diff --git a/cde/Imakefile b/cde/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index de840099d..000000000
--- a/cde/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/22 1999/01/18 10:38:29 samborn $
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags CDEBUGFLAGS="$(CDEBUGFLAGS)"
-CDE_RELEASE = 2.2.0
-SUBDIRS = config util include lib programs databases admin
-DOCSUBDIRS = config doc
-#define IHaveSpecialMakefileTarget
-Makefile:: xmakefile
-xmakefile:: Imakefile
- RMoveToBakFile(xmakefile)
- @echo ""
- @echo Building on OSName.
- @echo ""
-XCOMM Watch out!!! Make sure you do make includes after removing X11....
- MAKE_OPTS = -f xmakefile
-XCOMM install; create the directories that we're going to need
-MakeDirectories(install, $(DIRS_TO_CREATE))
-XCOMM Everything builds everything in the SUBDIRS directories
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuilding Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of CDE"
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- MakeImakeDir()
- -$(RM) xmakefile.bak; $(MV) xmakefile xmakefile.bak
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f xmakefile.bak xmakefile
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) Makefiles
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) Makefiles.doc
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) includes
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) includes.doc
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) depend
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) depend.doc
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuild of Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of CDE complete."
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuilding Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of CDE excluding DOC"
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- MakeImakeDir()
- -$(RM) xmakefile.bak; $(MV) xmakefile xmakefile.bak
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f xmakefile.bak xmakefile
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) Makefiles
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) includes
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) depend
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuild of Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of CDE excluding DOC complete."
- @echo ""
-XCOMM clean out link tree looking for stuff that should get checked in
- make -k clean clean.doc
- find . -type l -exec rm {} \;
- find . \( \! \( -type d -o -name Makefile \) \) -print
-XCOMM special target to determine if the xmakefile exists.
-XCOMM Works on both Unix and NMAKE.EXE
-XCOMM Everything.doc builds everything in the DOCSUBDIRS directories
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuilding Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of DOC"
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- MakeImakeDir()
- -$(RM) xmakefile.bak; $(MV) xmakefile xmakefile.bak
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f xmakefile.bak xmakefile
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) Makefiles.doc
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) includes.doc
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) depend.doc
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Rebuild of Release $(CDE_RELEASE) of DOC complete."
- @echo ""
-NamedTargetSubdirs(install.man.doc,$(DOCSUBDIRS),"installing man pages",DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR),install.man)
-NamedMakeSubdirs(all.doc, $(DOCSUBDIRS))
diff --git a/cde/Makefile.imake b/cde/Makefile.imake
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d15d4010..000000000
--- a/cde/Makefile.imake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# $TOG: Makefile /main/15 1999/10/12 09:33:30 mgreess $
- RELEASE = Release 2.4.0
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- RM = rm -f
- MV = mv
- MAKE = make
- NMAKE = nmake
- TOP = .
- CONFIGSRC = $(TOP)/config
- DEPENDSRC = $(CONFIGSRC)/makedepend
- DEPENDTOP = ../..
- IMAKETOP = ../..
- IMAKE = $(IMAKESRC)/imake
- MAKE_OPTS = -f xmakefile
- @$(MAKE_CMD) xmakefile-exists || $(MAKE) all-initial
- @$(MAKE_CMD) $@
- @echo "Please begin by using make World or make Makefile. You may"
- @echo "find it necessary to set the make variable BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS in"
- @echo "order to compile imake. One common example is"
\", where is the top of your"
- @echo "X11R6 source tree. Remember to check the configuration"
- @echo "parameters in the config directory."
- @echo
- @echo "We recommend that you read the release notes carefully before"
- @echo "proceeding; they can be found under the doc directory. If"
- @echo "the top-level Makefile gets corrupted, copy Makefile.ini to"
- @echo "Makefile and try again. Do not name your log file make.log or"
- @echo "it will be deleted."
- @echo ""
- @echo "Building $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT)"
- @echo ""
- @case "x$(BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS)" in x) \
- echo I hope you checked the configuration parameters in $(IRULESRC) ; \
- echo to see if you need to pass BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS. ; \
- echo "" ; \
- ;; esac;
- @date
- @echo ""
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) $(FLAGS) clean
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefile.boot
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) VerifyOS
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) clean
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) clean.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) includes
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) includes.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) depend
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) depend.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) $(WORLDOPTS) all.doc
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Full build of $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT) complete."
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "Building $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT) excluding DOC"
- @echo ""
- @case "x$(BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS)" in x) \
- echo I hope you checked the configuration parameters in $(IRULESRC) ; \
- echo to see if you need to pass BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS. ; \
- echo "" ; \
- ;; esac;
- @date
- @echo ""
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) $(FLAGS) clean
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefile.boot
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) VerifyOS
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) clean
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) includes
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) depend
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Full build of $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT) excluding DOC complete."
- @echo ""
- @echo ""
- @echo "Building $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT) DOC"
- @echo ""
- @case "x$(BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS)" in x) \
- echo I hope you checked the configuration parameters in $(IRULESRC) ; \
- echo to see if you need to pass BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS. ; \
- echo "" ; \
- ;; esac;
- @date
- @echo ""
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) $(FLAGS) clean
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefile.boot
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) VerifyOS
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) clean.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) includes.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) depend.doc
- $(MAKE_CMD) $(MFLAGS) $(WORLDOPTS) all.doc
- @echo ""
- @date
- @echo ""
- @echo "Full build of $(RELEASE) of $(PRODUCT) DOC complete."
- @echo ""
-.PRECIOUS: Makefile
-# This is just a sequence of bootstrapping steps we have to do.
-# The steps are listed as separate targets so clearmake can wink in
-# the Makefile.proto files.
-Makefile.boot: imake.proto $(DEPENDSRC)/Makefile.proto depend.bootstrap $(IMAKESRC)/Makefile.proto imake.bootstrap $(DEPENDSRC)/proto.clean
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) $(FLAGS)
- $(RM) $(DEPENDSRC)/Makefile.proto $(DEPENDSRC)/.depend
- cd $(DEPENDSRC) && $(RM) -r Makefile Makefile.dep makedepend *.o bootstrap
- cd $(DEPENDSRC) && $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto bootstrap
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto bootstrapdepend
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) $(FLAGS) bootstrap
- cd $(IMAKESRC) && $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto all
- -@if [ -f xmakefile ]; then set -x; \
- $(RM) xmakefile.bak; $(MV) xmakefile xmakefile.bak; \
- else exit 0; fi
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) xmakefile
- cd $(DEPENDSRC) && $(RM) -r Makefile.proto
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) xmakefile
-xmakefile: Imakefile
-# don't allow any default rules in this Makefile
-# a copy of every rule that might be invoked at top level
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
-# dev versions
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
-# doc versions
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
- $(MAKE_CMD) $@
diff --git a/cde/config/Imakefile b/cde/config/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e363dd9b2..000000000
--- a/cde/config/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/6 1996/09/28 16:04:42 rws $
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags CDEBUGFLAGS="$(CDEBUGFLAGS)"
-#undef BootstrapCleanSubdirs
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
-BOOTSTRAPSUBDIRS = imake makedepend
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/DGUX.cf b/cde/config/cf/DGUX.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index f790afe3f..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/DGUX.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: DGUX.cf /main/5 1996/09/28 16:04:56 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DG/UX 4.32
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 32
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DDGUX
-#define StandardDefines -DDGUX -DSYSV
-#define SystemV YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasGcc YES
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define UNCOMPRESSPATH /usr/bin/X11/uncompress
-#define ExtraFilesToClean *.lg
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/DragonFly.cf b/cde/config/cf/DragonFly.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a5b287f8..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/DragonFly.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/DragonFly.cf,v 1.1 2005/02/19 02:02:31 marvis Exp $
-#define UseElfFormat YES
-#define OSBinaryFormat [ELF]
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName OSBinaryFormat
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor /**/
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSRelVersion
-/* Include this to get finer-grained information about the OS version */
-#include "/usr/include/osreldate.h"
-#define OSRelVersion __DragonFly_version
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion) (OSRelVersion)
- * Base OS setup
- */
-#define HasCplusplus YES
-#define GccUsesGas YES
-#define UseGas YES
-#define GnuCpp YES
-#define HasBasename YES
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define HasDlopen YES
-#define HasGetIfAddrs YES
-#define HasIssetugid YES
-#define HasLibCrypt YES
-#define HasMktemp YES
-#define HasNCurses YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasPlugin YES
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasUsableFileMmap YES
-#define HasSetProcTitle YES
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasSnprintf YES
-#define HasStrlcat YES
-#define HasVarDb YES
-#define HasVarRun YES
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define HasWeakSymbols UseElfFormat
-#define BuildXaw6 NO /*depreciated*/
-#define BuildXaw7 NO /*depreciated*/
-#define BuildXaw YES /*needed*/
-#ifndef BuildPDFdocs
-#define BuildPDFdocs NO
-#define IPv6SocketsAlsoIPv4 NO
-#define InstallXloadSetGID NO
- * Multi-thread safe libs
- */
-#ifndef HasLibPthread
-# define HasLibPthread NO
-#define HasPosixThreads YES
-#define ThreadedX YES
-#define SystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE
-#define HasThreadSafeAPI YES
-#if HasLibPthread
-# define ThreadsLibraries -lpthread
-# define ThreadsLibraries -pthread
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define StripInstalledPrograms YES
-#define CompressAllFonts YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedFunctionPrototypes YES
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedWidePrototypes NO
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#define LexCmd flex -l
-#define HasFlex YES
-#ifndef CcCmd
-# define CcCmd cc
-#ifndef CplusplusCmd
-# define CplusplusCmd c++
-#define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp
-#define PreProcessCmd CppCmd
-#define StandardCppOptions -traditional
-#define StandardCppDefines /**/
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# if defined(UseInstalled)
-# define DefaultCCOptions /**/
-# else
-# if defined(HasGcc3) && HasGcc3
-# define NoSystemWarn -Wno-system-headers
-# else
-# define NoSystemWarn
-# endif
-# define DefaultCCOptions -ansi NoSystemWarn -Dasm=__asm GccWarningOptions
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-/* support for multi-byte locales is in libxpg4 rather than libc */
-#define ExtraLibraries -lxpg4
-#define HasSetUserContext YES
-#define HasGetpeereid YES
-#define HasMTRRSupport YES
-#ifndef BuildXF86DRI
-# define BuildXF86DRI YES
-#if defined(i386Architecture)
-#define HasAgpGart YES
- * SSE and 3DNow will be autodetected, so binutils is the only
- * requirement for enabling this.
- */
-#if defined(i386Architecture)
-# define HasX86Support YES
-# define HasMMXSupport YES
-# define Has3DNowSupport YES
-# define HasSSESupport YES
-# define HasX86Support NO
-# define HasMMXSupport NO
-# define Has3DNowSupport NO
-# define HasSSESupport NO
-#ifndef BuildDmx
-#define BuildDmx YES
-#ifndef UseRpath
-# define UseRpath YES
-#ifndef RpathLoadFlags
-# if UseRpath
-# define RpathLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-# else
-# define RpathLoadFlags /**/
-# endif
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-# if !defined(UseInstalled)
-# define ExtraLoadFlags RpathLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath-link,$(BUILDLIBDIR)
-# else
-# define ExtraLoadFlags RpathLoadFlags
-# endif
-#ifndef LibraryRpathLoadFlags
-# if UseRpath
-# define LibraryRpathLoadFlags -rpath $(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-# else
-# define LibraryRpathLoadFlags /**/
-# endif
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-# define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared LibraryRpathLoadFlags
-#ifndef HasZlib
-# define HasZlib YES
-#ifndef HasPamLibrary
-XCOMM See https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=253073
-XCOMM to enable pam support
-# define HasPamLibrary NO
-/* Take from FreeBSD */
-/* There are two options for building. One is to assume that the system has
- * many of the dependencies provided by the ports tree. The other is to just
- * build everything from this tree.
- */
-#ifndef HasStandardPorts
-# define HasStandardPorts YES
-#ifndef LocalBase
-# define LocalBase /usr/local
-#ifndef X11Base
-# define X11Base /usr/X11R6
-#if HasStandardPorts
-#ifndef HasExpat
-# define HasExpat YES
-# define ExpatDir LocalBase
-#ifndef HasLibpng
-# define HasLibpng YES
-# define LibpngDir LocalBase
-#endif /* HasStandardPorts */
-#undef InstallCmd
-#define InstallCmd /usr/bin/install
-#define AsmElfDefines -D__ELF__
-#if GccUsesGas
-# define GccGasOption -DGCCUSESGAS
-# define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS AsmElfDefines
-# define GccGasOption /**/
-# define AsmDefines AsmElfDefines
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-#if defined(Sparc64Architecture) || defined(ia64Architecture) || \
- defined(AMD64Architecture)
-#define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
-#define StandardDefines -DCSRG_BASED
-#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-#define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) @@# dependencies are in .depend
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-#ifndef ForceNormalLib
-# define ForceNormalLib YES
-#define HasMkstemp YES
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O
-#ifndef PreIncDir
-# define PreIncDir /usr/include
-#define HasGroff YES
-#define NroffCmd env GROFF_NO_SGR=y groff -Tascii
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#ifndef ExtraFilesToClean
-# define ExtraFilesToClean *.core
-#define DefaultUserPath /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR):/usr/local/bin
-#define DefaultSystemPath /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR)
-#ifndef SystemManDirectory
-# define SystemManDirectory /usr/share/man
-#define InstKmemFlags -g kmem -m 2755
- * Compress manual pages
- */
-#ifndef CompressManPages
-# define CompressManPages NO
-#define HasBsdMake YES
-#ifndef StaticLibrary
-# define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -Wl,-Bstatic Concat(-L,libpath) Concat(-l,libname) -Wl,-Bdynamic
-#define DlLibrary -Wl,--export-dynamic
-#ifndef PamLibraries
-# define PamLibraries -lpam DlLibrary
-#ifndef SharedLibXdmGreet
-# define SharedLibXdmGreet NO
- * On FreeBSD, the run-time loader will use the built-in "rpath" before
- * LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This means that utilities like mkfontdir will load
- * installed libraries (if they exist) in preference to the ones in the
- * build tree, even though LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the build tree.
- * This can result in the build failing. One way to avoid this is to
- * pre-load the libraries from the build tree.
- *
- * There should be a better way than this hack...
- */
-#if UseElfFormat
-#ifndef PreloadFontSetup
-#define PreloadFontSetup LD_PRELOAD="`(cd $(XENVLIBDIR); echo $(XFONTPRELOADPATTERN))`"
-#ifndef HasCookieMaker
-# define HasCookieMaker YES
-# define MkCookieCmd \
- 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -e \\"%08x\\"'
- * A hack to work around an optimization problem with gcc 2.95.2 - 2.95.4
- */
-#if (GccMajorVersion == 2 && GccMinorVersion == 95)
-# define GccOptBug295
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.rules b/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 316a67100..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: DtInfo.rules /main/21 1997/09/05 11:31:01 samborn $
-/* Note whether we are the top level project. */
-#ifndef SeenTopLevelProject
-# define SeenTopLevelProject YES
-# define DtInfoIsTopLevelProject YES
-# define DtInfoIsTopLevelProject NO
-/* Chain project rules files. */
-/* Include our favorites in PROJECT_DEFINES. */
-#ifndef DtInfoProjectDefines
-#ifdef ProjectDefines
-# undef ProjectDefines
-#define ProjectDefines \
- X11ProjectDefines MotifProjectDefines CdeProjectDefines DtInfoProjectDefines
-/* Ditto for CXXPROJECT_DEFINES. */
-#ifndef DtInfoCplusplusProjectDefines
-# define DtInfoCplusplusProjectDefines DtInfoProjectDefines
-#ifdef CplusplusProjectDefines
-# undef CplusplusProjectDefines
-#define CplusplusProjectDefines \
- X11CplusplusProjectDefines MotifCplusplusProjectDefines CdeCplusplusProjectDefines DtInfoCplusplusProjectDefines
- * library building stuff
- */
-#if defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 5
-# define makelibT(libname) @@\
- makelib(libname) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(libname/lib,libname,T.a): FRC @@\
- @(cd libname ; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making lib libname Templates ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) Concat3(lib,libname,T.a) ; \ @@\
- )
-# define makelibsubsubdir(subdir,libname) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(subdir/libname/lib,libname.a): FRC @@\
- @(cd subdir ; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making lib libname ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) Concat(libname/lib,libname.a) ; \ @@\
- )
-# define makelibTsubsubdir(subdir,libname) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(subdir/libname/lib,libname,T.a): FRC @@\
- @(cd subdir ; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making lib libname Templates ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) Concat3(libname/lib,libname,T.a) ; \ @@\
- )
-#else /* not defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 5 */
-# define makelibT(libname) @@\
- makelib(libname)
-#define makelib(libname) @@\
- makelibd(libname,)
-#define makelibd(libname, deps) @@\
-Concat(libname/lib,libname.a): deps FRC @@\
- @(cd libname; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making lib libname ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) Concat(lib,libname.a) ; \ @@\
- if [ -d "$(TEMPLATE_DB)" ]; then \ @@\
- $(MAKE) Concat3(lib,libname,T.a) ; \ @@\
- fi \ @@\
- ) @@\
-libname/libname.d: libname/Classlist.mk @@\
- @(cd libname; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making dfiles in libname ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) libname.d ;\ @@\
- ) @@\
-libname/libname.h: libname/Classlist.mk @@\
- @(cd libname; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making dfiles in libname ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) libname.h ;\ @@\
- ) @@\
-libname/libname.msg: libname/Classlist.mk @@\
- @(cd libname; \ @@\
- echo STR(*** Making msgs in libname ***) ; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) libname.msg ;\ @@\
- ) @@\
- @@\
-FRC: @@\
-XCOMM makes toplevel Prelude.h
-#define make_prelude(libraries, deps) @@\
-Prelude.h: deps @@\
- @$(RM) $@ @@\
- $(OLIAS)/tools/misc/pmaker libraries
-XCOMM build .d and .h files within a library
-#define make_libfiles(library,classes) @@\
-dfiles:: Concat(library,.d) Concat(library,.h) @@\
-Concat(library,.d) : Classlist.mk @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(OLIAS)/tools/misc/dfiles d library classes @@\
-Concat(library,.h) : Classlist.mk @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(OLIAS)/tools/misc/dfiles h library classes @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(library,.d) Concat(library,.h)
-#define make_msgs(library, msgs) @@\
-messages:: Concat(library,.msg) @@\
-Concat(library,.msg) : Classlist.mk msgs @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- cat msgs > Concat(library,.msg) @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(library,.msg)
-XCOMM Build a library
-XCOMM *NOTE* SimpleLibrary does *not* build a real ar-style
-XCOMM library; it merely uses ld -r -o to concatenate a set
-XCOMM of .o's together. Use RealLibrary to build an honest-
-XCOMM -to-gosh ranlib'd library. Unless you really need true
-XCOMM library behavior (partial selection of contents, etc.),
-XCOMM SimpleLibrary is the better choice.
-#define SimpleLibraryWithAddedObjs(libname,objlist,libdir,objlist1) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): objlist @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo "### Making SimpleLibraryWithAddedObjs libname.a" @@\
- $(LD) -r -o $@ objlist objlist1
-#define SimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): objlist @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making SimpleLibrary libname.a) @@\
- $(LD) -r -o $@ objlist
-#if defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 5
-#define SimpleLibraryT(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
-SimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(Concat3(lib,libname,T.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(lib,libname,T.a): @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making SimpleLibraryT libname Templates) @@\
- find ./Templates.DB -name '*.o' -type f -print | xargs -n4 ar cq $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- ptclean
-#define SimpleLibraryT(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
-SimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(Concat3(lib,libname,T.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(lib,libname,T.a): TemplateObjs @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making SimpleLibraryT libname Templates) @@\
- $(AR) $@ TemplateObjs @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) -r $(TEMPLATE_DB)
-#define RealLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): objlist @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making RealLibrary libname.a) @@\
- ar cq $@ objlist @@\
- RanLibrary($@)
-#define NotSoSimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir,otherdeps) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): objlist otherdeps @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making NotSoSimpleLibrary libname.a) @@\
- $(LD) -r -o $@ objlist
-#if defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 5
-#define NotSoSimpleLibraryT(libname,objlist,libdir,otherdeps) @@\
-NotSoSimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir,otherdeps) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(Concat3(lib,libname,T.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(lib,libname,T.a): @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making NotSoSimpleLibraryT libname Templates) @@\
- find ./Templates.DB -name '*.o' -type f -print | xargs -n4 ar cq $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- ptclean
-#define NotSoSimpleLibraryT(libname,objlist,libdir,otherdeps) @@\
-NotSoSimpleLibrary(libname,objlist,libdir,otherdeps) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(Concat3(lib,libname,T.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(lib,libname,T.a): @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- @echo STR(*** Making NotSoSimpleLibraryT libname Templates) @@\
- $(AR) $@ TemplateObjs @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) -r $(TEMPLATE_DB)
-#define do_subdirs_imakefile(subdirs) /* nothing */
-#define do_subdirs(subdirs) /* nothing */
-#define foreach_subdirs(name, subdirs) @@\
-/* Yacc and Lex Support */
-#define SimpleCPlusPlusLexTarget(lexname) @@\
-lexname.o : lexname.l @@\
- $(RM) lexname.C @@\
- $(FLEX) $(LFLAGS) -t lexname.l > lexname.C @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) lexname.C
-#define LexTarget(lexname, parsename) @@\
-lexname.o : lexname.l @@\
- $(RM) lexname.C lex.yy.c lexname.o @@\
- $(FLEX) $(LFLAGS) lexname.l @@\
- sed 's/yy/parsename/g' lex.yy.c | sed 's/YY/parsename/g' > lexname.C @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) lexname.C @@\
- $(RM) lexname.C lex.yy.c
-#define YaccTarget(file, parser) @@\
-file.o: file.y @@\
- $(RM) file.tab.h file.C y.tab.h y.tab.c file.o @@\
- $(BYACC) $(YFLAGS) file.y @@\
- sed 's/yy/parser/g' y.tab.h > file.tab.h @@\
- sed 's/yy/parser/g' y.tab.c | sed 's/YY/parser/g' > file.C @@\
- $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c file.C @@\
- $(RM) file.C y.tab.h y.tab.c
- * C++ Support (from here down...)
- */
- * On hp, *..c files need to be removed
- */
-#ifdef HPArchitecture
-# define CplusObjectCompile(options) $(RM) $*..c $*.o $*.prep @@\
- ObjectCplusplusCompile(options)
-#else /* not defined(HPArchitecture) */
-# define CplusObjectCompile(options) ObjectCplusplusCompile(options)
-#define CplusIntermediateCompile(options) $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(CXX) +i -c $(CXXFLAGS) options `basename $@ .c`CCsuf
-/* need to remove this and "C++*", and use default from r6, with "CXX*": */
-#ifdef NormalCplusplusObjectRule
-# undef NormalCplusplusObjectRule
-#define NormalCplusplusObjectRule() @@\
-.SUFFIXES: .C .o @@\
- @@\
-.C.o: @@\
- CplusObjectCompile($(_NOOP_))
-#define HPchatr(program) @@\
-install:: @@\
- chatr +s enable program
- * Total bogosity with error codes:
- * if [ `chatr $@ | grep 'libftft'` -gt 0 ] ; then \ @@\
- * chatr -l `chatr $@ | grep 'libftft' | \ @@\
- * sed -e 's|[^/]*\(/VOB/.*\)|\1|'` +s enable $@;\ @@\
- * fi @@\
- * echo "chatr checked" @@\
- */
-#define ComplexCPlusPlusProgram(program) @@\
-PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) $(PROGRAM) @@\
-#define CPlusPlusProgram(program,objects,libs) @@\
-program: objects @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program
-#define SimpleCPlusPlusProgram(program,objects,libs) @@\
- AllTarget(program) @@\
- CPlusPlusProgram(program,objects,libs)
-#define SpecialCPlusPlusObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-objs: depends @@\
- CplusObjectCompile(options) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) *..c
-#define SpecialCPlusPlusExpandRule(expn,depends,options) @@\
-expn: depends @@\
- CplusIntermediateCompile(options)
-XCOMM CProgram is required by C modules in build-tools
-#define CProgram(program,objects,libs) @@\
-program: objects @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program
-XCOMM SimpleCProgram is required by the C modules in buildtools to build
-XCOMM statically
-#define SimpleCProgram(program,objects,libs) @@\
- AllTarget(program) @@\
- CProgram(program,objects,libs)
-XCOMM platform dependent executables, shell scripts
-#define InstallLibFile(filename) @@\
- InstallNonExecFile(filename,$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR))
-XCOMM The following macros are used by the build tools
- * InstallBuildToolsBinary - generate rules to install an executable
- * program in build tools.
- */
-#ifndef InstallBuildToolsBinary
-# define InstallBuildToolsBinary(program) @@\
-install_buildtools:: @@\
-#endif /* InstallBuildToolsBinary */
- * InstallBuildToolsScript - generate rules for installing scripts
- */
-#ifndef InstallBuildToolsScript
-# define InstallBuildToolsScript(program) @@\
-install_buildtools:: program @@\
- MakeDir($(INSTALL_BIN_DIR)) @@\
-#endif /* InstallBuildToolsScript */
- * InstallPlatformBuildToolsScript - generate rules for installing
- * scripts in platform specific directory.
- */
-#ifndef InstallPlatformBuildToolsScript
-# define InstallPlatformBuildToolsScript(program) @@\
-install_buildtools:: program @@\
-#endif /* InstallPlatformBuildToolsScript */
-XCOMM only use this for files that are platform independent
-XCOMM /* this is based upon InstallScript in Imake.rules */
-#define InstallShellProg(progname) @@\
-install:: progname @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTBINFLAGS) progname $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BIN_DIR)/progname
-XCOMM don't depend on built-in .C.o rules
-XCOMM forcing old C to be used
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a205c5b..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/DtInfo.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: DtInfo.tmpl /main/37 1997/09/05 11:31:26 samborn $
-XCOMM OLIAS project common makefile
-/* Chain project template files. */
-#define CdeDesktop
-XCOMM #define BuildOutsideCde
-#ifdef BuildOutsideCde
-XCOMM These are set by default when building outside of the CDE source
-XCOMM tree. Some use-installed support needs to be implemented for all
-XCOMM cases, however, once CDE build integration and revamped CDE Imake
-XCOMM config based on X11R6 is complete.
-# ifndef UseInstalledCde
-XCOMM build using installed Motif and CDE libs and headers
-# define UseInstalledCde
-# endif
-# ifndef UseInstalled
-XCOMM build using installed X11 libs and headers
-# define UseInstalled
-# endif
-# ifndef BuildLocalInfolibs
-XCOMM infolib(s) built from local subtree
-# define BuildLocalInfolibs
-# endif
-# ifndef BuildStandalonePackaging
-XCOMM provide for independent (non-cde) packaging
-# define BuildStandalonePackaging
-# endif
-# ifndef InstallMultiPlatform
-XCOMM have multiple platforms run out of the same install tree,
-XCOMM sharing everything except binary parts
-# define InstallMultiPlatform
-# endif
-#ifdef CdeDesktop
-XCOMM Provide flags for CDE desktop facilities explicitly if CDE context.
-XCOMM (Note, these will assume a post-CDE 1.0 functional revision level.)
-# define DtinfoClient
-# define UseMotifXpm
-# define UseTooltalk
-XCOMM X11 R6 session management
-# define UseSessionMgmt
-#ifdef DtinfoClient
-XCOMM Turn off all flags not applicable to CDE dtinfo client,
-XCOMM and turn on those that are:
-XCOMM -- search engine
-# define UseDtSearch
-# ifdef UseQSearch
-# undef UseQSearch
-# endif
-# ifdef UseFulcrum
-# undef UseFulcrum
-# endif
-XCOMM -- canvas and/or rendering engine
-# define UseDtCanvas
-# ifdef UseTmlRenderer
-# undef UseTmlRenderer
-# endif
-XCOMM -- remote connections
-# ifdef UsePython
-# undef UsePython
-# endif
-XCOMM -- specific license managers
-# ifdef DoLicenseManagement
-# undef DoLicenseManagement
-# endif
-XCOMM -- special libraries
-# ifdef UseRWClasses
-# undef UseRWClasses
-# endif
-#define WideCharSupport
-#define UseWideChars
-#define Internationalize
-#define JapaneseLocal
-#ifdef DtinfoClient
-DTINFO_DEFINES=-DDtinfoClient -DUseMotifXpm -DUseTooltalk -DUseSessionMgmt
-#elif defined(CdeDesktop)
-DTINFO_DEFINES=-DUseMotifXpm -DUseTooltalk -DUseSessionMgmt
-#ifdef UseWideChars
-#ifdef Internationalize
-#ifdef UseQSearch
-XCOMM The QSearch Japanese-language search engine is available only on
-XCOMM Solaris, so only enable it there.
-#elif defined(UseDtSearch)
-#ifdef UseDlOpen
-#ifdef DoLicenseManagement
-#ifdef Purify
-XCOMM if Purify is defined then set the variable PURIFY - cso 941215
-#ifdef SunArchitecture
-# if (OSMajorVersion == 5)
-EXTRA_LIBRARIES=$(DYNAMIC) ExtraLibraries -lresolv
-# endif
-# if (OSMajorVersion == 4)
-# define BuildPython
-# endif
-#ifdef HPArchitecture
-# define NeedLocalAlloca
-XCOMM set platform subdir finder
-#ifdef HAL32V7Architecture
-# define DoLicenseManagement
-#elif defined(HPArchitecture)
-#elif defined(AIXArchitecture)
-#elif defined(SystemV4) && defined(i386)
-#elif defined(SystemV4)
-XCOMM end set platform subdir finder
-LIBRARY = $(OLIAS)/library
-#ifdef UseTmlRenderer
-TML = $(OLIAS)/tml
-WWL = $(OLIAS)/dtinfo/wwl
-EXCEPTIONS = $(MMDB)/dti_excs
-TOOLS = $(OLIAS)/tools
-UAS = $(OLIAS)/dtinfo/src/UAS
-#ifdef UsePython
-XCOMM Python-related definitions
-PYTHON_ROOT = $(LIBRARY)/python/unix
- -L$(PYTHON_ROOT)/Parser -L$(PYTHON_ROOT)/readline
-PYTHON_LIBS = $(PYTHON_ROOT)/Modules/config.nomain.o -lModules -lPython -lObjects -lParser -lreadline
-PYTHON_SYS_LIBS =$(DYNAMIC) -ltermcap -lm
-#ifdef UseTmlRenderer
-TML_INCLUDES = -I$(TML)/include
-TML_LIBS=-L$(TML)/src -ltml
-WWL_INCLUDES = -I$(WWL)/include
-#ifdef UseFulcrum
-FULCRUM_INCLUDES = FulcrumIncludes
-FULCRUM_DEFINES = FulcrumDefines
-#ifdef UseQSearch
-#ifdef UseDtSearch
-# ifdef UseInstalledCde
-DTSEARCH_LIBDIR = /usr/dt/lib
-# elif defined(BuildOutsideCde)
-DTSEARCH_INCLUDES = -I$(OLIAS)/../../lib/DtSearch
-DTSEARCH_LIBDIR = $(OLIAS)/../../lib/DtSearch
-# else
-DTSEARCH_INCLUDES = -I$(TOP)/exports/include/Dt
-DTSEARCH_LIBDIR = $(TOP)/exports/lib
-# endif
-XCOMM BuildTools Include macros
-#ifdef UseFulcrum
-# if defined(AIXArchitecture) || defined(RsArchitecture)
-XCOMM -- Need to add something here to circumvent lack of
-# else
-# endif
-# ifdef UseQSearch
-# elif defined(UseDtSearch)
-# endif
-#ifdef BuildOutsideCde
-DTHELP_LIBRARY=$(DYNAMIC) -L$(OLIAS)/../../exports/lib -lDtHelp
-TREE_INCLUDES=-I$(OLIAS)/../../exports/include -I$(OLIAS)/../../exports/include/Misc
-#ifdef UseInstalledCde
-CDEINCLUDES = -I/usr/dt/include
-CDE_LIBS = -L/usr/dt/lib
-CDEINCLUDES = -I$(TOP)/exports/include
-CDE_LIBS = -L$(TOP)/exports/lib
-MTFLIBDIR = $(TOP)/imports/motif/lib
-#ifdef UseRWClasses
-XCOMM exceptions library
-#ifdef UseFulcrum
-$(UAS)/Base/libBase.a \
-$(UAS)/MMDB/libMMDB.a \
-MISC_LIB=$(STATIC) -L$(TOOLS)/src -lmisc
-#ifdef DoLicenseManagement
-XCOMM Licensing libraries and Include macros
-XCOMM LICENSE_LROOT is the root of local libraries
-XCOMM LICENSE_FROOT is the root of the FlexLM (foreign) libraries
-XCOMM Force-load the Mech*.o files so their static initializers get called,
-XCOMM tying the mechanisms into the licensing system
-LICENSE_L_LIBS=$(LICENSE_Mechanisms) -L$(LICENSE_LROOT)/cryptlib -loliascrypt \
--L$(LICENSE_LROOT)/libdes -loliasdes
-XCOMM project specific includes go into EXTRA_INCLUDES
-CEXT = c
-XCOMM Installation stuff
-XCOMM the browser binary uses the following, and must not install to
-XCOMM same place as script by same name, which goes to INSTALL_BIN_DIR.
-#ifdef InstallMultiPlatform
-XCOMM When installing into the following, the lang value must be inserted
-XCOMM as the next directory level, due to language-specific content.
-#ifdef InstallMultiPlatform
-XCOMM message catalogs as binaries
-#define BigEndianDefines -DOLIAS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define LittleEndianDefines -DOLIAS_LITTLE_ENDIAN
-#define DefaultEndianDefines -DOLIAS_DEFAULT_ENDIAN
-#ifndef TemplateDB
-#define TemplateDB Templates.DB
-XCOMM Following X11 and Mtf defines should be replaced w/ std config
-#ifndef X11Includes
-# define X11Includes -I$(TOP)/imports/x11/include
-#ifndef MtfIncludes
-# define MtfIncludes -I$(TOP)/imports/motif/include
-#ifndef MtfLibraries
-# define MtfLibraries $(DYNAMIC) $(XMLIB)
-#ifndef X11Libraries
-# define X11Libraries $(DYNAMIC) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XLIB)
-XTOOLLIB = -L$(TOP)/imports/x11/lib $(XTOOLONLYLIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB)
-#if defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 3
-#elif defined(SunArchitecture) && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 2
-#define TemplateObjs $(TEMPLATE_OBJS)
-#if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture) || defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(ARMArchitecture) || defined(AArch64Architecture) || defined(RISCVArchitecture)
-# define ByteOrderDefines LittleEndianDefines
-#elif defined(HAL32V7Architecture) || defined(SunArchitecture) || defined(SparcArchitecture) || defined(Sparc64Architecture) || defined(AIXArchitecture) || defined(HPArchitecture) || defined(PpcArchitecture)
-# define ByteOrderDefines BigEndianDefines
-# define ByteOrderDefines DefaultEndianDefines
- * The following stuffs are default rules required by build_tools
- *
- */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/FreeBSD.cf b/cde/config/cf/FreeBSD.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e418e9b3..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/FreeBSD.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: FreeBSD.cf /main/21 1997/10/05 20:42:34 kaleb $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor FreeBSD Foundation
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion/**/./**/OSMinorVersion/**/./**/OSTeenyVersion)
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define HasZlib YES
-#define HasXdmAuth YES
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 10 && defined(UseGcc)
-USE_GCC = UseGcc
-#ifndef CppCmd
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 10 && defined(UseGcc)
-# define CppCmd /usr/local/bin/cpp$(USE_GCC)
-# define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp
-#define PreProcessCmd CppCmd
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 10
-#define CppArgs -Wno-invalid-pp-token
-#define DirFailPrefix -
-#define CppArgs /**/
-#ifndef StandardCppDefines
-#define StandardCppDefines -traditional CppArgs
-#ifndef PerlCmd
-#define PerlCmd /usr/local/bin/perl
-#undef InstallCmd
-#define InstallCmd /usr/bin/install
-#undef KornShell
-#define KornShell /usr/local/bin/ksh93
-#define UseGas YES
-#ifndef GccUsesGas
-# define GccUsesGas YES
-#ifndef AsmDefines
-# define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS
-#if GccUsesGas
-# define GccGasOption -DGCCUSESGAS
-# define GccGasOption /**/
-#ifndef HasGcc2
-# define HasGcc2 YES
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-#ifdef AMD64Architecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#ifdef ARMArchitecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#ifndef CcCmd
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 10
-# if defined(UseGcc)
-# define CcCmd /usr/local/bin/gcc$(USE_GCC)
-# define CplusplusCmd /usr/local/bin/g++$(USE_GCC)
-# else
-# define CcCmd cc
-# define CplusplusCmd c++
-# endif
-# define CcCmd gcc
-# define CplusplusCmd g++
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#define DefaultCCOptions -pipe
-#ifndef CplusplusLibC
-#define CplusplusLibC -lstdc++
-#if OSMajorVersion > 1
-#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-#define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) HASH_SIGN dependencies are in .depend
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#define DependDefines -D__cplusplus
-#if OSMajorVersion < 3
-#if OSMinorVersion < 2
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-#define ExtraLibraries -lgnumalloc
-#if OSTeenyVersion == 2
-#define HasSetUserContext YES
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
- * This doesn't work the way it does on every other system. On FreeBSD it's
- * only a "hint, not a demand", whatever that means. Note that this is not
- * what it says in the ld and ld.so man pages, which are rather vague on the
- * matter.
- *
- * But we do know that if a) you do what the X Project team does and set your
- * ProjectRoot to something like "/X11", and b) you have other X libraries,
- * e.g. in /usr/X11R6/lib, and you have added /usr/X11R6/lib to your
- * ld.so.cache with ldconfig, then any programs linked with this "hint" will
- * find that ld.so ignores the "hint" at runtime and loads the libraries in
- * the ld.so.cache, i.e.the wrong ones, instead! Empirically we find that
- * the run-path is only used as a last resort to find the libraries, after
- * the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ld.so.cache.
- *
- * N. B. to FreeBSD users who are not familiar with the semantics of the run-
- * path on other systems. The run-path is akin to a per-program ld.so.cache.
- * If a program is linked with a run-path, that run-path should take
- * precedence over _everything_ else! In my opinion ldconfig and the
- * ld.so.cache should be deprecated immediately now that FreeBSD has run-
- * paths. Any program that needs libraries that are outside the "well known"
- * locations should be linked with a run-path.
- *
- * All of which begs the question: If this option doesn't work in any useful
- * way, why did they (FreeBSD) bother to add it? It would be nice if FreeBSD
- * would fix ld.so so that run-paths are truly useful.
- *
- * Using run-paths is added with the intent that vendors who ship X for
- * FreeBSD should use it too. Once everyone uses it then there will be no
- * reason for FreeBSD to assume that it knows where X libraries are installed
- * and they can remove it from the list of directories they add to ld.so.cache
- * in their /etc/rc file.
- */
-#define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,-R,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DXNO_SYSCONF
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-#define ExtraLibraries /* -lmalloc */
-/* Suppress warnings dependant from compiler versions */
-#ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# if defined(__clang__) && defined(__clang_major__) && defined(__clang_minor__)
-# if (__clang_major__ > 3) || \
- (__clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 4)
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-write-strings \
- -Wno-unused-result
-# else
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-write-strings \
- -Wno-unused-result
-# endif
-# elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GNUC_MINOR__)
-# if (__GNUC__ > 4) || \
- (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-write-strings \
- -Wno-unused-result -Wno-deprecated
-# else
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-write-strings
-# endif
-# else
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture)
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# else
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-#ifdef HasGcc2
-CXXDEPENDINCLUDE != CcCmd -v -x c++ /dev/null -fsyntax-only \
- 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^ \(\/.*[cg]++.*\)/-I\1/p'
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes $(CXXDEPENDINCLUDE)
-/* beginning with svn version 254273 iconv functions are moved to libc */
-#if (OSMajorVersion >= 10)
-ICONVSYSLIB != if test -f /usr/local/include/iconv.h; then echo -liconv; else echo; fi
-#define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-#define StandardDefines -DCSRG_BASED
-#define StandardIncludes -I/usr/local/include
-#ifndef TopMotifInclude
-#define TopMotifInclude /usr/local/include
-#define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#define DefaultUserPath /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define DefaultSystemPath /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define TroffCmd groff -Tps
-#define M4Cmd /usr/bin/m4
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define HasLibCrypt YES
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define HasPlugin YES
-#define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
-#define CDESharedRev 2
-#if !defined(HasPamLibrary)
-XCOMM See https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=253073
-XCOMM to enable pam support
-#define HasPamLibrary NO
-#if !defined(PamAuthenticationModule)
-#define PamAuthenticationModule /usr/local/lib/security/pam_pwauth_suid.so
-#if !defined(HasPtsDriver)
-#define HasPtsDriver YES
-#if !defined(HasUtempterLibrary)
-#define HasUtempterLibrary YES
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Imake.cf b/cde/config/cf/Imake.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3452ec0..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Imake.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imake.cf /main/30 1998/04/28 13:55:25 barstow $
- * To add support for another platform:
- *
- * 1. Identify a machine-specific cpp symbol. If your preprocessor
- * does not have any built in, you will need to add the symbol to the
- * cpp_argv table in config/imake/imakemdep.h and rebuild imake with
- * the BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS variable set.
- *
- * 2. Add all machine-specific cpp symbols (either defined by you or by
- * the preprocessor or compiler) to the predefs table in
- * config/imake/imakemdep.h.
- *
- * 3. But a new #ifdef block below that defines MacroIncludeFile and
- * MacroFile for your new platform and then #undefs the machine-
- * specific preprocessor symbols (to avoid problems with file names).
- *
- * 4. Create a .cf file with the name given by MacroFile.
- */
-#if defined(vax)
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile bsd.cf
-# undef vax
-# define VaxArchitecture
-#endif /* vax */
-#ifdef __OpenBSD__
-# undef __OpenBSD__
-# undef __NetBSD__
-# define BSDArchitecture
-# define OpenBSDArchitecture
-# define KOpenBSDArchitecture
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile OpenBSD.cf
-# ifdef __i386__
-# define i386BsdArchitecture
-# define i386Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-# if defined(__sparc__) || defined(sparc)
-# if !defined(__arch64__)
-# define SparcArchitecture
-# else
-# define Sparc64Architecture
-# endif
-# undef sparc
-# undef sparc64
-# endif
-# if defined(__mips__) || defined(mips)
-# define MipsArchitecture
-# ifdef __LP64__
-# define Mips64Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef arc
-# define ArcArchitecture
-# undef arc
-# endif
-# ifdef sgi
-# define SGIArchitecture
-# undef sgi
-# endif
-# ifdef pmax
-# define PmaxArchitecture
-# undef pmax
-# endif
-# undef mips
-# undef __mips__
-# endif
-# if defined(__alpha__) || defined(alpha)
-# define AlphaArchitecture
-# undef __alpha__
-# undef alpha
-# endif
-# if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# undef __amd64__
-# undef __x86_64__
-# undef amd64
-# endif
-# if defined(__arm__)
-# define ARMArchitecture
-# undef __arm__
-# if defined(zaurus)
-# undef zaurus
-# define ZaurusArchitecture
-# endif
-# endif
-# if defined(__aarch64__)
-# define AArch64Architecture
-# undef __aarch64__
-# endif
-# if defined(__mc68020__) || defined(mc68020)
-# define Mc68020Architecture
-# if defined(amiga)
-# define AmigaArchitecture
-# undef amiga
-# endif
-# if defined(hp300)
-# define Hp300Architecture
-# undef hp300
-# endif
-# if defined(mac68k)
-# define Mac68kArchitecture
-# undef mac68k
-# endif
-# if defined(mvme68k)
-# define Mvme68kArchitecture
-# undef mvme68k
-# endif
-# if defined(sun3)
-# define Sun3Architecture
-# undef sun3
-# endif
-# undef mc68000
-# endif
-# if defined(__m88k__) || defined(m88k)
-# define Mc88000Architecture
-# undef m88k
-# endif
-# ifdef __powerpc__
-# define PpcArchitecture
-# undef __powerpc__
-# undef __macppc__
-# undef macppc
-# endif
-# ifdef __sh__
-# undef __sh__
-# define SuperHArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef __vax__
-# undef vax
-# undef __vax__
-# define VaxArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef __hppa__
-# ifndef HPArchitecture
-# define HPArchitecture
-# endif
-# undef __hppa__
-# endif /* __hppa__ */
-#endif /* OpenBSD */
-/* Systems based on kernel of OpenBSD */
-#if defined(__OpenBSD_kernel__)
-#define KOpenBSDArchitecture
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile NetBSD.cf
-# undef __NetBSD__
-# define BSDArchitecture
-# define NetBSDArchitecture
-# ifdef __i386__
-# define i386BsdArchitecture
-# define i386Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-# ifdef __amd64__
-# define AMD64BsdArchitecture
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# undef amd64
-# endif
-# if defined(__sparc__) || defined(sparc)
-# define SparcArchitecture
-# undef sparc
-# endif
-# ifdef __aarch64__
-# define AArch64Architecture
-# undef __aarch64__
-# endif
-#endif /* NetBSD */
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile FreeBSD.cf
-# undef __FreeBSD__
-# define BSDArchitecture
-# define FreeBSDArchitecture
-# ifdef __i386__
-# define i386BsdArchitecture
-# define i386Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-# ifdef __amd64__
-# define AMD64BsdArchitecture
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# undef amd64
-# endif
-# ifdef __aarch64__
-# define AArch64Architecture
-# undef __aarch64__
-# endif
-#endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
-#ifdef sun
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile sun.cf
-# ifdef SVR4
-# undef SVR4
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef sparc
-# undef sparc
-# define SparcArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef __sparcv9
-# undef __sparcv9
-# define SparcV9Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef mc68000
-# undef mc68000
-# define Sun3Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef i386
-# undef i386
-# define i386Architecture
-# endif
-# if defined(__amd64__) || defined (__x86_64__)
-# undef __amd64__
-# undef __x86_64__
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# endif
-# undef sun
-# define SunArchitecture
-#endif /* sun */
-#ifdef hpux
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile hp.cf
-# undef hpux
-# define HPArchitecture
-#endif /* hpux */
-#ifdef NCR
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile ncr.cf
-# undef NCR
-# undef SVR4
-# undef i386
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# define i386Architecture
-# define NCRArchitecture
-#endif /* NCR */
-#ifdef sony
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile sony.cf
-# undef sony
-# undef sony_news
-# define SonyArchitecture
-# ifdef mc68020
-# undef mc68020
-# undef mc68030
-# define Mc68020Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef mips
-# undef mips
-# define MipsArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef __svr4
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# else
-# if !defined(bsd43) || defined(SYSTYPE_SYSV) || defined(_SYSTYPE_SYSV)
-# define SonySysvArchitecture
-# else
-# define SonyBsdArchitecture
-# endif
-# endif
-#endif /* sony */
-#ifdef M4310
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile pegasus.cf
-# undef M4310
-# define PegasusArchitecture
-#endif /* M4310 */
-#ifdef M4330
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile m4330.cf
-# undef M4330
-# define M4330Architecture
-#endif /* M4330 */
-#ifdef _CRAY
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile cray.cf
-# undef cray
-# undef CRAY
-# undef CRAY1
-# undef CRAY2
-# undef YMP
-# define CrayArchitecture
-#endif /* _CRAY */
-#ifdef sgi
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile sgi.cf
-# undef sgi
-# define SGIArchitecture
-# undef mips
-# define MipsArchitecture
-# ifdef _SVR4
-# undef _SVR4
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef _SYSTYPE_SVR4
-# undef _SYSTYPE_SVR4
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# endif
-#endif /* sgi */
-#ifdef stellar
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile stellar.cf
-# undef stellar
-# define StellarArchitecture
-#endif /* stellar */
-#if defined(ibm) || defined(_IBMR2) || defined(ibm032) || defined(aix)
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile ibm.cf
-# ifdef ibm
-# undef ibm
-# endif
-# define IBMArchitecture
-# ifdef i386
-# undef i386
-# define PS2Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef ibm032
-# undef ibm032
-# define RtArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef aix
-# undef aix
-# define AIXArchitecture
-# endif
-# ifdef _IBMR2
-# undef _IBMR2
-# define RsArchitecture
-# endif
-#endif /* ibm */
-#ifdef luna
-# undef luna
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile luna.cf
-# define LunaArchitecture
-# ifdef mc68000
-# undef mc68000
-# define Mc68000Architecture
-# else
-# undef mc88000
-# define Mc88000Architecture
-# endif
-#endif /* luna */
-#ifdef Mips
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile Mips.cf
-# undef Mips
-# undef mips
-# if defined(SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(BSD) || defined(BSD43)
-# define MipsBsdArchitecture
-# else /* BSD */
-# define MipsSysvArchitecture
-# endif /* BSD */
-#endif /* Mips */
-#ifdef MOTOROLA
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile moto.cf
-# undef MOTOROLA
-# ifdef SYSV
-# define MotoR3Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef SVR4
-# define MotoR4Architecture
-# endif
-#endif /* MOTOROLA */
-#ifdef SVR4
-# ifdef i386
-# define i386Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile svr4.cf
-# undef SVR4
-#endif /* SVR4 */
-#ifdef SYSV
-# ifdef i386
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile x386.cf
-# define i386SVR3Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-#endif /* SYSV */
-#ifdef SYSV386
-# undef i386
-# ifdef SVR4
-# define i386Architecture
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# define i386SVR4Architecture
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile svr4.cf
-# undef SVR4
-# else
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile x386.cf
-# define i386SVR3Architecture
-# endif
-#endif /* SYSV386 */
-#ifdef DGUX
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile DGUX.cf
-# undef DGUX
-# define DguxArchitecture
-#endif /* DGUX */
-#ifdef __convex__
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile convex.cf
-# ifdef convex
-# undef convex
-# endif
-# define ConvexArchitecture
-#endif /* _convex_ */
-#ifdef Oki
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile Oki.cf
-# undef Oki
-# define i860SVR4Architecture
-# define SVR4Architecture
-# undef SVR4
-#endif /* Oki */
-#ifdef linux
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile linux.cf
-# undef linux
-# define LinuxArchitecture
-# ifdef i386
-# undef pentium
-# undef pentiumpro
-# define i386Architecture
-# undef i386
-# endif
-# ifdef __i386__
-# ifndef i386Architecture
-# define i386Architecture
-# endif
-# undef __i386__
-# endif /* i386 */
-# ifdef __alpha
-# define AlphaArchitecture
-# undef __alpha
-# endif /* __alpha */
-# ifdef powerpc
-# define PpcArchitecture
-# undef powerpc
-# endif
-# ifdef __powerpc__
-# ifndef PpcArchitecture
-# define PpcArchitecture
-# endif
-# undef __powerpc__
-# endif
-# ifdef __riscv
-# define RISCVArchitecture
-# undef __riscv
-# endif /* __riscv */
-# if defined(__amd64__) || defined (__x86_64__)
-# undef __amd64__
-# undef __x86_64__
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# endif
-# if defined(amd64__) || defined (x86_64__)
-# undef amd64__
-# undef x86_64__
-# ifndef AMD64Architecture
-# define AMD64Architecture
-# endif
-# endif
-# if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm32__)
-# define ARMArchitecture
-# undef __arm__
-# undef __arm32__
-# endif
-# if defined(__aarch64__)
-# define AArch64Architecture
-# undef __aarch64__
-# endif
-# if defined(__sparc__) || defined(sparc)
-# define SparcArchitecture
-# undef sparc
-# endif
-#endif /* linux */
-#if defined(sequent) || defined(_SEQUENT_)
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile sequent.cf
-# ifdef sequent
-# undef sequent
-# define Dynix3Architecture
-# endif
-# ifdef _SEQUENT_
-# undef _SEQUENT_
-# define DynixPtxArchitecture
-# endif
-# define SequentArchitecture
-#if defined(_nec_ews_svr4) || defined(nec_ews_svr4) || defined(nec_ews_svr2) || defined(SX) || defined(_nec_up) || defined(_nec_ft) || defined(PC_UX)
-# ifdef nec
-# undef nec
-# endif
-# define MacroIncludeFile
-# define MacroFile nec.cf
-# define NecArchitecture
-#ifndef MacroIncludeFile
-XCOMM WARNING: Imake.cf not configured; guessing at definitions!!!
-XCOMM This might mean that BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS was not set when building imake.
-#define MacroIncludeFile
-#define MacroFile generic.cf
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Imake.rules b/cde/config/cf/Imake.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index d12c4654e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Imake.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2572 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM Imake rules for building libraries, programs, scripts, and data files
-XCOMM rules: $TOG: Imake.rules /main/227 1998/02/02 12:07:57 kaleb $
- *
- * Warning, when defining rules: make sure you do not include both a trailing
- * backslash and double ampersand backslash or else you will get an extra
- * backslash in the Makefile.
- *
- * The following macros are defined for the various templates and Imakefiles
- * (for a list of the applicable make variables, see the template files):
- *
- * Concat (a,b)
- * Concat3 (a,b,c)
- * Concat4 (a,b,c,d)
- * _Use (a,b)
- * _UseCat (a,b,c)
- * ProgramTargetName (target)
- * RunProgram (progvar,options)
- * RunProgramWithSetup (setup,progvar,options)
- * RemoveFile (file)
- * RemoveFiles (files)
- * CenterLoadTarget (target,srclist,libs,defines)
- * CenterProgramTarget (program,srclist,objlist,locallibs,syslibs)
- * SentinelLinkTarget (step,program,linklist)
- * SentinelProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * PurifyLinkTarget (step,program,linklist)
- * PurifyProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * ProofLinkTarget (step,program,linklist)
- * ProofProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * ProofCplusplusProgramTarget (program,deplist,linklist)
- * ProofCleanTarget ()
- * RemoveTargetProgram (program)
- * MakeDir (dir)
- * BuildIncludesTop (srclist)
- * BuildIncludes (srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir)
- * LinkRule (program,options,objects,libraries)
- * HostLinkRule (program,options,objects,libraries)
- * NoCmpScript (target)
- * NoConfigRec (target)
- * NormalProgramTarget (program,objects,deplibs,locallibs,syslibs)
- * SetUIDProgramTarget (program,objects,deplibs,locallibs,syslibs)
- * SingleProgramTarget (program,objects,locallibs,syslibs)
- * SimpleProgramTarget (program)
- * ComplexProgramTarget (program)
- * ComplexProgramTarget_1 (program,locallib,syslib)
- * ComplexProgramTarget_2 (program,locallib,syslib)
- * ComplexProgramTarget_3 (program,locallib,syslib)
- * ServerTargetWithFlags (server,subdirs,objects,libs,syslibs,flags)
- * ServerTarget (server,subdirs,objects,libs,syslibs)
- * MoveToBakFile (file)
- * RMoveToBakFile (file)
- * RanLibrary (args)
- * LibraryTargetName (libname)
- * LibraryTargetNameSuffix (libname,suffix)
- * InstallNamedTarget (step,srcname,flags,dest,dstname)
- * InstallTarget (step,file,flags,dest)
- * InstallLibrary (libname,dest)
- * MergeIntoInstalledLibrary (tolib,fromlib)
- * InstallLibraryAlias (libname,alias,dest)
- * InstallLintLibrary (libname,dest)
- * InstallManPageLong (file,destdir,dest)
- * InstallManPage (file,destdir)
- * InstallManPageAliases (file,destdir,aliases)
- * ManKeywordsTarget (manpath)
- * InstallNamedNonExec (srcname,dstname,dest)
- * InstallNonExecFile (file,dest)
- * InstallNonExecFileNoClobber (file,dest)
- * InstallNonExec (file,dest)
- * InstallProgramWithFlags (program,dest,flags)
- * InstallProgram (program,dest)
- * InstallScript (program,dest)
- * InstallNamedProg (srcname,dstname,dest)
- * InstallNamedProgNoClobber (srcname,dstname,dest)
- * MakeFlagsToShellFlags (makeflags,shellcmd)
- * LinkFileList (step,list,dir,sub)
- * LinkVarDirectory (mdir,cdir,rdir,ldir)
- * InstallMultipleDestFlags (step,list,dest,flags)
- * InstallMultipleDest (step,list,dest)
- * InstallMultiple (list,dest)
- * InstallMultipleFlags (list,dest,flags)
- * InstallMultipleMan (list,dest)
- * DependDependency ()
- * DependTarget ()
- * DependTarget3 (srcs1,srcs2,srcs3)
- * CleanTarget ()
- * TagsTarget ()
- * ImakeDependency (target)
- * BuildMakefileTarget (notused,imakeflags)
- * MakefileTarget ()
- * LibMkdir (dir)
- * LibCleanDir (dir)
- * LintLibReferences (varname,libname,libsource)
- * UnsharedLibReferences (varname,libname,libsource)
- * ProjectUnsharedLibReferences (varname,libname,libsource,buildlibdir)
- * SharedLibDependencies (libname,libsource,revname)
- * SharedDSLibDependencies (libname,libsource,revname)
- * SharedLibReferences (varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev)
- * SharedDSLibReferences (varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev)
- * ObjectCompile (options)
- * NormalLibObjCompile (options)
- * NormalSharedLibObjCompile (options)
- * LibObjCompile (dir,options)
- * DebuggedLibObjCompile (options)
- * ProfiledLibObjCompile (options)
- * SharedLibObjCompile (options)
- * NormalLibraryObjectRule ()
- * NormalFortranObjectRule ()
- * ObjectFromSpecialSource (dst,src,flags)
- * SpecialObjectRule (objs,depends,options)
- * SpecialCObjectRule (basename,depends,options)
- * LexFile (file)
- * YaccFile (file,flags)
- * YaccFileNoFlags (file)
- * MakeLibrary (libname,objlist)
- * NormalLibraryTarget (libname,objlist)
- * NormalLibraryTarget2 (libname,objlist1,objlist2)
- * NormalLibraryTarget3 (libname,objlist1,objlist2,objlist3)
- * NormalDepLibraryTarget (libname,deplist,objlist)
- * UnsharedLibraryTarget (libname,objlist,down,up)
- * UnsharedLibraryTarget3 (libname,objlist1,objlist2,objlist3,down,up)
- * SubdirLibraryRule (objlist)
- * ProfiledLibraryTarget (libname,objlist)
- * DebuggedLibraryTarget (libname,objlist)
- * AliasedLibraryTarget (libname,alias)
- * NormalRelocatableTarget (objname,objlist)
- * ProfiledRelocatableTarget (objname,objlist)
- * DebuggedRelocatableTarget (objname,objlist)
- * LintLibraryTarget (libname,srclist)
- * NormalLintTarget (srclist)
- * LintTarget ()
- * LinkSourceFile (src,dir)
- * CopySourceFile (src,dir)
- * LinkFile (tofile,fromfile)
- * MakeSubincludesForBuild (step,dir,srclist)
- * LangNamedTargetSubdirs (lang,name,dirs,verb,flags,subname)
- * LangNamedMakeSubdirs (lang,name,dirs)
- * LangMakeSubdirs (lang,dirs)
- * NamedTargetSubdirs (name,dirs,verb,flags,subname)
- * NamedMakeSubdirs (name,dirs)
- * MakeSubdirs (dirs)
- * DependSubdirs (dirs)
- * ForceSubdirs (dirs)
- * InstallSubdirs (dirs)
- * InstallManSubdirs (dirs)
- * IncludesSubdirs (dirs)
- * NamedCleanSubdirs (name,dirs)
- * CleanSubdirs (dirs)
- * NamedTagSubdirs (name,dirs)
- * TagSubdirs (dirs)
- * MakeLintSubdirs (dirs,target,subtarget)
- * LintSubdirs (dirs)
- * MakeLintLibSubdirs (dirs)
- * MakeMakeOneSubdirs ()
- * MakeMakeSubdirs (dirs,target)
- * MakefileSubdirs (dirs)
- * CppScriptTarget (dst,src,defs,deplist)
- * MakeScriptFromCpp (name,defs)
- * CppFileTarget (dst,src,defs,deplist)
- * CppSourceFile (dst,src,defs,deplist)
- * MakeDirectories (step,dirs)
- * AllTarget (depends)
- * MakeImakeDir ()
- * DoUDB_SCRIPT3 (target, file, script, build)
- * DoUDB_SCRIPT4 (target, file, script, build)
- *
- *
- * The following are in specific Lib.rules:
- *
- * SharedLibraryTarget (libname,rev,solist,down,up)
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget (libname,rev,salist)
- * InstallSharedLibrary (libname,rev,dest)
- * InstallSharedLibraryData (libname,rev,dest)
- *
- */
-#define NullParameter
-/* stringify macro */
-#ifndef STR
-# if defined(__llvm__)
-# define STR2(x) #x
-# else
-# define STR2(x) "x"
-# endif
-#define STR(x) STR2(x)
-/* if [ -d ] or [ ! -d ] causes make to fail, define this as - */
-#ifndef DirFailPrefix
-#define DirFailPrefix
- * NoCmpScript - suppress clearmake build script comparison.
- */
-#ifndef NoCmpScript
-#if HasClearmake
-#define NoCmpScript(targ) @@\
-XCOMM special target for clearmake @@\
-#define NoCmpScript(targ) /**/
- * NoConfigRec - suppress using clearmake configuration records.
- */
-#ifndef NoConfigRec
-#if HasClearmake
-#define NoConfigRec(targ) @@\
-XCOMM special target for clearmake @@\
-#define NoConfigRec(targ) /**/
- * Concat - concatenates two strings.
- */
-#ifndef Concat
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-#define Concat(a,b)a##b
-#define Concat(a,b)a/**/b
- * Concat3 - concatenates three strings.
- */
-#ifndef Concat3
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-#define Concat3(a,b,c)a##b##c
-#define Concat3(a,b,c)a/**/b/**/c
- * Concat4 - concatenates four strings.
- */
-#ifndef Concat4
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-#define Concat4(a,b,c,d)a##b##c##d
-#define Concat4(a,b,c,d)a/**/b/**/c/**/d
- * _XUse - makes a choice based on UseInstalledX11.
- */
-#ifndef _XUse
-# if defined(UseInstalled) || UseInstalledX11
-# define _XUse(a,b) a
-# else
-# define _XUse(a,b) b
-# endif
-#endif /* _XUse */
- * _Use - makes a choice based on UseInstalled.
- */
-#ifndef _Use
-# define _Use _XUse
-#endif /* _Use */
- * _XUseCat - combination of _XUse and Concat.
- * exists to avoid problems with some preprocessors
- */
-#ifndef _XUseCat
-# if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-# if defined(UseInstalled) || UseInstalledX11
-# define _XUseCat(a,b,c) a##c
-# else
-# define _XUseCat(a,b,c) b##c
-# endif
-# else
-# if defined(UseInstalled) || UseInstalledX11
-# define _XUseCat(a,b,c) a/**/c
-# else
-# define _XUseCat(a,b,c) b/**/c
-# endif
-# endif
-#endif /* _XUseCat */
- * _UseCat - combination of _Use and Concat.
- * exists to avoid problems with some preprocessors
- */
-#ifndef _UseCat
-# define _UseCat _XUseCat
-#endif /* _UseCat */
-#ifndef ProgramTargetName
-#define ProgramTargetName(target)target
-#ifndef RunProgram
-#define RunProgram(progvar,options) $(progvar) options
-#ifndef RunProgramWithSetup
-#define RunProgramWithSetup(setup,progvar,options) setup $(progvar) options
-#ifndef RemoveFile
-#define RemoveFile(file) $(RM) file
-#endif /* RemoveFile */
-#ifndef RemoveFiles
-#define RemoveFiles(files) $(RM) files
-#endif /* RemoveFiles */
- * CenterLoadTarget - generate rules to load files into CodeCenter
- */
-#ifndef CenterLoadTarget
-#if HasCodeCenter
-#define CenterLoadTarget(target,srclist,libs,defines) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(target):: srclist @@\
- XCOMM load defines srclist libs
-#define CenterLoadTarget(target,srclist,libs,defines) /**/
-#endif /* CenterLoadTarget */
- * CenterProgramTarget - generate rules to make CodeCenter read in sources
- * and objects.
- */
-#ifndef CenterProgramTarget
-#define CenterProgramTarget(program,srclist,objlist,locallibs,syslibs) @@\
-CenterLoadTarget(Concat(debug_,program),srclist,$(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDPRELIBS) locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs,$(ALLDEFINES)) @@\
- @@\
-CenterLoadTarget(Concat(odebug_,program),objlist,$(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(LDPRELIBS) locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs,$(ALLDEFINES))
-#endif /* CenterProgramTarget */
-#ifndef SentinelLinkTarget
-#if HasSentinel
-#define SentinelLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(step.sentinel): @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
-#define SentinelLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* SentinelLinkTarget */
- * SentinelProgramTarget - generate rules to make Sentinel image
- */
-#ifndef SentinelProgramTarget
-#if HasSentinel
-#define SentinelProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.sentinel): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.sentinel:: @@\
- RemoveFile(program.sentinel)
-#define SentinelProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* SentinelProgramTarget */
- * SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget - generate rules to make Sentinel image
- */
-#ifndef SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget
-#if HasSentinel
-#define SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.sentinel): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.sentinel:: @@\
- RemoveFile(program.sentinel)
-#define SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget */
-#ifndef PurifyLinkTarget
-#if HasPurify
-#define PurifyLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(step.pure): @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
-#define PurifyLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* PurifyLinkTarget */
- * PurifyProgramTarget - generate rules to make Purify'ed image
- */
-#ifndef PurifyProgramTarget
-#if HasPurify
-#define PurifyProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.pure): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.pure:: @@\
- RemoveFile(program.pure)
-#define PurifyProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* PurifyProgramTarget */
- * PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget - generate rules to make Purify'ed image
- */
-#ifndef PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget
-#if HasPurify
-#define PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.pure): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.pure:: @@\
- RemoveFile(program.pure)
-#define PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget */
-#ifndef ProofLinkTarget
-#if HasTestCenter
-#define ProofLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(step.tc): @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
-#define ProofLinkTarget(step,program,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* ProofLinkTarget */
- * ProofProgramTarget - generate rules to make Proof'ed image
- */
-#ifndef ProofProgramTarget
-#if HasTestCenter
-#define ProofProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.tc): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.tc:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(program.tc program.tc.*.*)
-#define ProofProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* ProofProgramTarget */
- * ProofCplusplusProgramTarget - generate rules to make Proof'ed image
- */
-#ifndef ProofCplusplusProgramTarget
-#if HasTestCenter
-#define ProofCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program.tc): deplist @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean clean.tc:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(program.tc program.tc.*.*)
-#define ProofCplusplusProgramTarget(program,deplist,linklist) /**/
-#endif /* ProofCplusplusProgramTarget */
-#ifndef ProofCleanTarget
-#if HasTestCenter
-#define ProofCleanTarget() @@\
-clean clean.tc:: @@\
- $(RM) -r TC.Cache
-#define ProofCleanTarget() /**/
-#endif /* ProofCleanTarget */
-#ifndef RemoveTargetProgram
-#if RemoveTargetProgramByMoving
-#define RemoveTargetProgram(program) \
--if [ -f program ]; then RemoveFile(Concat(program,~)); $(MV) program Concat(program,~); fi
-#define RemoveTargetProgram(program) RemoveFile(program)
-#endif /* RemoveTargetProgram */
-#ifndef MakeDir
-#define MakeDir(dir) DirFailPrefix@if [ -d dir ]; then set +x; \ @@\
- else (set -x; $(MKDIRHIER) dir); fi
-#endif /* MakeDir */
-#ifndef BuildIncludesTop
-#define BuildIncludesTop(srclist) @@\
-includes:: srclist @@\
- MakeDir($(BUILDINCDIR)) @@\
- @(set -x; cd $(BUILDINCDIR); for i in srclist; do \ @@\
- RemoveFile($$i); \ @@\
- $(LN) $(BUILDINCTOP)/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i .; \ @@\
- done)
-#endif /* BuildIncludesTop */
-#ifndef BuildIncludes
-#define BuildIncludes(srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir) @@\
-includes:: srclist @@\
- MakeDir($(BUILDINCDIR)/dstsubdir) @@\
- @(set -x; cd $(BUILDINCDIR)/dstsubdir; for i in srclist; do \ @@\
- RemoveFile($$i); \ @@\
- $(LN) $(BUILDINCTOP)/dstupdir/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i .; \ @@\
- done)
-#endif /* BuildIncludes */
- * LinkBuildBinary - export a binary from the build tree.
- */
-#ifndef LinkBuildBinary
-#define LinkBuildBinary(binary) @@\
-all:: $(BUILDBINDIR)/binary binary @@\
- @@\
-$(BUILDBINDIR)/binary: binary @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
-#endif /* LinkBuildBinary */
-#ifndef BuildInterfaces
-#define BuildInterfaces(srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir) @@\
-interfaces:: @@\
- MakeDir($(BUILDINCDIR)/dstsubdir) @@\
- @(set -x; cd $(BUILDINCDIR)/dstsubdir; for i in srclist; do \ @@\
- RemoveFile($$i); \ @@\
- $(LN) $(BUILDINCTOP)/dstupdir/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i .; \ @@\
- done)
-#endif /* BuildInterfaces */
- * LinkRule - link a program
- */
-#ifndef LinkRule
-#define LinkRule(program,options,objects,libraries) \
-$(CCLINK) -o program options objects libraries $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS)
-#endif /* LinkRule */
- * HostLinkRule - link a utility to be used on the build host
- * (differs from LinkRule if cross compiling)
- */
-#ifndef HostLinkRule
-#define HostLinkRule LinkRule
-#ifndef CplusplusLinkRule
-#define CplusplusLinkRule(program,options,objects,libraries) \
-$(CXXLINK) -o program options objects libraries $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS)
-#endif /* CplusplusLinkRule */
- * NormalProgramTarget - generate rules to compile and link the indicated
- * program; since it does not use any default object files, it may be used for
- * multiple programs in the same Imakefile.
- */
-#ifndef NormalProgramTarget
-#define NormalProgramTarget(program,objects,deplibs,locallibs,syslibs) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program): objects deplibs @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- LinkRule($@,$(LDOPTIONS),objects,locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-SentinelProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-PurifyProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-ProofProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* NormalProgramTarget */
- * NormalCplusplusProgramTarget - Like NormalTargetProgram, but uses
- * C++ linking rules.
- */
-#ifndef NormalCplusplusProgramTarget
-#define NormalCplusplusProgramTarget(program,objects,deplibs,locallibs,syslibs) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program): objects deplibs @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- CplusplusLinkRule($@,$(CXXLDOPTIONS),objects,locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-ProofCplusplusProgramTarget(program,objects deplibs,objects locallibs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* NormalCplusplusProgramTarget */
-#ifndef SetUIDProgramTarget
-#define SetUIDProgramTarget NormalProgramTarget
- * SingleProgramTarget - obsolete version of NormalProgramTarget that does
- * not have deplibs.
- */
-#ifndef SingleProgramTarget
-#define SingleProgramTarget(program,objects,locallibs,syslibs) @@\
-#endif /* SingleProgramTarget */
- * SimpleProgramTarget - generate rules for compiling and linking programs
- * that only have one C source file. It should only be used in Imakefiles
- * that describe a single program.
- */
-#ifndef SimpleProgramTarget
-#define SimpleProgramTarget(program) @@\
- OBJS = program.o @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* SimpleProgramTarget */
-#ifndef SimpleCplusplusProgramTarget
-#define SimpleCplusplusProgramTarget(program) @@\
- OBJS = program.o @@\
- SRCS = program.CCsuf @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* SimpleCplusplusProgramTarget */
-#ifndef ProgramTargetHelper
-#define ProgramTargetHelper(program,srcs,objs,deplib,locallib,syslib) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program): $(objs) $(deplib) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- LinkRule($@,$(LDOPTIONS),$(objs),locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(srcs),$(objs),locallib,syslib) @@\
-SentinelProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
-PurifyProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
-ProofProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
-#endif /* ProgramTargetHelper */
-#ifndef CplusplusProgramTargetHelper
-#define CplusplusProgramTargetHelper(program,srcs,objs,deplib,locallib,syslib) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(program): $(objs) $(deplib) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- CplusplusLinkRule($@,$(CXXLDOPTIONS),$(objs),locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(srcs),$(objs),locallib,syslib) @@\
-SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
-PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
-ProofCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
-#endif /* CplusplusProgramTargetHelper */
- * ComplexProgramTarget - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS) and $(SRCS), installing the program and its
- * man page, and generating dependencies. It should only be used in
- * Imakefiles that describe a single program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget
-#define ComplexProgramTarget(program) @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-ProgramTargetHelper(program,SRCS,OBJS,DEPLIBS,$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),NullParameter) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget(program) @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-CplusplusProgramTargetHelper(program,SRCS,OBJS,DEPLIBS,$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),NullParameter) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_1 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS1) and $(SRCS1), installing the program and its
- * man page, and generating dependencies for it and any programs described
- * by $(SRCS2) throgh $(SRCS10). It should be used to build the primary
- * program in Imakefiles that describe multiple programs.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_1
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5) \ @@\
- $(OBJS6) $(OBJS7) $(OBJS8) $(OBJS9) $(OBJS10) @@\
- SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) $(SRCS4) $(SRCS5) \ @@\
- $(SRCS6) $(SRCS7) $(SRCS8) $(SRCS9) $(SRCS10) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget($(PROGRAMS)) @@\
- @@\
-ProgramTargetHelper(program,SRCS1,OBJS1,DEPLIBS1,locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles($(PROGRAMS))
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_1 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_1
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5) \ @@\
- $(OBJS6) $(OBJS7) $(OBJS8) $(OBJS9) $(OBJS10) @@\
- SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) $(SRCS4) $(SRCS5) \ @@\
- $(SRCS6) $(SRCS7) $(SRCS8) $(SRCS9) $(SRCS10) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget($(PROGRAMS)) @@\
- @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles($(PROGRAMS))
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_1 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_2 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS2) and $(SRCS2) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the second program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_2
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_2(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_2 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_2
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_2(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_2 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_3 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS3) and $(SRCS3) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_3
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_3(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_3 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_3
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_3(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_3 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_4 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS4) and $(SRCS4) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_4
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_4(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_4 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_4
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_4(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_4 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_5 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS5) and $(SRCS5) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_5
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_5(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_5 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_5
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_5(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_5 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_6 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS6) and $(SRCS6) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_6
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_6(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_6 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_6
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_6(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_6 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_7 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS7) and $(SRCS7) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_7
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_7(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_7 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_7
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_7(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_7 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_8 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS8) and $(SRCS8) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_8
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_8(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_8 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_8
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_8(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_8 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_9 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS9) and $(SRCS9) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_9
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_9(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_9 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_9
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_9(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_9 */
- * ComplexProgramTarget_10 - generate rules for compiling and linking the
- * program specified by $(OBJS10) and $(SRCS10) and installing the program and
- * man page. It should be used to build the third program in Imakefiles
- * describing more than one program.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexProgramTarget_10
-#define ComplexProgramTarget_10(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexProgramTarget_10 */
-#ifndef ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_10
-#define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_10(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-#endif /* ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_10 */
-#ifndef MoveToBakFile
-#define MoveToBakFile(file) -@if [ -f file ]; then set -x; \ @@\
- $(MV) file file.bak; else exit 0; fi
-#endif /* MoveToBakFile */
-#ifndef RMoveToBakFile
-#define RMoveToBakFile(file) -@if [ -f file ]; then set -x; \ @@\
- RemoveFile(file.bak); $(MV) file file.bak; \ @@\
- else exit 0; fi
-#endif /* RMoveToBakFile */
- * ServerTargetWithFlags - generate rules to compile, link, and relink a server
- */
-#ifndef ServerTargetWithFlags
-#define ServerTargetWithFlags(server,subdirs,objects,libs,syslibs,flags) @@\
-AllTarget(server) @@\
-ProgramTargetName(server): subdirs objects libs @@\
- MoveToBakFile($@) @@\
- LinkRule($@,$(LDOPTIONS),objects,libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(load,server): @@\
- MoveToBakFile(ProgramTargetName(server)) @@\
- LinkRule(ProgramTargetName(server),$(LDOPTIONS),objects,libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-loadX:: Concat(load,server) @@\
- @@\
-SentinelProgramTarget(server,subdirs objects libs,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-SentinelLinkTarget(Concat(load,server),server,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-PurifyProgramTarget(server,subdirs objects libs,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-PurifyLinkTarget(Concat(load,server),server,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-ProofProgramTarget(server,subdirs objects libs,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
-ProofLinkTarget(Concat(load,server),server,objects libs $(LDLIBS) syslibs) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgramWithFlags(server,$(BINDIR),flags) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(server))
-#endif /* ServerTargetWithFlags */
- * ServerTarget - rules to compile, link, and relink a normal server
- */
-#ifndef ServerTarget
-#define ServerTarget(server,subdirs,objects,libs,syslibs) @@\
-#endif /* ServerTarget */
-#if DoRanlibCmd
-#define RanLibrary(args) $(RANLIB) args
-#define RanLibrary(args) $(_NULLCMD_)
-#ifndef LibraryTargetName
-#define LibraryTargetName(libname)Concat(lib,libname.a)
-#ifndef LibraryTargetNameSuffix
-#define LibraryTargetNameSuffix(libname,suffix)Concat3(lib,libname,suffix.a)
-#ifndef InstallNamedTarget
-#define InstallNamedTarget(step,srcname,flags,dest,dstname) @@\
-step:: srcname @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) flags srcname $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname
-#endif /* InstallNamedTarget */
- * InstallNamedTargetNoClobber - Like InstallNamedTarget, but doesn't
- * do the install if an installed version already exists. Useful
- * for files that might have local customizations that you don't
- * want to clobber. Config files are good candidates for this.
- */
-#ifndef InstallNamedTargetNoClobber
-#define InstallNamedTargetNoClobber(step,srcname,flags,dest,dstname) @@\
-step:: srcname @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- @if [ -f $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname ]; then \ @@\
- echo "Not overwriting existing" $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname; \ @@\
- else set -x; \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) flags srcname $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname; fi
-#endif /* InstallNamedTargetNoClobber */
-#ifndef InstallTarget
-#define InstallTarget(step,file,flags,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallTarget */
- * InstallLibrary - generate rules to install the indicated library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLibrary
-#define InstallLibrary(libname,dest) @@\
-install:: LibraryTargetName(libname) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) LibraryTargetName(libname) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- RanLibrary($(RANLIBINSTFLAGS) $(DESTDIR)dest/LibraryTargetName(libname))
-#endif /* InstallLibrary */
- * InstallLinkKitLibrary - rule to install Link Kit library.
- * (only used for XFree86). This is a no-op
- * rule so that Imakefiles on non-XFree86 systems
- * continue to build Makefiles correctly.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitLibrary
-#define InstallLinkKitLibrary(lib,dir)
- * InstallLinkKitNamedLibrary - rule to install Link Kit library.
- * (only used for XFree86). This is a no-op
- * rule so that Imakefiles on non-XFree86 systems
- * continue to build Makefiles correctly.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNamedLibrary
-#define InstallLinkKitNamedLibrary(lib,dlib,dir)
- * MergeIntoInstalledLibrary - generate rules to merge one library into another
- */
-#ifndef MergeIntoInstalledLibrary
-#define MergeIntoInstalledLibrary(tolib,fromlib) @@\
-install:: fromlib @@\
- $(SCRIPTSRC)/mergelib $(DESTDIR)tolib fromlib
-#endif /* MergeIntoInstalledLibrary */
- * InstallLibraryAlias - generate rules to create a link from one library name
- * to another for the purposes of aliasing.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLibraryAlias
-#define InstallLibraryAlias(libname,alias,dest) @@\
-install:: @@\
- -(cd $(DESTDIR)dest; \ @@\
- RemoveFile(LibraryTargetName(alias)); \ @@\
- $(LN) LibraryTargetName(libname) LibraryTargetName(alias))
-#endif /* InstallLibraryAlias */
- * InstallLintLibrary - generate rules to install the indicated lint library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLintLibrary
-#define InstallLintLibrary(libname,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallLintLibrary */
- * InstallManPageLong - generate rules to install the indicated manual page,
- * giving it an alternate name. This is used for installing man pages whose
- * base name without the .man suffix would normally be longer than 8 characters
- * (the limit for using source code control systems on files systems with
- * short file names).
- */
-#ifndef InstallManPageLong
-#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallManPageLong */
- * InstallManPage - generate rules to install the indicated manual page.
- */
-#ifndef InstallManPage
-#define InstallManPage(file,destdir) @@\
-#endif /* InstallManPage */
- * InstallManPageAliases - generate rules to install manual page aliases.
- */
-#ifndef InstallManPageAliases
-#define InstallManPageAliases(file,destdir,aliases) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @(TMP=/tmp/tmp.$$$$; \ @@\
- RemoveFile($${TMP}); \ @@\
- echo .so `basename destdir`/file.$(MANSUFFIX) > $${TMP}; \ @@\
- for i in aliases; do (set -x; \ @@\
- done; \ @@\
- RemoveFile($${TMP}))
-#endif /* InstallManPageAliases */
- * ManKeywordsTarget - generate the database used by "man -k".
