function parseServiceStatus(token) { var j = {}; var serviceType = token.Deref(0, 4).IntVal; j.isFileSystemDriver = ((serviceType & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); j.isKernelDriver = ((serviceType & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); j.isSharedProcess = ((serviceType & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); j.isOwnProcess = ((serviceType & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); j.isInteractive = ((serviceType & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100); switch (token.Deref((1 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE()) { case 0x00000005: j.state = 'CONTINUE_PENDING'; break; case 0x00000006: j.state = 'PAUSE_PENDING'; break; case 0x00000007: j.state = 'PAUSED'; break; case 0x00000004: j.state = 'RUNNING'; break; case 0x00000002: j.state = 'START_PENDING'; break; case 0x00000003: j.state = 'STOP_PENDING'; break; case 0x00000001: j.state = 'STOPPED'; break; } var controlsAccepted = token.Deref((2 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE(); j.controlsAccepted = []; if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDADD'); j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDREMOVE'); j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDENABLE'); j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDDISABLE'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE'); j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_HARDWAREPROFILECHANGE'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT'); } if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080) { j.controlsAccepted.push('SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE'); } = token.Deref((7 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE(); return (j); } function serviceManager() { if (process.platform == 'win32') { this.GM = require('_GenericMarshal'); this.proxy = this.GM.CreateNativeProxy('Advapi32.dll'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('OpenSCManagerA'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('EnumServicesStatusExA'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('OpenServiceA'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('QueryServiceStatusEx'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('ControlService'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('StartServiceA'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('CloseServiceHandle'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('CreateServiceA'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('ChangeServiceConfig2A'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('DeleteService'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('AllocateAndInitializeSid'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('CheckTokenMembership'); this.proxy.CreateMethod('FreeSid'); this.proxy2 = this.GM.CreateNativeProxy('Kernel32.dll'); this.proxy2.CreateMethod('GetLastError'); this.isAdmin = function isAdmin() { var NTAuthority = this.GM.CreateVariable(6); NTAuthority.toBuffer().writeInt8(5, 5); var AdministratorsGroup = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var admin = false; if (this.proxy.AllocateAndInitializeSid(NTAuthority, 2, 32, 544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, AdministratorsGroup).Val != 0) { var member = this.GM.CreateInteger(); if (this.proxy.CheckTokenMembership(0, AdministratorsGroup.Deref(), member).Val != 0) { if (member.toBuffer().readUInt32LE() != 0) { admin = true; } } this.proxy.FreeSid(AdministratorsGroup.Deref()); } return admin; }; this.getProgramFolder = function getProgramFolder() { if ((require('os').arch() == 'x64') && (this.GM.PointerSize == 4)) { return process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)']; } // 64 bit Windows with 32 Bit App return process.env['ProgramFiles']; // All other cases: 32 bit Windows or 64 bit App }; this.getServiceFolder = function getServiceFolder() { return getProgramFolder() + '\\Open Source\\MeshCmd'; }; this.enumerateService = function () { var machineName = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var dbName = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var handle = this.proxy.OpenSCManagerA(0x00, 0x00, 0x0001 | 0x0004); var bytesNeeded = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var servicesReturned = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var resumeHandle = this.GM.CreatePointer(); //var services = this.proxy.CreateVariable(262144); var success = this.proxy.EnumServicesStatusExA(handle, 0, 0x00000030, 0x00000003, 0x00, 0x00, bytesNeeded, servicesReturned, resumeHandle, 0x00); if (bytesNeeded.IntVal <= 