrator @@ -754,30 +755,30 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (deluser.links != null) { for (meshid in deluser.links) { // Get the mesh - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[meshid]; if (mesh) { // Remove user from the mesh - if (mesh.links[deluser._id] != null) { delete mesh.links[deluser._id]; obj.parent.db.Set(mesh); } + if (mesh.links[deluser._id] != null) { delete mesh.links[deluser._id]; parent.db.Set(mesh); } // Notify mesh change change = 'Removed user ' + + ' from group ' +; - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, deluser._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, deluser._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); } } } // Remove notes for this user - obj.db.Remove('nt' + deluser._id); + db.Remove('nt' + deluser._id); // Delete all files on the server for this account try { - var deluserpath = obj.parent.getServerRootFilePath(deluser); - if (deluserpath != null) { obj.parent.deleteFolderRec(deluserpath); } + var deluserpath = parent.getServerRootFilePath(deluser); + if (deluserpath != null) { parent.deleteFolderRec(deluserpath); } } catch (e) { } - obj.db.Remove(deluserid); - delete obj.parent.users[deluserid]; - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', userid: deluserid, username:, action: 'accountremove', msg: 'Account removed', domain: }); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([deluserid], obj, 'close'); + db.Remove(deluserid); + delete parent.users[deluserid]; + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', userid: deluserid, username:, action: 'accountremove', msg: 'Account removed', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([deluserid], obj, 'close'); break; } @@ -785,13 +786,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Broadcast a message to all currently connected users. if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 256) == false) break; // Notification message is between 1 and 256 characters + if (common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 256) == false) break; // Notification message is between 1 and 256 characters // Create the notification message var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": command.msg }; // Send the notification on all user sessions for this server - for (var i in obj.parent.wssessions2) { try { obj.parent.wssessions2[i].send(JSON.stringify(notification)); } catch (ex) { } } + for (var i in parent.wssessions2) { try { parent.wssessions2[i].send(JSON.stringify(notification)); } catch (ex) { } } // TODO: Notify all sessions on other peers. @@ -801,16 +802,16 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Add a new user account if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; - if (obj.common.validateUsername(command.username, 1, 64) == false) break; // Username is between 1 and 64 characters, no spaces - if (obj.common.validateString(command.pass, 1, 256) == false) break; // Password is between 1 and 256 characters - if (obj.common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.pass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements - if (( != null) && (obj.common.validateEmail(, 1, 256) == false)) break; // Check if this is a valid email address + if (common.validateUsername(command.username, 1, 64) == false) break; // Username is between 1 and 64 characters, no spaces + if (common.validateString(command.pass, 1, 256) == false) break; // Password is between 1 and 256 characters + if (common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.pass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements + if (( != null) && (common.validateEmail(, 1, 256) == false)) break; // Check if this is a valid email address var newusername = command.username, newuserid = 'user/' + + '/' + command.username.toLowerCase(); if (newusername == '~') break; // This is a reserved user name - if (obj.parent.users[newuserid]) break; // Account already exists + if (parent.users[newuserid]) break; // Account already exists // Check if we exceed the maximum number of user accounts - obj.db.isMaxType(domain.limits.maxuseraccounts, 'user',, function (maxExceed) { + db.isMaxType(domain.limits.maxuseraccounts, 'user',, function (maxExceed) { if (maxExceed) { // Account count exceed, do notification @@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": "Account limit reached.", "userid": user._id, "username": }; // Get the list of sessions for this user - var sessions = obj.parent.wssessions[user._id]; + var sessions = parent.wssessions[user._id]; if (sessions != null) { for (i in sessions) { try { sessions[i].send(JSON.stringify(notification)); } catch (ex) { } } } // TODO: Notify all sessions on other peers. } else { @@ -826,15 +827,15 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var newuser = { type: 'user', _id: newuserid, name: newusername, creation: Math.floor( / 1000), domain: }; if ( != null) { =; } // Email if (command.resetNextLogin === true) { newuser.passchange = -1; } else { newuser.passchange = Math.floor( / 1000); } - obj.parent.users[newuserid] = newuser; + parent.users[newuserid] = newuser; // Create a user, generate a salt and hash the password require('./pass').hash(command.pass, function (err, salt, hash) { if (err) throw err; newuser.salt = salt; newuser.hash = hash; - obj.db.SetUser(newuser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', username: newusername, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), action: 'accountcreate', msg: 'Account created, email is ' +, domain: }); + db.SetUser(newuser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', username: newusername, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), action: 'accountcreate', msg: 'Account created, email is ' +, domain: }); }); } }); @@ -844,20 +845,20 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Edit a user account, may involve changing email or administrator permissions if (((user.siteadmin & 2) != 0) || ( == { - var chguserid = 'user/' + + '/' +, chguser = obj.parent.users[chguserid]; + var chguserid = 'user/' + + '/' +, chguser = parent.users[chguserid]; change = 0; if (chguser) { - if (obj.common.validateString(, 1, 256) && ( != { =; change = 1; } + if (common.validateString(, 1, 256) && ( != { =; change = 1; } if ((command.emailVerified === true || command.emailVerified === false) && (chguser.emailVerified != command.emailVerified)) { chguser.emailVerified = command.emailVerified; change = 1; } - if ((obj.common.validateInt(command.quota, 0) || command.quota == null) && (command.quota != chguser.quota)) { chguser.quota = command.quota; if (chguser.quota == null) { delete chguser.quota; } change = 1; } - if ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) && obj.common.validateInt(command.siteadmin) && (chguser.siteadmin != command.siteadmin)) { chguser.siteadmin = command.siteadmin; change = 1; } + if ((common.validateInt(command.quota, 0) || command.quota == null) && (command.quota != chguser.quota)) { chguser.quota = command.quota; if (chguser.quota == null) { delete chguser.quota; } change = 1; } + if ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) && common.validateInt(command.siteadmin) && (chguser.siteadmin != command.siteadmin)) { chguser.siteadmin = command.siteadmin; change = 1; } if (change == 1) { - obj.db.SetUser(chguser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([chguser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id, chguser._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(chguser), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Account changed: ' +, domain: }); + db.SetUser(chguser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([chguser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id, chguser._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(chguser), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Account changed: ' +, domain: }); } if ((chguser.siteadmin) && (chguser.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (chguser.siteadmin & 32)) { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([chguser._id], obj, 'close'); // Disconnect all this user's sessions + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([chguser._id], obj, 'close'); // Disconnect all this user's sessions } } } @@ -866,13 +867,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'changepassword': { // Change our own password - if (obj.common.validateString(command.oldpass, 1, 256) == false) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.newpass, 1, 256) == false) break; - if ((command.hint != null) && (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break; - if (obj.common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.newpass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements + if (common.validateString(command.oldpass, 1, 256) == false) break; + if (common.validateString(command.newpass, 1, 256) == false) break; + if ((command.hint != null) && (common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break; + if (common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.newpass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements // Start by checking the old password - obj.parent.checkUserPassword(domain, user, command.oldpass, function (result) { + parent.checkUserPassword(domain, user, command.oldpass, function (result) { if (result == true) { // Update the password require('./pass').hash(command.newpass, function (err, salt, hash) { @@ -890,8 +891,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use user.hash = hash; user.passchange = Math.floor( / 1000); delete user.passtype; - obj.db.SetUser(user); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Account password changed: ' +, domain: }); + db.SetUser(user); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Account password changed: ' +, domain: }); // Send user notification of password change displayNotificationMessage('Password changed.'); @@ -908,13 +909,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Change a user's password if (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.user, 1, 256) == false) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.pass, 1, 256) == false) break; - if ((command.hint != null) && (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break; + if (common.validateString(command.user, 1, 256) == false) break; + if (common.validateString(command.pass, 1, 256) == false) break; + if ((command.hint != null) && (common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break; if (typeof command.removeMultiFactor != 'boolean') break; - if (obj.common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.pass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements + if (common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.pass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements - var chguser = obj.parent.users['user/' + + '/' + command.user.toLowerCase()]; + var chguser = parent.users['user/' + + '/' + command.user.toLowerCase()]; if (chguser) { // Compute the password hash & save it require('./pass').hash(command.pass, function (err, salt, hash) { @@ -933,8 +934,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (chguser.otphkeys) { delete chguser.otphkeys; } if (chguser.otpkeys) { delete chguser.otpkeys; } } - obj.db.SetUser(chguser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id, chguser._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(chguser), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Changed account credentials.', domain: }); + db.SetUser(chguser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id, chguser._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(chguser), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Changed account credentials.', domain: }); } else { // Report that the password change failed // TODO @@ -947,17 +948,17 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Send a notification message to a user if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048) == false) break; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 4096) == false) break; + if (common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048) == false) break; + if (common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 4096) == false) break; // Create the notification message var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": "" + + ": " + EscapeHtml(command.msg), "userid": user._id, "username": }; // Get the list of sessions for this user - var sessions = obj.parent.wssessions[command.userid]; + var sessions = parent.wssessions[command.userid]; if (sessions != null) { for (i in sessions) { try { sessions[i].send(JSON.stringify(notification)); } catch (ex) { } } } - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer != null) { + if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) { // TODO: Add multi-server support } break; @@ -968,7 +969,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) break; // Setup a user-to-user session - if (obj.common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048)) { + if (common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048)) { // Create the notification message var notification = { @@ -976,23 +977,23 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use }; // Get the list of sessions for this user - var sessions = obj.parent.wssessions[command.userid]; + var sessions = parent.wssessions[command.userid]; if (sessions != null) { for (i in sessions) { try { sessions[i].send(JSON.stringify(notification)); } catch (ex) { } } } - if (obj.parent.parent.multiServer != null) { + if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) { // TODO: Add multi-server support } } // Setup a user-to-node session - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 2048)) { - if (obj.args.lanonly == true) { return; } // User-to-device chat is not support in LAN-only mode yet. We need the agent to replace the IP address of the server?? + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 2048)) { + if (args.lanonly == true) { return; } // User-to-device chat is not support in LAN-only mode yet. We need the agent to replace the IP address of the server?? // Create the server url - var httpsPort = ((obj.parent.args.aliasport == null) ? obj.parent.args.port : obj.parent.args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified + var httpsPort = ((parent.args.aliasport == null) ? parent.args.port : parent.args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified var xdomain = (domain.dns == null) ? : ''; if (xdomain != '') xdomain += "/"; - var url = "http" + (obj.args.notls ? '' : 's') + "://" + obj.parent.getWebServerName(domain) + ":" + httpsPort + "/" + xdomain + "messenger?id=meshmessenger/" + encodeURIComponent(command.nodeid) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(; + var url = "http" + (args.notls ? '' : 's') + "://" + parent.getWebServerName(domain) + ":" + httpsPort + "/" + xdomain + "messenger?id=meshmessenger/" + encodeURIComponent(command.nodeid) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(; // Create the notification message routeCommandToNode({ "action": "openUrl", "nodeid": command.nodeid, "userid": user._id, "username":, "url": url }); @@ -1004,54 +1005,54 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use { // Check the server version if ((user.siteadmin & 16) == 0) break; - obj.parent.parent.getLatestServerVersion(function (currentVersion, latestVersion) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'serverversion', current: currentVersion, latest: latestVersion })); } catch (ex) { } }); + parent.parent.getLatestServerVersion(function (currentVersion, latestVersion) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'serverversion', current: currentVersion, latest: latestVersion })); } catch (ex) { } }); break; } case 'serverupdate': { // Perform server update if ((user.siteadmin & 16) == 0) break; - obj.parent.parent.performServerUpdate(); + parent.parent.performServerUpdate(); break; } case 'servererrors': { // Load the server error log if ((user.siteadmin & 16) == 0) break; - obj.parent.parent.fs.readFile(obj.parent.parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'servererrors', data: data })); } catch (ex) { } }); + fs.readFile(parent.parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'servererrors', data: data })); } catch (ex) { } }); break; } case 'serverclearerrorlog': { // Clear the server error log if ((user.siteadmin & 16) == 0) break; - obj.parent.parent.fs.unlink(obj.parent.parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'), function (err) { }); + fs.unlink(parent.parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'), function (err) { }); break; } case 'createmesh': { // In some situations, we need a verified email address to create a device group. - if ((obj.parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi') && (user.emailVerified !== true) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) return; // User must verify it's email first. + if ((parent.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi') && (user.emailVerified !== true) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) return; // User must verify it's email first. // Create mesh - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshname, 1, 64) == false) break; // Meshname is between 1 and 64 characters - if (obj.common.validateString(command.desc, 0, 1024) == false) break; // Mesh description is between 0 and 1024 characters + if (common.validateString(command.meshname, 1, 64) == false) break; // Meshname is between 1 and 64 characters + if (common.validateString(command.desc, 0, 1024) == false) break; // Mesh description is between 0 and 1024 characters // We only create Agent-less Intel AMT mesh (Type1), or Agent mesh (Type2) if ((command.meshtype == 1) || (command.meshtype == 2)) { - obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) { + parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) { meshid = 'mesh/' + + '/' + buf.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); var links = {}; links[user._id] = { name:, rights: 0xFFFFFFFF }; mesh = { type: 'mesh', _id: meshid, name: command.meshname, mtype: command.meshtype, desc: command.desc, domain:, links: links }; - obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); - obj.parent.meshes[meshid] = mesh; - obj.parent.parent.AddEventDispatch([meshid], ws); + db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); + parent.meshes[meshid] = mesh; + parent.parent.AddEventDispatch([meshid], ws); if (user.links == null) user.links = {}; user.links[meshid] = { rights: 0xFFFFFFFF }; - user.subscriptions = obj.parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); - obj.db.SetUser(user); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', meshid, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: meshid, name: command.meshname, mtype: command.meshtype, desc: command.desc, action: 'createmesh', links: links, msg: 'Mesh created: ' + command.meshname, domain: }); + user.subscriptions = parent.subscribe(user._id, ws); + db.SetUser(user); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', meshid, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: meshid, name: command.meshname, mtype: command.meshtype, desc: command.desc, action: 'createmesh', links: links, msg: 'Mesh created: ' + command.meshname, domain: }); }); } break; @@ -1059,83 +1060,83 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'deletemesh': { // Delete a mesh and all computers within it - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid - obj.db.Get(command.meshid, function (err, meshes) { + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid + db.Get(command.meshid, function (err, meshes) { if (meshes.length != 1) return; - var mesh = obj.common.unEscapeLinksFieldName(meshes[0]); + var mesh = common.unEscapeLinksFieldName(meshes[0]); // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || mesh.links[user._id].rights != 0xFFFFFFFF) return; if ((command.meshid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.meshid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain // Fire the removal event first, because after this, the event will not route - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: command.meshid, name: command.meshname, action: 'deletemesh', msg: 'Mesh deleted: ' + command.meshname, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: command.meshid, name: command.meshname, action: 'deletemesh', msg: 'Mesh deleted: ' + command.meshname, domain: }); // Remove all user links to this mesh for (i in meshes) { var links = meshes[i].links; for (var j in links) { - var xuser = obj.parent.users[j]; + var xuser = parent.users[j]; if (xuser && xuser.links) { delete xuser.links[meshes[i]._id]; - obj.db.SetUser(xuser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([xuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); + db.SetUser(xuser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([xuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); } } } // Delete all files on the server for this mesh try { - var meshpath = obj.parent.getServerRootFilePath(mesh); - if (meshpath != null) { obj.parent.deleteFolderRec(meshpath); } + var meshpath = parent.getServerRootFilePath(mesh); + if (meshpath != null) { parent.deleteFolderRec(meshpath); } } catch (e) { } - obj.parent.parent.RemoveEventDispatchId(command.meshid); // Remove all subscriptions to this mesh + parent.parent.RemoveEventDispatchId(command.meshid); // Remove all subscriptions to this mesh // Mark the mesh as deleted var dbmesh = meshes[0]; dbmesh.deleted = new Date(); // Mark the time this mesh was deleted, we can expire it at some point. - obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); // We don't really delete meshes because if a device connects to is again, we will up-delete it. - obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid] = mesh; // Update the mesh in memory; + db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); // We don't really delete meshes because if a device connects to is again, we will up-delete it. + parent.meshes[command.meshid] = mesh; // Update the mesh in memory; // Delete all devices attached to this mesh in the database - obj.db.RemoveMeshDocuments(command.meshid); + db.RemoveMeshDocuments(command.meshid); }); break; } case 'editmesh': { // Change the name or description of a mesh - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; change = ''; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 1) == 0)) return; if ((command.meshid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.meshid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain - if ((obj.common.validateString(command.meshname, 1, 64) == true) && (command.meshname != { change = 'Group name changed from "' + + '" to "' + command.meshname + '"'; = command.meshname; } - if ((obj.common.validateString(command.desc, 0, 1024) == true) && (command.desc != mesh.desc)) { if (change != '') change += ' and description changed'; else change += 'Group "' + + '" description changed'; mesh.desc = command.desc; } - if ((obj.common.validateInt(command.flags) == true) && (command.flags != mesh.flags)) { if (change != '') change += ' and flags changed'; else change += 'Group "' + + '" flags changed'; mesh.flags = command.flags; } - if (change != '') { obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, flags: mesh.flags, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); } + if ((common.validateString(command.meshname, 1, 64) == true) && (command.meshname != { change = 'Group name changed from "' + + '" to "' + command.meshname + '"'; = command.meshname; } + if ((common.validateString(command.desc, 0, 1024) == true) && (command.desc != mesh.desc)) { if (change != '') change += ' and description changed'; else change += 'Group "' + + '" description changed'; mesh.desc = command.desc; } + if ((common.validateInt(command.flags) == true) && (command.flags != mesh.flags)) { if (change != '') change += ' and flags changed'; else change += 'Group "' + + '" flags changed'; mesh.flags = command.flags; } + if (change != '') { db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, flags: mesh.flags, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); } } break; } case 'addmeshuser': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid - if (obj.common.validateString(command.username, 1, 64) == false) break; // Username is between 1 and 64 characters - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.meshadmin) == false) break; // Mesh rights must be an integer + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid + if (common.validateString(command.username, 1, 64) == false) break; // Username is between 1 and 64 characters + if (common.validateInt(command.meshadmin) == false) break; // Mesh rights must be an integer // Check if the user exists - var newuserid = 'user/' + + '/' + command.username.toLowerCase(), newuser = obj.parent.users[newuserid]; + var newuserid = 'user/' + + '/' + command.username.toLowerCase(), newuser = parent.users[newuserid]; if (newuser == null) { // TODO: Send error back, user not found. break; } // Get the mesh - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 2) == 0)) return; @@ -1144,53 +1145,53 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Add mesh to user if (newuser.links == null) newuser.links = {}; newuser.links[command.meshid] = { rights: command.meshadmin }; - obj.db.SetUser(newuser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); + db.SetUser(newuser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); // Add a user to the mesh mesh.links[newuserid] = { name:, rights: command.meshadmin }; - obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); + db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); // Notify mesh change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, newuserid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: command.userid, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Added user ' + + ' to mesh ' +, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, newuserid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: command.userid, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Added user ' + + ' to mesh ' +, domain: }); } break; } case 'removemeshuser': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check userid - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid + if (common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check userid + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid if ((command.userid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.userid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the mesh - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 2) == 0)) return; // Check if the user exists - Just in case we need to delete a mesh right for a non-existant user, we do it this way. Technically, it's not possible, but just in case. - var deluserid = command.userid, deluser = obj.parent.users[deluserid]; + var deluserid = command.userid, deluser = parent.users[deluserid]; if (deluser != null) { // Remove mesh from user if (deluser.links != null && deluser.links[command.meshid] != null) { var delmeshrights = deluser.links[command.meshid].rights; if ((delmeshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (mesh.links[deluserid].rights != 0xFFFFFFFF)) return; // A non-admin can't kick out an admin delete deluser.links[command.meshid]; - obj.db.Set(deluser); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent([deluser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); + db.Set(deluser); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent([deluser._id], obj, 'resubscribe'); } } // Remove user from the mesh if (mesh.links[command.userid] != null) { delete mesh.links[command.userid]; - obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); + db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); // Notify mesh change if (deluser != null) { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, command.userid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid:, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + + ' from group ' +, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, command.userid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid:, meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + + ' from group ' +, domain: }); } else { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, command.userid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: (deluserid.split('/')[2]), meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + (deluserid.split('/')[2]) + ' from group ' +, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, command.userid], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, userid: (deluserid.split('/')[2]), meshid: mesh._id, name:, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + (deluserid.split('/')[2]) + ' from group ' +, domain: }); } } } @@ -1199,15 +1200,15 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'meshamtpolicy': { // Change a mesh Intel AMT policy - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid - if (obj.common.validateObject(command.amtpolicy) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.type, 0, 2) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.type + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check the meshid + if (common.validateObject(command.amtpolicy) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy + if (common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.type, 0, 2) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.type if (command.amtpolicy.type === 2) { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.amtpolicy.password, 0, 32) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.password - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.badpass, 0, 1) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.badpass - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.cirasetup, 0, 2) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.cirasetup + if (common.validateString(command.amtpolicy.password, 0, 32) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.password + if (common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.badpass, 0, 1) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.badpass + if (common.validateInt(command.amtpolicy.cirasetup, 0, 2) == false) break; // Check the amtpolicy.cirasetup } - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; change = ''; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this @@ -1221,8 +1222,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use var amtpolicy = { type: command.amtpolicy.type }; if (command.amtpolicy.type === 2) { amtpolicy = { type: command.amtpolicy.type, password: command.amtpolicy.password, badpass: command.amtpolicy.badpass, cirasetup: command.amtpolicy.cirasetup }; } mesh.amt = amtpolicy; - obj.db.Set(obj.common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: mesh._id, amt: amtpolicy, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); + db.Set(common.escapeLinksFieldName(mesh)); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id], obj, { etype: 'mesh', username:, meshid: mesh._id, amt: amtpolicy, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: change, domain: }); // Send new policy to all computers on this mesh routeCommandToMesh(command.meshid, { action: 'amtPolicy', amtPolicy: amtpolicy }); @@ -1231,21 +1232,21 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'addamtdevice': { - if (obj.args.wanonly == true) return; // This is a WAN-only server, local Intel AMT computers can't be added - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid + if (args.wanonly == true) return; // This is a WAN-only server, local Intel AMT computers can't be added + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid if ((command.meshid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.meshid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain - if (obj.common.validateString(command.devicename, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check device name - if (obj.common.validateString(command.hostname, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check hostname - if (obj.common.validateString(command.amtusername, 0, 16) == false) break; // Check username - if (obj.common.validateString(command.amtpassword, 0, 16) == false) break; // Check password + if (common.validateString(command.devicename, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check device name + if (common.validateString(command.hostname, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check hostname + if (common.validateString(command.amtusername, 0, 16) == false) break; // Check username + if (common.validateString(command.amtpassword, 0, 16) == false) break; // Check password if (command.amttls == '0') { command.amttls = 0; } else if (command.amttls == '1') { command.amttls = 1; } // Check TLS flag if ((command.amttls != 1) && (command.amttls != 0)) break; // If we are in WAN-only mode, hostname is not used - if ((obj.parent.parent.args.wanonly == true) && (command.hostname)) { delete command.hostname; } + if ((parent.parent.args.wanonly == true) && (command.hostname)) { delete command.hostname; } // Get the mesh - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; if (mesh) { if (mesh.mtype != 1) return; // This operation is only allowed for mesh type 1, Intel AMT agentless mesh. @@ -1253,41 +1254,41 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 4) == 0)) return; // Create a new nodeid - obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) { + parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) { // create the new node nodeid = 'node/' + + '/' + buf.