- * This rule updates the index in the directory "manpath", which
- * indexes all the manual pages in the section subdirectories under
- * it. An update command is defined only on systems that have a
- * per MANPATH element index. If the OS supports only one system-wide
- * database, we don't update it, because then we can't do cross
- * installations or use a non-empty DESTDIR for testing.
- */
-#ifndef ManKeywordsTarget
-#define ManKeywordsTarget(manpath) man_keywords::
- * InstallNamedNonExec - generate rules to install a data file
- */
-#ifndef InstallNamedNonExec
-#define InstallNamedNonExec(srcname,dstname,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallNamedNonExec */
- * InstallNonExecFile - generate rules to install a data file
- */
-#ifndef InstallNonExecFile
-#define InstallNonExecFile(file,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallNonExecFile */
- * InstallNonExecFileNoClobber - install a data file once
- */
-#ifndef InstallNonExecFileNoClobber
-#define InstallNonExecFileNoClobber(file,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallNonExecFileNoClobber */
- * InstallLinkKitNonExecFile - rule for installing server Link Kit files.
- * (only used for XFree86). This is a no-op
- * rule so that Imakefiles on non-XFree86 systems
- * continue to build Makefiles correctly.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNonExecFile
-#define InstallLinkKitNonExecFile(file,dir)
- * InstallNonExec - generate rules to install a data file, but does not
- * try to create the destination directory (deprecated)
- */
-#ifndef InstallNonExec
-#define InstallNonExec(file,dest) @@\
-install:: file @@\
-#endif /* InstallNonExec */
- * InstallProgramWithFlags - generate rules to install an executable program
- * using given install flags.
- */
-#ifndef InstallProgramWithFlags
-#define InstallProgramWithFlags(program,dest,flags) @@\
-InstallTarget(install,ProgramTargetName(program),$(INSTPGMFLAGS) flags,dest)
-#endif /* InstallProgramWithFlags */
- * InstallProgram - generate rules to install an executable program using any
- * special install flags set in $(INSTALLFLAGS).
- */
-#ifndef InstallProgram
-#define InstallProgram(program,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallProgram */
- * InstallScript - install a shell script.
- */
-#ifndef InstallScript
-#define InstallScript(program,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallScript */
- * InstallNamedProg - install a program with renaming and no stripping.
- */
-#ifndef InstallNamedProg
-#define InstallNamedProg(srcname,dstname,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallNamedProg */
- * InstallNamedProgNoClobber - Like InstallNamedProg, but doesn't
- * do the install if an installed version already exists.
- */
-#ifndef InstallNamedProgNoClobber
-#define InstallNamedProgNoClobber(srcname,dstname,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallNamedProgNoClobber */
- * MakeFlagsToShellFlags - set variables before starting a loop.
- * makeflags is the set of "make" flags to check.
- * shellcmd is the shell command to execute if any of the flags are set.
- *
- * The usual use of this rule is to translate make's "don't quit on error"
- * flags into the equivalent for the shell. To do this, "make -i" always
- * becomes "set +e". "make -k" should also turn on "set +e" if the target
- * is building subdirectories. That is, subdirectories are independent
- * and should appear to be multiple targets, even though they are
- * implemented in a loop in a single target.
- */
-#ifndef MakeFlagsToShellFlags
-#define MakeFlagsToShellFlags(makeflags,shellcmd)\
- for flag in ${MAKEFLAGS} ''; do \ @@\
- case "$$flag" in *=*) ;; *[makeflags]*) shellcmd;; esac; done
- * LinkFileList - link a list of files from one place to another
- */
-#ifndef LinkFileList
-#define LinkFileList(step,list,dir,sub) @@\
-step:: list @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- echo " cd" dir; cd dir && \ @@\
- for i in list; do (set -x; RemoveFile($$i); $(LN) sub/$$i .); done
- * LinkVarDirectory
- *
- * Make links from $LIBDIR (/lib/X11) to /var/X11/
- * For example /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm ==> /var/X11/xdm so that X
- * binaries can be mounted from a read-only volume like a CD-ROM;
- * but files that may need to be edited can be stored locally on
- * read-write media. If someone has an existing installation, be
- * careful and move existing files to the new location in /var.
- */
-#ifndef LinkVarDirectory
-#if HasVarDirectory
-#define LinkVarDirectory(mdir,cdir,rdir,ldir) @@\
-install:: @@\
- MakeDir(Concat($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/,cdir)) @@\
- MakeDir(Concat($(VARDIR)/,mdir)) @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- if [ -d Concat($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/,cdir) ]; then \ @@\
- cd Concat($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/,cdir); \ @@\
- if [ -d rdir -a ! -h rdir ]; then \ @@\
- (cd rdir; tar cf - . | (cd Concat($(VARDIR)/,mdir); tar xf -; exit 0); exit 0); \ @@\
- fi; \ @@\
- $(RM) -r rdir; \ @@\
- $(LN) Concat($(VARDIR)/,mdir) ldir; \ @@\
- fi
-#define LinkVarDirectory(mdir,cdir,rdir,ldir)
- * InstallMultipleDestFlags - generate rules to install multiple files at
- * once during a particular step in the build using a specific set of install
- * flags.
- */
-#ifndef InstallMultipleDestFlags
-#define InstallMultipleDestFlags(step,list,dest,flags) @@\
-step:: list @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in list; do \ @@\
- (set -x; $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) flags $$i $(DESTDIR)dest); \ @@\
- done
-#endif /* InstallMultipleDestFlags */
- * InstallMultipleDest - generate rules to install multiple files at once
- * during a particular step in the build using any install flags set in
- */
-#ifndef InstallMultipleDest
-#define InstallMultipleDest(step,list,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallMultipleDest */
- * InstallMultiple - generate rules to install multiple files at once
- * during the install step of the build using any install flags set in
- */
-#ifndef InstallMultiple
-#define InstallMultiple(list,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallMultiple */
- * InstallMultipleFlags - generate rules to install multiple files at once
- * during the install step of the build using the given install flags.
- */
-#ifndef InstallMultipleFlags
-#define InstallMultipleFlags(list,dest,flags) @@\
-#endif /* InstallMultipleFlags */
- * InstallMultipleMan - generate rules to install a variety of manual pages
- * during the install.man step of the build.
- */
-#ifndef InstallMultipleMan
-#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallMultipleMan */
- * IncludeMakefile - rule to include another Makefile.
- * Must not generate an error or even a warning if the named file
- * is not present, since we use this to include Makefile.dep, which
- * may not be built yet.
- * This is defined non-null iff HasMakefileSafeInclude is YES.
- * The double-@ is to ensure no leading spaces on the line.
- */
-#ifndef IncludeMakefile
-#if HasClearmake
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) @@sinclude file
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) /**/
- * DependDependencyStatement - Used by DependDependency to set up the
- * most specific dependency, which differs based on whether we support
- * a separate Makefile.dep on this platform.
- */
-#ifndef DependDependencyStatement
-#if HasMakefileSafeInclude
-#define DependDependencyStatement() @@\
-DependFileName:: ProgramTargetName($(DEPEND))
-#define DependDependencyStatement() @@\
-depend:: ProgramTargetName($(DEPEND))
- * DependDependency - generate rules to build the makedepend program if
- * this Imakefile is within the source tree.
- */
-#ifndef DependDependency
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define DependDependency() /**/
-#define DependDependency() @@\
-DependDependencyStatement() @@\
- @@\
-NoCmpScript(ProgramTargetName($(DEPEND))) @@\
- @@\
-ProgramTargetName($(DEPEND)): @@\
- @echo "checking $@ over in $(DEPENDSRC) first..."; \ @@\
- cd $(DEPENDSRC) && $(MAKE); \ @@\
- echo "okay, continuing in $(CURRENT_DIR)"
-#endif /* UseInstalled */
-#endif /* DependDependency */
- * DependTarget - generate rules to compute dependencies for all files listed
- * in $(SRCS).
- */
-#ifndef DependTarget
-#if HasMakefileSafeInclude
-#define DependTarget() @@\
-DependDependency() @@\
- @@\
-depend:: DependFileName @@\
- @@\
-DependFileName:: @@\
-#else /* HasMakefileSafeInclude */
-#define DependTarget() @@\
-DependDependency() @@\
- @@\
-depend:: @@\
-#endif /* HasMakefileSafeInclude else */
-#endif /* DependTarget */
- * DependTarget3 - generate rules to compute dependencies for all files given.
- */
-#ifndef DependTarget3
-#if HasMakefileSafeInclude
-#define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3) @@\
-DependDependency() @@\
- @@\
-depend:: DependFileName @@\
- @@\
-DependFileName:: @@\
- RunProgram(DEPEND,-f- $(DEPENDFLAGS) -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) -- srcs1) > $@ @@\
- RunProgram(DEPEND,-f- $(DEPENDFLAGS) -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) -- srcs2) >> $@ @@\
- RunProgram(DEPEND,-f- $(DEPENDFLAGS) -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) -- srcs3) >> $@
-#else /* HasMakefileSafeInclude */
-#define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3) @@\
-DependDependency() @@\
- @@\
-depend:: @@\
- RunProgram(DEPEND,-a $(DEPENDFLAGS) -- $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) -- srcs2) @@\
-#endif /* HasMakefileSafeInclude else */
-#endif /* DependTarget3 */
- * CleanTarget - generate rules to remove any garbage files
- */
-#ifndef CleanTarget
-#define CleanTarget() @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) FilesToClean ExtraFilesToClean "#"* @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* CleanTarget */
- * TagsTarget - generate rules to compute tags files for C source code.
- */
-#ifndef TagsTarget
-#define TagsTarget() @@\
-tags:: @@\
- $(TAGS) -w *.[ch] @@\
- $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS
-#endif /* TagsTarget */
- * ImakeDependency - generate rules to compile imake if this Imakefile is
- * within the source tree.
- */
-#ifndef ImakeDependency
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define ImakeDependency(target) /**/
-#define ImakeDependency(target) @@\
-target:: ProgramTargetName($(IMAKE)) @@\
- @@\
-NoCmpScript(ProgramTargetName($(IMAKE)) $(IMAKE).Osuf) @@\
- @@\
-ProgramTargetName($(IMAKE)) $(IMAKE).Osuf: @@\
- -@(cd $(IMAKESRC); if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ @@\
- echo "checking $@ in $(IMAKESRC) first..."; $(MAKE) all; else \ @@\
- echo "bootstrapping $@ from Makefile.ini in $(IMAKESRC) first..."; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.ini BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS="$(BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS)"; fi; \ @@\
- echo "okay, continuing in $(CURRENT_DIR)")
-#endif /* UseInstalled */
-#endif /* ImakeDependency */
- * BuildMakefileTarget - generate rules to build a Makefile from an Imakefile
- * and any special imake flags. This is generally done automatically by the
- * template or by any special Imakefiles. The first argument exists just
- * because imakeflags is usually empty and some preprocessors will complain
- * if an empty argument is passed as the sole argument to a macro.
- */
-#ifndef BuildMakefileTarget
-#define BuildMakefileTarget(notused,imakeflags) @@\
-ImakeDependency(Makefile) @@\
- @@\
-Makefile:: @@\
- RMoveToBakFile(Makefile) @@\
-#endif /* BuildMakefileTarget */
- * MakefileTarget - generate rules to build a normal Makefile.
- */
-#ifndef MakefileTarget
-#define MakefileTarget() @@\
-#endif /* MakefileTarget */
- * LibMkdir - helper for creating library object subdirectories
- */
-#ifndef LibMkdir
-#define LibMkdir(dir) DirFailPrefix@if [ -d dir ]; then exit 0; else set -x; mkdir dir; fi
-#ifndef LibMkdirLinkSubdirs
-#define LibMkdirLinkSubdirs(dir) DirFailPrefix@if [ -d dir ]; then \ @@\
- exit 0; \ @@\
- else \ @@\
- echo "mkdir dir"; mkdir dir; \ @@\
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \ @@\
- j=`echo "$$i" | $(SED) -e 's;[^/]\{1,\};..;g'`; \ @@\
- $(MKDIRHIER) "dir/`dirname $$i`"; \ @@\
- echo $(LN) "$$j/$$i/dir" "dir/$$i"; \ @@\
- $(LN) "$$j/$$i/dir" "dir/$$i"; \ @@\
- done; \ @@\
- fi
- * LibCleanDir - helper for cleaning library object subdirectories
- */
-#ifndef LibCleanDir
-#define LibCleanDir(dir) -@if [ -d dir ]; then \ @@\
- set -x; $(RM) -r dir; else exit 0; fi
- * LintLibReferences - variables for lint libraries
- */
-#ifndef LintLibReferences
-#define LintLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource) @@\
-Concat(LINT,varname) = _UseCat($(LINTLIBDIR)/llib-l,libsource/llib-,libname.ln)
- * UnsharedLibReferences - variables for unshared libraries
- */
-#ifndef UnsharedLibReferences
-#define UnsharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource) @@\
- * ProjectUnsharedLibReferences - variables for unshared libraries
- */
-#ifndef ProjectUnsharedLibReferences
-#define ProjectUnsharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,buildlibdir) @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR)/lib,buildlibdir/lib,libname.a) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = LoaderLibPrefix Concat(-l,libname) @@\
- * SharedLibDependencies - shared library dependencies
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibDependencies
-#define SharedLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) /**/
- * SharedDSLibDependencies - shared library dependencies with data separation
- */
-#ifndef SharedDSLibDependencies
-#define SharedDSLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) /**/
- * SharedLibReferences - variables for shared libraries
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibReferences
-#define SharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-revname = rev @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = SharedLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = LoaderLibPrefix Concat(-l,libname) @@\
- * SharedDSLibReferences - variables for shared libraries with data separation
- */
-#ifndef SharedDSLibReferences
-#define SharedDSLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-revname = rev @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = SharedDSLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = LoaderLibPrefix Concat(-l,libname) @@\
- * CPPOnlyCompile - run C compiler's preprocessor only
- */
-#ifndef CPPOnlyCompile
-#define CPPOnlyCompile(src,options) RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CC) -E $(CFLAGS) options src > $@
- * ObjectCompile - compile fragment for a normal object file
- */
-#ifndef ObjectCompile
-#define ObjectCompile(options) RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) options $*.c
-#ifndef ObjectCplusplusCompile
-#define ObjectCplusplusCompile(options) RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.CCsuf
- * NormalLibObjCompile - compile fragment for a normal library object file
- */
-#ifndef NormalLibObjCompile
-#define NormalLibObjCompile(options) ObjectCompile(options)
-#ifndef NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) ObjectCplusplusCompile(options)
- * NormalSharedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for shared objects
- */
-#ifndef NormalSharedLibObjCompile
-#define NormalSharedLibObjCompile(options) NormalLibObjCompile(options $(SHLIBDEF) $(SHAREDCODEDEF) $(PICFLAGS))
-#ifndef NormalSharedLibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define NormalSharedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options $(SHLIBDEF) $(SHAREDCODEDEF) $(CXXPICFLAGS))
- * LibObjCompile - compile fragment for unshared/profiled/debugged objects
- */
-#ifndef LibObjCompile
-#define LibObjCompile(dir,options) RemoveFiles($@ dir/$@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CC) -c $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) options $*.c @@\
- $(MV) $@ dir/$@
-#ifndef LibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define LibObjCplusplusCompile(dir,options) RemoveFiles($@ dir/$@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXOPTIONS) $(CXXDEFINES) options $*.CCsuf @@\
- $(MV) $@ dir/$@
- * DebuggedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for debugged objects
- */
-#ifndef DebuggedLibObjCompile
-#define DebuggedLibObjCompile(options) LibObjCompile(debugger,DebuggableCDebugFlags options)
-#ifndef DebuggedLibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define DebuggedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) LibObjCplusplusCompile(debugger,DebuggableCplusplusDebugFlags options)
- * ProfiledLibObjCompile - compile fragment for profiled objects
- */
-#ifndef ProfiledLibObjCompile
-#define ProfiledLibObjCompile(options) LibObjCompile(profiled,ProfiledCDebugFlags options)
-#ifndef ProfiledLibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define ProfiledLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) LibObjCplusplusCompile(profiled,ProfiledCplusplusDebugFlags options)
- * UnsharedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for unshared objects
- */
-#ifndef UnsharedLibObjCompile
-#define UnsharedLibObjCompile(options) LibObjCompile(unshared,$(CDEBUGFLAGS) options)
-#ifndef UnsharedLibObjCplusplusCompile
-#define UnsharedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) LibObjCplusplusCompile(unshared,$(CXXDEBUGFLAGS) options)
- * SharedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for shared objects
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibObjCompile
-#define SharedLibObjCompile(options) LibObjCompile(shared,options $(SHLIBDEF) $(SHAREDCODEDEF) $(PICFLAGS) $(CDEBUGFLAGS))
- * NormalLibraryObjectRule - for simple libraries
- */
-#ifndef NormalLibraryObjectRule
-#define NormalLibraryObjectRule() @@\
-.c.Osuf: @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile($(_NOOP_))
-#endif /* NormalLibraryObjectRule */
-#ifndef NormalCplusplusObjectRule
-#define NormalCplusplusObjectRule() @@\
-.CCsuf.Osuf: @@\
- NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile($(_NOOP_))
-#ifndef NormalFortranObjectRule
-#define NormalFortranObjectRule() @@\
-.f.Osuf: @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS) $*.f
- * SpecialObjectRule - generate rules to compile a file with special flags.
- */
-#ifndef SpecialObjectRule
-#define SpecialObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-objs: depends @@\
- ObjectCompile(options)
-#endif /* SpecialObjectRule */
-#ifndef SpecialCplusplusObjectRule
-#define SpecialCplusplusObjectRule(baseobj,basedep,options) @@\
-baseobj.Osuf: basedep.CCsuf @@\
- ObjectCplusplusCompile(options)
-#endif /* SpecialCplusplusObjectRule */
- * SpecialCObjectRule - generate rules to compile a C file with special flags.
- * also handles CodeCenter rules
- */
-#ifndef SpecialCObjectRule
-#define SpecialCObjectRule(basename,depends,options) @@\
-SpecialObjectRule(basename.Osuf,basename.c depends,options) @@\
- @@\
-basename.i: basename.c depends @@\
- CPPOnlyCompile(basename.c,options) @@\
- @@\
-CenterLoadTarget(debug_src,basename.c,NullParameter,$(ALLDEFINES) options)
-#endif /* SpecialCObjectRule */
-#ifndef ObjectFromSpecialSource
-#define ObjectFromSpecialSource(dst,src,flags) @@\
-NoConfigRec(dst.c) @@\
- @@\
-dst.c: src.c @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LN) $? $@ @@\
- @@\
-SpecialCObjectRule(dst,NullParameter,flags) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: dst.c @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(dst.c)
-#endif /* ObjectFromSpecialSource */
-#ifndef LexFileExplicit
-#if HasClearmake /* provide a place to hang ClearmakeOSName */
-#define LexFileExplicit(file) @@\
-file.c: file.l @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(LEX) $(LFLAGS) file.l @@\
- $(MV) lex.yy.c file.c
-#define LexFileExplicit(file) /* the default rule is fine */
-#ifndef LexFile
-#define LexFile(file) @@\
-LexFileExplicit(file) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: file.c @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(lex.yy.c file.c)
-#endif /* LexFile */
-#ifndef YaccFile
-#define YaccFile(file,flags) @@\
-depend:: file.c @@\
- @@\
-file.h file.c: file.y @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(YACC) flags file.y @@\
- $(MV) y.tab.c file.c @@\
- @if [ -f y.tab.h ]; then set -x; $(MV) y.tab.h file.h; \ @@\
- else exit 0; fi @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(y.tab.c y.tab.h file.h file.c)
-#endif /* YaccFile */
-#ifndef YaccFileNoFlags
-#define YaccFileNoFlags(file) @@\
-depend:: file.c @@\
- @@\
-file.c: file.y @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(YACC) file.y @@\
- $(MV) y.tab.c file.c @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(y.tab.c file.c)
-#endif /* YaccFileNoFlags */
-#ifndef MakeLibrary
-#define MakeLibrary(libname,objlist) $(AR) libname objlist
-#ifndef LinkBuildLibrary
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define LinkBuildLibrary(lib) $(_NULLCMD_)
-#define LinkBuildLibrary(lib) MakeDir($(BUILDLIBDIR)) @@\
- RemoveFile($(BUILDLIBDIR)/lib) @@\
-#endif /* LinkBuildLibrary */
-#ifndef _LinkBuildLibrary /* will get redefined elsewhere */
-#define _LinkBuildLibrary(lib) $(_NULLCMD_)
-#endif /* _LinkBuildLibrary */
- * NormalLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a library.
- */
-#ifndef NormalLibraryTarget
-#define NormalLibraryTarget(libname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* NormalLibraryTarget */
- * NormalLibraryTarget2 - generate rules to create a library in two steps.
- * This is used to create libraries with large numbers of files.
- */
-#ifndef NormalLibraryTarget2
-#define NormalLibraryTarget2(libname,objlist1,objlist2) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist1 objlist2 $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist1) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist2) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* NormalLibraryTarget2 */
- * NormalLibraryTarget3 - generate rules to create a library in three steps.
- * This is used to create libraries with very large numbers of files.
- */
-#ifndef NormalLibraryTarget3
-#define NormalLibraryTarget3(libname,objlist1,objlist2,objlist3) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist1 objlist2 objlist3 $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist1) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist2) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist3) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* NormalLibraryTarget3 */
- * NormalDepLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a library.
- */
-#ifndef NormalDepLibraryTarget
-#define NormalDepLibraryTarget(libname,deplist,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): deplist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- MakeLibrary($@,objlist) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* NormalDepLibraryTarget */
- * UnsharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a library.
- */
-#ifndef UnsharedLibraryTarget
-#define UnsharedLibraryTarget(libname,objlist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- (cd down && MakeLibrary(up/$@,objlist)) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* UnsharedLibraryTarget */
- * UnsharedLibraryTarget3 - generate rules to create a library in three steps.
- * This is used to create libraries with very large numbers of files.
- */
-#ifndef UnsharedLibraryTarget3
-#define UnsharedLibraryTarget3(libname,objlist1,objlist2,objlist3,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(libname)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(libname): objlist1 objlist2 objlist3 $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- (cd down && MakeLibrary(up/$@,objlist1)) @@\
- (cd down && MakeLibrary(up/$@,objlist2)) @@\
- (cd down && MakeLibrary(up/$@,objlist3)) @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- _LinkBuildLibrary($@)
-#endif /* UnsharedLibraryTarget3 */
- * SubdirLibraryRule -
- */
-#ifndef SubdirLibraryRule
-#define SubdirLibraryRule(objlist) @@\
-all:: DONE @@\
- @@\
-DONE: objlist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- touch $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(DONE)
-#endif /* SubdirLibraryRule */
- * ProfiledLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a profiled library.
- */
-#ifndef ProfiledLibraryTarget
-#define ProfiledLibraryTarget(libname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetNameSuffix(libname,_p)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetNameSuffix(libname,_p): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- cd profiled && MakeLibrary(../$@,objlist) @@\
- RanLibrary($@)
-#endif /* ProfiledLibraryTarget */
- * DebuggedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a debuggable library.
- */
-#ifndef DebuggedLibraryTarget
-#define DebuggedLibraryTarget(libname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetNameSuffix(libname,_d)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetNameSuffix(libname,_d): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- cd debugger && MakeLibrary(../$@,objlist) @@\
- RanLibrary($@)
-#endif /* DebuggedLibraryTarget */
- * AliasedLibraryTarget - generate rules to link one library to another.
- */
-#ifndef AliasedLibraryTarget
-#define AliasedLibraryTarget(libname,alias) @@\
-AllTarget(LibraryTargetName(alias)) @@\
- @@\
-LibraryTargetName(alias): LibraryTargetName(libname) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LN) LibraryTargetName(libname) $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(LibraryTargetName(alias))
-#endif /* AliasedLibraryTarget */
- * NormalRelocatableTarget - generate rules to produce a relocatable object
- * file instead of a library.
- */
-#ifndef NormalRelocatableTarget
-#define NormalRelocatableTarget(objname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(objname.Osuf) @@\
- @@\
-objname.Osuf: objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LD) $(LDCOMBINEFLAGS) objlist -o $@
-#endif /* NormalRelocatableTarget */
- * ProfiledRelocatableTarget - generate rules to produce a profiled relocatable
- * object file instead of a library.
- */
-#ifndef ProfiledRelocatableTarget
-#define ProfiledRelocatableTarget(objname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(objname,_p.Osuf)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(objname,_p.Osuf): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LD) -X -r objlist -o $@
-#endif /* ProfiledRelocatableTarget */
- * DebuggedRelocatableTarget - generate rules to produce a debuggable
- * relocatable object file instead of a library.
- */
-#ifndef DebuggedRelocatableTarget
-#define DebuggedRelocatableTarget(objname,objlist) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(objname,_d.Osuf)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(objname,_d.Osuf): objlist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LD) -X -r objlist -o $@
-#endif /* DebuggedRelocatableTarget */
- * LintLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a lint library. Note that the
- * lint library is always forced to be newer than the library itself.
- */
-#ifndef LintLibraryTarget
-#define LintLibraryTarget(libname,srclist) @@\
-lintlib:: Concat(llib-l,libname.ln) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(llib-l,libname.ln): srclist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LINT) Concat($(LINTLIBFLAG),libname) $(LINTFLAGS) srclist
-#endif /* LintLibraryTarget */
- * NormalLintTarget - generate rules to lint a set of sources.
- */
-#ifndef NormalLintTarget
-#define NormalLintTarget(srclist) @@\
-lint: @@\
- $(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) srclist $(LINTLIBS) @@\
-lint1: @@\
-#endif /* NormalLintTarget */
- * LintTarget - generate rules to lint $(SRCS)
- */
-#ifndef LintTarget
-#define LintTarget() @@\
- * LinkSourceFile - snag source file from some other directory
- */
-#ifndef LinkSourceFile
-#define LinkSourceFile(src,dir) @@\
-src: dir/src @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LN) $? $@ @@\
- @@\
-NoConfigRec(src) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: src @@\
- @@\
-depend:: src @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(src)
- * CopySourceFile - snag source file from some other directory
- */
-#ifndef CopySourceFile
-#define CopySourceFile(src,dir) @@\
-src: dir/src @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(CP) $? $@ @@\
- @@\
-NoConfigRec(src) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: src @@\
- @@\
-depend:: src @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(src)
- * LinkFile - link a file
- */
-#ifndef LinkFile
-#define LinkFile(tofile,fromfile) @@\
-tofile:: fromfile @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LN) $? $@ @@\
- @@\
-NoConfigRec(tofile) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: tofile @@\
- @@\
-depend:: tofile @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(tofile)
-#ifndef MakeSubincludesForBuild
-#define MakeSubincludesForBuild(step,dir,srclist) @@\
-step:: dir srclist @@\
- @-(list=`echo srclist | $(SED) -e 's/[^ ]*\///g'`; \ @@\
- set -x; cd dir; RemoveFiles($$list)) @@\
- @for i in srclist; do \ @@\
- (set -x; cd dir; $(LN) ../$$i .); \ @@\
- done @@\
- @@\
-dir:: @@\
- $(MKDIRHIER) dir @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- @-(if [ -d dir ]; then \ @@\
- list=`echo srclist | $(SED) -e 's/[^ ]*\///g'`; \ @@\
- set -x; cd dir; RemoveFile($$list); else exit 0; fi)
- * LangNamedTargetSubdirs - recursively make a series of steps
- */
-#ifndef LangNamedTargetSubdirs
-#define LangNamedTargetSubdirs(lang,name,dirs,verb,flags,subname) @@\
-name:: @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(ik,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in dirs ;\ @@\
- do \ @@\
- echo verb "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ @@\
- (cd $$i && LANG=lang $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) flags subname) || exit;\ @@\
- done
- * NamedMakeSubdirs - generate rules to do makes in the given subdirectories.
- * If you want CDEBUGFLAGS passed along to subdirectories, provide a line like
- * the following in the appropriate Imakefile
- *
- * #define PassCDebugFlags 'CDEBUGFLAGS=$(CDEBUGFLAGS)'
- */
-#ifndef LangNamedMakeSubdirs
-#define LangNamedMakeSubdirs(lang,name,dirs) \
-LangNamedTargetSubdirs(lang,name,dirs,"making" name,PassCDebugFlags,all)
-#endif /* LangNamedMakeSubdirs */
-#ifndef LangMakeSubdirs
-#define LangMakeSubdirs(lang,dirs) @@\
-#endif /* LangMakeSubdirs */
- * NamedTargetSubdirs - recursively make a series of steps
- */
-#ifndef NamedTargetSubdirs
-#define NamedTargetSubdirs(name,dirs,verb,flags,subname) @@\
-name:: @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(ik,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in dirs ;\ @@\
- do \ @@\
- echo verb "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \ @@\
- (cd $$i && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) flags subname) || exit; \ @@\
- done
- * NamedMakeSubdirs - generate rules to do makes in the given subdirectories.
- * If you want CDEBUGFLAGS passed along to subdirectories, provide a line like
- * the following in the appropriate Imakefile
- *
- * #define PassCDebugFlags 'CDEBUGFLAGS=$(CDEBUGFLAGS)'
- */
-#ifndef NamedMakeSubdirs
-#define NamedMakeSubdirs(name,dirs) \
-NamedTargetSubdirs(name,dirs,"making" name,PassCDebugFlags,all)
-#endif /* NamedMakeSubdirs */
-#ifndef MakeSubdirs
-#define MakeSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-#endif /* MakeSubdirs */
- * DependSubdirs - generate rules to recursively compute dependencies as
- * part of the make depend step.
- */
-#ifndef DependSubdirs
-#define DependSubdirs(dirs) \
-#endif /* DependSubdirs */
- * ForceSubdirs - force make to build subdirectories
- */
-#ifndef ForceSubdirs
-#define ForceSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-dirs: FRC @@\
- @cd $@ ; echo "making all in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$@..."; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) PassCDebugFlags all @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* ForceSubdirs */
- * InstallSubdirs - generate rules to recursively install programs and files.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSubdirs
-#define InstallSubdirs(dirs) \
-#endif /* InstallSubdirs */
- * InstallManSubdirs - generate rules to recursively install manual pages.
- */
-#ifndef InstallManSubdirs
-#define InstallManSubdirs(dirs) \
-NamedTargetSubdirs(install.man,dirs,"installing man pages",DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR),install.man)
-#endif /* InstallManSubdirs */
- * IncludesSubdirs - generate rules to recursively put include files in build
- */
-#ifndef IncludesSubdirs
-#define IncludesSubdirs(dirs) \
- * InstallLinkKitSubdirs - generate rules to recursively install server Link
- * Kit (only used for XFree86). This is a no-op
- * rule so that Imakefiles on non-XFree86 systems
- * continue to build Makefiles correctly.
- */
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitSubdirs
-#define InstallLinkKitSubdirs(dirs)
- * CleanSubdirs - generate rules to recursively clean out garbage files.
- */
-#define BootstrapCleanSubdirs /**/ /* used at top-level */
-#ifndef NamedCleanSubdirs
-#define NamedCleanSubdirs(name,dirs) \
-#endif /* NamedCleanSubdirs */
-#ifndef CleanSubdirs
-#define CleanSubdirs(dirs) \
- * TagSubdirs - generate rules to recursively create tags files.
- */
-#ifndef NamedTagSubdirs
-#define NamedTagSubdirs(name,dirs) \
-#endif /* TagSubdirs */
-#ifndef TagSubdirs
-#define TagSubdirs(dirs) \
- * MakeLintSubdirs - generate rules to recursively lint directories as part
- * of the named step.
- */
-#ifndef MakeLintSubdirs
-#define MakeLintSubdirs(dirs,target,subtarget) \
-NamedTargetSubdirs(target,dirs,"linting" for target and subtarget,DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LINTOPTS='$(LINTOPTS)',subtarget)
-#endif /* MakeLintSubdirs */
- * LintSubdirs - generate rules to recursively lint directories as part of
- * the make lint step.
- */
-#ifndef LintSubdirs
-#define LintSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-#endif /* LintSubdirs */
- * MakeLintLibSubdirs - generate rules to recursively create lint libraries.
- */
-#ifndef MakeLintLibSubdirs
-#define MakeLintLibSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-#endif /* MakeLintLibSubdirs */
- * MakeMakeOneSubdirs - generate rules to recreate $(ONESUBDIR)/Makefile
- * as part of the specified step in the build. This separate, explicit target
- * exists so that clearmake will know what its goal is and do wink-in.
- */
-#ifndef MakeMakeOneSubdirs
-#define MakeMakeOneSubdirs() @@\
-$(ONESUBDIR)/Makefile: @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(n,executeit="no"); \ @@\
- cd $(ONESUBDIR); \ @@\
- if [ "$$executeit" != "no" ]; then \ @@\
- fi;
-#endif /* MakeMakeOneSubdirs */
- * MakeMakeSubdirs - generate rules to recursively recreate Makefiles as part
- * of the specified step in the build. If $(TOP) is set to an absolute path,
- * do not prepend the ../ prefix. This makes running things outside of the
- * source tree much easier.
- */
-#ifndef MakeMakeSubdirs
-#define MakeMakeSubdirs(dirs,target) @@\
-target:: @@\
- -@MakeFlagsToShellFlags(ik,set +e); \ @@\
- MakeFlagsToShellFlags(n,executeit="no"); \ @@\
- for i in dirs ;\ @@\
- do \ @@\
- case "$(CURRENT_DIR)" in \ @@\
- .) curdir= ;; \ @@\
- *) curdir=$(CURRENT_DIR)/ ;; \ @@\
- esac; \ @@\
- echo "making Makefiles in $$curdir$$i..."; \ @@\
- itmp=`echo $$i | $(SED) -e 's;^\./;;g' -e 's;/\./;/;g'`; \ @@\
- curtmp="$(CURRENT_DIR)" \ @@\
- toptmp=""; \ @@\
- case "$$itmp" in \ @@\
- ../?*) \ @@\
- while echo "$$itmp" | grep '^\.\./' > /dev/null;\ @@\
- do \ @@\
- toptmp="/`basename $$curtmp`$$toptmp"; \ @@\
- curtmp="`dirname $$curtmp`"; \ @@\
- itmp="`echo $$itmp | $(SED) 's;\.\./;;'`"; \ @@\
- done \ @@\
- ;; \ @@\
- esac; \ @@\
- case "$$itmp" in \ @@\
- */?*/?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../../..;; \ @@\
- */?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../..;; \ @@\
- */?*/?*) newtop=../../..;; \ @@\
- */?*) newtop=../..;; \ @@\
- *) newtop=..;; \ @@\
- esac; \ @@\
- newtop="$$newtop$$toptmp"; \ @@\
- case "$(TOP)" in \ @@\
- /?*) imaketop=$(TOP) \ @@\
- imakeprefix= ;; \ @@\
- .) imaketop=$$newtop \ @@\
- imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ @@\
- *) imaketop=$$newtop/$(TOP) \ @@\
- imakeprefix=$$newtop/ ;; \ @@\
- esac; \ @@\
- RemoveFile($$i/Makefile.bak); \ @@\
- if [ -f $$i/Makefile ]; then \ @@\
- echo " $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \ @@\
- if [ "$$executeit" != "no" ]; then \ @@\
- $(MV) $$i/Makefile $$i/Makefile.bak; \ @@\
- fi; \ @@\
- fi; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKE_OPTS) ONESUBDIR=$$i ONECURDIR=$$curdir IMAKETOP=$$imaketop IMAKEPREFIX=$$imakeprefix $$i/Makefile; \ @@\
- cd $$i; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles; \ @@\
- cd $$newtop; \ @@\
- done
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define ImakeSubCmdHelper $(IMAKE_CMD)
-#endif /* MakeMakeSubdirs */
- * MakefileSubdirs - generate rules to create Makefiles.
- */
-#ifndef MakefileSubdirs
-#define MakefileSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-MakeMakeOneSubdirs() @@\
-#endif /* MakefileSubdirs */
- * Translate XCOMM into pound sign with sed, rather than passing -DXCOMM=XCOMM
- * to cpp, because that trick does not work on all ANSI C preprocessors.
- * Also delete line numbers from the cpp output (-P is not portable, I guess).
- */
-#ifndef CppSedMagic
-#define CppSedMagic $(SED) -e '/^#[line]* *[0-9][0-9]* *.*$$/d' -e '/^XCOMM$$/s//#/' -e '/^XCOMM[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/s/^XCOMM/#/'
-#endif /* CppSedMagic */
-#ifndef CppFileTarget
-#define CppFileTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(dst)
-#endif /* CppFileTarget */
- * CppScriptTarget - generate rules to create a shell script by running the
- * input through cpp. If the ExecableScripts configuration parameter is not
- * set, then make sure that the first line begins with a colon.
- */
-#ifndef CppScriptTarget
-#if ExecableScripts /* can use #! instead of colon */
-#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs $@ @@\
- chmod a+x $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(dst)
-#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- echo \: >$@ @@\
- $(SED) '1d' src | $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs | CppSedMagic >>$@ @@\
- chmod a+x $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(dst)
-#endif /* ExecableScripts */
-#endif /* CppScriptTarget */
- * MakeScriptFromCpp - generate rules to create a script from a file with a
- * .cpp suffix.
- */
-#ifndef MakeScriptFromCpp
-#define MakeScriptFromCpp(name,defs) @@\
-#endif /* MakeScriptFromCpp */
-#ifndef CppSourceFile
-#define CppSourceFile(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-CppFileTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: dst @@\
- @@\
-depend:: dst
-#endif /* CppSourceFile */
- * SedFileTarget - generate rules to create a file by running the
- * input through sed.
- */
-#ifndef SedFileTarget
-#define SedFileTarget(dst,src,cmds) @@\
-dst:: src @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(SED) cmds src >$@ @@\
- chmod a+x $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(dst)
-#endif /* SedFileTarget */
-#ifndef SedSourceFile
-#define SedSourceFile(dst,src,cmds) @@\
-SedFileTarget(dst,src,cmds) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: dst @@\
- @@\
-depend:: dst
-#endif /* SedSourceFile */
- * MakeDirectories - generate rules to create a hierarchy of directories.
- */
-#ifndef MakeDirectories
-#define MakeDirectories(step,dirs) @@\
-step:: @@\
- DirFailPrefix@MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in dirs; do if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$$i ]; then \ @@\
- set +x; else (set -x; $(MKDIRHIER) $(DESTDIR)$$i); fi \ @@\
- done
-#endif /* MakeDirectories */
- * AllTarget - generate rules to build necessary things during make all.
- */
-#ifndef AllTarget
-#define AllTarget(depends) @@\
-all:: depends
-#endif /* AllTarget */
- * MakeImakeDir - call make in imake directory.
- */
-#ifndef MakeImakeDir
-#define MakeImakeDir() cd $(IMAKESRC) && \ @@\
- if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ @@\
- else \ @@\
- fi
-#endif /* MakeImakeDir */
- * DoUDB_SCRIPT3 - macro for creation of udb scripts for installation
- */
-#ifndef DoUDB_SCRIPT3
-#define DoUDB_SCRIPT3(target, file, script, build) @@\
-target:: $(DATABASE_DIR)/file.udb @@\
- script -toLst -ReleaseStream $(PLATFORM) \ @@\
- $(DATABASE_DIR)/file.udb > file.lst @@\
- build file ../../..
- * DoUDB_SCRIPT4 - macro for creation of udb scripts for installation
- */
-#ifndef DoUDB_SCRIPT4
-#define DoUDB_SCRIPT4(target, file, script, build) @@\
-target:: $(DATABASE_DIR)/file.udb @@\
- script -toLst -ReleaseStream $(PLATFORM) \ @@\
- $(DATABASE_DIR)/file.udb > file.lst @@\
- build file ../../../..
-#ifdef DefineOldLibraryRules
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Imake.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/Imake.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e51fa9b6..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Imake.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM $TOG: Imake.tmpl /main/249 1997/10/13 15:28:56 kaleb $
- * generic imake template
- */
- * Modify Imake.cf when adding a new architecture, do not modify this file.
- * Platform-specific parameters may be set in the appropriate .cf
- * configuration files. Site-specific parameters should be set in the file
- * site.def. Full rebuilds are recommended if any parameters are changed.
- * If your C preprocessor does not define any unique symbols, you will need
- * to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing
- * "make World" the first time).
- */
-#define ImakeConfigRelease 6
-#define YES 1
-#define NO 0
-#define HASH_SIGN #
-/* Ensure that "all" is the default target in the Makefile. */
-XCOMM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM site-specific configuration parameters that need to come before
-XCOMM the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change
-#define BeforeVendorCF
-#undef BeforeVendorCF
-#if defined(HasGcc2) && !defined(HasGcc)
-# define HasGcc HasGcc2
-#ifndef HasClearmake
-# define HasClearmake NO
- * ClearmakeOSName - insert the current OS type into the clearmake
- * build script, so .o files from different platforms cannot be winked in.
- * If clearmake finds the build script for two .o files is the same, it
- * will share the .o, even across different architectures. Inserting the
- * O/S name into the build script in a comment prevents unwanted sharing.
- * Note the trailing double-@ in the macro: end a line using this macro
- * with backslash without the double-@ usually used.
- * Like this:
- *
- * #define SomeRule() @@\
- * something or other @@\
- * ClearmakeOSName \
- * something else @@\
- * and more
- */
-#ifndef ClearmakeOSName
-# if HasClearmake
-# define ClearmakeOSName @ XCOMM $(OSNAME) @@
-# else
-# define ClearmakeOSName /**/
-# endif
-#if HasClearmake
-# ifndef MakeCmd
-# define MakeCmd clearmake
-# endif
-#if HasClearmake
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ClearmakeOSName $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM platform-specific configuration parameters - edit MacroFile to change
-#include MacroIncludeFile
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM site-specific configuration parameters that go after
-XCOMM the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change
-#define AfterVendorCF
-#undef AfterVendorCF
- * defaults for various generic parameters; set in site.def if needed
- */
-/* the following are needed before we can include Imake.rules */
-#ifndef SystemV
-#define SystemV NO /* SYSV (R3) */
-#ifndef SystemV4
-#define SystemV4 NO /* SVR4 */
-#ifndef HasCodeCenter
-#define HasCodeCenter NO
-#ifndef HasSentinel
-#define HasSentinel NO
-#ifndef HasPurify
-#define HasPurify NO
-#ifndef HasTestCenter
-#define HasTestCenter NO
-#ifndef RemoveTargetProgramByMoving
-#define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving NO
-#ifndef DoRanlibCmd
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define DoRanlibCmd NO
-#define DoRanlibCmd YES
-#ifndef ExecableScripts
-#if SystemV
-#define ExecableScripts NO
-#define ExecableScripts YES /* kernel exec() can handle #! */
-#ifndef HasMakefileSafeInclude /* -include or sinclude in a Makefile */
-#if HasClearmake
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude NO /* see also vendor-specific .cf files */
-#ifndef HasVarDirectory
-#define HasVarDirectory YES
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries NO
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 0
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef UnalignedReferencesAllowed
-#define UnalignedReferencesAllowed NO /* if arbitrary deref is okay */
-#ifndef AvoidNullMakeCommand
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand NO
-#if AvoidNullMakeCommand
-#ifndef NullMakeCommand
-#define NullMakeCommand @ echo -n
- * An obscure bug in BSD4.3's original make causes it not to recognize a
- * macro definition if the macro name starts with a non-alpha and in
- * column one.
- */
- _NULLCMD_ = NullMakeCommand
-#ifndef CrossCompiling
-#define CrossCompiling NO
-#ifndef BourneShell /* to force shell in makefile */
-#define BourneShell /bin/sh
-#ifndef KornShell
-#define KornShell /bin/ksh
-#ifndef DtKornShell
-#define DtKornShell /usr/dt/bin/dtksh
-#ifndef ConstructMFLAGS
-#if SystemV
-#define ConstructMFLAGS YES /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
-#define ConstructMFLAGS NO /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
-#ifndef ConstructMAKEFLAGS /* needed on old BSD-based? */
-#define ConstructMAKEFLAGS NO /* build MAKEFLAGS from MFLAGS */
-#ifndef HasLargeTmp
-#define HasLargeTmp NO /* be paranoid */
-#ifndef HasBSD44Sockets
-#define HasBSD44Sockets NO
-#ifndef HasSockets
-#define HasSockets YES
-#ifndef HasStreams
-#define HasStreams !HasSockets
-#ifndef HasDECnet
-#define HasDECnet NO
-#ifndef HasPoll
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define HasPoll NO
-#ifndef HasVFork
-#if SystemV
-#define HasVFork NO /* not yet... */
-#define HasVFork YES
-#ifndef HasSetUserContext
-#define HasSetUserContext NO
-#ifndef HasLibCrypt
-#define HasLibCrypt NO
-#ifndef HasPutenv
-#define HasPutenv NO /* assume not */
-#ifndef HasVoidSignalReturn
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn YES /* assume yes */
-#ifndef HasBsearch
-#define HasBsearch YES /* assume yes */
-#ifndef HasFortran
-#define HasFortran NO
-#ifndef HasCplusplus
-#define HasCplusplus YES
-#ifndef HasNdbm
-#define HasNdbm NO
-#ifndef HasSecureRPC
-#define HasSecureRPC NO /* if you have Secure RPC */
-#ifndef HasKrb5
-#define HasKrb5 NO /* if you have Kerberos V5 */
-#ifndef HasLatex
-#define HasLatex YES
-#ifndef HasShm
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasShm NO
-#ifndef HasCbrt
-#define HasCbrt YES
-#ifndef HasFfs
-#define HasFfs YES
-#ifndef HasZlib
-#define HasZlib NO
-#if HasKrb5
-#ifndef Krb5Includes
-#define Krb5Includes -I/krb5/include
-#ifndef Krb5Libraries
-#define Krb5Libraries -L/krb5/lib -L/usr/isode/lib -lkrb5 -lcrypto -lisode -lcom_err -ldbm
-#undef Krb5Includes
-#define Krb5Includes /**/
-#undef Krb5Libraries
-#define Krb5Libraries /**/
-#ifndef NeedConstPrototypes
-#define NeedConstPrototypes NO
-#ifndef NeedVarargsPrototypes
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes NO
-#ifndef NeedNestedPrototypes
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes NO
-#ifndef NeedFunctionPrototypes
-#define NeedFunctionPrototypes (NeedVarargsPrototypes || NeedNestedPrototypes)
-#ifndef NeedWidePrototypes
-#define NeedWidePrototypes YES /* mix and match ANSI-C, non-ANSI */
-#ifndef StripInstalledPrograms
-#define StripInstalledPrograms NO /* leave symbol table just in case */
-#ifndef UseCCMakeDepend /* use slow cc -E script */
-#define UseCCMakeDepend NO
-/* DefaultUsrBin is independent of ProjectRoot.
- This is a directory where programs will be found even if PATH
- is not set, for example when coming in remotely via rsh. */
-#ifndef DefaultUsrBin
-#define DefaultUsrBin /usr/bin
-#ifndef UsrLibDir
-#ifdef ProjectRoot
-#define UsrLibDir Concat(ProjectRoot,/lib)
-#ifndef AlternateUsrLibDir
-#define AlternateUsrLibDir YES
-#define UsrLibDir /usr/lib
-#ifndef AlternateUsrLibDir
-#define AlternateUsrLibDir NO
-#ifndef AlternateUsrLibDir
-#define AlternateUsrLibDir YES
-#ifndef ShLibDir
-#define ShLibDir UsrLibDir
-#ifndef IncRoot
-#ifdef ProjectRoot
-#define IncRoot Concat(ProjectRoot,/include)
-#ifndef AlternateIncRoot
-#define AlternateIncRoot YES
-#define IncRoot /usr/include
-#ifndef AlternateIncRoot
-#define AlternateIncRoot NO
-#ifndef AlternateIncRoot
-#define AlternateIncRoot YES
-#ifndef LintlibDir
-#define LintlibDir $(USRLIBDIR)/lint
-#ifndef SystemManDirectory
-#if SystemV4
-#define SystemManDirectory /usr/share/man
-#define SystemManDirectory /usr/man
-#ifndef ManDirectoryRoot
-#ifdef ProjectRoot
-#define ManDirectoryRoot Concat(ProjectRoot,/man)
-#define ManDirectoryRoot SystemManDirectory
-#ifndef ManPath
-#define ManPath ManDirectoryRoot
-#ifndef ManSourcePath
-#define ManSourcePath $(MANPATH)/man
-#ifndef ManDir
-#ifndef LibmanDir
-#ifndef FileManDir
-#ifndef MiscManDir
-#ifndef ConfigSrc
-#define ConfigSrc $(TOP)/config
-#ifndef DependDir
-#if UseCCMakeDepend
-#define DependDir $(CONFIGSRC)/util
-#define DependDir $(CONFIGSRC)/makedepend
-#ifndef DependDefines
-#define DependDefines /**/
-#define UNCOMPRESSPATH /usr/ucb/uncompress
-#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O
-#ifndef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
-#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags
-#ifndef DebuggableCDebugFlags
-#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -g
-#ifndef DebuggableCplusplusDebugFlags
-#define DebuggableCplusplusDebugFlags DebuggableCDebugFlags
-#ifndef ProfiledCDebugFlags
-#define ProfiledCDebugFlags -pg
-#ifndef ProfiledCplusplusDebugFlags
-#define ProfiledCplusplusDebugFlags ProfiledCDebugFlags
-#ifndef NoOpCDebugFlags
-#define NoOpCDebugFlags /**/
-#ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
-#define DefaultCDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags
-#ifndef DefaultCplusplusDebugFlags
-#define DefaultCplusplusDebugFlags OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#define DefaultCCOptions /* floating point, etc. */
-#ifndef DefaultCplusplusOptions
-#define DefaultCplusplusOptions /* floating point, etc. */
-#ifndef NoRConst
-#define NoRConst NO /* YES if const for structs of funcs is bad */
-#ifndef InstPgmFlags
-#define InstPgmFlags -s
-#ifndef InstBinFlags
-#define InstBinFlags -m 0755
-#ifndef InstUidFlags
-#define InstUidFlags -m 4711
-#ifndef InstLibFlags
-#define InstLibFlags -m 0644
-#ifndef InstIncFlags
-#define InstIncFlags -m 0444
-#ifndef InstManFlags
-#define InstManFlags -m 0444
-#ifndef InstDatFlags
-#define InstDatFlags -m 0444
-#ifndef InstKmemFlags /* put -g kmem -m 2711 in site.def... */
-#define InstKmemFlags InstUidFlags
-#ifndef ArCmdBase
-#define ArCmdBase ar
-#ifndef ArCmd
-#define ArCmd ArCmdBase -cq
-#ifndef ArAddCmd
-#define ArAddCmd ArCmdBase -ru
-#ifndef ArExtCmd
-#define ArExtCmd ArCmdBase -x
-#ifndef BootstrapCFlags
-#define BootstrapCFlags /**/
-#ifndef HasGcc2
-#define HasGcc2 NO
-#ifndef HasGcc
-#define HasGcc HasGcc2
-#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus NO
-#ifndef HasCenterLineC
-#define HasCenterLineC NO
-#ifndef HasCenterLineCplusplus
-#define HasCenterLineCplusplus NO
-#ifndef CcCmd
-#if HasGcc2
-#define CcCmd gcc -fpcc-struct-return
-#if HasGcc
-#define CcCmd gcc -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return
-#if HasCenterLineC
-#define CcCmd clcc
-#define CcCmd cc
-#ifndef CplusplusCmd
-#if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define CplusplusCmd g++
-#define CplusplusCmd CC
-#ifndef CplusplusFilt
-# define CplusplusFilt c++filt
-#ifndef CplusplusLibC
-#define CplusplusLibC /**/
-#ifndef CplusplusStandardDefines
-#define CplusplusStandardDefines StandardDefines
-#ifndef CplusplusExtraDefines
-#define CplusplusExtraDefines /**/
-#ifndef CplusplusExtraIncludes
-#define CplusplusExtraIncludes /**/
-#ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes /**/
-#ifndef CplusplusOptions
-#define CplusplusOptions /**/
-#ifndef CplusplusSpecialOptions
-#define CplusplusSpecialOptions /**/
-#if HasFortran
-#ifndef FortranCmd
-#define FortranCmd f77
-#ifndef FortranFlags
-#define FortranFlags /**/
-#ifndef FortranDebugFlags /* for -O or -g */
-#define FortranDebugFlags /**/
-#ifndef AsCmd
-#define AsCmd as
-#ifndef CompressCmd
-#define CompressCmd compress
-#ifndef GzipCmd
-#define GzipCmd gzip
-#ifndef CppCmd
-#define CppCmd /lib/cpp
-#ifndef CppNoLineInfoOption
-#define CppNoLineInfoOption /**/
-#ifndef PreProcessCmd
-#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -E
-#ifndef InstallCmd /* hack should be in project */
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#ifdef UseInstalled /* assume BINDIR in path */
-#define InstallCmd bsdinst
-#define InstallCmd $(SHELL) $(CONFIGSRC)/util/bsdinst.sh
-#define InstallCmd install
-#ifndef InstallFlags
-#define InstallFlags -c
-#ifndef LdCmd
-#define LdCmd ld
-#ifndef LexCmd
-#define LexCmd lex
-#ifndef LexLib
-#define LexLib -ll
-#ifndef YaccCmd
-#define YaccCmd yacc
-#ifndef CplusplusYaccCmd
-#define CplusplusYaccCmd YaccCmd
-#ifndef LintCmd
-#define LintCmd lint
-#ifndef LintLibFlag
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define LintLibFlag -o
-#define LintLibFlag -C
-#ifndef LintOpts
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define LintOpts -bh
-#define LintOpts -axz
-#ifndef CpCmd
-#define CpCmd cp
-#ifndef HasSymLinks
-#define HasSymLinks YES
-#ifndef LnCmd /* can use cp instead of ln if necessary */
-#if HasSymLinks
-#define LnCmd ln -s
-#define LnCmd ln
-#ifndef MakeCmd
-#define MakeCmd make
-#ifndef MvCmd
-#define MvCmd mv
-#ifndef SedCmd
-#define SedCmd sed
-#ifndef PerlCmd
-#define PerlCmd /usr/bin/perl
-#ifndef RanlibCmd
-#define RanlibCmd ranlib
-#ifndef RanlibInstFlags
-#define RanlibInstFlags /**/
-#ifndef RmCmd
-#define RmCmd rm -f
-#ifndef StandardIncludes /* for platform-specifics */
-#define StandardIncludes /**/
-#ifndef StandardDefines
-#if SystemV
-#define StandardDefines -DSYSV
-#if SystemV4
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4
-#define StandardDefines /**/
-#ifndef StandardCppDefines
-#define StandardCppDefines StandardDefines
-#ifndef Malloc0ReturnsNull
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull NO
-#if Malloc0ReturnsNull
-#ifndef Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL
-#ifndef ToolkitStringsABIOptions
-#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions /**/
-#ifndef NdbmDefines
-#if HasNdbm
-#define NdbmDefines -DNDBM
-#define NdbmDefines /**/
-#ifndef LdPreLib
-#if !defined(UseInstalled)
-#define LdPreLib -L$(BUILDLIBDIR)
-#if AlternateUsrLibDir
-#define LdPreLib -L$(USRLIBDIR)
-#define LdPreLib /**/
-#ifndef LdPostLib
-#if !defined(UseInstalled) && AlternateUsrLibDir && !HasLdRunPath
-#define LdPostLib -L$(USRLIBDIR)
-#define LdPostLib /**/
-#ifndef MathLibrary
-#define MathLibrary -lm
-#ifndef DBMLibrary
-#define DBMLibrary -ldbm
-#ifndef DlLibrary
-#define DlLibrary -ldl
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-#if SystemV4
-#if HasSockets
-#define ExtraLibraries -lsocket -lnsl -lw
-#define ExtraLibraries -lnsl -lw
-#define ExtraLibraries /**/
-#ifndef ExtraLoadOptions
-#define ExtraLoadOptions /**/
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-#define ExtraLoadFlags /**/
-#ifndef LdCombineFlags
-#if SystemV4
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#define LdCombineFlags -X -r
-#ifndef LdStripFlags
-#define LdStripFlags -x
-#ifndef TagsCmd
-#define TagsCmd ctags
-#ifndef LoaderLibPrefix
-#define LoaderLibPrefix /**/
-#ifndef ImakeCmd
-#ifdef UseInstalled /* assume BINDIR in path */
-#define ImakeCmd imake
-#define ImakeCmd $(IMAKESRC)/imake
-#ifndef DependCmd
-#ifdef UseInstalled /* assume BINDIR in path */
-#define DependCmd makedepend
-#define DependCmd $(DEPENDSRC)/makedepend
-#ifndef DependFlags
-#define DependFlags /**/
-#ifndef DependFileName
-#define DependFileName Makefile.dep
-#ifndef ExportListCmd
-# ifndef ExportListGenSource
-# define ExportListCmd /**/
-# elif !defined(UseInstalled)
-# define ExportListCmd $(CONFIGSRC)/util/exportlistgen
-# else
-# define ExportListCmd exportlistgen
-# endif
-#ifndef MkdirHierCmd
-#ifdef UseInstalled /* assume BINDIR in path */
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdirhier
-#define MkdirHierCmd $(SHELL) $(CONFIGSRC)/util/mkdirhier.sh
-#ifndef TroffCmd
-#define TroffCmd psroff
-#ifndef NroffCmd
-#define NroffCmd nroff
-#ifndef MsMacros
-#define MsMacros -ms
-#ifndef ManMacros
-#define ManMacros -man
-#ifndef TblCmd
-#define TblCmd tbl
-#ifndef EqnCmd
-#define EqnCmd eqn
-#ifndef NeqnCmd
-#define NeqnCmd neqn
-#ifndef ColCmd
-#define ColCmd col
-#ifndef DvipsCmd
-#define DvipsCmd dvips
-#ifndef LatexCmd
-#define LatexCmd latex
-#if HasSentinel
-#ifndef SentinelCmd
-#define SentinelCmd sentinel
-#ifndef SentinelOptions
-#define SentinelOptions /**/
-#if HasPurify
-#ifndef PurifyCmd
-#define PurifyCmd purify
-#ifndef PurifyOptions
-#define PurifyOptions /**/
-#if HasTestCenter
-#ifndef ProofCmd
-#define ProofCmd proof
-#ifndef ProofOptions
-#define ProofOptions /**/
-#ifndef PathSeparator
-#define PathSeparator /
-#ifndef Osuf
-#define Osuf o
-#ifndef CCsuf
-#define CCsuf cc
-#ifndef ManSuffix
-#define ManSuffix n /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#ifndef LibManSuffix
-#define LibManSuffix 3 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#ifndef FileManSuffix
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define FileManSuffix 4 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#define FileManSuffix 5 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#ifndef MiscManSuffix
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
-#define MiscManSuffix 5 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#define MiscManSuffix 7 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */
-#ifndef ExpandManNames
-#if SystemV
-#define ExpandManNames NO
-#define ExpandManNames YES
-#ifndef TOPDIR
-#define TOPDIR .
-#ifndef CURDIR
-#define CURDIR .
-#ifndef SiteIConfigFiles
-#define SiteIConfigFiles /**/
-#ifndef ExtraFilesToClean
-#define ExtraFilesToClean /**/
-#ifndef FilesToClean
-#define FilesToClean *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.Osuf core errs ,* *~ *.a .emacs_* tags TAGS
- PATHSEP = PathSeparator
- SHELL = BourneShell
- KORNSHELL = KornShell
- IMAKE = ImakeCmd
- DEPEND = DependCmd
- MKDIRHIER = MkdirHierCmd
- CONFIGSRC = ConfigSrc
- DEPENDSRC = DependDir
- DEPENDDEFINES = DependDefines
- INCROOT = IncRoot /* base of where to put header files */
- USRLIBDIR = UsrLibDir /* nonshared libraries */
- SHLIBDIR = ShLibDir /* shared libraries */
- LINTLIBDIR = LintlibDir /* lint libraries */
- MANPATH = ManPath /* top of manual page tree */
- MANSOURCEPATH = ManSourcePath /* prefix for man page sources */
- MANDIR = ManDir /* man pages for commands */
- LIBMANDIR = LibmanDir /* man pages for library routines */
- FILEMANDIR = FileManDir /* man pages for config files */
- MISCMANDIR = MiscManDir /* man pages for miscellaneous files */
- AR = ArCmd
- BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS = BootstrapCFlags /* set if cpp does not have uniq sym */
- CC = CcCmd
- AS = AsCmd
-#if HasFortran
- FC = FortranCmd
- FDEBUGFLAGS = FortranDebugFlags
-#if HasCplusplus
- CXX = CplusplusCmd
- CXXFILT = CplusplusFilt
- CXXLIB = CplusplusLibC
- CXXDEBUGFLAGS = DefaultCplusplusDebugFlags
-CXXDEPENDINCLUDES = CplusplusDependIncludes
- CXXEXTRA_DEFINES = CplusplusExtraDefines
-CXXEXTRA_INCLUDES = CplusplusExtraIncludes
- CXXOPTIONS = CplusplusOptions
- COMPRESS = CompressCmd
- GZIPCMD = GzipCmd
- CPP = CppCmd $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) /* simple filters */
- PREPROCESSCMD = PreProcessCmd $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) /* prefered; mdep */
- INSTALL = InstallCmd
- INSTALLFLAGS = InstallFlags
- LD = LdCmd
- LEX = LexCmd
- LEXLIB = LexLib
- YACC = YaccCmd
- CCYACC = CplusplusYaccCmd
- LINT = LintCmd
- LINTOPTS = LintOpts
- LN = LnCmd
- MAKE = MakeCmd
- MV = MvCmd
- CP = CpCmd
- SED = SedCmd
- PERL = PerlCmd
-#if DoRanlibCmd
- RANLIB = RanlibCmd
- RM = RmCmd
- MANSUFFIX = ManSuffix /* suffix for command man pages */
- LIBMANSUFFIX = LibManSuffix /* suffix for library man pages */
- FILEMANSUFFIX = FileManSuffix /* suffix for file format man pages */
- MISCMANSUFFIX = MiscManSuffix /* suffix for misc man pages */
- TROFF = TroffCmd
- NROFF = NroffCmd
- MSMACROS = MsMacros
- MANMACROS = ManMacros
- TBL = TblCmd
- EQN = EqnCmd
- NEQN = NeqnCmd
- COL = ColCmd
-#if HasLatex
- DVIPS = DvipsCmd
- LATEX = LatexCmd
-#if HasSentinel
- SENTINEL = SentinelCmd
- SENTINELOPTIONS = SentinelOptions
-#if HasPurify
- PURIFY = PurifyCmd
- PURIFYOPTIONS = PurifyOptions
-#if HasTestCenter
- PROOF = ProofCmd
- PROOFOPTIONS = ProofOptions
- STD_INCLUDES = StandardIncludes
- EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = ExtraLoadFlags
- EXTRA_LDOPTIONS = ExtraLoadOptions
- EXTRA_LIBRARIES = ExtraLibraries Krb5Libraries
- TAGS = TagsCmd
-#if ConstructMFLAGS
-#if ConstructMAKEFLAGS
-#if HasSharedLibraries
- SHLIBDEF = SharedLibraryDef
-#ifdef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
- SHLIBLDFLAGS = SharedLibraryLoadFlags
- * Here we set up flags needed to produce position-independent code
- * when doing C and C++ compilation. The default if you specify C
- * PIC flags without also specifying C++ PIC flags is to assume that
- * the C flags work for both. If your C++ compiler requires different
- * flags, specify them explicitly in PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags.
- */
-#ifdef PositionIndependentCFlags
- PICFLAGS = PositionIndependentCFlags
-#ifdef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
- CXXPICFLAGS = PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-#ifdef PositionIndependentCFlags
- CXXPICFLAGS = PositionIndependentCFlags
-#if !HasVoidSignalReturn
- * The following supports forcing of function prototypes
- */
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedVarargsPrototypes && NeedConstPrototypes && NeedNestedPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=15
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedVarargsPrototypes && NeedNestedPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=11
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedNestedPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=9
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedVarargsPrototypes && NeedConstPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=7
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedConstPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=5
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes && NeedVarargsPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO=3
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-#define _funcprotodef -DFUNCPROTO
-#define _funcprotodef /**/
-#if NeedWidePrototypes
-#define _wideprotodef /**/
-#define _wideprotodef -DNARROWPROTO
- PROTO_DEFINES = _funcprotodef _wideprotodef
-#undef _funcprotodef
-#undef _wideprotodef
-#if StripInstalledPrograms
- INSTPGMFLAGS = InstPgmFlags /* install flags for stripping */
- INSTBINFLAGS = InstBinFlags /* install flags for programs */
- INSTUIDFLAGS = InstUidFlags /* install flags for setuid programs */
- INSTLIBFLAGS = InstLibFlags /* install flags for libraries */
- INSTINCFLAGS = InstIncFlags /* install flags for headers */
- INSTMANFLAGS = InstManFlags /* install flags for man pages */
- INSTDATFLAGS = InstDatFlags /* install flags for data files */
- INSTKMEMFLAGS = InstKmemFlags /* install flags for /dev/kmem progs */
-#ifdef ProjectRoot
- PROJECTROOT = ProjectRoot
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-# if AlternateIncRoot
-# define TopInclude -I$(INCROOT)
-# else
-# define TopInclude /**/
-# endif
-# define TopInclude -I$(TOP)
- CDEBUGFLAGS = DefaultCDebugFlags
- CCOPTIONS = DefaultCCOptions /* to distinguish from param flags */
- * STD_INCLUDES contains system-specific includes
- * TOP_INCLUDES specifies how to get to /usr/include or its build substitute
- * EXTRA_INCLUDES contains project-specific includes set in project incfiles
- * INCLUDES contains client-specific includes set in Imakefile
- * LOCAL_LDFLAGS contains client-specific ld flags flags set in Imakefile
- */
-#if HasBrokenCCForLink
- CCLINK = LdCmd
-#if AlternateUsrLibDir && HasLdRunPath
- CCLINK = $(CC)
-#if AlternateUsrLibDir && HasLdRunPath
- DEPENDFLAGS = DependFlags
- MACROFILE = MacroFile
- RM_CMD = $(RM)
- IMAKE_DEFINES = /* leave blank, for command line use only */
-#ifdef UseInstalled
- IRULESRC = $(CONFIGDIR) /* used in rules file */
-#if !HasClearmake
- /* clearmake records relevant defines and flags in the build script,
- so it knows when they change and we don't need this coarser-level
- dependency. We also don't want it, since it prevents sharing if
- even one config file, say site.def or host.def, changes. */
- ICONFIGFILES = $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl $(IRULESRC)/X11.tmpl \
-#ifndef TopLevelProject
-# define TopLevelProject X11
-#ifndef ProjectRulesFile
-# define ProjectRulesFile Concat3(<,TopLevelProject,.rules>)
-#include ProjectRulesFile
-#ifndef LocalRulesFile
-/* need this to make ANSI-style preprocessors happy */
-#define LocalRulesFile
-#include LocalRulesFile
- * get project-specific configuration and rules
- */
-#ifndef ProjectTmplFile
-#define ProjectTmplFile Concat3(<,TopLevelProject,.tmpl>)
-#include ProjectTmplFile
-#ifndef LocalTmplFile
-/* need this to make ANSI-style preprocessors happy */
-#define LocalTmplFile
-#include LocalTmplFile
-#ifdef FixupLibReferences
-/* ConfigDir comes from X11.tmpl */
- CONFIGDIR = ConfigDir /* build configuration information */
-#if HasClearmake
- TOP_INCLUDES = TopIncludes
- PROJECT_DEFINES = ProjectDefines
-#if HasCplusplus
-CXXPROJECT_DEFINES = CplusplusProjectDefines
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM start of Imakefile
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit
- CPPOnlyCompile($*.c,$(_NOOP_))
- * These need to be here so that rules in Imakefile occur first; the blank
- * emptyrule is to make sure that an empty Imakefile does not default to make
- * clean.
- */
-#ifndef IHaveSpecialMakefileTarget
-#ifdef MakefileAdditions
-#ifdef IHaveSubdirs
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM rules for building in SUBDIRS - do not edit
-/* must be after all install.man rules that install anything */
-#if MakeManKeywords /* typically only at top level */
-install.man:: man_keywords
-#ifndef IHaveSubdirs
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM empty rules for directories that do not have SUBDIRS - do not edit
- @echo "install in $(CURRENT_DIR) done"
- @echo "install.man in $(CURRENT_DIR) done"
- @echo "install.linkkit in $(CURRENT_DIR) done"
-#endif /* if subdirectory rules are needed */
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM dependencies generated by makedepend
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Imakefile b/cde/config/cf/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e3056be..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/38 1996/11/07 14:43:46 kaleb $
-XCOMM Some compilers generate fatal errors if an -L directory does
-XCOMM not exist. Since BUILDLIBDIR may not exist yet suppress its use.
-#ifdef LocalConfigFiles
-LOCALFILES = LocalConfigFiles
-Imake.rules \
-Motif.rules \
-X11.rules \
-bsdLib.rules \
-cde.rules \
-hpLib.rules \
-ibmLib.rules \
-lnxLib.rules \
-necLib.rules \
-noop.rules \
-oldlib.rules \
-os2Lib.rules \
-sgiLib.rules \
-sunLib.rules \
-sv3Lib.rules \
-sv4Lib.rules \
-Imake.tmpl \
-Library.tmpl \
-Motif.tmpl \
-Server.tmpl \
-Threads.tmpl \
-WinLib.tmpl \
-X11.tmpl \
-bsdLib.tmpl \
-cde.tmpl \
-hpLib.tmpl \
-ibmLib.tmpl \
-lnxLib.tmpl \
-necLib.tmpl \
-os2Lib.tmpl \
-sgiLib.tmpl \
-sunLib.tmpl \
-sv3Lib.tmpl \
-sv4Lib.tmpl \
-Imake.cf \
-DGUX.cf \
-FreeBSD.cf \
-Mips.cf \
-NetBSD.cf \
-Oki.cf \
-bsd.cf \
-convex.cf \
-cray.cf \
-generic.cf \
-hp.cf \
-ibm.cf \
-isc.cf \
-linux.cf \
-luna.cf \
-mach.cf \
-minix.cf \
-moto.cf \
-ncr.cf \
-nec.cf \
-os2.cf \
-pegasus.cf \
-sequent.cf \
-sgi.cf \
-sony.cf \
-sun.cf \
-svr3.cf \
-svr4.cf \
-x386.cf \
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Library.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/Library.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 065c78e2c..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Library.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
- * Library imakefile info - this contains any special redefinitions, etc.
- * that Imakefiles in the various library subtrees will need.
- *
- * Before including this, you must set the following boolean variables:
- * DoNormalLib, DoSharedLib, DoDebugLib, DoProfileLib
- *
- * To get automatic generation of standard rules, also set the variables:
- * LibName, SoRev, HasSharedData, and optionally HugeLibrary and IncSubdir.
- *
- * To suppress installation of the library define LibInstall NO.
- * To suppress creating (and installing) the library define LibCreate NO.
- * To suppress installing headers define LibHeaders NO.
- * Define LargePICTable YES if large (32-bit) PIC tables are needed.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: Library.tmpl /main/44 1997/04/28 11:47:53 kaleb $
-#ifndef LibraryCplusplusOptions
-# if DoSharedLib && defined(SharedLibraryCplusplusOptions)
-# define LibraryCplusplusOptions SharedLibraryCplusplusOptions
-# else
-# define LibraryCplusplusOptions DefaultCplusplusOptions
-# endif
-#ifndef LibraryDefines
-# define LibraryDefines StandardDefines
-#ifndef LibraryCDebugFlags
-# define LibraryCDebugFlags DefaultCDebugFlags
-#ifndef LibraryCplusplusDebugFlags
-# define LibraryCplusplusDebugFlags DefaultCplusplusDebugFlags
-#ifndef SeparateSharedCompile
-# define SeparateSharedCompile YES
-#ifndef CplusplusSource
-# ifndef LibraryCcCmd
-# if DoSharedLib && defined(SharedLibraryCcCmd)
-# define LibraryCcCmd SharedLibraryCcCmd
-# else
-# define LibraryCcCmd CcCmd
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef LibraryCCOptions
-# if DoSharedLib && defined(SharedLibraryCCOptions)
-# define LibraryCCOptions SharedLibraryCCOptions
-# else
-# define LibraryCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-# endif
-# endif
- CC = LibraryCcCmd
- CCOPTIONS = LibraryCCOptions
-CDEBUGFLAGS = LibraryCDebugFlags
-# if defined(LargePICTable) && LargePICTable && defined(LargePositionIndependentCFlags)
- PICFLAGS = LargePositionIndependentCFlags
-# endif
-# ifndef LibraryCplusplusCmd
-# if DoSharedLib && defined(SharedLibraryCplusplusCmd)
-# define LibraryCplusplusCmd SharedLibraryCplusplusCmd
-# else
-# define LibraryCplusplusCmd CplusplusCmd
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef LibraryCplusplusOptions
-# if DoSharedLib && defined(SharedLibraryCplusplusOptions)
-# define LibraryCplusplusOptions SharedLibraryCplusplusOptions
-# else
-# define LibraryCplusplusOptions DefaultCplusplusOptions
-# endif
-# endif
- CXX = LibraryCplusplusCmd
- CXXOPTIONS = LibraryCplusplusOptions
-CXXDEBUGFLAGS = LibraryCplusplusDebugFlags
-# if defined(LargePICTable) && LargePICTable
-# ifdef LargePositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
- CXXPICFLAGS = LargePositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-# elif defined(LargePositionIndependentCFlags)
- CXXPICFLAGS = LargePositionIndependentCFlags
-# endif
-# endif
-LIB_MT_DEFINES = LibraryMTDefines
-#if defined(IHaveSubdirs) && HasSymLinks
-#define _LibMkdir LibMkdirLinkSubdirs
-#define _LibMkdir LibMkdir
-#if DoDebugLib
-# define _DebuggedLibMkdir() _LibMkdir(debugger)
-# define _DebuggedObjCompile(options) DebuggedLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _DebuggedObjCplusplusCompile(options) DebuggedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _DebuggedCleanDir() LibCleanDir(debugger)
-# define _DebuggedLibMkdir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _DebuggedObjCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _DebuggedObjCplusplusCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _DebuggedCleanDir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-#if DoProfileLib
-# define _ProfiledLibMkdir() _LibMkdir(profiled)
-# define _ProfiledObjCompile(options) ProfiledLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _ProfiledObjCplusplusCompile(options) ProfiledLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _ProfiledCleanDir() LibCleanDir(profiled)
-# define _ProfiledLibMkdir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _ProfiledObjCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _ProfiledObjCplusplusCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _ProfiledCleanDir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-#if !DoNormalLib
-# define _NormalLibMkdir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _NormalObjCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _NormalObjCplusplusCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _NormalCleanDir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# if DoSharedLib && SeparateSharedCompile
-# define _NormalLibMkdir() _LibMkdir(unshared)
-# define _NormalObjCompile(options) UnsharedLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _NormalObjCplusplusCompile(options) UnsharedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _NormalCleanDir() LibCleanDir(unshared)
-# else
-# define _NormalLibMkdir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _NormalObjCompile(options) NormalLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _NormalObjCplusplusCompile(options) NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _NormalCleanDir() $(_NULLCMD_)
-# endif
-#if !DoSharedLib || (DoNormalLib && !SeparateSharedCompile)
-# define _SharedObjCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# define _SharedObjCplusplusCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# if SeparateSharedCompile
-# define _SharedObjCompile(options) NormalSharedLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _SharedObjCplusplusCompile(options) NormalSharedLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _SharedObjCompile(options) NormalLibObjCompile(options)
-# define _SharedObjCplusplusCompile(options) NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-#ifndef CplusplusSource
-# define SRCsuf c
-# define SRCsuf CCsuf
-# ifdef SunArchitecture
-# endif
-#define _CompileObj(target, options) @@\
-target @@\
- _DebuggedObjCompile(options) @@\
- _ProfiledObjCompile(options) @@\
- _NormalObjCompile(options) @@\
- _SharedObjCompile(options)
-#ifdef CplusplusSource
-# define _CompileObjCplusplus(target, options) @@\
-target @@\
- _DebuggedObjCplusplusCompile(options) @@\
- _ProfiledObjCplusplusCompile(options) @@\
- _NormalObjCplusplusCompile(options) @@\
- _SharedObjCplusplusCompile(options)
-# define _CompileObjCplusplus(target, options)
-#ifndef LibraryObjectRule
-# define LibraryObjectRule() @@\
-all:: @@\
- _DebuggedLibMkdir() @@\
- _ProfiledLibMkdir() @@\
- _NormalLibMkdir() @@\
- @@\
-includes:: @@\
- _DebuggedLibMkdir() @@\
- _ProfiledLibMkdir() @@\
- _NormalLibMkdir() @@\
- @@\
-_CompileObj(.c.Osuf:,$(_NOOP_)) @@\
-_CompileObjCplusplus(.SRCsuf.Osuf:,$(_NOOP_)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- _DebuggedCleanDir() @@\
- _ProfiledCleanDir() @@\
- _NormalCleanDir() @@\
-#endif /* LibraryObjectRule */
-#ifndef SpecialLibObjectRule
-# define SpecialLibObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-_CompileObj(objs: depends,options)
-#endif /* SpecialLibObjectRule */
-#ifndef SpecialCLibObjectRule
-# define SpecialCLibObjectRule(basename,depends,options) @@\
-_CompileObj(basename.Osuf: basename.SRCsuf depends,options) @@\
- @@\
-basename.i: basename.SRCsuf depends @@\
- CPPOnlyCompile(basename.SRCsuf,options) @@\
- @@\
-CenterLoadTarget(debug_src,basename.SRCsuf,NullParameter,$(ALLDEFINES) options)
-#endif /* SpecialCLibObjectRule */
-#ifndef SpecialCplusplusLibObjectRule
-# define SpecialCplusplusLibObjectRule(basename,depends,options) @@\
-_CompileObjCplusplus(basename.Osuf: basename.SRCsuf depends,options) @@\
- @@\
-CenterLoadTarget(debug_src,basename.SRCsuf,NullParameter,$(ALLDEFINES) options)
-#endif /* SpecialCplusplusLibObjectRule */
- * ToolkitMakeStrings generates a string-table, i.e., a C source
- * file and the matching header(s), e.g., Xt's StringDefs.c, StringDefs.h,
- * and Shell.h files; or Motif's XmStrDefs.c and XmStrDefs.h files.
- *
- * The 'files' argument is the list of files that will be produced by
- * this rule, e.g., for Xt they would be "Shell.h StringDefs.c StringDefs.h"
- * and for Motif they would be "XmStrDefs.c XmStrDefs.h".
- *
- * The 'source' argument is the string-list file to be parsed, e.g., in
- * Xt that would be "util/string.list". For Motif 2.0 it would be
- * "../../tools/makestr/xmstring.list", and for Motif-CDE1 it would be
- * "util/xmstring.list".
- *
- * The 'options' argument is passed by the library's Imakefile, see the
- * Xt Imakefile for an example. Typically this would be nothing, -intelabi,
- * or -sparcabi; there are other choices, but these are typical.
- *
- * The 'depends' argument names additional files the target files
- * depend on. It should name the #ctmpl and #htmpl files from the
- * 'source' file.
- *
- * The 'dest' argument is the C source output file. For Xt this should
- * be "StringDefs.c", and for all versions of Motif it would be "XmStrDefs.c"
- *
- * Headers are generated and named according to data in the 'source'
- * file.
- */
- * The NoCmpScript
- * prevents clearmake from trying to remake makestrs if it exists.
- * Including both $(MAKESTRS) and $(MAKESTRS).o as primary targets
- * prevents clearmake from trying to recompile makestrs from here.
- * We have includes, not files, depend on makestrs to try to get
- * clearmake to wink in the files. Bug in clearmake 2.0.2?
- */
-#ifndef MakeStringsDependency
-# define MakeStringsDependency @@\
-MAKESTRS = $(CONFIGSRC)/util/makestrs @@\
-NoCmpScript(ProgramTargetName($(MAKESTRS)) $(MAKESTRS).Osuf) @@\
- @@\
-ProgramTargetName($(MAKESTRS)) $(MAKESTRS).Osuf: @@\
- cd $(CONFIGSRC)/util && $(MAKE) ProgramTargetName(makestrs) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: ProgramTargetName($(MAKESTRS))
-#ifndef ToolkitMakeStrings
-# if defined(LibTookitMakeStringsDependency) && LibTookitMakeStringsDependency
-# define ToolkitMakeStrings(files,source,options,depends,dest) @@\
-files: source depends @@\
- RemoveFiles(files) @@\
- RunProgram(MAKESTRS,options < source > dest) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(files) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: files @@\
- @@\
-depend:: files @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(files)
-# else
-# define ToolkitMakeStrings(files,source,options,depends,dest) @@\
-MakeStringsDependency @@\
- @@\
-files: source depends @@\
- RemoveFiles(files) @@\
- RunProgram(MAKESTRS,options < source > dest) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(files) @@\
- @@\
-includes:: files @@\
- @@\
-depend:: files @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(files)
-# endif
-#endif /* ToolkitMakeStrings */
-#ifdef LibName
-LIBNAME = LibName
-# if defined(LibTookitMakeStringsDependency) && LibTookitMakeStringsDependency
- * Do ToolkitMakeStrings() before BuildIncludes so makestrs is still
- * built first, even if the generated header will be installed.
