/** * @description MeshCentral MeshAgent * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2019 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var performCheck = false; var translationTable = null; var sourceStrings = null; var jsdom = null; //require('jsdom'); var esprima = null; //require('esprima'); // https://www.npmjs.com/package/esprima var minifyLib = 2; // 0 = None, 1 = minify-js, 2 = HTMLMinifier var minify = null; var meshCentralSourceFiles = [ "../views/agentinvite.handlebars", "../views/default.handlebars", "../views/default-mobile.handlebars", "../views/download.handlebars", "../views/error404.handlebars", "../views/error404-mobile.handlebars", "../views/login.handlebars", "../views/login-mobile.handlebars", "../views/terms.handlebars", "../views/terms-mobile.handlebars", "../views/message.handlebars", "../views/messenger.handlebars", "../public/player.htm" ]; // Check NodeJS version if (Number(process.version.match(/^v(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]) < 8) { console.log("Translate.js requires Node v8 or above, current version is " + process.version + "."); return; } // node translate.json CHECK ../meshcentral/views/default.handlebars // node translate.json EXTRACT bob.json ../meshcentral/views/default.handlebars // node translate.js TRANSLATE fr test2.json ../meshcentral/views/default.handlebars var libs = ['jsdom', 'esprima', 'minify-js']; if (minifyLib == 1) { libs.push('minify-js'); } if (minifyLib == 2) { libs.push('html-minifier'); } InstallModules(libs, start); function start() { // Load dependencies jsdom = require('jsdom'); esprima = require('esprima'); // https://www.npmjs.com/package/esprima if (minifyLib == 1) { minify = require('minify-js'); } if (minifyLib == 2) { minify = require('html-minifier').minify; } // https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-minifier var command = null; if (process.argv.length > 2) { command = process.argv[2].toLowerCase(); } if (['check', 'extract', 'extractall', 'translate', 'translateall', 'minifyall', 'merge', 'totext', 'fromtext'].indexOf(command) == -1) { command = null; } console.log('MeshCentral web site translator'); if (command == null) { console.log('Usage "node translate.js [command] [options]'); console.log('Possible commands:'); console.log(''); console.log(' CHECK [files]'); console.log(' Check will pull string out of a web page and display a report.'); console.log(''); console.log(' EXTRACT [languagefile] [files]'); console.log(' Extract strings from web pages and generate a language (.json) file.'); console.log(''); console.log(' EXTRACTALL'); console.log(' Extract all MeshCentral strings from web pages and generate the languages.json file.'); console.log(''); console.log(' TRANSLATE [language] [languagefile] [files]'); console.log(' Use a language (.json) file to translate web pages to a give language.'); console.log(''); console.log(' TRANSLATEALL (languagefile)'); console.log(' Translate all MeshCentral strings using the languages.json file.'); console.log(''); console.log(' MINIFYALL'); console.log(' Minify the main MeshCentral english web pages.'); console.log(''); console.log(' MERGE [sourcefile] [tartgetfile] [language code]'); console.log(' Merge a language from a translation file into another translation file.'); console.log(''); console.log(' TOTEXT [translationfile] [textfile] [language code]'); console.log(' Save a text for with all strings of a given language.'); console.log(''); console.log(' FROMTEXT [translationfile] [textfile] [language code]'); console.log(' Import raw text string as translations for a language code.'); process.exit(); return; } // Extract strings from web pages and display a report if (command == 'check') { var sources = []; for (var i = 3; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[i]) == false) { console.log('Missing file: ' + process.argv[i]); process.exit(); return; } sources.push(process.argv[i]); } if (sources.length == 0) { console.log('No source files specified.'); process.exit(); return; } performCheck = true; sourceStrings = {}; for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { extractFromHtml(sources[i]); } var count = 0; for (var i in sourceStrings) { count++; } console.log('Extracted ' + count + ' strings.'); process.exit(); return; } // Extract strings from web pages if (command == 'extract') { if (process.argv.length < 4) { console.log('No language file specified.'); process.exit(); return; } var sources = []; for (var i = 4; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[i]) == false) { console.log('Missing file: ' + process.argv[i]); process.exit(); return; } sources.push(process.argv[i]); } if (sources.length == 0) { console.log('No source files specified.'); process.exit(); return; } extract(process.argv[3], sources); } // Save a text file with all the strings for a given language if (command == 'totext') { if ((process.argv.length == 6)) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[3]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[3]); return; } totext(process.argv[3], process.argv[4], process.argv[5]); } else { console.log('Usage: TOTEXT [translationfile] [textfile] [language code]'); } return; } // Read a text file and use it as translation for a given language if (command == 'fromtext') { if ((process.argv.length == 6)) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[3]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[3]); return; } if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[4]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[4]); return; } fromtext(process.argv[3], process.argv[4], process.argv[5]); } else { console.log('Usage: FROMTEXT [translationfile] [textfile] [language code]'); } return; } // Merge one language from a language file into another language file. if (command == 'merge') { if ((process.argv.length == 6)) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[3]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[3]); return; } if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[4]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[4]); return; } merge(process.argv[3], process.argv[4], process.argv[5]); } else { console.log('Usage: MERGE [sourcefile] [tartgetfile] [language code]'); } return; } // Extract or translate all MeshCentral strings if (command == 'extractall') { extract("translate.json", meshCentralSourceFiles); } if (command == 'translateall') { if (fs.existsSync("../views/translations") == false) { fs.mkdirSync("../views/translations"); } if (fs.existsSync("../public/translations") == false) { fs.mkdirSync("../public/translations"); } if ((process.argv.length > 3)) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[3]) == false) { console.log('Unable to find: ' + process.argv[3]); } else { translate(null, process.argv[3], meshCentralSourceFiles, "translations"); } } else { if (fs.existsSync("translate.json") == false) { console.log('Unable to find translate.json.'); } else { translate(null, "translate.json", meshCentralSourceFiles, "translations"); } } return; } // Translate web pages to a given language given a language file if (command == 'translate') { if (process.argv.length < 4) { console.log("No language specified."); process.exit(); return; } if (process.argv.length < 5) { console.log("No language file specified."); process.exit(); return; } var lang = process.argv[3].toLowerCase(); var langFile = process.argv[4]; if (fs.existsSync(langFile) == false) { console.log("Missing language file: " + langFile); process.exit(); return; } var sources = []; for (var i = 5; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (fs.existsSync(process.argv[i]) == false) { console.log("Missing file: " + process.argv[i]); process.exit(); return; } sources.push(process.argv[i]); } if (sources.length == 0) { console.log("No source files specified."); process.exit(); return; } translate(lang, langFile, sources, false); } if (command == 'minifyall') { for (var i in meshCentralSourceFiles) { var outname = meshCentralSourceFiles[i]; var outnamemin = null; if (outname.endsWith('.handlebars')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 11) + '-min.handlebars'); } else if (outname.endsWith('.html')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 5) + '-min.html'); } else if (outname.endsWith('.htm')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 4) + '-min.htm'); } else { outnamemin = (outname, outname + '.min'); } console.log('Generating ' + outnamemin + '...'); // Minify the file if (minifyLib = 2) { var minifiedOut = minify(fs.readFileSync(outname).toString(), { collapseBooleanAttributes: true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace: false, // This is not good. collapseWhitespace: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeComments: true, removeOptionalTags: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeTagWhitespace: true, preserveLineBreaks: false, useShortDoctype: true }); fs.writeFileSync(outnamemin, minifiedOut, { flag: 'w+' }); } } } } function totext(source, target, lang) { // Load the source language file var sourceLangFileData = null; try { sourceLangFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(source)); } catch (ex) { } if ((sourceLangFileData == null) || (sourceLangFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid source language file."); process.exit(); return; } console.log('Writing ' + lang + '...'); // Generate raw text var output = []; var splitOutput = []; var count = 0; for (var i in sourceLangFileData.strings) { if ((sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang] != null) && (sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang].indexOf('\r') == -1) && (sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang].indexOf('\n') == -1)) { output.push(sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang]); if (splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1] == null) { splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1] = []; } splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1].push(sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang]); } else { output.push(''); if (splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1] == null) { splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1] = []; } splitOutput[Math.floor(count / 1000) + 1].push(''); } count++; } if (output.length <= 1000) { // Save the target back fs.writeFileSync(target + '-' + lang + '.txt', output.join('\r\n'), { flag: 'w+' }); console.log('Done.'); } else { // Save the text in 1000 string bunches for (var i in splitOutput) { console.log('Writing ' + target + '-' + lang + '-' + i + '.txt...'); fs.writeFileSync(target + '-' + lang + '-' + i + '.txt', splitOutput[i].join('\r\n'), { flag: 'w+' }); } console.log('Done.'); } } function fromtext(source, target, lang) { // Load the source language file var sourceLangFileData = null; try { sourceLangFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(source)); } catch (ex) { } if ((sourceLangFileData == null) || (sourceLangFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid source language file."); process.exit(); return; } console.log('Updating ' + lang + '...'); // Read raw text var rawText = fs.readFileSync(target).toString('utf8'); var rawTextArray = rawText.split('\r\n'); var rawTextPtr = 0; console.log('Translation file: ' + sourceLangFileData.strings.length + ' string(s)'); console.log('Text file: ' + rawTextArray.length + ' string(s)'); if (sourceLangFileData.strings.length != rawTextArray.length) { console.log('String count mismatch, unable to import.'); process.exit(1); return; } var output = []; var splitOutput = []; for (var i in sourceLangFileData.strings) { if ((sourceLangFileData.strings[i]['en'] != null) && (sourceLangFileData.strings[i]['en'].indexOf('\r') == -1) && (sourceLangFileData.strings[i]['en'].indexOf('\n') == -1)) { if (sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang] == null) { sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang] = rawTextArray[i]; } } } fs.writeFileSync(source + '-new', JSON.stringify(sourceLangFileData), { flag: 'w+' }); console.log('Done.'); } function merge(source, target, lang) { // Load the source language file var sourceLangFileData = null; try { sourceLangFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(source)); } catch (ex) { } if ((sourceLangFileData == null) || (sourceLangFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid source language file."); process.exit(); return; } // Load the target language file var targetLangFileData = null; try { targetLangFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(target)); } catch (ex) { } if ((targetLangFileData == null) || (targetLangFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid target language file."); process.exit(); return; } console.log('Merging ' + lang + '...'); // Index the target file var index = {}; for (var i in targetLangFileData.strings) { if (targetLangFileData.strings[i].en != null) { index[targetLangFileData.strings[i].en] = targetLangFileData.strings[i]; } } // Merge the translation for (var i in sourceLangFileData.strings) { if ((sourceLangFileData.strings[i].en != null) && (sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang] != null) && (index[sourceLangFileData.strings[i].en] != null)) { if (sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang] == null) { index[sourceLangFileData.strings[i].en][lang] = sourceLangFileData.strings[i][lang]; } } } // Deindex the new target file var targetData = { strings: [] }; for (var i in index) { targetData.strings.push(index[i]); } // Save the target back fs.writeFileSync(target, JSON.stringify(targetData, null, ' '), { flag: 'w+' }); console.log('Done.'); } function translate(lang, langFile, sources, createSubDir) { // Load the language file var langFileData = null; try { langFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(langFile)); } catch (ex) { } if ((langFileData == null) || (langFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid language file."); process.exit(); return; } if (lang != null) { // Translate a single language translateEx(lang, langFileData, sources, createSubDir); } else { // See that languages are in the translation file langs = {}; for (var i in langFileData.strings) { var entry = langFileData.strings[i]; for (var j in entry) { if ((j != 'en') && (j != 'xloc') && (j != '*')) { langs[j] = true; } } } for (var i in langs) { translateEx(i, langFileData, sources, createSubDir); } } //process.exit(); return; } function translateEx(lang, langFileData, sources, createSubDir) { // Build translation table, simple source->target for the given language. translationTable = {}; for (var i in langFileData.strings) { var entry = langFileData.strings[i]; if ((entry['en'] != null) && (entry[lang] != null)) { translationTable[entry['en']] = entry[lang]; } } // Translate the files for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { translateFromHtml(lang, sources[i], createSubDir); } } function extract(langFile, sources) { sourceStrings = {}; if (fs.existsSync(langFile) == true) { var langFileData = null; try { langFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(langFile)); } catch (ex) { } if ((langFileData == null) || (langFileData.strings == null)) { console.log("Invalid language file."); process.exit(); return; } for (var i in langFileData.strings) { sourceStrings[langFileData.strings[i]['en']] = langFileData.strings[i]; delete sourceStrings[langFileData.strings[i]['en']].xloc; } } for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { extractFromHtml(sources[i]); } var count = 0, output = []; for (var i in sourceStrings) { count++; sourceStrings[i]['en'] = i; if ((sourceStrings[i].xloc != null) && (sourceStrings[i].xloc.length > 0)) { output.push(sourceStrings[i]); } // Only save results that have a source location. } fs.writeFileSync(langFile, JSON.stringify({ 'strings': output }, null, ' '), { flag: 'w+' }); console.log(format("{0} strings in output file.", count)); process.exit(); return; } function extractFromHtml(file) { var data = fs.readFileSync(file); var { JSDOM } = jsdom; const dom = new JSDOM(data, { includeNodeLocations: true }); console.log("Processing HTML: " + path.basename(file)); getStrings(path.basename(file), dom.window.document.querySelector('body')); } function getStrings(name, node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var subnode = node.childNodes[i]; // Check if the "value" attribute exists and needs to be translated if ((subnode.attributes != null) && (subnode.attributes.length > 0)) { var subnodeignore = false, subnodevalue = null, subnodeplaceholder = null, subnodetitle = null; for (var j in subnode.attributes) { if ((subnode.attributes[j].name == 'type') && (subnode.attributes[j].value == 'hidden')) { subnodeignore = true; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'value') { subnodevalue = subnode.attributes[j].value; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'placeholder') { subnodeplaceholder = subnode.attributes[j].value; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'title') { subnodetitle = subnode.attributes[j].value; } } if ((subnodevalue != null) && isNumber(subnodevalue) == true) { subnodevalue = null; } if ((subnodeplaceholder != null) && isNumber(subnodeplaceholder) == true) { subnodeplaceholder = null; } if ((subnodetitle != null) && isNumber(subnodetitle) == true) { subnodetitle = null; } if ((subnodeignore == false) && (subnodevalue != null)) { // Add a new string to the list (value) if (sourceStrings[subnodevalue] == null) { sourceStrings[subnodevalue] = { en: subnodevalue, xloc: [name] }; } else { if (sourceStrings[subnodevalue].xloc == null) { sourceStrings[subnodevalue].xloc = []; } sourceStrings[subnodevalue].xloc.push(name); } } if (subnodeplaceholder != null) { // Add a new string to the list (placeholder) if (sourceStrings[subnodeplaceholder] == null) { sourceStrings[subnodeplaceholder] = { en: subnodeplaceholder, xloc: [name] }; } else { if (sourceStrings[subnodeplaceholder].xloc == null) { sourceStrings[subnodeplaceholder].xloc = []; } sourceStrings[subnodeplaceholder].xloc.push(name); } } if (subnodetitle != null) { // Add a new string to the list (title) if (sourceStrings[subnodetitle] == null) { sourceStrings[subnodetitle] = { en: subnodetitle, xloc: [name] }; } else { if (sourceStrings[subnodetitle].xloc == null) { sourceStrings[subnodetitle].xloc = []; } sourceStrings[subnodetitle].xloc.push(name); } } } // Check the content of the element var subname = subnode.id; if (subname == null || subname == '') { subname = i; } if (subnode.hasChildNodes()) { getStrings(name + '->' + subname, subnode); } else { if (subnode.nodeValue == null) continue; var nodeValue = subnode.nodeValue.trim().split('\\r').join('').split('\\n').join('').trim(); if ((nodeValue.length > 0) && (subnode.nodeType == 3)) { if ((node.tagName != 'SCRIPT') && (node.tagName != 'STYLE') && (nodeValue.length < 8000) && (nodeValue.startsWith('{{{') == false) && (nodeValue != ' ')) { if (performCheck) { console.log(' "' + nodeValue + '"'); } // Add a new string to the list if (sourceStrings[nodeValue] == null) { sourceStrings[nodeValue] = { en: nodeValue, xloc: [name] }; } else { if (sourceStrings[nodeValue].xloc == null) { sourceStrings[nodeValue].xloc = []; } sourceStrings[nodeValue].xloc.push(name); } } else if (node.tagName == 'SCRIPT') { // Parse JavaScript getStringFromJavaScript(name, subnode.nodeValue); } } } } } function getStringFromJavaScript(name, script) { if (performCheck) { console.log(format('Processing JavaScript of {0} bytes: {1}', script.length, name)); } var tokenScript = esprima.tokenize(script), count = 0; for (var i in tokenScript) { var token = tokenScript[i]; if ((token.type == 'String') && (token.value.length > 2) && (token.value[0] == '"')) { var str = token.value.substring(1, token.value.length - 1); //if (performCheck) { console.log(' ' + name + '->' + (++count), token.value); } if (performCheck) { console.log(' ' + token.value); } if (sourceStrings[str] == null) { sourceStrings[str] = { en: str, xloc: [name + '->' + (++count)] }; } else { if (sourceStrings[str].xloc == null) { sourceStrings[str].xloc = []; } sourceStrings[str].xloc.push(name + '->' + (++count)); } } } } function translateFromHtml(lang, file, createSubDir) { var data = fs.readFileSync(file); var { JSDOM } = jsdom; const dom = new JSDOM(data, { includeNodeLocations: true }); console.log("Translating HTML: " + path.basename(file)); translateStrings(path.basename(file), dom.window.document.querySelector('body')); var out = dom.serialize(); var outname = file; var outnamemin = null; if (createSubDir != null) { outname = path.join(path.dirname(file), createSubDir, path.basename(file)); } if (outname.endsWith('.handlebars')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 11) + '-min_' + lang + '.handlebars'); outname = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 11) + '_' + lang + '.handlebars'); } else if (outname.endsWith('.html')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 5) + '-min_' + lang + '.html'); outname = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 5) + '_' + lang + '.html'); } else if (outname.endsWith('.htm')) { outnamemin = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 4) + '-min_' + lang + '.htm'); outname = (outname.substring(0, outname.length - 4) + '_' + lang + '.htm'); } else { outnamemin = (outname + '_' + lang + '.min'); outname = (outname + '_' + lang); } fs.writeFileSync(outname, out, { flag: 'w+' }); // Minify the file if (minifyLib == 1) { minify.file({ file: outname, dist: outnamemin }, (e, compress) => { if (e) { console.log('ERROR ', e); return done(); } compress.run((e) => { e ? console.log('Minification fail', e) : console.log('Minification sucess'); minifyDone(); }); } ); } // Minify the file if (minifyLib = 2) { var minifiedOut = minify(out, { collapseBooleanAttributes: true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace: false, // This is not good. collapseWhitespace: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeComments: true, removeOptionalTags: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeTagWhitespace: true, preserveLineBreaks: false, useShortDoctype: true }); fs.writeFileSync(outnamemin, minifiedOut, { flag: 'w+' }); } } function minifyDone() { console.log('Completed minification.'); } function translateStrings(name, node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var subnode = node.childNodes[i]; // Check if the "value" attribute exists and needs to be translated if ((subnode.attributes != null) && (subnode.attributes.length > 0)) { var subnodeignore = false, subnodevalue = null, subnodeindex = null, subnodeplaceholder = null, subnodeplaceholderindex = null, subnodetitle = null, subnodetitleindex = null; for (var j in subnode.attributes) { if ((subnode.attributes[j].name == 'type') && (subnode.attributes[j].value == 'hidden')) { subnodeignore = true; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'value') { subnodevalue = subnode.attributes[j].value; subnodeindex = j; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'placeholder') { subnodeplaceholder = subnode.attributes[j].value; subnodeplaceholderindex = j; } if (subnode.attributes[j].name == 'title') { subnodetitle = subnode.attributes[j].value; subnodetitleindex = j; } } if ((subnodevalue != null) && isNumber(subnodevalue) == true) { subnodevalue = null; } if ((subnodeplaceholder != null) && isNumber(subnodeplaceholder) == true) { subnodeplaceholder = null; } if ((subnodetitle != null) && isNumber(subnodetitle) == true) { subnodetitle = null; } if ((subnodeignore == false) && (subnodevalue != null)) { // Perform attribute translation for value if (translationTable[subnodevalue] != null) { subnode.attributes[subnodeindex].value = translationTable[subnodevalue]; } } if (subnodeplaceholder != null) { // Perform attribute translation for placeholder if (translationTable[subnodeplaceholder] != null) { subnode.attributes[subnodeplaceholderindex].value = translationTable[subnodeplaceholder]; } } if (subnodetitle != null) { // Perform attribute translation for title if (translationTable[subnodetitle] != null) { subnode.attributes[subnodetitleindex].value = translationTable[subnodetitle]; } } } var subname = subnode.id; if (subname == null || subname == '') { subname = i; } if (subnode.hasChildNodes()) { translateStrings(name + '->' + subname, subnode); } else { if (subnode.nodeValue == null) continue; var nodeValue = subnode.nodeValue.trim().split('\\r').join('').split('\\n').join('').trim(); // Look for the front trim var frontTrim = '', backTrim = '';; var x1 = subnode.nodeValue.indexOf(nodeValue); if (x1 > 0) { frontTrim = subnode.nodeValue.substring(0, x1); } if (x1 != -1) { backTrim = subnode.nodeValue.substring(x1 + nodeValue.length); } if ((nodeValue.length > 0) && (subnode.nodeType == 3)) { if ((node.tagName != 'SCRIPT') && (node.tagName != 'STYLE') && (nodeValue.length < 8000) && (nodeValue.startsWith('{{{') == false) && (nodeValue != ' ')) { // Check if we have a translation for this string if (translationTable[nodeValue]) { subnode.nodeValue = (frontTrim + translationTable[nodeValue] + backTrim); } } else if (node.tagName == 'SCRIPT') { // Translate JavaScript subnode.nodeValue = translateStringsFromJavaScript(name, subnode.nodeValue); } } } } } function translateStringsFromJavaScript(name, script) { if (performCheck) { console.log(format('Translating JavaScript of {0} bytes: {1}', script.length, name)); } var tokenScript = esprima.tokenize(script, { range: true }), count = 0; var output = [], ptr = 0; for (var i in tokenScript) { var token = tokenScript[i]; if ((token.type == 'String') && (token.value.length > 2) && (token.value[0] == '"')) { var str = token.value.substring(1, token.value.length - 1); if (translationTable[str]) { output.push(script.substring(ptr, token.range[0])); output.push('"' + translationTable[str] + '"'); ptr = token.range[1]; } } } output.push(script.substring(ptr)); return output.join(''); } function isNumber(x) { return (('' + parseInt(x)) === x) || (('' + parseFloat(x)) === x); } function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); }; // Check if a list of modules are present and install any missing ones var InstallModuleChildProcess = null; var previouslyInstalledModules = {}; function InstallModules(modules, func) { var missingModules = []; if (previouslyInstalledModules == null) { previouslyInstalledModules = {}; } if (modules.length > 0) { for (var i in modules) { try { var xxmodule = require(modules[i]); } catch (e) { if (previouslyInstalledModules[modules[i]] !== true) { missingModules.push(modules[i]); } } } if (missingModules.length > 0) { InstallModule(missingModules.shift(), InstallModules, modules, func); } else { func(); } } } // Check if a module is present and install it if missing function InstallModule(modulename, func, tag1, tag2) { console.log('Installing ' + modulename + '...'); var child_process = require('child_process'); var parentpath = __dirname; // Get the working directory if ((__dirname.endsWith('/node_modules/meshcentral')) || (__dirname.endsWith('\\node_modules\\meshcentral')) || (__dirname.endsWith('/node_modules/meshcentral/')) || (__dirname.endsWith('\\node_modules\\meshcentral\\'))) { parentpath = require('path').join(__dirname, '../..'); } // Looks like we need to keep a global reference to the child process object for this to work correctly. InstallModuleChildProcess = child_process.exec('npm install --no-optional --save ' + modulename, { maxBuffer: 512000, timeout: 120000, cwd: parentpath }, function (error, stdout, stderr) { InstallModuleChildProcess = null; if ((error != null) && (error != '')) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to install required module "' + modulename + '". May not have access to npm, or npm may not have suffisent rights to load the new module. Try "npm install ' + modulename + '" to manualy install this module.\r\n'); process.exit(); return; } previouslyInstalledModules[modulename] = true; func(tag1, tag2); return; }); }