'use strict'; const angular = require('angular'); /*@ngInject*/ export function newTaskController($window, $scope, $sce, $uibModal, ansi2html, ansible, $uibModalInstance, tasksList, selectedTaskIndex, copyTask, files, selectedPlay, selectedRole, $filter, Projects) { var selectedTask; /** * Edit task - in case of edit task , selectedTaskIndex is not null. * Set selectedTask to a copy of selected task to edit. */ if(selectedTaskIndex > -1 && tasksList){ if(copyTask){ selectedTask = angular.copy(tasksList[selectedTaskIndex]); selectedTask.name = "Copy of " + selectedTask.name; selectedTaskIndex = null; }else{ selectedTask = tasksList[selectedTaskIndex] } } /** * List of files for include purpose */ if(files){ $scope.files = files; } $scope.getModuleDescriptionLoading = false; $scope.modulesLoading = false; $scope.modules = null; $scope.singeLineModules = ["shell"]; $scope.showHelp = false; $scope.newTask = {}; $scope.title = "New Task"; $scope.createTaskLoading = false; /** * Get Ansible Modules * If Edit Task, get module description for selected task */ $scope.getAnsibleModules = function(){ $scope.modulesLoading = true; ansible.getAnsibleModules(function(response){ $scope.modules = response; $scope.modulesLoading = false; if(selectedTask){ $scope.title = "Edit Task"; selectedTask = angular.copy(selectedTask); $scope.newTask = selectedTask; if(selectedTask.tags)$scope.newTask.tags = $scope.newTask.tags.join(','); var module = $scope.getModuleFromTask(selectedTask); $scope.getModuleDescription(module,true) } }, function(response){ $scope.result = $sce.trustAsHtml(ansi2html.toHtml(response.data).replace(/\n/g, "
").replace(/ /g," ")); }); }; /** * Get Module Description whenever a module is selected by the user * @param module - Module Object * @param override - Override variables in case of edit task * @param refresh - Refresh module description from server. Don't display from cache */ $scope.getModuleDescription = function(module,override,refresh){ if(!module)return; var module_copy = angular.copy(module); $scope.getModuleDescriptionLoading = true; var moduleName = module.name; if($scope.singeLineModules.indexOf(moduleName) > -1){ module.singleLine = true; } $scope.detailHelp = ""; $scope.examples = ""; module.variables = []; ansible.getAnsibleModuleDescription(moduleName, function(response){ $scope.showHelp = true; $scope.result = $sce.trustAsHtml(ansi2html.toHtml(response).replace(/\n/g, "
").replace(/ /g," ")); $scope.detailHelp = response; $scope.examples = response.substr(response.indexOf("#")); //var re = /(^[-=] .*)/gm; //var re = /(^[-=] .*)[^]*?(?:(\(Choices[^]+?\))?\s*(\[.*\])|(?=^[-=]|^EXAMPLES))/gm; var re = /(^[-=] .*)([^]*?)(?:(\(Choices[^]+?\))?\s*(\[.*\])|(?=^[-=]|^EXAMPLES))/gm; var m; while ((m = re.exec($scope.detailHelp.split("EXAMPLES")[0]+"EXAMPLES")) !== null) { //while ((m = re.exec($scope.detailHelp.split("#")[0])) !== null) { //while ((m = re.exec($scope.detailHelp)) !== null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } // View your result using the m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. var option_name = m[1]; var description = m[2]; var choices = m[3]; var default_value = m[4]; var breakup = option_name.split(" "); var variable_name = breakup[1]; var mandatory = breakup[0] == "="; var complex_value = {}; if(default_value) default_value = default_value.replace(/\[Default: (.*)\]/,"$1"); if(default_value == 'None') default_value = null var variable_value = default_value || ''; if(choices) choices = choices.replace(/\s+/g,"").replace(/\n\s+/g,"").replace(/\(Choices:(.*)\)/,"$1").split(","); if(override && module_copy.variables){ var matching_variable = module_copy.variables.filter(function(item){ if(item.name == variable_name){ return true } }); if(matching_variable.length){ variable_value = matching_variable[0].value; if(typeof variable_value=='object'){ complex_value = angular.copy(variable_value) } } } module.variables.push({name:variable_name,description:description,mandatory:mandatory,value:variable_value,complexValue:complex_value,choices:choices,default_value:default_value}); $scope.getModuleDescriptionLoading = false; } }, function(response){ $scope.result = $sce.trustAsHtml(ansi2html.toHtml(response.data).replace(/\n/g, "
")); console.log(ansi2html.toHtml(response.data)); $scope.detailHelp = response.data; $scope.getModuleDescriptionLoading = false; },refresh) }; /** * Reload Module Description and variables. Ignore displaying from cache. * Used when a custom module is updated and description and variables info need to be updated. * @param module - module object */ $scope.reloadModuleDetails = function(module){ if(selectedTask){ $scope.getModuleDescription(module,true,true) }else{ $scope.getModuleDescription(module,false,true) } }; /** * Identify module from a given task object. * @param task - Single task object containing task properties * @returns {{}} */ $scope.getModuleFromTask = function(task){ var moduleObject = {}; $scope.local_action = false; var task_properties = null; var module = ansible.getModuleFromTask(task); if(module === 'include'){ module = null; task.tags = task.include.replace(/.*tags=(.*)/,"$1") return; }else if(module === 'local_action'){ $scope.local_action = true; module = task.local_action.module; task_properties = task.local_action; delete task_properties.module; }else{ task_properties = task[module]; } angular.forEach($scope.modules, function(item,index) { if(item.name == module){ moduleObject = item; $scope.newTask.module = item; } }); if(!