- */
-# endif
-# undef _LinkBuildLibrary
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# define _LinkBuildLibrary(lib) LinkBuildLibrary(lib)
-# else
-# define _LinkBuildLibrary(lib) $(_NULLCMD_)
-# endif
-# if !defined(LibCreate) || LibCreate
-# if DoSharedLib
-# if HugeLibrary && defined(SharedLibraryTarget3)
-# else
-# endif
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# if HasSharedData
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# if DoNormalLib
-# if HugeLibrary
-# if DoSharedLib && SeparateSharedCompile
-# else
-# endif
-# else
-# if DoSharedLib && SeparateSharedCompile
-# else
-# endif
-# endif
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# endif
-# if DoProfileLib
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# endif
-# if DoDebugLib
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# endif
-# if !defined(LibInstall) || LibInstall
-# endif
-# else /* not LibCreate */
-# if HugeLibrary
-# else
-# endif
-# endif /* LibCreate */
-# ifdef IncSubdir
-# ifdef IncSubSubdir
-# else
-# endif
-# else
-# ifndef CplusplusSource
-# if !defined(LibHeaders) || LibHeaders
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-#endif /* defined(LibName) */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Mips.cf b/cde/config/cf/Mips.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2184acc..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Mips.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * Set version numbers before making makefiles.
- *
- * X11r5 only builds using the berkeley libraries and compiler. Make
- * sure your path includes /bsd43/bin before /bin/ or /usr/bin.
- */
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName RISCOS
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 50
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: Mips.cf /main/17 1996/09/28 16:06:25 rws $
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
- * Platform-specific parameters *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define UnalignedReferencesAllowed NO /* if arbitrary deref okay */
-#define HasBsearch NO
-#define MipsArchitecture
-#define MakeEnv -e
-#define DefaultCCOptions -signed -systype bsd43 -Olimit 2000 -Wf,-XNd8400,-XNp12000
-#define StandardDefines -DMips -DBSD43
-#define PostIncDir /usr/include/bsd43
-#define ExtraLibraries -lmld
-#define ArCmd ar clr
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DMips
-#define InstallCmd /etc/mipsinstall -f
-#define MakeCmd make MakeEnv
-#define DoRanlibCmd NO
-#define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
- * *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#define XmipsServer YES
- * *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#define SpecialMalloc NO
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 110
-#define ConstructMFLAGS NO /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
-#define DefaultUserPath /usr/net:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-#define DefaultSystemPath /usr/net:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-/* mips manuals are really complicated. This certainly won't work. */
-#define ManDirectoryRoot /man/cat
-#define ManSourcePath $(MANPATH)/man
-#define InstKmemFlags -g sys -m 2711
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Motif.rules b/cde/config/cf/Motif.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 24ee12adf..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Motif.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,725 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998 The Open Group, Inc.
- * the full copyright text.
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: Motif.rules /main/8 1999/03/22 15:12:48 mgreess $
-/* Note whether we are the top level project. */
-#ifndef SeenTopLevelProject
-# define SeenTopLevelProject YES
-# define MotifIsTopLevelProject YES
-# define MotifIsTopLevelProject NO
-/* Include the X11 project rules file. */
-/* Use the in-tree Motif by default. */
-#ifndef UseInstalledMotif
-# define UseInstalledMotif NO
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-# undef UseInstalledMotif
-# define UseInstalledMotif YES
-#ifndef ImportMotif
-# ifdef UseImports
-# define ImportMotif YES
-# else
-# define ImportMotif NO
-# endif
-#if UseInstalledMotif
-# undef ImportMotif
-# define ImportMotif NO
-#ifndef MSimpleProgramTarget
-#define MSimpleProgramTarget(program) @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: program.o $(DEPS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program
-#ifndef MSimpleUilTarget
-#define MSimpleUilTarget(program) @@\
-MSimpleProgramTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
- @@\
- * UILFLAGS contains site/vendor-specific flags
- * defined by UilFlags, which supposed to be set in *.cf or
- * site.def files.
- * LOCAL_UILFLAGS(_n) contains client-specific uil flags set in Imakefile
- */
-#ifndef MSimpleUidTarget
-#define MSimpleUidTarget(program) @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: program.uil $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MSimpleUidSubdirTarget
-#define MSimpleUidSubdirTarget(program,subdir) @@\
-AllTarget(subdir/program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-subdir/program.uid: subdir/program.uil $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CLIENTENVSETUP) $(UIL) $(UILFLAGS) $(LOCAL_UILFLAGS) -o $@ subdir/program.uil $(UIL_INCLUDES) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNamedTarget(install,subdir/program.uid,$(INSTDATFLAGS),$(UIDDIR)/subdir,program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) subdir/program.uid
-#ifndef MSimpleUidLocaleTarget
-#define MSimpleUidLocaleTarget(program,locale) @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: program.uil $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(LIBDIR)/locale/uid) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_1
-#define MComplexUidTarget_1(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS1) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_2
-#define MComplexUidTarget_2(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS2) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_3
-#define MComplexUidTarget_3(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS3) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_4
-#define MComplexUidTarget_4(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS4) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_5
-#define MComplexUidTarget_5(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS5) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_6
-#define MComplexUidTarget_6(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS6) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_7
-#define MComplexUidTarget_7(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS7) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_8
-#define MComplexUidTarget_8(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS8) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_9
-#define MComplexUidTarget_9(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS9) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexUidTarget_10
-#define MComplexUidTarget_10(program) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program.uid) @@\
- @@\
-program.uid: $(UILS10) $(DEPUIL) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-InstallNonExecFile(program.uid,$(UIDDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program.uid
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget
-#define MComplexProgramTarget(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS),$(OBJS),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @echo To install documentation for $(PROGRAM), consult the Release Notes @@\
- @echo and/or README file in the current directory. @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_1
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) @@\
- SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget($(PROGRAMS)) @@\
- @@\
-program: $(OBJS1) $(DEPLIBS1) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS1) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS1),$(OBJS1),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @echo To install documentation for $(PROGRAMS), consult the Release Notes @@\
- @echo and/or README file in the current directory. @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_2
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_2(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
-program: $(OBJS2) $(DEPLIBS2) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS2) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS2),$(OBJS2),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_3
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_3(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_3 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS3) $(DEPLIBS3) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS3) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS3),$(OBJS3),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_4
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_4(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_4 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS4) $(DEPLIBS4) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS4) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS4),$(OBJS4),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_5
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_5(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_5 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS5) $(DEPLIBS5) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS5) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS5),$(OBJS5),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_6
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_6(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_6 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS6) $(DEPLIBS6) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS6) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS6),$(OBJS6),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_7
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_7(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_7 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS7) $(DEPLIBS7) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS7) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS7),$(OBJS7),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_8
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_8(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_8 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS8) $(DEPLIBS8) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS8) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS8),$(OBJS8),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef MComplexProgramTarget_9
-#define MComplexProgramTarget_9(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM_9 = program @@\
-program: $(OBJS9) $(DEPLIBS9) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CCLINK) -o $@ $(LDOPTIONS) $(OBJS9) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS9),$(OBJS9),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-#ifndef TestPPTarget
-#define TestPPTarget(root) @@\
-all:: root.Scr root.Dat @@\
- @@\
-root.Dat: root.dat @@\
- $(RM) root.Dat @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.dat @@\
-root.Scr: root.scr @@\
- $(RM) root.Scr @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.scr
-#ifndef TestPPTarget
-#define TestPPTarget(root) @@\
-all:: root.Dat @@\
- @@\
-root.Dat: root.dat @@\
- $(RM) root.Dat @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.dat
-#ifndef TestPPTargetScr
-#define TestPPTargetScr(root) @@\
-all:: root.Scr @@\
- @@\
-root.Scr: root.scr @@\
- $(RM) root.Scr @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.scr
-#ifndef TestPPTargetScr
-#define TestPPTargetScr(root) /**/
-#ifndef TestPPTargetDat
-#define TestPPTargetDat(root) @@\
-all:: root.Dat @@\
- @@\
-root.Dat: root.dat @@\
- $(RM) root.Dat @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.dat
-#ifndef TestPPTargetDat
-#define TestPPTargetDat(root) @@\
-all:: root.Dat @@\
- @@\
-root.Dat: root.dat @@\
- $(RM) root.Dat @@\
- $(COMMONPP) $(DEFINES) root.dat
-#ifndef RunTarget
-#define RunTarget() @@\
-all:: RUN @@\
- @@\
-RUN: always @@\
- @@\
-always: @@\
- $(RM) RUN
-#ifdef UseVista
-#ifndef RunTarget
-#define RunTarget() @@\
-all:: RUN @@\
- @@\
-RUN: always @@\
- @@\
-always: @@\
- $(RM) RUN
-#ifdef UsePurify
-#ifndef RunTarget
-#define RunTarget() @@\
-all:: RUN @@\
- @@\
-RUN: always @@\
- @@\
-always: @@\
- $(RM) RUN
-#ifndef RunTarget
-#define RunTarget() @@\
-all:: RUN @@\
- @@\
-RUN: always @@\
- @@\
-always: @@\
-#ifdef UseVista
-#ifndef VistaMapRule
-#define VistaMapRule(targetmap,depend) @@\
-all:: targetmap @@\
- @@\
-targetmap: depend @@\
- $(RM) $(MTOP)/tests/Vista/targetmap @@\
- CATCMD *.M > $(MTOP)/tests/Vista/targetmap
-#ifndef ComplexVistaMapRule
-#define ComplexVistaMapRule(program,filelist) @@\
-all:: program.M @@\
- @@\
-program.M: filelist @@\
- $(RM) program.vista.tmpfile @@\
- touch program.vista.tmpfile @@\
- @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; @@\
- @for i in filelist; do \ @@\
- cat `basename $$i .o`.M >> program.vista.tmpfile ; done @@\
- $(RM) program.M @@\
- $(MV) program.vista.tmpfile program.M @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) *.M
-/* Rule for making shadow trees. */
-#ifndef MakeShadowTree
-#define MakeShadowTree(name,dirs) @@\
-all:: @@\
- @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; @@\
- MakeDir(name) @@\
- @for i in dirs; \ @@\
- do if [ -d $$i/name ]; then \ @@\
- exit 0; else set -x; mkdir $$i/name; fi \ @@\
- done @@\
- @for i in dirs; \ @@\
- do if [ -r name/$$i ]; then \ @@\
- set +x; \ @@\
- else (set -x; $(LN) ../$$i/name name/$$i); fi \@@\
- done
-#ifdef BuildPlusPlus
-/* Rules for C++ */
- * "CPlusPlusObjectCompile" - compile fragment for a normal C++ object file
-#ifndef CPlusPlusObjectCompile
-#define CPlusPlusObjectCompile(options) $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.cxx
-#ifndef CPlusPlusObjectRule
-#define CPlusPlusObjectRule() @@\
-.SUFFIXES: .cxx @@\
- @@\
-.cxx.o: @@\
- CPlusPlusObjectCompile($(_NOOP_))
-#endif /* CPlusPlusObjectRule */
-#ifndef MCPlusPlusSimpleProgramTarget
-#define MCPlusPlusSimpleProgramTarget(program) @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: program.o $(DEPS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) program
-#ifndef MCPlusPlusComplexProgramTarget
-#define MCPlusPlusComplexProgramTarget(program,locallib,syslib) @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- $(CXXLINK) -o $@ $(CXXLDOPTIONS) $(OBJS) locallib $(CXXLIBS) $(LDLIBS) syslib $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) @@\
- @@\
-CenterProgramTarget(program,$(SRCS),$(OBJS),locallib,syslib) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,$(BINDIR)) @@\
- @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @echo To install documentation for $(PROGRAM), consult the Release Notes @@\
- @echo and/or README file in the current directory. @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
-#endif /* BuildPlusPlus */
-/* Rules for message catalog building */
-#ifndef Real_MessageCatalogRule
-#define Real_MessageCatalogRule(prefix) @@\
-prefix.cat Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h): @@\
- $(RM) Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h) prefix.cat $(MLOCSRC)/C/msg/prefix.msg @@\
- $(MKCATTOOL) Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h) prefix.msg > $(MLOCSRC)/C/msg/prefix.msg @@\
- $(GENCAT) prefix.cat $(MLOCSRC)/C/msg/prefix.msg @@\
- @@\
-includes:: prefix.cat Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: prefix.cat Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h) @@\
- @@\
-all:: prefix.cat @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) prefix.cat Concat(prefix,MsgCatI.h)
-#define Stub_MessageCatalogRule(prefix) /**/
-/* The X BuildLibDir is now an import, not an export. */
-#if UseImports || ImportX11
-# ifndef XBuildLibDir
-# define XBuildLibDir $(TOP)/imports/x11/lib
-# endif
-/* Search the Motif ProjectRoot too if it is different. */
-#ifdef MotifProjectRoot
-# define MUsrLibDirPath Concat($(MPROJECTROOT)/lib,:XUsrLibDirPath)
-# define MUsrLibDirPath XUsrLibDirPath
-#ifdef UsrLibDirPath
-# undef UsrLibDirPath
-#define UsrLibDirPath MUsrLibDirPath
-#if ImportMotif
-# define MLdPreLibs -L$(MLIBSRC)
-#elif defined(UseInstalledMotif) && defined(MotifProjectRoot)
-# define MLdPreLibs -L$(MPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define MLdPreLibs /**/
-#ifdef LdPreLibs
-# undef LdPreLibs
-#define LdPreLibs LdPreLib MLdPreLibs XLdPreLibs
-#ifdef LdPostLibs
-# undef LdPostLibs
-#ifdef MotifProjectRoot
-# define MLdPostLibs -L$(MPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define MLdPostLibs /**/
-#define LdPostLibs LdPostLib MLdPostLibs XLdPostLibs
-#ifdef TopIncludes
-# undef TopIncludes
-#define TopIncludes TopInclude $(TOP_MOTIF_INCLUDES) $(TOP_X_INCLUDES)
-#if UseInstalledMotif && defined(MotifProjectRoot)
-# define MotifBuildLibPath $(MPROJECTROOT)/lib
-#elif UseInstalledMotif
-# define MotifBuildLibPath $(USRLIBDIR)
-#elif ImportMotif
-# define MotifBuildLibPath $(MLIBSRC)
-# define MotifBuildLibPath $(TOP)/exports/lib
-#ifdef BuildLibPath
-# undef BuildLibPath
-#ifdef SystemBuildLibPath
-# define BuildLibPath $(MOTIFENVLIBDIR):$(XENVLIBDIR)
-#ifndef MotifProjectDefines
-# define MotifProjectDefines MotifDefines MessageCatalogDefines
-#ifdef ProjectDefines
-# undef ProjectDefines
-#define ProjectDefines X11ProjectDefines MotifProjectDefines
-#ifndef MotifCplusplusProjectDefines
-# define MotifCplusplusProjectDefines MotifProjectDefines
-#ifdef CplusplusProjectDefines
-# undef CplusplusProjectDefines
-#define CplusplusProjectDefines \
- X11CplusplusProjectDefines MotifCplusplusProjectDefines
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Motif.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/Motif.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec413878..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Motif.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998 The Open Group, Inc.
- * the full copyright text.
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: Motif.tmpl /main/6 1999/05/19 17:00:05 mgreess $
-/* Include the X11 project template file. */
-# ifndef Automation
-# define Automation YES
-# endif
-# ifndef UseVista
-# define UseVista
-# endif
-# ifndef CATCMD
-# define CATCMD cat
-# endif
-#ifdef USE_PURIFY
-# ifndef UsePurify
-# define UsePurify
-# endif
-# ifndef DebugGeometry
-# define DebugGeometry YES
-# endif
-#ifndef _MUse
-# if UseInstalledMotif
-# define _MUse(a,b) a
-# else
-# define _MUse(a,b) b
-# endif
-#ifndef _MUseCat
-# if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-# if UseInstalledMotif
-# define _MUseCat(a,b,c) a##c
-# else
-# define _MUseCat(a,b,c) b##c
-# endif
-# else
-# if UseInstalledMotif
-# define _MUseCat(a,b,c) a/**/c
-# else
-# define _MUseCat(a,b,c) b/**/c
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef MTop
-# if ImportMotif || UseInstalledMotif
-# define MTop $(TOP)/imports/motif
-# else
-# define MTop $(TOP)
-# endif
-#ifndef BuildDocDir
-# define BuildDocDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/doc
-#ifndef BuildLocDir
-# define BuildLocDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/localized
-#ifndef MotifDefines
-# define MotifDefines /**/
-#ifndef XmDefines
-# define XmDefines /**/
-#ifndef MwmDefines
-# define MwmDefines /**/
-#ifndef UilFlags
-# define UilFlags /**/
-#ifndef TestDefines
-# define TestDefines /**/
-#ifndef AutoDefines
-# if Automation
-# define AutoDefines -DAUTOMATION
-# else
-# define AutoDefines /**/
-# endif
-#ifndef AutoIncludes
-# if Automation
-# define AutoIncludes -I$(AUTOSCRIPTSRC)
-# else
-# define AutoIncludes /**/
-# endif
-#ifdef UsePurify
-# define PurifyFilesToClean *.pure_linkinfo *.pure_hardlink
-# define PurifyFilesToClean
-#if Automation
-# define TestExtraFilesToClean *.Dat *.Scr PurifyFilesToClean
-# define TestExtraFilesToClean *.Dat PurifyFilesToClean
-#ifndef UsrIncDir
-# define UsrIncDir IncRoot
-/* Place to install .uid files */
-#ifndef UidDir
-# define UidDir $(LIBDIR)/uid
-#ifndef XmExtraLibraries
-# define XmExtraLibraries /**/
-#ifndef YaccFlags
-# define YaccFlags /**/
-#define MotifSharedRev 2.1
-#ifndef BuildMotifConfig
-# define BuildMotifConfig YES
-#ifndef BuildMotifDemos
-# define BuildMotifDemos YES
-#ifndef BuildWMLTable
-# define BuildWMLTable YES
-#ifndef SharedLibXm
-# define SharedLibXm HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXm
-# define NormalLibXm (!SharedLibXm | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXm
-# define DebugLibXm NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibXm
-# define ProfileLibXm NO
-#ifndef SharedXmRev
-# define SharedXmRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibMrm
-# define SharedLibMrm HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibMrm
-# define NormalLibMrm (!SharedLibMrm | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibMrm
-# define DebugLibMrm NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibMrm
-# define ProfileLibMrm NO
-#ifndef SharedMrmRev
-# define SharedMrmRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibUil
-# define SharedLibUil HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibUil
-# define NormalLibUil (!SharedLibUil | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibUil
-# define DebugLibUil NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibUil
-# define ProfileLibUil NO
-#ifndef SharedUilRev
-# define SharedUilRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibACommon
-# define SharedLibACommon HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibACommon
-# define NormalLibACommon (!SharedLibACommon | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibACommon
-# define DebugLibACommon NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibACommon
-# define ProfileLibACommon NO
-#ifndef SharedACommonRev
-# define SharedACommonRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibScript
-# define SharedLibScript HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibScript
-# define NormalLibScript (!SharedLibScript | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibScript
-# define DebugLibScript NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibScript
-# define ProfileLibScript NO
-#ifndef SharedScriptRev
-# define SharedScriptRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibUtil
-# define SharedLibUtil HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibUtil
-# define NormalLibUtil (!SharedLibUtil | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibUtil
-# define DebugLibUtil NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibUtil
-# define ProfileLibUtil NO
-#ifndef SharedUtilRev
-# define SharedUtilRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibCreate
-# define SharedLibCreate HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibCreate
-# define NormalLibCreate (!SharedLibCreate | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibCreate
-# define DebugLibCreate NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibCreate
-# define ProfileLibCreate NO
-#ifndef SharedCreateRev
-# define SharedCreateRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibVisual
-# define SharedLibVisual HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibVisual
-# define NormalLibVisual (!SharedLibVisual | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibVisual
-# define DebugLibVisual NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibVisual
-# define ProfileLibVisual NO
-#ifndef SharedVisualRev
-# define SharedVisualRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibSynth
-# define SharedLibSynth HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibSynth
-# define NormalLibSynth (!SharedLibSynth | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibSynth
-# define DebugLibSynth NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibSynth
-# define ProfileLibSynth NO
-#ifndef SharedSynthRev
-# define SharedSynthRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibMCommon
-# define SharedLibMCommon HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibMCommon
-# define NormalLibMCommon (!SharedLibMCommon | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibMCommon
-# define DebugLibMCommon NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibMCommon
-# define ProfileLibMCommon NO
-#ifndef SharedMCommonRev
-# define SharedMCommonRev MotifSharedRev
-#ifndef XmClientLibs
-# define XmClientLibs $(XMLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(XMEXTRA_LIBS)
-#ifndef XmClientDepLibs
-# define XmClientDepLibs $(DEPXMLIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB)
-#ifndef MrmClientLibs
-#ifndef MrmClientDepLibs
-#ifndef UilClientLibs
-#ifndef UilClientDepLibs
-#ifndef TestClientLibs
-# define TestClientLibs $(PURIFYLIBS) $(TESTCOMLIB) \
-#ifndef TestUilClientLibs
-# define TestUilClientLibs $(PURIFYLIBS) $(TESTUILCOMLIB) $(TESTCOMLIB) \
-#ifndef TestClientDepLibs
-# define TestClientDepLibs XmClientDepLibs
-#ifndef TestUilClientDepLibs
-# define TestUilClientDepLibs UilClientDepLibs
-/* hardcoded default path. Contrary to the original duplicate of USRLIBDIR
- in the Imakefiles. */
-#ifndef VirtualBindingsPath
-# define VirtualBindingsPath /usr/lib/Xm/bindings
- MTOP = MTop
-#if defined(UseInstalled) || (UseInstalledMotif && UseInstalledX11)
-#ifdef BuildLibPathVar
- MOTIFENVLIBDIR = MotifBuildLibPath
-/* Message catalog usage */
-#ifndef GencatCmd
-# define GencatCmd gencat
-#ifndef GencatFlags
-# define GencatFlags /**/
-#if defined(NoMessageCatalog)
-# define BuildMessageCatalog NO
-# define MessageCatalogDefines -DNO_MESSAGE_CATALOG
-# define BuildMessageCatalog YES
-# define MessageCatalogDefines /**/
-#ifndef MessageCatalogRule
-# if BuildMessageCatalog
-# define MessageCatalogRule(prefix) Real_MessageCatalogRule(prefix)
-# else
-# define MessageCatalogRule(prefix) Stub_MessageCatalogRule(prefix)
-# endif
- UIDDIR = UidDir
- TESTSRC = $(MTOP)/tests
-#ifdef DebugLib
-#ifdef DebugGeometry
-#ifdef Automation
- AUTOEXTRALIBS = -ll -ly -lm
-/* MTOOLKITSRC should be removed */
-#if ImportMotif || UseInstalledMotif
- MDOCSRC = $(MTOP)/doc
- MLOCSRC = $(MTOP)/localized
- MLOCSRC = $(MTOP)/exports/localized
-#if defined(TopMotifInclude)
- MINCLUDESRC = TopMotifInclude
-#elif ImportMotif || UseInstalledMotif
- MINCLUDESRC = $(MTOP)/include
- MINCLUDESRC = $(MTOP)/exports/include
- MLIBSRC = $(MTOP)/lib
- MCLIENTSRC = $(MTOP)/clients
- MDEMOSRC = $(MTOP)/demos
-#ifdef MotifProjectRoot
- MPROJECTROOT = MotifProjectRoot
- UIL = _MUse(uil,$(UILSRC)/uil)
- DEPUIL = _MUseCat($(BINDIR),$(UILSRC),/uil)
- XMEXTRA_LIBS = XmExtraLibraries
-/* These libraries use UseInstalledMotif instead of UseInstalled. */
-#undef _Use
-#undef _UseCat
-#define _Use _MUse
-#define _UseCat _MUseCat
-#ifndef MBuildLibDir
-# define MBuildLibDir BuildLibDir
-#if SharedLibXm
-#if SharedLibMrm
-#if SharedLibUil
-#ifdef DebugGeometry
-#if Automation
-# if SharedLibACommon
-# else
-# endif
-# if SharedLibScript
-# else
-# endif
-# if SharedLibSynth
-# else
-# endif
-# if SharedLibCreate
-# else
-# endif
-# if SharedLibVisual
-# else
-# endif
-# if SharedLibUtil
-# else
-# endif
-#else /* Manual */
-# if SharedLibMCommon
-# else
-# endif
-#endif /* Automation */
-/* Revert to the normal library rules. */
-#undef _Use
-#undef _UseCat
-#define _Use _XUse
-#define _UseCat _XUseCat
-#ifdef UsePurify
- PURIFYLIBS = $(PURIFYHOME)/purify_stubs.a
- LINTUILLIB = $(UILSRC)/llib-lUil.ln
- YACCFLAGS = YaccFlags
- UILFLAGS = UilFlags
- GENCATFLAGS = GencatFlags
- MKCATTOOL = $(TOP)/programs/localized/util/mkcatdefs
- RM_CMD = $(RM) FilesToClean ExtraFilesToClean TestExtraFilesToClean
-#if NeedDefaultDepLibs
-# if HasSharedLibraries || defined(UseInstalled)
-# else
-# endif
-#endif /* NeedDefaultDepLibs */
-/* check for existence of Dtinfo Motif Documents */
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
- MOTIF_DOC = $(shell if test -f $(MDOCSRC)/C/guides/bookcase.bc; then echo -D_MOTIFDOC_; fi)
-#elif defined(SunArchitecture)
- MOTIF_DOC :sh = if test -f ../imports/motif/doc/C/guides/bookcase.bc; then echo -D_MOTIFDOC_; else echo; fi
-#elif defined(BSDArchitecture)
- MOTIF_DOC != if test -f $(MDOCSRC)/C/guides/bookcase.bc; then echo -D_MOTIFDOC_; else echo; fi
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/NetBSD.cf b/cde/config/cf/NetBSD.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d6c11ff..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/NetBSD.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: NetBSD.cf /main/16 1996/10/31 14:47:14 kaleb $
-XCOMM platform: $XFree86: xc/config/cf/NetBSD.cf,v 3.44 1996/10/23 13:07:55 dawes Exp $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-/* 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C */
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor /**/
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#define LibDir /usr/X11R7/lib/X11
-#define UsrLibDir /usr/X11R7/lib
-#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/X11R7/man
-#define FontDir /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts
-#define FontEncDir /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/encodings
- * C library features
- */
-#if defined(NetBSDArchitecture) && (OsMajorVersion == 1 && OsMinorVersion >= 2)
-# define HasPoll YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasSnprintf YES
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull NO
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define DBMLibrary /**/
-#ifndef HasLibCrypt
-# define HasLibCrypt YES
-#ifndef HasShm
-# if OSMajorVersion == 0 && OSMinorVersion == 9 && OSTeenyVersion == 2
- * Shm memory was removed in 0.9B because it was encumbered.
- * A free version was added in 0.9C
- */
-# define HasShm NO
-# else
-# define HasShm YES
-# endif
-#define HasWChar32 YES
- * There's a bug in NetBSD 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 dlsym()
- */
-#if OSMajorVersion == 1 && OSMinorVersion <= 2
-# define HasDlsymBug YES
- * Compiler Features
- */
-#undef HasGcc
-#define HasGcc YES
-#define HasGcc2 YES
-#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus YES
-#define GccUsesGas YES
-#define UseGas YES
-#define GnuCpp YES
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedFunctionPrototypes YES
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedWidePrototypes NO
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#define PerlCmd /usr/pkg/bin/perl
-#define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp
-#define StandardCppDefines -traditional
-#define PreProcessCmd CppCmd
-#define PreIncDir /usr/include
-#undef CcCmd
-#define CcCmd gcc
-#if UseInstalled
-#define DefaultCCOptions /**/
-#define DefaultCCOptions -pipe
-#define CplusplusLibC -lm -lstdc++
-#define GccGasOption -DGCCUSESGAS
-#define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-# if OSMajorVersion < 1
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DXNO_SYSCONF
-# else
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-# endif
-# if OSMajorVersion == 1 && OSMinorVersion >= 1 || OSMajorVersion >= 2
-# define ServerExtraSysLibs -li386
-# endif
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-# if defined(SparcArchitecture)
-# define ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# else
-# define ServerOSDefines /**/
-# endif
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-# ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DPCCONS_SUPPORT -DPCVT_SUPPORT
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption
-#define StandardDefines -DCSRG_BASED
-#if OSMajorVersion > 0
-# ifndef BuildDynamicLoading
-# define BuildDynamicLoading YES
-# endif
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-#define ExtraLibraries /**/
-#ifndef UseGnuMalloc
-# define UseGnuMalloc YES
-#ifndef GnuMallocLibrary
-#define GnuMallocLibrary -lgnumalloc
- * Make & install Features
- */
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) @@# dependencies are in .depend
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define StripInstalledPrograms YES
-#define CompressAllFonts YES
-#define DefaultUserPath .:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define DefaultSystemPath /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#ifdef InstallCmd
-# undef InstallCmd
-# define InstallCmd /usr/bin/install
-#ifndef ExtraFilesToClean
-# define ExtraFilesToClean *.core
- * Documentation formatting
- */
-#define NeqnCmd neqn -Tlatin1
-#define EqnCmd eqn -Tps
-#define TroffCmd groff -Tps
-#define M4Cmd /usr/bin/m4
- * To use the NetBSD Aperture driver
- */
-#if defined(i386Architecture)
-#ifndef HasNetBSDApertureDrv
-#define HasNetBSDApertureDrv NO
-#define MakeHasPosixVariableSubstitutions YES
- * ForceSubdirs - force make to build subdirectories
- *
- * For BSD 4.4 make
- */
-#define ForceSubdirs(dirs) @@\
-dirs: .EXEC @@\
- @cd $@ ; echo "making all in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$@..."; \ @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) PassCDebugFlags all @@\
- @@\
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# include
- * Definitions for the SUN server on NetBSD/sparc
- */
-#ifdef SparcArchitecture
-#ifndef Xsun24Server
-#define Xsun24Server NO
-#ifndef XsunServer
-#define XsunServer YES
-#ifndef XsunMonoServer
-#define XsunMonoServer YES
-#ifndef BuildScreenSaverLibrary
-#define BuildScreenSaverLibrary YES
- * XFree86 uses its own (more portable) database routines to speed up
- * the RGB database lookups
- * However, if you want to use ndbm anyway, you can set that to NO in
- * site.def
- */
-#ifndef UseRgbTxt
-#define UseRgbTxt YES
- * Definition for compiling on MIPS machines
- */
-#ifdef MipsArchitecture
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -x -shared --whole-archive -soname `echo $@ |
-sed 's/\.[0-9]*$$//'`
-#define SharedXtReqs $(XLIBONLY) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB)
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-#ifdef AMD64Architecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#ifdef ARMArchitecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
- * Generic settings for all architectures
- * which can be overridden by architecture specific sections above
- */
-#ifdef HasGcc2
-CXXDEPENDINCLUDE != CppCmd -x c++ -Wp,-v < /dev/null \
- 2>&1 | sed -n 's/ \(.*[cg]++.*\)/-I\1/p'
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes $(CXXDEPENDINCLUDE)
-#ifndef StandardIncludes
-# define StandardIncludes -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/local/include
-#ifndef MTop
-#define MTop $(TOP)/imports/motif
-#ifndef TopMotifInclude
-# define TopMotifInclude /usr/pkg/include
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH):$(CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP)/lib
-#ifndef SharedTtReqs
-# define SharedTtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#ifndef SharedDtSvcReqs
-# define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#ifndef SharedDtHelpReqs
-# define SharedDtHelpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(ICONVSYSLIB) SharedXReqs -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#ifndef SharedCsaReqs
-# define SharedCsaReqs -lXt $(LDPOSTLIBS) -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#ifndef KornShell
-#define KornShell /usr/pkg/bin/ksh93
-#if !defined(HasPamLibrary)
-XCOMM need to install pam-pwauth_suid package for this to work
-#define HasPamLibrary YES
-#if !defined(PamAuthenticationModule)
-#define PamAuthenticationModule /usr/pkg/lib/security/pam_pwauth_suid.so
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Oki.cf b/cde/config/cf/Oki.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index d51766b29..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Oki.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: Oki.cf /main/16 1996/09/28 16:06:53 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Unix System V/860 Release 4.0 Version 3
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion 3
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DOki
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define HasLdRunPath YES
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define PatheticCpp YES
-#define CcCmd /usr/bin/cc
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4 -Di860
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Xa
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/OpenBSD.cf b/cde/config/cf/OpenBSD.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 68a79f2a0..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/OpenBSD.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XFree86: xc/config/cf/OpenBSD.cf,v 3.100 2004/01/08 22:51:41 herrb Exp $
-XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/OpenBSD.cf,v 1.11 2005/06/15 20:03:51 idr Exp $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName OSBinaryType
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor /**/
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
-#ifdef Ports
-#define BinDir /usr/local/bin
-#define LibDir /usr/local/lib/X11
-#define UsrLibDir /usr/local/lib
-#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/local/man
-#define FontDir /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts
-#define FontEncDir /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/encodings
-#define LdPreLib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-#define XpmLibDir /usr/X11R6/lib
-#define XpmIncDir /usr/X11R6/include
-#define ConfigDir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
-#define IncRoot /usr/local/include
-#define TopXInclude -I/usr/X11R6/include
-#define ImakeCmd imake -DPorts
-#define DocDir /usr/local/share/doc
-#define BuildHtmlManPages NO
- * C library features
- */
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasSnprintf YES
-#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 4 || OSMajorVersion >= 3
-# define HasStrlcat YES
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull NO
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define DBMLibrary /**/
-#define HasLibCrypt NO
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define HasMkstemp YES
-#define HasSetProcTitle YES
-#define HasZlib YES
-#ifndef HasLibpng
-# define HasLibpng NO
-#ifndef HasKrbIV
-# if OSMajorVersion == 2 || OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion < 3
-# define HasKrbIV YES
-# if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion <= 8
-# define KrbIVLibraries -lkrb -lkafs -ldes
-# endif
-# else
- /* Kerberos IV was removed after OpenBSD 3.3 */
-# define HasKrbIV NO
-# endif
-#define HasUsableFileMmap YES
-#define HasShadowPasswd NO
-#define IPv6SocketsAlsoIPv4 NO
-#define HasArc4Random YES
-#define HasNCurses YES
-#define NCursesLibName -lcurses
-#if defined(TermcapLibrary)
-#undef TermcapLibrary
-#define TermcapLibrary -lcurses
-#define HasVarRun YES
-#define HasVarDb YES
-#define VarLibDir VarDbDirectory
-#define InstallXloadSetGID NO
-#ifndef HasIssetugid
-# if (OSMajorVersion >= 2)
-# define HasIssetugid YES
-# endif
-#ifndef HasMktemp
-# if (OSMajorVersion > 2) || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 1)
-# define HasMktemp YES
-# else
-# define HasMktemp NO
-# endif
-/* OpenBSD >= 2.7 has getifaddrs() */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 7)
-#define HasGetIfAddrs YES
-/* OpenBSD >= 2.8 has setusercontext() */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 7)
-#define HasSetUserContext YES
-/* OpenBSD after 2.9 has BSD authentication */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 9)
-# define HasBSDAuth YES
-#define HasXdmAuth YES
-/* OpenBSD 3.0 and later has getpeereid() */
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 3
-# define HasGetpeereid YES
-/* OpenBSD 3.0 has APM with kqueue interface */
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 3
-# define HasApmKqueue YES
-/* OpenBSD 3.0 has libusb, next versions have libusbhid */
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 3
-# define HasLibUsb YES
-# ifndef HasLibUsbHid
-# if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 0 || OSMajorVersion > 3
-# define HasLibUsbHid YES
-# define UsbHidLib -lusbhid
-# else
-# define HasLibUsbHid NO
-# define UsbHidLib -lusb
-# endif
-# endif
- * Compiler Features
- */
-#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus YES
-#define GccUsesGas YES
-#define UseGas YES
-#define GnuCpp YES
-#define UseGnuMalloc NO
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedFunctionPrototypes YES
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedWidePrototypes NO
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#ifndef CppCmd
-#define CppCmd /usr/libexec/cpp -traditional
-#define StandardCppOptions -traditional
-#define PreProcessCmd CppCmd
-#define PreIncDir DefaultGccIncludeDir
-#if OSMajorVersion > 6 || (OSMajorVersion == 6 && OSMinorVersion >= 2)
-#define CcCmd cc
-#define CplusplusCmd c++
-#define CppArgs -Wno-invalid-pp-token
-#define CcCmd gcc
-#define CplusplusCmd g++
-#define CppArgs /**/
-#ifndef StandardCppDefines
-#define StandardCppDefines -traditional CppArgs
-#ifndef AsCmd
-#define AsCmd cc -c -x assembler
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#if defined(UseInstalled)
- /* conform to OpenBSD's habits */
-# define DefaultCCOptions $(COPTS)
-# ifdef PpcArchitecture
-# define DefaultCCOptions -pipe -fsigned-char GccWarningOptions
-# else
-# define DefaultCCOptions -pipe GccWarningOptions
-# endif
-#define GccGasOption -DGCCUSESGAS
-#define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS
-/* UseElfFormat defaults to YES if __ELF__ set */
-#ifndef UseElfFormat
-# ifdef __ELF__
-# undef __ELF__ /* other imake files shouldn't care */
-# define UseElfFormat YES
-# else
-# define UseElfFormat NO
-# endif
- * Increment shared libraries major numbers if using Gcc Stack Protector
- * (This introduces an ABI change)
- */
-#ifndef OverrideShlibRevs
-# define OverrideShlibRevs ProPoliceSupport
-#define AdmDir /var/log
-#define HasFlex YES
-/* OpenBSD doesn't have gperf in the base install */
-#define DontRebuildGperfOutput YES
- * Make & install Features
- */
-#define HasBsdMake YES
-#define BuildCyrillicFonts YES
-#define GzipFontCompression YES
-#define DefaultUserPath /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define DefaultSystemPath /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define InstUidFlags -m 4755
-#ifdef InstallCmd
-# undef InstallCmd
-# define InstallCmd /usr/bin/install
-#ifndef ExtraFilesToClean
-# define ExtraFilesToClean *.core
- * Documentation formatting
- */
-#ifdef Ports
-# define NroffCmd /usr/local/bin/nroff -Tascii -c
-# define TroffCmd /usr/local/bin/nroff -Tps
-# define HTMLroffCmd /usr/local/bin/nroff -Thtml
-# define NeqnCmd /usr/local/bin/neqn -Tascii
-# define EqnCmd /usr/local/bin/eqn -Tps
-# define TblCmd /usr/local/bin/tbl
-# define NroffCmd mandoc
-# define TroffCmd mandoc -Tps
-# define HTMLroffCmd mandoc -Thtml
-# define NeqnCmd cat
-# define EqnCmd cat
-# define TblCmd cat
-#define M4Cmd /usr/bin/m4
-#define HasGroff YES
-#ifndef HasCookieMaker
-# define HasCookieMaker YES
-# define MkCookieCmd \
- 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -e \\"%08x\\"'
- * Man pages need to be formatted when installed, so override the default
- * imake rules.
- */
-#define ManSuffix 1
-#define FileManSuffix 5
-#ifdef Ports
-#define ManSourcePath $(MANPATH)/cat
-#define InstallManPageLongBase(file,destdir,dest) @@\
-all:: file.0 @@\
- @@\
-file.0:: file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX) @@\
- @if [ -f file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX) ]; \ @@\
- then \ @@\
- cat file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX) | $(NEQN) | $(TBL) | \ @@\
- $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) | $(COL) > file.0; \ @@\
- fi @@\
- @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir) @@\
- -@if [ -f file.0 ]; \ @@\
- then \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) file.0 $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.0; \@@\
- fi @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(file.0)
-#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest) @@\
-BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,$(MANSUFFIX)) @@\
- @@\
-CppManTarget(file, $(EXTRAMANDEFS)) @@\
- @@\
-#define InstallGenManPageLong(file,destdir,dest,suffix) @@\
-BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,suffix) @@\
- @@\
-CppManTarget(file, $(EXTRAMANDEFS)) @@\
- @@\
-#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ @@\
- for i in list; do \ @@\
- (MNAME=`echo $$i | cut -f1 -d.`; \ @@\
- set -x; \ @@\
- cat $$i | $(NEQN) | $(TBL) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) \ @@\
- | $(COL) > $${MNAME}.0; \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) $${MNAME}.0 \ @@\
- $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}.0; \ @@\
- $(RM) $${MNAME}.0); \ @@\
- done
-#define InstallMultipleManSuffix(list,dest,suff) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ @@\
- for i in list; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- cat $$i.suff | $(NEQN) | $(TBL) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) \ @@\
- | $(COL) > $$i.0; \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) $$i.0 \ @@\
- $(DESTDIR)dest/$$i.0; \ @@\
- $(RM) $$i.0 ); \ @@\
- done
-#define InstallManPageAliasesBase(file,destdir,aliases) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ @@\
- for i in aliases; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/$$i.0;\ @@\
- (cd $(DESTDIR)/destdir; $(LN) file.0 $$i.0);\ @@\
- ); \ @@\
- done
-#else /* Ports */
-#define InstallManPageAliasesBase(file,destdir,aliases) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- for i in aliases; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/$$i.*; \ @@\
- (cd $(DESTDIR)destdir; $(LN) file.$${SUFFIX} \ @@\
- $$i.$${SUFFIX})); \ @@\
- done
-#endif /* Ports */
-#define InstallManPageAliases(file,destdir,aliases) @@\
-InstallHtmlManPageAliases(file,aliases,$(MANSUFFIX)) @@\
- @@\
-#define InstallGenManPageAliases(file,destdir,suffix,aliases) @@\
-InstallHtmlManPageAliases(file,aliases,suffix) @@\
- @@\
- * InstallFontAliases - generate rules to install font aliases
- * databases without comments for X11R5 servers
- */
-#ifndef InstallFontAliasesNoComment
-#define InstallFontAliasesNoComment(dest) @@\
-install:: fonts.alias @@\
- $(RM) _fonts.alias @@\
- sed -e '/^!/d' -e '/^$$/d' < fonts.alias > _fonts.alias @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(DESTDIR)dest/fonts.alias @@\
- $(RM) _fonts.alias
-#endif /* InstallFontAliasesNoComment */
- * OpenBSD specific Imake Config files
- */
-#ifndef LocalConfigFiles
-#define LocalConfigFiles \
- OpenBSDLib.rules OpenBSDLib.tmpl
- * Architecture specific sections - put all architecture dependent
- * options and setting here into the correct section
- */
- * Definitions for the alpha architecture
- */
-#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
-# if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 1 || OSMajorVersion > 3
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# endif
-/* XXX Xvfb currently causes a linker error: */
-/* XXX crtbegin.c(.fini+0x10): relocation truncated to fit: BRADDR text */
-# ifdef XVirtualFramebufferServer
-# undef XVirtualFramebufferServer
-# endif
-# define XVirtualFramebufferServer NO
-# ifdef XnestServer
-# undef XnestServer
-# endif
-# define XnestServer NO
-# if (OSMajorVersion < 3)
-# define HasSharedLibraries NO
-# endif
-# ifndef XorgServer
-# if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 2 || OSMajorVersion > 3
-# define XorgServer YES
-# else
-# define XorgServer NO
-# endif
-# endif
-/* Definitions for building the XFree86 server */
-# if XorgServer
-# ifndef HasNetBSDApertureDriver
-# define HasNetBSDApertureDriver YES
-# endif
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption -D_XSERVER64 XFree86ServerDefines
-# define ServerExtraSysLibs -lalpha
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# define XF86OSCardDrivers wsfb
-# ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT -DPCVT_SUPPORT
-# endif
-# define UseMatroxHal NO /* Matrox HAL is i386 only */
-# endif /* XorgServer */
-#endif /* AlphaArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the AMD64 architecture
- */
-#ifdef AMD64Architecture
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# define XorgServer YES
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# ifndef HasNetBSDApertureDriver
-# define HasNetBSDApertureDriver YES
-# endif
-# define HasAgpGart YES
-# ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LdPostLib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-# define ServerExtraSysLibs -lamd64
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption -D_XSERVER64 XFree86ServerDefines
-# ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT -DPCVT_SUPPORT
-# endif
-# ifndef HasMMXSupport
-# define HasMMXSupport YES
-# endif
-# ifndef HasX86Support
-# define HasX86Support YES
-# endif
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#endif /* AMD64Architecture */
- * Definitions for the i386 architecture
- */
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-/* Direct rendering (OpenBSD 3.3 and up). */
-# if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 2)
-# ifndef BuildXF86DRI
-# define BuildXF86DRI NO
-# endif
-# endif
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-/* To use the NetBSD Aperture driver */
-# ifndef HasNetBSDApertureDriver
-# define HasNetBSDApertureDriver YES
-# endif
-/* 2.7 and later have support for setting MTRRs */
-# ifndef HasMTRRSupport
-# if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 6)
-# define HasMTRRSupport YES
-# else
-# define HasMTRRSupport NO
-# endif
-# endif
- * agpgart support (OpenBSD 3.2 and up)
- */
-# if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 1)
-# ifndef HasAgpGart
-# define HasAgpGart YES
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# if (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 3) || OSMajorVersion > 2
- /* The GCC strength-reduce bug is fixed for OpenBSD 2.3 and later */
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-# define ServerExtraSysLibs -li386
-# define LdPostLib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-# ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT -DPCVT_SUPPORT
-# endif
-# define JoystickSupport NO
-/* A hack to work around an optimization problem with gcc 2.95.2 */
-# if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 6)
-# define GccOptBug295
-# endif
-/* No MMX support in OpenBSD/a.out gas */
-# ifndef HasMMXSupport
-# define HasMMXSupport UseElfFormat
-# endif
-/* for DRI */
-# ifndef HasX86Support
-# define HasX86Support UseElfFormat
-# endif
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#endif /* i386Architecture */
- * Definitions for the m68k architecture (currently amiga, hp300,
- * mac68k, mvme68k, sun3)
- */
-#ifdef Mc68020Architecture
- * Function CSE makes gas -k not recognize external function calls as lazily
- * resolvable symbols, thus sometimes making ld.so report undefined symbol
- * errors on symbols found in shared library members that would never be
- * called. Ask niklas@openbsd.org for details.
- */
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags -fpic -fno-function-cse
-# define BuildGlxExt NO
-# define BuildGLXLibrary YES
-#endif /* Mc68020Architecture */
- * Definitions for the amiga architecture
- */
-#ifdef AmigaArchitecture
-# ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer NO
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DXFree86Server
-#endif /* AmigaArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the hp300 architecture
- */
-#ifdef Hp300Architecture
-# ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer NO
-# endif
-/* For the X11R5 server */
-# define CompressAllFonts NO
-# define InstallFontAliases InstallFontAliasesNoComment
-# define UseRgbTxt NO
-# define UseRgb YES
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DXFree86Server
-#endif /* Hp300Architecture */
- * Definitions for the mac68k architecture
- */
-#ifdef Mac68kArchitecture
-# ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer NO
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DXFree86Server
-#endif /* mac68kArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the mvme68k architecture
- */
-#ifdef Mvme68kArchitecture
-# ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer NO
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DXFree86Server
-#endif /* Mvme68kArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the sun3 architecture
- */
-#ifdef Sun3Architecture
-# include
-# define ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define BootstrapCFlags -Dsun3
-# define UnalignedReferencesAllowed YES /* changes _XtCopyArgs() */
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption -Dmc68000 -Dmc68020 \
-# ifndef Xsun24Server
-# define Xsun24Server NO
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunServer
-# define XsunServer YES
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunMonoServer
-# define XsunMonoServer NO
-# endif
-#define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
-#endif /* Sun3Architecture */
- * Definitions for the mips architecture (currently sgi)
- */
-#ifdef MipsArchitecture
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# define XorgServer YES
-# if XorgServer
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# define XF86CardDrivers wsfb
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT
-# endif
-#endif /* MipsArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the PowerPC architecture
- */
-#ifdef PpcArchitecture
-# define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
-# ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT
-# endif
-# if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 1 || OSMajorVersion > 3
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# endif
-# ifndef GccWarningOptions
-# if defined(XFree86Devel) && XFree86Devel
-# define GccWarningOptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes \
- -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \
- -Wnested-externs
-# else
-# define GccWarningOptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef XorgServer
-# define XorgServer YES
-# endif
-/* Definitions for building the X server */
-# if XorgServer
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# define XF86OSCardDrivers wsfb
-# ifndef XF86CardDrivers
-# define XF86CardDrivers ati mga glint s3virge sis savage\
- trident chips tdfx \
- DevelDrivers vga \
- XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers
-# endif
-# ifndef DevelDrivers
-# define DevelDrivers nv
-# endif
-# endif /* XorgServer */
-#endif /* PpcArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the sparc architecture
- */
-#ifdef SparcArchitecture
-# define BuildXF86MiscExt NO
-# define BuildMITMiscExt NO
-# if OSMajorVersion > 3 || OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 2
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# if OSMajorVersion == 2 || OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion < 2
-# define ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DAVOID_GLYPHBLT -DPIXPRIV -DXFree86Server \
- DebugDefines -DINCLUDE_CG2_HEADER \
-# define XOrgServer NO
-# else
-# define XorgServer YES
-# endif
-# if !XorgServer
-# ifndef Xsun24Server
-# define Xsun24Server YES
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunServer
-# define XsunServer YES
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunMonoServer
-# define XsunMonoServer YES
-# endif
-# ifndef InstallXserverSetUID
-# define InstallXserverSetUID NO
-# endif
-# else /* XF86Server */
-# ifndef Xsun24Server
-# define Xsun24Server NO
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunServer
-# define XsunServer NO
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunMonoServer
-# define XsunMonoServer NO
-# endif
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# define XF86CardDrivers wsfb
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT
-# define BuildXInputExt YES
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DDDXOSINIT
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
-# endif
-# define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
-# define BuildXF86VidModeExt NO
-# define BuildXF86DGA NO
-# ifndef BuildXInputExt
-# define BuildXInputExt NO
-# endif
-#endif /* SparcArchitecture */
- * Definitions for the sparc64 architecture
- */
-#ifdef Sparc64Architecture
-# if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 1 || OSMajorVersion > 3
-# define HasWeakSymbols YES
-# endif
-# ifndef XorgServer
-# define XorgServer YES
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption -D_XSERVER64 XFree86ServerDefines
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
-# if XorgServer
-# ifndef DoLoadableServer
-# define DoLoadableServer YES
-# endif
-# define XF86OSCardDrivers wsfb
-# define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DWSCONS_SUPPORT
-# endif
-#endif /* Sparc64Architecture */
- * Definitions for the vax architecture
- */
-#ifdef VaxArchitecture
-# ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer NO
-# endif
-/* For the X11R5 server */
-# define CompressAllFonts NO
-# define InstallFontAliases InstallFontAliasesNoComment
-# define UseRgbTxt NO
-# define UseRgb YES
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DXFree86Server
-# define UnalignedReferencesAllowed YES
-# define HasSharedLibraries NO
-# define HasDlopen NO
-# define BuildGlxExt NO
-# define BuildGLXLibrary NO
-#endif /* VaxArchitecture */
-/* End or architecture specific section */
- * Generic settings for all architectures
- * which can be overridden by architecture specific sections above
- */
-#ifdef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-CXXDEPENDINCLUDE != CcCmd -v -x c++ /dev/null -fsyntax-only \
- 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^ \(\/.*[cg]++.*\)/-I\1/p'
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes $(CXXDEPENDINCLUDE)
-#ifndef StandardDefines
-# define StandardDefines -DCSRG_BASED
-#ifndef StandardIncludes
-# define StandardIncludes -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include
-#ifndef TopMotifInclude
-# define TopMotifInclude /usr/local/include
-#if !defined(OptimizedCDebugFlags)
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
-#ifndef ServerOSDefines
-# define ServerOSDefines /**/
-#ifndef ServerExtraDefines
-# define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption
-#ifndef HasWeakSymbols
-# define HasWeakSymbols NO
- * Multi-thread safe libs
- */
-/* #if HasWeakSymbols == YES && (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 6 || OSMajorVersion >= 3)
-# define HasPosixThreads YES
-# define ThreadedX YES
-# define NeedUIThrStubs YES
-# define ThreadsCompileFlag -pthread
-# define ThreadsLibraries -pthread
-# define SystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT
-#else */
-# define ThreadedX NO
-/* #endif */
-/* Set this to YES when getpwuid_r is added to libc_r */
-#define HasThreadSafeAPI NO
-#ifndef ExtraLibraries
-# define ExtraLibraries /**/
-#ifndef DoLoadableServer
-#define DoLoadableServer NO
-#ifndef XVirtualFramebufferServer
-# undef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer YES
-# define XVirtualFramebufferServer YES
-#ifndef XnestServer
-# undef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer YES
-# define XnestServer YES
-#ifndef BuildScreenSaverLibrary
-# define BuildScreenSaverLibrary YES
-#ifndef CompressAllFonts
-# define CompressAllFonts YES
-#ifndef SharedLibXdmGreet
-# define SharedLibXdmGreet NO
-#define HasExpat NO
-#define BuildXterm BuildClients
- * XFree86 uses its own (more portable) database routines to speed up
- * the RGB database lookups
- * However, if you want to use ndbm anyway, you can set that to NO in
- * host.def
- */
-#ifndef UseRgbTxt
-# define UseRgbTxt YES
-#ifndef OSBinaryType
-# if UseElfFormat
-# define OSBinaryType [ELF]
-# else
-# define OSBinaryType /**/
-# endif
-#ifndef HasDlopen
-# define HasDlopen YES
-#ifndef DlLibrary
-# if UseElfFormat
-# if (OSMajorVersion < 3 || OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion == 0)
-# define DlLibrary -ldl
-# else
-# define DlLibrary -Wl,--export-dynamic
-# endif
-# else
-# define DlLibrary /**/
-# endif
-/* Suppress warnings dependant from compiler versions */
-#if !defined(GccWarningOptions)
-# if (defined __clang__)
-# define GccWarningOptions -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings -Wno-switch -Wno-unused-result
-# else
-# define GccWarningOptions -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings -Wno-switch
-# endif
-#define TtClientLibs $(TTLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define TtClientDepLibs $(DEPTTLIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB)
-#define CplusplusLibC -lstdc++
-#ifndef CplusplusOptions
-#define CplusplusOptions GccWarningOptions
-#ifndef LibraryCplusplusOptions
-#define LibraryCplusplusOptions GccWarningOptions
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#define ArchitectureDefines -DOPENBSD_ARCHITECTURE
-#define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-ICONVSYSLIB != if test -f /usr/local/include/iconv.h; then echo -liconv; else echo; fi
-#ifndef KornShell
-#define KornShell /usr/local/bin/ksh93
-#ifndef DtKornShell
-#define DtKornShell /usr/local/dt/bin/dtksh
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-/* This must come last */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/README b/cde/config/cf/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ccb10bc..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-$TOG: README /main/76 1998/05/11 14:35:10 barstow $
-The easiest way to write an Imakefile is to find another one that does
-something similar and copy/modify it!
-To change any of these variables, edit the site.def file.
-Imake.tmpl provides defaults for the following variables:
- AlternateIncRoot compiler needs -I to find project includes
- AlternateUsrLibDir linker needs -L to find project libraries
- ArCmd command used to create libraries
- ArCmdBase program name part of ArCmd
- ArAddCmd flags to have ArCmdBase add files to a library
- ArExtCmd flags to have ArCmdBase extract files
- AsCmd command used to run assembler
- BootstrapCFlags missing cpp symbols needed to get started
- BourneShell command used to run Bourne Shell
- CCsuf suffix that C++ source files have
- CURDIR current directory relative to top of sources
- CcCmd command to run C compiler
- CompressCmd command to run compress program
- GzipCmd command to run gzip program
- ConstructMFLAGS System V option to set MFLAGS make variable
- CpCmd command to copy one file to another
- CplusplusCmd command to run C++ compiler
- CplusplusDependIncludes additional -I's for makedepend
- CplusplusFilt command to run C++ name demangler
- CplusplusYaccCmd command to produce C++ source from yacc source
- CppCmd command to run C preprocessor
- CrossCompiling cross compiling? (not fully supported)
- DebuggableCDebugFlags C compiler -I's and -D's to turn on debug info
- DefaultCCOptions default special C compiler options
- DefaultCDebugFlags debug/optimize flags for programs
- DefaultUsrBin program directory used even if PATH not set
- DependFlags extra makedepend flags
- DependDefines additional -D's for makedepend
- DoRanlibCmd boolean for system uses ranlib
- EqnCmd command used for eqn
- ExecableScripts boolean for systems that can exec() #!/bin/sh
- ExpandManNames boolean to expand man pages names to long form
- ExtraFilesToClean extra files to remove on make clean
- ExtraLibraries system-specific libraries need to link
- ExtraLoadFlags system-specific loader flags
- FileManSuffix man suffix for file format pages
- FilesToClean files to delete in make clean
- FortranCmd command to run Fortran compiler
- FortranDebugFlags flags for Fortran debug info
- FortranFlags Fortran compiler flags
- HasBSD44Sockets boolean for system has BSD4.4 sockets
- HasBsearch boolean for libc has bsearch()
- HasBrokenCCForLink boolean for brain damaged cc driver
- HasCenterLineC boolean for system has CenterLine C compiler
- HasCenterLineCplusplus boolean for system has CenterLine C++ compiler
- HasClearmake use Clearcase's clearmake make program?
- HasCodeCenter boolean for system has CodeCenter
- HasCplusplus system has a C++ compiler?
- HasDECnet system has DECnet?
- HasFortran boolean for system has Fortran compiler
- HasGcc boolean for system has GNU gcc compiler
- HasGcc2 boolean for system has GNU gcc 2.x compiler
- HasGcc2ForCplusplus use gcc 2 for C++ programs?
- HasKrb5 system has Kerberos version 5 support?
- HasLargeTmp boolean for system has /tmp space
- HasLatex system has LaTeX document preparation software
- HasLibCrypt boolean for system has libcrypt
- HasNdbm boolean for system has ndbm routines
- HasPoll use poll() syscall?
- HasPurify boolean for system has Purify
- HasPutenv boolean for libc has putenv()
- HasSecureRPC boolean for Sun Secure RPC
- HasSetUserContext boolean for setusercontext()
- HasSentinel boolean for system has Sentinel available
- HasSharedLibraries boolean for system has shared libraries
- HasShm boolean for System V shared memory
- HasSockets boolean for system has BSD sockets
- HasStrcasecmp boolean for system implements str[n]casecmp
- HasStreams use STREAMS I/O interface?
- HasSymLinks boolean for system has symbolic links
- HasTestCenter boolean for system has TestCenter
- HasVarDirectory boolean for system has /var
- HasVFork boolean for system has vfork()
- HasVoidSignalReturn boolean for POSIX signal() procs
- HasZlib boolean for system has libz
- IncRoot parent of X11 include directory
- InstBinFlags install flags for binaries
- InstDatFlags install flags for data files
- InstIncFlags install flags for header files
- InstKmemFlags install flags for xload to get at /dev/kmem
- InstLibFlags install flags for libraries
- InstManFlags install flags for manual pages
- InstPgmFlags install flags for normal programs
- InstUidFlags install flags for xterm to chown /dev/ptys
- InstallCmd command to install files
- KornShell command used to run Korn Shell
- Krb5Includes where to include Kerberos header files from
- Krb5Libraries where to load Kerberos libraries from
- LdCmd command to run loader
- LdCombineFlags flags for incremental loading
- LexCmd command to run lex
- LexLib library for programs using lex output
- LintCmd command to run lint
- LintLibFlag flags to generate lint libraries
- LintOpts lint options to control strictness
- LnCmd command to link two files
- LoaderLibPrefix loader flags before libraries
- LocalRulesFile site-specific file with additional imake rules
- LocalTmplFile file with additional imake variables
- MacroFile name of machine-dependent config params file
- MacroIncludeFile
- MakeCmd command to run make
- Malloc0ReturnsNull boolean for malloc(0) == NULL
- Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines -D's to build libX11/libXt
- MathLibrary library for programs using C math functions
- MsMacros macro flag for TroffCmd, normally "-ms"
- MvCmd command to rename a file
- NdbmDefines -D's to turn on use of ndbm routines
- NeedConstPrototoypes whether const is supported
- NeedFunctionPrototypes whether or not to force function prototypes
- NeedNestedPrototypes whether nested prototypes are supported
- NeedVarargsPrototypes whether varargs prototypes are supported
- NeedWidePrototypes whether or not to widen function prototypes
- NoOpCDebugFlags C compiler flags to not debug or optimize
- NoRConst YES if const for structs of funcs is bad
- OSMajorVersion major version number of operating system
- OSMinorVersion minor version number of operating system
- OptimizedCDebugFlags C compiler flags to turn on optimization
- XtPopdownConformance XtPopdown conformans to the specification
- PreProcessCmd command to run /lib/cpp on scripts
- RanlibCmd command to clean up libraries
- RanlibInstFlags flags to ranlib after copying
- ResourceConfigurationManagement boolean for Xt's Resource Configuration
- Management
- RmCmd command to delete files
- ShLibDir directory in which to install shared libraries
- StandardCppDefines -D's for running cpp
- StandardDefines -D's for running C compiler
- StandardIncludes -I's for running C compiler
- StripInstalledPrograms boolean for sites that want to install -s
- SystemV boolean for systems that are at least SVR2
- SystemV4 boolean for SVR4 systems
- TOPDIR relative path to top of sources
- TagsCmd command to run tags
- TblCmd command to run tbl
- TroffCmd command to run troff to get PostScript
- UNCOMPRESSPATH command to run uncompress
- UnalignedReferencesAllowed boolean for unaligned copies ok
- UsrLibDir directory in which to install libraries
- YaccCmd command to run yacc
-X11.tmpl provides defaults for the following variables:
- AdmDir directory containing system log files
- AllocateLocalDefines -D's to turn on alloca() (should be in Imake.tmpl)
- BDFTOSNFFILT command to run bdftosnf
- BaseExtensionDefines universal extensions to use
- BinDir directory in which to install programs
- BuildAppgroup build AppGroup extension in server
- BuildCup build Colormap Utilization extension in server
- BuildDBE build DOUBLE-BUFFER extension
- BuildDIS build Document Imaging Subset of XIE
- BuildDPMS build Display Power Management Signaling extension
- BuildFontServer build font server
- BuildFonts build pcf fonts
- BuildIncRoot relative path to location of headers in build
- BuildIncTop path from build includes directory to top
- BuildEVI build EVI server extension
- BuildLBX build LBX (aka X.fast) server extension
- BuildMultibuffer build Multibuffer extension (obsolete)
- BuildPlugin build xrx plug-in for web browsers
- BuildRECORD Build RECORD extension
- BuildPexExt build PEX server extension and fonts
- BuildPhigs build Phigs (obsolete)
- BuildServer build X server
- BuildXAudio build Audio
- BuildXAServer build Audio server
- BuildXCSecurity Build Security Extension
- BuildXIE build X Image Extension
- BuildXInputExt build X Input extension (requires ddx support,
- which exists only in Xhp and XFree86)
- BuildXInputLib build X Input library
- BuildXKB build X Keyboard Extension?
- BuildXKBlib build X Keyboard Extension into Xlib?
- UseXKBInClients Use XKB functions in normal clients?
- ConfigDir install directory for config files
- ConnectionFlags -D's for supported transports
- ContribDir location of user-contributed sources
- DebugLibFS build libFS_d.a
- DebugLibICE build libICE_d.a
- DebugLibPex build libPEX5_d.a
- DebugLibSM build libSM_d.a
- DebugLibX11 build libX11_d.a
- DebugLibXau build libXau_d.a
- DebugLibXaw build libXaw_d.a
- DebugLibXdmcp build libXdmcp_d.a
- DebugLibXext build libXext_d.a
- DebugLibXi build libXi_d.a
- DebugLibXie build libXie_d.a
- DebugLibXmu build libXmu_d.a
- DebugLibXt build libXt_d.a
- DebugLibXtst build libXtst_d.a
- DebugLibXag build libXag_d.a
- DebugOldX build liboldX_d.a
- DefaultFSConfigFile default font server config file
- DefaultFontPath default server font path
- DefaultRGBDatabase default server rgb color database
- DefaultSystemPath default system xdm PATH environment variable
- DefaultSystemShell default /bin/sh
- DefaultUserPath default user xdm PATH environment variable
- DependCmd command to run makedepend
- DependDir build directory containing makedepend program
- ExtensionDefines -D's for universal extensions
- ExtensionOSDefines -D's for additional extensions
- FontCompilerFlags flags for bdftosnf
- FontDefines -D's to turn on font options
- FontDir directory in which to install fonts
- FontFilters -D's to specify font conversion filters
- FontOSDefines -D's for which fonts to support
- ForceNormalLib force building of .a in addition to shared lib
- GzipFontCompression boolean for using gzip instead of compress
- HasXdmAuth boolean for using XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1;
- needs Wraphelp.c, see Release Notes
- InstallAppDefFiles install new app defaults files over old?
- InstallFSConfig install fs config file over old?
- InstallLibManPages boolean for installing library man pages
- InstallSecurityConfig install server security policy file over old?
- InstallXdmConfig install xdm config files over old?
- InstallXinitConfig install xinit config files over old?
- LibDir directory in which to install X11 support files
- LibManSuffix man suffix for library pages
- LibmanDir directory in which to install library man pages
- LintlibDir directory in which to install lint libs
- ManDir directory in which to install program man pages
- ManDirectoryRoot parent of man directories relative to root
- ManPath full path of parent directory
- ManSourcePath common prefix of man page directories
- ManSuffix man suffix for programs
- MiscManSuffix man suffix for miscellaneous pages
- NeedDefaultDepLibs boolean for enabling default DEPLIBS
- NlsDir directory in which to install nls files
- NormalLibFS build libFS.a
- NormalLibICE build libICE.a
- NormalLibPex build libPEX5.a
- NormalLibPhigs build libphigs.a
- NormalLibSM build libSM.a
- NormalLibX11 build libX11.a
- NormalLibXau build libXau.a
- NormalLibXaw build libXaw.a
- NormalLibXdmcp build libXdmcp.a
- NormalLibXext build libXext.a
- NormalLibXi build libXi.a
- NormalLibXie build libXie.a
- NormalLibXmu build libXmu.a
- NormalLibXt build libXt.a
- NormalLibXtst build libXtst.a
- NormalLibXag build libXag.a
- NormalOldX build liboldX.a
- OsNameDefines beats me
- PexApiDir PEX include file location
- PexCCOptions special options for building PEX library
- PexCDebugFlags special flags for building PEX library
- PexClientDefines special -D's for building PEX clients
- PexDipexDefines special -D's for building PEX di files
- PexPhigsDefines special -D's for building PEX library
- PexShmIPC boolean for using shared memory in phigsmon
- PhigsInclude include directory for phigs clients
- PrimaryScreenResolution resolution of default server screen
- ProfileLibFS build libFS_p.a
- ProfileLibICE build libICE_p.a
- ProfileLibPex build libPEX5_p.a
- ProfileLibSM build libSM_p.a
- ProfileLibX11 build libX11_p.a
- ProfileLibXau build libXau_p.a
- ProfileLibXaw build libXaw_p.a
- ProfileLibXdmcp build libXdmcp_p.a
- ProfileLibXext build libXext_p.a
- ProfileLibXi build libXi_p.a
- ProfileLibXie build libXie_p.a
- ProfileLibXmu build libXmu_p.a
- ProfileLibXt build libXt_p.a
- ProfileLibXtst build libXtst_p.a
- ProfileLibXag build libXag_p.a
- ProfileOldX build liboldX_p.a
- ProjectX version indicating this is the X Window System
- RemoveTargetProgramByMoving boolean for rm -f that doesn't
- SHELLPATH -D for /bin/sh
- ServerConfigDir directory for server security config files
- ServerDefines complete -D's for server
- ServerExtraDefines special -D's for server
- ServerOSDefines OS -D's for server
- ServerAssertDefines -DNDEBUG for no assertions, /**/ for assertions
- SharedLibFS boolean for making sharable libFS.so
- SharedLibICE boolean for making sharable libICE.so
- SharedLibPex boolean for making sharable libPEX5.so
- SharedLibPhigs boolean for making sharable libphigs.so
- SharedLibSM boolean for making sharable libSM.so
- SharedLibX11 boolean for making sharable libX11.so
- SharedLibXau boolean for making sharable libXau.so
- SharedLibXaw boolean for making sharable libXaw.so
- SharedLibXdmcp boolean for making sharable libXdmcp.so
- SharedLibXext boolean for making sharable libXext.so
- SharedLibXi boolean for making sharable libXi.so
- SharedLibXie boolean for making sharable libXie.so
- SharedLibXmu boolean for making sharable libXmu.so
- SharedLibXt boolean for making sharable libXt.so
- SharedLibXtst boolean for making sharable libXtst.so
- SharedLibXag boolean for making sharable libXag.so
- SharedOldX boolean for making sharable liboldX.so
- ShmDefines MIT-SHM define
- TwmDir directory in which to install twm config files
- UseCCMakeDepend boolean for using alternate makedepend script
- UseRgbTxt use rgb.txt file as is instead of DBM-compiled
- VarDirectory directory in /var for logs, etc., and config
- VendorHasX11R6_3libXext don't need Security & AppGroup in xrx plug-in
- XAppLoadDir directory in which to install app defaults
- XFileSearchPathBase base file search path
- XFileSearchPathDefault default path to search for app defaults files
- XInputDefines XINPUT define
- XMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines -D's specifically for libX11
- XawClientDepLibs DEPLIBS for clients that use Xaw
- XawClientLibs LOCAL_LIBRARIES for clients that use Xaw
- XdmConfigurationSubdirectory name of default xdm configuration
- XdmDir directory in which to install xdm files
- XdmServersType type of xdm Xservers file to install
- XinitDir directory in which to install xinit files
- XPrintDir parent of X Print server config directory
- XprtServer build the X Print server
- XmanLocalSearchPath non-standard path for man pages
- XtErrorPrefix leading text in XtError() msg; eg. 'X Toolkit '
- XtWarningPrefix leading text in XtWarning()msg, same as above
- XtMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines -D's specifically for libXt
- ZBDFTOSNFFILT -D to run uncompress and bdftosnf
-Library.tmpl provides defaults for the following variables:
- AvoidNullMakeCommand for makes that spout about $(_NULLCMD_)
- LibraryCCOptions special C compiler options for libraries
- LibraryCDebugFlags library debug/optimize flags to override defs
- LibraryCcCmd command to run C compiler in libraries
- LibraryCplusplusOptions special C++ options for libraries
- LibraryCplusplusDebugFlags library debug/optimize flags for C++
- LibraryCplusplusCmd command to run C++ compiler in libraries
- LibraryDefines -D's for libraries
- SeparateSharedCompile shared and unshared libs use same binaries?
-Server.tmpl provides defaults for the following variables:
- ServerCCOptions server C compiler options to override defaults
- ServerCcCmd command to run C compiler in server
- ServerCDebugFlags server debug/opt compiler flags
- ServerDefines server standard -D's
- InstallServerSetUID does this system need X server suid to root?
-Threads.tmpl provides defaults for the following variables:
- LocalThreads whether to enable multi-threading support
- LocalThreadsDefines -D flags needed in this directory
-An Lib.rules file provides defaults for the following variables:
- HasSharedLibraries boolean for using shared libraries
- SharedDataSeparation boolean indicating separate data/code
- SharedCodeDef -D's for compiling shared library files
- SharedLibraryDef -D's for defining which kind of shared lib
- ShLibIncludeFile location of the Lib.tmpl file
- SharedLibraryLoadFlags loader flags when making the library
- UseExportLists boolean for using an export list
- PositionIndependentCFlags PIC compiler flags for C
- PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags PIC compiler flags for C++
- Note: PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags is only required if the
- C and C++ compilers use different flags to build PIC code. The
- default configuration will try to use PositionIndependentCFlags
- for both C and C++ compiles.
-An Lib.tmpl file provides defaults for the following variables:
- SharedFSReqs required libs for libFS.so
- SharedFSRev version number for libFS.so
- SharedICEReqs required libs for libICE.so
- SharedICERev version number for libICE.so
- SharedOldXReqs required libs for liboldX.so
- SharedOldXRev version number for liboldX.so
- SharedPexReqs required libs for libPEX5.so
- SharedPexRev version number for libPEX5.so
- SharedSMReqs required libs for libSM.so
- SharedSMRev version number for libSM.so
- SharedX11Reqs required libs for libX11.so
- SharedX11Rev version number for libX11.so
- SharedXauReqs required libs for libXau.so
- SharedXauRev version number for libXau.so
- SharedXawReqs required libs for libXaw.so
- SharedXawRev version number for libXaw.so
- SharedXdmcpReqs required libs for libXdmcp.so
- SharedXdmcpRev version number for libXdmcp.so
- SharedXextReqs required libs for libXext.so
- SharedXextRev version number for libXext.so
- SharedXiReqs required libs for libXi.so
- SharedXiRev version number for libXi.so
- SharedXieReqs required libs for libXie.so
- SharedXieRev version number for libXie.so
- SharedXmuReqs required libs for libXmu.so
- SharedXmuRev version number for libXmu.so
- SharedXtReqs required libs for libXt.so
- SharedXtRev version number for libXt.so
- SharedXtstReqs required libs for libXtst.so
- SharedXtstRev version number for libXtst.so
- SharedXmReqs required libs for libXm.so
- SharedXmRev version number for libXm.so
- SharedMrmReqs required libs for libMrm.so
- SharedMrmRev version number for libMrm.so
- SharedUilReqs required libs for libUil.so
- SharedUilRev version number for libUil.so
- SharedTtReqs required libs for libtt.so
- SharedTtRev version number for libtt.so
- SharedPamReqs required libs for libpam.so
- SharedPamRev version number for libpam.so
- SharedDtSvcReqs required libs for libDtSvc.so
- SharedDtSvcRev version number for libDtSvc.so
- SharedDtSearchReqs required libs for libDtSearch.so
- SharedDtSearchRev version number for libDtSearch.so
- SharedDtWidgetReqs required libs for libDtWidget.so
- SharedDtWidgetRev version number for libDtWidget.so
- SharedDtHelpReqs required libs for libDtHelp.so
- SharedDtHelpRev version number for libDtHelp.so
- SharedDtPrintReqs required libs for libDtPrint.so
- SharedDtPrintRev version number for libDtPrint.so
- SharedDtTermReqs required libs for libDtTerm.so
- SharedDtTermRev version number for libDtTerm.so
- SharedDtMrmReqs required libs for libDtMrm.so
- SharedDtMrmRev version number for libDtMrm.so
-The following variables are used by some part of the tree:
- AckToolset programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86
- BuildChooser build the xdm chooser program?
- SharedLibXdmGreet use xdm shared dynamic greeter library?
- LatexCmd command to run LaTeX on a document
- DvipsCmd command to turn .dvi file into PostScript
- MotifBC using Motif 1.1.1, 1.1.2, or 1.1.3?
- GetValuesBC compat GetValues behavior for broken apps?
- NeedBerklib application needs libXbsd?
- SvgaConfig default SVGA configuration
- HasGetReturnAddress util/memleak
- HasShadowPasswd system has getspnam() function
- XnestServer build X server with Xlib-based ddx
- XVirtualFramebufferServer build X server with virtual memory framebuffer
- XpRasterDDX include the raster print ddx driver
- XpColorPclDDX include the color PCL print ddx driver
- XpMonoPclDDX include the monochrome PCL print ddx driver
- XpPostScriptDDX include the PostScript print ddx driver
- WebServer host:port of your Web server (see programs/xrx)
- HtmlDir path used by Web server for HTML and RX docs
- CgiBinDir path used by Web server for CGI programs
- ProxyManager ICE network ID to contact a running proxymngr
-Make Variables
-The following make variables are used by imake rules and may be set in
-an individual Imakefile.
-DEFINES program-specific -D flags and other arguments
- to pass to the C compiler, lint, and makedepend.
-DEPEND_DEFINES program-specific flags in addition to
- $(DEFINES) to pass to lint and makedepend.
- This is usually used when there are special
- compilation rules for individual files, and
- the defines passed to those files affect
- makedepend results. If they can be passed to
- all files during the makedepend step without
- affecting the results for other files,
- DEPEND_DEFINES is used to do that. Example is
- the Xlib Imakefile.
-INCLUDES program-specific -I flags.
-HEADERS .h files to install with "make includes" and
- "make install". If this Imakefile includes
- Library.tmpl there are no headers, include
- this line instead of a HEADERS definition:
- #define LibHeaders NO
-REQUIREDLIBS when building a shared library, other libraries used
- by this library that should be referenced at
- link time.
-LINTLIBS program-specific libraries for lint.
-LOCAL_LDFLAGS program-specific flags for the linker.
-LOCAL_LIBRARIES project libraries (usually specified
- as -lname) needed by this program.
- For example, "-lXt -lXext -lX11".
- Used by SimpleProgramTarget and
- ComplexProgramTarget* rules.
- Do not include any system-specific libraries here.
-SYS_LIBRARIES system libraries (usually specified
- as -lname) needed by this program.
- For example "MathLibrary".
- Do not include any system-specific libraries
- such as "-lnsl" here; they are automatically
- added to the link command by the
- vendor-specific .cf file.
-SUBDIRS for an Imakefile in a directory containing
- subdirectories, this names the subdirectories.
- Such an Imakefile also needs to #define IHaveSubdirs
- and call MakeSubdirs() and DependSubdirs().
-MANSUFFIX suffix used by InstallManPage* rules.
- May be set to $(LIBMANSUFFIX), $(FILEMANSUFFIX), or
- $(MISCMANSUFFIX) in directories for libraries or data
- files.
-Rule-specific variables that may be set in an individual Imakefile.
-If you aren't using these rules, you may need variables with a similar
-function, but you need not use these names. However, following these
-conventions may make your Imakefile easier to read and maintain.
-DEPLIBS library dependencies for ComplexProgramTarget
-SRCS source files used by ComplexProgramTarget and
- DependTarget.
-OBJS object files used by ComplexProgramTarget
-PROGRAMS default target used with ComplexProgramTarget_(n)
-SRCS1 source files used by ComplexProgramTarget_1
-OBJS1 object files used by ComplexProgramTarget_1
-DEPLIBS1 library dependencies for ComplexProgramTarget_1
-SRCS2 source files used by ComplexProgramTarget_2
-OBJS2 object files used by ComplexProgramTarget_2
-DEPLIBS2 library dependencies for ComplexProgramTarget_2
-SRCS3 source files used by ComplexProgramTarget_3
-OBJS3 object files used by ComplexProgramTarget_3
-DEPLIBS3 library dependencies for ComplexProgramTarget_3
-Variables that can be set on the make command line:
-DESTDIR directory under which "make install" should
- install instead of "/"; used only for testing
- "make install" rules.
-FILE file for "lint1" target to run lint on.
-CDEBUGFLAGS -g and/or -O flag to control C compiler optimization.
-CXXDEBUGFLAGS -g and/or -O flag to control C++ optimization.
-LDSTRIPFLAGS flag to have linker strip objects (typically -x).
- Typically set to the empty string to prevent
- the linker from stripping objects; use this
- way when setting CDEBUGFLAGS to "-g".
-These variables are set in project-specific files such as X11.tmpl.
-They should NOT be set in an Imakefile. These variables are sometimes
-misused; they are included here to remind Imakefile writers NOT to use
-EXTRA_DEFINES project-specific -D flags
-EXTRA_INCLUDES project-specific -I flags
-EXTRA_ICONFIGFILES Additional project-specific imake config files
- to add to ICONFIGFILES.
- This is a list of files that define variables
- that might affect compilation of some files.
-Many other make variables are set up by the imake config files and can
-be used in an Imakefile. The easiest way to discover them is to look
-at the Makefile generated by an empty Imakefile.
-Use C comment syntax in an Imakefile for comments that should not
-appear in the resulting Makefile.
-Use "XCOMM" at the start of each
-line to produce a comment that will appear in the Makefile.
-(The "XCOMM" will
-be translated into the Makefile comment character "#" by imake.)
-Do NOT use "#" as a comment character in Imakefiles; it confuses the C
-preprocessor used by imake on some systems.
-Imake variables
-Don't abuse the variables in X11.tmpl that describe
-particular pieces of X by using them to describe your own subsystems.
-Instead, create new variables that are defaulted using
-Imake.tmpl variables.
-Since the easiest way to write an Imakefile is to start with one that
-works, here are some short, easy-to-read Imakefile examples in the X
-with subdirs: config/Imakefile
-library: lib/Xau/Imakefile
-simple program: programs/xdpyinfo/Imakefile
-complex progs: programs/xclipboard/Imakefile
-complex prog: programs/xmodmap/Imakefile
-Common Rules
-Here are some of the common rules for building programs. How to use
-them is described in Imake.rules and in the O'Reilly book "Software
-Portability with imake."
-Basic program-building rules
-All of these except NormalProgramTarget also generate rules to install
-the program and its manual page, and to generate dependencies.
-SimpleProgramTarget Use if there is only one program to be made
- and it has only one source file.
