diff --git a/agents/meshcore.js b/agents/meshcore.js
index 1de8c1b1..1aaadb36 100644
--- a/agents/meshcore.js
+++ b/agents/meshcore.js
@@ -656,14 +656,14 @@ try { require('os').name().then(function (v) { meshCoreObj.osdesc = v; meshCoreO
// Get Volumes and BitLocker if Windows
try {
- if (process.platform == 'win32'){
- if (require('computer-identifiers').volumes_promise != null){
+ if (process.platform == 'win32') {
+ if (require('computer-identifiers').volumes_promise != null) {
var p = require('computer-identifiers').volumes_promise();
- p.then(function (res){
+ p.then(function (res) {
meshCoreObj.volumes = res;
- }else if (require('computer-identifiers').volumes != null){
+ } else if (require('computer-identifiers').volumes != null) {
meshCoreObj.volumes = require('computer-identifiers').volumes();
diff --git a/meshagent.js b/meshagent.js
index b3ce7654..e86cac07 100644
--- a/meshagent.js
+++ b/meshagent.js
@@ -1941,9 +1941,19 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) {
// Volumes and BitLocker
- if(command.volumes != null){
- if(!device.volumes) { device.volumes = {}; }
- if (JSON.stringify(device.volumes) != JSON.stringify(command.volumes)) { /*changes.push('Volumes status');*/ device.volumes = command.volumes; change = 1; log = 1; }
+ if (command.volumes != null) {
+ for (var i in command.volumes) {
+ // Fix the incoming data and cut down how much data we use
+ const v = command.volumes[i];
+ if (typeof v.size == 'string') { v.size = parseInt(v.size); }
+ if (v.recoveryPassword == '') { delete v.recoveryPassword; }
+ if (v.identifier == '') { delete v.identifier; }
+ if (v.name == '') { delete v.name; }
+ if (v.removable != true) { delete v.removable; }
+ if (v.protectionStatus == 'On') { v.protectionStatus = true; } else { delete v.protectionStatus; }
+ if (v.volumeStatus == "FullyDecrypted") { delete v.volumeStatus; }
+ }
+ if (JSON.stringify(device.volumes) != JSON.stringify(command.volumes)) { device.volumes = command.volumes; change = 1; }
// If there are changes, event the new device
diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars
index 82705e9e..a22ffaef 100644
--- a/views/default.handlebars
+++ b/views/default.handlebars
@@ -4785,8 +4785,6 @@
if (deviceViewSettings.devsCols.indexOf('ip') >= 0) { var ip = ''; if (node.mtype == 3) { ip = node.host; } else if (node.ip) { ip = node.ip; } r += '
' + ip; } // IP address
if (deviceViewSettings.devsCols.indexOf('conn') >= 0) { r += ' | ' + states.join(' + '); } // Connectivity
if (deviceViewSettings.devsCols.indexOf('lastseen') >= 0) { r += ' | '; if (node.conn > 0) { r += "Connected"; } else if (node.lastconnect != null) { r += printDateTime(new Date(node.lastconnect)); } }
- console.log(node.intelamt);
if (deviceViewSettings.devsCols.indexOf('amthost') >= 0) { r += ' | ' + (((node.intelamt == null) || (node.intelamt.host == null)) ? '' : EscapeHtml(node.intelamt.host)); }
if (deviceViewSettings.devsCols.indexOf('amtstate') >= 0) {
var amtstate = '';
@@ -7453,20 +7451,20 @@
x += addDeviceAttribute("Antivirus", y.join(' '));
+ /*
// Volumes and Bitlocker
if (node.volumes){
var bitlocker = [];
for (var i in node.volumes) {
if (typeof node.volumes[i].protectionStatus !== 'undefined' && node.volumes[i].protectionStatus == 'On'){
- bitlocker.push('' + addKeyLinkConditional(i + ' - ' + node.volumes[i].volumeStatus + '',"p10showBitlockerKey('"+i+"')", (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) + ' ');
- }else if (typeof node.volumes[i].protectionStatus !== 'undefined'){
- bitlocker.push('' + i + ' - ' + node.volumes[i].volumeStatus + '' + ' ');