(moduleObject && moduleObject.name)){ $scope.err_msg = "Unable to find module " + module + " in Ansible controller"; return } //moduleObject.name = module; moduleObject.variables = []; if(typeof task_properties == "string"){ moduleObject.variables.push({'name':'free_form','value':task_properties}); var re = /\b(\w+)=\s*([^=]*\S)\b\s*(?=\w+=|$)/g; var m; while ((m = re.exec(task_properties)) !== null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } // View your result using the m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. var k=m[1]; var v=m[2]; moduleObject.variables.push({'name':k,'value':v}) } }else if(typeof task_properties == "object"){ angular.forEach(task_properties,function(value,key){ this.push({'name':key,'value':value,'complexValue':value}) },moduleObject.variables) } return moduleObject }; /** * Create Task - Creates new task object and set task variables. * Push new task object to tasksList * Close new task modal */ $scope.createTask = function(){ if(!$scope.newTask.module && !$scope.newTask.include){ $scope.err_msg = "Must select atleast one module or include statement"; return } $scope.createTaskLoading = true; if(!tasksList){ tasksList = [] } var taskObject = {name:$scope.newTask.name}; if($scope.newTask.include) taskObject['include'] = $scope.newTask.include; if($scope.newTask.tags) taskObject['tags'] = $scope.newTask.tags.split(','); if($scope.newTask.register) taskObject['register'] = $scope.newTask.register; if($scope.newTask.async){ taskObject['async'] = $scope.newTask.async; if(!$scope.newTask.poll) $scope.newTask.poll = 10; taskObject['poll'] = $scope.newTask.poll; } var variablesObject = null; if($scope.newTask.module){ if($scope.newTask.module.singleLine){ variablesObject = ""; //Add all mandatory variables first angular.forEach($scope.newTask.module.variables.filter(function(item){ return item.mandatory }),function(item){ if(item.name == 'free_form'){ variablesObject += item.value; }else if(item.value){ variablesObject += " " + item.name + "=" + item.value; } }); //Add optional variables angular.forEach($scope.newTask.module.variables.filter(function(item){ return !item.mandatory }),function(item){ if(item.value != item.default_value){ if(item.name == 'free_form'){ variablesObject += item.value; }else if(item.value){ variablesObject += " " + item.name + "=" + item.value; } } }); }else{ variablesObject = {}; angular.forEach($scope.newTask.module.variables,function(item){ if((item.value || (item.isComplexVariable && item.complexValue)) && item.value != item.default_value){ if(item.isComplexVariable){ variablesObject[item.name] = item.complexValue; }else{ variablesObject[item.name] = item.value; } } }); } taskObject[$scope.newTask.module.name] = variablesObject; if($scope.local_action){ variablesObject.module = $scope.newTask.module.name; taskObject['local_action'] = variablesObject; } } if(selectedTaskIndex != null){ // If Edit Task tasksList[selectedTaskIndex] = taskObject }else{ // If New Task tasksList.push(taskObject); } $uibModalInstance.close(taskObject); }; /** * Close modal */ $scope.ok = function () { $uibModalInstance.close($scope.newTask); }; /** * Cancel modal */ $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; /** * Get host variables using Ansible Python API in the backend */ $scope.getHostVars = function(){ if(!(selectedPlay && selectedPlay.play && selectedPlay.play.hosts))return; ansible.getVars(Projects.selectedInventoryFileName,selectedPlay.play.hosts,function(response){ console.log(response.data); if(response.data.length) $scope.hostvars = $filter('dictToKeyValueArray')(response.data[0]); else $scope.err_msg = "Getting host variables - No variables returned" ; },function(error){ console.log(error.data); $scope.err_msg = "Getting host variables - " + error.data; }) }; if(selectedPlay) $scope.getHostVars(); $scope.getRoleVars = function(){ if(!(selectedRole && selectedRole.role))return; ansible.getRoleVars(selectedRole.role,function(response){ console.log(response.data); if(response.data) $scope.hostvars = $filter('dictToKeyValueArray')(response.data); else $scope.err_msg = "Getting host variables - No variables returned" ; },function(error){ console.log(error.data); $scope.err_msg = "Getting host variables - " + error.data; }) }; if(selectedRole) $scope.getRoleVars(); if(!$scope.modules){ $scope.getAnsibleModules(); } $scope.showComplexVariable = function(variable){ variable.isComplexVariable = true; var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, /*templateUrl: 'createTaskContent.html',*/ templateUrl: 'app/modals/complex_var_modal/complexVariable.html', controller: 'ComplexVarModalController', size: 'sm', backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false, closeByEscape: false, closeByDocument: false, resolve: { path: function () { return variable.name }, hostvars: function(){ return $scope.hostvars }, members: function(){ return variable.complexValue } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) { variable.complexValue = selectedItem }, function () { }); } } export default angular.module('webAppApp.new_task', []) .controller('NewTaskController', newTaskController) .name;