-ComplexProgramTarget Use if there is only one program to be made
- and it has multiple source files. Set SRCS to
- the names of the source files, set OBJS to
- the names of the object files, and set DEPLIBS
- to the libraries that this program depends on.
-ComplexProgramTarget_1 Like ComplexProgramTarget, but uses SRCS1,
- OBJS1, and DEPLIBS1 and can be used with
- ComplexProgramTarget_2 and ComplexProgramTarget_3
- to build up to three programs in the same directory.
- Set PROGRAMS to the programs built by all of
- these rules. For more than 3 programs, use
- NormalProgramTarget for each.
-ComplexProgramTarget_2 Use after ComplexProgramTarget_1 for the
- second program in a directory. Uses SRCS2,
- OBJS2, and DEPLIBS2.
-ComplexProgramTarget_3 Use after ComplexProgramTarget_2 for the
- third program in a directory. Uses SRCS3,
- OBJS3, and DEPLIBS3.
-NormalProgramTarget Build a program. Can be used multiple times
- with different arguments in the same Imakefile.
-Lower level rules, often used with NormalProgramTarget
-InstallProgram install a program.
-InstallManPage install a manual page.
-DependTarget() include once at end of Imakefile with
- NormalProgramTarget rules or that uses Library.tmpl.
- Generates dependencies for files named in SRCS.
-Manual page rules, commonly used only in special documentation directories:
-Other rules:
-SpecialCObjectRule Compile a C file with special flags.
-AllTarget Declare additional targets to build.
-InstallAppDefaults Install X application defaults file.
-Imakefile for directory with subdirectories
-XCOMM this is a sample Imakefile for a directory containing subdirectories
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags CDEBUGFLAGS="$(CDEBUGFLAGS)"
-SUBDIRS = list of subdirs ...
-Common Targets
-These targets are typically NOT defined explicitly by the Imakefile
-writer; rather they are generated automatically by imake rules.
-They are listed here for the convenience of people using the resulting
-Makefile, not people writing the original Imakefile.
-all Default rule; builds whatever is in this directory.
-Makefile Remake the Makefile (use after changing Imakefile).
- Run "make depend" after.
-Makefiles Remake all Makefiles in subdirectories. (Does
- nothing if no subdirectories.)
- Run "make depend" after.
-includes Generate and install in the tree any necessary
- header files.
-depend Update dependencies in the Makefile calculated
- by examining the source files.
-install Install what "make all" built on the system.
-install.man Install manual pages.
-clean Remove built objects and other derived files.
-lint Run lint.
-tags Create a tags file.
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Server.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/Server.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b2fb16ce..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Server.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Server imakefile info - this contains any special redefinitions, etc.
- * that Imakefiles in the server subtree will need.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: Server.tmpl /main/15 1997/07/16 14:43:38 kaleb $
-#ifndef ServerCcCmd
-#define ServerCcCmd CcCmd
-#ifndef ServerCCOptions
-#define ServerCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-#ifndef ServerDefines
-#define ServerDefines StandardDefines
-#ifndef ServerCDebugFlags
-#define ServerCDebugFlags DefaultCDebugFlags
-#ifndef DoThreadedServer
-#define DoThreadedServer NO
-#ifndef InstallServerSetUID
-#define InstallServerSetUID NO
- * SetUIDServerTarget - compile, link, and relink a setuid server
- */
-#ifndef SetUIDServerTarget
-#if InstallServerSetUID
-#define SetUIDServerTarget(server,subdirs,objects,libs,syslibs) @@\
-#define SetUIDServerTarget ServerTarget
-#endif /* SetUIDServerTarget */
- CC = ServerCcCmd
- CCOPTIONS = ServerCCOptions
-#if DoThreadedServer
-SERVER_THREAD_DEFINES = XThreadsDefines ThreadTypeDefines
-CDEBUGFLAGS = ServerCDebugFlags
-EXT_DEFINES = ExtensionDefines
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/Threads.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/Threads.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ca97a77..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/Threads.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Threads.tmpl /main/11 1996/09/28 16:07:06 rws $
- * For a multi-threaded application or library,
- * Define LocalThreadsDefines in your Imakefile (unless you like the
- * project default), then include this file.
- * Everything else should be automatic.
- */
-#ifndef LocalThreadsDefines
-#ifdef ProjectThreadsDefines
-#define LocalThreadsDefines ProjectThreadsDefines
-#define LocalThreadsDefines /**/
-#ifndef LocalThreads
-#ifdef ThreadedProject
-#define LocalThreads ThreadedProject
-#define LocalThreads YES
-#ifndef ThreadTypeDefines
-#if HasCThreads
-#define ThreadTypeDefines -DCTHREADS
-#define ThreadTypeDefines /**/
-#ifndef SystemMTDefines
-#define SystemMTDefines /**/
-#ifndef LibraryMTDefines
-#define LibraryMTDefines /**/
-#ifndef HasThreadSafeAPI /* does it have getpwnam_r, etc. */
-#define HasThreadSafeAPI YES
-#ifndef MTSafeAPIDefines
-#if HasThreadSafeAPI
-#define MTSafeAPIDefines -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API
-#define MTSafeAPIDefines /**/
-#ifndef ThreadPreStdAPIDefines
-#define ThreadPreStdAPIDefines /* nominally for POSIX P1003.4a (Draft 4) API */
-#ifndef CplusplusSystemMTDefines
-#define CplusplusSystemMTDefines /**/
-#ifndef ThreadsCompileFlags
-#define ThreadsCompileFlags /**/
-#ifndef ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags
-#define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags /**/
-#ifndef ThreadsLibraries
-#define ThreadsLibraries /**/
-#ifndef ThreadsCplusplusLibraries
-#define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries /**/
-#ifndef ThreadsLoadFlags
-#define ThreadsLoadFlags ThreadsCompileFlags
-#ifndef ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags
-#define ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags
-#if LocalThreads
- THREADS_CFLAGS = ThreadsCompileFlags
- THREADS_DEFINES = LocalThreadsDefines ThreadTypeDefines SystemMTDefines MTSafeAPIDefines ThreadPreStdAPIDefines $(LIB_MT_DEFINES)
- THREADS_LDFLAGS = ThreadsLoadFlags
- THREADS_LIBS = ThreadsLibraries
- THREADS_CXXFLAGS = ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags
-THREADS_CXXDEFINES = LocalThreadsDefines ThreadTypeDefines CplusplusSystemMTDefines MTSafeAPIDefines ThreadPreStdAPIDefines $(LIB_MT_DEFINES)
-THREADS_CXXLDFLAGS = ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags
- THREADS_CXXLIBS = ThreadsCplusplusLibraries
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/WinLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/WinLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index bf13f06b4..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/WinLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: WinLib.tmpl /main/3 1996/11/13 14:43:09 lehors $
-#define SharedOldXReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXawReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXextReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXiReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedPexReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY) MathLibrary
-#define SharedXtstReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXieReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedSMReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(ICELIB)
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/X11.rules b/cde/config/cf/X11.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 80aecff71..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/X11.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: X11.rules /main/4 1997/04/30 15:23:24 kaleb $
-/* Note whether we are the top level project. */
-#ifndef SeenTopLevelProject
-# define SeenTopLevelProject YES
-# define X11IsTopLevelProject YES
-# define X11IsTopLevelProject NO
- * If no clues are given assume X11 is in the tree, otherwise
- * UseInstalled overrides UseImports. Do not do both.
- */
-#ifndef UseInstalledX11
-# define UseInstalledX11 NO
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-# undef UseInstalledX11
-# define UseInstalledX11 YES
-#ifndef ImportX11
-# ifdef UseImports
-# define ImportX11 YES
-# else
-# define ImportX11 NO
-# endif
-#if UseInstalledX11
-# undef ImportX11
-# define ImportX11 NO
-#ifdef X11ProjectRoot
-# define XUsrLibDirPath $(USRLIBDIR):$(XPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define XUsrLibDirPath $(USRLIBDIR)
-#ifdef UsrLibDirPath
-# undef UsrLibDirPath
-#define UsrLibDirPath XUsrLibDirPath
-#if ImportX11
-# define XLdPreLibs -L$(LIBSRC)
-#elif defined(UseInstalledX11) && defined(X11ProjectRoot)
-# define XLdPreLibs -L$(XPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define XLdPreLibs /**/
-#ifdef LdPreLibs
-# undef LdPreLibs
-#define LdPreLibs LdPreLib XLdPreLibs
-#ifdef X11ProjectRoot
-# define XLdPostLibs -L$(XPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define XLdPostLibs /**/
-#ifdef LdPostLibs
-# undef LdPostLibs
-#define LdPostLibs LdPostLib XLdPostLibs
-#if ImportX11
-# ifndef TopXInclude
-# define TopXInclude -I$(TOP)/imports/x11/include
-# endif
-#elif !UseInstalledX11
-# define TopXInclude -I$(TOP)/exports/include
-# define TopXInclude -I$(XPROJECTROOT)/include
-#ifdef TopIncludes
-# undef TopIncludes
-#define TopIncludes TopInclude $(TOP_X_INCLUDES)
-#if UseInstalledX11 && defined(X11ProjectRoot)
-# define X11BuildLibPath $(XPROJECTROOT)/lib
-#elif UseInstalledX11
-# define X11BuildLibPath $(USRLIBDIR)
-#elif ImportX11
-# define X11BuildLibPath $(XTOP)/lib
-# define X11BuildLibPath $(TOP)/exports/lib
-#ifdef SystemBuildLibPath
-# define BuildLibPath $(XENVLIBDIR)
-#ifndef X11ProjectDefines
-# define X11ProjectDefines /**/
-#define ProjectDefines X11ProjectDefines
-#ifndef X11CplusplusProjectDefines
-# define X11CplusplusProjectDefines X11ProjectDefines
-#define CplusplusProjectDefines X11CplusplusProjectDefines
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/X11.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/X11.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca148d38..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/X11.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1514 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM X Window System Build Parameters and Rules
-XCOMM $TOG: X11.tmpl /main/308 1998/06/16 15:14:24 msr $
- * *
- * *
- * The following section contains defaults for things that can *
- * overridden in the various *.cf and site.def files. DO NOT EDIT! *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
-#define ProjectX 604 /* do *not* change this line */
-/* The following project-specific rules are defined at the end of this file:
- *
- * InstallAppDefaults (class)
- * InstallAppDefaultsLong (file,class)
- * MakeFontsDir (deplist)
- * MakeFonts ()
- * InstallFontObjs (objs,dest)
- * InstallFonts (dest)
- * InstallFontAliases (dest)
- * FontSrc (basename)
- * FontBaseObj (basename)
- * InstallFontScale (dest)
- * UncompressedFontTarget (basename)
- * CompressedFontTarget (basename)
- * FontTarget (basename)
- * FontObj (basename)
- * MakeXkbDir (basedir,subdir)
- */
- * X-specific things
- */
-#ifndef HasXServer
-#define HasXServer YES
-#ifndef BuildServer
-#define BuildServer HasXServer
-#ifndef BuildFontServer
-#define BuildFontServer YES
-#ifndef BuildFonts
-#define BuildFonts (BuildServer | BuildFontServer)
-#ifndef HasXAudio
-#define HasXAudio NO
-#ifndef BuildXAudio
-#define BuildXAudio (HasXAudio & HasCplusplus)
-#ifndef HasXAServer
-#define HasXAServer NO
-#ifndef BuildXAServer
-#define BuildXAServer (HasXAServer & HasCplusplus)
-#ifndef BuildPhigs
-#define BuildPhigs NO
-#ifndef BuildPexExt
-#define BuildPexExt NO
-#ifndef BuildXInputExt
-#define BuildXInputExt NO
-#ifndef BuildEVI
-#define BuildEVI YES
-#ifndef BuildDBE
-#define BuildDBE YES
-#ifndef BuildDIS
-#define BuildDIS NO
-#ifndef BuildDPMS
-#define BuildDPMS YES
-#ifndef BuildLowMem
-#define BuildLowMem NO
-#ifndef BuildLBX
-#define BuildLBX YES
-#ifndef BuildXIE
- /*
- * Turn off building XIE if you are building for low memory
- * footprint
- */
-#if BuildLowMem
-#define BuildXIE NO
-#define BuildXIE YES
-#ifndef BuildXKB
-#define BuildXKB YES
-#ifndef BuildXKBlib
-#define BuildXKBlib YES
- /*
- * WARNING: Setting UseXKBInClients to YES cause incompatibilities
- * between many clients (such as xterm) and pre-XKB shared
- * libraries.
- */
-#ifndef UseXKBInClients
-#define UseXKBInClients NO /* use XKB in "normal" clients? */
-#ifndef BuildMultibuffer
-#define BuildMultibuffer NO
-#ifndef BuildRECORD
-#define BuildRECORD YES
-#ifndef BuildXinerama
-#define BuildXinerama NO
-#ifndef BuildXCSecurity
-#define BuildXCSecurity YES
-#ifndef BuildAppgroup
-#define BuildAppgroup YES
-#ifndef BuildCup
-#define BuildCup YES
- /*
- * Turn off building PEX if you are building for low memory
- * footprint
- */
-#if BuildLowMem
-#define BuildPexExt NO
-#ifndef HasPlugin
-#define HasPlugin NO
-#ifndef BuildPlugin
-#define BuildPlugin HasPlugin
-#ifndef XprtServer
-#define XprtServer BuildServer
-#ifndef BuildXprint
-#if XprtServer
-#define BuildXprint YES
-#define BuildXprint NO
-#ifndef InstallLibManPages
-#define InstallLibManPages YES
-#ifndef InstallXtermSetUID
-#define InstallXtermSetUID YES /* xterm needs to be set uid */
-#ifndef InstallXinitConfig
-#define InstallXinitConfig NO /* install sample xinit config */
-#ifndef InstallXdmConfig
-#define InstallXdmConfig NO /* install sample xdm config */
-#ifndef XdmServersType /* what Xservers files to use */
-#if BuildServer
-#define XdmServersType ws
-#define XdmServersType fs
-#ifndef InstallFSConfig
-#define InstallFSConfig NO /* install sample fs config */
-#ifndef InstallAppDefFiles
-#define InstallAppDefFiles YES /* install application defaults */
-#ifndef ThreadedX
-#if HasPosixThreads || HasCThreads
-#define ThreadedX YES /* multi-threaded libraries */
-#define ThreadedX NO
-#ifndef ThreadedProject
-#define ThreadedProject ThreadedX
-#ifndef HasWChar32
-#define HasWChar32 SystemV4
-#ifndef HasXdmAuth
-#define HasXdmAuth NO /* if you can not use XDM-AUTH* */
-#ifndef PrimaryScreenResolution
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 72 /* a common resolution */
-#ifndef DefaultFontPath
- /*
- * Turn off building Speedo and Type1 fonts if you are building for
- * low memory footprint
- */
-#if BuildLowMem
-#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/
-#if PrimaryScreenResolution < 88 /* (75 + 100) / 2 */
-#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/
-#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/
-#ifndef DefaultFSFontPath
- /*
- * Define a default fontpath for Font Server independent of that
- * for X server if building the X server for low memory footprint
- */
-#if BuildLowMem
-#if PrimaryScreenResolution < 88 /* (75 + 100) / 2 */
-#define DefaultFSFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,
-#define DefaultFSFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,
-#define DefaultFSFontPath DefaultFontPath
-#ifndef DefaultRGBDatabase
-#define DefaultRGBDatabase $(LIBDIR)/rgb
-#ifndef UseRgbTxt
-#define UseRgbTxt NO /* default is to compile with dbm */
-#ifndef FontCompilerFlags
-#define FontCompilerFlags -t
-#ifndef ConnectionFlags
-#if HasStreams
-#define ConnectionFlags -DSTREAMSCONN
-#if HasDECnet
-#define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN -DDNETCONN
-#define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN
-#ifndef ProjectThreadsDefines
-#define ProjectThreadsDefines -DXTHREADS
-#ifndef FontOSDefines
-#define FontOSDefines /**/
-#ifndef FontDefines
-#ifndef XawI18nDefines
-#if SystemV4
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCTYPE_H
-#define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
-#if Malloc0ReturnsNull
-#ifndef XMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines
-#define XMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines
-#ifndef XtMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines
-#define XtMalloc0ReturnsNullDefines Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines
-#ifndef ExtensionOSDefines
-#define ExtensionOSDefines /**/
-#ifndef ExtensionDefines
-#ifndef PexDefines
-#if BuildPexExt
-#define PexDefines -DPEXEXT
-#define PexDefines /**/
-#ifndef ShmDefines
-#if HasShm
-#define ShmDefines -DMITSHM
-#define ShmDefines /**/
-#ifndef XInputDefines
-#if BuildXInputExt
-#define XInputDefines -DXINPUT
-#define XInputDefines /**/
-#ifndef XineramaDefines
-#if BuildXinerama
-#define XineramaDefines -DPANORAMIX
-#define XineramaDefines /**/
-#ifndef XieDefines
-#if BuildXIE
-#define XieDefines -DXIE
-#define XieDefines /**/
-#ifndef PrintOnlyServer
-#define PrintOnlyServer YES
-#ifndef XprintDefines
-#if BuildXprint
-#if PrintOnlyServer
-#define XprintDefines -DPIXPRIV
-#define XprintDefines -DXPRINT -DPIXPRIV
-#define XprintDefines /**/
-#ifndef XkbDefines
-#if BuildXKB
-#define XkbDefines -DXKB
-#define XkbDefines /**/
-#ifndef XkbClientDefines
-#if UseXKBInClients
-#define XkbClientDefines -DXKB
-#define XkbClientDefines /**/
-#ifndef XkbServerDefines
-#define XkbServerDefines /**/
-#ifndef LbxDefines
-#if BuildLBX
-#define LbxDefines -DLBX
-#define LbxDefines /**/
-#ifndef BigReqDefines
-#define BigReqDefines -DBIGREQS
-#ifndef EVIDefines
-#if BuildEVI
-#define EVIDefines -DEVI
-#define EVIDefines /**/
-#ifndef DBEDefines
-#if BuildDBE
-#define DBEDefines -DDBE
-#define DBEDefines /**/
-#ifndef PervasiveDBEDefines
-#define PervasiveDBEDefines /* -DNEED_DBE_BUF_BITS -DNEED_DBE_BUF_VALIDATE */
-#ifndef MultibufferDefines
-#if BuildMultibuffer
-#define MultibufferDefines -DMULTIBUFFER
-#define MultibufferDefines /**/
-#ifndef VidTuneExtensionDefines
-#define VidTuneExtensionDefines /**/
-#ifndef RECORDDefines
-#if BuildRECORD
-#define RECORDDefines -DXRECORD
-#define RECORDDefines /**/
-#ifndef AppgroupDefines
-#if BuildAppgroup
-#define AppgroupDefines -DXAPPGROUP
-#define AppgroupDefines /**/
-#ifndef XCSecurityDefines
-#if BuildXCSecurity
-#define XCSecurityDefines -DXCSECURITY
-#define XCSecurityDefines /**/
-#ifndef CupDefines
-#if BuildCup
-#define CupDefines -DTOGCUP
-#define CupDefines /**/
-#ifndef LowMemDefines
-#if BuildLowMem
-#define LowMemDefines -DLOWMEMFTPT
-#define LowMemDefines /**/
-#ifndef DPMSDefines
-#if BuildDPMS
-#define DPMSDefines -DDPMSExtension
-#define DPMSDefines /**/
-#ifndef SitePervasiveExtensionDefines
-#define SitePervasiveExtensionDefines /**/
-#ifndef PervasiveExtensionDefines
-#define PervasiveExtensionDefines \
- -DSHAPE XInputDefines XkbDefines LbxDefines AppgroupDefines \
- XCSecurityDefines CupDefines PervasiveDBEDefines DPMSDefines \
- LowMemDefines XprintDefines XineramaDefines SitePervasiveExtensionDefines
-#ifndef SiteExtensionDefines
-#define SiteExtensionDefines /**/
-#ifndef BaseExtensionDefines
-#define BaseExtensionDefines \
- PexDefines ShmDefines XieDefines BigReqDefines VidTuneExtensionDefines \
- DBEDefines DPMSDefines EVIDefines SiteExtensionDefines
-#define ExtensionDefines BaseExtensionDefines ExtensionOSDefines
-#endif /* ExtensionDefines */
-#ifndef HasStrcasecmp
-#define HasStrcasecmp YES
-#ifndef StrcasecmpDefines
-# if HasStrcasecmp
-# define StrcasecmpDefines /**/
-# else
-# define StrcasecmpDefines -DNEED_STRCASECMP
-# endif
-#ifndef ServerXdmcpDefines
-#define ServerXdmcpDefines -DXDMCP
-#ifndef ServerOSDefines
-#define ServerOSDefines /**/
-#if HasKrb5
-#ifndef Krb5Defines
-#define Krb5Defines -DK5AUTH
-#define Krb5Defines /**/
-#ifndef ServerExtraDefines
-#define ServerExtraDefines /* -DPIXPRIV */
-#ifndef ServerAssertDefines
-#define ServerAssertDefines -DNDEBUG
-#ifndef ServerDefines
-#define ServerDefines StandardDefines PervasiveExtensionDefines ServerExtraDefines ServerAssertDefines
-#ifndef PexDipexDefines
-#define PexDipexDefines /**/
-#ifndef PexDdpexDefines
-#define PexDdpexDefines /**/
-#ifndef PexPhigsDefines
-#ifndef PexShmIPC
-#define PexShmIPC HasShm
-#if PexShmIPC
-#define PexPhigsDefines /**/
-#define PexPhigsDefines -DPEX_API_SOCKET_IPC
-#ifndef PexClientDefines
-#define PexClientDefines -DPEX_SI_PHIGS
-#ifndef PhigsInclude
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define PhigsInclude -I$(INCDIR)/X11
-#define PhigsInclude -I$(BUILDINCDIR)
-#ifndef PexCDebugFlags
-#define PexCDebugFlags DebuggableCDebugFlags
-#ifndef PexCCOptions
-#ifdef LibraryCCOptions
-#define PexCCOptions LibraryCCOptions
-#define PexCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-#ifndef DefaultFSConfigFile
-#define DefaultFSConfigFile $(LIBDIR)/fs/config
-#ifndef BinDir
-#ifdef ProjectRoot
-#define BinDir Concat(ProjectRoot,/bin)
-#define BinDir /usr/bin/X11
-#ifndef BuildIncRoot
-#define BuildIncRoot $(TOP)/exports
-#ifndef BuildIncDir
-#define BuildIncDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/include
-#ifndef BuildIncTop
-#define BuildIncTop ../.. /* relative to BuildIncDir */
-#ifndef XTop
-# if ImportX11
-# define XTop $(TOP)/imports/x11
-# else
-# define XTop $(TOP)
-# endif
-#ifndef XBuildIncRoot
-# if ImportX11
-# define XBuildIncRoot $(XTOP)
-# else
-# define XBuildIncRoot $(XTOP)/exports
-# endif
-#ifndef XBuildIncDir
-# define XBuildIncDir $(XBUILDINCROOT)/include/X11
-#ifndef XBuildIncTop
-# define XBuildIncTop ../../..
-#ifndef XBuildBinDir
-# define XBuildBinDir $(XBUILDINCROOT)/bin
-#ifndef BuildBinDir
-#define BuildBinDir $(TOP)/exports/bin
-#ifndef BuildBinTop
-#define BuildBinTop ../.. /* relative to BuildBinDir */
-#ifndef BuildLibDir
-#define BuildLibDir $(TOP)/exports/lib
-#ifndef BuildLibTop
-#define BuildLibTop ../.. /* relative to BuildLibDir */
-#ifndef LibDir
-#define LibDir $(USRLIBDIR)/X11
-#ifndef ConfigDir
-#define ConfigDir $(LIBDIR)/config
-#ifndef FontDir
-#define FontDir $(LIBDIR)/fonts
-#ifndef AdmDir
-#define AdmDir /usr/adm
-#ifndef XinitDir
-#define XinitDir $(LIBDIR)/xinit
-#ifndef XdmDir
-#define XdmDir $(LIBDIR)/xdm
-#ifndef XdmConfigurationSubdirectory /* under xdm sources */
-#define XdmConfigurationSubdirectory config
-#ifndef TwmDir
-#define TwmDir $(LIBDIR)/twm
-#ifndef XsmDir
-#define XsmDir $(LIBDIR)/xsm
-#ifndef NlsDir
-#define NlsDir $(LIBDIR)/nls
-#ifndef XLocaleDir
-#define XLocaleDir $(LIBDIR)/locale
-#ifndef PexApiDir
-#define PexApiDir $(LIBDIR)/PEX
-#ifndef LbxproxyDir
-#define LbxproxyDir $(LIBDIR)/lbxproxy
-#ifndef LbxproxyConfigSubdir /* under lbxproxy sources */
-#define LbxproxyConfigSubdir config
-#ifndef ProxyManagerDir
-#define ProxyManagerDir $(LIBDIR)/proxymngr
-#ifndef ServerConfigDir
-#define ServerConfigDir $(LIBDIR)/xserver
-#ifndef XPrintDir
-#define XPrintDir ServerConfigDir
-#ifndef VarDirectory
-#define VarDirectory /var/X11
-#ifndef InstallSecurityConfig
-#define InstallSecurityConfig YES /* Install sample security policy */
-#ifndef XFileSearchPathBase
-/* avoid SCCS keyword */
-#define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%S)
-#ifndef XFileSearchPathDefault
-#ifdef XAppLoadDir
-/* avoid SCCS keyword */
-#define XFileSearchPathDefault XAppLoadDir/Concat(%N%C,%S):XAppLoadDir/%N%S:XFileSearchPathBase
-#define XFileSearchPathDefault XFileSearchPathBase
-#ifndef XAppLoadDir
-#define XAppLoadDir $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults
-#ifndef XtErrorPrefix
-#define XtErrorPrefix /* as empty string */
-#ifndef XtExtraDefines
-#define XtExtraDefines /* as empty string */
-#ifndef XtWarningPrefix
-#define XtWarningPrefix /* as empty string */
-#ifndef OsNameDefines
-#define OsNameDefines /* as nothing */
-#ifndef DefaultUserPath /* for xdm */
-#define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-#ifndef DefaultSystemPath /* for xdm */
-#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-#ifndef DefaultSystemShell /* for xdm to set in SHELL */
-#define DefaultSystemShell BourneShell
-#ifndef ContribDir
-#define ContribDir $(XTOP)/../contrib /* contrib is outside core tree */
-#ifndef UnsupportedDir
-#define UnsupportedDir $(XTOP)/unsupported
-#ifndef AllocateLocalDefines
-#define AllocateLocalDefines /**/
-#ifndef ForceNormalLib
-#define ForceNormalLib (HasGcc && !HasGcc2)
-#ifndef ResourceConfigurationManagement
-#define ResourceConfigurationManagement YES
-#ifndef XtPopdownConformance
-#define XtPopdownConformance YES
-XCOMM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XCOMM X Window System make variables; these need to be coordinated with rules
- * This list must be reflected in the DIRS_TO_BUILD list in the top-level
- * Makefile.
- */
- XTOP = XTop
- BINDIR = BinDir /* programs */
- BUILDINCROOT = BuildIncRoot /* base of build loc */
- BUILDINCDIR = BuildIncDir /* built headers */
- BUILDINCTOP = BuildIncTop /* top relative to BUILDINCDIR */
- BUILDLIBDIR = BuildLibDir /* built libraries */
- BUILDLIBTOP = BuildLibTop /* top relative to BUILDLIBDIR */
- BUILDBINDIR = BuildBinDir /* built binaries */
- BUILDBINTOP = BuildBinTop /* top relative to BUILDBINDIR */
- XBUILDINCROOT = XBuildIncRoot /* base of X build loc */
- INCDIR = $(INCROOT) /* header files */
- ADMDIR = AdmDir /* server log files */
- LIBDIR = LibDir /* rgb, XErrorDB, etc. */
- TOP_X_INCLUDES = TopXInclude
-#ifdef VarDirectory
- VARDIR = VarDirectory
- FONTDIR = FontDir /* font directories */
- XINITDIR = XinitDir /* xinit config files */
- XDMDIR = XdmDir /* xdm config files */
- TWMDIR = TwmDir /* twm config files */
- XSMDIR = XsmDir /* xsm config files */
- NLSDIR = NlsDir /* nls files */
- XLOCALEDIR = XLocaleDir /* locale files */
- PEXAPIDIR = PexApiDir /* PEX support files */
- LBXPROXYDIR = LbxproxyDir /* lbxproxy files */
- PROXYMANAGERDIR = ProxyManagerDir /* proxy manager config files */
- XPRINTDIR = XPrintDir /* print config file root */
- XAPPLOADDIR = XAppLoadDir /* application default resource dir */
- FONTCFLAGS = FontCompilerFlags
- INSTAPPFLAGS = $(INSTDATFLAGS) /* XXX - this should go away - XXX */
-#ifdef X11ProjectRoot
- XPROJECTROOT = X11ProjectRoot
-#if defined(X11ProjectRoot)
- RGB = $(XPROJECTROOT)/bin/rgb
- FONTC = $(XPROJECTROOT)/bin/bdftopcf
- MKFONTDIR = $(XPROJECTROOT)/bin/mkfontdir
-#elif UseInstalledX11
- RGB = $(BINDIR)/rgb
- FONTC = $(BINDIR)/bdftopcf
- MKFONTDIR = $(BINDIR)/mkfontdir
- DOCUTILSRC = $(XTOP)/doc/util
- XIDXMACROS = $(DOCUTILSRC)/indexmacros.t
- PROGRAMSRC = $(TOP)/programs
- LIBSRC = $(XTOP)/lib
- FONTSRC = $(XTOP)/fonts
- INCLUDESRC = BuildIncDir
- SERVERSRC = $(XTOP)/programs/Xserver
- CONTRIBSRC = ContribDir
- UNSUPPORTEDSRC = UnsupportedDir
- DOCSRC = $(XTOP)/doc
- RGBSRC = $(XTOP)/programs/rgb
- FONTINCSRC = $(XTOP)/include/fonts
- EXTINCSRC = $(XTOP)/include/extensions
-#ifdef BuildLibPathVar
-# ifdef SystemBuildLibPath
- SYSTEMENVLIBDIR = SystemBuildLibPath
-# endif
- XENVLIBDIR = X11BuildLibPath
- CLIENTENVSETUP = BuildLibPathVar=BuildLibPath
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-/* need this to make ANSI-style preprocessors happy */
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#include ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef XBuildLibDir
-# define XBuildLibDir BuildLibDir
-#ifndef SharedLibX11
-#define SharedLibX11 HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibX11
-#define NormalLibX11 (!SharedLibX11 | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibX11
-#define DebugLibX11 NO /* debugged X library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibX11
-#define ProfileLibX11 NO /* profiled X library */
-#if SharedLibX11
-#ifndef SharedX11Rev
-#define SharedX11Rev 6.1
-#ifndef SharedLibXext
-#define SharedLibXext HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXext
-#define NormalLibXext (!SharedLibXext | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXext
-#define DebugLibXext NO /* debugged Xext library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXext
-#define ProfileLibXext NO /* profiled Xext library */
-#if SharedLibXext
-#ifndef SharedXextRev
-#define SharedXextRev 6.4
-#ifndef SharedLibXau
-#define SharedLibXau NO /* don't need shared form */
-#ifndef NormalLibXau
-#define NormalLibXau (!SharedLibXau | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXau
-#define DebugLibXau NO /* debugged auth library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXau
-#define ProfileLibXau NO /* profiled auth library */
-#if SharedLibXau
-#ifndef SharedXauRev
-#define SharedXauRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXdmcp
-#define SharedLibXdmcp NO /* don't need shared form */
-#ifndef NormalLibXdmcp
-#define NormalLibXdmcp (!SharedLibXdmcp | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXdmcp
-#define DebugLibXdmcp NO /* debugged XDMCP library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXdmcp
-#define ProfileLibXdmcp NO /* profiled XDMCP library */
-#if SharedLibXdmcp
-#ifndef SharedXdmcpRev
-#define SharedXdmcpRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXmu
-#define SharedLibXmu HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXmu
-#define NormalLibXmu (!SharedLibXmu | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXmu
-#define DebugLibXmu NO /* debugged Xmu library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXmu
-#define ProfileLibXmu NO /* profiled Xmu library */
-#if SharedLibXmu
-#ifndef SharedXmuRev
-#define SharedXmuRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedOldX
-#define SharedOldX HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalOldX
-#define NormalOldX (!SharedOldX | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugOldX
-#define DebugOldX NO /* debugged old X library */
-#ifndef ProfileOldX
-#define ProfileOldX NO /* profiled old X library */
-#if SharedOldX
-#ifndef SharedOldXRev
-#define SharedOldXRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXt
-#define SharedLibXt HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXt
-#define NormalLibXt (!SharedLibXt | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXt
-#define DebugLibXt NO /* debugged toolkit library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXt
-#define ProfileLibXt NO /* profiled toolkit library */
-#if SharedLibXt
-#ifndef SharedXtRev
-#define SharedXtRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXa
-#define SharedLibXa (HasSharedLibraries & HasCplusplus)
-#ifndef NormalLibXa
-/* #define NormalLibXa ((!SharedLibXa | ForceNormalLib) & HasCplusplus) */
-#define NormalLibXa YES /* needed for current tests, will correct later */
-#ifndef DebugLibXa
-#define DebugLibXa NO /* debugged audio library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXa
-#define ProfileLibXa NO /* profiled audio library */
-#if SharedLibXa
-#ifndef SharedXaRev
-#define SharedXaRev 1.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXaw
-#define SharedLibXaw HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXaw
-#define NormalLibXaw (!SharedLibXaw | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXaw
-#define DebugLibXaw NO /* debugged widget library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXaw
-#define ProfileLibXaw NO /* profiled widget library */
-#if SharedLibXaw
-#ifndef SharedXawRev
-#define SharedXawRev 6.1
-#ifndef SharedLibXi
-#define SharedLibXi HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXi
-#define NormalLibXi (!SharedLibXi | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXi
-#define DebugLibXi NO /* debugged Xi library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXi
-#define ProfileLibXi NO /* profiled Xi library */
-#if SharedLibXi
-#ifndef SharedXiRev
-#define SharedXiRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXtst
-#define SharedLibXtst HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXtst
-#define NormalLibXtst (!SharedLibXtst | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXtst
-#define DebugLibXtst NO /* debugged Xtst library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXtst
-#define ProfileLibXtst NO /* profiled Xtst library */
-#if SharedLibXtst
-#ifndef SharedXtstRev
-#define SharedXtstRev 6.1
-#ifndef SharedLibPex
-#define SharedLibPex HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibPex
-#define NormalLibPex (!SharedLibPex | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibPex
-#define DebugLibPex NO /* debugged PEX5 library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibPex
-#define ProfileLibPex NO /* profiled PEX5 library */
-#if SharedLibPex
-#ifndef SharedPexRev
-#define SharedPexRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXie
-#define SharedLibXie HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXie
-#define NormalLibXie (!SharedLibXie | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXie
-#define DebugLibXie NO /* debugged XIE library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXie
-#define ProfileLibXie NO /* profiled XIE library */
-#if SharedLibXie
-#ifndef SharedXieRev
-#define SharedXieRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibPhigs
-#define SharedLibPhigs NO /* XXX - haven't made it sharable yet */
-#ifndef NormalLibPhigs
-#define NormalLibPhigs (!SharedLibPhigs | ForceNormalLib)
-#if SharedLibPhigs
-#ifndef SharedPhigsRev
-#define SharedPhigsRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibICE
-#define SharedLibICE HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibICE
-#define NormalLibICE (!SharedLibICE | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibICE
-#define DebugLibICE NO /* debugged ICE library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibICE
-#define ProfileLibICE NO /* profiled ICE library */
-#if SharedLibICE
-#ifndef SharedICERev
-#define SharedICERev 6.3
-#ifndef SharedLibSM
-#define SharedLibSM HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibSM
-#define NormalLibSM (!SharedLibSM | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibSM
-#define DebugLibSM NO /* debugged SM library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibSM
-#define ProfileLibSM NO /* profiled SM library */
-#if SharedLibSM
-#ifndef SharedSMRev
-#define SharedSMRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibXkey
-#define SharedLibXkey HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibXkey
-#define NormalLibXkey (!SharedLibXkey | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibXkey
-#define DebugLibXkey NO /* debugged Xkey library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibXkey
-#define ProfileLibXkey NO /* profiled Xkey library */
-#if SharedLibXkey
-#ifndef SharedXkeyRev
-#define SharedXkeyRev 6.0
-#ifndef SharedLibFS
-#define SharedLibFS NO /* for now */
-#ifndef NormalLibFS
-#define NormalLibFS (!SharedLibFS | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibFS
-#define DebugLibFS NO /* debugged FS library */
-#ifndef ProfileLibFS
-#define ProfileLibFS NO /* profiled FS library */
-#if SharedLibFS
-#ifndef SharedFSRev
-#define SharedFSRev 6.0
-#ifdef BuildXKBlib
-#ifndef XkbClientDepLibs
-#if UseXKBInClients
-#define XkbClientDepLibs $(DEPXKBFILELIB)
-#define XkbClientDepLibs /**/
-#ifndef XkbClientLibs
-#if UseXKBInClients
-#define XkbClientLibs $(XKBFILELIB)
-#define XkbClientLibs /**/
-#ifdef UseInstalled
- XKBCOMPCMD = $(BINDIR)/xkbcomp
-#else /* !BuildXKBlib */
-#ifndef XkbClientDepLibs
-#define XkbClientDepLibs
-#ifndef XkbClientLibs
-#define XkbClientLibs
-#endif /* BuildXKBlib */
-#ifndef XawClientDepLibs
-#ifndef XawClientLibs
-#define XawClientLibs $(XAWLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#ifndef NeedDefaultDepLibs
-#define NeedDefaultDepLibs YES
-#if NeedDefaultDepLibs
- * Individual libraries should override this
- */
-#if HasSharedLibraries || defined(UseInstalled)
-#endif /* NeedDefaultDepLibs */
- * InstallAppDefaults - simple rules to install application default file
- */
-#ifndef InstallAppDefaults
-#define InstallAppDefaults(class) InstallAppDefaultsLong(class,class)
-#endif /* InstallAppDefaults */
- * InstallAppDefaultsLong - general rule to install application default file
- * if the InstallAppDefFiles configuration parameter is set.
- */
-#ifndef InstallAppDefaultsLong
-#if InstallAppDefFiles
-#define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class) @@\
-LinkVarDirectory(app-defaults,.,app-defaults,.) @@\
-#define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class) @@\
-LinkVarDirectory(app-defaults,.,app-defaults,.) @@\
-#endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */
-#endif /* InstallAppDefaultsLong */
- * MakeFontsDir - generate rules to build fonts.dir database.
- */
-#ifndef MakeFontsDir
-#define MakeFontsDir(deplist) @@\
-all:: fonts.dir @@\
- @@\
-fonts.dir: deplist @@\
- RunProgram(MKFONTDIR,.) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(fonts.dir)
-#endif /* MakeFontsDir */
- * MakeFonts - generate rules to build font database.
- */
-#ifndef MakeFonts
-#define MakeFonts() @@\
-all:: $(OBJS) @@\
- @@\
-MakeFontsDir($(OBJS)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(*.pcf *.pcf.Z *.pcf.gz)
-#endif /* MakeFonts */
- * InstallFontObjs - generate rules to install font files
- */
-#ifndef InstallFontObjs
-#define InstallFontObjs(objs,dest) @@\
-InstallMultipleFlags(objs,dest,$(INSTDATFLAGS)) @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* InstallFontObjs */
- * InstallFonts - generate rules to install font files
- */
-#ifndef InstallFonts
-#define InstallFonts(dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallFonts */
- * InstallFontAliases - generate rules to install font aliases databases.
- */
-#ifndef InstallFontAliases
-#define InstallFontAliases(dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallFontAliases */
-#ifndef FontSrc
-#define FontSrc(basename) basename.bdf
-#ifndef FontBaseObj
-#define FontBaseObj(basename)basename.pcf
- * InstallFontScale - generate rules to install font scale database.
- */
-#ifndef InstallFontScale
-#define InstallFontScale(dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallFontScale */
- * UncompressedFontTarget
- */
-#ifndef UncompressedFontTarget
-#define UncompressedFontTarget(basename) @@\
-FontBaseObj(basename): FontSrc(basename) @@\
- RunProgram(FONTC,$(FONTCFLAGS) $? -o $@)
-#endif /* UncompressedFontTarget */
- * CompressedFontTarget
- */
-#ifndef GzipFontCompression
-#define GzipFontCompression NO
-#ifndef CompressedFontTarget
-#if GzipFontCompression
-#define CompressedFontTarget(basename) @@\
-FontBaseObj(basename).gz: FontSrc(basename) @@\
- RunProgram(FONTC,$(FONTCFLAGS) $?) | $(GZIPCMD) > $@
-#define CompressedFontTarget(basename) @@\
-FontBaseObj(basename).Z: FontSrc(basename) @@\
- RunProgram(FONTC,$(FONTCFLAGS) $?) | $(COMPRESS) > $@
-#endif /* CompressedFontTarget */
-#ifdef CompressAllFonts
-#define FontTarget(basename) CompressedFontTarget(basename)
-#if GzipFontCompression
-#define FontObj(basename) FontBaseObj(basename).gz
-#define FontObj(basename) FontBaseObj(basename).Z
-#define FontTarget(basename) UncompressedFontTarget(basename)
-#define FontObj(basename) FontBaseObj(basename)
-#endif /* CompressAllFonts */
- * MakeXkbDir
- */
-#ifndef MakeXkbDir
-#define MakeXkbDir(basedir,subdir) @@\
-all:: Concat(subdir,.dir) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(subdir,.dir): @@\
- $(XKBCOMPCMD) -lfhlpR -o Concat(subdir,.dir) '*' @@\
- @@\
-InstallTarget(install,Concat(subdir,.dir),$(INSTDATFLAGS),basedir) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(subdir,.dir)
- * PostProcessTroffPS - by default moves the working output into place,
- * but can be a hook for more complicated post-processing.
- */
-#ifndef PostProcessTroffPS
-#define PostProcessTroffPS(temp,real) $(MV) temp real
-#ifndef MakeSimpleDoc
-#define MakeSimpleDoc(file,srcs) @@\
-all:: file.PS @@\
-.PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\
- @@\
-file.PS: srcs @@\
- -$(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\
- && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\
- @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\
- @@\
-file.txt: srcs @@\
- $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs 2> index.raw > $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt
-#ifndef MakeTblDoc
-#define MakeTblDoc(file,srcs) @@\
-all:: file.PS @@\
-.PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\
- @@\
-file.PS: srcs @@\
- -$(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\
- && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\
- @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\
- @@\
-file.txt: srcs @@\
- $(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw | $(COL) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt
-#ifndef MakeEqnDoc
-#define MakeEqnDoc(file,srcs) @@\
-all:: file.PS @@\
-.PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\
- @@\
-file.PS: srcs @@\
- -$(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(EQN) | $(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\
- && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\
- @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\
- @@\
-file.txt: srcs @@\
- $(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw | $(COL) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt
-#ifndef MakeDocIndex
-#define MakeDocIndex(file,srcs) @@\
-all:: file.idx.PS @@\
- @@\
-file.idx.PS: srcs index.raw @@\
- tail -1 index.raw > index.pageno @@\
- grep '^[1-9]' index.raw | sort -f '-t:' +1 -3 +0n -1n | awk -f $(DOCUTILSRC)/fixindex.awk | awk -f $(DOCUTILSRC)/block.awk > index.troff @@\
- cat srcs $(XIDXMACROS) index.troff | $(TROFF) -me > file.idx.nPS \@@\
- && $(MV) file.idx.nPS $@ @@\
- $(RM) index.troff index.pageno @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) index.troff index.pageno file.idx.nPS file.idx.PS
-#ifndef MakeLatexDoc
-#if HasLatex
-#define MakeLatexDoc(file,src) @@\
-all:: file.PS @@\
- @@\
-file.dvi: src @@\
- $(LATEX) src @@\
- @@\
-file.PS: file.dvi @@\
- $(DVIPS) -o file.nPS file && $(MV) file.nPS $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(file.nPS file.PS file.dvi file.log) @@\
- RemoveFiles(file.aux file.toc file.lof file.lot)
-#else /* HasLatex */
-#define MakeLatexDoc(file,src) @@\
-all:: @@\
-file.PS: src @@\
- @echo "cannot make file.PS: no latex on this system"; exit 1
-#endif /* HasLatex (else) */
-#endif /* MakeLatexDoc */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/bsd.cf b/cde/config/cf/bsd.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index feba08c41..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/bsd.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: bsd.cf /main/24 1996/09/28 16:09:13 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName 4.3bsd
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 3
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DNOSTDHDRS
-#define StandardDefines -DNOSTDHDRS -DCSRG_BASED
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define HasBsearch NO
-#define DirFailPrefix -
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define BuildServer NO
-#ifdef VaxArchitecture
-#define UnalignedReferencesAllowed YES /* if arbitrary deref is okay */
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 3
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index f0351aeab..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: bsdLib.rules /main/3 1996/09/28 16:09:18 rws $
- * NetBSD/FreeBSD shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef -DBSDSHLIB
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -fPIC
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- (cd down; $(CC) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,$@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- (cd $(BUILDLIBDIR) && $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so) && \
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryDataTarget */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibReferences - variables for shared libraries
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibReferences
-#define SharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-revname = rev @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = SharedLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = LoaderLibPrefix Concat(-l,libname) @@\
- * SharedDSLibReferences - variables for shared libraries
- */
-#ifndef SharedDSLibReferences
-#define SharedDSLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-revname = rev @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = SharedDSLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = LoaderLibPrefix Concat(-l,libname) Concat3(Shared,libname,Reqs) @@\
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 788208aec..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/bsdLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: bsdLib.tmpl /main/3 1996/09/28 16:09:25 rws $
- * NetBSD/FreeBSD shared library template
- */
-#ifndef SharedXtReqs
-#define SharedXtReqs /**/
-#ifndef SharedXawReqs
-#define SharedXawReqs /**/
-#ifndef SharedXmuReqs
-#ifndef SharedXReqs
-# define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(LDPOSTLIBS)
-#ifndef SharedXmReqs
-# define SharedXmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs -lc
-#ifndef SharedTtReqs
-# define SharedTtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#ifndef SharedDtSvcReqs
-# define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#ifndef SharedDtHelpReqs
-# define SharedDtHelpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(ICONVSYSLIB) SharedXReqs
-#ifndef SharedCsaReqs
-# define SharedCsaReqs -lXt $(LDPOSTLIBS)
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/cde.rules b/cde/config/cf/cde.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 105d3495e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/cde.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998 The Open Group , Inc.
- * the full copyright text.
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
- * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: cde.rules /main/4 1998/02/06 10:53:52 kaleb $
-/* Note whether we are the top level project. */
-#ifndef SeenTopLevelProject
-# define SeenTopLevelProject YES
-# define CDEIsTopLevelProject YES
-# define CDEIsTopLevelProject NO
-/* Include the Motif project rules file. */
-/* Use the in-tree CDE by default. */
-#ifndef UseInstalledCDE
-# define UseInstalledCDE NO
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-# undef UseInstalledCDE
-# define UseInstalledCDE YES
-#ifndef ImportCDE
-# ifdef UseImports
-# define ImportCDE YES
-# else
-# define ImportCDE NO
-# endif
-#if UseInstalledCDE
-# undef ImportCDE
-# define ImportCDE NO
-/* If CDE has a different ProjectRoot we need to search the regular ones too. */
-#ifdef CDEProjectRoot
-# define CUsrLibDirPath Concat(MUsrLibDirPath,:$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib)
-# define CUsrLibDirPath MUsrLibDirPath
-#ifdef UsrLibDirPath
-# undef UsrLibDirPath
-#define UsrLibDirPath CUsrLibDirPath
-#if ImportCDE
-# define CLdPreLibs -L$(CDELIBSRC)
-#elif defined(UseInstalledCDE) && defined(CDEProjectRoot)
-# define CLdPreLibs -L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define CLdPreLibs /**/
-#ifdef LdPreLibs
-# undef LdPreLibs
-#define LdPreLibs LdPreLib CLdPreLibs MLdPreLibs XLdPreLibs
-#ifdef CDEProjectRoot
-# define CLdPostLibs -L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
-# define CLdPostLibs /**/
-#ifdef LdPostLibs
-# undef LdPostLibs
-#define LdPostLibs LdPostLib CLdPostLibs MLdPostLibs XLdPostLibs
-#ifdef TopIncludes
-# undef TopIncludes
-#if UseInstalledCDE && defined(CDEProjectRoot)
-# define CDEBuildLibPath $(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
-#elif UseInstalledCDE
-# define CDEBuildLibPath $(USRLIBDIR)
-#elif ImportCDE
-# define CDEBuildLibPath $(CDELIBSRC)
-# define CDEBuildLibPath $(TOP)/exports/lib
-#ifdef BuildLibPath
-# undef BuildLibPath
-#ifdef SystemBuildLibPath
-# define BuildLibPath \
-#ifndef CdeInstallationTop
-# define CdeInstallationTop /usr/dt
-#ifndef CdeConfigurationTop
-# define CdeConfigurationTop /etc/dt
-#ifndef CdeLogFilesTop
-# define CdeLogFilesTop /var/dt
-#ifndef CdeUserTop
-# define CdeUserTop .dt
-#ifndef CdeProjectDefines
-# define CdeProjectDefines \
-#ifdef ProjectDefines
-# undef ProjectDefines
-#define ProjectDefines X11ProjectDefines MotifProjectDefines CdeProjectDefines
-#ifndef CdeCplusplusProjectDefines
-# define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines CdeProjectDefines
-#ifdef CplusplusProjectDefines
-# undef CplusplusProjectDefines
-#define CplusplusProjectDefines \
- X11CplusplusProjectDefines MotifCplusplusProjectDefines CdeCplusplusProjectDefines
- * Doc build rules
- */
- * MakeSdlVolume - generate rules to create an SDL volume, in the specified
- * directory, from an SGML source doc.
- * Note: the volume name must match the directory name.
- */
-#ifndef MakeSdlVolume
-#define MakeSdlVolume(vol,dir,env,opts,dep) @@\
-all:: dir/vol.sdl @@\
- @@\
-dir/vol.sdl: dep @@\
- MakeDir(dir) @@\
- env $(DTDOCBOOK) $(DTDOCBOOKOPTIONS) opts -o dir/vol.sdl vol/book.sgm @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) dir/vol.sdl vol/book.log
- * MakeTocFile - generate rules to create an SGML TOC file.
- * Note: the volume name must match the directory name.
- */
-#ifndef MakeTocFile
-#define MakeTocFile(vol,env,opts,ttle,ident,dep) @@\
-all:: vol/TOC.sgm @@\
- @@\
-vol/TOC.sgm: dep @@\
- env $(DTINFOGEN) tocgen -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -f vol/TOC.sgm -id ident -title ttle vol/book.sgm @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) vol/TOC.sgm
-#ifndef MakeTocFile3
-#define MakeTocFile3(vol,env,opts,ttle,ident,dep1,dep2,dep3) @@\
-all:: vol/TOC.sgm @@\
- @@\
-vol/TOC.sgm: dep1 @@\
-vol/TOC.sgm: dep2 @@\
-vol/TOC.sgm: dep3 @@\
- env $(DTINFOGEN) tocgen -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -f vol/TOC.sgm -id ident -title ttle vol/book.sgm @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) vol/TOC.sgm
- * TocFileDep - generate TOC file dependency rule
- */
-#ifndef TocFileDep
-#define TocFileDep(vol,dep) @@\
-vol/TOC.sgm: dep
- * MakeInfolib - generate rules to create an infolib.
- */
-#ifndef MakeInfolib
-#define MakeInfolib(infolib,bkcase,env,opts,dep) @@\
-all:: infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf @@\
- @@\
-infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep @@\
- MakeDir(infolib) @@\
- env $(DTINFOGEN) build -v -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -l infolib bookcase.bc
- * InfolibDep - generate infolib dependency rule - Highly depending on MMDB!
- */
-#ifndef InfolibDep
-#define InfolibDep(infolib,bkcase,dep) @@\
-infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep
-#ifndef InfolibDep3
-#define InfolibDep3(infolib,bkcase,dep1,dep2,dep3) @@\
-infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep1 @@\
-infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep2 @@\
-infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep3
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/cde.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/cde.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f512474..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/cde.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: cde.tmpl /main/2 1996/12/04 10:13:09 swick $
-/* Include the Motif project template file. */
-#ifndef _CUse
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define _CUse(a,b) a
-# else
-# define _CUse(a,b) b
-# endif
-#ifndef _CUseCat
-# if (__STDC__ && !defined(UnixCpp)) || defined(AnsiCpp) || defined(__llvm__)
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define _CUseCat(a,b,c) a##c
-# else
-# define _CUseCat(a,b,c) b##c
-# endif
-# else
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define _CUseCat(a,b,c) a/**/c
-# else
-# define _CUseCat(a,b,c) b/**/c
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef CDETop
-# if ImportCDE
-# define CDETop $(TOP)/imports/cde
-# else
-# define CDETop $(TOP)
-# endif
-#ifndef CDESharedRev
-#define CDESharedRev 2.1
-#ifndef SharedLibPam
-# define SharedLibPam HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibPam
-# define NormalLibPam (!SharedLibPam | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibPam
-# define DebugLibPam NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibPam
-# define ProfileLibPam NO
-#ifndef SharedPamRev
-# define SharedPamRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtPamSvc
-# define SharedLibDtPamSvc HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtPamSvc
-# define NormalLibDtPamSvc (!SharedLibDtPamSvc | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtPamSvc
-# define DebugLibDtPamSvc NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtPamSvc
-# define ProfileLibDtPamSvc NO
-#ifndef SharedDtPamSvcRev
-# define SharedDtPamSvcRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibTt
-# define SharedLibTt HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibTt
-# define NormalLibTt (!SharedLibTt | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibTt
-# define DebugLibTt NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibTt
-# define ProfileLibTt NO
-#ifndef SharedTtRev
-# define SharedTtRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtSvc
-# define SharedLibDtSvc HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtSvc
-# define NormalLibDtSvc (!SharedLibDtSvc | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtSvc
-# define DebugLibDtSvc NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtSvc
-# define ProfileLibDtSvc NO
-#ifndef SharedDtSvcRev
-# define SharedDtSvcRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtSearch
-# define SharedLibDtSearch HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtSearch
-# define NormalLibDtSearch (!SharedLibDtSearch | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtSearch
-# define DebugLibDtSearch NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtSearch
-# define ProfileLibDtSearch NO
-#ifndef SharedDtSearchRev
-# define SharedDtSearchRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtWidget
-# define SharedLibDtWidget HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtWidget
-# define NormalLibDtWidget (!SharedLibDtWidget | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtWidget
-# define DebugLibDtWidget NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtWidget
-# define ProfileLibDtWidget NO
-#ifndef SharedDtWidgetRev
-# define SharedDtWidgetRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtHelp
-# define SharedLibDtHelp HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtHelp
-# define NormalLibDtHelp (!SharedLibDtHelp | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtHelp
-# define DebugLibDtHelp NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtHelp
-# define ProfileLibDtHelp NO
-#ifndef SharedDtHelpRev
-# define SharedDtHelpRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtPrint
-# define SharedLibDtPrint HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtPrint
-# define NormalLibDtPrint (!SharedLibDtPrint | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtPrint
-# define DebugLibDtPrint NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtPrint
-# define ProfileLibDtPrint NO
-#ifndef SharedDtPrintRev
-# define SharedDtPrintRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtTerm
-# define SharedLibDtTerm HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtTerm
-# define NormalLibDtTerm (!SharedLibDtTerm | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtTerm
-# define DebugLibDtTerm NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtTerm
-# define ProfileLibDtTerm NO
-#ifndef SharedDtTermRev
-# define SharedDtTermRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtMrm
-# define SharedLibDtMrm HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtMrm
-# define NormalLibDtMrm (!SharedLibDtMrm | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtMrm
-# define DebugLibDtMrm NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtMrm
-# define ProfileLibDtMrm NO
-#ifndef SharedDtMrmRev
-# define SharedDtMrmRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibDtMmdb
-# define SharedLibDtMmdb HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibDtMmdb
-# define NormalLibDtMmdb (!SharedLibDtMmdb | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibDtMmdb
-# define DebugLibDtMmdb NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibDtMmdb
-# define ProfileLibDtMmdb NO
-#ifndef SharedDtMmdbRev
-# define SharedDtMmdbRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef SharedLibCsa
-# define SharedLibCsa HasSharedLibraries
-#ifndef NormalLibCsa
-# define NormalLibCsa (!SharedLibCsa | ForceNormalLib)
-#ifndef DebugLibCsa
-# define DebugLibCsa NO
-#ifndef ProfileLibCsa
-# define ProfileLibCsa NO
-#ifndef SharedCsaRev
-# define SharedCsaRev CDESharedRev
-#ifndef DtLocalesToBuild
-#define DtLocalesToBuild de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8 ja_JP.dt-eucJP
-#ifndef DtCodeGen
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define DtCodeGen dtcodegen
-# else
-# define DtCodeGen $(CLIENTENVSETUP) $(DTCODEGENCAT) $(CDESRC)/dtappbuilder/src/abmf/dtcodegen
-# endif
-#ifndef BuildCDEDoc
-# define BuildCDEDoc YES
-#ifndef UseNSGMLS
-# define UseNSGMLS YES
-#ifndef SGMLParser
-# if UseNSGMLS
-# define SGMLDir $(NSGMLSSRC)
-# define SGMLParser $(NSGMLSSRC)/nsgmls
-# else
-# define SGMLDir $(SGMLSSRC)
-# define SGMLParser $(SGMLSSRC)/sgmls
-# endif
-#ifndef DtInfoGen
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define DtInfoGen dtinfogen
-# else
-# endif
-#ifndef DtInfoGenTmpDir
-# define DtInfoGenTmpDir $(TOP)/doc/tmp
-#ifndef DtDocBook
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define DtDocBook dtdocbook
-# else
-# define DtDocBook $(CLIENTENVSETUP) $(DTLCXENVSETUP) $(KORNSHELL) $(CDESRC)/dtdocbook/doc2sdl/dtdocbook
-# endif
-#ifndef DtDocBookOptions
-# if UseInstalledCDE
-# define DtDocBookOptions
-# else
-# define DtDocBookOptions -t $(CDESRC)/dtdocbook/doc2sdl -H $(HELPTAGPASS2DEF) -I $(CDESRC)/dtdocbook/instant/instant -L $(CDESRC)/dtdocbook/xlate_locale/xlate_locale -S SGMLParser
-# endif
-#if ImportCDE || UseInstalledCDE
- CDEINCLUDESRC = $(CDETOP)/exports/include
- PAMSRC = $(CDELIBSRC)/pam/libpam
- CDESRC = $(CDETOP)/programs
-#ifdef BuildLibPathVar
-#ifdef CDEProjectRoot
- CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP = CdeInstallationTop
-CDE_CONFIGURATION_TOP = CdeConfigurationTop
- CDE_USER_TOP = CdeUserTop
- HELPPARSERSRC = $(CDESRC)/dthelp/parser
- HELPTAG = _CUseCat($(BINDIR),$(HELPPARSERSRC)/helptag,/dthelptag)
- HELPTAGPASS1DEF = _CUseCat($(BINDIR),$(HELPPARSERSRC)/pass1/helptag,/dthelp_htag1)
- HELPTAGPASS2DEF = _CUseCat($(BINDIR),$(HELPPARSERSRC)/pass2/htag2,/dthelp_htag2)
-#if UseNSGMLS
- NSGMLSSRC = $(CDESRC)/nsgmls
- SGMLSSRC = $(CDESRC)/dtdocbook/sgmls
- DTINFOGENSRC = $(CDESRC)/dtinfo/dtinfogen
-#ifdef DtInfoGenOptions
-#ifdef ArchitectureDefines
- ARCHITECTURE_DEFINES = ArchitectureDefines
-#if !UseInstalledCDE
-#ifndef TtClientLibs
-# define TtClientLibs $(TTLIB) $(XLIB)
-#ifndef TtClientDepLibs
-# define TtClientDepLibs $(DEPTTLIB) $(DEPXLIB)
-/* These libraries use UseInstalledCDE instead of UseInstalled. */
-#undef _Use
-#undef _UseCat
-#define _Use _CUse
-#define _UseCat _CUseCat
-#ifndef CDEBuildLibDir
-# define CDEBuildLibDir BuildLibDir
-#if SharedLibPam
-#if SharedLibDtPamSvc
-#if SharedLibTt
-#if SharedLibDtSvc
-#if SharedLibDtSearch
-#if SharedLibDtWidget
-#if SharedLibDtHelp
-#if SharedLibDtPrint
-#if SharedLibDtTerm
-#if SharedLibDtMrm
-#if SharedLibDtMmdb
-#if SharedLibDtCm
-#if SharedLibCsa
-/* Revert to the normal library rules. */
-#undef _Use
-#undef _UseCat
-#define _Use _XUse
-#define _UseCat _XUseCat
-#ifndef DtClientLibs
-#ifndef DepDtClientLibs
-#ifndef DtClientSysLibs
-#ifndef DtClientExtraLibs
-# define DtClientExtraLibs /**/
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/convex.cf b/cde/config/cf/convex.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index deb6d76e1..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/convex.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: convex.cf /main/4 1996/09/28 16:09:50 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName ConvexOS V9.0
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 9
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef VersionNumber
-#define VersionNumber
-#define BootstrapCFlags -tm c1
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define InstallXdmConfig YES
-#define XdmDir $(LIBDIR)/xdm-sample
-#define XdmServersType fs /* one tab here */
-#define HasXmWidgets NO
-#define InstKmemFlags -g kmem -m 2711 -v $(VERSION)
-#define InstScriptFlags -m 0755 -g bin
-#define InstManFlags -m 0444 -g bin
-#define DefaultCCOptions -fn -tm c1
-#define LibraryCCOptions -fx -tm c1
-#define StripFlags -r -x
-#define HasSecureOS YES
-#define BuildExamples YES
-#define BuildMotif NO
-#define BuildConvexClients YES
-#define MotifBC YES
-#define UilCommand uil
-#define ExampleDir $(LIBDIR)/examples
-#define UnSupDir $(LIBDIR)/unsupported
-#define BuildTestExt YES
-#define DefaultScreenSaverTime 0
-#if BuildTestExt
-#define TestDefines -DXTESTEXT1
-#define TestDefines /**/
-#define ExtensionOSDefines TestDefines
- VERSION = VersionNumber
- UIL = UilCommand
- UNSUPDIR = UnSupDir /* unsupported examples and code */
- * _Use - makes a choice based on UseInstalled.
- */
-#ifndef _Use
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define _Use(a,b) a
-#define _Use(a,b) b
- * _UseCat - combination of _Use and Concat.
- * exists to avoid problems with some preprocessors
- */
-#ifndef _UseCat
-#if (defined(__STDC__) || (defined(__convex__) && defined(__stdc__)))
-&& !defined(UnixCpp)
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define _UseCat(a,b,c) a##c
-#define _UseCat(a,b,c) b##c
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define _UseCat(a,b,c) a/**/c
-#define _UseCat(a,b,c) b/**/c
-#if HasXmWidgets
- XMLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXm,$(DEPXMLIB))
- LINTXMLIB = _UseCat($(LINTLIBDIR),$(XMLIBSRC),/llib-lXm.ln)
- UILLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lUil,$(DEPUILLIB))
- LINTUILLIB = _UseCat($(LINTLIBDIR),$(UILLIBSRC),/llib-lUil.ln)
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/cray.cf b/cde/config/cf/cray.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f36c5df..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/cray.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: cray.cf /main/52 1996/09/28 16:09:55 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName UNICOS 8.0
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 8
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#define SystemV YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving YES
-#define ArCmd bld cr
-#define StandardDefines -DSYSV -DUSG
-#define ExecableScripts NO
-#define HasPoll NO
-#define HasXServer NO
-#define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN
-#define HasShm NO
-#define PexNativeFPFormat PEXCRAY_Floating
-#define NativeFPFormat CRAY_Float
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define InstallCmd install
-#define InstallCmd $(SHELL) $(CONFIGSRC)/util/install.sh
-#ifdef _CRAY2
-#define DefaultCCOptions -hpagelm -hlimitlm
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 6
-#define PreProcessCmd /lib/pcpp
-#define CppCmd /lib/pcpp
-# if OSMajorVersion == 5
-# define PreProcessCmd /lib/cpp
-# define CppCmd /lib/cpp
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -lnet
-# endif
-/* XKB library code does not work here yet */
-#define BuildXKBlib NO
-#define MotifDefines -DNO_REGEX -DNO_REGCOMP
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/cross.def b/cde/config/cf/cross.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 85afdf0fe..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/cross.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* $XFree86: xc/config/cf/cross.def,v 1.1 2000/12/08 22:09:34 keithp Exp $ */
- * This file contains redefinitions of some symbols to enable
- * cross compilation: e.g. paths for include files and paths to
- * compiler images. It will have to be edited to reflect these
- * given your local configuration.
- */
-#if 0
-#undef i386Architecture
-#define Arm32Architecture
-#undef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
-#define ServerCDebugFlags -O2
-#undef StandardDefines
-#define StandardDefines -Dlinux -D__arm__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE \
-#undef CcCmd
-#define StdIncDir /skiff/local/arm-linux/include
-#define PreIncDir
-#undef PostIncDir
-#define PostIncDir /skiff/local/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/2.95.2/include
-#define CcCmd /skiff/local/bin/arm-linux-gcc
-#undef CplusplusCmd
-#define HasCplusplus YES
-#define CplusplusCmd /skiff/local/bin/arm-linux-g++
-#define DoRanlibCmd YES
-#define RanlibCmd /skiff/local/bin/arm-linux-ranlib
-#undef ExtraLoadFlags
-#define ExtraLoadFlags
-#define FbNoPixelAddrCode
-#undef TermcapLibrary
-#define TermcapLibrary -ltermcap
-#undef LdPostLib
-#define LdPostLib -L/skiff/local/arm-linux/lib
-#undef ExtensionOSDefines
-#define ExtensionOSDefines
-#define ServerXdmcpDefines /**/
-#define HostCcCmd cc
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/cross.rules b/cde/config/cf/cross.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index da02643af..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/cross.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/cross.rules,v 1.7 2002/04/04 14:05:33 eich Exp $
-#ifndef HostCcCmd
-#define HostCcCmd cc
-#define HostLinkRule(target,flags,objs,libs) HostCcCmd -I$(BUILDINCDIR) -o target flags objs libs
-/* ComplexHostProgramTarget - Compile a program such that we can run
- * it on this host, i.e., don't use the default cross compiler.
- */
-#ifndef ComplexHostProgramTarget
-#define ComplexHostProgramTarget(program) @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),$(OBJS),$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
- @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* ComplexHostProgramTarget */
-#ifndef SimpleHostProgramTarget
-#define SimpleHostProgramTarget(program) @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): program.o $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),program.o,$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
- @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* SimpleHostProgramTarget */
-#ifndef SimpleHostProgramTarget_1
-#define SimpleHostProgramTarget_1(program) @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): program.o $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),program.o,$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-DependTarget() @@\
-LintTarget() @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* SimpleHostProgramTarget_1 */
-#ifndef SimpleHostProgramTarget_2
-#define SimpleHostProgramTarget_2(program) @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): program.o $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),program.o,$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* SimpleHostProgramTarget_2 */
-#ifndef SimpleHostProgramTarget_3
-#define SimpleHostProgramTarget_3(program) @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): program.o $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),program.o,$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* SimpleHostProgramTarget_3 */
-#ifndef SimpleHostProgramTarget_4
-#define SimpleHostProgramTarget_4(program) @@\
- SRCS = program.c @@\
- @@\
- CC=HostCcCmd @@\
- PROGRAM = program @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(HostProgramTargetName(program)) @@\
- @@\
-HostProgramTargetName(program): program.o $(DEPLIBS) @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- HostLinkRule($@,$(_NOOP_),program.o,$(DEPLIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(HostProgramTargetName(program))
-#endif /* SimpleHostProgramTarget_4 */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/darwin.cf b/cde/config/cf/darwin.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc456032..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/darwin.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/darwin.cf,v 1.7 2005/03/17 01:12:07 torrey Exp $
-XCOMM platform: $XFree86: xc/config/cf/darwin.cf,v 1.50 2004/01/20 23:54:50 torrey Exp $
-/* Darwin / Mac OS X configuration by John Carmack */
-/* imake determines the default values by parsing uname */
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor Apple Computer, Inc.
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
- * Define the operating system's capabilities
- */
-#define HasSnprintf YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull NO
-#define HasShadowPasswd NO
-#define HasUsableFileMmap YES
-#define HasZlib YES
-#ifndef HasShm
-# define HasShm YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 6
-# define HasNCurses YES
-# define HasArc4Random YES
-# define HasGetIfAddrs YES
-# define HasStrlcat YES
-# define HasBasename NO
-# define HasNCurses NO
-#ifndef HasGroff
-# define HasGroff YES
-#ifndef HasGcc3
-# define HasGcc3 NO
-#ifndef HasExpat
-# define HasExpat NO
-#ifndef HasLibpng
-# define HasLibpng NO
-/* Older versions don't really support IPv6, but #define AF_INET6. */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 6
-# define BuildIPv6 NO
-/* Thread support */
-#define HasPosixThreads YES
-#define SystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 6
-# define HasThreadSafeAPI YES
-# define HasThreadSafeAPI NO
-/* Libtool on Darwin always uses minor numbers */
-#define LibtoolMinorVersions YES
-/* The most common file system, HFS+, is not case sensitive. */
-#ifndef CaseSensitiveFileSystem
-# define CaseSensitiveFileSystem NO
- * This enables some settings for developers.
- */
-#ifndef XFree86Devel
-# define XFree86Devel NO
- * This enables Quartz compatibility.
- * Turn off to build on raw Darwin systems.
- */
-#ifndef DarwinQuartzSupport
-# define DarwinQuartzSupport YES
-#if DarwinQuartzSupport
-# if OSMajorVersion >= 7
- PROJ_BUILD = xcodebuild
-# else
- PROJ_BUILD = pbxbuild
-# endif
-# ifndef HasXplugin
-# if OSMajorVersion >= 7
-# define HasXplugin YES
-# else
-# define HasXplugin NO
-# endif
-# endif
-# if HasXplugin
-# ifndef XpLibDir
-# define XpLibDir /usr/lib
-# endif
-# ifndef XpIncDir
-# define XpIncDir $(SERVERSRC)/hw/darwin/quartz/xpr
-# endif
-# define XpluginLibrary Concat(-L,$(XPLIBDIR)) -lXplugin
-# else
-# define XpluginLibrary /**/
-# endif
-# ifndef BuildAppleDRI
-# if HasXplugin
-# define BuildAppleDRI YES
-# else
-# define BuildAppleDRI NO
-# endif
-# endif
-# if BuildAppleDRI
-# define GlxExtraDefines -DGLX_DIRECT_RENDERING -DGLX_USE_APPLEGL GlxArchDefines
-# endif
-# define BuildRootless YES
-# define BuildAppleWMLibrary YES
-#endif /* DarwinQuartzSupport */
-/* we don't need -lm */
-#define MathLibrary /**/
-#define TermcapLibrary -lcurses
-#define SetTtyGroup YES /* for xterm */
-/* we don't have a dbm library */
-#define DBMLibrary /**/
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-/* Use flex -l for compatibility with various versions of flex. */
-#ifndef LexCmd
-# define LexCmd flex -l
-#define HasFlex YES
- * Our cpp isn't in /lib/cpp and early versions don't like -undef.
- * The gcc 3.3 cpp that Apple ships inserts spurious #pragmas,
- * so we use the 3.1-based version in this case.
- */
-#if (GccMajorVersion == 3) && (GccMinorVersion == 3)
-# define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp3
-# define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp
-#if (GccMajorVersion == 3) && (GccMinorVersion == 3) || (GccMajorVersion > 3)
-# define StandardCppOptions -traditional -D__GNUC__
-#if HasGcc3
-# define RawCppCmd CppCmd -undef
-# define RawCppCmd CppCmd
-/* we have a gcc compatible compiler, but its not called gcc */
-#define CcCmd /usr/bin/cc
-#define CplusplusCmd /usr/bin/c++
-/* default flags to pass to cc */
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#if XFree86Devel
-# define DefaultCCOptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes \
- -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \
- -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs \
- -no-cpp-precomp
-# define DefaultCCOptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -no-cpp-precomp
-/* flags to pass to cc when building libraries */
-#ifndef LibraryCCOptions
-# define LibraryCCOptions DefaultCCOptions -fno-common
-/* The cr implementation does not build with NEED_SCREEN_REGIONS,
- so play it safe. */
-#ifndef ServerCCOptions
-# define ServerCCOptions DefaultCCOptions -UNEED_SCREEN_REGIONS
-#ifdef PpcDarwinArchitecture
-# define DarwinMachineDefines -D__powerpc__
-# if HasGcc3
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -Os
-# else
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
-# endif
-# define ByteOrder X_BIG_ENDIAN
-#endif /* PpcDarwinArchitecture */
-#ifdef i386DarwinArchitecture
-# define DarwinMachineDefines -D__i386__
-# if HasGcc3
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -Os
-# else
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 -fno-strength-reduce
-# endif
-# define ByteOrder X_LITTLE_ENDIAN
-#endif /* i386DarwinArchitecture */
-#ifdef x86_64DarwinArchitecture
-# define DarwinMachineDefines -D__x86_64__
-# if HasGcc3
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -Os
-# else
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 -fno-strength-reduce
-# endif
-# define ByteOrder X_LITTLE_ENDIAN
-#endif /* x86_64DarwinArchitecture */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 7
-# define DarwinLocaleDefines -DX_LOCALE
-# define DarwinLocaleDefines /**/
-# define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_WCTYPE_H -DNO_WIDEC_H
- * __DARWIN__ will be used for platform specific #ifdefs that can't
- * be handled by existing X defines.
- *
- * Darwin's alloca() seg faults (rather than returning NULL) on failed
- * allocations, so we can't use it.
- */
-#define StandardDefines DarwinMachineDefines -D__DARWIN__ \
- -DNO_ALLOCA -DCSRG_BASED DarwinLocaleDefines
- * Set this to NO to just build the client libs, which should work without
- * having to write any platform specific code.
- */
-#ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer YES
-/* our custom X server */
-# define XDarwinServer YES
-/* Thanks to the IOKit, the X server does not have to be SetUID. */
-#ifndef InstallXserverSetUID
-# define InstallXserverSetUID NO
-/* Allow Xtrans to work with non-SetUID server. */
-#ifndef XtransFailSoft
-# define XtransFailSoft YES
-/* disable XKB by default as it can cause problems */
-#define DfltDisableXKB YES
-/* no direct graphics extension */
-#define BuildXF86DGA NO
-/* Support for tablets and other non-standard input devices */
-#ifndef BuildXInputExt
-# define BuildXInputExt YES
-#define BuildXInputLib YES
-/* no Display Power Management extension */
-#define BuildDPMS NO
-/* no XFree86-Misc extension */
-#define BuildXF86MiscExt NO
-/* no XFree86-VidMode extension */
-#define BuildXF86VidModeExt NO
-#ifndef BuildXterm
-# define BuildXterm BuildClients /* Not enabled by default */
-#define BuildLibPathVar DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
-/* include rules to build shared libraries */
- * BundleProgramTarget - Generate rules for compiling, linking and
- * installing a bundle executable.
- */
-#ifndef BundleProgramTarget
-#define BundleProgramTarget(program,loader,subdirs,objs,deplib,syslib,dstdir) @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(program) @@\
- @@\
-program: loader subdirs objs deplib @@\
- RemoveTargetProgram($@) @@\
- LinkRule($@,-bundle $(LDOPTIONS),objs,deplib $(LDLIBS) syslib -bundle_loader loader) @@\
- @@\
-InstallProgram(program,dstdir/program.bundle/Contents/MacOS) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(program)
-#endif /* BundleProgramTarget */
- * Darwin specific Imake Config files
- */
-#ifndef LocalConfigFiles
-#define LocalConfigFiles \
- darwinLib.rules \
- darwinLib.tmpl
-/* include all the X.Org rules */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f69d3e3..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/darwinLib.rules,v 1.8 2003/10/09 22:43:18 herrb Exp $
- * Darwin/Mac OS X shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef UseElfFormat
-#define UseElfFormat NO
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef ForceNormalLib
-#define ForceNormalLib YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -dynamiclib
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -dynamic
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-#define ExtraLoadFlags /**/
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- set -x; $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib) && \ @@\
- $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib) @@\
- @if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.dylib); \ @@\
- $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.dylib)); fi
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- INSTALLNAME=Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib); \ @@\
- set -x; (cd down; $(CC) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -install_name $(USRLIBDIR)/$$INSTALLNAME -current_version rev -compatibility_version rev solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)); \ @@\
- $(RM) $$INSTALLNAME; $(LN) $@ $$INSTALLNAME; \ @@\
- LinkBuildSonameLibrary($$INSTALLNAME) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- @if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.dylib); \ @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.dylib)); fi @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.dylib),$(SOSYMLINK)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- set -x; $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib) @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) Concat(lib,libname.dylib)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedDepLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library.
- */
-#ifndef SharedDepLibraryTarget
-# define SharedDepLibraryTarget(libname,rev,deplist,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib): deplist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- INSTALLNAME=Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib); \ @@\
- set -x; (cd down; $(CC) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -install_name $(USRLIBDIR)/$$INSTALLNAME -current_version rev -compatibility_version rev solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)); \ @@\
- $(RM) $$INSTALLNAME; $(LN) $@ $$INSTALLNAME; \ @@\
- LinkBuildSonameLibrary($$INSTALLNAME) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- @if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.dylib); \ @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.dylib)); fi @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.dylib),$(SOSYMLINK)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- set -x; $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib) @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) Concat(lib,libname.dylib)
-#endif /* SharedDepLibraryTarget */
- * SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library.
- */
-#ifndef SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget
-# define SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget(libname,rev,deplist,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib): deplist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- INSTALLNAME=Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib); \ @@\
- set -x; (cd down; $(CXX) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -install_name $(USRLIBDIR)/$$INSTALLNAME -current_version rev -compatibility_version rev solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)); \ @@\
- $(RM) $$INSTALLNAME; $(LN) $@ $$INSTALLNAME; \ @@\
- LinkBuildSonameLibrary($$INSTALLNAME) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- @if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.dylib); \ @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.dylib)); fi @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.dylib),$(SOSYMLINK)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- @MAJREV=`echo rev | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\(\.[0-9]*\)\{1,2\}/\1/'`; \ @@\
- set -x; $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.$$MAJREV.dylib) @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.rev.dylib) Concat(lib,libname.dylib)
-#endif /* SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget */
-#ifndef SharedDepModuleTarget
-#define SharedDepModuleTarget(name,deps,solist) @@\
-AllTarget(name) @@\
- @@\
-name: deps @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- $(CC) -o $@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) name
-#endif /* SharedDepModuleTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryDataTarget */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bedf9507..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/darwinLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/darwinLib.tmpl,v 1.19 2003/11/04 00:24:36 torrey Exp $
- * Darwin/Mac OS X shared library template
- */
-#ifndef FixupLibReferences
-#define FixupLibReferences() @@\
-XMULIBONLY = -lXmu @@\
-#ifndef XawClientLibs
-/* Allow for libpthread, as overridden by OS definitions */
-#if !defined(SharedX11Reqs)
-#define SharedX11Reqs
-#define SharedXlibi18nReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXfontReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(FONTSTUBLIB) GzipLibrary -flat_namespace
-#define SharedAppleWMReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedFontencReqs $(LDPRELIB) GzipLibrary
-#define SharedGLReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedGLUReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
-#define SharedOSMesaReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
-#define SharedSMReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(ICELIB)
-#define SharedXaw7Reqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXaw6Reqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXcursorReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXextReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
-#define SharedXiReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXmuuReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
-#define SharedXpReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXpmReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXrandrReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXrenderReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXtReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) -flat_namespace
-#define SharedXtstReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXvReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedDPSReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedOldXReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
-#define SharedpsresReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXResReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXfontcacheReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXineramaReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXssReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXvMCReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXxf86miscReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXxf86vmReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedxkbfileReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
-#define SharedxkbuiReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XKBFILELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
-#define SharedXfixesReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXdamageReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XFIXESLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXcompositeReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XDAMAGELIB) $(XFIXESLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXevieReqs $(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/generic.cf b/cde/config/cf/generic.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index de2b09819..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/generic.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: generic.cf /main/8 1996/09/28 16:10:06 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Unknown Operating System
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 0
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifdef SYSV
-#define SystemV YES
-#ifdef SVR4
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define BuildServer NO
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/host.def b/cde/config/cf/host.def
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/hp.cf b/cde/config/cf/hp.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index d93828c22..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/hp.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: hp.cf /main/88 1997/11/12 07:16:22 kaleb $
-#ifndef OSName
-# define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-# define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion.OSMinorVersion.OSTeenyVersion)
-/* The default yacc options are too small for Uil.y. */
-#define YaccFlags -Nm15000
- * C++ compiler setup. This file knows what options to use with
- * certain compilers, including HP C++ and CenterLine C++.