+ bitlocker.push('' + addKeyLinkConditional(i + ' - ' + EscapeHtml(node.volumes[i].volumeStatus) + '', 'p10showBitlockerKey(\'' + i + '\')', (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) + ' ');
+ } else if (typeof node.volumes[i].protectionStatus !== 'undefined') {
+ bitlocker.push('' + i + ' - ' + EscapeHtml(node.volumes[i].volumeStatus) + '' + ' ');
- if(bitlocker.length > 0){
- x += addDeviceAttribute("BitLocker", bitlocker.join(' '));
- }
+ if (bitlocker.length > 0) { x += addDeviceAttribute("BitLocker", bitlocker.join(' ')); }
+ */
// Active Users
if (node.users && node.conn && (node.users.length > 0) && (node.conn & 1)) { x += addDeviceAttribute(((node.users.length > 1)?"Active Users":"Active User"), EscapeHtml(node.users.join(', '))); }
@@ -7922,14 +7920,9 @@
function p10showBitlockerKey(drive) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
- var x = '';
- x += ' BitLocker Identifier For ' + drive + ': ';
- x += ' ' + (currentNode.volumes[drive].identifier ? currentNode.volumes[drive].identifier : 'Unknown') + ' ';
- x += ' BitLocker Recovery Password For ' + drive + ': ';
- x += ' ' + (currentNode.volumes[drive].recoveryPassword ? currentNode.volumes[drive].recoveryPassword : 'Unknown') + ' ';
- x += ' '
- setDialogMode(2, "BitLocker Information", 1, null, x, '');
+ var x = '' + "Identifier" + ' ' + EscapeHtml(currentNode.volumes[drive].identifier ? currentNode.volumes[drive].identifier : "Unknown") + ' ';
+ x += ' ' + "Recovery Password" + ' ' + EscapeHtml(currentNode.volumes[drive].recoveryPassword ? currentNode.volumes[drive].recoveryPassword : "Unknown") + ' ';
+ setDialogMode(2, EscapeHtml(drive) + ': ' + "BitLocker Information", 1, null, x, '');
function p20editDeviceNotify() {
@@ -11062,15 +11055,15 @@
const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
const i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(f.s)) / Math.log(1024)), 10);
const option = Q('p13sizedropdown').options[Q('p13sizedropdown').selectedIndex];
- if(Q('p13sizedropdown').value==0){
+ if (Q('p13sizedropdown').value == 0) {
if (f.s === 0){
fsize = 'n/a';
- }else{
+ } else {
fsize = (i === 0 ? `${f.s} ${sizes[i]}` : `${(f.s / (1024 ** i)).toFixed(2)} ${sizes[i]}`);
- }else if(Q('p13sizedropdown').value==1){
+ } else if (Q('p13sizedropdown').value==1) {
fsize = getFileSizeStr(f.s);
- }else{
+ } else {
fsize = `${(f.s / (2 ** option.value)).toFixed(2)} ${option.title}`;
@@ -12129,6 +12122,31 @@
if (x != '') { sections.push({ name: "Storage", html: x, img: 'storage64.png'}); }
+ // Volumes and Bitlocker
+ if (node.volumes) {
+ var x = '';
+ for (var i in node.volumes) {
+ var m = node.volumes[i];
+ x += ' | ';
+ x += ' ' + i + ':' + (((m.name == null) || (m.name == '')) ? '' : (' - ' + EscapeHtml(m.name))) + ' ';
+ if (m.size) {
+ var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
+ var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(m.size)) / Math.log(1024)), 10);
+ var fsize = (i === 0 ? `${m.size} ${sizes[i]}` : `${(m.size / (1024 ** i)).toFixed(2)} ${sizes[i]}`);
+ x += addDetailItem("Capacity", EscapeHtml(fsize), s);
+ }
+ if (m.type) { x += addDetailItem("File System", (m.removable == true ? ("Removable" + ' / ') : '') + EscapeHtml(m.type), s); }
+ if (m.protectionStatus || m.volumeStatus) {
+ var bitlockerState = [];
+ if (m.protectionStatus) bitlockerState.push("Enabled");
+ if (m.volumeStatus) bitlockerState.push(EscapeHtml(m.volumeStatus));
+ x += addDetailItem("BitLocker", bitlockerState.join(' - '), s);
+ }
+ x += ' ';
+ }
+ if (x != '') { sections.push({ name: "Storage Volumes", html: '', img: 'storage64.png'}); }
+ }
// Render the sections
var x = '';
for (var i in sections) {