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); var device = { type: 'node', mtype: 1, _id: nodeid, meshid: command.meshid, name: command.devicename, host: command.hostname, domain:, intelamt: { user: command.amtusername, pass: command.amtpassword, tls: command.amttls } }; - obj.db.Set(device); + db.Set(device); // Event the new node - var device2 = obj.common.Clone(device); + var device2 = common.Clone(device); delete device2.intelamt.pass; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this. - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'addnode', node: device2, msg: 'Added device ' + command.devicename + ' to mesh ' +, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'addnode', node: device2, msg: 'Added device ' + command.devicename + ' to mesh ' +, domain: }); }); } break; } case 'scanamtdevice': { - if (obj.args.wanonly == true) return; // This is a WAN-only server, this type of scanning is not allowed. - if (obj.common.validateString(command.range, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check range string + if (args.wanonly == true) return; // This is a WAN-only server, this type of scanning is not allowed. + if (common.validateString(command.range, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check range string // Ask the RMCP scanning to scan a range of IP addresses - if (obj.parent.parent.amtScanner) { - if (obj.parent.parent.amtScanner.performRangeScan(ws.userid, command.range) == false) { - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', ws.userid], obj, { action: 'scanamtdevice', range: command.range, results: null, nolog: 1 }); + if (parent.parent.amtScanner) { + if (parent.parent.amtScanner.performRangeScan(ws.userid, command.range) == false) { + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', ws.userid], obj, { action: 'scanamtdevice', range: command.range, results: null, nolog: 1 }); } } break; } case 'changeDeviceMesh': { - if (obj.common.validateStrArray(command.nodeids, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check nodeid strings - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check target meshid string + if (common.validateStrArray(command.nodeids, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check nodeid strings + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check target meshid string // For each nodeid, change the group for (var i = 0; i < command.nodeids.length; i++) { - obj.db.Get(command.nodeids[i], function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeids[i], function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; const node = nodes[0]; @@ -1295,7 +1296,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (node.meshid == command.meshid) return; // Make sure both source and target mesh are the same type - try { if (obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid].mtype != obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid].mtype) return; } catch (e) { return; }; + try { if (parent.meshes[node.meshid].mtype != parent.meshes[command.meshid].mtype) return; } catch (e) { return; }; // Make sure that we have rights on both source and destination mesh const sourceMeshRights = user.links[node.meshid].rights; @@ -1305,10 +1306,10 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Perform the switch, start by saving the node with the new meshid. const oldMeshId = node.meshid; node.meshid = command.meshid; - obj.db.Set(node); + db.Set(node); // If the device is connected on this server, switch it now. - var agentSession = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; + var agentSession = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agentSession != null) { agentSession.dbMeshKey = command.meshid; // Switch the agent mesh agentSession.meshid = command.meshid.split('/')[2]; // Switch the agent mesh @@ -1316,58 +1317,58 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } // Add the connection state - const state = obj.parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(node._id); + const state = parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(node._id); if (state) { node.conn = state.connectivity; node.pwr = state.powerState; - if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { node.agct = agent.connectTime; } } - if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { var cira = obj.parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[node._id]; if (cira != null) { node.cict = cira.tag.connectTime; } } + if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { var agent = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { node.agct = agent.connectTime; } } + if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { var cira = parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[node._id]; if (cira != null) { node.cict = cira.tag.connectTime; } } } // Event the node change - var newMesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', oldMeshId, command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'nodemeshchange', nodeid: node._id, node: node, oldMeshId: oldMeshId, newMeshId: command.meshid, msg: 'Moved device ' + + ' to group ' +, domain: }); + var newMesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', oldMeshId, command.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'nodemeshchange', nodeid: node._id, node: node, oldMeshId: oldMeshId, newMeshId: command.meshid, msg: 'Moved device ' + + ' to group ' +, domain: }); }); } break; } case 'removedevices': { - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's + if (common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's for (i in command.nodeids) { nodeid = command.nodeids[i]; - if (obj.common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (nodeid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the device - obj.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 4) == 0)) return; // Delete this node including network interface information, events and timeline - obj.db.Remove(node._id); // Remove node with that id - obj.db.Remove('if' + node._id); // Remove interface information - obj.db.Remove('nt' + node._id); // Remove notes - obj.db.Remove('lc' + node._id); // Remove last connect time - obj.db.RemoveSMBIOS(node._id); // Remove SMBios data - obj.db.RemoveAllNodeEvents(node._id); // Remove all events for this node - obj.db.removeAllPowerEventsForNode(node._id); // Remove all power events for this node + db.Remove(node._id); // Remove node with that id + db.Remove('if' + node._id); // Remove interface information + db.Remove('nt' + node._id); // Remove notes + db.Remove('lc' + node._id); // Remove last connect time + db.RemoveSMBIOS(node._id); // Remove SMBios data + db.RemoveAllNodeEvents(node._id); // Remove all events for this node + db.removeAllPowerEventsForNode(node._id); // Remove all power events for this node // Event node deletion - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'removenode', nodeid: node._id, msg: 'Removed device ' + + ' from group ' +, domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', username:, action: 'removenode', nodeid: node._id, msg: 'Removed device ' + + ' from group ' +, domain: }); // Disconnect all connections if needed - var state = obj.parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(nodeid); + var state = parent.parent.GetConnectivityState(nodeid); if ((state != null) && (state.connectivity != null)) { - if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { obj.parent.wsagents[nodeid].close(); } // Disconnect mesh agent - if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { obj.parent.parent.mpsserver.close(obj.parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[nodeid]); } // Disconnect CIRA connection + if ((state.connectivity & 1) != 0) { parent.wsagents[nodeid].close(); } // Disconnect mesh agent + if ((state.connectivity & 2) != 0) { parent.parent.mpsserver.close(parent.parent.mpsserver.ciraConnections[nodeid]); } // Disconnect CIRA connection } } }); @@ -1377,44 +1378,44 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'wakedevices': { - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's + if (common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's // TODO: We can optimize this a lot. // - We should get a full list of all MAC's to wake first. // - We should try to only have one agent per subnet (using Gateway MAC) send a wake-on-lan. for (i in command.nodeids) { nodeid = command.nodeids[i]; var wakeActions = 0; - if (obj.common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((nodeid.split('/').length == 3) && (nodeid.split('/')[1] == { // Validate the domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the device - obj.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] != null && ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 64) != 0)) { // Get the device interface information - obj.db.Get('if' + node._id, function (err, nodeifs) { + db.Get('if' + node._id, function (err, nodeifs) { if (nodeifs.length == 1) { var nodeif = nodeifs[0]; var macs = []; for (var i in nodeif.netif) { if (nodeif.netif[i].mac) { macs.push(nodeif.netif[i].mac); } } // Have the server send a wake-on-lan packet (Will not work in WAN-only) - if (obj.parent.parent.meshScanner != null) { obj.parent.parent.meshScanner.wakeOnLan(macs); wakeActions++; } + if (parent.parent.meshScanner != null) { parent.parent.meshScanner.wakeOnLan(macs); wakeActions++; } // Get the list of mesh this user as access to var targetMeshes = []; for (i in user.links) { targetMeshes.push(i); } // Go thru all the connected agents and send wake-on-lan on all the ones in the target mesh list - for (i in obj.parent.wsagents) { - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[i]; + for (i in parent.wsagents) { + var agent = parent.wsagents[i]; if ((targetMeshes.indexOf(agent.dbMeshKey) >= 0) && (agent.authenticated == 2)) { //console.log('Asking agent ' + agent.dbNodeKey + ' to wake ' + macs.join(',')); try { agent.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'wakeonlan', macs: macs })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -1436,26 +1437,26 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'poweraction': { - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's + if (common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's for (i in command.nodeids) { nodeid = command.nodeids[i]; var powerActions = 0; - if (obj.common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((nodeid.split('/').length == 3) && (nodeid.split('/')[1] == { // Validate the domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the device - obj.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] != null && ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 8) != 0)) { // "Remote Control permission" // Get this device - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; + var agent = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { // Send the power command try { agent.