- *
- * For HP C++, define HasHPCplusplus to YES in site.def.
- * For CenterLine C++, define HasCenterLineCplusplus to YES in site.def.
- * For other compilers, define HasCplusplus to YES in site.def, and
- * check to see if you need to provide values for CplusplusOptions
- * and/or DefaultCplusplusOptions.
- *
- * In any case, you may also need to set CplusplusDependIncludes.
- */
-#if HasHPCplusplus
-# ifndef HasCplusplus
-# define HasCplusplus YES
-# endif
-# ifndef DefaultCplusplusOptions
-# define DefaultCplusplusOptions -Aa
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusOptions
-# define CplusplusOptions -Aa
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusCmd
-# define CplusplusCmd /opt/CC/bin/CC
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/CC/include/CC
-# endif
-#ifndef CcCmd
-# define CcCmd /opt/ansic/bin/cc
-#ifndef YaccCmd
-# define YaccCmd /opt/langtools/bin/yacc
-#ifndef LexCmd
-# define LexCmd /opt/langtools/bin/lex
-#ifndef LintCmd
-# define LintCmd /opt/ansic/bin/lint
-#if HasCenterLineCplusplus
-# ifndef HasCplusplus
-# define HasCplusplus YES
-# endif
-# ifndef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags -O
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/local/CenterLine/clc++/pa-hpux8/incl
-# endif
-#define SystemV YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#if OSMajorVersion > 9
-# define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
-# define AllocateLocalDefines -DNO_ALLOCA
-#ifdef __hp9000s800
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags +O1
-# endif
-# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# define DefaultCCOptions -Ae +ESlit
-# endif
-# ifndef SharedLibraryCCOptions
-# define SharedLibraryCCOptions -Ae
-# endif
-# define StandardDefines -Dhpux -DSYSV
-# if OSMajorVersion > 9
-# include
-# endif
-#else /* __hp9000s800 */
-# define StandardDefines -Dhpux -DSYSV
-# if OSMajorVersion < 8
-# define DefaultCCOptions -Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns4100,-Ne700,-Np200,-Nw300
-# define PexCCOptions -Wp,-H150000 -Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns8100,-Ne700,-Np200
-# else
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags +O1
-# define PexCCOptions -Wp,-H250000
-# endif
-# define PexShmIPC NO
-# define LintOpts -ax -Nd4000 -Ns8000 -Ne700 -Np200 -Na25000
-#define MvCmd mv -f
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#define ExecableScripts YES
-#define HasVFork YES
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving YES
-#define ExpandManNames YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define DBMLibrary /usr/lib/libdbm.a
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 91
-#define ExtensionOSDefines -DHPINPUT -DXTESTEXT1
-#define XhpServer YES
-#define ServerExtraSysLibs -ldld
-#ifndef BuildXInputExt
-# define BuildXInputExt YES
-#define HPFastScrolling YES
-#ifndef BuildServer
-# define BuildServer __hp9000s700
-#if OSMajorVersion < 10
-#define NeedBerklib (BuildServer|BuildFontServer)
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-#if OSMajorVersion < 6 || (OSMajorVersion == 6 && OSMinorVersion < 2)
-# define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN /* no unix sockets */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 8
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define HasPlugin YES
-#ifdef __hp9000s300
-# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
-# define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s300 -Dhp9000s300
-# endif
-#elif defined(__hp9000s700)
-# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
-# define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800 -D__hp9000s700
-# endif
-# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
-# define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800
-# endif
-#ifndef OsDefines
-# if OSMajorVersion > 9
-# define OsDefines -DhpV4 -DHPUX
-# else
-# define OsDefines -DHPUX
-# endif
-#if OSMajorVersion > 9
-# if ThreadedX
-# endif
-# define CppCmd /opt/langtools/lbin/cpp
-/* CC does not recognize -Ae, and has a different meaning for +e. */
-/* +e also confuses cpp. */
-#define AnsiDefines -Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE
-#define CplusplusAnsiDefines -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE
-#define BuildLibPathVar SHLIB_PATH
-#define CdeBaseProjectDefines \
- CompatabilityDefines OsDefines
-#define CdeProjectDefines CdeBaseProjectDefines AnsiDefines
-#define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines \
- CdeBaseProjectDefines CplusplusAnsiDefines
-#define DtSearchDefines -DI18N_MSG DtSvcDefines
-#define DtWidgetDefines DtSearchDefines
-#define DtPrintDefines DtSearchDefines
-#if OSMajorVersion > 9
-#define DtMailDefines \
-#define DtMailDefines \
-#define ArchitectureDefines -DHP_ARCHITECTURE
-#define ExportListGenSource elistgen.hp
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/hpLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/hpLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index c780fff6d..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/hpLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: hpLib.rules /main/16 1996/12/04 11:44:35 swick $
- * HP shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-# define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-# define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-# define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-# define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-# define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-# define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -b
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags +z
-#ifndef LargePositionIndependentCFlags
-# define LargePositionIndependentCFlags +Z
-#ifndef InstLibFlags
-# define InstLibFlags -m 0555
-#ifndef UseInstalled
-/* assert: LdPostLib pulls in -L$(USRLIBDIR), so it doesn't need to be here */
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,+s -Wl,+b$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#ifndef UseExportLists
-# define UseExportLists YES
-/* Pre-linking shared libraries is supported in HP/UX 10. */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 9
-# define HPRequiredLibs $(LDPRELIBS) $(REQUIREDLIBS) +s +b $(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-# define HPRequiredLibs $(REQUIREDLIBS)
-#ifndef LinkWithExports
-# if UseExportLists
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) +h $@ solist HPRequiredLibs) @@\
- if [ -f Concat(lib,libname.elist) ]; then \ @@\
- RemoveFiles($@.exports $@.list); \ @@\
- $(CPP) $(ALLINCLUDES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(THREADS_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) Concat(lib,libname.elist) | CppSedMagic >$@.list; \ @@\
- $(EXPORTLISTGEN) $@~ $@.list > $@.exports; \ @@\
- (cd down; $(LD) -c up/$@.exports -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) +h $@ solist HPRequiredLibs); \ @@\
- RemoveFiles($@.exports $@.list); \ @@\
- fi
-# else
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) +h $@ solist HPRequiredLibs)
-# endif
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-# define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- RMoveToBakFile(Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.sl.rev)) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.sl) @@\
- cd $(DESTDIR)dest; $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev) Concat(lib,libname.sl) @@\
- -RemoveFile(Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev.bak))
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-# define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
- -RemoveFiles($@ $@.bak) @@\
- MoveToBakFile($@) @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.sl) @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.sl) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(Concat(lib,libname.sl)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.sl.rev) Concat(lib,libname.sl)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-# define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/hpLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/hpLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b152cd7e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/hpLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: hpLib.tmpl /main/10 1996/12/04 11:57:22 swick $
- * HP shared library template
- */
-#define SharedThreadReqs /**/
-#define SharedOldXReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedX11Reqs SharedThreadReqs
-#define SharedXtReqs $(XLIBONLY) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) SharedThreadReqs
-#define SharedXawReqs $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXextReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXiReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedPexReqs $(XLIBONLY) MathLibrary
-#define SharedXtstReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXieReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedSMReqs $(ICELIB)
-#define SharedXpReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) SharedThreadReqs
-#define SharedXmReqs SharedXReqs
-#define SharedMrmReqs $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedUilReqs $(MRESOURCELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-/* #define SharedPamReqs */
-#define SharedTtReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) SharedThreadReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtSvcReqs $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtMmdbReqs $(DTSVCLIB) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtSearchReqs -lm
-#define SharedDtWidgetReqs $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtHelpReqs $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm
-#define SharedDtPrintReqs $(DTSVCLIB) $(DTHELPLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtTermReqs $(DTHELPLIB) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm
-#define SharedDtMailReqs $(DTHELPLIB) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedCsaReqs $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lm
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/ibm.cf b/cde/config/cf/ibm.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index ccdc1c4bf..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/ibm.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: ibm.cf /main/82 1998/02/26 17:03:51 kaleb $
-#ifndef OSName
-# define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-# ifdef DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-# define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-# elif (OSMajorVersion == 4) && (OSMinorVersion == 1)
-# define OSTeenyVersion 3
-# else
-# define OSTeenyVersion 0
-# endif
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion.OSMinorVersion.OSTeenyVersion)
-#if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 2)
-#define HasBSD44Sockets YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasPlugin YES
- * If you do not have threads support installed, put
- * #define HasPosixThreads NO
- * in the BeforeVendorCF section of your site.def.
- */
-#if !defined(HasPosixThreads) && ((OSMajorVersion == 3 && (OSMinorVersion > 2 || (OSMinorVersion == 2 && OSTeenyVersion > 4))) || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && (OSMinorVersion > 1 || (OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion > 1))))
-#define HasPosixThreads YES
-#if HasPosixThreads
-#ifndef ThreadedX
-#define ThreadedX YES
-#endif /* OS > 3.2 */
- * For IBM platforms, we must define both the location of the compiler
- * and the location of its standard C++ library. The library location
- * is needed to resolve dependent library symbols if we build our own
- * C++ shared libraries.
- */
-#if !HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# ifndef CplusplusCmd
-# if ThreadedX
-# define CplusplusCmd xlC_r
-# else
-# define CplusplusCmd xlC
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef CplusplusFilt
-# define CplusplusFilt /usr/lpp/xlC/bin/c++filt
-#ifndef CplusplusLibC
-# if ThreadedX
-# define CplusplusLibC /usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC.a
-# else
-# define CplusplusLibC /usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC_r.a
-# endif
-#if !HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/lpp/xlC/include
-# endif
- * IBM's xlC refuses to compile files unless their names end in ".C".
- * As an alternative to this fix, one could edit /etc/xlC.cfg
- * to change the suffix accepted by the compiler, but we prefer not
- * requiring users to reconfigure their C++ compilers to make them work.
- * We also have to override the default SUFFIXES to defeat the use of
- * the builtin .C -> .o file, which doesn't use the right flags.
- */
-.SUFFIXES: .o .c .y .l .s .sh .h .f .Y .L .cxx
-#define NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) test -r $*.C || $(LN) $*.CCsuf $*.C @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.C
-#define SpecialCplusplusObjectRule(baseobj,basedep,options) @@\
-baseobj.Osuf: basedep.CCsuf @@\
- test -r basedep.C || $(LN) basedep.CCsuf basedep.C @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options basedep.C
-#define BuildLibPathVar LIBPATH
-#define SystemV YES
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#define ExecableScripts YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#define CppCmd /usr/ccs/lib/cpp
-#define ExpandManNames YES
-#define ExtensionOSDefines -DXTESTEXT1
-/* IBM cpp has slightly non-standard line directives, but supports -P */
-#define CppNoLineInfoOption -P
-#if OSMajorVersion > 3
-#define StandardDefines -DSYSV -DAIXV3 -DAIXV4 -D_ALL_SOURCE
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-#define ServerExtraDefines -D_IBM_LFT
-#if ThreadedX
-#define CcCmd xlc_r
-#define CcCmd xlc
-#define SystemMTDefines /* xlc_r defines -D_THREAD_SAFE */
-#define ThreadsLibraries -lpthreads /* xlc_r does -lc_r */
-#define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries -lpthreads
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define NullMakeCommand @ echo
-/* AIX 4 appends all MAKEFLAGS (even dups), so cannot pass on command line. */
-#define ConstructMFLAGS NO
-#define LdPreLib _Use(-L$(USRLIBDIR),-L$(BUILDLIBDIR))
-#define ExtraFilesToClean *.inp
-#else /* OSMajorVersion < 4 */
-#define StandardDefines -DSYSV -DAIXV3 -D_ALL_SOURCE
-#define ServerExtraDefines -D_IBM_HFT
-#define CcCmd xlc
-#define ThreadPreStdAPIDefines -DXPRE_STANDARD_API
-#define SystemMTDefines -D_THREAD_SAFE
-#define ThreadsLibraries -lpthreads -lc_r
-#endif /* OSMajorVersion */
-#define OPERATING_SYSTEM AIX /* directory name under server/ddx/ibm/ */
-#define InstallCmd /usr/ucb/install
-#ifndef ManKeywordsTarget
-#define ManKeywordsTarget(manpath) @@\
-man_keywords:: @@\
- /usr/lib/makewhatis $(DESTDIR)manpath
-#define DtMailDefines \
-#define ArchitectureDefines -DIBM_ARCHITECTURE
-#define ExportListGenSource elistgen.ibm
-#define CdeProjectDefines \
- -D_AIX -D__AIX -D__aix -D_aix -Daix -DMULTIBYTE -DNLS16 -DMESSAGE_CAT \
- * -D__STR31__ disables inlining of memcpy to work around optimization bug
- * in XLC v1.2.0.7. Bug report filed as PMR 8X196, branch 060.
- */
-#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O -D__STR31__ -DNDEBUG
-#define CdeTicDefines -DHAS_KNL -DHAS_KTAB
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index d837cb7eb..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: ibmLib.rules /main/15 1996/12/30 16:06:05 kaleb $
- * AIX shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-# define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef ForceNormalLib
-# define ForceNormalLib NO
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-# define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-# define SharedCodeDef -DSHAREDCODE
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-# define SharedLibraryDef -DAIXSHLIB
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-# define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags -bM\:SRE
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -bnodelcsect
-#if !defined(LdPostLib) && !defined(UseInstalled) && OSMajorVersion > 3
-# if ThreadedX
-# define LdPostLib -blibpath:$(USRLIBDIRPATH):/usr/lib/threads:/usr/lib:/lib
-# else
-# define LdPostLib -blibpath:$(USRLIBDIRPATH):/usr/lib:/lib
-# endif
-# define SharedLibPostRef $(LDPOSTLIBS)
-#ifndef SharedLibPostRef
-# define SharedLibPostRef $(LDPOSTLIBS)
-#if ThreadedX
-# define BaseShLibReqs -lc_r -lm
-# define BaseShLibReqs -lc -lm
-#ifndef UseExportLists
-# define UseExportLists YES
- * MakeExportList - generate an export list file for linking libraries.
- */
-#ifndef MakeExportList
-# if UseExportLists
-# define MakeExportList(libname,result) \
- @-RemoveFile(result) @@\
- case ,$(SHR4OBJLIBS), in *,libname,*) shr4obj=shr4.o;; esac &&\ @@\
- echo "#! $@ ($${shr4obj:-shr.o})" > result @@\
- if [ -f Concat(lib,libname.elist) ]; then \ @@\
- $(CPP) $(ALLINCLUDES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(THREADS_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) Concat(lib,libname.elist) | CppSedMagic > $@.list; \ @@\
- $(EXPORTLISTGEN) $@~ $@.list >> result; \ @@\
- RemoveFile($@.list); \ @@\
- else \ @@\
- dump -g $@~ | sed -n -e 's/^[ ]*[0-9][0-9]*[ ]*\([^ .][^ ]*\)$$/\1/p' >> result; \ @@\
- fi;
-# else
-# define MakeExportList(libname,result) \
- @-RemoveFile(result) @@\
- case ,$(SHR4OBJLIBS), in *,libname,*) shr4obj=shr4.o;; esac &&\ @@\
- echo "#! $@ ($${shr4obj:-shr.o})" > result @@\
- dump -g $@~ | sed -n -e 's/^[ ]*[0-9][0-9]*[ ]*\([^ .][^ ]*\)$$/\1/p' >> result;
-# endif
-#endif /* MakeExportList */
-#if !defined(UseInstalled) && !defined(UseInstalledX11) \
- && !defined(UseImports) && !defined(ImportX11)
- /* we want this to be defined only when building X */
-# if OSMajorVersion < 4
- * SharedDSLibReferences - variables for shared libraries
- */
-# ifndef SharedLibReferences
-# define SharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = /**/ @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = _Use(Concat(-l,libname),Concat(libsource/lib,libname.a)) @@\
-# endif
-# else
-# ifndef SharedLibReferences
-# define SharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = /**/ @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = _Use(Concat(-l,libname),Concat($(BUILDLIBDIR),/libname.imp) Concat3($(BUILDLIBDIR),/lib,libname.a)) @@\
-# endif
-# endif
- * SharedDSLibReferences - variables for shared libraries
- */
-# ifndef SharedDSLibReferences
-# define SharedDSLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource,revname,rev) @@\
-# endif
-# if OSMajorVersion == 4
- * UnsharedLibReferences - variables for unshared libraries
- */
-# ifndef UnsharedLibReferences
-# define UnsharedLibReferences(varname,libname,libsource) @@\
-Concat3(DEP,varname,LIB) = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR)/lib,$(BUILDLIBDIR)/lib,libname.a) @@\
-Concat(varname,LIB) = _Use(Concat(-l,libname),Concat($(BUILDLIBDIR)/lib,libname.a)) @@\
-# endif
-# endif
-#endif /* !defined(UseInstalled) && !defined(UseInstalledX11) ... */
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-# define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-# define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that the we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- *
- * IBM uses an unusual shared object file name (shr4.o) in some libraries.
- * Duplicate this behavior to preserve compatibility with IBM's libraries.
- */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 4
-# ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): solist $(UNSHAREDOBJS) $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ shr.o shr4.o @@\
- (cd down; $(AR) up/$@~ solist) @@\
- dump -g $@~ | sed -n -e 's/^[ ]*[0-9][0-9]*[ ]*\([^ .][^ ]*\)$$/\1/p' > $@.syms @@\
- $(LD) -o shr.o $@~ -H512 -T512 -bM\:SRE -bE\:$@.syms $(REQUIREDLIBS) BaseShLibReqs SharedLibPostRef @@\
- $(LN) shr.o shr4.o @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- case ,$(SHR4OBJLIBS), in *,libname,*) shr4obj=shr4.o;; esac &&\ @@\
- $(AR) $@~ $${shr4obj} shr.o $(UNSHAREDOBJS) @@\
- $(RM) $@.syms $@ shr.o shr4.o @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.a)
-# endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
-#else /* OSMajorVersion >= 4 */
-# ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.a)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.a): solist $(UNSHAREDOBJS) $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- RemoveFiles($@~ shr.o shr4.o) @@\
- (cd down; $(AR) up/$@~ solist) @@\
- MakeExportList(libname,libname.imp) @@\
- $(LD) -o shr.o $@~ -H512 -T512 -bM\:SRE -bE\:libname.imp -bnoentry $(REQUIREDLIBS) BaseShLibReqs $(LDPOSTLIBS) @@\
- $(LN) shr.o shr4.o @@\
- RemoveFile($@~) @@\
- case ,$(SHR4OBJLIBS), in *,libname,*) shr4obj=shr4.o;; esac &&\ @@\
- $(AR) $@~ $${shr4obj} shr.o $(UNSHAREDOBJS) @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(libname.imp) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.a)
-# endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-# define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index ae1600b06..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/ibmLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: ibmLib.tmpl /main/21 1996/12/04 12:21:49 swick $
- * AIX shared library template
- */
- * IBM used an unusual shared object file name in some librares.
- * Mimic this behavior to preserve compatibility with IBM's libraries.
- */
-#ifndef IBMShr4Compatibility
-#define IBMShr4Compatibility YES
- * Imake thinks lines with colons are the result of a broken cpp
- * inserting extra leading whitespace, so use ',' as a separator.
- */
-#if IBMShr4Compatibility
- SHR4OBJLIBS = X11,Xt,oldX,Xm,Mrm,Uil
-#if ThreadedX
-#define SharedThreadReqs -lpthreads
-#define SharedX11Reqs -lpthreads
-#define SharedThreadReqs /**/
-#define SharedXextReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedOldXReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXtReqs $(XLIBONLY) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) SharedThreadReqs
-#define SharedXawReqs $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXiReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXtstReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedPexReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedXieReqs $(XLIBONLY)
-#define SharedSMReqs $(ICELIB)
-#define SharedXpReqs $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) SharedThreadReqs
-#define SharedXmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedMrmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedUilReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(MRESOURCELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-/* #define SharedPamReqs */
-#define SharedTtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtMmdbReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#define SharedDtSearchReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lisode
-#define SharedDtWidgetReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedDtHelpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -liconv
-#define SharedDtPrintReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(DTHELPLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedDtTermReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTHELPLIB) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -liconv -lm
-#define SharedCsaReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#if !defined(UseInstalled) && !defined(UseInstalledX11) \
- && !defined(UseImports) && !defined(ImportX11)
- /* we want this to be defined only when building X */
-# ifndef FixupLibReferences
-# define FixupLibReferences() @@\
-# endif
-/* The inbuf paramter to iconv(3) is "const char**", not "char **" */
-ICONVSYSLIB = -liconv
-#if (OSMajorVersion > 4) || ((OSMajorVersion == 4) && (OSMinorVersion >= 2))
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/linux.cf b/cde/config/cf/linux.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a37c69f4..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/linux.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: linux.cf /main/47 1998/04/17 11:32:51 mgreess $
-#ifndef OSName
-# define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-# define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-#ifndef LinuxDistribution
-#define LinuxDistribution DefaultLinuxDistribution
- Add "#define LinuxDistribution Linux" to your site.def or host.def.
- Currently only LinuxSuSE will be figured out automatically.
- Valid values are (from the list at www.linux.org in Oct. 1997):
- LinuxUnknown (0)
- LinuxSuSE (1)
- LinuxCaldera (2)
- LinuxCraftworks (3)
- LinuxDebian (4)
- LinuxInfoMagic (5)
- LinuxKheops (6)
- LinuxPro (7)
- LinuxRedHat (8)
- LinuxSlackware (9)
- LinuxTurbo (10)
- LinuxWare (11)
- LinuxYggdrasil (12)
-#ifndef DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion
-# define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 6
-#ifndef DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion
-# define DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion
-# define DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion 0
-#ifndef LinuxCLibMajorVersion
-# define LinuxCLibMajorVersion DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion
-#ifndef LinuxCLibMinorVersion
-# define LinuxCLibMinorVersion DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion
-#ifndef LinuxCLibTeenyVersion
-# define LinuxCLibTeenyVersion DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion
-#ifndef LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion
-# define LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion DefaultLinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
-XCOMM libc: (LinuxCLibMajorVersion./**/LinuxCLibMinorVersion./**/LinuxCLibTeenyVersion)
-XCOMM binutils: (LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion)
-#ifndef UseElfFormat
-# if OSMajorVersion > 1 || (OSMajorVersion == 1 && OSMinorVersion > 1)
-# define UseElfFormat YES
-# else
-# define UseElfFormat NO
-# error "Only ELF format is supported on linux"
-# endif
-#define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#define HasGcc YES
-#define HasGcc2 YES
-#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus YES
-#define GccUsesGas YES
-#define UseGas YES
-#define GnuCpp YES
-#define HasShadowPasswd YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasSockets YES
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#define DependCmd $(CC) -E -MM -MG
-#define M4Cmd /usr/bin/m4
-#ifdef IncludeMakefile
-# undef IncludeMakefile
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) -include file
-#if (LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat)
-# define HasZlib YES
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define StripInstalledPrograms NO
-#define CompressAllFonts YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedFunctionPrototypes YES
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedWidePrototypes NO
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define CcCmd gcc -g -pipe
-#define CplusplusCmd g++ -g -pipe
-#define AsCmd as
-#define LdCmd ld
-#define CplusplusLibC -lstdc++
-#define AsmDefines -D__ELF__
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#define CppCmd /lib/cpp
-#define YaccCmd bison -y
-#define LexCmd flex -l
-#define LexLib -lfl
-#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -E
-#define PostIncDir DefaultGccIncludeDir
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define StandardCppDefines -traditional -nostdinc StandardDefines
-#define ExtensionOSDefines -DXTESTEXT1
-#define LinuxLocaleDefines /**/
-#define DefaultCCOptions -ansi
-XCOMM Lets try XdmAuth instead of the ancient MIT/DES auth
-#define HasXdmAuth YES
-XCOMM TIRPC is enabled by default now on Linux. The libtirpc-dev package is
-XCOMM required for this support. If you cannot use tirpc for some reason,
-XCOMM can disable it by defining HasTIRPCLib to NO in either
-XCOMM your host.def or site.def file. Not using the TIRPC lib will require
-XCOMM that you run rpcbind in insecure mode (ie: with the -i option).
-XCOMM The default is YES.
-#ifndef HasTIRPCLib
-# define HasTIRPCLib YES
-#if HasTIRPCLib
-TIRPCLIB = -ltirpc
-TIRPCINC = -I/usr/include/tirpc
-#if !defined(DefaultGcc2i386Opt)
-# define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-write-strings \
- -Wno-unused-result
-#if LinuxCLibMajorVersion < 6
-# define LinuxSourceDefines -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE \
- -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE LinuxLocaleDefines
-# ifndef HasLibCrypt
-# define HasLibCrypt NO
-# endif
-# define LinuxSourceDefines -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE \
- LinuxLocaleDefines
-# define HasPosixThreads YES
-# define ThreadedX YES
-# define HasThreadSafeAPI YES
-# define ThreadsLibraries -lpthread
-# define SystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT
-# ifndef HasLibCrypt
-# define HasLibCrypt YES
-# endif
-#ifdef SparcArchitecture
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -Dsparc
-# if UseElfFormat
-# define HasPlugin YES
-# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
-# endif
-#endif /* SparcArchitecture */
-#ifdef ARMArchitecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__arm__
-# define LSBBitOrder YES
-# if UseElfFormat
-# define HasPlugin YES
-# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
-# endif
-#endif /* ARMArchitecture */
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__i386__
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-# define LSBBitOrder YES
-# if UseElfFormat
-# define HasPlugin YES
-# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
-# endif
-#endif /* i386Architecture */
-#ifdef AMD64Architecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__x86_64__
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-# define LSBBitOrder YES
-# if UseElfFormat
-# define HasPlugin YES
-# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext YES /* XC or XFree86 3.3.1 */
-# endif
-#endif /* AMD64Architecture */
-#ifdef AArch64Architecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -g -fno-strict-aliasing
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__aarch64__
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-# define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
-#endif /* AArch64Architecture */
-#ifdef PpcArchitecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__powerpc__
-#endif /* PpcArchitecture */
-#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__alpha__
-#endif /* AlphaArchitecture */
-#ifdef RISCVArchitecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__riscv__
-# define LSBBitOrder YES
-#endif /* RISCVArchitecture */
-#ifdef Mc68020Architecture
-# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-# endif
-# define LinuxMachineDefines -D__mc68000__
-# define StandardCppDefines -traditional
-#endif /* Mc68020Architecture */
-#define StandardDefines -D__linux__ LinuxMachineDefines LinuxSourceDefines
-#define ConnectionFlags -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN
-XCOMM This is needed for CDE currently
-#define CplusplusStandardDefines StandardDefines
-/* Some of these man page defaults are overriden in the above OS sections */
-#ifndef ManSuffix
-# define ManSuffix 1x
-#ifndef ManDir
-# define ManDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)1
-#ifndef LibManSuffix
-# define LibManSuffix 3x
-#ifndef LibmanDir
-# define LibmanDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)3
-#ifndef FileManSuffix
-# define FileManSuffix 5x
-#ifndef FileManDir
-# define FileManDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)5
-#define ArchitectureDefines -DLINUX_ARCHITECTURE
-#define TtClientLibs $(TTLIB) $(TIRPCLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedTtReqs $(TIRPCLIB) $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#if !defined(HasPamLibrary)
-#define HasPamLibrary YES
-#if !defined(HasPtsDriver)
-#define HasPtsDriver YES
-#if !defined(HasUtempterLibrary)
-#define HasUtempterLibrary YES
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/lnxDep.rules b/cde/config/cf/lnxDep.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 032c703bc..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/lnxDep.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM dependency handling for linux, included by linux.cf.
-XCOMM We do not want builds to fail if dependencies cannot
-XCOMM be generated. In some cases, checking will always fail
-XCOMM because the relevant files have not been generated yet.
-XCOMM Not ignoring errors can cause make to go into an infinite
-XCOMM loop during depend processing.
-#ifndef DependDependency
-#define DependDependency() /**/
-#ifdef DependTarget
-# undef DependTarget
-#define DependTarget() @@@@\
-DependDependency() @@@@\
- @@@@\
-depend:: DependFileName @@@@\
- @@@@\
-DependFileName:: @@@@\
-#ifdef DependTarget3
-# undef DependTarget3
-#define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3) @@@@\
-DependDependency() @@@@\
- @@@@\
-depend:: DependFileName @@@@\
- @@@@\
-DependFileName:: @@@@\
- -RunProgram(DEPEND,$(DEPENDFLAGS) $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) srcs1) > $@ @@@@\
- -RunProgram(DEPEND,$(DEPENDFLAGS) $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) srcs2) >> $@ @@@@\
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index c89e4547a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: lnxLib.rules /main/14 1998/03/16 11:15:30 mgreess $
- * Linux shared library rules (DLL & ELF versions)
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef ForceNormalLib
-#define ForceNormalLib NO
-#define SharedOldX NO
-#if UseElfFormat
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -fPIC
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fPIC
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-#define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- * NOTE: file must be executable, hence "INSTBINFLAGS"
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTBINFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- (T=`echo Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so.rev) | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`;\
- $(RM) $$T && $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $$T) @@\
- $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so) @@\
- $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- (cd down; T=`echo $@ | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`; \
- $(CC) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,$$T solist $(REQUIREDLIBS); \
- $(RM) $$T && $(LN) $@ $$T) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- (T=`echo $@ | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`; \
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
-#else /* UseElfFormat */
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags /**/
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -B/usr/dll/jump/
- * These definitions are now extended to work with the X sources and
- * external sources wishing to build shared libs.
- *
- * A library can create it's own shlibs (.so) or can be incorporated into
- * another "host" lib. All libraries generate stub (.sa) files.
- * A "host" lib does all the work to generate the stubs for itself and its
- * "guests", invoking the "guest" Makefiles to create the objects for
- * inclusion into the "host" shlib. A "guest" lib will ask the "host" to
- * create the stubfiles, then copy its own into its directory.
- * Most external libs are "host" libs; the concept of "guest" is a holdover
- * from older libs during the days of scarce shared library address space.
- *
- * To create a simple "host" shared lib, Xfoo, define:
- *
- * JUMP_ROOT_Xfoo =
- * JUMP_STUBLIBS_Xfoo = libXfoo.sa
- * JUMP_DIR_Xfoo = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xfoo)/shared
- * JUMP_DEFS_Xfoo = -DFOO
- * JUMP_VARS_Xfoo = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xfoo)/jump_vars
- * JUMP_FUNCS_Xfoo = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xfoo)/jump_funcs
- * JUMP_IGNORE_Xfoo = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xfoo)/jump_ignore
- * JUMP_EXPORT_Xfoo = $(JUMP_DIR_Xfoo)/jump.vars
- * JUMP_IMPORT_Xfoo = $(JUMP_DIR_Xbar)
- * JUMP_JUMPTABLESIZE_Xfoo = 0x4000
- * JUMP_GOTSIZE_Xfoo = 4096
- * JUMP_STUBNAMES_Xfoo = libXfoo
- * JUMP_STUBS_IMPORT_Xfoo = /usr/lib/libc.sa
- * JUMP_LDLIBS_Xfoo = `$(CC) --print-libgcc-file-name` -lc
- *
- * To create a complex "host", you need to add
- * JUMP_SIBARS_Xt = jump/libXbar.a~
- * These are the archives of the shared objects of the "guest" libs. They
- * need to be added to the JUMP_LDLIBS_Xfoo lines.
- *
- * For further clarification, study the definitions of libXaw, a simple "host"
- * lib, libXt, a complex "host" lib, and libXmu, one of libXts "guests".
- *
- * As a hint of how to start (with the DLL docs), touch jump_vars, jump_funcs
- * and jump_ignore, then compile. Then massage the jump.vars and jump.funcs
- * files in the shared subdirectory into jump_xxx files.
- */
-#ifndef UseInstalled
-XCOMM These are only needed to build the server
-#if LinuxElfDefault
-LIBC_SA = /usr/i486-linuxaout/lib/libc.sa
-LIBM_SA = /usr/i486-linuxaout/lib/libm.sa
-LIBC_SA = /usr/lib/libc.sa
-LIBM_SA = /usr/lib/libm.sa
-JUMP_LDLIBS_libc = `$(CC) --print-libgcc-file-name` -lc
-XCOMM libX11.so (X11, SM, ICE)
-JUMP_STUBLIBS_X11 = libX11.sa libSM.sa libICE.sa
-JUMP_DIR_X11 = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/shared
-JUMP_VARS_X11 = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/jump_vars
-JUMP_FUNCS_X11 = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/jump_funcs
-JUMP_IGNORE_X11 = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/jump_ignore
-JUMP_EXPORT_X11 = $(JUMP_DIR_X11)/jump.vars
-JUMP_ADDRESS_X11 = 0x60200000
-JUMP_GOTSIZE_X11 = 4096
-JUMP_STUBNAMES_X11 = libX11 libSM libICE
-JUMP_SIBARS_X11 = jump/libSM.a~ jump/libICE.a~
-XCOMM libSM (part of libX11.so)
-XCOMM libICE (part of libX11.so)
-XCOMM libXt.so (Xt, Xmu, Xext, Xi, Xtst)
-JUMP_STUBLIBS_Xt = libXt.sa libXmu.sa libXext.sa libXi.sa libXtst.sa
-JUMP_DIR_Xt = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/shared
-JUMP_VARS_Xt = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/jump_vars
-JUMP_FUNCS_Xt = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/jump_funcs
-JUMP_IGNORE_Xt = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/jump_ignore
-JUMP_EXPORT_Xt = $(JUMP_DIR_Xt)/jump.vars
-JUMP_ADDRESS_Xt = 0x602a0000
-JUMP_STUBNAMES_Xt = libXt libXmu libXext libXi libXtst
-JUMP_SIBARS_Xt = jump/libXmu.a~ jump/libXext.a~ jump/libXi.a~ jump/libXtst.a~
- $(JUMP_ROOT_SM)/libSM.sa $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/libX11.sa $(JUMP_LDLIBS_libc)
-XCOMM libXmu (part of libXt.so)
-XCOMM libXext (part of libXt.so)
-XCOMM libXi (part of libXt.so)
-XCOMM libXtst (part of libXt.so)
-XCOMM libXaw.so (Xaw)
-JUMP_STUBLIBS_Xaw = libXaw.sa
-JUMP_DIR_Xaw = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xaw)/shared
-JUMP_VARS_Xaw = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xaw)/jump_vars
-JUMP_FUNCS_Xaw = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xaw)/jump_funcs
-JUMP_IGNORE_Xaw = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xaw)/jump_ignore
-JUMP_EXPORT_Xaw = $(JUMP_DIR_Xaw)/jump.vars
-JUMP_ADDRESS_Xaw = 0x60300000
-JUMP_GOTSIZE_Xaw = 4096
-JUMP_LDLIBS_Xaw = $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/libXt.sa $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/libXmu.sa \
- $(JUMP_ROOT_Xt)/libXext.sa $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/libX11.sa \
- $(JUMP_LDLIBS_libc)
-# libPEX.so (PEX5)
-JUMP_VARS_PEX5 = $(JUMP_ROOT_PEX5)/jump_vars
-JUMP_FUNCS_PEX5 = $(JUMP_ROOT_PEX5)/jump_funcs
-JUMP_IGNORE_PEX5 = $(JUMP_ROOT_PEX5)/jump_ignore
-JUMP_EXPORT_PEX5 = $(JUMP_DIR_PEX5)/jump.vars
-JUMP_ADDRESS_PEX5 = 0x60b00000
-JUMP_LDLIBS_PEX5 = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/libX11.sa $(JUMP_LDLIBS_libc) -lm
-# libXIE.so (XIE)
-JUMP_ADDRESS_XIE = 0x60be0000
-JUMP_LDLIBS_XIE = $(JUMP_ROOT_X11)/libX11.sa $(JUMP_LDLIBS_libc) -lm
-#endif /* !UseInstalled */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shared data file
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * There are two basic flavors of libs: self-generating, which create
- * their own (and possibly other) libs, and hosted, which rely on another
- * lib for all the work.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-XCOMM This logic is such to compile the libs in their proper order, @@\
-XCOMM remain dependent on subsidiary libs, and yet minimize local work @@\
- @@\
-JUMP_DIR=./jump @@\
-JUMP_LIB=Concat(lib,libname) @@\
- @@\
-XCOMM this is needed for newer gnumake versions @@\
-export JUMP_DIR JUMP_LIB @@\
- @@\
-JUMP_IS_HOST=$(Concat(JUMP_IS_HOST_,libname)) @@\
-JUMP_AR=$(JUMP_DIR)/Concat(lib,libname.a~) @@\
-JUMP_SA=Concat(lib,libname.sa) @@\
-JUMP_SO=Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- @@\
-JUMP_HOST=$(Concat(JUMP_HOST_,libname)) @@\
- @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget($(BUILDLIBDIR)/$(JUMP_SA)) @@\
- @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($(JUMP_SA)) @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_SA) $(Concat(JUMP_STUBLIBS_,libname)) do_JUMP_SA: \
- down/mk_JUMP_SA_$(JUMP_IS_HOST) @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SA_0:: mk_JUMP_HOST @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SA_0:: $(JUMP_HOST)/$(JUMP_SA) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_SA) @@\
- $(LN) $(JUMP_HOST)/$(JUMP_SA) $(JUMP_SA) @@\
- touch $@ @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SA_1:: $(JUMP_SO) @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SA_1:: down/mk_JUMP_SO_2 @@\
- $(RM) $(Concat(JUMP_STUBLIBS_,libname)) @@\
- mkstubs -v rev -l $(JUMP_LIB) \
- -a $(Concat(JUMP_ADDRESS_,libname)) \
- -j $(Concat(JUMP_JUMPTABLESIZE_,libname)) \
- -g $(Concat(JUMP_GOTSIZE_,libname)) \
- -- $(Concat(JUMP_STUBNAMES_,libname)) @@\
- verify-shlib -l $(JUMP_SO) \
- $(Concat(JUMP_STUBLIBS_,libname)) @@\
- $(MV) verify.out $(JUMP_DIR) @@\
- touch $@ @@\
- @@\
-mk_JUMP_HOST: @@\
- @echo checking stub library $(JUMP_SA) in $(JUMP_HOST)... @@\
- @(cd $(JUMP_HOST); $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(JUMP_SA)) || exit 1 @@\
- @echo ok. continuing in $(Concat(JUMP_ROOT_,libname))... @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_SO): down/mk_JUMP_SO_$(JUMP_IS_HOST) @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SO_0: @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SO_1:: $(JUMP_AR) mk_JUMP_SIBDIRS down/mk_JUMP_SO_2 @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_SO_2: down/mk_JUMP_AR $(Concat(JUMP_SIBARS_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_SO) @@\
- mkimage -f -v rev -l $(JUMP_LIB) \
- -a $(Concat(JUMP_ADDRESS_,libname)) \
- -j $(Concat(JUMP_JUMPTABLESIZE_,libname)) \
- -g $(Concat(JUMP_GOTSIZE_,libname)) \
- -- $(JUMP_AR) $(Concat(JUMP_LDLIBS_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/__jump.s $(JUMP_DIR)/__jump.o @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($(JUMP_SO)) @@\
- touch $@ @@\
- @@\
- @for d in $(Concat(JUMP_SIBDIRS_,libname)); do \
- echo checking ar library in $$d...; \
- (cd $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) fastdo_JUMP_AR) || exit 1; \
- echo ok. continuing in $(Concat(JUMP_ROOT_,libname))...;done@@\
- @@\
-fastdo_JUMP_AR: $(JUMP_DIR) down/mk_JUMP_AR @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_AR) do_JUMP_AR:: jumpsetup down/mk_JUMP_AR @@\
- @@\
-jumpsetup: $(JUMP_DIR) jumpsetup_$(JUMP_IS_HOST) @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR): @@\
- $(RM) jump @@\
- LibMkdir($(Concat(JUMP_DIR_,libname))) @@\
- $(LN) $(Concat(JUMP_DIR_,libname)) jump @@\
- @@\
-jumpsetup_0: @@\
- @echo doing jump setup in host $(JUMP_HOST)... @@\
- @(cd $(JUMP_HOST); $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) jumpsetup) || exit 1 @@\
- @echo ok. continuing in $(Concat(JUMP_ROOT_,libname))... @@\
- @@\
-jumpsetup_1:: @@\
- @for d in $(Concat(JUMP_SUBDIRS_,libname)); do \
- echo checking stub library in $$d...; \
- (cd $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) do_JUMP_SA) || exit 1; \
- echo ok. continuing in $(Concat(JUMP_ROOT_,libname))...;done@@\
- @@\
-jumpsetup_1:: $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.funcs $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.vars \
- $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.ignore $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.import @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR)/jump.funcs: $(Concat(JUMP_FUNCS_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.funcs @@\
- cat $(Concat(JUMP_FUNCS_,libname)) | \
- $(CPP) $(ALLDEFINES) $(Concat(JUMP_DEFS_,libname)) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR)/jump.vars: $(Concat(JUMP_VARS_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.vars @@\
- cat $(Concat(JUMP_VARS_,libname)) | \
- $(CPP) $(ALLDEFINES) $(Concat(JUMP_DEFS_,libname)) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR)/jump.ignore: $(Concat(JUMP_IGNORE_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.ignore @@\
- cat $(Concat(JUMP_IGNORE_,libname)) | \
- $(CPP) $(ALLDEFINES) $(Concat(JUMP_DEFS_,libname)) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR)/jump.import: $(JUMP_DIR)/stubs.import \
- $(Concat(JUMP_IMPORT_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.import @@\
- cat $(JUMP_DIR)/stubs.import $(Concat(JUMP_IMPORT_,libname)) > $@ @@\
- @@\
-$(JUMP_DIR)/stubs.import: $(Concat(JUMP_STUBS_IMPORT_,libname)) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_DIR)/stubs.import @@\
- nm --no-cplus $(Concat(JUMP_STUBS_IMPORT_,libname)) | grep '__GOT__' | \
- sed 's/__GOT__/_/' > $@ @@\
- @@\
-down/mk_JUMP_AR: solist @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_AR) @@\
- @if [ -s $(JUMP_DIR)/jump.log ]; then \
- echo "Error: Leftover globals for shared lib"; \
- exit 1; fi @@\
- (cd down; $(AR) up/$(JUMP_AR) solist) || exit 1 @@\
- $(RANLIB) $(JUMP_AR) @@\
- touch $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: jumpclean @@\
- @@\
-jumpclean: jumpclean_$(JUMP_IS_HOST) @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_SA) down/mk_JUMP_AR @@\
- $(RM) -r $(JUMP_DIR) @@\
- @@\
-jumpclean_0: @@\
- $(RM) down/mk_JUMP_SA_0 @@\
- $(RM) $(JUMP_HOST)/$(JUMP_SA) @@\
- @@\
-jumpclean_1: @@\
- $(RM) -r $(JUMP_SO) $(Concat(JUMP_DIR_,libname)) \ @@\
- down/mk_JUMP_SA_1 down/mk_JUMP_SO_1 down/mk_JUMP_SO_2
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: $(JUMP_SA) $(JUMP_SO) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- @if [ "$(JUMP_IS_HOST)" = YES ]; then \
- (T=$(DESTDIR)dest/`echo $(JUMP_SO)|sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`;\
- set -x; \
- $(RM) $$T && $(LN) $(JUMP_SO) $$T); fi @@\
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
-#endif /* UseElfFormat */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 244d4d2f1..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/lnxLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: lnxLib.tmpl /main/7 1998/03/20 14:26:41 mgreess $
- * Linux shared library template
- */
-/* Linux ELF shared libraries are deficient in link semantics */
-#if UseElfFormat
-#ifndef FixupLibReferences
-#define FixupLibReferences() @@\
-XMULIBONLY = -lXmu @@\
-#ifndef XawClientLibs
-#define XawClientLibs $(XAWLIB) $(XMULIBONLY) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#ifndef FixupLibReferences
-#define FixupLibReferences() @@\
-XMULIB = -lXmu $(XLIB)
-#ifndef SharedXReqs
-# define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(LDPOSTLIBS)
-#ifndef SharedXmReqs
-# define SharedXmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs -lc
-#ifndef SharedTtReqs
-# define SharedTtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#ifndef SharedDtSvcReqs
-# define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs $(CXXLIB)
-#ifndef SharedCsaReqs
-# define SharedCsaReqs -lXt $(TIRPCLIB)
-#ifndef SharedDtHelpReqs
-# define SharedDtHelpReqs -ljpeg
-#ifndef SharedDtSearchReqs
-# define SharedDtSearchReqs -lm
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/luna.cf b/cde/config/cf/luna.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5d99c9d..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/luna.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: luna.cf /main/35 1996/09/28 16:11:11 rws $
- * Please set the values for OSMajorVerion and OSMinorVersion
- * before making makefiles.
- *
- * The Luna version of the make program doesn't define the standard
- * macro MAKE, so you must run it as "make MAKE=make" at top level,
- * e.g., "make MAKE=make World"
- */
-#ifdef Mc68000Architecture
-# ifdef luna2
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Mach 2.5 Vers 1.40
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 1
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 40
-# else
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName UNIOS-B 4.3BSD UNIX: 2.00
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 2
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#define DirFailPrefix -
-# endif
-#else /* Mc88000Architecture */
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Mach 2.5 Vers 2.00.1
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 2
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion 1
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#define HasBsearch NO
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define HasGcc YES
-#define HasCThreads YES
-#define HasThreadSafeAPI NO
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull HasCThreads /* -lthreads fails, -lc works */
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DUSE_CC_E -DNFS_STDOUT_BUG
-#define ThreadsLibraries -lthreads -lmach
-#define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries -lthreads -lmach
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 100
-#define BuildXKB YES
-#ifdef Mc68000Architecture
-#ifdef luna2
-#if ((OSMajorVersion <= 1) && (OSMinorVersion < 40))
-#else /* luna1 */
-#if ((OSMajorVersion <= 1) && (OSMinorVersion <= 60))
-#define StandardDefines -Dluna -Duniosb
-#if ((OSMajorVersion < 2) || ((OSMajorVersion == 2) && (OSMinorVersion < 1)))
-#endif /* luna2 */
-#if HasGcc
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O -traditional
-#define ServerCDebugFlags -Dmc68020 -O -traditional
-#else /* cc */
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O -Z18
-#define ServerCDebugFlags -Dmc68020 -O -Z18
-#endif /* HasGcc */
-#endif /* Mc68000Architecture */
-#ifdef Mc88000Architecture
-#if ((OSMajorVersion <= 1) && (OSMinorVersion <= 12))
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define ExtraLibraries -li18n
-#if HasGcc
-#define CcCmd gcc -fstrength-reduce
-#define PreIncDir /usr/local/lib/gcc/gcc-include
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2 /* -traditional */
-#define PreIncDir /usr/lib/ccom/include
-#define PostIncDir /usr/mach/include
-#ifdef Mc68000Architecture
-#define UnalignedReferencesAllowed YES /* if arbitrary deref is okay */
-#define BuildPexExt NO
-#define XlunaServer YES
-#ifdef Mc88000Architecture
-#define BuildPexExt NO
-#define XlunaServer YES
-#if ((OSMajorVersion >= 2) && (OSMinorVersion >= 0) && (OSTeenyVersion >= 1))
-#define HasWChar32 YES
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/minix.cf b/cde/config/cf/minix.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index a05924169..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/minix.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $Xorg: minix.cf,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $
-XCOMM platform: $XFree86: xc/config/cf/minix.cf,v 3.5 1999/07/10 07:24:33 dawes Exp $
- * If you want to change any of these, do it in the BeforeVendorCF part
- * of site.def
- */
-#define OSName Minix-386vm
-#define OSVendor /* philip@cs.vu.nl */
-#define OSMajorVersion 1
-#define OSMinorVersion 6
-#define OSTeenyVersion 25.1.0
-#define AcdGcc
-#ifdef AcdGcc
-#define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
-#define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS
-#define GccGasOption -DGCCUSESGAS /* For SuperProbe */
-/* Defaults for Minix */
-#define ConnectionFlags -DMNX_TCPCONN
-#define StandardDefines -D_MINIX -DMINIX -D_POSIX_SOURCE
-#define StandardIncludes
-#define DoRanlibCmd NO
-#define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
-#define HasSockets NO
-#define HasStreams NO
-#define HasVFork NO
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define ExtraLibraries -lnbio
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-/* #define UseCCMakeDepend YES */
-#define DefaultCCOptions -wo -fsoft
-#define ArCmd CcCmd -c.a -o
-#define ArAddCmd ArCmd
-#define CcCmd acd -descr gcc -name cc
-#define AsCmd CcCmd -c
-#define CppCmd /usr/lib/cpp
-#define LdCmd CcCmd
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#define LexLib /* */
-#define SetTtyGroup YES /* for xterm */
-#define HasPutenv YES /* for xsm */
-#ifndef AssembleObject
-#define AssembleObject(basename,flags) $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(CPP) AsmDefines $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) flags basename.S | \ @@\
- grep -v '^\#' > basename.i.s @@\
- $(AS) -o $*.o basename.i.s @@\
- $(RM) basename.i.s
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/moto.cf b/cde/config/cf/moto.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index d6243a6ca..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/moto.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: moto.cf /main/16 1996/09/28 16:11:24 rws $
-#if defined(MotoR3Architecture)
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Motorola R32V2/R3V6.2
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 3
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 2
-#define SystemV YES
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV -DMOTOROLA
-#define StandardDefines -DSYSV -DUSG -DMOTOROLA
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define UseCCMakeDepend YES
-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags /* -O */
-#define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR)
-#endif /* MotoR3Architecture */
-#if defined(MotoR4Architecture)
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Motorola R40V4
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 4
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 -DMOTOROLA
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4 -DMOTOROLA
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define CppCmd /usr/ccs/lib/cpp
-#define LdCmd /usr/ccs/bin/ld
-#define LexCmd /usr/ccs/bin/lex
-#define MakeCmd /usr/ccs/bin/make
-#define YaccCmd /usr/ccs/bin/yacc
-#define CcCmd /bin/cc /* a front-end to gcc/CI5 */
-#define DefaultCCOptions /* -Xc no longer needed */
-#endif /* MotoR4Architecture */
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/ncr.cf b/cde/config/cf/ncr.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aaf9410e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/ncr.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: ncr.cf /main/28 1996/09/28 16:11:31 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName Unix System V Release 4/MP-RAS
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor NCR
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DNCR
-#define HasStreams YES
-#define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
-/* Build Flags */
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4 -DNCR -Di386
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Xa -Hnocopyr -W0,-asm
-#define DefaultCDebugFlags -O3
-#define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
-#define ServerExtraDefines -DNO_SECONDARY AllocateLocalDefines XFree86ServerDefines
-#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerOSDefines
-#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
-XCOMM This has not been tested, don't turn it on yet.
-XCOMM #define ExtensionOSDefines -DXTESTEXT1
-#define ExtraLoadFlags -lc -L/usr/ucblib -lucb -lm -lgen -lcmd
-/* Setup proper ownership of installed files */
-#define StripInstalledPrograms YES
-#define InstPgmFlags -s -m 0711 -o bin -g bin
-#define InstBinFlags -m 0755 -o bin -g bin
-#define InstUidFlags -m 4711 -o root -g bin
-#define InstLibFlags -m 0644 -o bin -g bin
-#define InstIncFlags -m 0444 -o bin -g bin
-#define InstManFlags -m 0444 -o bin -g bin
-#define InstDatFlags -m 0444 -o bin -g bin
-/* Various Configuration settings */
-#define DefaultUserPath /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
-#define ExtraFilesToClean *.z
-/* Create man pages properly */
-#define BookFormatManPages YES
-#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/catman/X115
-#define ManSuffix 1X
-#define LibManSuffix 3X
-#define FileManSuffix 4X
-#define ManSourcePath $(MANPATH)/g
-#define XmanSearchPath /usr/catman
-#define TblCmd /usr/ucb/tbl
-#define EqnCmd /usr/ucb/eqn
-#define ColCmd /usr/bin/col
-#define NeqnCmd /usr/ucb/neqn
-#define NroffCmd /usr/ucb/nroff -Tlp
- * Man pages need to be formatted when installed, so override the default
- * imake rules.
- */
-#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest) @@\
-all:: file.z @@\
- @@\
-file.z:: file.man @@\
- @if [ -f file.man ]; \ @@\
- then \ @@\
- cat file.man | $(NEQN) | $(TBL) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) | $(COL) >/tmp/$$$$.man; \ @@\
- $(RM) /tmp/$$$$.man.z; \ @@\
- pack -f /tmp/$$$$.man; \ @@\
- cp /tmp/$$$$.man.z file.z; \ @@\
- $(RM) /tmp/$$$$.man.z; \ @@\
- fi @@\
- @@\
-file.man:: @@\
- @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir) @@\
- -@if [ -f file.z ]; \ @@\
- then \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) file.z $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.z; \@@\
- fi
-#define InstallMultipleManSuffix(list,dest,suff) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in list; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- cat $$i.suff | $(NEQN) | $(TBL) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) | $(COL) >/tmp/$$$$.suff; \ @@\
- pack -f /tmp/$$$$.suff; \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/$$$$.suff.z $(DESTDIR)dest/$$i.z; \ @@\
- $(RM) /tmp/$$$$.suff.z); \ @@\
- done
-#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest) @@\
- InstallMultipleManSuffix(list,dest,man)
-#define InstallManPageAliases(file,destdir,aliases) @@\
-install.man:: @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in aliases; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/$$i.z;\ @@\
- (cd $(DESTDIR)destdir; $(LN) file.z $$i.z);\ @@\
- ); \ @@\
- done
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/nec.cf b/cde/config/cf/nec.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 364dfcdc4..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/nec.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: nec.cf /main/4 1996/09/28 16:11:37 rws $
-#ifdef nec_ews_svr2
-# define NecCISCArchitecture
-#else /* !defined(nec_ews_svr2) */
-# if defined(nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_up)
-# define NecRISCArchitecture
-# else /* !(defined(nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_up)) */
-# ifdef SX
-# define NecSX3Architecture
-# else /* !defined(SX) */
-# ifdef _nec_ft
-# define NecFaultTolerantArchitecture
-# else /* !defined(_nec_ft) */
-# ifdef PC_UX
-# define NecPCArchitecture
-# endif /* PC_UX */
-# endif /* !defined(_nec_ft) */
-# endif /* !defined(SX) */
-# endif /* !(defined(nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_up)) */
-#endif /* !defined(nec_ews_svr2) */
-#ifdef NecCISCArchitecture
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName EWS-UX/V
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 10
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-#define HasSharedLibraries NO
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define HasSockets YES
-#define SystemV YES
-#define StandardDefines -Dnec_ews -Dnec_ews_svr2 -DUSG -DSYSV
-#define StandardCppDefines -Dnec_ews -Dnec_ews_svr2 -DUSG -DSYSV
-#define LnCmd ln -s
-#ifdef NecRISCArchitecture
-# ifdef _nec_up
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName UP-UX/V
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 5
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-# else
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName EWS-UX/V\(Rel4.2\)
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 9
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-# endif
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn YES
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define HasSockets YES
-#ifdef NecSX3Architecture
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName SUPER-UX
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 3
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-#define SystemV YES
-#define HasSharedLibraries NO
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn YES
-#ifdef NecFaultTolerantArchitecture
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName FT-UX/V
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 5
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn YES
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define HasSockets YES
-#ifdef NecPCArchitecture
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName PC-UX/V
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 3
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 1
-#define HasSharedLibraries NO
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define SystemV YES
-#define HasSaberC NO /* for machines that have it */
-#define HasGcc NO
-#define HasBsearch YES
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd6000
-#define ExtraLibraries -lsocket -lnsl -lw
-#define BuildServer NO
-/* #define InstallCmd $(INS) */
-#define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving YES
-#define LibraryCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-#define LibraryDefines StandardDefines
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/necLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/necLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc82226a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/necLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: necLib.rules /main/4 1996/09/28 16:11:42 rws $
- * NECOS shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation YES
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags
-#ifndef SeparateSharedCompile
-#define SeparateSharedCompile NO
-#define SharedLibObjCompile(options) $(_NULLCMD_)
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- cd $(DESTDIR)/dest; $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- RanLibrary($(RANLIBINSTFLAGS) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.sa.rev))
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- $(CC) -G -o $@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) solist @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so): Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(LN) $? $@ @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev): salist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(AR) $@ salist @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryDataTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/necLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/necLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7f04b05..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/necLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: necLib.tmpl,v 1.1 94/03/26 18:15:22 rws Exp $
- * NEC shared library template
- */
-#ifndef SharedXlibRev
-#define SharedXlibRev 4.10
-#ifndef SharedOldXRev
-#define SharedOldXRev 4.10
-#ifndef SharedXtRev
-#define SharedXtRev 4.10
-#ifndef SharedXawRev
-#define SharedXawRev 5.0
-#ifndef SharedXmuRev
-#define SharedXmuRev 4.10
-#ifndef SharedXextRev
-#define SharedXextRev 4.10
-#ifndef SharedXinputRev
-#define SharedXinputRev 4.10
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/noop.rules b/cde/config/cf/noop.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1378917..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/noop.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/oldlib.rules b/cde/config/cf/oldlib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 52faa69eb..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/oldlib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* You should not use these any more, use new Library.tmpl insead */
-XCOMM $XConsortium: oldlib.rules,v 1.2 91/04/09 19:15:13 rws Exp $
- * ProfiledLibraryObjectRule - generate make rules to build both profiled
- * and "normal" objects.
- */
-#ifndef ProfiledLibraryObjectRule
-#define ProfiledLibraryObjectRule() @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(profiled) @@\
- @@\
-.c.o: @@\
- ProfiledLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- LibCleanDir(profiled) @@\
-#endif /* ProfiledLibraryObjectRule */
- * DebuggedLibraryObjectRule - generate make rules to build both debuggable
- * and "normal" objects.
- */
-#ifndef DebuggedLibraryObjectRule
-#define DebuggedLibraryObjectRule() @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(debugger) @@\
- @@\
-.c.o: @@\
- DebuggedLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- LibCleanDir(debugger) @@\
-#endif /* DebuggedLibraryObjectRule */
- * DebuggedAndProfiledLibraryOjbectRule - generate make rules to build
- * debuggable, profiled, and "normal" objects.
- */
-#ifndef DebuggedAndProfiledLibraryObjectRule
-#define DebuggedAndProfiledLibraryObjectRule() @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(profiled) @@\
- LibMkdir(debugger) @@\
- @@\
-.c.o: @@\
- ProfiledLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- DebuggedLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(NullParameter) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- LibCleanDir(profiled) @@\
- LibCleanDir(debugger) @@\
-#endif /* DebuggedAndProfiledLibraryObjectRule */
- * SpecialProfiledObjectRule - generate rules to compile a file with special
- * flags and to make a profiled version.
- */
-#ifndef SpecialProfiledObjectRule
-#define SpecialProfiledObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(profiled) @@\
- @@\
-objs: depends @@\
- ProfiledLibObjCompile(options) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(options)
-#endif /* SpecialProfiledObjectRule */
- * SpecialDebuggedObjectRule - generate rules to compile a file with special
- * flags and to make a debuggable version.
- */
-#ifndef SpecialDebuggedObjectRule
-#define SpecialDebuggedObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(debugger) @@\
- @@\
-objs: depends @@\
- DebuggedLibObjCompile(options) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(options)
-#endif /* SpecialDebuggedObjectRule */
- * SpecialDebuggedAndProfiledObjectRule - generate rules to compile a file
- * with special flags and to make debuggable and profiled versions.
- */
-#ifndef SpecialDebuggedAndProfiledObjectRule
-#define SpecialDebuggedAndProfiledObjectRule(objs,depends,options) @@\
-all:: @@\
- LibMkdir(profiled) @@\
- LibMkdir(debugger) @@\
- @@\
-objs: depends @@\
- ProfiledLibObjCompile(options) @@\
- DebuggedLibObjCompile(options) @@\
- NormalLibObjCompile(options)
-#endif /* SpecialDebuggedAndProfiledObjectRule */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/pegasus.cf b/cde/config/cf/pegasus.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 507effabc..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/pegasus.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: pegasus.cf /main/38 1996/09/28 16:12:05 rws $
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName UTek 4.0
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DM4310 -DUTEK
-#define StandardDefines -DM4310 -DUTEK -Dpegasus
-#if HasGcc
-/* put back all of the -Ds which -ansi removes */
-#define CcCmd gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Dmc68000 -Dtektronix -Dutek -Dunix -Dm68k
-#define BuildServer NO
-/* #define XtekServer YES */
-#define ServerExtraDefines -DM4310 -DM4317
-#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 95
-.DIRECTORIES: /* Turn off directory search for RCS */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sequent.cf b/cde/config/cf/sequent.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d611312..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sequent.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: sequent.cf /main/5 1999/05/19 16:59:58 mgreess $
- * SET VERSION NUMBERS BEFORE MAKING MAKEFILES; also, you'll need to install
- * util/scripts/bsdinstall.sh before doing a "make install"
- */
-#if defined(DynixPtxArchitecture) || defined(_SEQUENT_)
-# ifndef OSName
-# define OSName Dynix/ptx
-# endif
-# ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion 2
-# endif
-# ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion 0
-# endif
-# define SystemV YES
-# define SymbolTableFlags
-# define DefaultCCOptions SymbolTableFlags
-# define SharedLibraryCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-# define StandardDefines -DSYSV
-# define ExtraLibraries $(XBSDLIB) -lsocket -linet -lnsl -lseq
-# define XmExtraLibraries /* -lgen (not official i386 ABI?) */
-# define NeedBerklib YES
-# define HasShadowPasswd YES
-# define InstallXdmConfig YES
-# define HasSockets YES
- * Plan to remove Prototypes defines and use -Xc with
- * Dynix/ptx:
- * OSMajorVersion=4
- * OSMinorVersion=0
- * Using -Xc with Version 4.0 will elliminate most warnings
- */
-# define NeedFunctionPrototypes YES
-# define NeedNestedPrototypes YES
-# define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-# define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
- * unfortunately pbmplus uses this...
- */
-#endif /* defined(DynixPtxArchitecture) || defined(_SEQUENT_) */
-#if defined(Dynix3Architecture) || defined(sequent)
-# ifndef OSName
-# define OSName Dynix 3
-# endif
-# ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion 3
-# endif
-# ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion 2
-# endif
-# define SymbolTableFlags -W0,-Nn7500 -W0,-Nd10000
-# define DefaultCCOptions SymbolTableFlags
-# define StandardDefines -DX_NOT_STDC_ENV -DX_NOT_POSIX
-# define ExtraLibraries -lseq
-# define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-# define HasBsearch NO
-# define SetTtyGroup YES
-#endif /* defined(Dynix3Architecture) || defined(sequent) */
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define BuildXInputLib NO
-#define BuildPexClients NO
-#define BuildMotifConfig NO
-#define BuildMotifDemos NO
-#define BuildWMLTable NO
-#define LnCmd ln -s
-/* libgen is not part of the i386 ABI. (Are both architectures i386??) */
-#define UseLocalRegex YES
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sgi.cf b/cde/config/cf/sgi.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index cbccd28af..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sgi.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: sgi.cf /main/49 1998/02/26 09:12:19 barstow $
-#ifndef OSName
-# define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-# define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion.OSMinorVersion.OSTeenyVersion)
-#if OSMajorVersion < 4
-/* We do not guarantee this will work */
-#define StandardDefines -DX_WCHAR -DX_LOCALE -DX_USEBFUNCS -DSYSV
-#define SetTtyGroup NO
-#define HasPlugin YES
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define ExtraFilesToClean so_locations
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
-#define SystemV YES
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define HasWChar32 YES
-#define HasVFork NO
-#if OSMajorVersion < 6
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCTYPE_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-#define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-#define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
-#ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
-#define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
- * To build 64-bit binaries define Mips64Architecture in your site.def or
- * host.def file. This is usually on done at the X Consortium to test
- * big endian 64-bit cleanliness.
- * To build 32-bit binaries using the old 32-bit mode, define
- * NoMipsN32Archtecture in your site.def or host.def file.
- * Otherwise the default is to use the "new 32" mode as requested by SGI.
- */
-#ifndef MipsN32Architecture
-#if !defined(Mips64Architecture) && !defined(NoMipsN32Architecture)
-#define MipsN32Architecture YES
-#ifdef Mips64Architecture
-# define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARY64_PATH
-# define SystemBuildLibPath /usr/lib64:/lib64
-# define LdCmd ld -64
-#elif defined(MipsN32Architecture)
-# define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH
-# define SystemBuildLibPath /usr/lib32:/lib32
-# define LdCmd ld -n32
-# define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-# define SystemBuildLibPath /usr/lib:/lib
-#define HasCplusplus YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES /* IRIX [56].x -lmalloc needs this */
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define ExecableScripts YES
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasPoll YES
-#define ExpandManNames YES
-#ifndef BuildXInputExt
-#define BuildXInputExt YES
-#if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 2)
-#define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES
-#define NeedConstPrototypes YES
-#define NeedWidePrototypes NO
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
-#define SymbolTables -Wf,-XNp16000,-XNd16000,-XNh2000
-#define PexSymbolTables -Wf,-XNp15000,-XNd15000,-XNh2000
-#define ServerSymbolTables -Wf,-XNp8000,-XNh2000,-XNd8000
-#define SymbolTables
-#define PexSymbolTables
-#define ServerSymbolTables
-/* this is for floating point, ANSI cpp */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
-/* Extra libraries provide : yp, sysV malloc, shared libc, and widechar */
-# define ExtraLibraries -lsun -lmalloc -lc_s -lw
-# define sgiCCOptions -xansi -D__STDC__=1 -float
-# if OSMajorVersion < 6
-# define sgiCCOptions -xansi
-# else
-# define CppCmd cc -E -cckr
-# ifdef Mips64Architecture
-/* set Mips64Architecture in host.def. Usually don't need it but we
- * (the X Consortium) want a 64-bit big-endian machine to test on. */
-# define sgiCCOptions -xansi -mips3 -64
-# define DlLibrary /**/
-# elif defined(MipsN32Architecture)
-/* Set MipsN32Architecture to build "new" 32-bit objs with a 32-bit kernel. */
-# define sgiCCOptions -xansi -mips3 -n32
-# else
-# define sgiCCOptions -xansi
-# endif
-# if OSMinorVersion == 2
-/* if you haven't installed patch 1361, 1403, or 1645 on IRIX 6.2 then you
- * must add "#define HasPosixThreads NO" in your site.def or host.def file
- */
-# ifndef HasPosixThreads
-# define HasPosixThreads YES
-# endif
-# define ThreadedX HasPosixThreads
-# define ThreadsLibraries -lpthread
- * Add "#define HasSgiThreadsPatch1403 YES" to your site.def or host.def if
- * that's which patch you have.
- */
-# ifndef HasSgiThreadsPatch1403
-# define HasSgiThreadsPatch1403 NO
-# endif
-# if (HasSgiThreadsPatch1403)
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-/* SGI's -lsocket -lnsl is broken, at least in 5.2, so override here */
-# define ExtraLibraries /**/
-#define DefaultCCOptions sgiCCOptions SymbolTables
-#define PexCCOptions sgiCCOptions PexSymbolTables
-#define ServerCCOptions sgiCCOptions ServerSymbolTables
-/* For SGI C++ compiler, need to search extra dirs in make depend */
-#ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/include/CC
-/* At SGI, we don't need this */
-#define ConstructMFLAGS NO /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
-/* Used only for compressed fonts */
-#define UNCOMPRESSPATH /usr/bsd/uncompress
-/* Normally used only to conditionally chose the default font path order */
-#define PrimaryScreenResolution 96
-/* Override Imake.tmpl's "-X" flag */
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-/* Installation Build Parameters */
-#define InstKmemFlags -m 2711 -g sys
-#define ArCmd ar scq
-/* for xdm or anyone else to use */
-#define DefaultUserPath :/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/usr/bin:/bin:$(BINDIR):/etc:/usr/etc
-#define DefaultSystemPath /usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/bin:/etc:/usr/bin:/usr/etc:$(BINDIR)
-#ifndef BuildServer
-#define BuildServer NO
-#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
-/* only need this for binary compatibility with their ddx */
-#ifndef Mips64Architecture
-#define ServerExtraDefines -DNEED_LINEHELPER AllocateLocalDefines
-#define ServerExtraDefines -D_XSERVER64 -DNEED_LINEHELPER AllocateLocalDefines
-/* Changed to a single shell command for pmake/smake */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
- * NormalLibObjCompile - compile fragment for a library object file
- * do ld -x to remove line number symbols for libraries
- */
-#define NormalLibObjCompile(options) ClearmakeOSName \
- $(RM) $@ $*.os \ @@\
- && $(CC) -c options $(CFLAGS) $*.c \ @@\
- && $(LD) $(LDSTRIPFLAGS) -r $@ -o $*.os \ @@\
- && $(MV) $*.os $@
-#define LibObjCompile(dir,options) ClearmakeOSName \
- $(RM) $@ dir/$@ \ @@\
- && $(CC) -c $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) options $*.c \ @@\
- && $(MV) $@ dir/$@
-#ifndef HasMakefileSafeInclude
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#ifndef IncludeMakefile
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) @@sinclude file
-/* needs to find nroff on the system to work */
-#ifndef ManKeywordsTarget
-#define ManKeywordsTarget(manpath) @@\
-man_keywords:: @@\
- /usr/lib/makewhatis -M $(DESTDIR)manpath $(DESTDIR)manpath/whatis
-#ifndef CppFileTarget
-#define CppFileTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs src 2>/dev/null | CppSedMagic >$@; @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(dst)
-#endif /* CppFileTarget */
-#ifndef CppScriptTarget
-#if ExecableScripts /* can use #! instead of colon */
-#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs src | CppSedMagic >$@ @@\
- chmod a+x $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFiles(dst)
-#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\
-dst:: src deplist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- ClearmakeOSName \
- echo \: >$@ @@\
- sed '1d' src | $(CPP) CppNoLineInfoOption defs | CppSedMagic >>$@ @@\
- chmod a+x $@ @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(dst)
-#endif /* ExecableScripts */
-#endif /* CppScriptTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index ef066d412..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: sgiLib.rules /main/16 1996/09/28 18:11:04 rws $
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation YES
-#define SharedCodeDef -DSHAREDCODE
-#define SharedLibraryDef -DATTSHAREDLIB
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -G 0
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we don't hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat3(lib,libname,_s)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat3(lib,libname,_s): sharedlib.o solist Concat(lib,libname.spec) $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@ $@.a \ @@\
- && cd down \ @@\
- && mkshlib -s Concat(up/lib,libname.spec) -t up/$@ -h up/$@.a \ @@\
- && ar rs up/$@.a sharedlib.o @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@.a) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat3(lib,libname,_s) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a)
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- * NOTE: file must be executable, hence "INSTBINFLAGS"
- */
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat3(lib,libname,_s) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTBINFLAGS) Concat3(lib,libname,_s) $(DESTDIR)dest
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-#else /* OSMajorVersion >= 5 */
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#if OSMajorVersion < 6
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
-#ifndef Mips64Architecture
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared -mips3
-/* -KPIC is redundant, PIC is always used unless you specify -non_shared */
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -KPIC
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -KPIC
- * SGI's cc passes an undocumented flag to ld that causes it to look for
- * -lX11 and force use of libX11.so.1. And it can't be turned off. Sigh.
- * So we install one of those, too, in the shared library install target.
- */
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so) @@\
- cd $(DESTDIR)dest; $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- if [ "libname" = X11 ]; then \ @@\
- RemoveFile(Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so.1)); \ @@\
- cd $(DESTDIR)dest; $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so.1);\ @@\
- fi
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
- * SGI's cc passes an undocumented flag to ld that causes it to look for
- * -lX11 and force use of libX11.so.1. Sigh. So we make one of those, too,
- * in the shared library build target.
- */
-#ifndef sgiX11soHack
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define sgiX11soHack(libname) /**/
-#define sgiX11soHack(libname) if [ "libname" = X11 ]; then \ @@\
- RemoveFile($(BUILDLIBDIR)/Concat(lib,libname.so.1)); \ @@\
- cd $(BUILDLIBDIR); $(LN) $(BUILDINCTOP)/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$@ Concat(lib,libname.so.1); \ @@\
- fi
-#endif /* sgiX11soHack */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -soname $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- sgiX11soHack(libname) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so) so_locations
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
-#endif /* OsMajorVersion < 5 else */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index fba0dfb8d..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sgiLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: sgiLib.tmpl /main/2 1996/09/28 16:12:44 rws $
- * SGI shared library template
- */
-#define SharedXtReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIBONLY) -delay_load $(SMLIB) -delay_load $(ICELIB)
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLONLYLIB)
-#define SharedXawReqs -lw
-#define SharedXpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XLIB)
-#define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) -lgen
-#define SharedXmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedMrmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#define SharedUilReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(MRESOURCELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/site.def b/cde/config/cf/site.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 701e8a4f0..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/site.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM site: $TOG: site.def /main/23 1998/03/19 18:43:26 mgreess $
- * *
- * X Consortium In-House Build Parameters *
- * Use at Your Own Risk *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef SiteIConfigFiles
-# define SiteIConfigFiles $(IRULESRC)/host.def
-# define LocalConfigFiles host.def
-#ifdef BeforeVendorCF
-# define LocalThreadsDefines
-# include
-/* CDE uses a .C suffix for C++ source, not the default .cxx */
-# define CCsuf C
-/* We will use installed x11 and Motif. */
-# define UseInstalledX11 YES
-# define UseInstalledMotif YES
-# ifndef TopLevelProject
-# define TopLevelProject cde
-# endif
-/* On systems where cpp doesn't expand correctly macros in include directives
- * the two following macros need to be defined directly (accordingly to the
- * TopLevelProject macro defined above).
- */
-# if defined(SunArchitecture) || defined(AIXArchitecture)
-# ifndef ProjectRulesFile
-# define ProjectRulesFile
-# endif
-# ifndef ProjectTmplFile
-# define ProjectTmplFile
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef HPArchitecture
-# define HasHPCplusplus YES
-# endif
-# if defined(SGIArchitecture)
-# define MipsN32Architecture YES
-# endif
-# if defined(SunArchitecture)
-# ifndef HasSunC
-# define HasSunC NO
-# endif
-# ifndef HasSunCplusplus
-# define HasSunCplusplus HasSunC
-# endif
-# ifndef HasGcc2
-# if HasSunC
-# define HasGcc2 NO
-# else
-# define HasGcc2 YES
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# define HasGcc2ForCplusplus HasGcc2
-# endif
-# endif
-# if defined(AIXArchitecture)
-# define HasCplusplus YES
-# endif
-#endif /* BeforeVendorCF */
-#ifdef AfterVendorCF
-#ifndef X11ProjectRoot
-# if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
-# define X11ProjectRoot /usr
-# elif defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
-# define X11ProjectRoot /usr/local
-# elif defined(SunArchitecture)
-# define X11ProjectRoot /usr
-# elif defined(OpenBSDArchitecture)
-# define X11ProjectRoot /usr/X11R6
-# elif defined(NetBSDArchitecture)
-# define X11ProjectRoot /usr/X11R7
-# else
-# define X11ProjectRoot /X11
-# endif
-#ifndef MotifProjectRoot
-# if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
-# define MotifProjectRoot /usr/local
-# elif defined(OpenBSDArchitecture)
-# define MotifProjectRoot /usr/local
-# elif defined(NetBSDArchitecture)
-# define MotifProjectRoot /usr/pkg
-# elif defined(SunArchitecture)
-# define MotifProjectRoot /usr/X11
-# endif
-#ifndef ProjectRoot
-# define ProjectRoot /usr/dt
-XCOMM build the DtXinerama support
-#ifdef SunArchitecture
-# if !defined(DtLocalesToBuild)
-# define DtLocalesToBuild en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8
-# endif
-XCOMM Make sure you have installed the de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT locales.
-XCOMM or building non-C locales will cause build failures.
-#if defined(BSDArchitecture)
-# if !defined(DtLocalesToBuild)
-# define DtLocalesToBuild en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8
-# endif
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
-XCOMM Make sure you have installed the de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT locales.
-XCOMM or building non-C locales will cause build failures.
-XCOMM DtLocalesToBuild: de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
-# if !defined(DtLocalesToBuild)
-# define DtLocalesToBuild en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8
-# endif
-XCOMM This is a hack for the en_US.UTF-8 stuff, which should be redone
-XCOMM as a proper locale, rather than aliasing C
-# define UTF8_NLS_SUPPORT
-#ifdef SunArchitecture
-#define HasCodeCenter YES
-#define HasTestCenter YES
-#ifdef SparcArchitecture
-#define HasPurify YES
-#ifdef HPArchitecture
-#define HasPurify YES
-#ifdef __hp9000s800
-#define HasCodeCenter YES
-#define HasTestCenter YES
-#ifdef SGIArchitecture
-#if OSMajorVersion > 5
-#define HasPurify YES
-XCOMM The documentation can only be built with ISO8859-1 encoding.
-XCOMM An upgrade to docbook and conversion to XML is required to properly
-XCOMM support utf8 with dtinfo and dthelp files.
-#ifndef DtDocLocalesToBuild
-# define DtDocLocalesToBuild de_DE.ISO8859-1 es_ES.ISO8859-1 fr_FR.ISO8859-1 it_IT.ISO8859-1
-#endif /* AfterVendorCF */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sony.cf b/cde/config/cf/sony.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 02821b36a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sony.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: sony.cf /main/69 1996/09/29 18:19:36 kaleb $
-#ifdef SonyBsdArchitecture
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName NEWS-OS 4.2.1C
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 2
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion 1
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define DirFailPrefix -
-#define InstKmemFlags -g kmem -m 2711
-#define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/sony/bin:
-#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/usr/etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/sony/bin:
-#ifdef MipsArchitecture
-#define ExtraLibraries -lmld
-#define LintOpts -ax
-#define LintLibFlag -o
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Wf,-XNh2000,-XNd6000,-XNp10000 -Olimit 2000
-#define PexCCOptions -Wf,-XNh2000,-XNd15000,-XNp15000 -Olimit 2000
-#define HasFortran YES
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 4
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#define HasSecureRPC YES
-#define XdmDir /etc/xdm
-#if OSMinorVersion >= 1
-#define HasBsearch YES
-#define HasBsearch NO
-#define StandardDefines -DNOSTDHDRS
-#define HasBsearch NO
-#ifndef OSName
-#define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
-#define BootstrapCFlags -Dsony
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#define HasVFork NO
-#define CcCmd /usr/bin/cc
-#define LdCmd /usr/bin/ld
-#if OSMajorVersion >= 6
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Xa -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd6000
-#define PexCCOptions -Xa -Wf,-XNp15000,-XNd15000
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -G -rpath $(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -K PIC -Wx,-G 0
-#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -K PIC -Wx,-G 0
-#define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define FixupLibReferences() /**/
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd6000
-#define PexCCOptions -Wf,-XNp15000,-XNd15000
- * SONY C++ compiler is based on vanilla cfront, which means it
- * refuses to compile files unless their names end in ".C". We
- * have to completely override .SUFFIXES to avoid using the builtin
- * .C to .o rule in cases where the link to foo.C is already there,
- * because the builtin rule doesn't use the right compilation flags.
- */
-.SUFFIXES: .o .c .y .l .s .sh .h .f .Y .L .cxx
-#define NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) test -r $*.C || $(LN) $*.CCsuf $*.C @@\
- $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.C
-XCOMM operating system: OSName
-#ifndef BuildServer
-#define BuildServer NO
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sun.cf b/cde/config/cf/sun.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ce766b7c..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sun.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $TOG: sun.cf /main/176 1997/12/09 17:27:51 kaleb $
-#ifndef OSName
-# define OSName DefaultOSName
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-# define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-# define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-# define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
-XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
- * Compiler setup. This sun.cf file knows what options to use with
- * certain compilers, including Sun C and gcc. It also understands
- * how to set some of the options for various C++ compilers, including
- * Sun C++ and g++.
- *
- * === C Compiler Setup ==========================================
- *
- * For SunPro C, define HasSunC to YES in host.def.
- * For Gnu gcc, define HasGcc2 to YES in host.def
- * For other compilers, define HasSunC to NO in host.def, then
- * provide appropriate values for the various compiler related
- * configuration varibles used here.
- *
- * If you don't tell us which C compiler you have, we assume you have
- * the Gcc C compiler under Solaris 2.x.
- *
- * === C++ Compiler Setup ==========================================
- *
- * For SunPro C++, define HasSunCplusplus to YES in host.def
- * For Gnu g++ 4.x, define HasGcc2ForCplusplus to YES in host.def
- * For other compilers, define HasCplusplus to YES in host.def, and
- * check to see if you need to provide values for CplusplusOptions
- * and/or DefaultCplusplusOptions.
- *
- * In any case, you may also need to set CplusplusDependIncludes.
