mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 19:41:55 +00:00
This is also used for LED config on the UNVR, which is dumb and should be moved later but for now it is what it is.
92 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
92 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
set -e
docker_scripts_path="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
scripts_path="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && cd .. && pwd )"
. ${scripts_path}/vars.sh
# Exports
export PATH=${build_path}/toolchain/${toolchain_bin_path}:${PATH}
export GCC_COLORS=auto
export CROSS_COMPILE=${toolchain_cross_compile}
export ARCH=arm64
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# CD into our rootfs mount, and starts the fun!
cd "${build_path}/rootfs"
debootstrap --no-check-gpg --foreign --arch=${deb_arch} --include=apt-transport-https ${deb_release} "${build_path}/rootfs" ${deb_mirror}
cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static usr/bin/
chroot "${build_path}/rootfs" /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
# Copy over our kernel modules and kernel from the FS image
# Note that in the future, we wanna use our own kernel, but the current GPL is way too old!!!!!
mv -f "${build_path}/fw-extract/${BOARD}-rootfs/lib/modules" "${build_path}/rootfs/lib"
cp "${build_path}/fw-extract/${firmware_filename%.bin}/kernel.bin" "${build_path}/rootfs/boot/uImage"
# We can burn ubnt's proprietary modules, so we don't bundle in this IP!
rm "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/extra/ubnt_common.ko" \
# Now, for the old kernel we built, pull in our extra modules we need! (depmod is done in bootstrap)
cp "${build_path}/kernel/kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/kernel/lib/zstd/zstd_compress.ko" "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/extra/"
cp "${build_path}/kernel/kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko" "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/extra/"
cp "${build_path}/kernel/ubnt-mtd-lock.ko" "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/modules/4.19.152-alpine-unvr/extra/"
# Copy over our overlay if we have one
if [[ -d ${root_path}/overlay/${fs_overlay_dir}/ ]]; then
echo "Applying ${fs_overlay_dir} overlay"
cp -R ${root_path}/overlay/${fs_overlay_dir}/* ./
# Hostname
echo "unvr-nas" > "${build_path}/rootfs/etc/hostname"
echo " unvr-nas" >> "${build_path}/rootfs/etc/hosts"
# Console settings
echo "console-common console-data/keymap/policy select Select keymap from full list
console-common console-data/keymap/full select us
" > "${build_path}/rootfs/debconf.set"
# Copy over stuff for ulcmd on UNVRPRO. this is hacky, but that's this ENTIRE repo for you
if [ "${BOARD}" == "UNVRPRO" ]; then
mv "${build_path}/fw-extract/${BOARD}-rootfs/usr/bin/ulcmd" "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/ulcmd" # LCD controller
mv "${build_path}/fw-extract/${BOARD}-rootfs/usr/share/firmware" "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/share/" # LCD panel firmwares
mkdir -p "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/lib/ubnt-fw/" # Home for ulcmd libraries
for file in libgrpc++.so.1 libgrpc.so.10 libprotobuf.so.23 \
libssl.so.1.1 libcrypto.so.1.1 libabsl*.so.20200923 libatomic.so.1; do
cp -H ${build_path}/fw-extract/${BOARD}-rootfs/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/${file} "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/lib/ubnt-fw/"
# Now for the REAL JANK! patch ulcmd so it doesn't rely on /proc/ubnthal, so we can use our userspace tool ubnteeprom
sed -i 's|/proc/ubnthal/system.info|/tmp/.ubnthal_system_info|g' "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/ulcmd"
# Remove UNVRPRO specific files/services
rm "${build_path}/rootfs/etc/ld.so.conf.d/ubnt.conf" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/mock-ubnt-api.service" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/ulcmd-reboot-hook.service" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/ulcmd-shutdown-hook.service" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/mock-ubnt-api" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/ubnt-systool" \
"${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/ubnt-tools" \
# Copy over bluetooth firmware files
mkdir -p "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/firmware"
cp -R "${build_path}/fw-extract/${BOARD}-rootfs/lib/firmware/csr8x11" "${build_path}/rootfs/lib/firmware/" # LCD panel firmwares
# Install our bccmd we compiled (less we use from unifi the better)
cp -R "${build_path}/packages/bluez/bccmd" "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin"
chmod +x "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/bccmd"
# Install our ubnteeprom tool
cp -R "${build_path}/packages/ubnteeprom/ubnteeprom" "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin"
chmod +x "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/ubnteeprom"
# Kick off bash setup script within chroot
cp "${docker_scripts_path}/bootstrap/001-bootstrap" "${build_path}/rootfs/bootstrap"
chroot "${build_path}/rootfs" /bootstrap
rm "${build_path}/rootfs/bootstrap"
# Final cleanup
rm "${build_path}/rootfs/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static"