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'poweraction', actiontype: command.actiontype })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -1472,28 +1473,28 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'toast': { - if (obj.common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's - if (obj.common.validateString(command.title, 1, 512) == false) break; // Check title - if (obj.common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 4096) == false) break; // Check message + if (common.validateArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeid's + if (common.validateString(command.title, 1, 512) == false) break; // Check title + if (common.validateString(command.msg, 1, 4096) == false) break; // Check message for (i in command.nodeids) { nodeid = command.nodeids[i]; var powerActions = 0; - if (obj.common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((nodeid.split('/').length == 3) && (nodeid.split('/')[1] == { // Validate the domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the device - obj.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] != null && ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 8) != 0)) { // "Remote Control permission" // Get this device - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; + var agent = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { // Send the power command try { agent.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'toast', title: command.title, msg: command.msg })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -1508,22 +1509,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'getnetworkinfo': { // Argument validation - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((command.nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: command.nodeid, netif: null })); } catch (ex) { } return; } var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || (mesh.links[user._id].rights == 0)) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: command.nodeid, netif: null })); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Get network information about this node - obj.db.Get('if' + command.nodeid, function (err, netinfos) { + db.Get('if' + command.nodeid, function (err, netinfos) { if (netinfos.length != 1) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: command.nodeid, netif: null })); } catch (ex) { } return; } var netinfo = netinfos[0]; try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: command.nodeid, updateTime: netinfo.updateTime, netif: netinfo.netif })); } catch (ex) { } @@ -1535,17 +1536,17 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'changedevice': { // Argument validation - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid if ((command.nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain if ((command.userloc) && (command.userloc.length != 2) && (command.userloc.length != 0)) return; // Change the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 4) == 0)) return; @@ -1556,7 +1557,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use event.msg = ": "; // If we are in WAN-only mode, host is not used - if ((obj.parent.parent.args.wanonly == true) && ( { delete; } + if ((parent.parent.args.wanonly == true) && ( { delete; } // Look for a change if (command.icon && (command.icon != node.icon)) { change = 1; node.icon = command.icon; changes.push('icon'); } @@ -1580,21 +1581,21 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } if (command.tags) { // Node grouping tag, this is a array of strings that can't be empty and can't contain a comma var ok = true; - if (obj.common.validateString(command.tags, 0, 4096) == true) { command.tags = command.tags.split(','); } - if (obj.common.validateStrArray(command.tags, 1, 256) == true) { var groupTags = command.tags; for (var i in groupTags) { groupTags[i] = groupTags[i].trim(); if ((groupTags[i] == '') || (groupTags[i].indexOf(',') >= 0)) { ok = false; } } } + if (common.validateString(command.tags, 0, 4096) == true) { command.tags = command.tags.split(','); } + if (common.validateStrArray(command.tags, 1, 256) == true) { var groupTags = command.tags; for (var i in groupTags) { groupTags[i] = groupTags[i].trim(); if ((groupTags[i] == '') || (groupTags[i].indexOf(',') >= 0)) { ok = false; } } } if (ok == true) { groupTags.sort(function (a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }); node.tags = groupTags; change = 1; } } else if ((command.tags === '') && node.tags) { delete node.tags; change = 1; } if (change == 1) { // Save the node - obj.db.Set(node); + db.Set(node); // Event the node change event.msg = 'Changed device ' + + ' from group ' + + ': ' + changes.join(', '); - var node2 = obj.common.Clone(node); + var node2 = common.Clone(node); if (node2.intelamt && node2.intelamt.pass) delete node2.intelamt.pass; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this. event.node = node2; - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, event); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, event); } } }); @@ -1602,37 +1603,37 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'uploadagentcore': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid - if (obj.common.validateString(command.type, 1, 40) == false) break; // Check path + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(command.type, 1, 40) == false) break; // Check path // Change the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || (((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF))) { return; } if (command.type == 'default') { // Send the default core to the agent - obj.parent.parent.updateMeshCore(function () { obj.parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'default'); }); + parent.parent.updateMeshCore(function () { parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'default'); }); } else if (command.type == 'clear') { // Clear the mesh agent core on the mesh agent - obj.parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'clear'); + parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'clear'); } else if (command.type == 'recovery') { // Send the recovery core to the agent - obj.parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'recovery'); - } else if ((command.type == 'custom') && (obj.common.validateString(command.path, 1, 2048) == true)) { + parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'recovery'); + } else if ((command.type == 'custom') && (common.validateString(command.path, 1, 2048) == true)) { // Send a mesh agent core to the mesh agent - var file = obj.parent.getServerFilePath(user, domain, command.path); + var file = parent.getServerFilePath(user, domain, command.path); if (file != null) { - obj.parent.parent.fs.readFile(file.fullpath, 'utf8', function (err, data) { + fs.readFile(file.fullpath, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err != null) { - data = obj.common.IntToStr(0) + data; // Add the 4 bytes encoding type & flags (Set to 0 for raw) - obj.parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'custom', data); + data = common.IntToStr(0) + data; // Add the 4 bytes encoding type & flags (Set to 0 for raw) + parent.sendMeshAgentCore(user, domain, command.nodeid, 'custom', data); } }); } @@ -1643,22 +1644,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'agentdisconnect': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid - if (obj.common.validateInt(command.disconnectMode) == false) return; // Check disconnect mode + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateInt(command.disconnectMode) == false) return; // Check disconnect mode // Change the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || (((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF))) return; // Force mesh agent disconnection - obj.parent.forceMeshAgentDisconnect(user, domain, command.nodeid, command.disconnectMode); + parent.forceMeshAgentDisconnect(user, domain, command.nodeid, command.disconnectMode); } }); break; @@ -1673,17 +1674,17 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'getcookie': { // Check if this user has rights on this nodeid - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { // TODO: Make a NodeRights(user) method that also does not do a db call if agent is connected (???) + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { // TODO: Make a NodeRights(user) method that also does not do a db call if agent is connected (???) if (nodes.length == 1) { meshlinks = user.links[nodes[0].meshid]; - if ((meshlinks) && (meshlinks.rights) && (meshlinks.rights & obj.parent.MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL != 0)) { + if ((meshlinks) && (meshlinks.rights) && (meshlinks.rights & parent.MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL != 0)) { // Add a user authentication cookie to a url var cookieContent = { userid: user._id, domainid: user.domain }; if (command.nodeid) { cookieContent.nodeid = command.nodeid; } if (command.tcpaddr) { cookieContent.tcpaddr = command.tcpaddr; } // Indicates the browser want to agent to TCP connect to a remote address if (command.tcpport) { cookieContent.tcpport = command.tcpport; } // Indicates the browser want to agent to TCP connect to a remote port - command.cookie = obj.parent.parent.encodeCookie(cookieContent); + command.cookie = parent.parent.encodeCookie(cookieContent); try { ws.send(JSON.stringify(command)); } catch (ex) { } } } @@ -1692,13 +1693,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } case 'inviteAgent': { - if ((obj.parent.parent.mailserver == null) || (obj.args.lanonly == true)) return; // This operation requires the email server - if ((obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName == null) || (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') == -1)) return; // Server name must be configured - if (obj.common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid + if ((parent.parent.mailserver == null) || (args.lanonly == true)) return; // This operation requires the email server + if ((parent.parent.certificates.CommonName == null) || (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') == -1)) return; // Server name must be configured + if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid if ((command.meshid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.meshid.split('/')[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain // Get the mesh - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[command.