var ssh2_exec = require('../ssh/ssh2_exec'); var scp2_exec = require('../scp/scp_exec'); var config = require('../../config/environment'); var local_logPath = 'logs/ansible/execute/' exports.getLogs = function(logfilename,successCallback,errorCallback){ var logFile = local_logPath + logfilename; var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile(logFile, function(err, data){ if(err){ errorCallback(err); }else{ successCallback(data); } }); }; exports.getModules = function(dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var command = 'ansible-doc -l'; if(ansibleEngine.customModules){ command = 'export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="' + ansibleEngine.customModules + '"; ' + command; } ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command, null, function(data){ successCallback(data); }, function(data){ errorCallback(data) }, ansibleEngine ) }; exports.getAnsibleVersion = function(successCallback,errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var command = 'ansible --version'; var ansibleVersionResult = ""; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command, null, function(data){ ansibleVersionResult=data; console.log("Ansible Verison =" + ansibleVersionResult); ansibleVersionResult = "" + ansibleVersionResult; var version = ansibleVersionResult.replace(/ansible (.*)[^]+/,"$1"); console.log("Version=" + version); successCallback(version || ansibleVersionResult); }, function(data){ errorCallback(data) }, ansibleEngine ) }; exports.executeAnsible = function(logfilename,project_folder, playbook_name, inventory_file_name, tags_joined, limit_to_hosts_joined, verbose,check_mode,dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var fs = require('filendir'); var time = new Date().getTime(); var logFile = local_logPath + logfilename; fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"Executing Ansible Playbook \n\n",{'flag':'a'}); fs.writeFileSync(logFile," Completed \n",{'flag':'a'}); // export ANSIBLE_GATHERING=FALSE; var command= 'export ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=true; export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False; cd "' + project_folder + '"; ansible-playbook "' + playbook_name + '" -i "' + inventory_file_name + '"'; if(ansibleEngine.customModules){ command = 'export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="' + ansibleEngine.customModules + '"; ' + command; } if(tags_joined) command += ' --tags "' + tags_joined + '"'; //command += ' --tags "' + tags.join(",") + '"'; if(limit_to_hosts_joined) command += ' --limit "' + limit_to_hosts_joined + '"'; if(verbose === 'verbose_detail'){ command += ' -vvv '; } else if(verbose === 'verbose'){ command += ' -v '; } if(check_mode !== 'No_Check'){ command += ' --check '; } console.log("Command= " + command); //fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"\n Executing Command =" + command + "\n",{'flag':'a'}); fs.writeFile(logFile,"\n Executing Command =" + command + "\n"); ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,function(response){ //Calling datacallbcak back as the call is Asynchronous //Logs are queried to check status dataCallback(response); console.log(response); //fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); fs.writeFile(logFile,"\n Executing Command =" + command + "\n" + response); },function(response){ successCallback(response); console.log(response); //fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); },function(response){ errorCallback(response); console.log(response); fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); },ansibleEngine, true //addScriptEndString ) }; exports.getVars = function(project_folder, inventory_file_name, host_name, dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var fs = require('filendir'); var AnsibleAPILocation = '/tmp/'; var command= 'cd "' + project_folder + '"; python "' + AnsibleAPILocation + '" host_vars --inventory_file="' + inventory_file_name + '"'; if(host_name){ command += ' --host_name ' + host_name; } if(ansibleEngine.customModules){ command = 'export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="' + ansibleEngine.customModules + '"; ' + command; } console.log("Command= " + command); scp2_exec.copyFileToScriptEngine('./helpers/',AnsibleAPILocation,ansibleEngine,function(){ ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine); }, errorCallback); }; exports.getRolesVars = function(project_folder, role_name, dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var AnsibleAPILocation = '/tmp/'; var project_roles_folder = project_folder + '/roles'; var playbook_path = role_name + '/tests/test.yml'; var command= 'cd "' + project_roles_folder + '"; python "' + AnsibleAPILocation + '" role_vars --playbook_path="' + playbook_path + '" '; if(ansibleEngine.customModules){ command = 'export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="' + ansibleEngine.customModules + '"; ' + command; } console.log("Command= " + command); scp2_exec.copyFileToScriptEngine('./helpers/',AnsibleAPILocation,ansibleEngine,function(){ ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine); }, errorCallback); }; /* exports.executeAnsible = function(logfilename,inventory_file_contents,playbook_file_contents,tags,verbose,check_mode,dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var fs = require('filendir'); var time = new Date().getTime(); var logFile = local_logPath + logfilename; fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"Executing Ansible Playbook \n\n",{'flag':'a'}); var inventory_file_name = 'inventory_file_' + time + '.ini'; var playbook_file_name = 'playbook_file_' + time + '.yml'; fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"inventory_file_location - " + inventory_file_name +" \n",{'flag':'a'}); fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"playbook_file_location - " + playbook_file_name +" \n\n",{'flag':'a'}); console.log('inventory_file_name=' + inventory_file_name); var inputFilePathOnScriptEngine = config.scriptEngine.inputDirectory + '/inventory/' + inventory_file_name; var playbookFilePathOnScriptEngine = config.scriptEngine.inputDirectory + '/playbooks/' + playbook_file_name; fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"Writing inventory file to Script Engine - " + inputFilePathOnScriptEngine +" - ",{'flag':'a'}); scp2_exec.createFileOnScriptEngine(inventory_file_contents,inputFilePathOnScriptEngine, function(){ console.log("Inventory file written"); fs.writeFileSync(logFile," Completed \n",{'flag':'a'}); fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"Writing playbook file to Script Engine - " + playbookFilePathOnScriptEngine +" - ",{'flag':'a'}); scp2_exec.createFileOnScriptEngine(playbook_file_contents,playbookFilePathOnScriptEngine, function(){ console.log("Playbook file written"); fs.writeFileSync(logFile," Completed \n",{'flag':'a'}); var command= "export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False; ansible-playbook --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt " + playbookFilePathOnScriptEngine + " -i " + inputFilePathOnScriptEngine; if(ansibleEngine.customModules){ command = 'export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=' + ansibleEngine.customModules + '; ' + command; } if(tags) command += ' --tags "' + tags.join(",") + '"'; if(verbose === 'verbose_detail'){ command += ' -vvv '; } else if(verbose === 'verbose'){ command += ' -v '; } if(check_mode !== 'No_Check'){ command += ' --check '; } console.log("Command= " + command); fs.writeFileSync(logFile,"\n Executing Command =" + command + "\n",{'flag':'a'}); ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,function(response){ dataCallback(response); console.log(response); fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); },function(response){ successCallback(response); console.log(response); fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); },function(response){ errorCallback(response); console.log(response); fs.writeFile(logFile,response,{'flag':'a'}); },ansibleEngine) },function(err){ errorCallback(err); fs.writeFile(logFile," Failed \n",{'flag':'a'}); },ansibleEngine); },function(err){ errorCallback(err); fs.writeFile(logFile," Failed \n",{'flag':'a'}); },ansibleEngine); }; */ exports.writeFile = function(file_path,file_contents, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ scp2_exec.createFileOnScriptEngine(file_contents, file_path, function(){ successCallback('file written'); },function(err){ errorCallback(err); },ansibleEngine); }; exports.deleteFile = function(file_path,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var command = 'rm -rf "' + file_path + '"'; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine) }; exports.readFile = function(file_path, dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var command = 'cat "' + file_path + '"'; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine) }; exports.writePlaybook = function(project_folder,playbook_file_name,playbook_file_contents, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var playbook_file_path = '' + project_folder + '/' + playbook_file_name + ''; console.log('playbook_file_path=' + playbook_file_path); scp2_exec.createFileOnScriptEngine(playbook_file_contents, playbook_file_path, function(){ console.log('playbook_file written'); successCallback('playbook_file written'); },function(err){ errorCallback(err); },ansibleEngine); }; exports.readPlaybook = function(project_folder,playbook_file_name, dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var playbook_file_path = project_folder + '/' + playbook_file_name; var