#!/bin/bash set -e # Source our common vars scripts_path="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" . ${scripts_path}/vars.sh debug_msg "Starting 04_post_docker.sh" if [ -d ${build_path}/final ]; then debug_msg "WARNING: final builddir already exists! Cleaning up..." rm -rf ${build_path}/final fi mkdir -p ${build_path}/final # Kick off the docker to do the magics for us, since we need genimage docker run --rm -v "${root_path}:/repo:Z" -it ${docker_tag} /repo/scripts/docker/run_mkimage_final.sh # Just create our final dir and move bits over TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` mkdir -p ${root_path}/output/${TIMESTAMP} mv ${build_path}/final/debian*.img.gz ${root_path}/output/${TIMESTAMP}/ sudo rm -rf ${build_path} # Be gone, we done buildin! :) debug_msg "Finished 04_post_docker.sh"