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid]; if (mesh) { if (mesh.mtype != 2) return; // This operation is only allowed for mesh type 2, agent mesh @@ -1706,14 +1707,14 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use //if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 4) == 0)) return; // Perform email invitation - obj.parent.parent.mailserver.sendAgentInviteMail(domain,,, command.meshid,, command.os, command.msg, command.flags); + parent.parent.mailserver.sendAgentInviteMail(domain,,, command.meshid,, command.os, command.msg, command.flags); } break; } case 'setNotes': { // Argument validation - if (obj.common.validateString(, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check id + if (common.validateString(, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check id var splitid ='/'); if ((splitid.length != 3) || (splitid[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain var idtype = splitid[0]; @@ -1721,39 +1722,39 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (idtype == 'node') { // Check if this user has rights on this id to set notes - obj.db.Get(, function (err, nodes) { // TODO: Make a NodeRights(user) method that also does not do a db call if agent is connected (???) + db.Get(, function (err, nodes) { // TODO: Make a NodeRights(user) method that also does not do a db call if agent is connected (???) if (nodes.length == 1) { meshlinks = user.links[nodes[0].meshid]; - if ((meshlinks) && (meshlinks.rights) && (meshlinks.rights & obj.parent.MESHRIGHT_SETNOTES != 0)) { + if ((meshlinks) && (meshlinks.rights) && (meshlinks.rights & parent.MESHRIGHT_SETNOTES != 0)) { // Set the id's notes - if (obj.common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { - obj.db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node + if (common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { + db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node } else { - obj.db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this node + db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this node } } } }); } else if (idtype == 'mesh') { // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[]; + mesh = parent.meshes[]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if ((mesh.links[user._id] == null) || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 1) == 0)) { return; } // Must have rights to edit the mesh // Set the id's notes - if (obj.common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { - obj.db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node + if (common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { + db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node } else { - obj.db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this mesh + db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this mesh } } } else if ((idtype == 'user') && ((user.siteadmin & 2) != 0)) { // Set the id's notes - if (obj.common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { - obj.db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node + if (common.validateString(command.notes, 1) == false) { + db.Remove('nt' +; // Delete the note for this node } else { - obj.db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this user + db.Set({ _id: 'nt' +, type: 'note', value: command.notes }); // Set the note for this user } } @@ -1762,19 +1763,19 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otpauth-request': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported) { // Request a one time password to be setup const otplib = require('otplib'); const secret = otplib.authenticator.generateSecret(); // TODO: Check the random source of this value. - ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-request', secret: secret, url: otplib.authenticator.keyuri(, obj.parent.certificates.CommonName, secret) })); + ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-request', secret: secret, url: otplib.authenticator.keyuri(, parent.certificates.CommonName, secret) })); } break; } case 'otpauth-setup': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported) { // Perform the one time password setup const otplib = require('otplib'); @@ -1782,11 +1783,11 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (otplib.authenticator.check(command.token, command.secret) === true) { // Token is valid, activate 2-step login on this account. user.otpsecret = command.secret; - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-setup', success: true })); // Report success // Notify change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added authentication application.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added authentication application.', domain: }); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-setup', success: false })); // Report fail } @@ -1796,16 +1797,16 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otpauth-clear': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported) { // Clear the one time password secret if (user.otpsecret) { delete user.otpsecret; - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-clear', success: true })); // Report success // Notify change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Removed authentication application.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Removed authentication application.', domain: }); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-clear', success: false })); // Report fail } @@ -1815,7 +1816,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otpauth-getpasswords': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported == false) break; // Perform a sub-action @@ -1832,7 +1833,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } // Save the changed user - if (actionTaken) { obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); } + if (actionTaken) { parent.db.SetUser(user); } // Return one time passwords for this user if (user.otpsecret || ((user.otphkeys != null) && (user.otphkeys.length > 0))) { @@ -1840,13 +1841,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } // Notify change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); break; } case 'otp-hkey-get': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported == false) break; // Send back the list of keys we have, just send the list of names and index @@ -1859,7 +1860,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otp-hkey-remove': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported == false || command.index == null) break; // Remove a key @@ -1867,11 +1868,11 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (user.otphkeys != null) { for (var i = 0; i < user.otphkeys.length; i++) { if (user.otphkeys[i].keyIndex == command.index) { foundAtIndex = i; } } } if (foundAtIndex != -1) { user.otphkeys.splice(foundAtIndex, 1); - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); } // Notify change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Removed security key.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Removed security key.', domain: }); break; } case 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add': @@ -1879,7 +1880,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Yubico API id and signature key can be requested from // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if ((twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (typeof command.otp != 'string')) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add', result: false, name: })); break; @@ -1899,7 +1900,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (domain.yubikey.proxy) { request.requestParams = { proxy: domain.yubikey.proxy }; } yubikeyotp.verifyOTP(request, function (err, results) { if ((results != null) && (results.status == 'OK')) { - var keyIndex = obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); + var keyIndex = parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); var keyId = command.otp.substring(0, 12); if (user.otphkeys == null) { user.otphkeys = []; } @@ -1910,11 +1911,11 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Add the new key and notify user.otphkeys.push({ name:, type: 2, keyid: keyId, keyIndex: keyIndex }); - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add', result: true, name:, index: keyIndex })); // Notify change TODO: Should be done on all sessions/servers for this user. - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add', result: false, name: })); } @@ -1925,7 +1926,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otp-hkey-setup-request': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if (twoStepLoginSupported == false) break; // Build list of known keys @@ -1933,7 +1934,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (user.otphkeys != null) { for (var i = 0; i < user.otphkeys.length; i++) { if (user.otphkeys[i].type == 1) { knownKeys.push(user.otphkeys[i]); } } } // Build a key registration request and send it over - require('authdog').startRegistration('https://' + obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName, knownKeys, { requestId: 556, timeoutSeconds: 100 }).then(function (registrationRequest) { + require('authdog').startRegistration('https://' + parent.parent.certificates.CommonName, knownKeys, { requestId: 556, timeoutSeconds: 100 }).then(function (registrationRequest) { // Save registration request to session for later use obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest = registrationRequest; @@ -1948,20 +1949,20 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'otp-hkey-setup-response': { // Check is 2-step login is supported - const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly !== true) && (obj.args.nousers !== true)); + const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true)); if ((twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (command.response == null) || ( == null) || (obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest == null)) break; // Check the key registration request require('authdog').finishRegistration(obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest, command.response).then(function (registrationStatus) { - var keyIndex = obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); + var keyIndex = parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-setup-response', result: true, name:, index: keyIndex })); if (user.otphkeys == null) { user.otphkeys = []; } user.otphkeys.push({ name:, type: 1, publicKey: registrationStatus.publicKey, keyHandle: registrationStatus.keyHandle, certificate: registrationStatus.certificate, keyIndex: keyIndex }); - obj.parent.db.SetUser(user); + parent.db.SetUser(user); delete obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest; // Notify change - obj.parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: obj.parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); + parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, { etype: 'user', username:, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msg: 'Added security key.', domain: }); }, function (error) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-setup-response', result: false, error: error, name:, index: keyIndex })); delete obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest; @@ -1969,43 +1970,43 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use break; } case 'getClip': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid // Get the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has "remote" rights to do this if ((mesh.links[user._id] == null) || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0)) return; // Ask for clipboard data from agent - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; + var agent = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { try { agent.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getClip' })); } catch (ex) { } } } }); break; } case 'setClip': { - if (obj.common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid - if (obj.common.validateString(, 1, 65535) == false) break; // Check + if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check nodeid + if (common.validateString(, 1, 65535) == false) break; // Check // Get the device - obj.db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(command.nodeid, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has "remote" rights to do this if ((mesh.links[user._id] == null) || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 16) == 0)) return; // Send clipboard data to the agent - var agent = obj.parent.wsagents[node._id]; + var agent = parent.wsagents[node._id]; if (agent != null) { try { agent.