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synced 2025-02-14 10:51:51 +00:00
204 lines
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Executable file
204 lines
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Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (C) Stefan Reiter 2017
# (C) Radomír Polách 2020
from pytun import TunTapDevice
from pytg import Telegram
from pytg.sender import Sender
from pytg.receiver import Receiver
from pytg.utils import coroutine
from pytg.exceptions import ConnectionError
import base64
import threading
import sys
import psutil
import os
import signal
import logging
import argparse
import time
# Init stats
sent = 0
received = 0
# Init status
up = False
# Tun
tun = False
encrypted = False
# Arguments
args = False
def main():
global sent, received, up, tun, encrypted, args;
# Process arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Teletun - IP over Telegram')
parser.add_argument('peer_id', help='peer id (list for contact list)')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--server', help='server', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--encrypted', help='secret chat', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--src', help='peer address', default='')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--dst', help='server address', default='')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mask', help='mask', default='')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--mtu', help='MTU', default=1500)
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', help='Telegram host address', default='localhost')
parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', help='Telegram port', default=4458)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', help='autoconfig from server', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
peer_id = None
# Connect to telegram
print('Connecting to Telegram...', file=sys.stderr)
receiver = Receiver(host=args.host, port=args.port)
sender = Sender(host=args.host, port=args.port)
# Retrieve contact list
contacts = [c for c in sender.dialog_list()]
for i, user in enumerate(contacts):
if args.peer_id == 'list':
print('{:16s} {}'.format(str(user['peer_id']), str(user['print_name'])))
elif str(user['peer_id']) == args.peer_id:
peer_id = args.peer_id
username = str(user['print_name'])
if args.peer_id == 'list':
except ConnectionError:
print('Could not connect to telegram-cli. Start it by issuing "telegram-cli --json -P 4458" in a separate console.', file=sys.stderr)
if peer_id is None:
print('Could not find peer_id in contact list.', file=sys.stderr)
print('Connecting to partner: ' + username, file=sys.stderr)
# Helper function that can be executed in a thread
def main_loop_starter():
# Start the receive loop
def main_loop():
global args, received, tun, encrypted;
while up:
# Receive message from telegram, this includes ALL messages
msg = (yield)
# Check if it is an actual "message" message and if the sender is our peer
if (
msg is not None and
msg.event == str('message') and
not msg.own and
str(msg.sender.peer_id) == peer_id
print('Msg: ' + msg.text, file=sys.stderr)
if msg.text[0] == '-' and msg.text[1] == '-':
if args.server:
if msg.text == '--encrypted':
print('Requested encyption for: ' + username, file=sys.stderr)
except Exception:
encrypted = True
elif msg.text == '--server':
command_line = '--src={} --dst={} --mask={} --mtu={:d}'.format(args.src, args.dst, args.mask, args.mtu)
print('Requested encyption for: ' + command_line, file=sys.stderr)
print('Sending configuration:' + command_line, file=sys.stderr)
sender.msg(username, str(command_line))
print('Receiving configuration:' + data, file=sys.stderr)
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv + data.split())
# Decode data and write it to the tunnel
data = base64.b64decode(msg.text)
received += len(data)
#print('Packet written', file=sys.stderr)
def setup_tun():
if args.server:
tun.addr = args.dst
tun.dstaddr = args.src
tun.addr = args.src + ' '
tun.dstaddr = args.dst
tun.netmask = args.mask
tun.mtu = args.mtu
print('\tSrc: ' + tun.addr, file=sys.stderr)
print('\tDst: ' + tun.dstaddr, file=sys.stderr)
print('\tMask: ' + tun.netmask, file=sys.stderr)
print('\tMTU: ' + str(tun.mtu), file=sys.stderr)
# Create TUN device for network capture and injections
tun = TunTapDevice(name='teletun')
print('Device ' + tun.name + ' has been created, information follows:', file=sys.stderr)
if args.server or not args.auto:
# Set IP address based on --server header
# Start TUN device
up = True
print('Device ' + tun.name + ' is up.', file=sys.stderr)
if not args.server and args.encrypted:
print('Requesting encyption for: ' + username, file=sys.stderr)
sender.msg(username, '--encrypted')
# Create the receive thread via our helper method
thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop_starter)
# Start the thread for receiving
print('Connecting...', file=sys.stderr)
if not args.server and args.auto:
print('Waiting for configuration...', file=sys.stderr)
command_line = '--server'
sender.msg(username, str(command_line))
while up:
# Continually read from the tunnel and write data to telegram in base64
# TODO: Telegram supports str, base64 can probably be replaced for something less overhead-inducing
buf = tun.read(tun.mtu)
data = base64.b64encode(buf)
data = ''.join(map(chr, data))
sent += len(data)
if (not args.server and args.encrypted) or encrypted:
sender.msg('!_' + username, data)
elif not args.encrypted:
sender.msg(username, data)
# Cleanup and stop application
up = False
print('Bytes sent via Telegram: ' + str(sent), file=sys.stderr)
print('Bytes received via Telegram: ' + str(received), file=sys.stderr)
print('Done.', file=sys.stderr)
# Literally Overkill
current_process = psutil.Process()
os.kill(current_process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
if __name__== "__main__":
# Run main