From b1e11e04103f5f966d47831c2db3559db5c3f7cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bryan Roe Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 11:21:08 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed opendeskurl() so that the created task can work on battery power --- agents/meshcore.js | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/agents/meshcore.js b/agents/meshcore.js index 1c9634f2..2c8df3b6 100644 --- a/agents/meshcore.js +++ b/agents/meshcore.js @@ -2624,13 +2624,30 @@ function openUserDesktopUrl(url) { switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': var user = require('user-sessions').getUsername(require('user-sessions').consoleUid()); - child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['cmd']); - child.stderr.on('data', function () { }); - child.stdout.on('data', function () { }); - child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /CREATE /F /TN MeshChatTask /SC ONCE /ST 00:00 /RU "' + user + '" /TR "' + process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe /C START ' + url.split('&').join('^&') + '"\r\n'); + var taskoptions = { env: { _target: process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', _args: '/C START ' + url.split('&').join('^&'), _user: '"' + user + '"' } }; + for (var c1e in process.env) + { + taskoptions.env[c1e] = process.env[c1e]; + } + var child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', ['powershell', '-noprofile', '-nologo', '-command', '-'], taskoptions); + child.stderr.on('data', function (c) { }); + child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { }); + child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /CREATE /F /TN MeshChatTask /SC ONCE /ST 00:00 '); + if (user) { child.stdin.write('/RU $env:_user '); } + child.stdin.write('/TR "$env:_target $env:_args"\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$ts = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.service\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$ts.connect()\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$tsfolder = $ts.getfolder("\\")\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$task = $tsfolder.GetTask("MeshChatTask")\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$taskdef = $task.Definition\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$taskdef.Settings.StopIfGoingOnBatteries = $false\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$taskdef.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = $false\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$taskdef.Actions.Item(1).Path = $env:_target\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$taskdef.Actions.Item(1).Arguments = $env:_args\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('$tsfolder.RegisterTaskDefinition($task.Name, $taskdef, 4, $null, $null, $null)\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /RUN /TN MeshChatTask\r\n'); - child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN MeshChatTask\r\n'); - child.stdin.write('exit\r\n'); + child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN MeshChatTask\r\nexit\r\n'); child.waitExit(); break; case 'linux':