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'setClip', data: })); } catch (ex) { } } } }); @@ -2014,7 +2015,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use case 'getNotes': { // Argument validation - if (obj.common.validateString(, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check id + if (common.validateString(, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check id var splitid ='/'); if ((splitid.length != 3) || (splitid[1] != return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain var idtype = splitid[0]; @@ -2022,18 +2023,18 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use if (idtype == 'node') { // Get the device - obj.db.Get(, function (err, nodes) { + db.Get(, function (err, nodes) { if (nodes.length != 1) return; var node = nodes[0]; // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[node.meshid]; + mesh = parent.meshes[node.meshid]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || (mesh.links[user._id].rights == 0)) { return; } // Get the notes about this node - obj.db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { + db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { try { if (notes.length != 1) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: null })); return; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: notes[0].value })); @@ -2043,13 +2044,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use }); } else if (idtype == 'mesh') { // Get the mesh for this device - mesh = obj.parent.meshes[]; + mesh = parent.meshes[]; if (mesh) { // Check if this user has rights to do this if (mesh.links[user._id] == null || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 1) == 0)) { return; } // Must have rights to edit the mesh // Get the notes about this node - obj.db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { + db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { try { if (notes.length != 1) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: null })); return; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: notes[0].value })); @@ -2058,7 +2059,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use } } else if ((idtype == 'user') && ((user.siteadmin & 2) != 0)) { // Get the notes about this node - obj.db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { + db.Get('nt' +, function (err, notes) { try { if (notes.length != 1) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: null })); return; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getNotes', id:, notes: notes[0].value })); @@ -2081,10 +2082,10 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Read the folder and all sub-folders and serialize that into json. function readFilesRec(path) { - var r = {}, dir = obj.fs.readdirSync(path); + var r = {}, dir = fs.readdirSync(path); for (var i in dir) { var f = { t: 3, d: 111 }; - var stat = obj.fs.statSync(path + '/' + dir[i]); + var stat = fs.statSync(path + '/' + dir[i]); if ((stat.mode & 0x004000) == 0) { f.s = stat.size; f.d = stat.mtime.getTime(); } else { f.t = 2; f.f = readFilesRec(path + '/' + dir[i]); } r[dir[i]] = f; } @@ -2094,16 +2095,16 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Delete a directory with a files and directories within it // TODO, make this an async function function deleteFolderRecursive(path) { - if (obj.fs.existsSync(path)) { - obj.fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function (file, index) { - var curPath = obj.path.join(path, file);; - if (obj.fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse + if (fs.existsSync(path)) { + fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function (file, index) { + var curPath = path.join(path, file);; + if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse deleteFolderRecursive(curPath); } else { // delete file - obj.fs.unlinkSync(curPath); + fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); - obj.fs.rmdirSync(path); + fs.rmdirSync(path); } }; @@ -2115,35 +2116,35 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Add user files files.filetree.f[user._id] = { t: 1, n: 'My Files', f: {} }; - files.filetree.f[user._id].maxbytes = obj.parent.getQuota(user._id, domain); + files.filetree.f[user._id].maxbytes = parent.getQuota(user._id, domain); var usersplit = user._id.split('/'), domainx = 'domain'; if (usersplit[1].length > 0) domainx = 'domain-' + usersplit[1]; // Read all files recursively try { - files.filetree.f[user._id].f = readFilesRec(obj.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); + files.filetree.f[user._id].f = readFilesRec(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); } catch (e) { // TODO: We may want to fake this file structure until it's needed. // Got an error, try to create all the folders and try again... - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(obj.parent.filespath); } catch (e) { } - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(obj.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx)); } catch (e) { } - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(obj.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); } catch (e) { } - try { obj.fs.mkdirSync(obj.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2] + "/Public")); } catch (e) { } - try { files.filetree.f[user._id].f = readFilesRec(obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(parent.filespath); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx)); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); } catch (e) { } + try { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2] + "/Public")); } catch (e) { } + try { files.filetree.f[user._id].f = readFilesRec(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx + "/user-" + usersplit[2])); } catch (e) { } } // Add files for each mesh for (var i in user.links) { if ((user.links[i].rights & 32) != 0) { // Check that we have file permissions - var mesh = obj.parent.meshes[i]; + var mesh = parent.meshes[i]; if (mesh) { var meshsplit = mesh._id.split('/'); files.filetree.f[mesh._id] = { t: 4, n:, f: {} }; - files.filetree.f[mesh._id].maxbytes = obj.parent.getQuota(mesh._id, domain); + files.filetree.f[mesh._id].maxbytes = parent.getQuota(mesh._id, domain); // Read all files recursively try { - files.filetree.f[mesh._id].f = readFilesRec(obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.filespath, domainx + "/mesh-" + meshsplit[2])); + files.filetree.f[mesh._id].f = readFilesRec(path.join(parent.filespath, domainx + "/mesh-" + meshsplit[2])); } catch (e) { files.filetree.f[mesh._id].f = {}; // Got an error, return empty folder. We will create the folder only when needed. } @@ -2171,7 +2172,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use // Generate a 8 digit integer with even random probability for each value. function getRandomEightDigitInteger() { var bigInt; - do { bigInt = obj.parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); } while (bigInt >= 4200000000); + do { bigInt = parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); } while (bigInt >= 4200000000); return bigInt % 100000000; } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 12b2f677..909fe21d 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "meshcentral", - "version": "0.2.9-w", + "version": "0.2.9-z", "keywords": [ "Remote Management", "Intel AMT", diff --git a/public/scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js b/public/scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js index 80485060..1e0ee7c2 100644 --- a/public/scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js +++ b/public/scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ var CreateAgentRemoteDesktop = function (canvasid, scrolldiv) { obj.debugmode = 0; obj.firstUpKeys = []; obj.stopInput = false; + obj.localKeyMap = true; obj.sessionid = 0; obj.username; @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ var CreateAgentRemoteDesktop = function (canvasid, scrolldiv) { obj.SendKeyMsg = function (action, event) { if (action == null) return; if (!event) { event = window.event; } - if (event.code) { + if (event.code && (obj.localKeyMap == false)) { // Convert "event.code" into a scancode. This works the same regardless of the keyboard language. // Older browsers will not support this. var kc = convertKeyCode(event); diff --git a/public/scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js b/public/scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js index e1f1c2df..45caccf1 100644 --- a/public/scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js +++ b/public/scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ var CreateAmtRemoteDesktop = function (divid, scrolldiv) { obj.useZRLE = true; obj.showmouse = true; obj.buttonmask = 0; + obj.localKeyMap = true; //obj.inbytes = 0; //obj.outbytes = 0; obj.spare = null; @@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ var CreateAmtRemoteDesktop = function (divid, scrolldiv) { function _keyevent(d, e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } - if (e.code) { + if (e.code && (obj.localKeyMap == false)) { // For new browsers, this mapping is keyboard language independent var k = convertAmtKeyCode(e); if (k != null) { obj.sendkey(k, d); } diff --git a/swarmserver.js b/swarmserver.js index 627e5435..d55d943e 100644 --- a/swarmserver.js +++ b/swarmserver.js @@ -311,8 +311,7 @@ module.exports.CreateSwarmServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) { if (checkSwarmIpAddress(socket, obj.args.swarmallowedip) == false) { obj.stats.blockedConnect++; Debug(1, "SWARM:New blocked agent connection"); return; } obj.stats.connectCount++; - socket.tag = { first: true, clientCert: socket.getPeerCertificate(true), accumulator: "", socket: socket }; - //socket.pingTimer = setInterval(function () { obj.SendCommand(socket, LegacyMeshProtocol.PING); }, 20000); + socket.tag = { first: true, clientCert: socket.getPeerCertificate(true), accumulator: "" }; Debug(1, 'SWARM:New legacy agent connection'); if ((socket.tag.clientCert == null) || (socket.tag.clientCert.subject == null)) { obj.stats.noCertConnectCount++; } else { obj.stats.clientCertConnectCount++; } @@ -321,12 +320,20 @@ module.exports.CreateSwarmServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) { socket.addListener("close", function () { obj.stats.onclose++; Debug(1, 'Swarm:Connection closed'); - if (this.relaySocket) { try { this.relaySocket.end(); delete this.relaySocket; } catch (ex) { } } + + // Perform aggressive cleanup + if (this.relaySocket) { try { this.relaySocket.end(); this.relaySocket.removeAllListeners(["data", "end", "error"]); delete this.relaySocket; } catch (ex) { } } if (this.pingTimer != null) { clearInterval(this.pingTimer); delete this.pingTimer; } if (this.tag && (typeof this.tag.taskid == 'number')) { obj.parent.taskLimiter.completed(this.tag.taskid); // Indicate this task complete delete this.tag.taskid; } + if (this.tag) { + if (this.tag.accumulator) { delete this.tag.accumulator; } + if (this.tag.clientCert) { delete this.tag.clientCert; } + delete this.tag; + } + this.removeAllListeners([ "data", "close", "error" ]); }); socket.addListener("error", function () { diff --git a/views/default-min.handlebars b/views/default-min.handlebars index 782551ec..7baedf88 100644 --- a/views/default-min.handlebars +++ b/views/default-min.handlebars @@ -1 +1 @@ - MeshCentral



