diff --git a/meshuser.js b/meshuser.js
index 21d8bae1..403e6991 100644
--- a/meshuser.js
+++ b/meshuser.js
@@ -2746,6 +2746,17 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) {
// TODO: Add multi-server support
+ // If the user is not connected, use web push if available.
+ if ((parent.wssessions[chguser._id] == null) && (parent.sessionsCount[chguser._id] == null)) {
+ // Perform web push notification
+ var payload = { body: command.msg, icon: 8 }; // Icon 8 is the user icon.
+ if (command.url) { payload.url = command.url; }
+ if (domain.title != null) { payload.title = domain.title; } else { payload.title = "MeshCentral"; }
+ payload.title += ' - ' + user.name;
+ parent.performWebPush(domain, chguser, payload, { TTL: 60 }); // For now, 1 minute TTL
+ }
case 'meshmessenger':
@@ -2772,6 +2783,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (parent.parent.multiServer != null) {
// TODO: Add multi-server support
+ // If the user is not connected, use web push if available.
+ if ((parent.wssessions[chguser._id] == null) && (parent.sessionsCount[chguser._id] == null)) {
+ // Create the server url
+ var httpsPort = ((args.aliasport == null) ? args.port : args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified
+ var xdomain = (domain.dns == null) ? domain.id : '';
+ if (xdomain != '') xdomain += "/";
+ var url = "https://" + parent.getWebServerName(domain) + ":" + httpsPort + "/" + xdomain + "messenger?id=meshmessenger/" + encodeURIComponent(command.userid) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(user._id);
+ // Perform web push notification
+ var payload = { body: "Chat Request, Click here to accept.", icon: 8, url: url }; // Icon 8 is the user icon.
+ if (domain.title != null) { payload.title = domain.title; } else { payload.title = "MeshCentral"; }
+ payload.title += ' - ' + user.name;
+ parent.performWebPush(domain, chguser, payload, { TTL: 60 }); // For now, 1 minute TTL
+ }
+ return;
// User-to-device chat is not support in LAN-only mode yet. We need the agent to replace the IP address of the server??
diff --git a/public/serviceworker.js b/public/serviceworker.js
index f9c6f3d4..39c860ba 100644
--- a/public/serviceworker.js
+++ b/public/serviceworker.js
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {
- console.log('Service Worker push', JSON.stringify(event));
- if (event.data) {
- console.log("Push event!! ", event.data.text());
- showLocalNotification("Yolo", event.data.text(), self.registration);
- } else {
- console.log("Push event but no data");
- }
+ if (event.data == null) return;
+ var json = event.data.json();
+ const options = { body: json.body, icon: '/favicon-303x303.png', tag: json.url };
+ if (json.icon) { options.icon = '/images/notify/icons128-' + json.icon + '.png'; }
+ self.registration.showNotification(json.title, options);
-const showLocalNotification = function(title, body, swRegistration) {
- const options = {
- body
- // here you can add more properties like icon, image, vibrate, etc.
- };
- swRegistration.showNotification(title, options);
\ No newline at end of file
+self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {
+ event.notification.close();
+ if ((event.notification.tag != null) && (event.notification.tag != '')) { event.waitUntil(self.clients.openWindow(event.notification.tag)); }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars
index 3022e486..f30ee904 100644
--- a/views/default.handlebars
+++ b/views/default.handlebars
@@ -12732,10 +12732,10 @@
x += '';
if (user.phone && (features & 0x02000000)) { x += ''; }
if ((typeof user.email == 'string') && (user.emailVerified === true) && (features & 0x00000040)) { x += ''; }
- if (!self && (activeSessions > 0)) {
+ if (!self && ((activeSessions > 0) || ((features2 & 8) && (user.webpush)))) {
x += '';
x += '';
- if ((serverinfo != null) && (serverinfo.altmessenging != null)) { for (var i in serverinfo.altmessenging) { x += ''; } }
+ if ((activeSessions > 0) && (serverinfo != null) && (serverinfo.altmessenging != null)) { for (var i in serverinfo.altmessenging) { x += ''; } }
// Setup the panel
@@ -13852,11 +13852,11 @@
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(reg) {
reg.pushManager.subscribe({ applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(serverinfo.vapidpublickey), userVisibleOnly: true }).then(function(sub) {
meshserver.send({ action: 'webpush', sub: sub });
- }).catch(function(e) { console.error('Unable to subscribe to push', e); });
+ }).catch(function(e) { console.error('Worker: Unable to subscribe to push', e); });
}).catch(function(error) {
// Registration failed
- console.log('Registration failed', error);
+ console.log('Worker: Registration failed', error);
@@ -14405,10 +14405,10 @@
// Used to convert Base64 public VAPID key to bytearray.
function urlBase64ToUint8Array(base64String) {
- const padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4);
- const base64 = (base64String + padding).replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
- const rawData = atob(base64);
- const outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
+ var padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4);
+ var base64 = (base64String + padding).replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
+ var rawData = atob(base64);
+ var outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) { outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i); }
return outputArray;
diff --git a/webserver.js b/webserver.js
index aec02d5a..c60c224f 100644
--- a/webserver.js
+++ b/webserver.js
@@ -6686,6 +6686,48 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
+ // Perform a web push to a user
+ // If any of the push fail, remove the subscription from the user's webpush subscription list.
+ obj.performWebPush = function (domain, user, payload, options) {
+ if ((parent.webpush == null) || (Array.isArray(user.webpush) == false) || (user.webpush.length == 0)) return;
+ var completionFunc = function pushCompletionFunc(sub, fail) {
+ pushCompletionFunc.failCount += fail;
+ if (--pushCompletionFunc.pushCount == 0) {
+ if (pushCompletionFunc.failCount > 0) {
+ var user = pushCompletionFunc.user, newwebpush = [];
+ for (var i in user.webpush) { if (user.webpush[i].fail == null) { newwebpush.push(user.webpush[i]); } }
+ user.webpush = newwebpush;
+ // Update the database
+ obj.db.SetUser(user);
+ // Event the change
+ var message = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: obj.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', domain: domain.id, nolog: 1 };
+ if (db.changeStream) { message.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
+ var targets = ['*', 'server-users', user._id];
+ if (user.groups) { for (var i in user.groups) { targets.push('server-users:' + i); } }
+ parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ completionFunc.pushCount = user.webpush.length;
+ completionFunc.user = user;
+ completionFunc.domain = domain;
+ completionFunc.failCount = 0;
+ for (var i in user.webpush) {
+ var errorFunc = function pushErrorFunc(error) { pushErrorFunc.sub.fail = 1; pushErrorFunc.call(pushErrorFunc.sub, 1); }
+ errorFunc.sub = user.webpush[i];
+ errorFunc.call = completionFunc;
+ var successFunc = function pushSuccessFunc(value) { pushSuccessFunc.call(pushSuccessFunc.sub, 0); }
+ successFunc.sub = user.webpush[i];
+ successFunc.call = completionFunc;
+ parent.webpush.sendNotification(user.webpush[i], JSON.stringify(payload), options).then(successFunc, errorFunc);
+ }
+ }
// Return true if a mobile browser is detected.
// This code comes from "http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/" and was modified, This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. For more information, please refer to the http://unlicense.org/
function isMobileBrowser(req) {