0) { throw('Error enumerating services'); } var sz = bytesNeeded.IntVal; var services = this.GM.CreateVariable(sz); this.proxy.EnumServicesStatusExA(handle, 0, 0x00000030, 0x00000003, services, sz, bytesNeeded, servicesReturned, resumeHandle, 0x00); console.log("servicesReturned", servicesReturned.IntVal); var ptrSize = dbName._size; var blockSize = 36 + (2 * ptrSize); blockSize += ((ptrSize - (blockSize % ptrSize)) % ptrSize); var retVal = []; for (var i = 0; i < servicesReturned.IntVal; ++i) { var token = services.Deref(i * blockSize, blockSize); var j = {}; = token.Deref(0, ptrSize).Deref().String; j.displayName = token.Deref(ptrSize, ptrSize).Deref().String; j.status = parseServiceStatus(token.Deref(2 * ptrSize, 36)); retVal.push(j); } this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(handle); return (retVal); } this.getService = function (name) { var serviceName = this.GM.CreateVariable(name); var ptr = this.GM.CreatePointer(); var bytesNeeded = this.GM.CreateVariable(ptr._size); var handle = this.proxy.OpenSCManagerA(0x00, 0x00, 0x0001 | 0x0004 | 0x0020 | 0x0010); if (handle.Val == 0) { throw('Could not open ServiceManager'); } var h = this.proxy.OpenServiceA(handle, serviceName, 0x0004 | 0x0020 | 0x0010 | 0x00010000); if (h.Val != 0) { var success = this.proxy.QueryServiceStatusEx(h, 0, 0, 0, bytesNeeded); var status = this.GM.CreateVariable(bytesNeeded.toBuffer().readUInt32LE()); success = this.proxy.QueryServiceStatusEx(h, 0, status, status._size, bytesNeeded); if (success != 0) { retVal = {}; retVal.status = parseServiceStatus(status); retVal._scm = handle; retVal._service = h; retVal._GM = this.GM; retVal._proxy = this.proxy; require('events').inherits(retVal); retVal.on('~', function () { this._proxy.CloseServiceHandle(this); this._proxy.CloseServiceHandle(this._scm); }); = name; retVal.stop = function () { if (this.status.state == 'RUNNING') { var newstate = this._GM.CreateVariable(36); var success = this._proxy.ControlService(this._service, 0x00000001, newstate); if (success == 0) { throw ( + '.stop() failed'); } } else { throw ('Cannot call ' + + '.stop(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state); } } retVal.start = function () { if (this.status.state == 'STOPPED') { var success = this._proxy.StartServiceA(this._service, 0, 0); if (success == 0) { throw ( + '.start() failed'); } } else { throw ('Cannot call ' + + '.start(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state); } } return (retVal); } else { } } this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(handle); throw ('Could not find service: ' + name); } } this.installService = function installService(options) { if (process.platform == 'win32') { if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Installing as Service, requires administrator permissions.'); } // Before we start, we need to copy the binary to the right place var folder = this.getProgramFolder() + '\\Open Source'; if (!require('fs').existsSync(folder)) { require('fs').mkdirSync(folder); } // Create the "Open Source" folder folder += '\\MeshCmd'; if (!require('fs').existsSync(folder)) { require('fs').mkdirSync(folder); } // Create the "MeshCmd" folder require('fs').copyFileSync(options.servicePath, folder + '\\' + + '.exe'); options.servicePath = folder + '\\' + + '.exe'; console.log('Installing to "' + options.servicePath + '"'); var servicePath = this.GM.CreateVariable('"' + options.servicePath + '"'); var handle = this.proxy.OpenSCManagerA(0x00, 0x00, 0x0002); if (handle.Val == 0) { throw ('Error opening SCManager'); } var serviceName = this.GM.CreateVariable(; var displayName = this.GM.CreateVariable(; var allAccess = 0x000F01FF; var serviceType; switch (options.startType) { case 'BOOT_START': serviceType = 0x00; break; case 'SYSTEM_START': serviceType = 0x01; break; case 'AUTO_START': serviceType = 0x02; break; case 'DEMAND_START': serviceType = 0x03; break; default: serviceType = 0x04; // Disabled break; } var h = this.proxy.CreateServiceA(handle, serviceName, displayName, allAccess, 0x10 | 0x100, serviceType, 0, servicePath, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (h.Val == 0) { this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(handle); throw ('Error Creating Service: ' + this.proxy2.GetLastError().Val); } if (options.description) { console.log(options.description); var dscPtr = this.GM.CreatePointer(); dscPtr.Val = this.GM.CreateVariable(options.description); if (this.proxy.ChangeServiceConfig2A(h, 1, dscPtr) == 0) { this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(h); this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(handle); throw ('Unable to set