command = 'cat "' + playbook_file_path + '"'; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine) }; exports.deletePlaybook = function(project_folder,playbook_file_name, dataCallback, successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine){ var playbook_file_path = project_folder + '/' + playbook_file_name; var command = 'rm -f "' + playbook_file_path + '"'; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine) }; exports.getPlaybookList = function(project_folder, successCallback, errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var playbook_file_path = project_folder + '/'; var command = 'ls "' + playbook_file_path + '" | grep .yml'; var ansiblePlaybookListResults = ""; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command, null, function(data){ ansiblePlaybookListResults=data; var files = []; if(ansiblePlaybookListResults) files = ansiblePlaybookListResults.trim().split('\n'); successCallback(files); }, function(data){ errorCallback(data) }, ansibleEngine ) }; /** * Get list of roles from project * @param project_folder - Project root folder * @param successCallback - Success Callback method * @param errorCallback - Error Callback method * @param ansibleEngine - Remote Ansible Engine details */ exports.getRolesList = function(project_folder, successCallback, errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var playbook_file_path = project_folder + '/roles'; var command = 'ls "' + playbook_file_path + '"'; var ansiblePlaybookListResults = ""; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command, null, function(data){ ansiblePlaybookListResults=data; var roles = []; if(ansiblePlaybookListResults) roles = ansiblePlaybookListResults.trim().split('\n'); successCallback(roles); }, function(data){ errorCallback(data) }, ansibleEngine ) }; /** * Create Project Folder * @param project_folder - Project folder to create * @param successCallback * @param errorCallback * @param ansibleEngine - Remote Ansible Engine details */ exports.createProjectFolder = function(project_folder, successCallback, errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var librarypath = project_folder + '/library'; var rolespath = project_folder + '/roles'; var command = 'mkdir -p "' + librarypath + '"; mkdir -p "' + rolespath + '"'; var check_dir_command = '[ ! -d ' + project_folder + ' ]'; ssh2_exec.executeCommand(check_dir_command,null,function(data){ ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,successCallback,errorCallback,ansibleEngine); },function(){ errorCallback("Directory - " + project_folder +" already exists. Try a different Project Folder path.") },ansibleEngine); }; /** * Search roles in ansible-galaxy * Use ansible-galaxy search command * @param searchText - Text to search * @param successCallback * @param errorCallback * @param ansibleEngine - Remote Ansible Engine details */ exports.searchRolesGalaxy = function(searchText, successCallback, errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var command = 'ansible-galaxy search ' + searchText; console.log('Command = ' + command); ssh2_exec.executeCommand(command,null,function(response){ console.log("Galaxy Response =" + response); if(response.indexOf('No roles match your search.') > -1){ return errorCallback('No roles match your search.') }else{ var str = response.replace(/[^]+--\n([^]+)/g,'$1'); var re = /\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/gm; var m; var results = []; while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } // View your result using the m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. results.push({'name':m[1],'description':m[2],'type':'galaxy'}) } successCallback(results); } }, errorCallback,ansibleEngine); }; /** * Search Roles in GitHub * Uses uri * @param searchText * @param successCallback * @param errorCallback * @param ansibleEngine */ exports.searchRolesGithub = function(searchText, successCallback, errorCallback, ansibleEngine){ var https = require('https'); var options = { host: '', path: '/search/repositories?q=ansible-role-' + searchText, headers: {'user-agent': 'node.js'} }; console.log("path " + '/search/repositories?q=ansible-role' + searchText) var req = https.get(options, function(res) { console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode); console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers)); console.log('DATA: ' + JSON.stringify(; // Buffer the body entirely for processing as a whole. var bodyChunks = []; res.on('data', function(chunk) { // You can process streamed parts here... bodyChunks.push(chunk); }).on('end', function() { var body = Buffer.concat(bodyChunks); console.log('BODY: ' + body); var json_results = JSON.parse(body); var results = []; console.log("Search Results = " + json_results.total_count); for(var i=0;i