- *
- * If you say you have the SunPro C++ compiler, we assume you have
- * version 5.0.x of the compiler. If you have an earlier version
- * instead, define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion in host.def.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HasSunC
-# if (HasGcc || HasGcc2 || OSMajorVersion < 5)
-# define HasSunC NO
-# else
-# define HasSunC YES
-# endif
-#if HasSunC
-# ifndef CCompilerMajorVersion
-# define CCompilerMajorVersion DefaultSunProCCompilerMajorVersion
-# endif
-# ifndef CCompilerMinorVersion
-# define CCompilerMinorVersion DefaultSunProCCompilerMinorVersion
-# endif
-XCOMM SunPro C CCompilerMajorVersion./**/CCompilerMinorVersion
-#if HasSunCplusplus
-# ifndef HasCplusplus
-# define HasCplusplus YES
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# ifdef DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# else
-# define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion 3
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# ifdef DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# else
-# define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion 0
-# endif
-# endif
-XCOMM SunPro C++ CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion./**/CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-#if HasGcc2
-# ifndef CCompilerMajorVersion
-# define CCompilerMajorVersion DefaultGnuCCompilerMajorVersion
-# endif
-# ifndef CCompilerMinorVersion
-# define CCompilerMinorVersion DefaultGnuCCompilerMinorVersion
-# endif
-XCOMM Gnu C CCompilerMajorVersion./**/CCompilerMinorVersion
-#if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# ifndef HasCplusplus
-# define HasCplusplus YES
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# ifdef DefaultGnuCplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion DefaultGnuCplusplusCompilerMajorVersion
-# else
-# define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion 4
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# ifdef DefaultGnuCplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion DefaultGnuCplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-# else
-# define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion 6
-# endif
-# endif
-XCOMM Gnu C++ CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion./**/CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion
-#if OSMajorVersion > 4
-#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
-#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
-#if OSMajorVersion < 4 || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion < 1)
-/* We do not guarantee this will work */
-# define BootstrapCFlags -DNOSTDHDRS
-# define StandardDefines -DNOSTDHDRS
-#if OSMajorVersion == 4
-# if OSMinorVersion == 1
-# define HasPoll YES
-# endif
-# if OSMinorVersion > 1 || (OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion > 1)
-/* You ALSO need this if you have Sun ld patch 100170-06 or later to 4.1.1 */
-# define SunPost411FCSLd YES
-# endif
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-# if OSMajorVersion > 4
-# define ServerExtraDefines AllocateLocalDefines XFree86ServerDefines
-# define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines
-# else
-# define ServerExtraDefines AllocateLocalDefines
-# define ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# endif
-# define ServerExtraDefines AllocateLocalDefines
-# define ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT
-# define HasPlugin YES
-#define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
-#if OSMajorVersion > 4
-#if HasSunC
- * Assume /opt/solarisstudio/bin/ contains symlinks to the appropriate tools
- */
-#ifndef CcCmd
-# define CcCmd /opt/solarisstudio/bin/cc
-#ifndef CplusplusCmd
-# define CplusplusCmd /opt/solarisstudio/bin/CC
-#ifndef CplusplusFilt
-# define CplusplusFilt /opt/solarisstudio/bin/c++filt
-#ifndef CplusplusLibC
-#define CplusplusLibC -L/opt/solarisstudio/lib -lCrun
-#ifndef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
-# define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags -O2 -erroff=attrskipunsup
-#ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
-#if CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 4
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/solarisstudio/prod/include/CC -I/opt/solarisstudio/prod/include/CC/Cstd -I/opt/solarisstudio/prod/include/CC/std
-#elif CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 3
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/SUNWspro/SC4.0/include/CC
-#elif CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 2
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/SUNWspro/SC3.0/include/CC
-# define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/SUNWspro/SC2.0.1/include/CC
-# if HasSunC && (CCompilerMajorVersion < 3)
-# define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4
-# else
-# define BootstrapCFlags /* none needed */
-# endif
-# ifndef XawI18nDefines
-# if OSMinorVersion < 4
-# define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCTYPE_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-# else
-# define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
-# endif
-# endif
-# if OSMinorVersion > 10
-# define InstallCmd /usr/bin/ginstall
-# elif OSMinorVersion > 3
-# define InstallCmd /usr/ucb/install
-# endif
-# if defined(i386Architecture)
-# define StandardDefines -Dsun -Di386 -DSVR4 -D__i386
-# define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
-# elif defined(SparcArchitecture)
-# define StandardDefines -Dsun -Dsparc -DSVR4 -D__sparc
-# define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -sparcabi
-# else
-# define StandardDefines -Dsun -DSVR4
-# define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -sparcabi
-# endif
-# define ExtraLibraries -lsocket -lnsl
-# if OSMinorVersion > 1
-# define ThreadedX YES
-# if HasSunC && CCompilerMajorVersion > 2
-# define ThreadsCompileFlags -mt
-# else
-# define SystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT
-# define ThreadsLibraries -lthread
-# endif
-# if HasSunCplusplus && CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 3
-# define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags -mt
-# else
-# define CplusplusSystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT
-# define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries -lthread
-# endif
-# endif /* OSMinorVersion > 1 */
-# ifndef UseExportLists
-# define UseExportLists NO
-# endif
-# define HasVFork NO
-# define InstKmemFlags -g sys -m 2711
-# define ShLibIncludeFile
- * Set flags for position independent code before including sv4Lib.rules
- * if the compiler in use doesn't use standard SVR4 flags
- */
-# if HasSunC
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags -Kpic
-# define LargePositionIndependentCFlags -KPIC
-# endif
-# if HasSunCplusplus
-# define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -pic
-# define LargePositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -PIC
-# endif
-#else /* not OSMajorVersion > 4 */
-#define InstKmemFlags -g kmem -m 2711
-#endif /* OSMajorVersion > 4 (else) */
-#define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#define HasNdbm YES
-#define HasShm YES
-#define HasSecureRPC YES
-#define SetTtyGroup YES
-#define HasPutenv YES
-#ifndef i386Architecture
-# ifndef Xsun24Server
-# define Xsun24Server NO /* color, mono, multiple depths */
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunServer
-# define XsunServer YES /* color and mono, 8 bit only */
-# endif
-# ifndef XsunMonoServer
-# define XsunMonoServer NO /* monochrome only */
-# endif
-#endif /* not i386Architecture */
-#if HasGcc || HasGcc2
-# if OSMajorVersion > 4 && defined(i386Architecture)
-# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# define DefaultCCOptions -DNO_ASM
-# endif
-# endif
-# if HasGcc2
-# define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
-# if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(SparcArchitecture)
-# define CcCmd gcc
-# endif
-# else
-# define SharedLibraryCcCmd cc
-# define ExtraLoadFlags -B/usr/bin/
-# define AllocateLocalDefines /**/
- ClearmakeOSName $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-# endif /* HasGcc2 (else) */
-#else /* not HasGcc, not HasGcc2 */
-# define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
-/* Set up compiler-dependent options for Sun C */
-# if HasSunC
-# ifdef Sun3Architecture
-# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# define DefaultCCOptions -f68881 -pipe
-# endif
-# else /* not defined(Sun3Architecture) */
-# if OSMajorVersion < 5
-# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# define DefaultCCOptions -pipe
-# endif
-# else /* OSMajorVersion >= 5*/
-# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-# define DefaultCCOptions -Xa
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# define PexCCOptions DefaultCCOptions
-#endif /* HasGcc || HasGcc2 (else) */
-#if HasGcc2
-CXXDEPENDINCLUDE :sh = CcCmd -v -x c++ /dev/null -fsyntax-only \
- 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^ \(\/.*[cg]++.*\)/-I\1/p'
-#define CplusplusDependIncludes $(CXXDEPENDINCLUDE)
-#if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define CplusplusCmd g++
-#ifndef CplusplusLibC
-#define CplusplusLibC -L/usr/gnu/lib -lstdc++
-#endif /* HasGcc2ForCplusplus */
-#if OSMajorVersion < 5
-# define SharedAllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
-# define LibraryCCOptions /* don't want special floating point */
-#endif /* OSMajorVersion < 5 */
-#if OSMajorVersion > 4
-# include
-#ifndef ManKeywordsTarget
-# define ManKeywordsTarget(manpath) @@\
-man_keywords:: @@\
- catman -M $(DESTDIR)manpath -w
-#if !defined(UsePamLibrary)
-# if (OSMajorVersion > 5) || ((OSMajorVersion == 5) && (OSMinorVersion >= 4))
-# define UsePamLibrary NO
-# endif
-#if (OSMajorVersion > 5) || ((OSMajorVersion == 5) && (OSMinorVersion >= 10))
-#define SharedLibXau YES
-#define SharedXauRev 6
-#define SharedLibXdmcp YES
-#define SharedXdmcpRev 6
-#define HasMakefileSafeInclude YES
-#define IncludeMakefile(file) HASH_SIGN dependencies are in .depend
-#define DependFileName .depend
-#if HasSunC
-#define DependDefines -D__BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR
-#define LdPreLib -L$(BUILDLIBDIR)
-#define PamUnixDefines -DPAM_NIS
-#define TtLargePICTable YES
-#define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE -DNO_REGCOMP
-#define DtSearchDefines -DI18N_MSG DtSvcDefines
-#define DtWidgetDefines DtSearchDefines
-#define DtPrintDefines DtSearchDefines
-#ifndef CompressAllFonts
-#define CompressAllFonts YES
-/* For DtHelp TIFF processing routines. */
-#if defined(AMD64Architecture) || defined(i386Architecture)
-#define LSBBitOrder YES
-#define baseDtMailDefines \
- -DSunOS=OSMajorVersion\#\#OSMinorVersion -DMMAP_NORESERVE -DSPRO_V2
-#ifndef i386Architecture
-# define DtMailDefines baseDtMailDefines
-# define DtMailDefines -DBIG_ENDIAN baseDtMailDefines
-#define ArchitectureDefines -DSUN_ARCHITECTURE
-#define TtClientExtraLibs ExtraLibraries -ldl -lintl
-#ifndef TopMotifInclude
-# define TopMotifInclude $(MPROJECTROOT)/include
-#define ShlibExportListOpt(filename) -M filename
-#define TtClientLibs $(TTLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#define TtClientDepLibs $(DEPTTLIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB)
-#define CdeProjectDefines \
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sunLib.rules b/cde/config/cf/sunLib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e75548a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sunLib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: sunLib.rules /main/15 1996/09/28 16:13:16 rws $
- * SunOS shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-#define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-#define SharedDataSeparation YES
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-#define SharedCodeDef -DSHAREDCODE
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-#define SharedLibraryDef -DSUNSHLIB
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-#define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -assert pure-text
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-#if HasGcc2
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -fpic
-#define PositionIndependentCFlags -pic
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-#if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fpic
-#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -pic
- * SharedDSLibDependencies - shared library dependencies with data separation
- */
-#ifndef SharedDSLibDependencies
-#define SharedDSLibDependencies(libname,libsource,revname) _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR)/lib,libsource/lib,libname.sa.$(revname))
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-#define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-#define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- RanLibrary($(RANLIBINSTFLAGS) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.sa.rev))
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
-#if HasPurify
-#define PureCleanSharedLibrary(libname,rev) @@\
-clean clean.pure:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat3(lib,libname,_pure_*.so.rev)
-#define PureCleanSharedLibrary(libname,rev) /**/
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-#define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- (cd down; $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- @@\
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-#define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev): salist @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(AR) $@ salist @@\
- RanLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.sa.rev)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryDataTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sunLib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/sunLib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index a39209b50..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sunLib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: sunLib.tmpl /main/47 1997/12/12 14:53:33 kaleb $
- * SunOS shared library template
- */
-#if OSMajorVersion <= 4
-# if SunPost411FCSLd
-# define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-# endif
-#ifndef SharedX11Rev
-#define SharedX11Rev 4.30
-#ifndef SharedOldXRev
-#define SharedOldXRev 4.20
-#ifndef SharedXtRev
-#define SharedXtRev 4.20
-#ifndef SharedXawRev
-#define SharedXawRev 6.10
-#ifndef SharedXmuRev
-#define SharedXmuRev 4.20
-#ifndef SharedXextRev
-#define SharedXextRev 4.50
-#ifndef SharedXiRev
-#define SharedXiRev 4.20
-#ifndef SharedXtstRev
-#define SharedXtstRev 1.20
-#ifndef SharedPexRev
-#define SharedPexRev 1.10
-#else /* else it's Solaris */
-# if ThreadedX
-# if OSMinorVersion > 3
-# define SharedThreadReqs /**/
-# define SharedX11Reqs /**/
-# endif
-# endif
-# define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-# define FixupLibReferences() /**/
-# define SharedPamReqs -ldl
-# define SharedPamUnixReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lpam $(LDPOSTLIBS) -lnsl -lmp -lcmd SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedPamSampleReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lpam $(LDPOSTLIBS) SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedPamDialAuthReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lpam $(LDPOSTLIBS) SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedPamRhostsAuthReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lpam $(LDPOSTLIBS) -lsocket SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedPamDceAuthReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lpam $(LDPOSTLIBS) -ldce -lnsl -lsocket SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedTtReqs $(XTOOLLIB) -lnsl -lsocket -lintl -ldl -lc -lw $(CXXLIB)
-# define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(LDPOSTLIBS) SharedThreadReqs -lgen -lc -lsocket -lnsl -ldl $(CXXLIB)
-# define SharedDtMmdbReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(LDPOSTLIBS) SharedThreadReqs -lgen -lc -lsocket -lnsl -ldl
-# define SharedDtSearchReqs -lm -lc
-# define SharedDtWidgetReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) -lintl $(LDPOSTLIBS) -lw -lm -lc
-# define SharedDtHelpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) $(LDPOSTLIBS) -lw -lgen -lm -lc -ljpeg
-# define SharedDtPrintReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(DTHELPLIB) $(XMLIB) -lintl $(LDPOSTLIBS) -lw -lm -lc
-# define SharedDtTermReqs SharedDtHelpReqs -ldl -lgen
-# define SharedDtMailReqs $(LDPRELIBS) -lw $(CXXLIB) -lm -ldl
-# define SharedCsaReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXmReqs
-# define DtClientExtraLibs -lintl
-/* The inbuf paramter to iconv(3) is "const char**", not "char **" */
-# if HasCplusplus
-# if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# elif HasSunCplusplus
-# if CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion > 3
-# else
-UNSHARED_CXXLIB = -Bstatic -lC -Bdynamic -lm -lc -Bstatic
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# define IafSysLib /**/
-# include
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.rules b/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 779db75eb..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: sv4Lib.rules /main/19 1999/03/22 16:26:02 mgreess $
- * SVR4 shared library rules
- */
-#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
-# define HasSharedLibraries YES
-#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
-# define SharedDataSeparation NO
-#ifndef SharedCodeDef
-# define SharedCodeDef /**/
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
-# define SharedLibraryDef /**/
-#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
-# define ShLibIncludeFile
-#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
-# define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -G -z text
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
-# if HasGcc2
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags -fPIC
-# else
-# define PositionIndependentCFlags -K PIC
-# endif
-#ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
-# if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-# define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fpic
-# else
-# define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -K PIC
-# endif
-#ifndef UseExportLists
-# define UseExportLists NO
- * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
-# define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\
-install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so) @@\
- cd $(DESTDIR)dest; $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */
- * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
- */
-#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
-# define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
-#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */
-#ifndef LinkWithExports
-# if defined(SunArchitecture)
-# if HasGcc2
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(CC) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,$@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS))
-# else
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) $(CXX) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS))
-# endif
-# else
-# if UseExportLists
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)) @@\
- if [ -f Concat(lib,libname.elist) ]; then \ @@\
- $(RM) down/$@.exports $@.list; \ @@\
- $(CPP) $(ALLINCLUDES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(THREADS_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) Concat(lib,libname.elist) | CppSedMagic >$@.list; \ @@\
- $(EXPORTLISTGEN) $@~ $@.list > down/$@.exports; \ @@\
- (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ ShlibExportListOpt($@.exports) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)); \ @@\
- $(RM) down/$@.exports $@.list; \ @@\
- fi;
-# else
-# define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
- (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) $(LD) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS))
-# endif
-# endif
- * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
- * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
- * the library gone for long periods.
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
-# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
-AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(lib,libname.so.rev): solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS) @@\
- $(RM) $@~ @@\
- LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\
- $(RM) $@ @@\
- $(MV) $@~ $@ @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary($@) @@\
- LinkBuildLibrary(Concat(lib,libname.so)) @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
- * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
- */
-#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
-# define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
-#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.tmpl b/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a4b91ed..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/sv4Lib.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: sv4Lib.tmpl /main/23 1996/12/04 10:11:01 swick $
- * SVR4 shared library template
- */
-/* SVR4 shared libraries are deficient in link semantics */
-#ifndef FixupLibReferences
-# define FixupLibReferences() @@\
-XMULIB = $(XMULIBONLY) -z nodefs
-#ifndef XawClientLibs
-# define XawClientLibs $(XAWLIB) $(XMULIBONLY) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
-#ifndef SharedICEReqs
-# define SharedICEReqs -lsocket
-#if ThreadedX
-# ifndef SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedThreadReqs -lthread
-# endif
-# ifndef SharedX11Reqs
-# define SharedX11Reqs -lthread
-# endif
-# ifndef SharedThreadReqs
-# define SharedThreadReqs
-# endif
-#ifndef SharedXReqs
-# define SharedXReqs $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) SharedThreadReqs $(LDPOSTLIBS)
-#ifndef SharedXmReqs
-# define SharedXmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) SharedXReqs -lgen -lsocket -lnsl -lw -lc
-#ifndef SharedMrmReqs
-# define SharedMrmReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lgen -lsocket -lnsl -lw -lc
-#ifndef SharedUilReqs
-# define SharedUilReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(MRESOURCELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs -lgen -lsocket -lnsl -lw -lc
-#ifndef SharedDtSvcReqs
-# define SharedDtSvcReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#ifndef SharedDtMmdbReqs
-# define SharedDtMmdbReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(TTLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#ifndef SharedDtHelpReqs
-# define SharedDtHelpReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(DTSVCLIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
-#ifndef DtClientExtraLibs
-# define DtClientExtraLibs -lresolv
-#ifndef IafSysLib
-# define IafSysLib -liaf
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/svr4.cf b/cde/config/cf/svr4.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbcfd0e2..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/svr4.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: svr4.cf /main/17 1997/06/08 20:08:31 kaleb $
- * A default OS name
- */
-#ifndef OSName
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define OSName UNIX System V/386 Release 4
-#define OSName UNIX System V Release 4
-#ifndef OSVendor
-#define OSVendor /**/
- * The default version will be 4.0.0 which should be
- * the least common denominator of all SVR4
- */
-#ifndef OSMajorVersion
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#ifndef OSMinorVersion
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
-#define OSTeenyVersion 0
-#ifndef BootstrapCFlags
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 -Di386
-#ifdef SYSV386
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 -Di386
-#define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4
-/* Some stuff that all SVR4s should have */
-#define SystemV4 YES
-#ifndef HasLdRunPath
-#define HasLdRunPath YES
-#define HasPoll YES
-#ifndef SVR4Architecture
-#define SVR4Architecture
-#ifndef PatheticCpp
-#define PatheticCpp YES
-#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES /* in case -lmalloc used */
- * Here are the default paths to use to pick up tools for building.
- */
-#ifndef ArCmdBase
-#define ArCmdBase /usr/ccs/bin/ar
-#ifndef AsCmd
-#define AsCmd /usr/ccs/bin/as
-#ifndef CppCmd
-#define CppCmd /usr/ccs/lib/cpp
-#ifndef LdCmd
-#define LdCmd /usr/ccs/bin/ld
-#ifndef LexCmd
-#define LexCmd /usr/ccs/bin/lex
-#ifndef MakeCmd
-#define MakeCmd /usr/ccs/bin/make
-#ifndef YaccCmd
-#define YaccCmd /usr/ccs/bin/yacc
-#if (OSMinorVersion == 0)
-#ifndef XawI18nDefines
-#define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#ifndef StandardDefines
-#define StandardDefines -DSVR4 -Di386
-#ifndef ToolkitStringsABIOptions
-#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#if HasGcc2
-#if !defined(SunArchitecture)
-#define DefaultCCOptions -ansi
-#define DefaultCCOptions -Xa -Dasm=__asm
-#if !defined(DefaultCDebugFlags) && !defined(OptimizedCDebugFlags)
-#if HasGcc2
-#ifdef i386Architecture
-#define DefaultCDebugFlags -O2
-#define DefaultCDebugFlags -O2
-#define DefaultCDebugFlags -O
-#ifndef ServerOSDefines
-#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerOSDefines
- * The TLI interface is more robust on most SVR4s, so it will be the default.
- */
-#if !defined(SunArchitecture)
-#ifndef ConnectionFlags
-#ifndef ManSuffix
-#define ManSuffix 1x
-#define ManDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)1
-#ifndef LibManSuffix
-#define LibManSuffix 3x
-#define LibmanDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)3
-#ifndef FileManSuffix
-#define FileManSuffix 4
-#ifdef i386Architecture
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/x386.cf b/cde/config/cf/x386.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9c7c80f..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/x386.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: x386.cf /main/15 1996/09/28 16:14:00 rws $
- * Site-specfic parameters *
- *****************************************************************************/
- * there are some switches to set appropriate...
- */
-#define HasGcc YES /* doesn't work for SVR4 */
-#define HasNdbm YES /* correct for GNU dbm & SVR4 */
-#define StripInstalledPrograms YES
-#define X386Server YES
-#define ExtensionOSDefines -DXTESTEXT1
-#define MotifBC YES
- * Do not change anything below *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* You must manually compute BootstrapCFlags for initial build */
-#define BootstrapCFlags OSDefines OSRelease
-#define StandardDefines OSDefines OSRelease
-#define LdCombineFlags -r
-#if defined(i386SVR3Architecture)
-#define SystemV YES
-#define NeedBerklib YES
-#define HasSymLinks NO
- * V/386 Release 3.2
- */
-#ifdef ISC
-/* INTERACTIVE UNIX Version 2.2.1 */
-# define OSVendor "Interactive System Corp."
-# define OSDefines -DISC
-# define LocalLibraries -lpt
-# define PosixLibraries -lcposix
-# define SocketLibraries -linet
-#ifdef ESIX
-#define OSVendor "ESIX System Inc."
-#define OSDefines -DESIX
-#define LocalLibraries -lpt
-#define SocketLibraries -lnet -lnsl_s
-#define PosixLibraries /**/
-#ifdef ATT
-#define OSDefines -DATT
-#define OSVendor "AT&T"
-#define LocalLibraries -lpt
-#define SocketLibraries -lnet -lnsl_s /* just a guess */
-#define PosixLibraries /**/
-#define OSName Unix System V/386 Release 3.2
-#define OSMajorVersion 3
-#define OSMinorVersion 2
-#define OSRelease -DSYSV -DSYSV386
-#if HasGcc
-# define CcCmd gcc -DNO_ASM -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings
-# define LibraryCcCmd gcc -DNO_ASM -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return
-# define ShlibDefines -D__GNUC__ -DGNULIB=/usr/local/lib/gcc-gnulib
-# define ShlibDefines /**/
-#if HasSockets
-/* # define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN */
-# define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN
-# define ExtraLibraries SocketLibraries LocalLibraries -lc_s PosixLibraries
-# define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN
-# define ExtraLibraries $(LIBDIR)/etc/inetemul.o LocalLibraries -lc_s PosixLibraries
-/* #include */ /* not working yet */
- * Man pages need to be formatted when installed, so override the default
- * imake rules.
- */
-#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest) @@\
-install.man:: file.man @@\
- $(RM) destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
- cat file.man | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) >/tmp/file.man @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/file.man destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
- $(RM) /tmp/file.man
-#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest) @@\
-install.man:: list @@\
- @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \ @@\
- for i in list; do \ @@\
- (set -x; \ @@\
- $(RM) dest/$$i; \ @@\
- cat $$i | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MANMACROS) >/tmp/$$i; \ @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/$$i dest/$$i; \ @@\
- $(RM) /tmp/$$i); \ @@\
- done
-/* If you have trouble with make bombing out in Xlib, try uncommenting this. */
-/* You will not get dependencies as a result, but better than nothing. */
-/* #define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3) */
-#endif /* i386SVR3Architecture */
- * V/386 Release 4.0
- */
-#if defined(i386SVR4Architecture)
-#define SystemV4 YES
-/* this is now just for Dell's one */
-#ifdef DELL
-#define OSDefines -DDELL
-#define OSVendor "DELL Computer Corp."
-#define OSName Unix System V/386 Release 4.0
-#define OSMajorVersion 4
-#define OSMinorVersion 0
-#define OSRelease -DSVR4 -DSYSV386
-#if HasGcc
-# define CcCmd gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Di386
-# if HasSharedLibraries
-# define LibraryCcCmd cc -Xa -Di386 -Dasm=__asm
-# endif
-# define CcCmd cc -Xa -Di386 -Dasm=__asm
-#endif /* i386SVR4Architecture */
-XCOMM operating system: OSName OSVendor
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/xf86.rules b/cde/config/cf/xf86.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf8f7052..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/xf86.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: xf86.rules /main/9 1996/10/31 14:54:26 kaleb $
-XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/xf86.rules,v 3.15 1996/09/24 13:48:46 dawes Exp $
- * These rules are needed to build the Xfree86 X Servers
- */
-#ifndef CPPOnlyAsm
-#define CPPOnlyAsm(basename,options) RemoveFile(basename.i) @@\
- $(CPP) AsmDefines $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) options basename.s | \ @@\
- grep -v '^\#' > basename.i
-#ifndef AssembleObject
-#define AssembleObject(flags) CPPOnlyAsm($*,flags) @@\
- $(AS) -o $*.o $*.i @@\
- RemoveFile($*.i)
-#ifndef NormalAsmObjectRule
-#define NormalAsmObjectRule() @@\
-.s.o: @@\
- AssembleObject($(_NOOP_)) @@\
- @@\
-.s.i: @@\
- CPPOnlyAsm($*,$(_NOOP_))
-#ifndef ObjectFromSpecialAsmSource
-#define ObjectFromSpecialAsmSource(dst,src,flags) @@\
-dst.s: src.s @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LN) $? $@ @@\
- @@\
-dst.o: dst.s @@\
- AssembleObject(flags) @@\
- @@\
-dst.i: dst.s @@\
- CPPOnlyAsm(dst,flags) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: dst.s @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(dst.s)
-#ifndef ObjectFromAsmSource
-#define ObjectFromAsmSource(src,flags) @@\
- @@\
-src.o: src.s @@\
- AssembleObject(flags) @@\
- @@\
-src.i: src.s @@\
- CPPOnlyAsm(dst,flags) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: src.s
-#ifndef ObjectMapIncludeFromSpecialSource
-#define ObjectMapIncludeFromSpecialSource(dst,src,flags) @@\
-dst.c: src.c @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- echo "#include \"mfbmap.h\"" > $@ @@\
- echo "#include \"$?\"" >> $@ @@\
- @@\
-SpecialCObjectRule(dst,NullParameter,flags) @@\
- @@\
-depend:: dst.c @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(dst.c)
- * Rules for building config files from scripts
- */
-#ifndef Depend
-# define Depend depend
-#ifndef ConfigTargetLong
-#define ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,extra) @@\
-all:: Configure @@\
- @@\
-Configure:: target.o @@\
- @@\
-target.c: script dep @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefile @@\
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) extra Concat(Build,target) @@\
- @@\
-Concat(Build,target): @@\
- $(RM) target.c @@\
- $(SHELL) script args @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- $(RM) target.c
-#define ConfigTarget(target,dep,script,args) ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,Depend)
-#define ConfigTargetNoDepend(target,dep,script,args) ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,)
-#if !XF86LinkKit
- * Rules for installing LinkKit parts (target is install.linkkit)
- */
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNonExecFile
-#define InstallLinkKitNonExecFile(file,dest) @@\
-install.linkkit:: file @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitLibrary
-#define InstallLinkKitLibrary(libname,dest) @@\
-install.linkkit:: Concat(lib,libname.a) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.a) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
- RanLibrary($(RANLIBINSTFLAGS) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.a))
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNamedLibrary
-#define InstallLinkKitNamedLibrary(libname,dlibname,dest) @@\
-install.linkkit:: Concat(lib,libname.a) @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.a) \ @@\
- Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,dlibname.a) @@\
- RanLibrary($(RANLIBINSTFLAGS) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,dlibname.a))
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNamedNonExec
-#define InstallLinkKitNamedNonExec(srcname,dstname,dest) @@\
-install.linkkit:: srcname @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTDATFLAGS) srcname $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitNamedProg
-#define InstallLinkKitNamedProg(srcname,dstname,dest) @@\
-install.linkkit:: srcname @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTBINFLAGS) srcname $(DESTDIR)dest/dstname
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitSubdirs
-#define InstallLinkKitSubdirs(dirs) \
-NamedTargetSubdirs(install.linkkit,dirs,"installing link kit",DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR)',install.linkkit)
-#ifndef InstallLinkKitMultipleDestFlags
-#define InstallLinkKitMultipleDestFlags(list,dest,flags) \
-#endif /* !XF86LinkKit */
- * DynamicModuleTarget - build a module to be dynamically loaded
- */
-#ifndef DynamicModuleTarget
-#define DynamicModuleTarget(module,modlist) @@\
-AllTarget(module) @@\
- @@\
-module: modlist @@\
- RemoveFile($@) @@\
- $(LD) -o $@ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) modlist @@\
- @@\
-clean:: @@\
- RemoveFile(module)
-#endif /* DynamicModuleTarget */
- * InstallDynamicModule - install a dynamic module
- */
-#ifndef InstallDynamicModule
-#define InstallDynamicModule(module,dest) @@\
-install:: module @@\
- MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\
- $(INSTALL) -c module $(DESTDIR)dest
diff --git a/cde/config/cf/xfree86.cf b/cde/config/cf/xfree86.cf
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d448d15..000000000
--- a/cde/config/cf/xfree86.cf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/xfree86.cf,v 3.117 1996/10/19 15:12:31 dawes Exp $
- * This configuration file contains all of the configuration
- * information for the XFree86 based X Servers.
- *
- * Most of these settings can be overridden in a vendor.cf or the
- * BeforeVendor part of the site.def file.
- */
-XCOMM $TOG: xfree86.cf /main/38 1997/10/22 13:01:59 kaleb $
- * The LinkKit needs to inherit some settings (from the xc build that
- * generated it) before we go too much further...
- */
-#ifndef XF86LinkKit
-#define XF86LinkKit NO
-#if XF86LinkKit
- * Default settings for which X Servers to build.
- */
-#ifndef XF86SVGAServer
-# define XF86SVGAServer YES
-#ifndef XF86VGA16Server
-# define XF86VGA16Server NO
-# ifndef XF86VGA16DualServer
-# define XF86VGA16DualServer NO
-# endif
-#ifndef XF86MonoServer
-# define XF86MonoServer NO
-# ifndef XF86MonoDualServer
-# define XF86MonoDualServer NO
-# endif
-#ifndef XF86S3Server
-# define XF86S3Server NO
-#ifndef XF86S3VServer
-# define XF86S3VServer NO
-#ifndef XF86I8514Server
-# define XF86I8514Server NO
-#ifndef XF86Mach8Server
-# define XF86Mach8Server NO
-#ifndef XF86Mach32Server
-# define XF86Mach32Server NO
-#ifndef XF86Mach64Server
-# define XF86Mach64Server NO
-#ifndef XF86AGXServer
-# define XF86AGXServer NO
-#ifndef XF86P9000Server
-# define XF86P9000Server NO
-#ifndef XF86W32Server
-# define XF86W32Server NO
-#ifndef XF86I128Server
-# define XF86I128Server NO
-#ifndef XF86TGAServer
-# define XF86TGAServer NO
-#if XF86S3Server
-# define XF86S3Dir s3
-# define XF86S3Dir /**/
-#if XF86S3VServer
-# define XF86S3VDir s3_virge
-# define XF86S3VDir /**/
-#if XF86I8514Server
-# define XF86I8514Dir ibm8514
-# define XF86I8514Dir /**/
-#if XF86Mach8Server
-# define XF86Mach8Dir mach8
-# define XF86Mach8Dir /**/
-#if XF86Mach32Server
-# define XF86Mach32Dir mach32
-# define XF86Mach32Dir /**/
-#if XF86Mach64Server
-# define XF86Mach64Dir mach64
-# define XF86Mach64Dir /**/
-#if XF86P9000Server
-# define XF86P9000Dir p9000
-# define XF86P9000Dir /**/
-#if XF86AGXServer
-# define XF86AGXDir agx
-# define XF86AGXDir /**/
-#if XF86W32Server
-# define XF86W32Dir et4000w32
-# define XF86W32Dir /**/
-#if XF86I128Server
-# define XF86I128Dir i128
-# define XF86I128Dir /**/
-#if XF86TGAServer
-# define XF86TGADir tga
-# define XF86TGADir /**/
-#ifndef XF98GANBWAPServer
-# define XF98GANBWAPServer NO
-#ifndef XF98NEC480Server
-# define XF98NEC480Server NO
-#ifndef XF98NKVNECServer
-# define XF98NKVNECServer NO
-#ifndef XF98WABSServer
-# define XF98WABSServer NO
-#ifndef XF98SVGAServer
-# define XF98SVGAServer NO
-#ifndef XF98TGUIServer
-# define XF98TGUIServer NO
-#ifndef XF98EGCServer
-# define XF98EGCServer NO
-#ifndef XF98NECS3Server
-# define XF98NECS3Server NO
-#ifndef XF98PWSKBServer
-# define XF98PWSKBServer NO
-#ifndef XF98PWLBServer
-#define XF98PWLBServer NO
-#if XF98NECS3Server
-# define XF98NECS3Dir s3nec
-# define XF98NECS3Dir /**/
-#if XF98PWSKBServer
-# define XF98PWSKBDir s3pwskb
-# define XF98PWSKBDir /**/
-#if XF98PWLBServer
-# define XF98PWLBDir s3pwlb
-# define XF98PWLBDir /**/
-#undef XF86AccelServerDirs
-#define XF86AccelServerDirs XF86S3Dir XF86S3VDir XF86I8514Dir \
- XF86Mach8Dir XF86Mach32Dir XF86Mach64Dir \
- XF86P9000Dir XF86AGXDir XF86W32Dir \
- XF86I128Dir XF86TGADir
-#undef XF86AccelServer
-#if XF86S3Server || XF86S3VServer || XF86I8514Server || XF86Mach8Server || \
- XF86Mach32Server || XF86Mach64Server || XF86P9000Server || \
- XF86AGXServer || XF86W32Server || XF86I128Server || XF86TGAServer
-# define XF86AccelServer YES
-# define XF86AccelServer NO
-#undef XF98AccelServerDirs
-#define XF98AccelServerDirs XF98NECS3Dir XF98PWSKBDir XF98PWLBDir
-#undef XF98AccelServer
-#if XF98NECS3Server || XF98PWSKBServer || XF98PWLBServer
-# define XF98AccelServer YES
-# define XF98AccelServer NO
- * Driver list for several of the X Servers.
- */
-#ifndef XF86SvgaDrivers
-# define XF86SvgaDrivers nv et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati sis tvga8900 \
- cirrus ncr77c22 /*compaq*/ mga oak mx al2101 \
- ali cl64xx video7 chips ark realtek apm \
- s3_svga generic
-#ifndef XF98SvgaDrivers
-# define XF98SvgaDrivers generic
-#ifndef XF86Vga16Drivers
-# define XF86Vga16Drivers et4000 ncr77c22 ati sis tvga8900 oak cl64xx \
- generic
-#ifndef XF98Vga16Drivers
-# define XF98Vga16Drivers generic
-#ifndef XF86Vga2Drivers
-# define XF86Vga2Drivers et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati sis tvga8900 \
- cirrus ncr77c22 /*compaq*/ oak cl64xx generic
-#ifndef XF86Vga2Banked
-# define XF86Vga2Banked YES
-#ifndef XF86MonoDrivers
-# define XF86MonoDrivers hgc1280 sigma apollo /*hercules*/
-/* This doesn't do anything (yet) */
-#ifndef XF86S3Drivers
-# if !defined(AlphaArchitecture)
-# define XF86S3Drivers newmmio mmio_928 s3_generic
-# else
-# define XF86S3Drivers mmio_928 s3_generic newmmio
-# endif
-#ifndef XF86S3VDrivers
-# define XF86S3VDrivers s3_virge
-#ifndef XF86W32Drivers
-# define XF86W32Drivers et4000w32
-#ifndef XF98S3Drivers
-# define XF98S3Drivers mmio_928 s3_generic
- * By default, build all of the fonts.
- */
-#ifndef Build75Dpi
-#define Build75Dpi YES
-#ifndef Build100Dpi
-#define Build100Dpi YES
-#ifndef BuildSpeedo
-#define BuildSpeedo YES
-#ifndef BuildType1
-#define BuildType1 YES
-#ifndef BuildScanpci
-#if SystemV || SystemV4 || (defined(LinuxArchitecture) && !defined(Mc68020Architecture)) || defined(i386BsdArchitecture) || defined(LynxOSArchitecture) || defined(OS2Architecture)
-#define BuildScanpci YES
-#define BuildScanpci NO
-#ifndef BuildXF86DGA
-#define BuildXF86DGA NO
-#ifndef CompressAllFonts
-#define CompressAllFonts YES
-#ifndef HasLinuxDoc
-#define HasLinuxDoc NO
-#ifndef InstallJapaneseDocs
-#define InstallJapaneseDocs NO
-#if BuildXF86DGA
-#define XFree86DGADefines -DXFreeXDGA
-#define XFree86DGADefines /**/
-/* Server defines required for all OSs */
-#ifndef XFree86ServerDefines
-#define XFree86ServerDefines -DSTATIC_COLOR -DAVOID_GLYPHBLT -DPIXPRIV LinkKitDefines XFree86DGADefines
-#ifndef XFree86ServerOSDefines
-#define XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXOSINIT -DSERVER_LOCK
-#ifndef XFree86ConsoleDefines
-#ifdef i386BsdArchitecture
-#define XFree86ConsoleDefines /**/
-#ifndef UseServerLock
-#define UseServerLock YES
-#ifndef XF86LinkKit
-#define XF86LinkKit NO
-#if XF86LinkKit
- * Definitions for LinkKit self-containment. This should work whether or not
- * UseInstalled is defined.
- */
-# ifndef HasLdRunPath
-# define HasLdRunPath NO
-# endif
-# ifndef TopIncludes
-# ifdef IncRoot
-# define TopIncludes -I$(INCROOT)
-# else
-# define TopIncludes /**/
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef ClientLibDir
-# if defined(UsrLibDir) || HasLdRunPath
-# define ClientLibDir /**/
-# else
-# define ClientLibDir -L$(USRLIBDIR)
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef LdPreLib
-# if defined(LdPostLib) && defined(UsrLibDir) && !HasLdRunPath
-# define LdPreLib -L$(USRLIBDIR)
-# else
-# define LdPreLib /**/
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifndef LdPostLib
-# if defined(UsrLibDir) && !HasLdRunPath
-# define LdPostLib -L$(USRLIBDIR)
-# else
-# define LdPostLib /**/
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifndef LinkKitDefines
-#if XF86LinkKit
-#define LinkKitDefines -DLINKKIT
-#define LinkKitDefines /**/
-#ifndef ServerExtraDefines
-#define ServerExtraDefines XFree86ServerDefines
-#ifndef ServerOSDefines
-#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines
-#ifndef LinkKitDir
-#define LinkKitDir $(USRLIBDIR)/Server
-#ifndef HasDlsymBug
-#define HasDlsymBug NO
- * Some commonly referred to directories are defined here.
- */
-#if XF86LinkKit
- XF86SRC = $(TOP)
- XF86ACCELSRC = $(XF86SRC)/lib86
- XF86COMSRC = $(XF86SRC)/lib86
- XF86HWSRC = $(XF86SRC)/lib86
- XF86OSSRC = $(XF86SRC)/lib86
- DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers
- VGADRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/vga256
-VGA16DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/vga16
- VGA2DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/vga2
- MONODRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/mono
- S3DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/s3
- S3VDRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/drivers/s3_virge
- XF98SRC = $(TOP)
- XF98ACCELSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98COMSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98HWSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98HWNECSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98HWPWSKBSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98HWPWLBSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98HWGA968SRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98OSSRC = $(XF98SRC)/lib98
- XF98DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98
- XF98VGADRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/vga256
-XF98VGA16DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/vga16
- XF98VGA2DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/vga2
- XF98MONODRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/mono
-XF98NECS3DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/s3nec
-XF98PWSKBDRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/s3pwskb
- XF98PWLBDRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/s3pwlb
-XF98GA968DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/drivers98/s3ga968
-#ifdef SiteIConfigFiles
-#undef SiteIConfigFiles
-#define SiteIConfigFiles $(TOP)/xf86site.def $(TOP)/Imakefile $(IRULESSRC)/host.def
- XF86SRC = $(SERVERSRC)/hw/xfree86
- XF86ACCELSRC = $(XF86SRC)/accel
- XF86COMSRC = $(XF86SRC)/common
- XF86HWSRC = $(XF86SRC)/common_hw
- XF86OSSRC = $(XF86SRC)/os-support
- VGADRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga256/drivers
-VGA16DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga16/drivers
- VGA2DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/vga2/drivers
- MONODRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/mono/drivers
- S3DRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/accel/s3/drivers
- S3VDRIVERSRC = $(XF86SRC)/accel/s3_virge/drivers
- XF98SRC = $(SERVERSRC)/hw/xfree98
- XF98ACCELSRC = $(XF98SRC)/accel
- XF98COMSRC = $(XF98SRC)/common
- XF98HWSRC = $(XF98SRC)/common_hw/generic
- XF98HWNECSRC = $(XF98SRC)/common_hw/nec
- XF98HWPWSKBSRC = $(XF98SRC)/common_hw/pwskb
- XF98HWPWLBSRC = $(XF98SRC)/common_hw/pwlb
- XF98OSSRC = $(XF98SRC)/os-support
- XF98VGADRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/vga256/drivers
-XF98VGA16DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/vga16/drivers
- XF98VGA2DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/vga2/drivers
- XF98MONODRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/mono/drivers
-XF98NECS3DRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/accel/s3nec/drivers
-XF98PWSKBDRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/accel/s3pwskb/drivers
- XF98PWLBDRIVERSRC = $(XF98SRC)/accel/s3pwlb/drivers
- * Installed location of the XFree86 documentation
- */
- * Other stuff used in the X Server source.
- */
-#ifndef AsmDefines
-#define AsmDefines /**/
-#ifndef XFree86Version
-#define XFree86Version 3310
-#ifndef XVendorString
-#define XVendorString "The Open Group / The XFree86 Project, Inc"
-#if 0
-#ifndef XVendorRelease
-#define XVendorRelease XFree86Version
-#ifndef UseRgbTxt
-#define UseRgbTxt YES
- * GNU Compiler stuff
- */
-#ifndef HasGcc2
-#define HasGcc2 NO
-#ifndef HasGcc
-#define HasGcc HasGcc2
-#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
-#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus HasGcc2
-#if HasGcc
-#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
-#ifdef UseInstalled
-#define DefaultCCOptions -ansi
-#define DefaultCCOptions -ansi -pedantic
-#if HasGcc2 && (defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture))
-#ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt
-#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strength-reduce
-#ifndef BuildLBXCompatible
-#define BuildLBXCompatible NO
-#if BuildLBXCompatible
-#define LbxDefines -DLBX_COMPAT
-#define VidTuneExtensionDefines -DXF86VIDMODE
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/Imakefile b/cde/config/imake/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3d0d8a0..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/10 1997/04/30 15:39:17 kaleb $
-XCOMM Some compilers generate fatal errors if an -L directory does
-XCOMM not exist. Since BUILDLIBDIR may not exist yet suppress its use.
-INCLUDES = -I$(TOP)/include $(TOP_X_INCLUDES)/X11
-#if defined(MacIIArchitecture) || defined(SequentArchitecture)
-XBSDLIB = /**/
-#undef ImakeDependency
-#define ImakeDependency(dummy) @@\
-Makefile:: ProgramTargetName(imake)
-#if CrossCompiling
-#if HasClearmake
-bootstrapdepend: depend
- RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(ccimake))
- $(RM) -r bootstrap
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/Makefile.ini b/cde/config/imake/Makefile.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index aed7800e0..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/Makefile.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# $TOG: Makefile.ini /main/25 1997/02/19 18:00:59 mgreess $
-# This is NOT an automatically generated Makefile! It is hand-crafted as a
-# bootstrap, may need editing for your system. The BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS variable
-# may be given at the top of the build tree for systems that do not define
-# any machine-specific preprocessor symbols.
-CC = cc
-INCLUDES = -I../../include -I/usr/local/include/X11 -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R7/include/X11
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-RM = rm -f
-MV = mv
-MAKE = make
-RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a \
- tags TAGS make.log
-NPROC = 1
- @echo "making imake with BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS=$(BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS) in config/imake"
-imake:: imake.o
- $(CC) -o imake imake.o
-imake.o: ccimake imake.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) `./ccimake` imake.c
-ccimake: ccimake.c
- $(CC) -o ccimake $(CFLAGS) ccimake.c
-# a derived object erroneously would get shared across platforms by clearmake
-.NO_CONFIG_REC: ccimake
- @if [ -d bootstrap ]; then exit 0; else set -x; mkdir bootstrap; fi
- $(MV) *.o imake bootstrap
- $(RM) imake
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) imake
- $(RM) ccimake imake.o imake
- $(RM_CMD) \#*
- $(RM) -r Makefile.proto Makefile Makefile.dep bootstrap .depend
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/ccimake.c b/cde/config/imake/ccimake.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6995c788a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/ccimake.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: ccimake.c /main/16 1998/02/06 11:02:20 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of the The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group .
- * Warning: This file must be kept as simple as posible so that it can
- * compile without any special flags on all systems. Do not touch it unless
- * you *really* know what you're doing. Make changes in imakemdep.h, not here.
- */
-#define CCIMAKE /* only get imake_ccflags definitions */
-#include "imakemdep.h" /* things to set when porting imake */
-#ifndef imake_ccflags
-#define imake_ccflags "-O"
-int main(void)
- ssize_t ret = write(1, imake_ccflags, sizeof(imake_ccflags) - 1);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/imake.c b/cde/config/imake/imake.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 83834aa75..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/imake.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1645 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: imake.c /main/104 1998/03/24 12:45:15 kaleb $ */
- * *
- * Porting Note *
- * *
- * Add the value of BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS to the cpp_argv table so that it will *
- * be passed to the template file. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- *
-Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
- *
- * Original Author:
- * Todd Brunhoff
- * Tektronix, inc.
- * While a guest engineer at Project Athena, MIT
- *
- * imake: the include-make program.
- *
- * Usage: imake [-Idir] [-Ddefine] [-T template] [-f imakefile ] [-C Imakefile.c ] [-s] [-e] [-v] [make flags]
- *
- * Imake takes a template file (Imake.tmpl) and a prototype (Imakefile)
- * and runs cpp on them producing a Makefile. It then optionally runs make
- * on the Makefile.
- * Options:
- * -D define. Same as cpp -D argument.
- * -I Include directory. Same as cpp -I argument.
- * -T template. Designate a template other
- * than Imake.tmpl
- * -f specify the Imakefile file
- * -C specify the name to use instead of Imakefile.c
- * -s[F] show. Show the produced makefile on the standard
- * output. Make is not run is this case. If a file
- * argument is provided, the output is placed there.
- * -e[F] execute instead of show; optionally name Makefile F
- * -v verbose. Show the make command line executed.
- *
- * Environment variables:
- *
- * IMAKEINCLUDE Include directory to use in addition to "."
- * IMAKECPP Cpp to use instead of /lib/cpp
- * IMAKEMAKE make program to use other than what is
- * found by searching the $PATH variable.
- * Other features:
- * imake reads the entire cpp output into memory and then scans it
- * for occurences of "@@". If it encounters them, it replaces it with
- * a newline. It also trims any trailing white space on output lines
- * (because make gets upset at them). This helps when cpp expands
- * multi-line macros but you want them to appear on multiple lines.
- * It also changes occurences of "XCOMM" to "#", to avoid problems
- * with treating commands as invalid preprocessor commands.
- *
- * The macros MAKEFILE and MAKE are provided as macros
- * to make. MAKEFILE is set to imake's makefile (not the constructed,
- * preprocessed one) and MAKE is set to argv[0], i.e. the name of
- * the imake program.
- *
- * Theory of operation:
- * 1. Determine the name of the imakefile from the command line (-f)
- * or from the content of the current directory (Imakefile or imakefile).
- * Call this . This gets added to the arguments for
- * make as MAKEFILE=.
- * 2. Determine the name of the template from the command line (-T)
- * or the default, Imake.tmpl. Call this
- * 3. Determine the name of the imakeCfile from the command line (-C)
- * or the default, Imakefile.c. Call this
- * 4. Store lines of input into :
- * - A c-style comment header (see ImakefileCHeader below), used
- * to recognize temporary files generated by imake.
- * - If DEFAULT_OS_NAME is defined, format the utsname struct and
- * call the result . Add:
- * #define DefaultOSName
- * - If DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV is defined, format the utsname struct
- * and call the result . Add:
- * #define DefaultOSMajorVersion
- * - If DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV is defined, format the utsname struct
- * and call the result . Add:
- * #define DefaultOSMinorVersion
- * - If DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV is defined, format the utsname struct
- * and call the result . Add:
- * #define DefaultOSTeenyVersion
- * - If the file "localdefines" is readable in the current
- * directory, print a warning message to stderr and add:
- * #define IMAKE_LOCAL_DEFINES "localdefines"
- * - If the file "admindefines" is readable in the current
- * directory, print a warning message to stderr and add:
- * #define IMAKE_ADMIN_DEFINES "admindefines"
- * - The following lines:
- * #define INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE < >
- * #define IMAKE_TEMPLATE " "
- * #include IMAKE_TEMPLATE
- * - If the file "adminmacros" is readable in the current
- * directory, print a warning message to stderr and add:
- * #define IMAKE_ADMIN_MACROS "adminmacros"
- * - If the file "localmacros" is readable in the current
- * directory, print a warning message to stderr and add:
- * #define IMAKE_LOCAL_MACROS "localmacros"
- * 5. Start up cpp and provide it with this file.
- * Note that the define for INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE is intended for
- * use in the template file. This implies that the imake is
- * useless unless the template file contains at least the line
- * 6. Gather the output from cpp, and clean it up, expanding @@ to
- * newlines, stripping trailing white space, cpp control lines,
- * and extra blank lines, and changing XCOMM to #. This cleaned
- * output is placed in a new file, default "Makefile", but can
- * be specified with -s or -e options.
- * 7. Optionally start up make on the resulting file.
- *
- * The design of the template makefile should therefore be:
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#include "Xosdefs.h"
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-# ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-# define _POSIX_SOURCE
-# endif
-#ifdef X_NOT_POSIX
-# include
-# include
-#if defined(X_NOT_POSIX) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
-# include
-# define _POSIX_SOURCE
-# include
-# undef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-# ifdef _POSIX_SOURCE
-# include
-# else
-# define _POSIX_SOURCE
-# include
-# undef _POSIX_SOURCE
-# endif
-# define waitCode(w) WEXITSTATUS(w)
-# define waitSig(w) WTERMSIG(w)
-typedef int waitType;
-#else /* X_NOT_POSIX */
-# ifdef SYSV
-# define waitCode(w) (((w) >> 8) & 0x7f)
-# define waitSig(w) ((w) & 0xff)
-typedef int waitType;
-# else /* SYSV */
-# include
-# define waitCode(w) ((w).w_T.w_Retcode)
-# define waitSig(w) ((w).w_T.w_Termsig)
-typedef union wait waitType;
-# endif
-# define WIFSIGNALED(w) waitSig(w)
-# endif
-# ifndef WIFEXITED
-# define WIFEXITED(w) waitCode(w)
-# endif
-#endif /* X_NOT_POSIX */
-#ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-# include
-char *malloc(), *realloc();
-void exit();
-#ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-extern char *getenv();
-#ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-extern int errno;
-#ifndef SYS_NMLN
-# ifdef _SYS_NMLN
-# define SYS_NMLN _SYS_NMLN
-# else
-# define SYS_NMLN 257
-# endif
-#ifdef linux
- * is strstr() in on X_NOT_STDC_ENV?
- * are there any X_NOT_STDC_ENV machines left in the world?
- */
-#include "imakemdep.h"
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-static int InRule = FALSE;
-static int InInline = 0;
-# endif
-static int xvariable = 0;
-static int xvariables[10];
- * Some versions of cpp reduce all tabs in macro expansion to a single
- * space. In addition, the escaped newline may be replaced with a
- * space instead of being deleted. Blech.
- */
-static void KludgeOutputLine(char **pline);
-static void KludgeResetRule(void);
-# define KludgeOutputLine(arg)
-# define KludgeResetRule()
-typedef unsigned char boolean;
-#ifdef USE_CC_E
-# ifndef DEFAULT_CC
-# define DEFAULT_CC "cc"
-# endif
-# ifndef DEFAULT_CPP
-# ifdef CPP_PROGRAM
-# else
-# define DEFAULT_CPP "/lib/cpp"
-# endif
-# endif
-static char *cpp = NULL;
-static char *tmpMakefile = "/tmp/Imf.XXXXXX";
-static char *tmpImakefile = "/tmp/IIf.XXXXXX";
-static char *make_argv[ ARGUMENTS ] = {"make"};
-static int make_argindex;
-static int cpp_argindex;
-static char *Imakefile = NULL;
-static char *Makefile = "Makefile";
-static char *Template = "Imake.tmpl";
-static char *ImakefileC = "Imakefile.c";
-static boolean haveImakefileC = FALSE;
-static char *cleanedImakefile = NULL;
-static char *program;
-static boolean verbose = FALSE;
-static boolean show = TRUE;
-static char *FindImakefile(char *);
-static char *ReadLine(FILE *, const char *);
-static char *CleanCppInput(char *);
-static char *Strdup(const char *);
-static char *Emalloc(int);
-static void LogFatal(const char *, ...);
-static void LogMsg(const char *, ...);
-static void Log(const char *, va_list);
-static void showit(FILE *);
-static void wrapup(void);
-static void init(void);
-static void AddMakeArg(char *);
-static void AddCppArg(char *);
-static void SetOpts(int, char **);
-static void showargs(char **);
-static void CheckImakefileC(const char *);
-static boolean optional_include(FILE *, const char *, const char *);
-static void doit(FILE *, const char *, char **);
-#if (defined(DEFAULT_OS_NAME) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV) || \
-static void parse_utsname(struct utsname *, const char *, char *, const char *);
-#if (defined(DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV))
-static const char *trim_version(const char *);
-#ifdef linux
-static void get_distrib(FILE *);
-static void get_libc_version(FILE *);
-static void get_ld_version(FILE *);
-#if defined(sun) && defined(__SVR4)
-static char *get_full_path(const char *program);
-static int get_sun_compiler_version(const char *fspec, const char *product,
- int *cmajor, int *cminor);
-static void get_sun_compiler_versions(FILE *);
-static void get_gcc_incdir(FILE *);
-static boolean define_os_defaults(FILE *);
-static void cppit(const char *i, const char *, const char *, FILE *, const char *);
-static void makeit(void);
-static void CleanCppOutput(FILE *, const char *);
-static boolean isempty(char *);
-static void writetmpfile(FILE *, const char *, int, const char *);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- FILE *tmpfd;
- char makeMacro[ BUFSIZ ];
- char makefileMacro[ BUFSIZ ];
- program = argv[0];
- init();
- SetOpts(argc, argv);
- Imakefile = FindImakefile(Imakefile);
- CheckImakefileC(ImakefileC);
- if (Makefile)
- tmpMakefile = Makefile;
- else {
- tmpMakefile = Strdup(tmpMakefile);
- int ret = mkstemp(tmpMakefile);
- (void) ret;
- }
- AddMakeArg("-f");
- AddMakeArg( tmpMakefile );
- snprintf(makeMacro, BUFSIZ, "MAKE=%s", program);
- AddMakeArg( makeMacro );
- snprintf(makefileMacro, BUFSIZ, "MAKEFILE=%s", Imakefile);
- AddMakeArg( makefileMacro );
- if ((tmpfd = fopen(tmpMakefile, "w+")) == NULL)
- LogFatal("Cannot create temporary file %s.", tmpMakefile);
- cleanedImakefile = CleanCppInput(Imakefile);
- cppit(cleanedImakefile, Template, ImakefileC, tmpfd, tmpMakefile);
- if (show) {
- if (Makefile == NULL)
- showit(tmpfd);
- } else
- makeit();
- wrapup();
- return 0;
-static void
-showit(FILE *fd)
- char buf[ BUFSIZ ];
- int red;
- fseek(fd, 0, 0);
- while ((red = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, fd)) > 0)
- writetmpfile(stdout, buf, red, "stdout");
- if (red < 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot read %s.", tmpMakefile);
-static void
- if (tmpMakefile != Makefile)
- unlink(tmpMakefile);
- if (cleanedImakefile && cleanedImakefile != Imakefile)
- unlink(cleanedImakefile);
- if (haveImakefileC)
- unlink(ImakefileC);
-catch(int sig)
- errno = 0;
- LogFatal("Signal %d.", sig);
- * Initialize some variables.
- */
-static void
- char *p;
- make_argindex=0;
- while (make_argv[ make_argindex ] != NULL)
- make_argindex++;
- cpp_argindex = 0;
- while (cpp_argv[ cpp_argindex ] != NULL)
- cpp_argindex++;
- /*
- * See if the standard include directory is different than
- * the default. Or if cpp is not the default. Or if the make
- * found by the PATH variable is not the default.
- */
- if ((p = getenv("IMAKEINCLUDE"))) {
- if (*p != '-' || *(p+1) != 'I')
- LogFatal("Environment var IMAKEINCLUDE %s must begin with -I");
- AddCppArg(p);
- for (; *p; p++)
- if (*p == ' ') {
- *p++ = '\0';
- AddCppArg(p);
- }
- }
- if ((p = getenv("IMAKECPP")))
- cpp = p;
- if ((p = getenv("IMAKEMAKE")))
- make_argv[0] = p;
- if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
- signal(SIGINT, catch);
-static void
-AddMakeArg(char *arg)
- errno = 0;
- if (make_argindex >= ARGUMENTS-1)
- LogFatal("Out of internal storage.");
- make_argv[ make_argindex++ ] = arg;
- make_argv[ make_argindex ] = NULL;
-static void
-AddCppArg(char *arg)
- errno = 0;
- if (cpp_argindex >= ARGUMENTS-1)
- LogFatal("Out of internal storage.");
- cpp_argv[ cpp_argindex++ ] = arg;
- cpp_argv[ cpp_argindex ] = NULL;
-static void
-SetOpts(int argc, char **argv)
- errno = 0;
- /*
- * Now gather the arguments for make
- */
- for(argc--, argv++; argc; argc--, argv++) {
- /*
- * We intercept these flags.
- */
- if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
- if (argv[0][1] == 'D') {
- AddCppArg(argv[0]);
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'I') {
- AddCppArg(argv[0]);
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'f') {
- if (argv[0][2])
- Imakefile = argv[0]+2;
- else {
- argc--, argv++;
- if (! argc)
- LogFatal("No description arg after -f flag");
- Imakefile = argv[0];
- }
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 's') {
- if (argv[0][2])
- Makefile = ((argv[0][2] == '-') && !argv[0][3]) ?
- NULL : argv[0]+2;
- else {
- argc--, argv++;
- if (!argc)
- LogFatal("No description arg after -s flag");
- Makefile = ((argv[0][0] == '-') && !argv[0][1]) ?
- NULL : argv[0];
- }
- show = TRUE;
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'e') {
- Makefile = (argv[0][2] ? argv[0]+2 : NULL);
- show = FALSE;
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'T') {
- if (argv[0][2])
- Template = argv[0]+2;
- else {
- argc--, argv++;
- if (! argc)
- LogFatal("No description arg after -T flag");
- Template = argv[0];
- }
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'C') {
- if (argv[0][2])
- ImakefileC = argv[0]+2;
- else {
- argc--, argv++;
- if (! argc)
- LogFatal("No imakeCfile arg after -C flag");
- ImakefileC = argv[0];
- }
- } else if (argv[0][1] == 'v') {
- verbose = TRUE;
- } else
- AddMakeArg(argv[0]);
- } else
- AddMakeArg(argv[0]);
- }
-#ifdef USE_CC_E
- if (!cpp)
- {
- AddCppArg("-E");
- cpp = DEFAULT_CC;
- }
- if (!cpp)
- cpp = DEFAULT_CPP;
- cpp_argv[0] = cpp;
- AddCppArg(ImakefileC);
-static char *
-FindImakefile(char *Imakefile)
- if (Imakefile) {
- if (access(Imakefile, R_OK) < 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot find %s.", Imakefile);
- } else {
- if (access("Imakefile", R_OK) < 0)
- if (access("imakefile", R_OK) < 0)
- LogFatal("No description file.");
- else
- Imakefile = "imakefile";
- else
- Imakefile = "Imakefile";
- }
- return(Imakefile);
-static void
-LogFatal(const char *s, ...)
- static boolean entered = FALSE;
- va_list args;
- if (entered)
- return;
- entered = TRUE;
- va_start(args, s);
- Log(s, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(stderr, "Stop.\n");
- wrapup();
- exit(1);
-static void
-LogMsg(const char *s, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, s);
- Log(s, args);
- va_end(args);
-static void
-Log(const char *s, va_list args)
- int error_number = errno;
- if (error_number) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(error_number));
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program);
- vfprintf(stderr, s, args);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-static void
-showargs(char **argv)
- for (; *argv; argv++)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s ", *argv);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#define ImakefileCHeader "/* imake - temporary file */"
-static void
-CheckImakefileC(const char *masterc)
- char mkcbuf[1024];
- FILE *inFile;
- if (access(masterc, F_OK) == 0) {
- inFile = fopen(masterc, "r");
- if (inFile == NULL)
- LogFatal("Refuse to overwrite: %s", masterc);
- if ((fgets(mkcbuf, sizeof(mkcbuf), inFile) &&
- strncmp(mkcbuf, ImakefileCHeader,
- sizeof(ImakefileCHeader)-1)))
- {
- fclose(inFile);
- LogFatal("Refuse to overwrite: %s", masterc);
- }
- fclose(inFile);
- }
-#define LocalDefineFmt "#define %s \"%s\"\n"
-#define IncludeFmt "#include %s\n"
-#define ImakeDefSym "INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE"
-#define ImakeTmplSym "IMAKE_TEMPLATE"
-#define OverrideWarning "Warning: local file \"%s\" overrides global macros."
-static boolean
-optional_include(FILE *inFile, const char *defsym, const char *fname)
- errno = 0;
- if (access(fname, R_OK) == 0) {
- if(errno)
- LogMsg(OverrideWarning, fname);
- return (fprintf(inFile, LocalDefineFmt, defsym, fname) < 0 ||
- fprintf(inFile, IncludeFmt, defsym) < 0);
- }
- return FALSE;
-static void
-doit(FILE *outfd, const char *cmd, char **argv)
- int pid;
- waitType status;
- /*
- * Fork and exec the command.
- */
- pid = fork();
- if (pid < 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot fork.");
- if (pid) { /* parent... simply wait */
- while (wait(&status) > 0) {
- errno = 0;
- if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
- LogFatal("Signal %d.", waitSig(status));
- if (WIFEXITED(status) && waitCode(status))
- LogFatal("Exit code %d.", waitCode(status));
- }
- }
- else { /* child... dup and exec cmd */
- if (verbose)
- showargs(argv);
- if (outfd)
- dup2(fileno(outfd), 1);
- execvp(cmd, argv);
- LogFatal("Cannot exec %s.", cmd);
- }
-#if (defined(DEFAULT_OS_NAME) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV) || \
-static void
-parse_utsname(struct utsname *name, const char *fmt, char *result, const char *msg)
- char buf[SYS_NMLN * 5 + 1];
- char *ptr = buf;
- int arg;
- /* Assemble all the pieces into a buffer. */
- for (arg = 0; fmt[arg] != ' '; arg++)
- {
- /* Our buffer is only guaranteed to hold 5 arguments. */
- if (arg >= 5)
- LogFatal(msg, fmt);
- switch (fmt[arg])
- {
- case 's':
- if (arg > 0)
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- strncpy(ptr, name->sysname, SYS_NMLN);
- ptr += strlen(ptr);
- break;
- case 'n':
- if (arg > 0)
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- strncpy(ptr, name->nodename, SYS_NMLN);
- ptr += strlen(ptr);
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (arg > 0)
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- strncpy(ptr, name->release, SYS_NMLN);
- ptr += strlen(ptr);
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (arg > 0)
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- strncpy(ptr, name->version, SYS_NMLN);
- ptr += strlen(ptr);
- break;
- case 'm':
- if (arg > 0)
- *ptr++ = ' ';
- strncpy(ptr, name->machine, SYS_NMLN);
- ptr += strlen(ptr);
- break;
- default:
- LogFatal(msg, fmt);
- }
- }
- /* Just in case... */
- if (strlen(buf) >= sizeof(buf))
- LogFatal("Buffer overflow parsing uname.");
- /* Parse the buffer. The sscanf() return value is rarely correct. */
- *result = '\0';
- int ret = sscanf(buf, fmt + arg + 1, result);
- (void) ret;
-/* Trim leading 0's and periods from version names. The 0's cause
- the number to be interpreted as octal numbers. Some version strings
- have the potential for different numbers of .'s in them.
- */
-#if (defined(DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV))
-static const char *
-trim_version(const char *p)
- if (p != 0 && *p != '\0')
- {
- while ((*p == '0' || *p == '.') && *(p + 1) != '\0')
- ++p;
- }
- return (p);
-#ifdef linux
-static void
-get_distrib(FILE *inFile)
- struct stat sb;
- static char* yast = "/sbin/yast";
- static char* redhat = "/etc/redhat-release";
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxUnknown 0");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSuSE 1");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCaldera 2");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxCraftworks 3");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxDebian 4");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxInfoMagic 5");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxKheops 6");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxPro 7");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxRedHat 8");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxSlackware 9");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxTurbo 10");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxWare 11");
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define LinuxYggdrasil 12");
- if (lstat (yast, &sb) == 0) {
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxSuSE");
- return;
- }
- if (lstat (redhat, &sb) == 0) {
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxRedHat");
- return;
- }
- /* what's the definitive way to tell what any particular distribution is? */
- fprintf (inFile, "%s\n", "#define DefaultLinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown");
- /* would like to know what version of the distribution it is */
-static const char libc_c[]=
-"#include \n"
-"#include \n"
-"#if 0\n"
-"#pragma weak gnu_get_libc_version\n"
-"#pragma weak __libc_version\n"
-"#pragma weak __linux_C_lib_version\n"
-"asm (\".weak gnu_get_libc_version\");\n"
-"asm (\".weak __libc_version\");\n"
-"asm (\".weak __linux_C_lib_version\");\n"
-"extern const char * gnu_get_libc_version (void);\n"
-"extern const char * __linux_C_lib_version;\n"
-"extern const char __libc_version [];\n"
-"main ()\n"
-" int libcmajor = 0, libcminor = 0, libcteeny = 0;\n"
-" if (((&__linux_C_lib_version != 0)\n"
-" && ((&__libc_version != 0) || (gnu_get_libc_version != 0)))\n"
-" || (!(&__linux_C_lib_version != 0) && !(&__libc_version != 0)\n"
-" && !(gnu_get_libc_version != 0)))\n"
-" {\n"
-" libcmajor = 0;\n"
-" libcminor = 0;\n"
-" libcteeny = 0;\n"
-" }\n"
-" else\n"
-" {\n"
-" const char * ptr;\n"
-" int glibcmajor = 0;\n"
-" if (gnu_get_libc_version != 0)\n"
-" {\n"
-" ptr = gnu_get_libc_version ();\n"
-" glibcmajor = 4;\n"
-" }\n"
-" else if (&__libc_version != 0)\n"
-" {\n"
-" ptr = __libc_version;\n"
-" glibcmajor = 4;\n"
-" }\n"
-" else\n"
-" ptr = __linux_C_lib_version;\n"
-" while (!isdigit (*ptr))\n"
-" ptr++;\n"
-" sscanf (ptr, \"%d.%d.%d\", &libcmajor, &libcminor, &libcteeny);\n"
-" libcmajor += glibcmajor;\n"
-" }\n"
-" printf(\"#define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion %d\\n\", libcmajor);\n"
-" printf(\"#define DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion %d\\n\", libcminor);\n"
-" printf(\"#define DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion %d\\n\", libcteeny);\n"
-" return 0;\n"
-#define libc32path "/usr/lib/libc.so"
-#define libc64path "/usr/lib64/libc.so"
-static void
-get_libc_version(FILE *inFile)
- char* libcso = NULL;
- struct stat sb;
- char buf[PATH_MAX];
- char* ptr;
- int libcmajor, libcminor, libcteeny;
- struct utsname u;
- /*
- * If we are on a 64-bit Linux system and we see /usr/lib64/libc.so,
- * we should use it. Otherwise go with /usr/lib/libc.so. It is entirely
- * possible that someone will be running a 32-bit userland on a 64-bit
- * system.
- */
- if (uname(&u) == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
- abort();
- }
- if (!strcmp(u.sysname, "Linux") &&
- (!strcmp(u.machine, "x86_64"))) {
- if (!lstat (libc64path, &sb) && S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
- libcso = libc64path;
- }
- }
- if (libcso == NULL) {
- libcso = libc32path;
- }
- if (lstat (libcso, &sb) == 0) {
- if (S_ISLNK (sb.st_mode)) {
- /*
- * /usr/lib/libc.so is a symlink -- this is libc 5.x
- * we can do this the quick way
- */
- if (readlink (libcso, buf, PATH_MAX) >= 0) {
- for (ptr = buf; *ptr && !isdigit (*ptr); ptr++);
- int ret = sscanf (ptr, "%d.%d.%d", &libcmajor, &libcminor, &libcteeny);
- (void) ret;
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion %d\n", libcmajor);
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion %d\n", libcminor);
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion %d\n", libcteeny);
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * /usr/lib/libc.so is NOT a symlink -- this is libc 6.x / glibc 2.x
- * now we have to figure this out the hard way.
- */
- char aout[PATH_MAX];
- int fd = -1;
- FILE *fp;
- const char *format = "%s -o %s -x c -";
- char *cc;
- int len;
- char *command;
- memset(aout, '\0', PATH_MAX);
- if (!lstat(getenv("TMPDIR"), &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
- strncpy(aout, getenv("TMPDIR"), PATH_MAX - 1);
-#ifdef P_tmpdir /* defined by XPG and XOPEN, but don't assume we have it */
- else if (!lstat(P_tmpdir, &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
- strncpy(aout, P_tmpdir, PATH_MAX - 1);
- else if (!lstat("/tmp", &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
- strncpy(aout, "/tmp", PATH_MAX - 1);
- else
- abort();
- strncat(aout, "/imaketmp.XXXXXX", PATH_MAX - 1);
- if ((fd = mkstemp(aout)) == -1)
- abort ();
- if (close(fd) == -1)
- abort ();
- cc = getenv ("CC");
- if (cc == NULL)
- cc = "gcc";
- len = strlen (aout) + strlen (format) + strlen (cc);
- if (len < 128) len = 128;
- command = alloca (len);
- if (snprintf (command , len, format, cc, aout) == len)
- abort ();
- fp = popen (command, "w");
- if (fp == NULL || fprintf (fp, "%s\n", libc_c) < 0 || pclose (fp) != 0)
- abort ();
- fp = popen (aout, "r");
- if (fp == NULL)
- abort ();
- while (fgets (command, len, fp))
- fprintf (inFile, "%s", command);
- len = pclose (fp);
- remove (aout);
- if (len)
- abort ();
- }
- }
-static void
-get_ld_version(FILE *inFile)
- FILE* ldprog = popen ("ld -v", "r");
- char c;
- int ldmajor, ldminor;
- if (ldprog) {
- do {
- c = fgetc (ldprog);
- } while (c != EOF && !isdigit (c));
- ungetc (c, ldprog);
- int ret = fscanf (ldprog, "%d.%d", &ldmajor, &ldminor);
- (void) ret;
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultLinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion %d\n",
- ldmajor * 10 + ldminor);
- pclose (ldprog);
- }
-#ifndef PATH_MAX
-#define PATH_MAX 1024
-#if defined(sun) && defined(__SVR4)
-static char *
-get_full_path(const char *program)
- char *buf;
- char *cmd;
- FILE *proc;
- buf = calloc(1, PATH_MAX);
- asprintf(&cmd, "command -v %s", program);
- if ((proc = popen (cmd, "r")) != NULL)
- fgets (buf, PATH_MAX, proc);
- pclose (proc);
- return strtok (buf, "\n"); /* strip newline */
-static int
-get_sun_compiler_version(const char *fspec, const char *product,
- int *cmajor, int *cminor)
- char buf[PATH_MAX];
- char cmd[PATH_MAX];
- char *vptr;
- struct stat sb;
- FILE *ccproc;
- int ret;
- char vendor[4];
- if (lstat (fspec, &sb) != 0)
- return ENOENT;
- strncpy (cmd, fspec, PATH_MAX);
- strlcpy (vendor, product, 4);
- if (strcmp (vendor, "Sun") == 0)
- strncat (cmd, " -V 2>&1", 8);
- else if (strcmp (vendor, "Gnu") == 0)
- strncat (cmd, " --version 2>&1", 15);
- else
- return EINVAL;
- if ((ccproc = popen (cmd, "r")) != NULL) {
- if (fgets (buf, PATH_MAX, ccproc) != NULL) {
- for (vptr = buf; !isdigit(*vptr) && *vptr != NULL; vptr++);
- if (*vptr == NULL) {
- pclose (ccproc);
- return EINVAL;
- } else {
- ret = sscanf (vptr, "%d.%d", cmajor, cminor);
- }
- }
- pclose (ccproc);
- } else {
- return EIO;
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-get_sun_compiler_versions(FILE *inFile)
- static const char *compilers[][2] =
- {{"SunProC", "/opt/solarisstudio/bin/cc"},
- {"SunProCplusplus", "/opt/solarisstudio/bin/CC"},
- {"GnuC", "gcc"},
- {"GnuCplusplus", "g++"}};
- int cmajor, cminor;
- int i;
- int ret;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof compilers / sizeof compilers[0]; i++) {
- const char *product = compilers[i][0];
- char *fspec = get_full_path (compilers[i][1]);
- ret = get_sun_compiler_version (fspec, product, &cmajor, &cminor);
- free (fspec);
- if (ret == 0) {
- fprintf (inFile,
- "#define Default%sCompilerMajorVersion %d\n",
- product,
- cmajor);
- fprintf (inFile,
- "#define Default%sCompilerMinorVersion %d\n",
- product,
- cminor);
- } else if (ret == EINVAL) {
- printf ("Failed to detect version of compiler: %s\n", product);
- exit (EINVAL);
- }
- }
- (void) ret;
-static void
-get_gcc_incdir(FILE *inFile)
- static char* gcc_path[] = {
-#ifdef linux
- "/usr/bin/cc", /* for Linux PostIncDir */
-#ifdef sun
- "gcc",
- "/usr/local/bin/gcc",
- "/opt/gnu/bin/gcc"
- };
- struct stat sb;
- int i;
- FILE* gccproc;
- char buf[PATH_MAX];
- char cmd[PATH_MAX];
- char* ptr;
- memset(buf, 0, PATH_MAX);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof gcc_path / sizeof gcc_path[0]; i++) {
-#ifdef sun
- gcc_path[i] = get_full_path (gcc_path[i]);
- if (lstat (gcc_path[i], &sb) == 0) {
-#ifdef sun
- free (gcc_path[i]);
- strncpy (cmd, gcc_path[i], PATH_MAX - 1 );
- strncat (cmd, " --print-libgcc-file-name", PATH_MAX - 1);
- if ((gccproc = popen (cmd, "r")) != NULL) {
- if (fgets (buf, PATH_MAX - 1, gccproc) != NULL) {
- ptr = strstr (buf, "libgcc.a");
- if (ptr) strncpy (ptr, "include", 8);
- }
- (void) pclose (gccproc);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (buf[0])
- fprintf (inFile, "#define DefaultGccIncludeDir %s\n", buf);
-static boolean
-define_os_defaults(FILE *inFile)
-#if (defined(DEFAULT_OS_NAME) || defined(DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV) || \
- struct utsname name;
- char buf[SYS_NMLN * 5 + 1];
- /* Obtain the system information. */
- if (uname(&name) < 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot invoke uname");
- parse_utsname(&name, DEFAULT_OS_NAME, buf,
- "Bad DEFAULT_OS_NAME syntax %s");
- if (buf[0] != '\0')
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultOSName %s\n", buf);
-# endif
- parse_utsname(&name, DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV, buf,
- "Bad DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV syntax %s");
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultOSMajorVersion %s\n",
- *buf ? trim_version(buf) : "0");
-# endif
- parse_utsname(&name, DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV, buf,
- "Bad DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV syntax %s");
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultOSMinorVersion %s\n",
- *buf ? trim_version(buf) : "0");
-# endif
- parse_utsname(&name, DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV, buf,
- "Bad DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV syntax %s");
- fprintf(inFile, "#define DefaultOSTeenyVersion %s\n",
- *buf ? trim_version(buf) : "0");
-# endif
-#ifdef linux
- get_distrib (inFile);
- get_libc_version (inFile);
- get_ld_version(inFile);
- get_gcc_incdir(inFile);
-#if defined (sun) && defined(SVR4)
- get_sun_compiler_versions (inFile);
- return FALSE;
-static void
-cppit(const char *imakefile, const char *template, const char *masterc, FILE *outfd, const char *outfname)
- FILE *inFile;
- haveImakefileC = TRUE;
- inFile = fopen(masterc, "w");
- if (inFile == NULL)
- LogFatal("Cannot open %s for output.", masterc);
- if (fprintf(inFile, "%s\n", ImakefileCHeader) < 0 ||
- define_os_defaults(inFile) ||
- optional_include(inFile, "IMAKE_LOCAL_DEFINES", "localdefines") ||
- optional_include(inFile, "IMAKE_ADMIN_DEFINES", "admindefines") ||
- fprintf(inFile, "#define %s <%s>\n", ImakeDefSym, imakefile) < 0 ||
- fprintf(inFile, LocalDefineFmt, ImakeTmplSym, template) < 0 ||
- fprintf(inFile, IncludeFmt, ImakeTmplSym) < 0 ||
- optional_include(inFile, "IMAKE_ADMIN_MACROS", "adminmacros") ||
- optional_include(inFile, "IMAKE_LOCAL_MACROS", "localmacros") ||
- fflush(inFile) ||
- fclose(inFile))
- LogFatal("Cannot write to %s.", masterc);
- /*
- * Fork and exec cpp
- */
- doit(outfd, cpp, cpp_argv);
- CleanCppOutput(outfd, outfname);
-static void
- doit(NULL, make_argv[0], make_argv);
-static char *
-CleanCppInput(char *imakefile)
- FILE *outFile = NULL;
- FILE *inFile;
- char *buf, /* buffer for file content */
- *pbuf, /* walking pointer to buf */
- *punwritten, /* pointer to unwritten portion of buf */
- *ptoken, /* pointer to # token */
- *pend, /* pointer to end of # token */
- savec; /* temporary character holder */
- int count;
- struct stat st;
- /*
- * grab the entire file.
- */
- if (!(inFile = fopen(imakefile, "r")))
- LogFatal("Cannot open %s for input.", imakefile);
- if (fstat(fileno(inFile), &st) < 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot stat %s for size.", imakefile);
- buf = Emalloc((int)st.st_size+3);
- count = fread(buf + 2, 1, st.st_size, inFile);
- if (count == 0 && st.st_size != 0)
- LogFatal("Cannot read %s:", imakefile);
- fclose(inFile);
- buf[0] = '\n';
- buf[1] = '\n';
- buf[count + 2] = '\0';
- punwritten = pbuf = buf + 2;
- while (*pbuf) {
- /* for compatibility, replace make comments for cpp */
- if (*pbuf == '#' && pbuf[-1] == '\n' && pbuf[-2] != '\\') {
- ptoken = pbuf+1;
- while (*ptoken == ' ' || *ptoken == '\t')
- ptoken++;
- pend = ptoken;
- while (*pend && *pend != ' ' && *pend != '\t' && *pend != '\n')
- pend++;
- savec = *pend;
- *pend = '\0';
- if (strcmp(ptoken, "define") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "if") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "ifdef") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "ifndef") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "include") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "line") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "else") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "elif") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "endif") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "error") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "pragma") &&
- strcmp(ptoken, "undef")) {
- if (outFile == NULL) {
- tmpImakefile = Strdup(tmpImakefile);
- int ret = mkstemp(tmpImakefile);
- (void) ret;
- outFile = fopen(tmpImakefile, "w");
- if (outFile == NULL)
- LogFatal("Cannot open %s for write.",
- tmpImakefile);
- }
- writetmpfile(outFile, punwritten, pbuf-punwritten,
- tmpImakefile);
- if (ptoken > pbuf + 1)
- writetmpfile(outFile, "XCOMM", 5, tmpImakefile);
- else
- writetmpfile(outFile, "XCOMM ", 6, tmpImakefile);
- punwritten = pbuf + 1;
- }
- *pend = savec;
- }
- pbuf++;
- }
- if (outFile) {
- writetmpfile(outFile, punwritten, pbuf-punwritten, tmpImakefile);
- fclose(outFile);
- return tmpImakefile;
- }
- return(imakefile);
-static void
-CleanCppOutput(FILE *tmpfd, const char *tmpfname)
- char *input;
- int blankline = 0;
- while ((input = ReadLine(tmpfd, tmpfname))) {
- if (isempty(input)) {
- if (blankline++)
- continue;
- KludgeResetRule();
- } else {
- blankline = 0;
- KludgeOutputLine(&input);
- writetmpfile(tmpfd, input, strlen(input), tmpfname);
- }
- writetmpfile(tmpfd, "\n", 1, tmpfname);
- }
- fflush(tmpfd);
- /*
- * On some systems, NFS seems to leave a large number of nulls at
- * the end of the file. Ralph Swick says that this kludge makes the
- * problem go away.
