Chris Blake 36ff26758e fix: small python fixups
* Error handling in our ustorage, to prevent crashes
* Small change to ubnt-fw-parse so it works better on older python versions
2024-05-30 18:06:33 -05:00

109 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable file

import argparse
import mmap
import sys
import zlib
from pathlib import Path
def main(fwfile: str, savedir: str):
# Does the file exist?
if not Path(fwfile).is_file():
print(f"Error: {fwfile} is not a file! Exiting...")
# Does our save dir exist?
if not Path(savedir).is_dir():
print(f"Warning: {savedir} is not a directory, attempting to create it...")
# Start parsing the OTA file
with open(fwfile, "rb+") as f:
# Read from disk, not memory
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
ubntheader = mm.read(0x104) # Read header in
ubntheadercrc = int.from_bytes(mm.read(0x4)) # Read header CRC, convert to int
# Do we have the UBNT header?
if ubntheader[0:4].decode("utf-8") != "UBNT":
f"Error: {fwfile} is missing the UBNT header! Is this the right firmware file?"
# Is the header CRC valid?
if zlib.crc32(ubntheader) != ubntheadercrc:
f"Error: {fwfile} has in incorrect CRC for it's header! Please re-download the file!"
# If we are here, that's a great sign :)
ubnt_fw_ver_string = ubntheader[4:].decode("utf-8")
print(f"Loaded in firmware file {ubnt_fw_ver_string}")
# Start parsing out all of the files in the OTA
fcount = 1
while True:
file_header_offset = mm.find(b"\x46\x49\x4C\x45") # FILE in hex bye string
# Are we done scanning the file?
if file_header_offset == -1:
# We found one, seek to it
file_header = mm.read(0x38) # Entire header
file_position = file_header[
] # Increments with files read, can be used to validate this is a file for us
file_location = (
file_header_offset + 0x38
) # header location - header = data :)
# Is this a VALID file?!
if fcount == file_position:
file_name = (
) # Name/type of FILE
file_length = int(file_header[48:52].hex(), 16)
# Disabled because it's debug info and older python can't handle it
# f"{file_name} is at offset {"0x%0.2X" % file_location}, {file_length} bytes"
# print(int(file_header[52:56].hex(), 16)) # Maybe reserved memory or partition size? We don't use this tho
fcount = fcount + 1 # Increment on find!
fcontents = mm.read(file_length) # Read into memory
file_footer_crc32 = mm.read(0x8)[
] # Read in tailing 8 bytes (crc32) footer, but we only want the first 4
# Does our calculated crc32 match the unifi footer in the img?
if hex(zlib.crc32(file_header + fcontents)).lstrip(
) != file_footer_crc32.hex().lstrip("0"):
f"Error: Contents of {file_name} does not match the Unifi CRC! Please re-download the file!"
# Write file out since our mmap position is now AT the data, and we parsed the length
with open(f"{savedir}/{file_name}.bin", "wb") as wf:
wf.write(fcontents) # Write out file
print(f"{file_name} has been written to {savedir}/{file_name}.bin")
del fcontents # Cleanup memory for next run
print(f"Finished extracting the contents of {fwfile}, enjoy!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("ubnt-fw-parse for Dream Machines")
parser.add_argument("file", help="The Ubiquiti firmware file to parse", type=str)
"savedir", help="The directory to save the parsed files to", type=str
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.file, args.savedir)