\ No newline at end of file + MeshCentral



\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/views/default-mobile-min.handlebars b/views/default-mobile-min.handlebars index a5b032a3..87576fb2 100644 --- a/views/default-mobile-min.handlebars +++ b/views/default-mobile-min.handlebars @@ -1 +1 @@ - MeshCentral
\ No newline at end of file + MeshCentral
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars index 7a490940..486588fc 100644 --- a/views/default.handlebars +++ b/views/default.handlebars @@ -795,6 +795,7 @@

Agent Remote Desktop

@@ -839,6 +840,7 @@
Other Settings
@@ -881,7 +883,7 @@ var wssessions = null; var nodeShortIdent = 0; var desktop; - var desktopsettings = { encoding: 2, showfocus: false, showmouse: true, showcad: true, quality: 40, scaling: 1024, framerate: 50 }; + var desktopsettings = { encoding: 2, showfocus: false, showmouse: true, showcad: true, quality: 40, scaling: 1024, framerate: 50, localkeymap: false }; var multidesktopsettings = { quality: 20, scaling: 128, framerate: 1000 }; var terminal; var files; @@ -1860,7 +1862,18 @@ } function ondockeypress(e) { - if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) return desktop.m.handleKeys(e); + if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) { + // Check what keys we are allows to send + if (currentNode != null) { + var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid]; + var meshrights = mesh.links['user/' + domain + '/' +].rights; + var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0))); + if (inputAllowed == false) return false; + var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0))); + if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || (e.keyCode < 32) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; } + } + return desktop.m.handleKeys(e); + } if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) return terminal.m.TermHandleKeys(e); if (!xxdialogMode && ((xxcurrentView == 15) || (xxcurrentView == 115))) return agentConsoleHandleKeys(e); if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 4) { @@ -1908,7 +1921,18 @@ } function ondockeydown(e) { - if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) { return desktop.m.handleKeyDown(e); } + if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) { + // Check what keys we are allows to send + if (currentNode != null) { + var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid]; + var meshrights = mesh.links['user/' + domain + '/' +].rights; + var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0))); + if (inputAllowed == false) return false; + var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0))); + if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || (e.keyCode < 32) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; } + } + return desktop.m.handleKeyDown(e); + } if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) { return terminal.m.TermHandleKeyDown(e); } if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 13 && e.keyCode == 116 && p13filetree != null) { haltEvent(e); return false; } // F5 Refresh on files if (!xxdialogMode && ((xxcurrentView == 15) || (xxcurrentView == 115))) { return agentConsoleHandleKeys(e); } @@ -1931,7 +1955,18 @@ } function ondockeyup(e) { - if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) return desktop.m.handleKeyUp(e); + if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q("DeskControl").checked) { + // Check what keys we are allows to send + if (currentNode != null) { + var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid]; + var meshrights = mesh.links['user/' + domain + '/' +].rights; + var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0))); + if (inputAllowed == false) return false; + var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0))); + if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || (e.keyCode < 32) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; } + } + return desktop.m.handleKeyUp(e); + } if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) return terminal.m.TermHandleKeyUp(e); if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 13 && e.keyCode == 116 && p13filetree != null) { p13folderup(9999); haltEvent(e); return false; } // F5 Refresh on files if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 4) { if ((e.keyCode === 8 && searchFocus == 0) || e.keyCode === 27) { return haltEvent(e); } } @@ -4080,26 +4115,27 @@ QV('d7meshkvm', (webRtcDesktop) || ((mesh.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 1) && ((deskState == false) || (desktop.contype == 1)))); // Enable buttons + var inputAllowed = (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) == 0)); var online = ((currentNode.conn & 1) != 0); // If Agent (1) connected, enable remote desktop QE('connectbutton1', online); var hwonline = ((currentNode.conn & 6) != 0); // If CIRA (2) or AMT (4) connected, enable hardware terminal QE('connectbutton1h', hwonline); QE('deskSaveBtn', deskState == 3); QV('deskFocusBtn', (desktop != null) && (desktop.contype == 2) && (deskState != 0) && (desktopsettings.showfocus)); - QV('DeskCAD', meshrights & 8); + QV('DeskCAD', inputAllowed); QE('DeskCAD', deskState == 3); QE('DeskClip', deskState == 3); - QV('DeskWD', (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && (meshrights & 8)); + QV('DeskWD', (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && inputAllowed); QE('DeskWD', deskState == 3); - QV('deskkeys', (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && (meshrights & 8)); + QV('deskkeys', (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && inputAllowed); QE('deskkeys', deskState == 3); - QV('DeskToolsButton', (meshrights & 8) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); - QV('DeskChatButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (meshrights & 8) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); - QV('DeskNotifyButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && (meshrights & 8) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); - QV('DeskOpenWebButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (meshrights & 8) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); + QV('DeskToolsButton', (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); + QV('DeskChatButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); + QV('DeskNotifyButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (currentNode.agent) && ( < 5) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); + QV('DeskOpenWebButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online); - QV('DeskControlSpan', meshrights & 8) + QV('DeskControlSpan', inputAllowed) QV('deskActionsBtn', (browserfullscreen == false)); QV('deskActionsSettings', (browserfullscreen == false)); if (meshrights & 8) { Q('DeskControl').checked = (getstore('DeskControl', 1) == 1); } else { Q('DeskControl').checked = false; } @@ -4121,6 +4157,7 @@ desktop.onStateChanged = onDesktopStateChange; desktop.m.bpp = (desktopsettings.encoding == 1 || desktopsettings.encoding == 3) ? 1 : 2; desktop.m.useZRLE = (desktopsettings.encoding < 3); + desktop.m.localKeyMap = desktopsettings.localkeymap; desktop.m.showmouse = desktopsettings.showmouse; desktop.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust; desktop.m.onKvmData = function (x) { @@ -4285,11 +4322,14 @@ desktopsettings.quality = d7bitmapquality.value; desktopsettings.scaling = d7bitmapscaling.value; desktopsettings.framerate = d7framelimiter.value; + desktopsettings.localkeymap = d7localKeyMap.checked; localStorage.setItem('desktopsettings', JSON.stringify(desktopsettings)); applyDesktopSettings(); if (desktop) { if (desktop.contype == 1) { - if (desktop.State != 0) { desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel(1, desktopsettings.quality, desktopsettings.scaling, desktopsettings.framerate); } + if (desktop.State != 0) { + desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel(1, desktopsettings.quality, desktopsettings.scaling, desktopsettings.framerate); + } } if (desktop.contype == 2) { if (desktopsettings.showfocus == false) { desktop.m.focusmode = 0; deskFocusBtn.value = 'All Focus'; } @@ -4309,6 +4349,7 @@ if (ops.indexOf(parseInt(desktopsettings.quality)) >= 0) { d7bitmapquality.value = desktopsettings.quality; } d7bitmapscaling.value = desktopsettings.scaling; if (desktopsettings.framerate) { d7framelimiter.value = desktopsettings.framerate; } + if (desktopsettings.localkeymap) { d7localKeyMap.checked = desktopsettings.localkeymap; } QV('deskFocusBtn', (desktop != null) && (desktop.contype == 2) && (desktop.state != 0) && (desktopsettings.showfocus)); } @@ -5958,6 +5999,7 @@ x += 'Manage Device Group Computers
'; x += 'Remote Control
'; x += 'Remote View Only
'; + x += 'Limited Input Only
'; x += 'No Terminal Access
'; x += 'No File Access
'; x += 'No Intel® AMT
'; @@ -5984,6 +6026,7 @@ QE('p20wakedevices', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked); QE('p20editnotes', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked); QE('p20remoteview', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked); + QE('p20remotelimitedinput', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked && !Q('p20remoteview').checked); QE('p20noterminal', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked); QE('p20nofiles', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked); QE('p20noamt', !Q('p20fulladmin').checked && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked); @@ -6004,6 +6047,7 @@ if (Q('p20noterminal').checked == true) meshadmin += 512; if (Q('p20nofiles').checked == true) meshadmin += 1024; if (Q('p20noamt').checked == true) meshadmin += 2048; + if (Q('p20remotelimitedinput').checked == true) meshadmin += 4096; } meshserver.send({ action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname:, username: Q('dp20username').value , meshadmin: meshadmin}); } @@ -6021,10 +6065,11 @@ if ((meshrights & 32) != 0) r += ', Server Files'; if ((meshrights & 64) != 0) r += ', Wake Devices'; if ((meshrights & 128) != 0) r += ', Edit Notes'; - if ((meshrights & 256) != 0) r += ', Remote View Only'; - if ((meshrights & 512) != 0) r += ', No Terminal'; - if ((meshrights & 1024) != 0) r += ', No Files'; - if ((meshrights & 2048) != 0) r += ', No Intel® AMT'; + if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 256) != 0) r += ', Remote View Only'; + if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 512) != 0) r += ', No Terminal'; + if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 1024) != 0) r += ', No Files'; + if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 2048) != 0) r += ', No Intel® AMT'; + if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0)) r += ', Limited Input'; } r = r.substring(2); if (r == '') { r = 'No Rights'; }