- */
- ftruncate (fileno(tmpfd), (off_t)ftell(tmpfd));
- * Determine if a line has nothing in it. As a side effect, we trim white
- * space from the end of the line. Cpp magic cookies are also thrown away.
- * "XCOMM" token is transformed to "#".
- */
-static boolean
-isempty(char *line)
- char *pend;
- /*
- * Check for lines of the form
- * # n "...
- * or
- * # line n "...
- */
- if (*line == '#') {
- pend = line+1;
- if (*pend == ' ')
- pend++;
- if (*pend == 'l' && pend[1] == 'i' && pend[2] == 'n' &&
- pend[3] == 'e' && pend[4] == ' ')
- pend += 5;
- if (isdigit((int)*pend)) {
- do {
- pend++;
- } while (isdigit((int)*pend));
- if (*pend == '\n' || *pend == '\0')
- return(TRUE);
- if (*pend++ == ' ' && *pend == '"')
- return(TRUE);
- }
- while (*pend)
- pend++;
- } else {
- for (pend = line; *pend; pend++) {
- if (*pend == 'X' && pend[1] == 'C' && pend[2] == 'O' &&
- pend[3] == 'M' && pend[4] == 'M' &&
- (pend == line || pend[-1] == ' ' || pend[-1] == '\t') &&
- (pend[5] == ' ' || pend[5] == '\t' || pend[5] == '\0'))
- {
- *pend = '#';
- strncpy(pend+1, pend+5, 1);
- }
- if (*pend == 'X' && pend[1] == 'V' && pend[2] == 'A' &&
- pend[3] == 'R')
- {
- char varbuf[5];
- int i;
- if (pend[4] == 'd' && pend[5] == 'e' && pend[6] == 'f' &&
- pend[7] >= '0' && pend[7] <= '9')
- {
- i = pend[7] - '0';
- snprintf(varbuf, 5, "%0.4d", xvariable);
- strncpy(pend+4, varbuf, 4);
- xvariables[i] = xvariable;
- xvariable = (xvariable + 1) % 10000;
- }
- else if (pend[4] == 'u' && pend[5] == 's' &&
- pend[6] == 'e' && pend[7] >= '0' &&
- pend[7] <= '9')
- {
- i = pend[7] - '0';
- snprintf(varbuf, 5, "%0.4d", xvariables[i]);
- strncpy(pend+4, varbuf, 4);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (--pend >= line && (*pend == ' ' || *pend == '\t')) ;
- pend[1] = '\0';
- return (*line == '\0');
-static char *
-ReadLine(FILE *tmpfd, const char *tmpfname)
- static boolean initialized = FALSE;
- static char *buf, *pline, *end;
- char *p1, *p2;
- if (! initialized) {
- int total_red;
- struct stat st;
- /*
- * Slurp it all up.
- */
- fseek(tmpfd, 0, 0);
- if (fstat(fileno(tmpfd), &st) < 0)
- LogFatal("cannot stat %s for size", tmpMakefile);
- pline = buf = Emalloc((int)st.st_size+1);
- total_red = fread(buf, 1, st.st_size, tmpfd);
- if (total_red == 0 && st.st_size != 0)
- LogFatal("cannot read %s", tmpMakefile);
- end = buf + total_red;
- *end = '\0';
- fseek(tmpfd, 0, 0);
-#if defined(SYSV)
- tmpfd = freopen(tmpfname, "w+", tmpfd);
- if (! tmpfd)
- LogFatal("cannot reopen %s.", tmpfname);
-#else /* !SYSV */
- int ret = ftruncate(fileno(tmpfd), (off_t) 0);
- (void) ret;
-#endif /* !SYSV */
- initialized = TRUE;
- fprintf (tmpfd, "# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit!\n");
- fprintf (tmpfd, "# %s\n",
- "$TOG: imake.c /main/104 1998/03/24 12:45:15 kaleb $");
- }
- for (p1 = pline; p1 < end; p1++) {
- if (*p1 == '@' && *(p1+1) == '@'
- /* ignore ClearCase version-extended pathnames */
- && !(p1 != pline && !isspace((int)*(p1-1))
- && *(p1+2) == '/'))
- { /* soft EOL */
- *p1++ = '\0';
- p1++; /* skip over second @ */
- break;
- }
- else if (*p1 == '\n') { /* real EOL */
- *p1++ = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * return NULL at the end of the file.
- */
- p2 = (pline == p1 ? NULL : pline);
- pline = p1;
- return(p2);
-static void
-writetmpfile(FILE *fd, const char *buf, int cnt, const char *fname)
- if (fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), cnt, fd) == -1)
- LogFatal("Cannot write to %s.", fname);
-static char *
-Emalloc(int size)
- char *p;
- if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL)
- LogFatal("Cannot allocate %d bytes.", size);
- return(p);
-static void
-KludgeOutputLine(char **pline)
- char *p = *pline;
- char quotechar = '\0';
- switch (*p) {
- case '#': /*Comment - ignore*/
- break;
- case '\t': /*Already tabbed - ignore it*/
- break;
- case ' ': /*May need a tab*/
- default:
- if (*p == '<' && p[1] == '<') { /* inline file close */
- InInline--;
- InRule = TRUE;
- break;
- }
-# endif
- /*
- * The following cases should not be treated as beginning of
- * rules:
- * variable := name (GNU make)
- * variable = .*:.* (':' should be allowed as value)
- * sed 's:/a:/b:' (: used in quoted values)
- */
- for (; *p; p++) {
- if (quotechar) {
- if (quotechar == '\\' ||
- (*p == quotechar &&
- p[-1] != '\\'))
- quotechar = '\0';
- continue;
- }
- switch (*p) {
- case '\\':
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- quotechar = *p;
- break;
- case '(':
- quotechar = ')';
- break;
- case '{':
- quotechar = '}';
- break;
- case '[':
- quotechar = ']';
- break;
- case '=':
- if (!InRule && **pline == ' ') {
- while (**pline == ' ')
- (*pline)++;
- }
-# endif
- goto breakfor;
- case '<':
- if (p[1] == '<') /* inline file start */
- InInline++;
- break;
-# endif
- case ':':
- if (p[1] == '=')
- goto breakfor;
- while (**pline == ' ')
- (*pline)++;
- InRule = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (InRule && **pline == ' ')
- **pline = '\t';
- break;
- }
-static void
- InRule = FALSE;
-static char *
-Strdup(const char *cp)
- char *new = Emalloc(strlen(cp) + 1);
- memcpy(new, cp, strlen(cp) + 1);
- return new;
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/imake.man b/cde/config/imake/imake.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 96fdccb94..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/imake.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: imake.man /main/30 1998/02/06 11:02:42 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-.\" in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
-.\" not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
-.\" other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
-.\" from The Open Group.
-.TH IMAKE 1 "Release 6.1" "X Version 11"
-imake \- C preprocessor interface to the make utility
-\fBimake\fP [ \fB\-D\fP\fIdefine\fP ] [ \fB\-I\fP\fIdir\fP ]
-[ \fB\-T\fP\fItemplate\fP ]
-[ \fB\-f\fP \fIfilename\fP ] [ \fB\-C\fP \fIfilename\fP ]
-[ \fB\-s\fP \fIfilename\fP ] [ \fB\-e\fP ]
-[ \fB\-v\fP ]
-.I Imake
-is used to
-generate \fIMakefiles\fP from a template, a set of \fIcpp\fP macro functions,
-and a per-directory input file called an \fIImakefile\fP. This allows machine
-dependencies (such as compiler options, alternate command names, and special
-\fImake\fP rules) to be kept separate from the descriptions of the
-various items to be built.
-The following command line options may be passed to \fIimake\fP:
-.TP 8
-.B \-D\fIdefine\fP
-This option is passed directly to \fIcpp\fP. It is typically used to set
-directory-specific variables. For example, the X Window System uses this
-flag to set \fITOPDIR\fP to the name of the directory containing the top
-of the core distribution and \fICURDIR\fP to the name of the current
-directory, relative to the top.
-.TP 8
-.B \-I\fIdirectory\fP
-This option is passed directly to \fIcpp\fP. It is typically used to
-indicate the directory in which the \fIimake\fP template and configuration
-files may be found.
-.TP 8
-.B \-T\fItemplate\fP
-This option specifies the name of the master template file (which is usually
-located in the directory specified with \fI\-I\fP) used by \fIcpp\fP.
-The default is \fIImake.tmpl\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B \-f \fIfilename\fP
-This option specifies the name of the per-directory input file. The default
-is \fIImakefile\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B \-C \fIfilename\fP
-This option specifies the name of the .c file that is constructed in the
-current directory. The default is \fIImakefile.c\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B \-s \fIfilename\fP
-This option specifies the name of the \fImake\fP description file to be
-generated but \fImake\fP should not be invoked.
-If the \fIfilename\fP is a dash (\-), the
-output is written to \fIstdout\fP. The default is to generate, but
-not execute, a \fIMakefile\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B \-e
-This option indicates the \fIimake\fP should execute the generated
-\fIMakefile\fP. The default is to leave this to the user.
-.TP 8
-.B \-v
-This option indicates that \fIimake\fP should print the \fIcpp\fP command line
-that it is using to generate the \fIMakefile\fP.
-\fIImake\fP invokes \fIcpp\fP with any \fI\-I\fP or \fI\-D\fP flags passed
-on the command line and passes the name of a file containing the
-following 3 lines:
- #define IMAKE_TEMPLATE "Imake.tmpl"
-where \fIImake.tmpl\fP and \fIImakefile\fP may be overridden by the
-\fI\-T\fP and \fI\-f\fP command options, respectively.
-The IMAKE_TEMPLATE typically
-reads in a file containing machine-dependent parameters
-(specified as \fIcpp\fP symbols), a site-specific parameters file,
-a file defining variables,
-a file
-containing \fIcpp\fP macro functions for generating \fImake\fP rules, and
-finally the \fIImakefile\fP (specified by INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE) in the current
-directory. The \fIImakefile\fP uses the macro functions to indicate what
-targets should be built; \fIimake\fP takes care of generating the appropriate
-.I Imake
-configuration files contain two types of variables, imake variables
-and make variables. The imake variables are interpreted by cpp when
-.I imake
-is run. By convention they are mixed case. The make variables are
-written into the
-.I Makefile
-for later interpretation by
-.I make.
-By convention make variables are upper case.
-The rules file (usually named \fIImake.rules\fP in the configuration
-directory) contains a variety of \fIcpp\fP macro functions that are
-configured according to the current platform. \fIImake\fP replaces
-any occurrences of the string ``@@'' with a newline to allow macros that
-generate more than one line of \fImake\fP rules.
-For example, the macro
-.ta 1i 1.6i 5i
-#define program_target(program, objlist) @@\e
-program: objlist @@\e
- $(CC) \-o $@ objlist $(LDFLAGS)
-when called with
-.I "program_target(foo, foo1.o foo2.o)"
-will expand to
-foo: foo1.o foo2.o
- $(CC) \-o $@ foo1.o foo2.o $(LDFLAGS)
-\fIImake\fP also replaces any occurrences of the word ``XCOMM'' with
-the character ``#'' to permit placing comments in the Makefile without
-causing ``invalid directive'' errors from the preprocessor.
-Some complex \fIimake\fP macros require generated \fImake\fP variables
-local to each invocation of the macro, often because their value
-depends on parameters passed to the macro.
-Such variables can be created by using an \fIimake\fP variable
-of the form \fBXVARdef\fP\fIn\fP, where \fIn\fP is a single digit.
-A unique \fImake\fP variable will be substituted. Later occurrences
-of the variable \fBXVARuse\fP\fIn\fP will
-be replaced by the variable created by the corresponding
-On systems whose \fIcpp\fP reduces multiple tabs and spaces to a single
-space, \fIimake\fP attempts to put back any necessary tabs (\fImake\fP is
-very picky about the difference between tabs and spaces). For this reason,
-colons (:) in command lines must be preceded by a backslash (\\).
-The X Window System uses \fIimake\fP extensively, for both full builds within
-the source tree and external software. As mentioned above, two special
-variables, \fITOPDIR\fP and \fICURDIR,\fP are set to make referencing files
-using relative path names easier. For example, the following command is
-generated automatically to build the \fIMakefile\fP in the directory
-\fIlib/X/\fP (relative to the top of the sources):
- % ../.././config/imake \-I../.././config \\
- \-DTOPDIR=../../. \-DCURDIR=./lib/X
-When building X programs outside the source tree, a special symbol
-\fIUseInstalled\fP is defined and \fITOPDIR\fP and
-\fICURDIR\fP are omitted. If the configuration files have been
-properly installed, the script \fIxmkmf\fP(1) may be used.
-Here is a summary of the files read by
-.I imake
-as used by X.
-The indentation shows what files include what other files.
-.ta 3i
- Imake.tmpl generic variables
- site.def site-specific, BeforeVendorCF defined
- *.cf machine-specific
- *Lib.rules shared library rules
- site.def site-specific, AfterVendorCF defined
- Imake.rules rules
- Project.tmpl X-specific variables
- *Lib.tmpl shared library variables
- Imakefile
- Library.tmpl library rules
- Server.tmpl server rules
- Threads.tmpl multi-threaded rules
-Note that \fIsite.def\fP gets included twice, once before the
-\fI*.cf\fP file and once after. Although most site customizations
-should be specified after the \fI*.cf\fP file, some, such as the
-choice of compiler, need to be specified before, because other
-variable settings may depend on them.
-The first time \fIsite.def\fP is included, the variable BeforeVendorCF
-is defined, and the second time, the variable AfterVendorCF is
-defined. All code in \fIsite.def\fP should be inside an #ifdef for
-one of these symbols.
-.ta 3i
-Imakefile.c temporary input file for cpp
-/tmp/Imf.XXXXXX temporary Makefile for -s
-/tmp/IIf.XXXXXX temporary Imakefile if specified Imakefile uses # comments
-/lib/cpp default C preprocessor
-make(1), xmkmf(1)
-S. I. Feldman,
-Make \(em A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs
-The following environment variables may be set, however their use is not
-recommended as they introduce dependencies that are not readily apparent
-when \fIimake\fP is run:
-.TP 5
-If defined, this specifies a ``\-I'' include argument to pass to the
-C preprocessor. E.g., ``\-I/usr/X11/config''.
-.TP 5
-If defined, this should be a valid path to a preprocessor program.
-E.g., ``/usr/local/cpp''.
-By default,
-.I imake
-will use /lib/cpp.
-.TP 5
-If defined, this should be a valid path to a make program,
-such as ``/usr/local/make''.
-By default,
-.I imake
-will use whatever
-.I make
-program is found using
-.I execvp(3).
-This variable is only used if the ``\-e'' option is specified.
-Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix and MIT Project Athena; Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium
diff --git a/cde/config/imake/imakemdep.h b/cde/config/imake/imakemdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c34c861b..000000000
--- a/cde/config/imake/imakemdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: imakemdep.h /main/102 1998/02/06 11:02:26 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
- * This file contains machine-dependent constants for the imake utility.
- * When porting imake, read each of the steps below and add in any necessary
- * definitions. In general you should *not* edit ccimake.c or imake.c!
- */
-#ifdef CCIMAKE
- * Step 1: imake_ccflags
- * Define any special flags that will be needed to get imake.c to compile.
- * These will be passed to the compile along with the contents of the
- * make variable BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS.
- */
-#ifdef hpux
-#ifdef hp9000s800
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-#define imake_ccflags "-Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns3000 -DSYSV"
-#ifdef stellar
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-#if defined(Oki) || defined(NCR)
-#define imake_ccflags "-Xa -DSVR4"
-#ifdef sony
-#if defined(SYSTYPE_SYSV) || defined(_SYSTYPE_SYSV)
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSVR4"
-#if NEWSOS < 41
-#define imake_ccflags "-Dbsd43 -DNOSTDHDRS"
-#if NEWSOS < 42
-#define imake_ccflags "-Dbsd43"
-#ifdef _CRAY
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV -DUSG"
-#if defined(_IBMR2) || defined(aix)
-#define imake_ccflags "-Daix -DSYSV"
-#ifdef Mips
-# if defined(SYSTYPE_BSD) || defined(BSD) || defined(BSD43)
-# define imake_ccflags "-DBSD43"
-# else
-# define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-# endif
-#ifdef is68k
-#define imake_ccflags "-Dluna -Duniosb"
-#ifdef SYSV386
-# ifdef SVR4
-# define imake_ccflags "-Xa -DSVR4"
-# else
-# define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-# endif
-#ifdef SVR4
-# ifdef i386
-# define imake_ccflags "-Xa -DSVR4"
-# endif
-#ifdef SYSV
-# ifdef i386
-# define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-# endif
-#ifdef __convex__
-#define imake_ccflags "-fn -tm c1"
-#ifdef __sxg__
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV -DUSG -DNOSTDHDRS"
-#ifdef sequent
-#define imake_ccflags "-DX_NOT_STDC_ENV -DX_NOT_POSIX"
-#ifdef _SEQUENT_
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV -DUSG"
-#if defined(SX) || defined(PC_UX)
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSYSV"
-#ifdef nec_ews_svr2
-#define imake_ccflags "-DUSG"
-#if defined(nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_ews_svr4) || defined(_nec_up) || defined(_nec_ft)
-#define imake_ccflags "-DSVR4"
-#ifdef MACH
-#define imake_ccflags "-DNOSTDHDRS"
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-#if defined(__FreeBSD_version)
-#if __FreeBSD_version < 500000
-#define imake_ccflags "-DCPP_IN_LIBEXEC"
-#define imake_ccflags "-DCPP_IN_LIBEXEC"
-/* this is for OS/2 under EMX. This won't work with DOS */
-#if defined(__EMX__)
-#define imake_ccflags "-DBSD43"
-#else /* not CCIMAKE */
- * Step 2: dup2
- * If your OS doesn't have a dup2() system call to duplicate one file
- * descriptor onto another, define such a mechanism here (if you don't
- * already fall under the existing category(ies).
- */
-#if defined(SYSV) && !defined(_CRAY) && !defined(Mips) && !defined(_SEQUENT_)
-#define dup2(fd1,fd2) ((fd1 == fd2) ? fd1 : (close(fd2), \
- fcntl(fd1, F_DUPFD, fd2)))
- * If your cpp collapses tabs macro expansions into a single space and
- * replaces escaped newlines with a space, define this symbol. This will
- * cause imake to attempt to patch up the generated Makefile by looking
- * for lines that have colons in them (this is why the rules file escapes
- * all colons). One way to tell if you need this is to see whether or not
- * your Makefiles have no tabs in them and lots of @@ strings.
- */
-#if defined(sun) || defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4) || defined(hcx) || defined(__llvm__)
- * If you want to use cc -E instead of cpp, define USE_CC_E.
- * If use cc -E but want a different compiler, define DEFAULT_CC.
- * If the cpp you need is not in /lib/cpp, define DEFAULT_CPP.
- */
-#ifdef hpux
-#define USE_CC_E
-#if defined(_IBMR2) && !defined(DEFAULT_CPP)
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/ccs/lib/cpp"
-#if defined(sun) && (defined(SVR4) || defined(__svr4__) || defined(__SVR4) || defined(__sol__))
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/ccs/lib/cpp"
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(CPP_IN_LIBEXEC))
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/bin/cpp"
-#ifdef __sxg__
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/lib/cpp"
-#ifdef _CRAY
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/lib/pcpp"
-#if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) \
- || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(CPP_IN_LIBEXEC))
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/libexec/cpp"
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 10) && !defined(__llvm__)
-#if defined(__sgi) && defined(__ANSI_CPP__)
-#define USE_CC_E
-#ifdef MACH
-#define USE_CC_E
-#ifdef __minix_vmd
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/lib/cpp"
-#if defined(__EMX__)
-/* expects cpp in PATH */
-#define DEFAULT_CPP "cpp"
- * Step 5: cpp_argv
- * The following table contains the flags that should be passed
- * whenever a Makefile is being generated. If your preprocessor
- * doesn't predefine any unique symbols, choose one and add it to the
- * end of this table. Then, do the following:
- *
- * a. Use this symbol in Imake.tmpl when setting MacroFile.
- * b. Put this symbol in the definition of BootstrapCFlags in your
- * .cf file.
- * c. When doing a make World, always add "BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS=-Dsymbol"
- * to the end of the command line.
- *
- * Note that you may define more than one symbol (useful for platforms
- * that support multiple operating systems).
- */
-#define ARGUMENTS 50 /* number of arguments in various arrays */
-char *cpp_argv[ARGUMENTS] = {
- "cc", /* replaced by the actual program to exec */
- "-I.", /* add current directory to include path */
-#ifdef unix
- "-Uunix", /* remove unix symbol so that filename unix.c okay */
-#if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(MACH) || defined(ISC) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__hpux__) || defined(__vxworks)
-# ifdef __i386__
- "-D__i386__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __i486__
- "-D__i486__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __i586__
- "-D__i586__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __i686__
- "-D__i686__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __k6__
- "-D__k6__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __ia64__
- "-D__ia64__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __amd64__
- "-D__amd64__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __x86_64__
- "-D__amd64__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __ppc__
- "-D__powerpc__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __ppc64__
- "-D__powerpc64__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __powerpc__
- "-D__powerpc__",
-# endif
-# ifdef __powerpc64__
- "-D__powerpc64__",
-# endif
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__llvm__)
- "-traditional",
-# endif
-# ifdef __llvm__
- "-fms-extensions",
- "-Wno-invalid-token-paste",
- "-Wno-invalid-pp-token",
-# endif
-#ifdef M4330
- "-DM4330", /* Tektronix */
-#ifdef M4310
- "-DM4310", /* Tektronix */
-#ifdef sony
- "-Dsony", /* Sony */
-#if !defined(SYSTYPE_SYSV) && !defined(_SYSTYPE_SYSV) && NEWSOS < 42
- "-Dbsd43",
-#ifdef _IBMR2
- "-D_IBMR2", /* IBM RS-6000 (we ensured that aix is defined above */
-#ifndef aix
-#define aix /* allow BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS="-D_IBMR2" */
-#endif /* _IBMR2 */
-#ifdef aix
- "-Daix", /* AIX instead of AOS */
-#ifndef ibm
-#define ibm /* allow BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS="-Daix" */
-#endif /* aix */
-#ifdef ibm
- "-Dibm", /* IBM PS/2 and RT under both AOS and AIX */
-#ifdef luna
- "-Dluna", /* OMRON luna 68K and 88K */
-#ifdef luna1
- "-Dluna1",
-#ifdef luna88k /* need not on UniOS-Mach Vers. 1.13 */
- "-traditional", /* for some older version */
-#endif /* instead of "-DXCOMM=\\#" */
-#ifdef uniosb
- "-Duniosb",
-#ifdef uniosu
- "-Duniosu",
-#endif /* luna */
-#ifdef _CRAY /* Cray */
- "-Ucray",
-#ifdef Mips
- "-DMips", /* Define and use Mips for Mips Co. OS/mach. */
-# if defined(SYSTYPE_BSD) || defined(BSD) || defined(BSD43)
- "-DBSD43", /* Mips RISCOS supports two environments */
-# else
- "-DSYSV", /* System V environment is the default */
-# endif
-#endif /* Mips */
-#ifdef MOTOROLA
- "-DMOTOROLA", /* Motorola Delta Systems */
-# ifdef SYSV
- "-DSYSV",
-# endif
-# ifdef SVR4
- "-DSVR4",
-# endif
-#endif /* MOTOROLA */
-#ifdef i386
- "-Di386",
-# ifdef SVR4
- "-DSVR4",
-# endif
-# ifdef SYSV
- "-DSYSV",
-# ifdef ISC
- "-DISC",
-# ifdef ISC40
- "-DISC40", /* ISC 4.0 */
-# else
-# ifdef ISC202
- "-DISC202", /* ISC 2.0.2 */
-# else
-# ifdef ISC30
- "-DISC30", /* ISC 3.0 */
-# else
- "-DISC22", /* ISC 2.2.1 */
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef ESIX
- "-DESIX",
-# endif
-# ifdef ATT
- "-DATT",
-# endif
-# ifdef DELL
- "-DDELL",
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifdef SYSV386 /* System V/386 folks, obsolete */
- "-Di386",
-# ifdef SVR4
- "-DSVR4",
-# endif
-# ifdef SYSV
- "-DSYSV",
-# ifdef ISC
- "-DISC",
-# ifdef ISC40
- "-DISC40", /* ISC 4.0 */
-# else
-# ifdef ISC202
- "-DISC202", /* ISC 2.0.2 */
-# else
-# ifdef ISC30
- "-DISC30", /* ISC 3.0 */
-# else
- "-DISC22", /* ISC 2.2.1 */
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef ESIX
- "-DESIX",
-# endif
-# ifdef ATT
- "-DATT",
-# endif
-# ifdef DELL
- "-DDELL",
-# endif
-# endif
-#ifdef Oki
- "-DOki",
-#ifdef sun
-#if defined(SVR4) || defined(__svr4__) || defined(__SVR4) || defined(__sol__)
- "-DSVR4",
-#ifdef NCR
- "-DNCR", /* NCR */
-#ifdef linux
- "-traditional",
- "-D__linux__",
-#ifdef __minix_vmd
- "-Dminix",
-#if defined(__EMX__)
- "-traditional",
- "-Demxos2",
- * If your systems provides a way to generate the default major,
- * minor, teeny, or system names at runtime add commands below.
- * The syntax of the _REV strings is 'f fmt' where 'f' is an argument
- * you would give to uname, and "fmt" is a scanf() format string.
- * Supported uname arguments are "snrvm", and if you specify multiple
- * arguments they will be separated by spaces. No more than 5 arguments
- * may be given. Unlike uname() order of arguments matters.
- */
-#if defined(aix)
-/* uname -v returns "x" (e.g. "4"), and uname -r returns "y" (e.g. "1") */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "v %[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %[0-9]"
-/* No information available to generate default OSTeenyVersion value. */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srvm %[^\n]"
-#elif defined(sun) || defined(__linux__)
-/* uname -r returns "x.y[.z]", e.g. "5.4" or "4.1.3" */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "r %[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV "r %*d.%*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srvm %[^\n]"
-#elif defined(hpux)
-/* uname -r returns "W.x.yz", e.g. "B.10.01" */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "r %*[^.].%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %*[^.].%*d.%1s"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV "r %*[^.].%*d.%*c%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srvm %[^\n]"
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
-/* uname -r returns "x.y[.z]-mumble", e.g. "9.0-RELEASE" or "11.0-CURRENT" */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "r %[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV "v %*s %*s %*s r%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srm %[^\n]"
-#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
-/* 386BSD, and BSD/OS too? */
-/* uname -r returns "x.y[.z]-mumble", e.g. "2.1.5-RELEASE" or "2.2-0801SNAP" */
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "r %[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_TEENY_REV "r %*d.%*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srm %[^\n]"
-#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MAJOR_REV "r %[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_MINOR_REV "r %*d.%[0-9]"
-# define DEFAULT_OS_NAME "srm %[^\n]"
-#else /* else MAKEDEPEND */
- * Step 7: predefs
- * If your compiler and/or preprocessor define any specific symbols, add
- * them to the the following table. The definition of struct symtab is
- * in util/makedepend/def.h.
- */
-#define DEF_EVALUATE(__x) #__x
-struct symtab predefs[] = {
-#ifdef ibm032
- {"ibm032", "1"},
-#ifdef ibm
- {"ibm", "1"},
-#ifdef aix
- {"aix", "1"},
-#ifdef sun
- {"sun", "1"},
-#ifdef sun2
- {"sun2", "1"},
-#ifdef sun3
- {"sun3", "1"},
-#ifdef sun4
- {"sun4", "1"},
-#ifdef sparc
- {"sparc", "1"},
-#ifdef __sparc__
- {"__sparc__", "1"},
-#ifdef hpux
- {"hpux", "1"},
-#ifdef __hpux
- {"__hpux", "1"},
-#ifdef __hp9000s800
- {"__hp9000s800", "1"},
-#ifdef __hp9000s700
- {"__hp9000s700", "1"},
-#ifdef vax
- {"vax", "1"},
-#ifdef VMS
- {"VMS", "1"},
-#ifdef cray
- {"cray", "1"},
-#ifdef CRAY
- {"CRAY", "1"},
-#ifdef _CRAY
- {"_CRAY", "1"},
-#ifdef att
- {"att", "1"},
-#ifdef mips
- {"mips", "1"},
-#ifdef __mips__
- {"__mips__", "1"},
-#ifdef stellar
- {"stellar", "1"},
-#ifdef mc68000
- {"mc68000", "1"},
-#ifdef mc68020
- {"mc68020", "1"},
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__linux__)
- {"__GNUC__", DEF_STRINGIFY(__GNUC__)},
-#ifdef __GNUC_MINOR__
-#if __STDC__
- {"__STDC__", "1"},
-#ifdef __HIGHC__
- {"__HIGHC__", "1"},
-#ifdef CMU
- {"CMU", "1"},
-#ifdef luna
- {"luna", "1"},
-#ifdef luna1
- {"luna1", "1"},
-#ifdef luna2
- {"luna2", "1"},
-#ifdef luna88k
- {"luna88k", "1"},
-#ifdef uniosb
- {"uniosb", "1"},
-#ifdef uniosu
- {"uniosu", "1"},
-#ifdef ieeep754
- {"ieeep754", "1"},
-#ifdef is68k
- {"is68k", "1"},
-#ifdef m68k
- {"m68k", "1"},
-#ifdef m88k
- {"m88k", "1"},
-#ifdef __m88k__
- {"__m88k__", "1"},
-#ifdef bsd43
- {"bsd43", "1"},
-#ifdef hcx
- {"hcx", "1"},
-#ifdef sony
- {"sony", "1"},
- {"SYSTYPE_SYSV", "1"},
- {"_SYSTYPE_SYSV", "1"},
-#ifdef __alpha
- {"__alpha", "1"},
-#ifdef __unix__
- {"__unix__", "1"},
-#ifdef __sxg__
- {"__sxg__", "1"},
-#ifdef _SEQUENT_
- {"_SEQUENT_", "1"},
- {"__STDC__", "1"},
-#ifdef nec_ews_svr2
- {"nec_ews_svr2", "1"},
-#ifdef nec_ews_svr4
- {"nec_ews_svr4", "1"},
-#ifdef _nec_ews_svr4
- {"_nec_ews_svr4", "1"},
-#ifdef _nec_up
- {"_nec_up", "1"},
-#ifdef SX
- {"SX", "1"},
-#ifdef nec
- {"nec", "1"},
-#ifdef _nec_ft
- {"_nec_ft", "1"},
-#ifdef PC_UX
- {"PC_UX", "1"},
-#ifdef sgi
- {"sgi", "1"},
-#ifdef __sgi
- {"__sgi", "1"},
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
- {"__FreeBSD__", "1"},
-#ifdef __OpenBSD__
- {"__OpenBSD__", "1"},
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
- {"__NetBSD__", "1"},
-#ifdef __EMX__
- {"__EMX__", "1"},
-# ifdef ia64
- {"ia64", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __ia64__
- {"__ia64__", "1"},
-# endif
-# if defined (amd64) || defined (x86_64)
- {"amd64", "1"},
- {"x86_64", "1"},
-# endif
-# if defined (__amd64__) || defined (__x86_64__)
- {"__amd64__", "1"},
- {"__x86_64__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __i386
- {"__i386", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __i386__
- {"__i386__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __i486__
- {"__i486__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __i586__
- {"__i586__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __i686__
- {"__i686__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __k6__
- {"__k6__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef i386
- {"i386", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef i486
- {"i486", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef i586
- {"i586", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef i686
- { "i686", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef k6
- {"k6", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef sparc
- {"sparc", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __sparc__
- {"__sparc__", "1"},
-# endif
-#if defined(__ppc__)
- {"__ppc__", "1"},
-#if defined(__ppc64__)
- {"__ppc64__", "1"},
-# ifdef __powerpc__
- {"__powerpc__", "1"},
-# endif
-# ifdef __powerpc64__
- {"__powerpc64__", "1"},
-# endif
-#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
- {"__BIG_ENDIAN__", "1"},
-#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
- {"__LITTLE_ENDIAN__", "1"},
-#if defined(__vxworks)
- {"vxworks", "1"},
- /* add any additional symbols before this line */
-#endif /* MAKEDEPEND */
-#endif /* CCIMAKE */
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/Imakefile b/cde/config/makedepend/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ebd615c5..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $tog: Imakefile /main/27 1997/04/30 15:38:09 kaleb $
- SRCS = include.c main.c parse.c pr.c cppsetup.c ifparser.c
- OBJS = include.o main.o parse.o pr.o cppsetup.o ifparser.o
-XCOMM Some compilers generate fatal errors if an -L directory does
-XCOMM not exist. Since BUILDLIBDIR may not exist yet suppress its use.
-#if HasGcc && !defined(PreIncDir)
-#define PreIncDir /usr/local/lib/gcc-include
-#ifdef PreIncDir
-#ifndef StdIncDir
-#define StdIncDir /usr/include
-#ifdef PostIncDir
-OSUF = .Osuf
-#if defined(MacIIArchitecture) || defined(SequentArchitecture)
- XBSDLIB = /**/
- * bootstrapping: want to build the real makedepend
- * only after we've run "make depend" here. That way
- * the program has the right dependencies for clearmake.
- * Save the bootstrap original files so they can be winked in
- * to other views.
- */
-#if HasClearmake
- test -h X11 || $(LN) TOPDIR/include X11
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto TOP_INCLUDES=-I. makedepend
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto depend
- test -d bootstrap || mkdir bootstrap
- $(MV) *.o makedepend bootstrap
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.proto makedepend
- $(RM) -r bootstrap
- $(RM) X11
-#endif /* HasClearmake */
- $(RM) Makefile.proto
-#undef InstallManPage
-#define InstallManPage(file,dest) /* as nothing */
-#if CrossCompiling
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/cpp.ed b/cde/config/makedepend/cpp.ed
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa586f54..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/cpp.ed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# $XConsortium: cpp.ed,v 1.3 89/12/12 12:44:18 jim Exp $
-# $Locker $
-/struct symtab stab/d
-/struct symtab \*defloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*udfloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*incloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*ifloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*elsloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*eifloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*ifdloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*ifnloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*ysysloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*varloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*lneloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*ulnloc;/d
-/struct symtab \*uflloc;/d
-/^sayline(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^unfill(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^doincl(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^equfrm(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^dodef(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^control(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^savestring(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^stsym(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^ppsym(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^yyerror(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^ppwarn(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^lookup(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^subst(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^trmdir(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^copy(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^pperror(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^main(/s/$/ CHANGED to cpp_varsetup(argc,argv)/p
-/^strdex(/s/$/ DELETED/p
-/^ for(i=1; is_value = NULL;
- }
- return (sp);
-pperror(tag, x0,x1,x2,x3,x4)
- int tag,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4;
- warning("\"%s\", line %d: ", currentinc->i_file, currentfile->f_line);
- warning(x0,x1,x2,x3,x4);
- char *s;
- fatalerr("Fatal error: %s\n", s);
-#else /* not CPP */
-#include "ifparser.h"
-struct _parse_data {
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *inc;
- const char *line;
-static const char *
-my_if_errors (ip, cp, expecting)
- IfParser *ip;
- const char *cp;
- const char *expecting;
- struct _parse_data *pd = (struct _parse_data *) ip->data;
- int lineno = pd->filep->f_line;
- char *filename = pd->inc->i_file;
- char prefix[300];
- int prefixlen;
- int i;
- snprintf (prefix, 300, "\"%s\":%d", filename, lineno);
- prefixlen = strlen(prefix);
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s", prefix, pd->line);
- i = cp - pd->line;
- if (i > 0 && pd->line[i-1] != '\n') {
- putc ('\n', stderr);
- }
- for (i += prefixlen + 3; i > 0; i--) {
- putc (' ', stderr);
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "^--- expecting %s\n", expecting);
- return NULL;
-#define MAXNAMELEN 256
-static struct symtab **
-lookup_variable (ip, var, len)
- IfParser *ip;
- const char *var;
- int len;
- char tmpbuf[MAXNAMELEN + 1];
- struct _parse_data *pd = (struct _parse_data *) ip->data;
- if (len > MAXNAMELEN)
- return 0;
- strncpy (tmpbuf, var, len);
- tmpbuf[len] = '\0';
- return isdefined (tmpbuf, pd->inc, NULL);
-static int
-my_eval_defined (ip, var, len)
- IfParser *ip;
- const char *var;
- int len;
- if (lookup_variable (ip, var, len))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-#define isvarfirstletter(ccc) (isalpha(ccc) || (ccc) == '_')
-static long
-my_eval_variable (ip, var, len)
- IfParser *ip;
- const char *var;
- int len;
- long val;
- struct symtab **s;
- s = lookup_variable (ip, var, len);
- if (!s)
- return 0;
- do {
- var = (*s)->s_value;
- if (!isvarfirstletter((int)*var) || !strcmp((*s)->s_name, var))
- break;
- s = lookup_variable (ip, var, strlen(var));
- } while (s);
- var = ParseIfExpression(ip, var, &val);
- if (var && *var) debug(4, ("extraneous: '%s'\n", var));
- return val;
-int cppsetup(line, filep, inc)
- char *line;
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *inc;
- IfParser ip;
- struct _parse_data pd;
- long val = 0;
- pd.filep = filep;
- pd.inc = inc;
- pd.line = line;
- ip.funcs.handle_error = my_if_errors;
- ip.funcs.eval_defined = my_eval_defined;
- ip.funcs.eval_variable = my_eval_variable;
- ip.data = (char *) &pd;
- (void) ParseIfExpression (&ip, line, &val);
- if (val)
- return IF;
- else
- return IFFALSE;
-#endif /* CPP */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 066cda33f..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/def.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: def.h /main/32 1998/03/25 08:17:45 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group.
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#include "Xos.h"
-#include "Xfuncproto.h"
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define MAXDEFINES 512
-#define MAXFILES 1024
-#define MAXDIRS 64
-#define SYMTABINC 10 /* must be > 1 for define() to work right */
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-/* the following must match the directives table in main.c */
-#define IF 0
-#define IFDEF 1
-#define IFNDEF 2
-#define ELSE 3
-#define ENDIF 4
-#define DEFINE 5
-#define UNDEF 6
-#define INCLUDE 7
-#define LINE 8
-#define PRAGMA 9
-#define ERROR 10
-#define IDENT 11
-#define SCCS 12
-#define ELIF 13
-#define EJECT 14
-#define WARNING 15
-#define IFFALSE 16 /* pseudo value --- never matched */
-#define ELIFFALSE 17 /* pseudo value --- never matched */
-#define INCLUDEDOT 18 /* pseudo value --- never matched */
-#define IFGUESSFALSE 19 /* pseudo value --- never matched */
-#define ELIFGUESSFALSE 20 /* pseudo value --- never matched */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-extern int _debugmask;
- * debug levels are:
- *
- * 0 show ifn*(def)*,endif
- * 1 trace defined/!defined
- * 2 show #include
- * 3 show #include SYMBOL
- * 4-6 unused
- */
-#define debug(level,arg) { if (_debugmask & (1 << level)) warning arg; }
-#define debug(level,arg) /**/
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-typedef unsigned char boolean;
-struct symtab {
- char *s_name;
- char *s_value;
-/* possible i_flag */
-#define DEFCHECKED (1<<0) /* whether defines have been checked */
-#define NOTIFIED (1<<1) /* whether we have revealed includes */
-#define MARKED (1<<2) /* whether it's in the makefile */
-#define SEARCHED (1<<3) /* whether we have read this */
-#define FINISHED (1<<4) /* whether we are done reading this */
-#define INCLUDED_SYM (1<<5) /* whether #include SYMBOL was found
- Can't use i_list if TRUE */
-struct inclist {
- char *i_incstring; /* string from #include line */
- char *i_file; /* path name of the include file */
- struct inclist **i_list; /* list of files it itself includes */
- int i_listlen; /* length of i_list */
- struct symtab **i_defs; /* symbol table for this file and its
- children when merged */
- int i_ndefs; /* current # defines */
- boolean *i_merged; /* whether we have merged child
- defines */
- unsigned char i_flags;
-struct filepointer {
- char *f_p;
- char *f_base;
- char *f_end;
- long f_len;
- long f_line;
-#ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-char *malloc();
-char *realloc();
-int match();
-char *copy();
-char *base_name();
-char *our_getline();
-struct symtab **slookup();
-struct symtab **isdefined();
-struct symtab **fdefined();
-struct filepointer *getfile();
-void included_by();
-struct inclist *newinclude();
-void inc_clean();
-struct inclist *inc_path();
-void freefile();
-void define2();
-void define();
-int find_includes();
-void recursive_pr_include();
-void add_include();
-int cppsetup();
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-extern void fatalerr(char *, ...);
-extern void warning(char *, ...);
-extern void warning1(char *, ...);
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.c b/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b06a4fd17..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- * $XConsortium: ifparser.c /main/10 1996/09/28 16:15:18 rws $
- *
- * Copyright 1992 Network Computing Devices, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of Network Computing Devices may not be
- * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
- * without specific, written prior permission. Network Computing Devices makes
- * no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
- * It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Jim Fulton
- * Network Computing Devices, Inc.
- *
- * Simple if statement processor
- *
- * This module can be used to evaluate string representations of C language
- * if constructs. It accepts the following grammar:
- *
- *
- * VALUE := '(' EXPRESSION ')'
- * | '!' VALUE
- * | '-' VALUE
- * | 'defined' '(' variable ')'
- * | 'defined' variable
- * | # variable '(' variable-list ')'
- * | variable
- * | number
- *
- * BINOP := '*' | '/' | '%'
- * | '+' | '-'
- * | '<<' | '>>'
- * | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
- * | '==' | '!='
- * | '&' | '|'
- * | '&&' | '||'
- *
- * The normal C order of precidence is supported.
- *
- *
- * External Entry Points:
- *
- * ParseIfExpression parse a string for #if
- */
-#include "ifparser.h"
- Internal Macros and Utilities for Parser
- ****************************************************************************/
-#define DO(val) if (!(val)) return NULL
-#define CALLFUNC(ggg,fff) (*((ggg)->funcs.fff))
-#define SKIPSPACE(ccc) while (isspace((int)*ccc)) ccc++
-#define isvarfirstletter(ccc) (isalpha((int)ccc) || (ccc) == '_')
-static const char *
-parse_variable (g, cp, varp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- const char **varp;
- if (!isvarfirstletter (*cp))
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "variable name");
- *varp = cp;
- /* EMPTY */
- for (cp++; isalnum((int)*cp) || *cp == '_'; cp++) ;
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_number (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long base = 10;
- if (!isdigit((int)*cp))
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "number");
- *valp = 0;
- if (*cp == '0') {
- cp++;
- if ((*cp == 'x') || (*cp == 'X')) {
- base = 16;
- cp++;
- } else {
- base = 8;
- }
- }
- /* Ignore overflows and assume ASCII, what source is usually written in */
- while (1) {
- int increment = -1;
- if (base == 8) {
- if ((*cp >= '0') && (*cp <= '7'))
- increment = *cp++ - '0';
- } else if (base == 16) {
- if ((*cp >= '0') && (*cp <= '9'))
- increment = *cp++ - '0';
- else if ((*cp >= 'A') && (*cp <= 'F'))
- increment = *cp++ - ('A' - 10);
- else if ((*cp >= 'a') && (*cp <= 'f'))
- increment = *cp++ - ('a' - 10);
- } else { /* Decimal */
- if ((*cp >= '0') && (*cp <= '9'))
- increment = *cp++ - '0';
- }
- if (increment < 0)
- break;
- *valp = (*valp * base) + increment;
- }
- /* Skip trailing qualifiers */
- while (*cp == 'U' || *cp == 'u' || *cp == 'L' || *cp == 'l') cp++;
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_character (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- char val;
- if (*cp == '\\')
- switch (cp[1]) {
- case 'n': val = '\n'; break;
- case 't': val = '\t'; break;
- case 'v': val = '\v'; break;
- case 'b': val = '\b'; break;
- case 'r': val = '\r'; break;
- case 'f': val = '\f'; break;
- case 'a': val = '\a'; break;
- case '\\': val = '\\'; break;
- case '?': val = '\?'; break;
- case '\'': val = '\''; break;
- case '\"': val = '\"'; break;
- case 'x': val = (char) strtol (cp + 2, NULL, 16); break;
- default: val = (char) strtol (cp + 1, NULL, 8); break;
- }
- else
- val = *cp;
- while (*cp != '\'') cp++;
- *valp = (long) val;
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_value (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- const char *var, *varend;
- *valp = 0;
- if (!*cp)
- return cp;
- switch (*cp) {
- case '(':
- DO (cp = ParseIfExpression (g, cp + 1, valp));
- if (*cp != ')')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, ")");
- return cp + 1; /* skip the right paren */
- case '!':
- DO (cp = parse_value (g, cp + 1, valp));
- *valp = !(*valp);
- return cp;
- case '-':
- DO (cp = parse_value (g, cp + 1, valp));
- *valp = -(*valp);
- return cp;
- case '+':
- DO (cp = parse_value (g, cp + 1, valp));
- *valp = +(*valp);
- return cp;
- case '~':
- DO (cp = parse_value (g, cp + 1, valp));
- *valp = ~(*valp);
- return cp;
- case '#':
- DO (cp = parse_variable (g, cp + 1, &var));
- if (*cp != '(')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "(");
- do {
- DO (cp = parse_variable (g, cp + 1, &var));
- } while (*cp && *cp != ')');
- if (*cp != ')')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, ")");
- *valp = 1; /* XXX */
- return cp + 1;
- case '\'':
- DO (cp = parse_character (g, cp + 1, valp));
- if (*cp != '\'')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "'");
- return cp + 1;
- case 'd':
- if (strncmp (cp, "defined", 7) == 0 && !isalnum((int)cp[7])) {
- int paren = 0;
- int len;
- cp += 7;
- if (*cp == '(') {
- paren = 1;
- cp++;
- }
- DO (cp = parse_variable (g, cp, &var));
- len = cp - var;
- if (paren && *cp != ')')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, ")");
- *valp = (*(g->funcs.eval_defined)) (g, var, len);
- return cp + paren; /* skip the right paren */
- }
- /* fall out */
- }
- if (isdigit((int)*cp)) {
- DO (cp = parse_number (g, cp, valp));
- } else if (!isvarfirstletter(*cp))
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "variable or number");
- else {
- DO (cp = parse_variable (g, cp, &var));
- varend = cp;
- if (*cp != '(') {
- *valp = (*(g->funcs.eval_variable)) (g, var, varend - var);
- } else {
- do {
- long dummy;
- DO (cp = ParseIfExpression (g, cp + 1, &dummy));
- if (*cp == ')')
- break;
- if (*cp != ',')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, ",");
- } while (1);
- *valp = 1; /* XXX */
- cp++;
- }
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_product (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_value (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '*':
- DO (cp = parse_product (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp * rightval);
- break;
- case '/':
- DO (cp = parse_product (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- if (rightval)
- *valp = (*valp / rightval);
- else
- *valp = LONG_MAX;
- break;
- case '%':
- DO (cp = parse_product (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp % rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_sum (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_product (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '+':
- DO (cp = parse_sum (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp + rightval);
- break;
- case '-':
- DO (cp = parse_sum (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp - rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_shift (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_sum (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '<':
- if (cp[1] == '<') {
- DO (cp = parse_shift (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp << rightval);
- }
- break;
- case '>':
- if (cp[1] == '>') {
- DO (cp = parse_shift (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp >> rightval);
- }
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_inequality (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_shift (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '<':
- if (cp[1] == '=') {
- DO (cp = parse_inequality (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp <= rightval);
- } else {
- DO (cp = parse_inequality (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp < rightval);
- }
- break;
- case '>':
- if (cp[1] == '=') {
- DO (cp = parse_inequality (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp >= rightval);
- } else {
- DO (cp = parse_inequality (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp > rightval);
- }
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_equality (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_inequality (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '=':
- if (cp[1] == '=')
- cp++;
- DO (cp = parse_equality (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp == rightval);
- break;
- case '!':
- if (cp[1] != '=')
- break;
- DO (cp = parse_equality (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp != rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_band (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_equality (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '&':
- if (cp[1] != '&') {
- DO (cp = parse_band (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp & rightval);
- }
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_bxor (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_band (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '^':
- DO (cp = parse_bxor (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp ^ rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_bor (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_bxor (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '|':
- if (cp[1] != '|') {
- DO (cp = parse_bor (g, cp + 1, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp | rightval);
- }
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_land (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_bor (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '&':
- if (cp[1] != '&')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "&&");
- DO (cp = parse_land (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp && rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
-static const char *
-parse_lor (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- long rightval;
- DO (cp = parse_land (g, cp, valp));
- switch (*cp) {
- case '|':
- if (cp[1] != '|')
- return CALLFUNC(g, handle_error) (g, cp, "||");
- DO (cp = parse_lor (g, cp + 2, &rightval));
- *valp = (*valp || rightval);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
- External Entry Points
- ****************************************************************************/
-const char *
-ParseIfExpression (g, cp, valp)
- IfParser *g;
- const char *cp;
- long *valp;
- return parse_lor (g, cp, valp);
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.h b/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index afacf929a..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/ifparser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- * $XConsortium: ifparser.h /main/4 1996/09/28 16:15:24 rws $
- *
- * Copyright 1992 Network Computing Devices, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of Network Computing Devices may not be
- * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
- * without specific, written prior permission. Network Computing Devices makes
- * no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
- * It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Author: Jim Fulton
- * Network Computing Devices, Inc.
- *
- * Simple if statement processor
- *
- * This module can be used to evaluate string representations of C language
- * if constructs. It accepts the following grammar:
- *
- *
- * VALUE := '(' EXPRESSION ')'
- * | '!' VALUE
- * | '-' VALUE
- * | 'defined' '(' variable ')'
- * | variable
- * | number
- *
- * BINOP := '*' | '/' | '%'
- * | '+' | '-'
- * | '<<' | '>>'
- * | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
- * | '==' | '!='
- * | '&' | '|'
- * | '&&' | '||'
- *
- * The normal C order of precidence is supported.
- *
- *
- * External Entry Points:
- *
- * ParseIfExpression parse a string for #if
- */
-#define const /**/
-typedef int Bool;
-#define False 0
-#define True 1
-typedef struct _if_parser {
- struct { /* functions */
- char *(*handle_error) (/* struct _if_parser *, const char *,
- const char * */);
- long (*eval_variable) (/* struct _if_parser *, const char *, int */);
- int (*eval_defined) (/* struct _if_parser *, const char *, int */);
- } funcs;
- char *data;
-} IfParser;
-char *ParseIfExpression (
-#ifdef __STDC__
- IfParser *,
- const char *,
- long *
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/include.c b/cde/config/makedepend/include.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e8b9add..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/include.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: include.c /main/21 1998/02/06 11:10:06 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#include "def.h"
-extern struct inclist inclist[ MAXFILES ],
- *inclistp;
-extern char *includedirs[ ];
-extern char *notdotdot[ ];
-extern boolean show_where_not;
-extern boolean warn_multiple;
- char *p;
- if(p && *p++ == '.' && *p++ == '\0')
- return(TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
- char *p;
- if(p && *p++ == '.' && *p++ == '.' && *p++ == '\0')
- return(TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
-issymbolic(dir, component)
- char *dir, *component;
-#ifdef S_IFLNK
- struct stat st;
- char buf[ BUFSIZ ], **pp;
- snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s%s", dir, *dir ? "/" : "", component);
- for (pp=notdotdot; *pp; pp++)
- if (strcmp(*pp, buf) == 0)
- return (TRUE);
- if (lstat(buf, &st) == 0
- && (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
- *pp++ = copy(buf);
- if (pp >= ¬dotdot[ MAXDIRS ])
- fatalerr("out of .. dirs, increase MAXDIRS\n");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- * Occasionally, pathnames are created that look like .../x/../y
- * Any of the 'x/..' sequences within the name can be eliminated.
- * (but only if 'x' is not a symbolic link!!)
- */
- char *path;
- char *end, *from, *to, **cp;
- char *components[ MAXFILES ],
- newpath[ BUFSIZ ];
- boolean component_copied;
- /*
- * slice path up into components.
- */
- to = newpath;
- if (*path == '/')
- *to++ = '/';
- *to = '\0';
- cp = components;
- for (from=end=path; *end; end++)
- if (*end == '/') {
- while (*end == '/')
- *end++ = '\0';
- if (*from)
- *cp++ = from;
- from = end;
- }
- *cp++ = from;
- *cp = NULL;
- /*
- * Recursively remove all 'x/..' component pairs.
- */
- cp = components;
- while(*cp) {
- if (!isdot(*cp) && !isdotdot(*cp) && isdotdot(*(cp+1))
- && !issymbolic(newpath, *cp))
- {
- char **fp = cp + 2;
- char **tp = cp;
- do
- *tp++ = *fp; /* move all the pointers down */
- while (*fp++);
- if (cp != components)
- cp--; /* go back and check for nested ".." */
- } else {
- cp++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Concatenate the remaining path elements.
- */
- cp = components;
- component_copied = FALSE;
- while(*cp) {
- if (component_copied)
- *to++ = '/';
- component_copied = TRUE;
- for (from = *cp; *from; )
- *to++ = *from++;
- *to = '\0';
- cp++;
- }
- *to++ = '\0';
- /*
- * copy the reconstituted path back to our pointer.
- */
- strncpy(path, newpath, BUFSIZ);
- * Add an include file to the list of those included by 'file'.
- */
-struct inclist *newinclude(newfile, incstring)
- char *newfile, *incstring;
- struct inclist *ip;
- /*
- * First, put this file on the global list of include files.
- */
- ip = inclistp++;
- if (inclistp == inclist + MAXFILES - 1)
- fatalerr("out of space: increase MAXFILES\n");
- ip->i_file = copy(newfile);
- if (incstring == NULL)
- ip->i_incstring = ip->i_file;
- else
- ip->i_incstring = copy(incstring);
- return(ip);
-included_by(ip, newfile)
- struct inclist *ip, *newfile;
- int i;
- if (ip == NULL)
- return;
- /*
- * Put this include file (newfile) on the list of files included
- * by 'file'. If 'file' is NULL, then it is not an include
- * file itself (i.e. was probably mentioned on the command line).
- * If it is already on the list, don't stick it on again.
- */
- if (ip->i_list == NULL) {
- ip->i_list = (struct inclist **)
- malloc(sizeof(struct inclist *) * ++ip->i_listlen);
- ip->i_merged = (boolean *)
- malloc(sizeof(boolean) * ip->i_listlen);
- } else {
- for (i=0; ii_listlen; i++)
- if (ip->i_list[ i ] == newfile) {
- i = strlen(newfile->i_file);
- if (!(ip->i_flags & INCLUDED_SYM) &&
- !(i > 2 &&
- newfile->i_file[i-1] == 'c' &&
- newfile->i_file[i-2] == '.'))
- {
- /* only bitch if ip has */
- /* no #include SYMBOL lines */
- /* and is not a .c file */
- if (warn_multiple)
- {
- warning("%s includes %s more than once!\n",
- ip->i_file, newfile->i_file);
- warning1("Already have\n");
- for (i=0; ii_listlen; i++)
- warning1("\t%s\n", ip->i_list[i]->i_file);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- ip->i_list = (struct inclist **) realloc(ip->i_list,
- sizeof(struct inclist *) * ++ip->i_listlen);
- ip->i_merged = (boolean *)
- realloc(ip->i_merged, sizeof(boolean) * ip->i_listlen);
- }
- ip->i_list[ ip->i_listlen-1 ] = newfile;
- ip->i_merged[ ip->i_listlen-1 ] = FALSE;
-inc_clean ()
- struct inclist *ip;
- for (ip = inclist; ip < inclistp; ip++) {
- ip->i_flags &= ~MARKED;
- }
-struct inclist *inc_path(file, include, dot)
- char *file,
- *include;
- boolean dot;
- static char path[ BUFSIZ ];
- char **pp, *p;
- struct inclist *ip;
- struct stat st;
- boolean found = FALSE;
- /*
- * Check all previously found include files for a path that
- * has already been expanded.
- */
- for (ip = inclist; ip->i_file; ip++)
- if ((strcmp(ip->i_incstring, include) == 0) &&
- !(ip->i_flags & INCLUDED_SYM))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the path was surrounded by "" or is an absolute path,
- * then check the exact path provided.
- */
- if (!found && (dot || *include == '/')) {
- if (stat(include, &st) == 0) {
- ip = newinclude(include, include);
- found = TRUE;
- }
- else if (show_where_not)
- warning1("\tnot in %s\n", include);
- }
- /*
- * If the path was surrounded by "" see if this include file is in the
- * directory of the file being parsed.
- */
- if (!found && dot) {
- for (p=file+strlen(file); p>file; p--)
- if (*p == '/')
- break;
- if (p == file)
- strncpy(path, include, BUFSIZ);
- else {
- strncpy(path, file, (p-file) + 1);
- path[ (p-file) + 1 ] = '\0';
- strncpy(path + (p-file) + 1, include,
- BUFSIZ - (p-file) - 1);
- }
- remove_dotdot(path);
- if (stat(path, &st) == 0) {
- ip = newinclude(path, include);
- found = TRUE;
- }
- else if (show_where_not)
- warning1("\tnot in %s\n", path);
- }
- /*
- * Check the include directories specified. (standard include dir
- * should be at the end.)
- */
- if (!found)
- for (pp = includedirs; *pp; pp++) {
- snprintf(path, BUFSIZ, "%s/%s", *pp, include);
- remove_dotdot(path);
- if (stat(path, &st) == 0) {
- ip = newinclude(path, include);
- found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- else if (show_where_not)
- warning1("\tnot in %s\n", path);
- }
- if (!found)
- ip = NULL;
- return(ip);
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/main.c b/cde/config/makedepend/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4d462d1..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: main.c /main/86 1998/03/25 08:17:50 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#include "def.h"
-#ifdef hpux
-#define sigvec sigvector
-#endif /* hpux */
-#if defined(X_NOT_POSIX) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-#ifdef DEBUG
-int _debugmask;
-char *ProgramName;
-char *directives[] = {
- "if",
- "ifdef",
- "ifndef",
- "else",
- "endif",
- "define",
- "undef",
- "include",
- "line",
- "pragma",
- "error",
- "ident",
- "sccs",
- "elif",
- "eject",
- "warning",
-#include "imakemdep.h" /* from config sources */
-struct inclist inclist[ MAXFILES ],
- *inclistp = inclist,
- maininclist;
-char *filelist[ MAXFILES ];
-char *includedirs[ MAXDIRS + 1 ];
-char *notdotdot[ MAXDIRS ];
-char *objprefix = "";
-char *objsuffix = OBJSUFFIX;
-char *startat = "# DO NOT DELETE";
-int width = 78;
-boolean append = FALSE;
-boolean printed = FALSE;
-boolean verbose = FALSE;
-boolean show_where_not = FALSE;
-boolean warn_multiple = FALSE; /* Warn on multiple includes of same file */
-void freefile();
-void redirect();
-#if !NeedVarargsPrototypes
-void fatalerr();
-void warning();
-void warning1();
-catch (sig)
- int sig;
- fflush (stdout);
- fatalerr ("got signal %d\n", sig);
-#if defined(USG) || (defined(i386) && defined(SYSV))
-#define USGISH
-#ifndef USGISH
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define sigaction sigvec
-#define sa_handler sv_handler
-#define sa_mask sv_mask
-#define sa_flags sv_flags
-struct sigaction sig_act;
-#endif /* USGISH */
-int main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- char **fp = filelist;
- char **incp = includedirs;
- char *p;
- struct inclist *ip;
- char *makefile = NULL;
- struct filepointer *filecontent;
- struct symtab *psymp = predefs;
- char *endmarker = NULL;
- char *defincdir = NULL;
- ProgramName = argv[0];
- while (psymp->s_name)
- {
- define2(psymp->s_name, psymp->s_value, &maininclist);
- psymp++;
- }
- if (argc == 2 && argv[1][0] == '@') {
- struct stat ast;
- int afd;
- char *args;
- char **nargv;
- int nargc;
- char quotechar = '\0';
- nargc = 1;
- if ((afd = open(argv[1]+1, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
- fatalerr("cannot open \"%s\"\n", argv[1]+1);
- fstat(afd, &ast);
- args = (char *)malloc(ast.st_size + 1);
- if ((ast.st_size = read(afd, args, ast.st_size)) < 0)
- fatalerr("failed to read %s\n", argv[1]+1);
- args[ast.st_size] = '\0';
- close(afd);
- for (p = args; *p; p++) {
- if (quotechar) {
- if (quotechar == '\\' ||
- (*p == quotechar && p[-1] != '\\'))
- quotechar = '\0';
- continue;
- }
- switch (*p) {
- case '\\':
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- quotechar = *p;
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\n':
- *p = '\0';
- if (p > args && p[-1])
- nargc++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (p[-1])
- nargc++;
- nargv = (char **)malloc(nargc * sizeof(char *));
- nargv[0] = argv[0];
- argc = 1;
- for (p = args; argc < nargc; p += strlen(p) + 1)
- if (*p) nargv[argc++] = p;
- argv = nargv;
- }
- for(argc--, argv++; argc; argc--, argv++) {
- /* if looking for endmarker then check before parsing */
- if (endmarker && strcmp (endmarker, *argv) == 0) {
- endmarker = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- if (**argv != '-') {
- /* treat +thing as an option for C++ */
- if (endmarker && **argv == '+')
- continue;
- *fp++ = argv[0];
- continue;
- }
- switch(argv[0][1]) {
- case '-':
- endmarker = &argv[0][2];
- if (endmarker[0] == '\0') endmarker = "--";
- break;
- case 'D':
- if (argv[0][2] == '\0') {
- argv++;
- argc--;
- }
- for (p=argv[0] + 2; *p ; p++)
- if (*p == '=') {
- *p = ' ';
- break;
- }
- define(argv[0] + 2, &maininclist);
- break;
- case 'I':
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = argv[0]+2;
- if (**(incp-1) == '\0') {
- *(incp-1) = *(++argv);
- argc--;
- }
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (strncmp(argv[0]+2, "system", 6) == 0) {
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = argv[0]+8;
- if (**(incp-1) == '\0') {
- *(incp-1) = *(++argv);
- argc--;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'Y':
- defincdir = argv[0]+2;
- break;
- /* do not use if endmarker processing */
- case 'a':
- if (endmarker) break;
- append = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'w':
- if (endmarker) break;
- if (argv[0][2] == '\0') {
- argv++;
- argc--;
- width = atoi(argv[0]);
- } else
- width = atoi(argv[0]+2);
- break;
- case 'o':
- if (endmarker) break;
- if (argv[0][2] == '\0') {
- argv++;
- argc--;
- objsuffix = argv[0];
- } else
- objsuffix = argv[0]+2;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (endmarker) break;
- if (argv[0][2] == '\0') {
- argv++;
- argc--;
- objprefix = argv[0];
- } else
- objprefix = argv[0]+2;
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (endmarker) break;
- verbose = TRUE;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (argv[0][2])
- _debugmask = atoi(argv[0]+2);
- break;
- case 's':
- if (endmarker) break;
- startat = argv[0]+2;
- if (*startat == '\0') {
- startat = *(++argv);
- argc--;
- }
- if (*startat != '#')
- fatalerr("-s flag's value should start %s\n",
- "with '#'.");
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (endmarker) break;
- makefile = argv[0]+2;
- if (*makefile == '\0') {
- makefile = *(++argv);
- argc--;
- }
- break;
- case 'm':
- warn_multiple = TRUE;
- break;
- /* Ignore -O, -g so we can just pass ${CFLAGS} to
- makedepend
- */
- case 'O':
- case 'g':
- break;
- default:
- if (endmarker) break;
- /* fatalerr("unknown opt = %s\n", argv[0]); */
- warning("ignoring option %s\n", argv[0]);
- }
- }
- if (!defincdir) {
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = PREINCDIR;
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = INCLUDEDIR;
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = POSTINCDIR;
- } else if (*defincdir) {
- if (incp >= includedirs + MAXDIRS)
- fatalerr("Too many -I flags.\n");
- *incp++ = defincdir;
- }
- redirect(startat, makefile);
- /*
- * catch signals.
- */
-#ifdef USGISH
-/* should really reset SIGINT to SIG_IGN if it was. */
-#ifdef SIGHUP
- signal (SIGHUP, catch);
- signal (SIGINT, catch);
-#ifdef SIGQUIT
- signal (SIGQUIT, catch);
- signal (SIGILL, catch);
-#ifdef SIGBUS
- signal (SIGBUS, catch);
- signal (SIGSEGV, catch);
-#ifdef SIGSYS
- signal (SIGSYS, catch);
- sig_act.sa_handler = catch;
- sigemptyset(&sig_act.sa_mask);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGINT);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGQUIT);
-#ifdef SIGBUS
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGBUS);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGILL);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGSEGV);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGHUP);
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGPIPE);
-#ifdef SIGSYS
- sigaddset(&sig_act.sa_mask, SIGSYS);
- sig_act.sa_mask = ((1<<(SIGINT -1))
- |(1<<(SIGQUIT-1))
-#ifdef SIGBUS
- |(1<<(SIGBUS-1))
- |(1<<(SIGILL-1))
- |(1<<(SIGSEGV-1))
- |(1<<(SIGHUP-1))
- |(1<<(SIGPIPE-1))
-#ifdef SIGSYS
- |(1<<(SIGSYS-1))
- );
-#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
- sig_act.sa_flags = 0;
- sigaction(SIGHUP, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
- sigaction(SIGINT, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
- sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
- sigaction(SIGILL, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
-#ifdef SIGBUS
- sigaction(SIGBUS, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
- sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
-#ifdef SIGSYS
- sigaction(SIGSYS, &sig_act, (struct sigaction *)0);
-#endif /* USGISH */
- /*
- * now peruse through the list of files.
- */
- for(fp=filelist; *fp; fp++) {
- filecontent = getfile(*fp);
- ip = newinclude(*fp, (char *)NULL);
- find_includes(filecontent, ip, ip, 0, FALSE);
- freefile(filecontent);
- recursive_pr_include(ip, ip->i_file, base_name(*fp));
- inc_clean();
- }
- if (printed)
- printf("\n");
- exit(0);
-struct filepointer *getfile(file)
- char *file;
- int fd;
- struct filepointer *content;
- struct stat st;
- content = (struct filepointer *)malloc(sizeof(struct filepointer));
- if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
- warning("cannot open \"%s\"\n", file);
- content->f_p = content->f_base = content->f_end = (char *)malloc(1);
- *content->f_p = '\0';
- return(content);
- }
- fstat(fd, &st);
- content->f_base = (char *)malloc(st.st_size+1);
- if (content->f_base == NULL)
- fatalerr("cannot allocate mem\n");
- if ((st.st_size = read(fd, content->f_base, st.st_size)) < 0)
- fatalerr("failed to read %s\n", file);
- close(fd);
- content->f_len = st.st_size+1;
- content->f_p = content->f_base;
- content->f_end = content->f_base + st.st_size;
- *content->f_end = '\0';
- content->f_line = 0;
- return(content);
- struct filepointer *fp;
- free(fp->f_base);
- free(fp);
-char *copy(str)
- char *str;
- char *p = (char *)malloc(strlen(str) + 1);
- strncpy(p, str, strlen(str) + 1);
- return(p);
-int match(str, list)
- char *str, **list;
- int i;
- for (i=0; *list; i++, list++)
- if (strcmp(str, *list) == 0)
- return(i);
- return(-1);
- * Get the next line. We only return lines beginning with '#' since that
- * is all this program is ever interested in.
- */
-char *our_getline(filep)
- struct filepointer *filep;
- char *p, /* walking pointer */
- *eof, /* end of file pointer */
- *bol; /* beginning of line pointer */
- int lineno; /* line number */
- p = filep->f_p;
- eof = filep->f_end;
- if (p >= eof)
- return((char *)NULL);
- lineno = filep->f_line;
- for(bol = p--; ++p < eof; ) {
- if (*p == '/' && (p+1) < eof && *(p+1) == '*') {
- /* consume C comments */
- *p++ = ' ', *p++ = ' ';
- while (*p) {
- if (*p == '*' && *(p+1) == '/') {
- *p++ = ' ', *p = ' ';
- break;
- }
- else if (*p == '\n')
- lineno++;
- *p++ = ' ';
- }
- continue;
- }
- else if (*p == '/' && (p+1) < eof && *(p+1) == '/') {
- /* consume C++ comments */
- *p++ = ' ';
- *p++ = ' ';
- while (p < eof && *p) {
- if (*p == '\\' && (p+1) < eof &&
- *(p+1) == '\n') {
- *(p++) = ' ';
- lineno++;
- }
- else if (*p == '?' && (p+3) < eof &&
- *(p+1) == '?' &&
- *(p+2) == '/' &&
- *(p+3) == '\n') {
- *(p++) = ' ';
- *(p++) = ' ';
- *(p++) = ' ';
- lineno++;
- }
- else if (*p == '\n')
- break; /* to process end of line */
- *(p++) = ' ';
- }
- --p;
- }
- else if (*p == '\\') {
- if (*(p+1) == '\n') {
- *p = ' ';
- *(p+1) = ' ';
- lineno++;
- }
- }
- else if (*p == '\n') {
- lineno++;
- if (*bol == '#') {
- char *cp;
- *p++ = '\0';
- /* punt lines with just # (yacc generated) */
- for (cp = bol+1;
- *cp && (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t'); cp++);
- if (*cp) goto done;
- }
- bol = p+1;
- }
- }
- if (*bol != '#')
- bol = NULL;
- filep->f_p = p;
- filep->f_line = lineno;
- return(bol);
- * Strip the file name down to what we want to see in the Makefile.
- * It will have objprefix and objsuffix around it.
- */
-char *base_name(file)
- char *file;
- char *p;
- file = copy(file);
- for(p=file+strlen(file); p>file && *p != '.'; p--) ;
- if (*p == '.')
- *p = '\0';
- return(file);
-#if defined(USG) && !defined(CRAY) && !defined(SVR4)
-int rename (from, to)
- char *from, *to;
- (void) unlink (to);
- if (link (from, to) == 0) {
- unlink (from);
- return 0;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
-#endif /* USGISH */
-redirect(line, makefile)
- char *line,
- *makefile;
- struct stat st;
- FILE *fdin, *fdout;
- char backup[ BUFSIZ ],
- buf[ BUFSIZ ];
- boolean found = FALSE;
- int len;
- /*
- * if makefile is "-" then let it pour onto stdout.
- */
- if (makefile && *makefile == '-' && *(makefile+1) == '\0') {
- puts(line);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * use a default makefile is not specified.
- */
- if (!makefile) {
- if (stat("Makefile", &st) == 0)
- makefile = "Makefile";
- else if (stat("makefile", &st) == 0)
- makefile = "makefile";
- else
- fatalerr("[mM]akefile is not present\n");
- }
- else
- stat(makefile, &st);
- if ((fdin = fopen(makefile, "r")) == NULL)
- fatalerr("cannot open \"%s\"\n", makefile);
- snprintf(backup, BUFSIZ, "%s.bak", makefile);
- unlink(backup);
- if (rename(makefile, backup) < 0)
- fatalerr("cannot rename %s to %s\n", makefile, backup);
- if ((fdout = freopen(makefile, "w", stdout)) == NULL)
- fatalerr("cannot open \"%s\"\n", backup);
- len = strlen(line);
- while (!found && fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fdin)) {
- if (*buf == '#' && strncmp(line, buf, len) == 0)
- found = TRUE;
- fputs(buf, fdout);
- }
- if (!found) {
- if (verbose)
- warning("Adding new delimiting line \"%s\" and dependencies...\n",
- line);
- puts(line); /* same as fputs(fdout); but with newline */
- } else if (append) {
- while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fdin)) {
- fputs(buf, fdout);
- }
- }
- fflush(fdout);
-#if defined(USGISH) || defined(_SEQUENT_)
- chmod(makefile, st.st_mode);
- fchmod(fileno(fdout), st.st_mode);
-#endif /* USGISH */
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-fatalerr(char *msg, ...)
- char *msg;
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_list args;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: ", ProgramName);
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_start(args, msg);
- vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(stderr, msg,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9);
- exit (1);
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-warning(char *msg, ...)
- char *msg;
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_list args;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: ", ProgramName);
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_start(args, msg);
- vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(stderr, msg,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9);
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-warning1(char *msg, ...)
- char *msg;
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, msg);
- vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(stderr, msg,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9);
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/mkdepend.man b/cde/config/makedepend/mkdepend.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 689f2ff7e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/mkdepend.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: mkdepend.man /main/20 1998/02/06 11:10:18 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-.\" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not
-.\" be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
-.\" dealing in this Software without prior written authorization from The
-.\" Open Group.
-.TH MAKEDEPEND 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-.UC 4
-makedepend \- create dependencies in makefiles
-.B makedepend
-.BI \-D name\fB=\fPdef
-] [
-.BI \-D name
-] [
-.BI \-I includedir
-] [
-.BI \-Y includedir
-] [
-.B \-a
-] [
-.BI \-f makefile
-] [
-.BI \-o objsuffix
-] [
-.BI \-p objprefix
-] [
-.BI \-s string
-] [
-.BI \-w width
-] [
-.B \-v
-] [
-.B \-m
-] [
-.I otheroptions
-.I sourcefile
-.B makedepend
-program reads each
-.I sourcefile
-in sequence and parses it like a C-preprocessor,
-processing all
-.I #include,
-.I #define,
-.I #undef,
-.I #ifdef,
-.I #ifndef,
-.I #endif,
-.I #if,
-.I #elif
-.I #else
-directives so that it can correctly tell which
-.I #include,
-directives would be used in a compilation.
-.I #include,
-directives can reference files having other
-.I #include
-directives, and parsing will occur in these files as well.
-Every file that a
-.I sourcefile
-directly or indirectly,
-is what
-.B makedepend
-calls a \fIdependency.\fP
-These dependencies are then written to a
-.I makefile
-in such a way that
-.B make(1)
-will know which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed.
-By default,
-.B makedepend
-places its output in the file named
-.I makefile
-if it exists, otherwise
-.I Makefile.
-An alternate makefile may be specified with the
-.B \-f
-It first searches the makefile for
-the line
- # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE \-\^\- make depend depends on it.
-or one provided with the
-.B \-s
-as a delimiter for the dependency output.
-If it finds it, it will delete everything
-following this to the end of the makefile
-and put the output after this line.
-If it doesn't find it, the program
-will append the string to the end of the makefile
-and place the output following that.
-For each
-.I sourcefile
-appearing on the command line,
-.B makedepend
-puts lines in the makefile of the form
- sourcefile.o:\0dfile .\|.\|.
-Where \fIsourcefile.o\fP is the name from the command
-line with its suffix replaced with ``.o'',
-and \fIdfile\fP is a dependency discovered in a
-.I #include
-directive while parsing
-.I sourcefile
-or one of the files it included.
-.B makedepend
-will be used in a makefile target so that typing ``make depend'' will
-bring the dependencies up to date for the makefile.
-For example,
- SRCS\0=\0file1.c\0file2.c\0.\|.\|.
- CFLAGS\0=\0\-O\0\-DHACK\0\-I\^.\^.\^/foobar\0\-xyz
- depend:
- makedepend\0\-\^\-\0$(CFLAGS)\0\-\^\-\0$(SRCS)
-The program
-will ignore any option that it does not understand so that you may use
-the same arguments that you would for
-.B cc(1).
-.TP 5
-.B \-D\fIname\fP=\fIdef\fP \fRor\fP \-D\fIname\fP
-This places a definition for
-.I name
-.B makedepend's
-symbol table.
-.I =def\|
-the symbol becomes defined as ``1''.
-.TP 5
-.B \-I\fIincludedir\fP
-Include directory.
-This option tells
-.B makedepend
-to prepend
-.I includedir
-to its list of directories to search when it encounters
-.I #include
-By default,
-.B makedepend
-only searches the standard include directories (usually /usr/include
-and possibly a compiler-dependent directory).
-.TP 5
-.B \-Y\fIincludedir\fP
-Replace all of the standard include directories with the single specified
-include directory; you can omit the
-.I includedir
-to simply prevent searching the standard include directories.
-.TP 5
-.B \-a
-Append the dependencies to the end of the file instead of replacing them.
-.TP 5
-.B \-f\fImakefile\fP
-This allows you to specify an alternate makefile in which
-.B makedepend
-can place its output.
-Specifying ``\-'' as the file name (i.e., \fB\-f\-\fP) sends the
-output to standard output instead of modifying an existing file.
-.TP 5
-.B \-o\fIobjsuffix\fP
-Object file suffix.
-Some systems may have object files whose suffix is something other
-than ``.o''.
-This option allows you to specify another suffix, such as
-``.b'' with
-.I \-o.b
-or ``:obj''
-.I \-o:obj
-and so forth.
-.TP 5
-.B \-p\fIobjprefix\fP
-Object file prefix.
-The prefix is prepended to the name of the object file. This is
-usually used to designate a different directory for the object file.
-The default is the empty string.
-.TP 5
-.B \-s\fIstring\fP
-Starting string delimiter.
-This option permits you to specify
-a different string for
-.B makedepend
-to look for in the makefile.
-.TP 5
-.B \-w\fIwidth\fP
-Line width.
-.B makedepend
-will ensure that every output line that it writes will be no wider than
-78 characters for the sake of readability.
-This option enables you to change this width.
-.TP 5
-.B \-v
-Verbose operation.
-This option causes
-.B makedepend
-to emit the list of files included by each input file on standard output.
-.TP 5
-.B \-m
-Warn about multiple inclusion.
-This option causes
-.B makedepend
-to produce a warning if any input file includes another file more than
-once. In previous versions of
-.B makedepend
-this was the default behavior; the default has been changed to better
-match the behavior of the C compiler, which does not consider multiple
-inclusion to be an error. This option is provided for backward
-compatibility, and to aid in debugging problems related to multiple
-.TP 5
-.B "\-\^\- \fIoptions\fP \-\^\-"
-.B makedepend
-encounters a double hyphen (\-\^\-) in the argument list,
-then any unrecognized argument following it
-will be silently ignored; a second double hyphen terminates this
-special treatment.
-In this way,
-.B makedepend
-can be made to safely ignore esoteric compiler arguments that might
-normally be found in a CFLAGS
-.B make
-macro (see the
-section above).
-All options that
-.B makedepend
-recognizes and appear between the pair of double hyphens
-are processed normally.
-The approach used in this program enables it to run an order of magnitude
-faster than any other ``dependency generator'' I have ever seen.
-Central to this performance are two assumptions:
-that all files compiled by a single
-makefile will be compiled with roughly the same
-.I \-I
-.I \-D
-and that most files in a single directory will include largely the
-same files.
-Given these assumptions,
-.B makedepend
-expects to be called once for each makefile, with
-all source files that are maintained by the
-makefile appearing on the command line.
-It parses each source and include
-file exactly once, maintaining an internal symbol table
-for each.
-Thus, the first file on the command line will take an amount of time
-proportional to the amount of time that a normal C preprocessor takes.
-But on subsequent files, if it encounters an include file
-that it has already parsed, it does not parse it again.
-For example,
-imagine you are compiling two files,
-.I file1.c
-.I file2.c,
-they each include the header file
-.I header.h,
-and the file
-.I header.h
-in turn includes the files
-.I def1.h
-.I def2.h.
-When you run the command
- makedepend\0file1.c\0file2.c
-.B makedepend
-will parse
-.I file1.c
-and consequently,
-.I header.h
-and then
-.I def1.h
-.I def2.h.
-It then decides that the dependencies for this file are
- file1.o:\0header.h\0def1.h\0def2.h
-But when the program parses
-.I file2.c
-and discovers that it, too, includes
-.I header.h,
-it does not parse the file,
-but simply adds
-.I header.h,
-.I def1.h
-.I def2.h
-to the list of dependencies for
-.I file2.o.
-cc(1), make(1)
-.B makedepend
-parses, but does not currently evaluate, the SVR4
-#predicate(token-list) preprocessor expression;
-such expressions are simply assumed to be true.
-This may cause the wrong
-.I #include
-directives to be evaluated.
-Imagine you are parsing two files,
-.I file1.c
-.I file2.c,
-each includes the file
-.I def.h.
-The list of files that
-.I def.h
-includes might truly be different when
-.I def.h
-is included by
-.I file1.c
-than when it is included by
-.I file2.c.