description'); } } this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(h); this.proxy.CloseServiceHandle(handle); return (this.getService(; } if (process.platform == 'linux') { switch (this.getServiceType()) { case 'init': require('fs').copyFileSync(options.servicePath, '/etc/init.d/' +; console.log('Copying ' + options.servicePath); var m = require('fs').statSync('/etc/init.d/' +; m |= (require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXUSR | require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXGRP); require('fs').chmodSync('/etc/init.d/' +, m); this._update = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM }); this._update._moduleName =; this._update.on('exit', function onUpdateRC_d() { console.log(this._moduleName + ' installed'); process.exit(); }); this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { }); this._update.stdin.write('update-rc.d ' + + ' defaults\n'); this._update.stdin.write('exit\n'); //update-rc.d meshagent defaults # creates symlinks for rc.d //service meshagent start break; case 'systemd': var serviceDescription = options.description ? options.description : 'MeshCentral Agent'; if (!require('fs').existsSync('/usr/local/mesh')) { require('fs').mkdirSync('/usr/local/mesh'); } require('fs').copyFileSync(options.servicePath, '/usr/local/mesh/' +; var m = require('fs').statSync('/usr/local/mesh/' +; m |= (require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXUSR | require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXGRP); require('fs').chmodSync('/usr/local/mesh/' +, m); require('fs').writeFileSync('/lib/systemd/system/' + + '.service', '[Unit]\nDescription=' + serviceDescription + '\n[Service]\nExecStart=/usr/local/mesh/' + + '\nStandardOutput=null\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=3\n[Install]\\nAlias=' + + '.service\n', { flags: 'w' }); this._update = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM }); this._update._moduleName =; this._update.on('exit', function onUpdateRC_d() { console.log(this._moduleName + ' installed'); process.exit(); }); this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { }); this._update.stdin.write('systemctl enable ' + + '.service\n'); this._update.stdin.write('exit\n'); break; default: // unknown platform service type break; } } } this.uninstallService = function uninstallService(name) { if (typeof (name) == 'object') { name =; } if (process.platform == 'win32') { if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Uninstalling a service, requires administrator permissions.'); } var service = this.getService(name); if (service.status.state == undefined || service.status.state == 'STOPPED') { if (this.proxy.DeleteService(service._service) == 0) { throw ('Uninstall Service for: ' + name + ', failed with error: ' + this.proxy2.GetLastError()); } else { try { require('fs').unlinkSync(this.getServiceFolder() + '\\' + name + '.exe'); } catch (e) { } } } else { throw ('Cannot uninstall service: ' + name + ', because it is: ' + service.status.state); } } else if (process.platform == 'linux') { switch (this.getServiceType()) { case 'init': this._update = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM }); this._update._svcname = name; this._update.on('exit', function onUninstallExit() { try { require('fs').unlinkSync('/etc/init.d/' + this._svcname); console.log(this._svcname + ' uninstalled'); } catch (e) { console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled'); } process.exit(); }); this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { }); this._update.stdin.write('service ' + name + ' stop\n'); this._update.stdin.write('update-rc.d -f ' + name + ' remove\n'); this._update.stdin.write('exit\n'); break; case 'systemd': this._update = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM }); this._update._svcname = name; this._update.on('exit', function onUninstallExit() { try { require('fs').unlinkSync('/usr/local/mesh/' + this._svcname); require('fs').unlinkSync('/lib/systemd/system/' + this._svcname + '.service'); console.log(this._svcname + ' uninstalled'); } catch (e) { console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled'); } process.exit(); }); this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { }); this._update.stdin.write('systemctl stop ' + name + '.service\n'); this._update.stdin.write('systemctl disable ' + name + '.service\n'); this._update.stdin.write('exit\n'); break; default: // unknown platform service type break; } } } if (process.platform == 'linux') { this.getServiceType = function getServiceType() { return (require('processManager').getProcessInfo(1).Name); }; } } module.exports = serviceManager;