{ "__comment__" : "This is a sample configuration file, edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.", "settings": { "_Cert": "myserver.mydomain.com", "_MongoDb": "mongodb://", "_WANonly": true, "_LANonly": true, "_Minify": 1, "_SessionTime": 30, "_SessionKey": "MyReallySecretPassword1", "_DbEncryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword2", "_DbExpire": { "events": 1728000, "powerevents": 864000 }, "_Port": 443, "_RedirPort": 80, "_AllowLoginToken": true, "_AllowFraming": true, "_WebRTC": false, "_ClickOnce": false, "_SelfUpdate": true, "_AllowHighQualityDesktop": true, "_UserAllowedIP": ",", "_UserBlockedIP": ",::1,", "_AgentAllowedIP": "", "_AgentBlockedIP": ",::1", "_LocalDiscovery": { "name": "Local server name", "info": "Information about this server" }, "_TlsOffload": true, "_MpsTlsOffload": true, "_No2FactorAuth": true, "_WebRtConfig": { "iceServers": [ { "urls": "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com" }, { "urls": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" } ] }, "_AutoBackup": { "backupInvervalHours": 24, "keepLastDaysBackup": 10, "zipPassword": "MyReallySecretPassword3", "_backupPath": "C:\\backups" } }, "_domains": { "": { "Title": "MyServer", "Title2": "Servername", "_TitlePicture": "title-sample.png", "_UserQuota": 1048576, "_MeshQuota": 248576, "_NewAccounts": true, "_NewAccountEmailDomains": [ "sample.com" ], "_NewAccountsRights": [ "nonewgroups", "notools" ], "Footer": "Twitter", "_CertUrl": "", "_PasswordRequirements": { "min": 8, "max": 128, "upper": 1, "lower": 1, "numeric": 1, "nonalpha": 1, "reset": 90, "force2factor": true }, "_AgentNoProxy": true, "_GeoLocation": true, "_UserAllowedIP": ",", "_UserBlockedIP": ",::1,", "_AgentAllowedIP": "", "_AgentBlockedIP": ",::1", "__UserConsentFlags__" : "Set to: 1 for desktop, 2 for terminal, 3 for files, 7 for all", "_UserConsentFlags" : 7, "_Limits": { "_MaxUserAccounts": 100, "_MaxUserSessions": 100, "_MaxAgentSessions": 100, "MaxSingleUserSessions": 10 }, "_yubikey": { "id": "0000", "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "_proxy": "http://myproxy.domain.com:80" }, "_httpheaders": { "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=360000" }, "_agentConfig": [ "webSocketMaskOverride=1" ] }, "customer1": { "DNS": "customer1.myserver.com", "Title": "Customer1", "Title2": "TestServer", "NewAccounts": 1, "Auth": "sspi", "Footer": "Test", "_CertUrl": "" }, "info": { "share": "C:\\ExtraWebSite" } }, "_letsencrypt": { "__comment__": "Go to https://letsdebug.net/ first before trying Let's Encrypt.", "email": "myemail@myserver.com ", "names": "myserver.com,customer1.myserver.com", "rsaKeySize": 3072, "production": false }, "_peers": { "serverId": "server1", "servers": { "server1": { "url": "wss://" }, "server2": { "url": "wss://" } } }, "_smtp": { "host": "smtp.myserver.com", "port": 25, "from": "myemail@myserver.com", "tls": false } }