-But once
-.B makedepend
-arrives at a list of dependencies for a file,
-it is cast in concrete.
-Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix, Inc. and MIT Project Athena
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/parse.c b/cde/config/makedepend/parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d9a13f4f..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: parse.c /main/35 1998/03/25 08:17:55 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#include "def.h"
-static int deftype();
-static int zero_value();
-static int merge2defines();
-extern char *directives[];
-extern struct inclist maininclist;
-gobble(filep, file, file_red)
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *file, *file_red;
- char *line;
- int type;
- while ((line = our_getline(filep))) {
- switch(type = deftype(line, filep, file_red, file, FALSE)) {
- case IF:
- case IFFALSE:
- case IFDEF:
- case IFNDEF:
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- while ((type == ELIF) || (type == ELIFFALSE) ||
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- if (type == ELSE)
- (void)gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- break;
- case ELSE:
- case ENDIF:
- debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s\n",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line,
- directives[type]));
- return(type);
- case DEFINE:
- case UNDEF:
- case INCLUDE:
- case PRAGMA:
- case ERROR:
- case IDENT:
- case SCCS:
- case EJECT:
- case WARNING:
- break;
- case ELIF:
- return(type);
- case -1:
- warning("%s, line %d: unknown directive == \"%s\"\n",
- file_red->i_file, filep->f_line, line);
- break;
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- * Decide what type of # directive this line is.
- */
-int deftype (line, filep, file_red, file, parse_it)
- char *line;
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *file_red, *file;
- int parse_it;
- char *p;
- char *directive, savechar, *q;
- int ret;
- /*
- * Parse the directive...
- */
- directive=line+1;
- while (*directive == ' ' || *directive == '\t')
- directive++;
- p = directive;
- while (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z')
- p++;
- savechar = *p;
- *p = '\0';
- ret = match(directive, directives);
- *p = savechar;
- /* If we don't recognize this compiler directive or we happen to just
- * be gobbling up text while waiting for an #endif or #elif or #else
- * in the case of an #elif we must check the zero_value and return an
- */
- if (ret == ELIF && !parse_it)
- {
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- /*
- * parse an expression.
- */
- debug(0,("%s, line %d: #elif %s ",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line, p));
- ret = zero_value(p, filep, file_red);
- if (ret != IF)
- {
- debug(0,("false...\n"));
- if (ret == IFFALSE)
- return(ELIFFALSE);
- else
- }
- else
- {
- debug(0,("true...\n"));
- return(ELIF);
- }
- }
- if (ret < 0 || ! parse_it)
- return(ret);
- /*
- * now decide how to parse the directive, and do it.
- */
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- q = p + strlen(p);
- do {
- q--;
- } while (*q == ' ' || *q == '\t');
- q[1] = '\0';
- switch (ret) {
- case IF:
- /*
- * parse an expression.
- */
- ret = zero_value(p, filep, file_red);
- debug(0,("%s, line %d: %s #if %s\n",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line, ret?"false":"true", p));
- break;
- case IFDEF:
- case IFNDEF:
- debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s %s\n",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line, directives[ret], p));
- case UNDEF:
- /*
- * separate the name of a single symbol.
- */
- while (isalnum((int)*p) || *p == '_')
- *line++ = *p++;
- *line = '\0';
- break;
- case INCLUDE:
- debug(2,("%s, line %d: #include %s\n",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line, p));
- /* Support ANSI macro substitution */
- {
- struct symtab **sym = isdefined(p, file_red, NULL);
- while (sym) {
- p = (*sym)->s_value;
- debug(3,("%s : #includes SYMBOL %s = %s\n",
- file->i_incstring,
- (*sym) -> s_name,
- (*sym) -> s_value));
- /* mark file as having included a 'soft include' */
- file->i_flags |= INCLUDED_SYM;
- sym = isdefined(p, file_red, NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Separate the name of the include file.
- */
- while (*p && *p != '"' && *p != '<')
- p++;
- if (! *p)
- return(-2);
- if (*p++ == '"') {
- while (*p && *p != '"')
- *line++ = *p++;
- } else
- while (*p && *p != '>')
- *line++ = *p++;
- *line = '\0';
- break;
- case DEFINE:
- /*
- * copy the definition back to the beginning of the line.
- */
- memmove (line, p, strlen(p) + 1);
- break;
- case ELSE:
- case ENDIF:
- case ELIF:
- case PRAGMA:
- case ERROR:
- case IDENT:
- case SCCS:
- case EJECT:
- debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s\n",
- file->i_file, filep->f_line, directives[ret]));
- /*
- * nothing to do.
- */
- break;
- }
- return(ret);
-struct symtab **fdefined(symbol, file, srcfile)
- char *symbol;
- struct inclist *file;
- struct inclist **srcfile;
- struct inclist **ip;
- struct symtab **val;
- int i;
- static int recurse_lvl = 0;
- if (file->i_flags & DEFCHECKED)
- return(NULL);
- file->i_flags |= DEFCHECKED;
- if ((val = slookup(symbol, file)))
- debug(1,("%s defined in %s as %s\n",
- symbol, file->i_file, (*val)->s_value));
- if (val == NULL && file->i_list)
- {
- for (ip = file->i_list, i=0; i < file->i_listlen; i++, ip++)
- if (file->i_merged[i]==FALSE) {
- val = fdefined(symbol, *ip, srcfile);
- if ((*ip)->i_flags & FINISHED) {
- merge2defines(file,*ip);
- file->i_merged[i]=TRUE;
- }
- if (val!=NULL) break;
- }
- }
- else if (val != NULL && srcfile != NULL) *srcfile = file;
- recurse_lvl--;
- file->i_flags &= ~DEFCHECKED;
- return(val);
-struct symtab **isdefined(symbol, file, srcfile)
- char *symbol;
- struct inclist *file;
- struct inclist **srcfile;
- struct symtab **val;
- if ((val = slookup(symbol, &maininclist))) {
- debug(1,("%s defined on command line\n", symbol));
- if (srcfile != NULL) *srcfile = &maininclist;
- return(val);
- }
- if ((val = fdefined(symbol, file, srcfile)))
- return(val);
- debug(1,("%s not defined in %s\n", symbol, file->i_file));
- return(NULL);
- * Return type based on if the #if expression evaluates to 0
- */
-zero_value(exp, filep, file_red)
- char *exp;
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *file_red;
- if ((cppsetup(exp, filep, file_red)))
- return(IFFALSE);
- else
- return(IF);
-define2(name, val, file)
- char *name, *val;
- struct inclist *file;
- int first, last, below;
- struct symtab **sp = NULL, **dest;
- struct symtab *stab;
- /* Make space if it's needed */
- if (file->i_defs == NULL)
- {
- file->i_defs = (struct symtab **)
- malloc(sizeof (struct symtab*) * SYMTABINC);
- file->i_ndefs = 0;
- }
- else if (!(file->i_ndefs % SYMTABINC))
- file->i_defs = (struct symtab **)
- realloc(file->i_defs,
- sizeof(struct symtab*)*(file->i_ndefs+SYMTABINC));
- if (file->i_defs == NULL)
- fatalerr("malloc()/realloc() failure in insert_defn()\n");
- below = first = 0;
- last = file->i_ndefs - 1;
- while (last >= first)
- {
- /* Fast inline binary search */
- char *s1;
- char *s2;
- int middle = (first + last) / 2;
- /* Fast inline strchr() */
- s1 = name;
- s2 = file->i_defs[middle]->s_name;
- while (*s1++ == *s2++)
- if (s2[-1] == '\0') break;
- /* If exact match, set sp and break */
- if (*--s1 == *--s2)
- {
- sp = file->i_defs + middle;
- break;
- }
- /* If name > i_defs[middle] ... */
- if (*s1 > *s2)
- {
- below = first;
- first = middle + 1;
- }
- /* else ... */
- else
- {
- below = last = middle - 1;
- }
- }
- /* Search is done. If we found an exact match to the symbol name,
- just replace its s_value */
- if (sp != NULL)
- {
- free((*sp)->s_value);
- (*sp)->s_value = copy(val);
- return;
- }
- sp = file->i_defs + file->i_ndefs++;
- dest = file->i_defs + below + 1;
- while (sp > dest)
- {
- *sp = sp[-1];
- sp--;
- }
- stab = (struct symtab *) malloc(sizeof (struct symtab));
- if (stab == NULL)
- fatalerr("malloc()/realloc() failure in insert_defn()\n");
- stab->s_name = copy(name);
- stab->s_value = copy(val);
- *sp = stab;
-define(def, file)
- char *def;
- struct inclist *file;
- char *val;
- /* Separate symbol name and its value */
- val = def;
- while (isalnum((int)*val) || *val == '_')
- val++;
- if (*val)
- *val++ = '\0';
- while (*val == ' ' || *val == '\t')
- val++;
- if (!*val)
- val = "1";
- define2(def, val, file);
-struct symtab **slookup(symbol, file)
- char *symbol;
- struct inclist *file;
- int first = 0;
- int last = file->i_ndefs - 1;
- if (file) while (last >= first)
- {
- /* Fast inline binary search */
- char *s1;
- char *s2;
- int middle = (first + last) / 2;
- /* Fast inline strchr() */
- s1 = symbol;
- s2 = file->i_defs[middle]->s_name;
- while (*s1++ == *s2++)
- if (s2[-1] == '\0') break;
- /* If exact match, we're done */
- if (*--s1 == *--s2)
- {
- return file->i_defs + middle;
- }
- /* If symbol > i_defs[middle] ... */
- if (*s1 > *s2)
- {
- first = middle + 1;
- }
- /* else ... */
- else
- {
- last = middle - 1;
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
-int merge2defines(file1, file2)
- struct inclist *file1;
- struct inclist *file2;
- if ((file1!=NULL) && (file2!=NULL))
- {
- int first1 = 0;
- int last1 = file1->i_ndefs - 1;
- int first2 = 0;
- int last2 = file2->i_ndefs - 1;
- int first=0;
- struct symtab** i_defs = NULL;
- int deflen=file1->i_ndefs+file2->i_ndefs;
- if (deflen>0)
- {
- /* make sure deflen % SYMTABINC == 0 is still true */
- deflen += (SYMTABINC - deflen % SYMTABINC) % SYMTABINC;
- i_defs=(struct symtab**)
- malloc(deflen*sizeof(struct symtab*));
- if (i_defs==NULL) return 0;
- }
- while ((last1 >= first1) && (last2 >= first2))
- {
- char *s1=file1->i_defs[first1]->s_name;
- char *s2=file2->i_defs[first2]->s_name;
- if (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0)
- i_defs[first++]=file1->i_defs[first1++];
- else if (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0)
- i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++];
- else /* equal */
- {
- i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++];
- first1++;
- }
- }
- while (last1 >= first1)
- {
- i_defs[first++]=file1->i_defs[first1++];
- }
- while (last2 >= first2)
- {
- i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++];
- }
- if (file1->i_defs) free(file1->i_defs);
- file1->i_defs=i_defs;
- file1->i_ndefs=first;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-undefine(symbol, file)
- char *symbol;
- struct inclist *file;
- struct symtab **ptr;
- struct inclist *srcfile;
- while ((ptr = isdefined(symbol, file, &srcfile)) != NULL)
- {
- srcfile->i_ndefs--;
- for (; ptr < srcfile->i_defs + srcfile->i_ndefs; ptr++)
- *ptr = ptr[1];
- }
-find_includes(filep, file, file_red, recursion, failOK)
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *file, *file_red;
- int recursion;
- boolean failOK;
- char *line;
- int type;
- boolean recfailOK;
- while ((line = our_getline(filep))) {
- switch(type = deftype(line, filep, file_red, file, TRUE)) {
- case IF:
- doif:
- type = find_includes(filep, file,
- file_red, recursion+1, failOK);
- while ((type == ELIF) || (type == ELIFFALSE) ||
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- if (type == ELSE)
- gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- break;
- case IFFALSE:
- doiffalse:
- if (type == IFGUESSFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)
- recfailOK = TRUE;
- else
- recfailOK = failOK;
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- if (type == ELSE)
- find_includes(filep, file,
- file_red, recursion+1, recfailOK);
- else
- if (type == ELIF)
- goto doif;
- else
- if ((type == ELIFFALSE) || (type == ELIFGUESSFALSE))
- goto doiffalse;
- break;
- case IFDEF:
- case IFNDEF:
- if ((type == IFDEF && isdefined(line, file_red, NULL))
- || (type == IFNDEF && !isdefined(line, file_red, NULL))) {
- debug(1,(type == IFNDEF ?
- "line %d: %s !def'd in %s via %s%s\n" : "",
- filep->f_line, line,
- file->i_file, file_red->i_file, ": doit"));
- type = find_includes(filep, file,
- file_red, recursion+1, failOK);
- while (type == ELIF || type == ELIFFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- if (type == ELSE)
- gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- }
- else {
- debug(1,(type == IFDEF ?
- "line %d: %s !def'd in %s via %s%s\n" : "",
- filep->f_line, line,
- file->i_file, file_red->i_file, ": gobble"));
- type = gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- if (type == ELSE)
- find_includes(filep, file,
- file_red, recursion+1, failOK);
- else if (type == ELIF)
- goto doif;
- else if (type == ELIFFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)
- goto doiffalse;
- }
- break;
- case ELSE:
- case ELIF:
- if (!recursion)
- gobble(filep, file, file_red);
- case ENDIF:
- if (recursion)
- return(type);
- case DEFINE:
- define(line, file);
- break;
- case UNDEF:
- if (!*line) {
- warning("%s, line %d: incomplete undef == \"%s\"\n",
- file_red->i_file, filep->f_line, line);
- break;
- }
- undefine(line, file_red);
- break;
- case INCLUDE:
- add_include(filep, file, file_red, line, FALSE, failOK);
- break;
- add_include(filep, file, file_red, line, TRUE, failOK);
- break;
- case ERROR:
- warning("%s: %d: %s\n", file_red->i_file,
- filep->f_line, line);
- break;
- case PRAGMA:
- case IDENT:
- case SCCS:
- case EJECT:
- break;
- case -1:
- warning("%s", file_red->i_file);
- if (file_red != file)
- warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file);
- warning1(", line %d: unknown directive == \"%s\"\n",
- filep->f_line, line);
- break;
- case -2:
- warning("%s", file_red->i_file);
- if (file_red != file)
- warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file);
- warning1(", line %d: incomplete include == \"%s\"\n",
- filep->f_line, line);
- break;
- }
- }
- file->i_flags |= FINISHED;
- return(-1);
diff --git a/cde/config/makedepend/pr.c b/cde/config/makedepend/pr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b10eb3184..000000000
--- a/cde/config/makedepend/pr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: pr.c /main/21 1998/02/06 11:10:30 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#include "def.h"
-extern struct inclist inclist[ MAXFILES ],
- *inclistp;
-extern char *objprefix;
-extern char *objsuffix;
-extern int width;
-extern boolean printed;
-extern boolean verbose;
-extern boolean show_where_not;
-add_include(filep, file, file_red, include, dot, failOK)
- struct filepointer *filep;
- struct inclist *file, *file_red;
- char *include;
- boolean dot;
- boolean failOK;
- struct inclist *newfile;
- struct filepointer *content;
- /*
- * First decide what the pathname of this include file really is.
- */
- newfile = inc_path(file->i_file, include, dot);
- if (newfile == NULL) {
- if (failOK)
- return;
- if (file != file_red)
- warning("%s (reading %s, line %d): ",
- file_red->i_file, file->i_file, filep->f_line);
- else
- warning("%s, line %d: ", file->i_file, filep->f_line);
- warning1("cannot find include file \"%s\"\n", include);
- show_where_not = TRUE;
- newfile = inc_path(file->i_file, include, dot);
- show_where_not = FALSE;
- }
- if (newfile) {
- included_by(file, newfile);
- if (!(newfile->i_flags & SEARCHED)) {
- newfile->i_flags |= SEARCHED;
- content = getfile(newfile->i_file);
- find_includes(content, newfile, file_red, 0, failOK);
- freefile(content);
- }
- }
-pr(ip, file, base)
- struct inclist *ip;
- char *file, *base;
- static char *lastfile;
- static int current_len;
- int len, i;
- char buf[ BUFSIZ ];
- printed = TRUE;
- len = strlen(ip->i_file)+1;
- if (current_len + len > width || file != lastfile) {
- lastfile = file;
- snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "\n%s%s%s: %s", objprefix, base,
- objsuffix, ip->i_file);
- len = current_len = strlen(buf);
- }
- else {
- buf[0] = ' ';
- strncpy(buf+1, ip->i_file, BUFSIZ - 1);
- current_len += len;
- }
- fwrite(buf, len, 1, stdout);
- /*
- * If verbose is set, then print out what this file includes.
- */
- if (! verbose || ip->i_list == NULL || ip->i_flags & NOTIFIED)
- return;
- ip->i_flags |= NOTIFIED;
- lastfile = NULL;
- printf("\n# %s includes:", ip->i_file);
- for (i=0; ii_listlen; i++)
- printf("\n#\t%s", ip->i_list[ i ]->i_incstring);
-recursive_pr_include(head, file, base)
- struct inclist *head;
- char *file, *base;
- int i;
- if (head->i_flags & MARKED)
- return;
- head->i_flags |= MARKED;
- if (head->i_file != file)
- pr(head, file, base);
- for (i=0; ii_listlen; i++)
- recursive_pr_include(head->i_list[ i ], file, base);
diff --git a/cde/config/util/Imakefile b/cde/config/util/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d39c7bc6b..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/16 1996/11/13 14:43:28 lehors $
-#if UseCCMakeDepend
-MDEP_PROG = makedepend
-#ifdef ExportListGenSource
-EXPORTLISTGEN = exportlistgen
-PROGRAMS = xmkmf $(MDEP_PROG) mergelib ProgramTargetName(makestrs) $(EXPORTLISTGEN) $(CMKDIRHIER)
-XCOMM Some compilers generate fatal errors if an -L directory does
-XCOMM not exist. Since BUILDLIBDIR may not exist yet suppress its use.
-all:: $(PROGRAMS)
-includes:: ProgramTargetName(makestrs)
-#ifdef ExportListGenSource
-CppScriptTarget(mergelib,mergelib.cpp,"-DARCMD=$(AR)" "-DRANLIB=$(RANLIB)",$(ICONFIGFILES))
-#if HasSymLinks
-#if CrossCompiling
-#if UseCCMakeDepend
-#if SystemV || SystemV4
diff --git a/cde/config/util/Makefile.ini b/cde/config/util/Makefile.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8d1f475..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/Makefile.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# $XConsortium: Makefile.ini,v 1.2 94/04/17 14:55:28 gildea Exp $
-# A way to get lndir built the first time, before you have imake up
-# and running. You may well have to specify OSFLAGS=-D to
-# get it to compile, which values are embedded in config files. What
-# you would pass as BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS might work.
-CC = cc
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-RM = rm -f
-LN = ln -s
- $(LN) ../../include X11
- $(CC) -o lndir $(CFLAGS) lndir.c
- $(RM) X11
diff --git a/cde/config/util/bsdinst.sh b/cde/config/util/bsdinst.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index cacb503c2..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/bsdinst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# This accepts bsd-style install arguments and makes the appropriate calls
-# to the System V install.
-# $XConsortium: bsdinst.sh /main/8 1996/09/28 16:16:11 rws $
-while [ x$1 != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) shift
- continue;;
- -m) flags="$flags $1 $2 "
- mode="$2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) flags="$flags -u $2 "
- owner="$2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) flags="$flags $1 $2 "
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) dostrip="strip"
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x$src = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-case "$mode" in
- ;;
- case "$owner" in
- "")
- flags="$flags -u root"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
-if [ x$src = x ]
- echo "$0: no input file specified"
- exit 1
-if [ x$dst = x ]
- echo "$0: no destination specified"
- exit 1
-# set up some variable to be used later
-# if the destination isn't a directory we'll need to copy it first
-if [ ! -d $dst ]
- dstbase=`basename $dst`
- cp $src /tmp/$dstbase
- rmcmd="rm -f /tmp/$dstbase"
- src=$dstbase
- srcdir=/tmp
- dst="`echo $dst | sed 's,^\(.*\)/.*$,\1,'`"
- if [ x$dst = x ]
- then
- dst="."
- fi
-# If the src file has a directory, copy it to /tmp to make install happy
-srcbase=`basename $src`
-if [ "$src" != "$srcbase" ] && [ "$src" != "./$srcbase" ]
- cp $src /tmp/$srcbase
- src=$srcbase
- srcdir=/tmp
- rmcmd="rm -f /tmp/$srcbase"
-# do the actual install
-if [ -f /usr/sbin/install ]
- installcmd=/usr/sbin/install
-elif [ -f /etc/install ]
- installcmd=/etc/install
- installcmd=install
-# This rm is commented out because some people want to be able to
-# install through symbolic links. Uncomment it if it offends you.
-# rm -f $dst/$srcbase
-(cd $srcdir ; $installcmd -f $dst $flags $src)
-if [ x$dostrip = xstrip ]
- strip $dst/$srcbase
-# and clean up
diff --git a/cde/config/util/checktree.c b/cde/config/util/checktree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5b33b82..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/checktree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: checktree.c /main/8 1998/02/06 11:23:04 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifdef SYSV
-#ifdef USG
-#ifndef dirent
-#define dirent direct
-#ifdef S_IFLNK
-#define Stat lstat
-#define Stat stat
-#define fmode_bits_minset 0444
-#define fmode_bits_maxset 0777
-#define fmode_bits_write 0222
-#define dmode_bits_minset 0775
-#ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-extern int errno;
-int dorcs = 1; /* check RCS file */
-int do83 = 1; /* check for 8+3 clash */
-int doro = 1; /* disallow writable (checked out) files */
-int dodot = 1; /* disallow .files */
-int dotwiddle = 1; /* disallow file~ */
-int dontcare(fn)
- char *fn;
- char *cp;
- if (fn[strlen(fn) - 1] == '~')
- return 1;
- cp = strrchr(fn, '.');
- return cp && (!strcmp(cp + 1, "Z") || !strcmp(cp + 1, "PS"));
-checkfile(fullname, fn, fs)
- char *fullname, *fn;
- struct stat *fs;
- char *cp;
- int maxlen = 12;
- int len, mode;
- if (dodot && fn[0] == '.') {
- printf("dot file: %s\n", fullname);
- return;
- }
- for (len = 0, cp = fn; *cp; len++, cp++) {
- if (!strchr(CHARSALLOWED, *cp)) {
- if (dotwiddle || *cp != '~' || cp[1])
- printf ("bad character: %s\n", fullname);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (len > maxlen && !dontcare(fn))
- printf("too long (%d): %s\n", len, fullname);
-#ifdef S_IFLNK
- if ((fs->st_mode & S_IFLNK) == S_IFLNK) {
- printf("symbolic link: %s\n", fullname);
- return;
- }
- mode = fs->st_mode & (~S_IFMT);
- if ((fs->st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR) {
- maxlen = 14;
- if ((mode & dmode_bits_minset) != dmode_bits_minset)
- printf("directory mode 0%o not minimum 0%o: %s\n",
- mode, dmode_bits_minset, fullname);
- } else if ((fs->st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG)
- printf("not a regular file: %s\n", fullname);
- else {
- if ((mode & fmode_bits_minset) != fmode_bits_minset)
- printf("file mode 0%o not minimum 0%o: %s\n",
- fs->st_mode, fmode_bits_minset, fullname);
- if (fs->st_nlink != 1)
- printf("%d links instead of 1: %s\n", fs->st_nlink, fullname);
- if (doro && (mode & fmode_bits_write) && !dontcare(fn))
- printf("writable: %s\n", fullname);
- }
- if ((mode & ~fmode_bits_maxset) != 0)
- printf("mode 0%o outside maximum set 0%o: %s\n",
- mode, fmode_bits_maxset, fullname);
-checkrcs(dir, p)
- char *dir;
- char *p;
- DIR *df;
- struct dirent *dp;
- struct stat fs;
- int i;
- if (!(df = opendir(dir))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "cannot open: %s\n", dir);
- return;
- }
- while (dp = readdir(df)) {
- i = strlen(dp->d_name);
- if (dp->d_name[i - 1] == 'v' && dp->d_name[i - 2] == ',') {
- strcpy(p, dp->d_name);
- p[i - 2] = '\0';
- if (Stat(dir, &fs) < 0) {
- strcpy(p, "RCS/");
- strcat(p, dp->d_name);
- printf("not used: %s\n", dir);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(df);
-Strncmp(cp1, cp2, n)
- char *cp1, *cp2;
- int n;
- char c1, c2;
- for (; --n >= 0 && *cp1 && *cp2; cp1++, cp2++) {
- if (*cp1 != *cp2) {
- c1 = *cp1;
- c2 = *cp2;
- if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
- c1 += 'a' - 'A';
- else if (c1 == '-')
- c1 = '_';
- if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z')
- c2 += 'a' - 'A';
- else if (c2 == '-')
- c2 = '_';
- if (c1 != c2)
- return (int)c1 - (int)c2;
- }
- }
- if (n < 0)
- return 0;
- return (int)*cp1 - (int)*cp2;
-fncomp(n1, n2)
- char **n1, **n2;
- int i, res;
- char *cp1, *cp2;
- char c1, c2;
- i = Strncmp(*n1, *n2, 8);
- if (!i) {
- cp1 = strrchr(*n1, '.');
- cp2 = strrchr(*n2, '.');
- if (cp1 || cp2) {
- if (!cp1)
- return -1;
- if (!cp2)
- return 1;
- i = Strncmp(cp1 + 1, cp2 + 1, 3);
- }
- }
- return i;
- char *dir;
- DIR *df;
- struct dirent *dp;
- char *p;
- struct stat fs;
- char *s, **names;
- int i, max;
- if (!(df = opendir(dir))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "cannot open: %s\n", dir);
- return;
- }
- p = dir + strlen(dir);
- if (p[-1] != '/')
- *p++ = '/';
- i = 0;
- max = 0;
- names = NULL;
- while (dp = readdir(df)) {
- strcpy(p, dp->d_name);
- if (Stat(dir, &fs) < 0) {
- perror(dir);
- continue;
- }
- if ((fs.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR) {
- if (dp->d_name[0] == '.' &&
- (dp->d_name[1] == '\0' || (dp->d_name[1] == '.' &&
- dp->d_name[2] == '\0')))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "RCS")) {
- if (dorcs)
- checkrcs(dir, p);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "SCCS"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "CVS.adm"))
- continue;
- checkfile(dir, p, &fs);
- checkdir(dir);
- continue;
- }
- checkfile(dir, p, &fs);
- if (dorcs && !dontcare(dp->d_name)) {
- strcpy(p, "RCS/");
- strcat(p, dp->d_name);
- strcat(p, ",v");
- if (Stat(dir, &fs) < 0) {
- strcpy(p, dp->d_name);
- printf("no RCS: %s\n", dir);
- }
- }
- if (do83) {
- s = (char *)malloc(strlen(dp->d_name) + 1);
- strcpy(s, dp->d_name);
- if (i >= max) {
- max += 25;
- if (names)
- names = (char **)realloc((char *)names,
- (max + 1) * sizeof(char *));
- else
- names = (char **)malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(char *));
- }
- names[i++] = s;
- }
- }
- closedir(df);
- if (do83) {
- qsort((char *)names, i, sizeof(char *), fncomp);
- max = i - 1;
- *p = '\0';
- for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
- if (!fncomp(&names[i], &names[i + 1]))
- printf("8+3 clash: %s%s and %s\n",
- dir, names[i], names[i + 1]);
- free(names[i]);
- }
- if (names) {
- free(names[i]);
- free((char *)names);
- }
- }
-main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- char buf[2048];
- argc--;
- argv++;
- while (argc > 0) {
- if (!strcmp(*argv, "-rcs")) {
- dorcs = 0;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-83")) {
- do83 = 0;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-ro")) {
- doro = 0;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-dot")) {
- dodot = 0;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-twiddle")) {
- dotwiddle = 0;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- } else
- break;
- }
- if (!argc) {
- strcpy(buf, ".");
- checkdir(buf);
- } else
- while (--argc >= 0) {
- strcpy(buf, *argv++);
- checkdir(buf);
- }
diff --git a/cde/config/util/chownxterm.c b/cde/config/util/chownxterm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 233f66a01..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/chownxterm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: chownxterm.c /main/4 1998/02/06 11:23:10 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
- * chownxterm --- make xterm suid root
- *
- * By Stephen Gildea, December 1993
- */
-#define XTERM_PATH "/x11/programs/xterm/xterm"
-char *prog_name;
-void help()
- setgid(getgid());
- setuid(getuid());
- printf("chown-xterm makes %s suid root\n", XTERM_PATH);
- printf("This is necessary on Ultrix for /dev/tty operation.\n");
- exit(0);
-void print_error(err_string)
- char *err_string;
- setgid(getgid());
- setuid(getuid());
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\"", prog_name, err_string);
- perror(" failed");
- exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- prog_name = argv[0];
- if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0) {
- help();
- } else {
- if (chown(XTERM_PATH, 0, -1) != 0)
- print_error("chown root " XTERM_PATH);
- if (chmod(XTERM_PATH, 04555) != 0)
- print_error("chmod 4555 " XTERM_PATH);
- }
- exit(0);
diff --git a/cde/config/util/crayar.sh b/cde/config/util/crayar.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 56c260e50..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/crayar.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-if cray2; then
- bld cr $lib `lorder $* | tsort`
- ar -cq $lib $*
diff --git a/cde/config/util/elistgen.hp b/cde/config/util/elistgen.hp
deleted file mode 100644
index e576d1a15..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/elistgen.hp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: elistgen.hp /main/5 1999/04/16 13:54:01 mgreess $
-XCOMM #########################################################################
-XCOMM Construct shared-library export lists for HP-UX based on standardized
-XCOMM export list description file
-XCOMM Usage: exportlistgen libfoo.sl libfoo.elist > libfoo.lopt
-XCOMM libfoo.sl => shared library of interest
-XCOMM libfoo.elist => Meta description of necessary export list.
-XCOMM The output may then be passed to the linker to reconstruct the
-XCOMM shared library. For unknown reasons naming only exported symbols
-XCOMM with "+e" does not work for debuggable C++ code, even though "nm"
-XCOMM reports no difference between the resulting libraries. The linker
-XCOMM complains that "first non-inline virtual function" is not defined for
-XCOMM vtables. We instead hide internal symbols with "-h" as a work-around.
-XCOMM Author: Aloke Gupta 5/25/94.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1994,1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
-XCOMM #########################################################################
-XCOMM Utility programs
-FILTER=CXXFILT # C++ symbol demangler
-AWK=awk # awk
-PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/ucb # For nm, cat, pr, expand, awk, c++filt
-XCOMM Temporary files
-EXPORTLIST=/tmp/elistgen1.$$ # list of export symbols from "libfoo.elist"
-NMLIST=/tmp/elistgen2.$$ # name list from libfoo.sl
-FILTLIST=/tmp/elistgen3.$$ # demangled (C++) version of NMLIST
-XCOMM Print useful information at the top of the output
-echo "#" `date`
-echo "# This linker options list was produced by" $0
-echo "# Input export list description taken from:" $2
-echo "# Target library:" $1
-echo "# Target Operating System:" `uname -msrv`
-echo "# "
-XCOMM Extract the globally visible symbols from target library
-XCOMM The NMLIST generated here is later used to cross-check the symbols in the
-XCOMM supplied export-list.
-nm -p $1 | $AWK '
- / [cCTDB][S ] [^\$]/{print $3} # Text, Data, BSS, or Secondary symbols
-' | uniq > $NMLIST.all
-nm -p $1 | $AWK '
- / [uU][S ] [^\$]/{print $3} # Text, Data, BSS, or Secondary symbols
-' | uniq > $NMLIST.undef
-cat $NMLIST.all $NMLIST.undef $NMLIST.undef | sort | uniq -c | $AWK '{if ($1=="1") print $2}' > $NMLIST
-XCOMM nm -p $1 | $AWK '
-XCOMM / [cCTDB][S ] [^\$]/{print $3} # Text, Data, BSS, or Secondary symbols
-XCOMM Demangle the global library symbols. This operation is necessary to
-XCOMM convert mangled C++ symbols into their C++ notation.
-XCOMM Cleanup the export-list description file.
-XCOMM Note that C++ symbols may have embedded spaces in them.
-cat $2 | $AWK '
- csyms = 0; # C language symbols in libfoo.list
- cplusplus = 0; # C++ language symbols in libfoo.list
- isyms = 0; # C internal symbols in libfoo.elist
- icplusplus = 0; # C++ internal symbols in libfoo.elist
- implicit = ""; # Handling of implicit symbols.
- }
- $1 == "default" {
- # A default clause suppresses warnings about implicit symbols.
- if ($2 != "" && $2 != "force" && $2 != "public" &&
- $2 != "private" && $2 != "internal") {
- print "# Warning: illegal default clause:", $2 | "cat 1>&2";
- next;
- }
- if (implicit != "")
- print "# Warning: multiple default clauses." | "cat 1>&2";
- implicit = $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "force" || $1 == "public" || $1 == "private" {
- csyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "publicC++" || $1 == "privateC++" {
- cplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- print $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internal" {
- isyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internalC++" {
- icplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- print $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- END {
- printf("# Exporting %d C and %d C++ symbols, hiding %d and %d.\n",
- csyms, cplusplus, isyms, icplusplus) | "cat 1>&2";
- if (implicit != "") {
- print "# Unspecified symbols are " implicit "." | "cat 1>&2";
- print "default;;" implicit;
- }
- }
-XCOMM Read in the above files and write result to stdout. The contents
-XCOMM of NMLIST and FILTLIST are used to construct a symbol lookup table.
-XCOMM The contents of EXPORTLIST are converted with the help of this table.
-XCOMM Use ";" as a delimiter in the symbol lookup table.
-(pr -m -s";" -t -w1024 $NMLIST $FILTLIST| expand -t 1;cat $EXPORTLIST ) | $AWK '
- FS = ";";
- implicit = 0;
- }
- NF == 2 {
- # This is "pr" output, i.e., symbol translation table.
- syms[$2] = $1;
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 && $1 == "default" {
- # Treatment of unspecified symbols.
- if ($3 == "internal" || $3 == "internalC++")
- implicit = 1;
- else if ($3 == "private" || $3 == "privateC++")
- implicit = 2;
- else if ($3 == "public" || $3 == "publicC++")
- implicit = 3;
- else # $3 == "force"
- implicit = 4;
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 {
- # Parse our instructions for this symbol.
- if ($1 == "internal" || $1 == "internalC++")
- export = 1;
- else if ($1 == "private" || $1 == "privateC++")
- export = 2;
- else if ($1 == "public" || $1 == "publicC++")
- export = 3;
- else # $1 == "force"
- export = 4;
- # Process it.
- if (length(syms[$3]) > 0) {
- if (donelist[$3])
- print "# Warning: Duplicate entry for", $3,
- "in export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- if (donelist[$3] < export)
- donelist[$3] = export;
- } else {
- if (export == 4)
- donelist[$3] = export;
- else
- print "# Warning:", $3,
- "was not in the nm list for this library" | "cat 1>&2";
- }
- next;
- }
- END {
- # Force implicit exporting of errno.
- if (! donelist["errno"])
- donelist["errno"] = 4;
- # Complain about some implicit symbols.
- for (i in syms) {
- if (!donelist[i] && (length(syms[i]) > 0)) {
- # Ignore automatic symbols generated by the C++ compiler.
- if (implicit == 0 &&
- (syms[i] !~ /^__noperfopt__/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /^__ptbl_vec__/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /^__vtbl__[0-9]*_/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /^__cfront_version_[0-9]*_xxxxxxxx$/))
- print "# Warning:", syms[i],
- "was not in the export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- donelist[i] = implicit;
- }
- if ((donelist[i] > 1) && (length(syms[i]) > 0))
- print "-e", syms[i];
- }
- }
-XCOMM Clean up temporary files
-rm $NMLIST.all
-rm $NMLIST.undef
diff --git a/cde/config/util/elistgen.ibm b/cde/config/util/elistgen.ibm
deleted file mode 100644
index b1f99d1f3..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/elistgen.ibm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: elistgen.ibm /main/2 1996/12/04 10:13:18 swick $
-XCOMM #########################################################################
-XCOMM Construct shared-library export lists for IBM-AIX based on standardized
-XCOMM export list description file
-XCOMM Usage: elistgen libfoo.sl libfoo.elist > libfoo.lopt
-XCOMM libfoo.a => shared library of interest
-XCOMM libfoo.elist => Meta description of necessary export list.
-XCOMM The output file, "libfoo.lopt" may then be passed to the IBM linker to
-XCOMM reconstruct the shared library, libfoo.sl.
-XCOMM Author: Yanling Qi 10/03/94, Last updated 10/03/94
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1994,1996 International Business Machines Corp.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
-XCOMM #########################################################################
-#define HASH #
-XCOMM Utility programs
-FILTER=CXXFILT # C++ symbol demangler
-AWK=awk # awk
-XCOMM For dump, cat, pr, expand, awk, c++filt
-XCOMM Temporary files
-EXPORTLIST=/tmp/elistgen1.$$ # export directives from "libfoo.list"
-NMLIST=/tmp/elistgen2.$$ # name list from libfoo.sl
-FILTLIST=/tmp/elistgen3.$$ # demangled (C++) version of above
-XCOMM Print useful information
-echo "*" `date`
-echo "* This linker options list was produced by" $0
-echo "* Input export list description taken from:" $2
-echo "* Target library:" $1
-echo "* Target Operating System:" `uname`
-echo "*"
-XCOMM Extract the globally visible symbols from target library
-dump -g $1 | $AWK '$1 ~ /[0-9][0-9]/ && $2 !~ /^[\.]/ {print $2}' > $NMLIST
-XCOMM Demangle the global library symbols
-XCOMM Clean up the export-list description file.
-XCOMM Note that C++ symbols may have embedded spaces in them.
-$AWK '
- csyms = 0; # C language symbols in libfoo.list
- cplusplus = 0; # C++ language symbols in libfoo.list
- isyms = 0; # C internal symbols in libfoo.list
- iplusplus = 0; # C++ internal symbols in libfoo.list
- count = 0; # Running count of symbols
- implicit = ""; # Handling of implicit symbols.
- }
- $1 == "default" {
- HASH A default clause suppresses warnings about implicit symbols.
- if ($2 != "" && $2 != "force" && $2 != "public" &&
- $2 != "private" && $2 != "internal") {
- print "# Warning: illegal default clause:", $2 | "cat 1>&2";
- next;
- }
- if (implicit != "")
- print "# Warning: multiple default clauses." | "cat 1>&2";
- implicit = $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "force" || $1 == "public" || $1 == "private" {
- csyms ++;
- symbol[count++] = $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "publicC++" || $1 == "privateC++" {
- HASH forceC++ is unsupported because we only know how to demangle,
- HASH not how to mangle symbols, and the final ld input file must
- HASH be mangled.
- cplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- symbol[count++] = $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internal" {
- isyms ++;
- symbol[count++] = $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internalC++" {
- iplusplus ++;
- string = ";;" $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- symbol[count++] = $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "#line" || $1 == "#" {
- HASH cpp will have removed comments, but may have added other stuff.
- next;
- }
- NF > 0 {
- print "# Warning: unrecognized directive:", $0 | "cat 1>&2";
- next;
- }
- END {
- printf("# Exporting %d C and %d C++ symbols, hiding %d and %d.\n",
- csyms, cplusplus, isyms, iplusplus) | "cat 1>&2";
- if (implicit != "") {
- print "# Unspecified symbols are " implicit "." | "cat 1>&2";
- print "default;;" implicit;
- }
- for (i in symbol)
- print symbol[i];
- }
-XCOMM Read in the above files and write result to stdout. Use the
-XCOMM delimiter ";" to identify the entries in the symbol lookup table.
-(pr -m -s";" -t -w1024 $NMLIST $FILTLIST | expand -t 1; cat $EXPORTLIST) | $AWK '
- FS = ";";
- implicit = 0;
- }
- NF == 2 {
- HASH This is "pr" output, i.e., symbol translation table
- r2=$2
- gsub(/ /,"",r2); # Remove spaces because c++filt is unpredictable
- syms[r2] = $1;
- r1=$1;
- gsub(/ /,"",r1);
- mangled[r1] = 1; # Save the mangling because the export lists
- HASH sometimes use it instead of a prototype.
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 && $1 == "default" {
- HASH Treatment of unspecified symbols.
- if ($3 == "internal")
- implicit = 1;
- else if ($3 == "private" || $3 == "privateC++")
- implicit = 2;
- else if ($3 == "public" || $3 == "publicC++")
- implicit = 3;
- else # $3 == "force"
- implicit = 4;
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 {
- HASH Generate canonical demangled form as an alternate symbol.
- alt=$3;
- gsub(/ \.\.\./,",...",alt); # change " ..." to ",..." to match c++filt
- gsub(/ /,"",alt); # remove all spaces
- gsub(/\(void\)/,"()",alt); # change "(void)" to "()" to match c++filt
- HASH Parse our instructions for this symbol.
- if ($1 == "internal" || $1 == "internalC++")
- export = 1;
- else if ($1 == "private" || $1 == "privateC++")
- export = 2;
- else if ($1 == "public" || $1 == "publicC++")
- export = 3;
- else # $1 == "force"
- export = 4;
- HASH Process it.
- if ((length(syms[alt]) > 0) || mangled[alt]) {
- HASH This symbol is present in the library.
- if (donelist[alt])
- print "# Warning: Duplicate entry for", $3,
- "in export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- if (donelist[alt] < export) {
- if (export > 1)
- print syms[alt];
- donelist[alt] = export;
- }
- } else {
- HASH Print forced-export symbols without complaining.
- if (export == 4) {
- print alt;
- donelist[alt] = export;
- } else {
- print "# Warning:", $3,
- "was not in the nm list for this library" | "cat 1>&2";
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- END {
- HASH Process implicit symbols.
- for (i in syms) {
- if ((! donelist[i]) && (length(syms[i]) > 0)) {
- HASH Do not complain about C++ virtual function tables.
- if (implicit == 0 && syms[i] !~ /^__vft[0-9]*_/)
- print "# Warning:", syms[i],
- "was not in the export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- if (implicit > 1)
- print syms[i];
- }
- }
- }
-XCOMM Clean up temporary files
diff --git a/cde/config/util/elistgen.sun b/cde/config/util/elistgen.sun
deleted file mode 100644
index a71477a9d..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/elistgen.sun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM!/bin/sh -f
-XCOMM $TOG: elistgen.sun /main/9 1999/09/07 17:54:17 mgreess $
-XCOMM ########################################################################
-XCOMM Construct shared-library scoping mapfile for Solaris based on standardized
-XCOMM export list description file
-XCOMM Usage: exportlistgen libfoo.so libfoo.elist > mapfile.scope
-XCOMM libfoo.so => shared library of interest
-XCOMM libfoo.elist => Meta description of necessary export list.
-XCOMM The output file, "mapfile.scope" may then be passed to the Solaris
-XCOMM linker to reconstruct the shared library, libfoo.so.
-XCOMM ########################################################################
-XCOMM Utility programs
-FILTER=CXXFILT # C++ symbol demangler
-AWK=nawk # Awk
-XCOMM For nm, cat, pr, expand, awk, c++filt
-XCOMM Try to detect broken versions of c++filt.
-if [ `echo _okay | ${FILTER:-cat}` != "_okay" ]; then
- if [ -x /opt/SUNWspro/bin/c++filt ]; then
- echo "# Your $FILTER is broken -- using /opt/SUNWspro/bin/c++filt."
- FILTER=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/c++filt
- else
- echo "# ERROR: no working $FILTER available."
- exit 1
- fi;
-XCOMM Temporary files
-EXPORTLIST=/tmp/elistgen1.$$ # export directives from "libfoo.list"
-NMLIST=/tmp/elistgen2.$$ # name list from libfoo.sl
-FILTLIST=/tmp/elistgen3.$$ # demangled (C++) version of above
-XCOMM Print useful information at the top of the output
-echo "#" `date`
-echo "# This scoping mapfile was produced by" $0
-echo "# Export list description taken from:" $2
-echo "# Target library:" $1
-echo "# Target Operating System:" `uname -msrv`
-echo "# "
-XCOMM Extract the globally visible symbols from target library
-XCOMM The NMLIST generated here is later used to cross-check the symbols in the
-XCOMM nm stopped working on Solaris 2.5, use dump instead.
-XCOMM nm -p $1 | $AWK '/ [ TDBS] /{print $3}' > $NMLIST
-/usr/ccs/bin/dump -t -v $1 | egrep "(FUNC|OBJT).(GLOB|WEAK)" | egrep -v "(FUNC|OBJT).(GLOB|WEAK). *[0-9]. *UNDEF" | $AWK '{print $8}' > $NMLIST
-XCOMM Extract the globally visible symbols from target library
-XCOMM The NMLIST generated here is later used to cross-check the symbols in the
-XCOMM Clean up the export-list description file. Sort the directives.
-$AWK '
- csyms = 0; # C public symbols in libfoo.list
- cplusplus = 0; # C++ public symbols in libfoo.list
- isyms = 0; # C internal symbols in libfoo.list
- iplusplus = 0; # C++ internal symbols in libfoo.list
- implicit = ""; # Handling of implicit symbols
- }
- $1 == "default" {
- # A default clause suppresses warnings about implicit symbols.
- if ($2 != "" && $2 != "force" && $2 != "public" && $2 != "private" && $2 != "internal") {
- print "# Warning: illegal default clause:", $2 | "cat 1>&2";
- next;
- }
- if (implicit != "")
- print "# Warning: multiple default clauses." | "cat 1>&2";
- implicit = $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "force" {
- csyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "public" {
- csyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "publicC++" {
- cplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- print $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "private" {
- csyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "privateC++" {
- cplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- print $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internal" {
- isyms ++;
- print $1 ";;" $2;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "internalC++" {
- iplusplus ++;
- string = $2;
- for (n = 3; n <= NF; n++)
- string = string " " $n;
- print $1 ";;" string;
- next;
- }
- $1 == "#line" || $1 == "#" {
- # cpp will have removed comments, but may have added other stuff.
- next;
- }
- NF > 0 {
- print "# Warning: unrecognized directive:", $0 | "cat 1>&2";
- next;
- }
- END {
- printf("# Exporting %d C and %d C++ symbols, hiding %d and %d.\n", csyms, cplusplus, isyms, iplusplus) | "cat 1>&2";
- if (implicit != "") {
- print "# Unspecified symbols are " implicit "." | "cat 1>&2";
- print "default;;" implicit;
- }
- }
-XCOMM Read in the above files and write result to stdout. The contents
-XCOMM of NMLIST and FILTLIST are used to construct a symbol lookup table.
-XCOMM The contents of EXPORTLIST are converted with the help of this table.
-XCOMM Use ";" as a delimiter in the symbol lookup table.
-(pr -m -s";" -t -w1024 $NMLIST $FILTLIST | expand -1; cat $EXPORTLIST) | $AWK '
- FS = ";";
- implicit = 0;
- }
- NF == 2 {
- # This is "pr" output, i.e., symbol translation table
- r2=$2;
- gsub(/static /,"",r2); # remove keyword "static" as above
- gsub(/ /,"",r2); # Remove spaces because c++filt is unpredictable
- syms[r2] = $1;
- r1=$1;
- gsub(/ /,"",r1);
- mangled[r1] = 1; # Save the mangling because the export lists
- # sometimes use it instead of a prototype.
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 && $1 == "default" {
- # Treatment of unspecified symbols.
- if ($3 == "internal" || $3 == "internalC++")
- implicit = 1;
- else if ($3 == "private" || $3 == "privateC++")
- implicit = 2;
- else if ($3 == "public" || $3 == "publicC++")
- implicit = 3;
- else # $3 == "force"
- implicit = 4;
- next;
- }
- NF == 3 {
- # Generate canonical demangled form as an alternate symbol.
- alt=$3;
- gsub(/ \.\.\./,",...",alt); # change " ..." to ",..." to match c++filt
- gsub(/ /,"",alt); # remove all spaces
- # An export directive. Parse our instructions for this symbol.
- if ($1 == "internal" || $1 == "internalC++")
- export = 1;
- else if ($3 == "private" || $3 == "privateC++")
- export = 2;
- else if ($3 == "public" || $3 == "publicC++")
- export = 3;
- else # $3 == "force"
- export = 4;
- # Process it.
- if ((length(syms[alt]) > 0) || mangled[alt]) {
- # This symbol is present in the library.
- if (donelist[alt])
- print "# Warning: Duplicate entry for", $3,
- "in export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- if (donelist[alt] < export) {
- donelist[alt] = export;
- }
- } else {
- # Print forced-export symbols without complaining.
- if (export == 4) {
- donelist[alt] = export;
- } else {
- print "# Warning:", $3,
- "was not in the nm list for this library" | "cat 1>&2";
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- END {
- # Ignore magic linker symbols.
- if (implicit == 0) {
- if (!donelist["_DYNAMIC"])
- donelist["_DYNAMIC"] = 1;
- if (!donelist["_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_"])
- donelist["_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_"] = 1;
- if (!donelist["_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_"])
- donelist["_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_"] = 1;
- if (!donelist["_edata"])
- donelist["_edata"] = 1;
- if (!donelist["_end"])
- donelist["_end"] = 1;
- if (!donelist["_etext"])
- donelist["_etext"] = 1;
- }
- # Process implicit symbols.
- for (i in syms) {
- if (donelist[i] == 0 && length(syms[i]) > 0) {
- if (implicit == 0) {
- # Ignore magic symbols introduced by the C++ compiler.
- if ((syms[i] !~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]*__vtbl$/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /libC_errors/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /_ex_/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /__rt/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /__RT/) &&
- (syms[i] !~ /^__ptbl_vec__/))
- print "# Warning:", syms[i], "was not in the export list" | "cat 1>&2";
- } else {
- donelist[i] = implicit;
- }
- }
- }
- # Generate the linker file.
- print "";
- print "SUNW.1.1 {";
- print " global:";
- for (i in syms)
- if (donelist[i] >= 2 && length(syms[i]) > 0)
- print " " syms[i] ";";
- print " local:";
- print " *;";
- print "};";
- print "";
- print "SUNW_private.1.1 {";
- print " global:";
- for (i in syms)
- if (donelist[i] == 1 && length(syms[i]) > 0)
- print " " syms[i] ";";
- print "} SUNW.1.1;"
- }
-XCOMM Clean up temporary files
diff --git a/cde/config/util/install.sh b/cde/config/util/install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 33d8e0d89..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# $XConsortium: install.sh,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) instcmd="$cpprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
- echo "install: no input file specified"
- exit 1
-if [ x"$dst" = x ]
- echo "install: no destination specified"
- exit 1
-# if destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-if [ -d $dst ]
- dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
-# get rid of the old one and mode the new one in
-$doit $rmcmd $dst
-$doit $instcmd $src $dst
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dst; fi
-if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dst; fi
-if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dst; fi
-if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dst; fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/cde/config/util/lndir.c b/cde/config/util/lndir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 853c055ca..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/lndir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: lndir.c /main/17 1998/02/06 11:23:50 kaleb $ */
-/* Create shadow link tree (after X11R4 script of the same name)
- Mark Reinhold (mbr@lcs.mit.edu)/3 January 1990 */
-Copyright (c) 1990, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-/* From the original /bin/sh script:
- Used to create a copy of the a directory tree that has links for all
- non-directories (except those named RCS, SCCS or CVS.adm). If you are
- building the distribution on more than one machine, you should use
- this technique.
- If your master sources are located in /usr/local/src/X and you would like
- your link tree to be in /usr/local/src/new-X, do the following:
- % mkdir /usr/local/src/new-X
- % cd /usr/local/src/new-X
- % lndir ../X
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifdef SYSV
-#ifdef USG
-#ifndef dirent
-#define dirent direct
-#define MAXPATHLEN 2048
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
-#ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-extern int errno;
-int silent = 0; /* -silent */
-int ignore_links = 0; /* -ignorelinks */
-char *rcurdir;
-char *curdir;
-quit (
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- int code, char * fmt, ...)
- int code, char *fmt, int a1, int a2, int a3)
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf (stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3);
- putc ('\n', stderr);
- exit (code);
-quiterr (int code, char *s)
- perror (s);
- exit (code);
-msg (
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- char * fmt, ...)
- fmt, a1, a2, a3)
- char *fmt;
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_list args;
- if (curdir) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:\n", curdir);
- curdir = 0;
- }
-#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf (stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3);
- putc ('\n', stderr);
-mperror (char *s)
- if (curdir) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s:\n", curdir);
- curdir = 0;
- }
- perror (s);
-int equivalent(char *lname, char *rname)
- char *s;
- if (!strcmp(lname, rname))
- return 1;
- for (s = lname; *s && (s = strchr(s, '/')); s++) {
- while (s[1] == '/')
- memmove(s + 1, s + 2, strlen(s + 2) + 1);
- }
- return !strcmp(lname, rname);
-/* Recursively create symbolic links from the current directory to the "from"
- directory. Assumes that files described by fs and ts are directories. */
-/* fn, name of "from" directory, either absolute or relative to cwd */
-/* fs, ts, stats for the "from" directory and cwd */
-/* rel, if true, prepend "../" to fn before using */
-int dodir (char *fn, struct stat *fs, struct stat *ts, int rel)
- DIR *df;
- struct dirent *dp;
- char buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1], *p;
- char symbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- char basesym[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- struct stat sb, sc;
- int n_dirs;
- int symlen;
- int basesymlen = -1;
- char *ocurdir;
- if ((fs->st_dev == ts->st_dev) && (fs->st_ino == ts->st_ino)) {
- msg ("%s: From and to directories are identical!", fn);
- return 1;
- }
- if (rel) {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "../%s", fn);
- } else {
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", fn);
- }
- if (!(df = opendir (buf))) {
- msg ("%s: Cannot opendir", buf);
- return 1;
- }
- p = buf + strlen (buf);
- *p++ = '/';
- n_dirs = fs->st_nlink;
- while (dp = readdir (df)) {
- if (dp->d_name[strlen(dp->d_name) - 1] == '~')
- continue;
- strcpy (p, dp->d_name);
- if (n_dirs > 0) {
- if (stat (buf, &sb) < 0) {
- mperror (buf);
- continue;
- }
-#ifdef S_ISDIR
- if(S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
- if (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
- {
- /* directory */
- n_dirs--;
- if (dp->d_name[0] == '.' &&
- (dp->d_name[1] == '\0' || (dp->d_name[1] == '.' &&
- dp->d_name[2] == '\0')))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "RCS"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "SCCS"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "CVS"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "CVS.adm"))
- continue;
- ocurdir = rcurdir;
- rcurdir = buf;
- curdir = silent ? buf : (char *)0;
- if (!silent)
- printf ("%s:\n", buf);
- if ((stat (dp->d_name, &sc) < 0) && (errno == ENOENT)) {
- if (mkdir (dp->d_name, 0777) < 0 ||
- stat (dp->d_name, &sc) < 0) {
- mperror (dp->d_name);
- curdir = rcurdir = ocurdir;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (readlink (dp->d_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf) - 1) >= 0) {
- msg ("%s: is a link instead of a directory", dp->d_name);
- curdir = rcurdir = ocurdir;
- continue;
- }
- if (chdir (dp->d_name) < 0) {
- mperror (dp->d_name);
- curdir = rcurdir = ocurdir;
- continue;
- }
- dodir (buf, &sb, &sc, (buf[0] != '/'));
- if (chdir ("..") < 0)
- quiterr (1, "..");
- curdir = rcurdir = ocurdir;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* non-directory */
- symlen = readlink (dp->d_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf) - 1);
- if (symlen >= 0)
- symbuf[symlen] = '\0';
- /* The option to ignore links exists mostly because
- checking for them slows us down by 10-20%.
- But it is off by default because this really is a useful check. */
- if (!ignore_links) {
- /* see if the file in the base tree was a symlink */
- basesymlen = readlink(buf, basesym, sizeof(basesym) - 1);
- if (basesymlen >= 0)
- basesym[basesymlen] = '\0';
- }
- if (symlen >= 0) {
- /* Link exists in new tree. Print message if it doesn't match. */
- if (!equivalent (basesymlen>=0 ? basesym : buf, symbuf))
- msg ("%s: %s", dp->d_name, symbuf);
- } else {
- if (symlink (basesymlen>=0 ? basesym : buf, dp->d_name) < 0)
- mperror (dp->d_name);
- }
- }
- closedir (df);
- return 0;
-main (int ac, char **av)
- char *prog_name = av[0];
- char *fn, *tn;
- struct stat fs, ts;
- while (++av, --ac) {
- if (strcmp(*av, "-silent") == 0)
- silent = 1;
- else if (strcmp(*av, "-ignorelinks") == 0)
- ignore_links = 1;
- else if (strcmp(*av, "--") == 0) {
- ++av, --ac;
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (ac < 1 || ac > 2)
- quit (1, "usage: %s [-silent] [-ignorelinks] fromdir [todir]",
- prog_name);
- fn = av[0];
- if (ac == 2)
- tn = av[1];
- else
- tn = ".";
- /* to directory */
- if (stat (tn, &ts) < 0)
- quiterr (1, tn);
-#ifdef S_ISDIR
- if (!(S_ISDIR(ts.st_mode)))
- if (!(ts.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
- quit (2, "%s: Not a directory", tn);
- if (chdir (tn) < 0)
- quiterr (1, tn);
- /* from directory */
- if (stat (fn, &fs) < 0)
- quiterr (1, fn);
-#ifdef S_ISDIR
- if (!(S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode)))
- if (!(fs.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
- quit (2, "%s: Not a directory", fn);
- exit (dodir (fn, &fs, &ts, 0));
diff --git a/cde/config/util/lndir.man b/cde/config/util/lndir.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a52f77c2..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/lndir.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: lndir.man /main/11 1998/02/06 11:23:56 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-.\" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
-.\" not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
-.\" other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
-.\" from The Open Group.
-.TH LNDIR 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-lndir \- create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
-.B lndir
-.B \-silent
-] [
-.B \-ignorelinks
-.I \|fromdir\|
-.I todir
-.I lndir
-program makes a shadow copy
-.I todir
-of a directory tree
-.I fromdir,
-except that the shadow is not
-populated with real files but instead with symbolic links pointing at
-the real files in the
-.I fromdir
-directory tree. This is usually useful for maintaining source code for
-different machine architectures. You create a shadow directory
-containing links to the real source, which you will have usually
-mounted from a remote machine. You can build in the shadow tree, and
-the object files will be in the shadow directory, while the
-source files in the shadow directory are just symlinks to the real
-This scheme has the advantage that if you update the source, you need not
-propagate the change to the other architectures by hand, since all
-source in all shadow directories are symlinks to the real thing: just cd
-to the shadow directory and recompile away.
-.I todir
-argument is optional and defaults to the current directory. The
-.I fromdir
-argument may be relative (e.g., ../src) and is relative to
-.I todir
-(not the current directory).
-.\" CVS.adm is used by the Concurrent Versions System.
-Note that RCS, SCCS, CVS and CVS.adm directories are not shadowed.
-If you add files, simply run
-.I lndir
-again. New files will be silently added. Old files will be
-checked that they have the correct link.
-Deleting files is a more painful problem; the symlinks will
-just point into never never land.
-If a file in \fIfromdir\fP is a symbolic link, \fIlndir\fP will make
-the same link in \fItodir\fP rather than making a link back to the
-(symbolic link) entry in \fIfromdir.\fP The \fB\-ignorelinks\fP flag
-changes this behavior.
-.IP \-silent
-Normally \fIlndir\fP outputs the name of each subdirectory as it
-descends into it. The \fB\-silent\fP option suppresses these status
-.IP \-ignorelinks
-Causes the program to not treat symbolic links in \fIfromdir\fP
-specially. The link created in \fItodir\fP will point back to the
-corresponding (symbolic link) file in \fIfromdir\fP.
-If the link is to a directory, this is almost certainly the wrong thing.
-This option exists mostly to emulate the behavior the C version of
-\fIlndir\fP had in X11R6. Its use is not recommended.
-The program displays the name of each subdirectory it enters, followed
-by a colon. The \fB\-silent\fP option suppresses these messages.
-A warning message is displayed if the symbolic link cannot be created.
-The usual problem is that a regular file of the same name already
-If the link already exists but doesn't point to the correct file, the
-program prints the link name and the location where it does point.
-.I patch
-program gets upset if it cannot change the files. You should never run
-.I patch
-from a shadow directory anyway.
-You need to use something like
- find todir \|\-type l \|\-print \||\| xargs rm
-to clear out all files before you can relink (if fromdir moved, for instance).
-Something like
- find . \|\\! \|\-type d \|\-print
-will find all files that are not directories.
diff --git a/cde/config/util/makeg.man b/cde/config/util/makeg.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 5511d7757..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/makeg.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: makeg.man /main/2 1998/02/06 11:24:05 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1996, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-.\" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
-.\" not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
-.\" other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
-.\" from The Open Group.
-.TH MAKEG 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-makeg \- make a debuggable executable
-.B makeg
-.I make-options .\|.\|.
-] [
-.I targets .\|.\|.
-.I makeg
-script runs
-.I make,
-passing it variable settings to create a debuggable target when used
-with a Makefile generated by
-.I imake.
-For example, it arranges for the C compiler to be called with the
-.B \-g
-.TP 8
-.I make
-program to use. Default ``make''.
-.TP 8
-Set to a non-null value if using the
-.I gdb
-debugger on Solaris 2, which requires additional debugging options to
-be passed to the compiler.
-.I make (1),
-.I imake (1)
diff --git a/cde/config/util/makeg.sh b/cde/config/util/makeg.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b68a1080..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/makeg.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# makeg - run "make" with options necessary to make a debuggable executable
-# $XConsortium: makeg.sh /main/4 1996/06/13 11:45:08 ray $
-# set GDB=1 in your environment if using gdb on Solaris 2.
-# gdb on Solaris needs the stabs included in the executable
-test "${GDB+yes}" = yes && flags="$flags -xs"
-exec "$make" $flags LDSTRIPFLAGS= ${1+"$@"}
diff --git a/cde/config/util/makestrs.c b/cde/config/util/makestrs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 13330827e..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/makestrs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
- * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
- * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
- * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write
- * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
- * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-/* $TOG: makestrs.c /main/11 1998/02/06 11:24:15 kaleb $ */
-Copyright (c) 1991, 1998 The Open Group
-All Rights Reserved.
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-/* Constructs string definitions */
-#ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-char *malloc();
-typedef struct _TableEnt {
- struct _TableEnt* next;
- char* left;
- char* right;
- int offset;
-} TableEnt;
-typedef struct _Table {
- struct _Table* next;
- TableEnt* tableent;
- TableEnt* tableentcurrent;
- TableEnt** tableenttail;
- char* name;
- int offset;
-} Table;
-typedef struct _File {
- struct _File* next;
- FILE* tmpl;
- char* name;
- Table* table;
- Table* tablecurrent;
- Table** tabletail;
-} File;
-static File* file = NULL;
-static File* filecurrent = NULL;
-static File** filetail = &file;
-static char* conststr;
-static char* prefixstr = NULL;
-static char* featurestr = NULL;
-static char* ctmplstr = NULL;
-static char* fileprotstr;
-static char* externrefstr;
-static char* externdefstr;
-#define X_DEFAULT_ABI 0
-#define X_ARRAYPER_ABI 1
-#define X_INTEL_ABI 2
-#define X_INTEL_ABI_BC 3
-#define X_SPARC_ABI 4
-#define X_FUNCTION_ABI 5
-#define X_MAGIC_STRING "<<>>"
-static void WriteHeaderProlog (FILE* f, File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- (void) fprintf (f, "#ifdef %s\n", featurestr);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) {
- if (strcmp (te->left, "RAtom") == 0) {
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s \"%s\"\n#endif\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, te->right);
- } else {
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#define %s%s \"%s\"\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, te->right);
- }
- }
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s", "#else\n");
-static void IntelABIWriteHeader (FILE* f ,File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) {
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char %s[];\n",
- externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr, t->name);
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s ((char*)&%s[%d])\n#endif\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, t->name, te->offset);
- }
- (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr);
-static void SPARCABIWriteHeader (FILE* f, File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- (void) fprintf (f, "#define %s%s \"%s\"\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, te->right);
-static void FunctionWriteHeader (FILE* f, File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile);
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char* %s();\n",
- externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr,
- phile->table->name);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s (%s(%d))\n#endif\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, phile->table->name,
- te->offset);
- (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr);
-static void ArrayperWriteHeader (FILE* f, File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#ifndef %s%s\n%s %sConst char %s%s[];\n#endif\n",
- prefixstr, te->left,
- externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr,
- prefixstr, te->left);
- (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr);
-static void DefaultWriteHeader (FILE* f, File* phile)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile);
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char %s[];\n",
- externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr,
- phile->table->name);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s ((char*)&%s[%d])\n#endif\n",
- prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, phile->table->name,
- te->offset);
- (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr);
-static void CopyTmplProlog (FILE* tmpl, FILE* f)
- char buf[1024];
- static char* magic_string = X_MAGIC_STRING;
- int magic_string_len = strlen (magic_string);
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, tmpl)) {
- if (strncmp (buf, magic_string, magic_string_len) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- (void) fputs (buf, f);
- }
-static void CopyTmplEpilog (FILE* tmpl, FILE* f)
- char buf[1024];
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, tmpl))
- (void) fputs (buf, f);
-static char* abistring[] = {
- "Default", "Array per string", "Intel", "Intel BC", "SPARC", "Function" };
-static void WriteHeader (char* tagline, File* phile, int abi)
- FILE* f;
- char* tmp;
- static void (*headerproc[])() = {
- DefaultWriteHeader, ArrayperWriteHeader,
- IntelABIWriteHeader, IntelABIWriteHeader,
- SPARCABIWriteHeader, FunctionWriteHeader };
- if ((f = fopen (phile->name, "w+")) == NULL) exit (1);
- if (phile->tmpl) CopyTmplProlog (phile->tmpl, f);
- (void) fprintf (f,
- "%s\n%s\n/* %s ABI version -- Do not edit */\n",
- "/* $TOG: makestrs.c /main/11 1998/02/06 11:24:15 kaleb $ */",
- "/* This file is automatically generated. */",
- abistring[abi]);
- if (tagline) (void) fprintf (f, "/* %s */\n\n", tagline);
- /* do the right thing for Motif, i.e. avoid _XmXmStrDefs_h_ */
- if (strcmp (prefixstr, "Xm") == 0) {
- if ((fileprotstr = malloc (strlen (phile->name) + 3)) == NULL)
- exit (1);
- (void) snprintf (fileprotstr, strlen (phile->name) + 3,
- "_%s_", phile->name);
- } else {
- if ((fileprotstr = malloc (strlen (phile->name) + strlen (prefixstr) + 3)) == NULL)
- exit (1);
- (void) snprintf (fileprotstr,
- strlen (phile->name) + strlen (prefixstr) + 3,
- "_%s%s_", prefixstr, phile->name);
- }
- for (tmp = fileprotstr; *tmp; tmp++) if (*tmp == '.') *tmp = '_';
- (*headerproc[abi])(f, phile);
- if (phile->tmpl) {
- CopyTmplEpilog (phile->tmpl, f);
- (void) fclose (phile->tmpl);
- }
- (void) free (fileprotstr);
- (void) fclose (f);
-static void WriteSourceLine (TableEnt* te, int abi, int fudge)
- char* c;
- for (c = te->right; *c; c++) (void) printf ("'%c',", *c);
- (void) printf ("%c", '0');
- if (te->next || fudge) (void) printf ("%c", ',');
- (void) printf ("%s", "\n");
-static char* const_string = "%s %sConst char %s[] = {\n";
-static void IntelABIWriteSource (int abi)
- File* phile;
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) {
- (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr,
- conststr ? conststr : "", t->name);
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- WriteSourceLine (te, abi, 0);
- (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};");
- }
- }
-static void IntelABIBCWriteSource (int abi)
- File* phile;
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr,
- conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0);
- (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};");
- if (phile->table->next) {
- (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr,
- conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->next->name);
- for (t = phile->table->next; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- WriteSourceLine (te, abi, 0);
- (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};");
- }
- }
-static void FunctionWriteSource (int abi)
- File* phile;
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- (void) printf ("static %sConst char _%s[] = {\n",
- conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0);
- (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};");
- (void) printf ("%sConst char* %s(index)\n int index;\n{\n return &_%s[index];\n}\n\n",
- conststr ? conststr : "",
- phile->table->name, phile->table->name);
- }
-static void ArrayperWriteSource (int abi)
- File* phile;
- static int done_atom;
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) {
- if (strcmp (te->left, "RAtom") == 0) {
- if (done_atom) return;
- done_atom = 1;
- }
- (void) printf ("%s %sConst char %s%s[] = \"%s\";\n",
- externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : prefixstr,
- prefixstr, te->left, te->right);
- }
- }
-static void DefaultWriteSource (int abi)
- File* phile;
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "",
- phile->table->name);
- for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next)
- WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0);
- (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};");
- }
-static void WriteSource(char* tagline, int abi)
- static void (*sourceproc[])() = {
- DefaultWriteSource, ArrayperWriteSource,
- IntelABIWriteSource, IntelABIBCWriteSource,
- DefaultWriteSource, FunctionWriteSource };
- FILE* tmpl;
- if (ctmplstr) {
- tmpl = fopen (ctmplstr, "r");
- if (tmpl) CopyTmplProlog (tmpl, stdout);
- else {
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "Expected template %s, not found\n",
- ctmplstr);
- exit (1);
- }
- } else
- tmpl = NULL;
- (void) printf ("%s\n%s\n/* %s ABI version -- Do not edit */\n",
- "/* $TOG: makestrs.c /main/11 1998/02/06 11:24:15 kaleb $ */",
- "/* This file is automatically generated. */",
- abistring[abi]);
- if (tagline) (void) printf ("/* %s */\n\n", tagline);
- (*sourceproc[abi])(abi);
- if (tmpl) {
- CopyTmplEpilog (tmpl, stdout);
- fclose(tmpl);
- }
-static void DoLine(char* buf)
-#define X_NO_TOKEN 0
-#define X_FILE_TOKEN 1
-#define X_TABLE_TOKEN 2
-#define X_PREFIX_TOKEN 3
-#define X_FEATURE_TOKEN 4
-#define X_CTMPL_TOKEN 7
-#define X_HTMPL_TOKEN 8
-#define X_CONST_TOKEN 9
- int token;
- char lbuf[1024];
- static char* file_str = "#file";
- static char* table_str = "#table";
- static char* prefix_str = "#prefix";
- static char* feature_str = "#feature";
- static char* externref_str = "#externref";
- static char* externdef_str = "#externdef";
- static char* ctmpl_str = "#ctmpl";
- static char* htmpl_str = "#htmpl";
- static char* const_str = "#const";
- if (strncmp (buf, file_str, strlen (file_str)) == 0)
- token = X_FILE_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, table_str, strlen (table_str)) == 0)
- token = X_TABLE_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, prefix_str, strlen (prefix_str)) == 0)
- token = X_PREFIX_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, feature_str, strlen (feature_str)) == 0)
- token = X_FEATURE_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, externref_str, strlen (externref_str)) == 0)
- else if (strncmp (buf, externdef_str, strlen (externdef_str)) == 0)
- else if (strncmp (buf, ctmpl_str, strlen (ctmpl_str)) == 0)
- token = X_CTMPL_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, htmpl_str, strlen (htmpl_str)) == 0)
- token = X_HTMPL_TOKEN;
- else if (strncmp (buf, const_str, strlen (const_str)) == 0)
- token = X_CONST_TOKEN;
- else
- token = X_NO_TOKEN;
- switch (token) {
- case X_FILE_TOKEN:
- {
- File* phile;
- if ((phile = (File*) malloc (sizeof(File))) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- if ((phile->name = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (file_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (phile->name, buf + strlen (file_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (file_str)) + 1);
- phile->table = NULL;
- phile->tablecurrent = NULL;
- phile->tabletail = &phile->table;
- phile->next = NULL;
- phile->tmpl = NULL;
- *filetail = phile;
- filetail = &phile->next;
- filecurrent = phile;
- }
- break;
- {
- Table* table;
- if ((table = (Table*) malloc (sizeof(Table))) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- if ((table->name = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (table_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (table->name, buf + strlen (table_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (table_str)) + 1);
- table->tableent = NULL;
- table->tableentcurrent = NULL;
- table->tableenttail = &table->tableent;
- table->next = NULL;
- table->offset = 0;
- *filecurrent->tabletail = table;
- filecurrent->tabletail = &table->next;
- filecurrent->tablecurrent = table;
- }
- break;
- if ((prefixstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (prefix_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (prefixstr, buf + strlen (prefix_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (prefix_str)) + 1);
- break;
- if ((featurestr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (feature_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (featurestr, buf + strlen (feature_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (feature_str)) + 1);
- break;
- if ((externrefstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (externref_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (externrefstr, buf + strlen (externref_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (externref_str)) + 1);
- break;
- if ((externdefstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (externdef_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (externdefstr, buf + strlen (externdef_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (externdef_str)) + 1);
- break;
- if ((ctmplstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (ctmpl_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (ctmplstr, buf + strlen (ctmpl_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (ctmpl_str)) + 1);
- break;
- if ((filecurrent->tmpl = fopen (buf + strlen (htmpl_str) + 1, "r")) == NULL) {
- (void) fprintf (stderr,
- "Expected template %s, not found\n", htmpl_str);
- exit (1);
- }
- break;
- if ((conststr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (const_str)) + 1)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- (void) strncpy (conststr, buf + strlen (const_str) + 1,
- strlen (buf + strlen (const_str)) + 1);
- break;
- default:
- {
- char* right;
- TableEnt* tableent;
- int llen;
- int rlen;
- int len;
- if ((right = index(buf, ' ')))
- *right++ = 0;
- else
- right = buf + 1;
- if (buf[0] == 'H') {
- snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), "%s%s", prefixstr, right);
- right = lbuf;
- }
- llen = len = strlen(buf) + 1;
- rlen = strlen(right) + 1;
- if (right != buf + 1) len += rlen;
- if ((tableent = (TableEnt*)malloc(sizeof(TableEnt) + len)) == NULL)
- exit(1);
- tableent->left = (char *)(tableent + 1);
- strncpy(tableent->left, buf, llen);
- if (llen != len) {
- tableent->right = tableent->left + llen;
- strncpy(tableent->right, right, rlen);
- } else {
- tableent->right = tableent->left + 1;
- }
- tableent->next = NULL;
- *filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableenttail = tableent;
- filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableenttail = &tableent->next;
- filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableentcurrent = tableent;
- }
- break;
- }
-static void IntelABIIndexEntries (File* file)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- for (t = file->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) {
- te->offset = t->offset;
- t->offset += strlen (te->right);
- t->offset++;
- }
-static void DefaultIndexEntries (File* file)
- Table* t;
- TableEnt* te;
- int offset = 0;
- for (t = file->table; t; t = t->next)
- for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) {
- te->offset = offset;
- offset += strlen (te->right);
- offset++;
- }
-static void IndexEntries (File* file, int abi)
- switch (abi) {
- case X_SPARC_ABI:
- break;
- case X_INTEL_ABI:
- case X_INTEL_ABI_BC:
- IntelABIIndexEntries (file);
- break;
- default:
- DefaultIndexEntries (file);
- break;
- }
-static char* DoComment (char* line)
- char* tag;
- char* eol;
- char* ret;
- int len;
- /* assume that the first line with two '$' in it is the RCS tag line */
- if ((tag = index (line, '$')) == NULL) return NULL;
- if ((eol = index (tag + 1, '$')) == NULL) return NULL;
- len = eol - tag;
- if ((ret = malloc (len)) == NULL)
- exit (1);
- (void) strncpy (ret, tag + 1, len - 1);
- ret[len - 2] = 0;
- return ret;
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
- int len, i;
- char* tagline = NULL;
- File* phile;
- FILE *f;
- char buf[1024];
- int abi =
- f = stdin;
- if (argc > 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-f") == 0) {
- if (++i < argc)
- f = fopen (argv[i], "r");
- else
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-sparcabi") == 0)
- abi = X_SPARC_ABI;
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-intelabi") == 0)
- abi = X_INTEL_ABI;
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-functionabi") == 0)
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-earlyR6bc") == 0 && abi == X_INTEL_ABI)
- abi = X_INTEL_ABI_BC;
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-arrayperabi") == 0)
- if (strcmp (argv[i], "-defaultabi") == 0)
- abi = X_DEFAULT_ABI;
- }
- }
- if (f == NULL) return 1;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f)) {
- if (!buf[0] || buf[0] == '\n')
- continue;
- if (buf[0] == '!') {
- if (tagline) continue;
- tagline = DoComment (buf);
- continue;
- }
- if (buf[(len = strlen (buf) - 1)] == '\n') buf[len] = '\0';
- DoLine(buf);
- }
- for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) {
- if (abi != X_ARRAYPER_ABI) IndexEntries (phile, abi);
- WriteHeader (tagline, phile, abi);
- }
- WriteSource(tagline, abi);
- return 0;
diff --git a/cde/config/util/makestrs.man b/cde/config/util/makestrs.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 82734c19f..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/makestrs.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: makestrs.man /main/4 1998/02/06 11:24:22 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-.\" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not
-.\" be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
-.\" dealing in this Software without prior written authorization from The
-.\" Open Group.
-.TH MAKESTRS 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-makestrs \- makes string table C source and header(s)
-.B makestrs [-f source] [-abioptions ...]
-.I makestrs
-command creates string table C source files and headers.
-.I -f
-.I source
-is not specified
-.I makestrs
-will read from
-.I stdin.
-The C source file is always written to
-.I stdout.
-.I makestrs
-creates one or more C header files as specified in the source file.
-The following options may be specified:
-.I -sparcabi,
-.I -intelabi,
-.I -functionabi,
-.I -arrayperabi,
-.I -defaultabi.
-.I -sparcabi
-is used on SPARC platforms conforming to the SPARC
-Compliance Definition, i.e. SVR4/Solaris.
-.I -intelabi
-is used on Intel platforms conforming to the System
-V Application Binary Interface, i.e. SVR4.
-.I -earlyR6abi
-may be used in addition to
-.I -intelabi
-for situations
-where the vendor wishes to maintain binary compatiblity between
-X11R6 public-patch 11 (and earlier) and X11R6 public-patch 12 (and later).
-.I -functionabi
-generates a functional abi to the string table. This
-mechanism imposes a severe performance penalty and it's recommended
-that you not use it.
-.I -arrayperabi
-results in a separate array for each string. This is
-the default behavior if makestrs was compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR
-(it almost never is).
-.I -defaultabi
-forces the generation of the "normal" string table even
-if makestrs was compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR. Since makestrs is almost
-never compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR this is the default behavior if
-no abioptions are specified.
-The syntax for string-list file is (items in square brackets are optional):
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-#externdef []
-.RS 4
-[#ctempl ]
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-In words you may have one or more #file directives. Each #file may have
-one or more #table directives.
-The #prefix directive determines the string that makestr will prefix
-to each definition.
-The #feature directive determines the string that makestr will use
-for the feature-test macro, e.g. X[TM]STRINGDEFINES.
-The #externref directive determines the string that makestr will use
-for the extern clause, typically this will be "extern" but Motif wants
-it to be "externalref"
-The #externdef directive determines the string that makestr will use
-for the declaration, typically this will be the null string (note that
-makestrs requires a trailing space in this case, i.e. "#externdef "),
-and Motif will use "externaldef(_xmstrings).
-The #ctmpl directive determines the name of the file used as a template
-for the C source file that is generated
-Each #file directive will result in a corresponding header
-file by that name containing the appropriate definitions as specified
-by command line options. A single C source file containing the
-declarations for the definitions in all the headers will be printed
-to stdout.
-The #htmpl directive determines the name of the file used as a template
-for the C header file that is generated.
-Each #table directive will be processed in accordance with
-the ABI. On most platforms all tables will be catenated into a single
-table with the name of the first table for that file. To conform to
-the Intel ABI separate tables will be generated with the names indicated.
-The template files specified by the #ctmpl and #htmpl directives
-are processed by copying line for line from the template file to
-the appropriate output file. The line containing the string
-.I <<>>
-is not copied to the output file. The appropriate data is then
-copied to the output file and then the remainder of the template
-file is copied to the output file.
-makestrs is not very forgiving of syntax errors. Sometimes you need
-a trailing space after # directives, other times they will mess you
-up. No warning messages are emitted.
-SPARC Compliance Definition 2.2., SPARC International Inc.,
-535 Middlefield Road, Suite 210, Menlo Park, CA 94025
-System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition,
-ISBN 0-13-100439-5
-UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs,
-NJ 07632
-System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition, Intel386
-Architecture Processor Supplement
-ISBN 0-13-104670-5
-UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs,
-NJ 07632
-System V Application Binary Interface, Third Edition, SPARC
-Architecture Processor Supplement
-ISBN 0-13-104696-9
-UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs,
-NJ 07632
diff --git a/cde/config/util/mdepend.cpp b/cde/config/util/mdepend.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 52693a24b..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/mdepend.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: mdepend.cpp /main/13 1997/06/20 21:12:18 kaleb $
-XCOMM Do the equivalent of the 'makedepend' program, but do it right.
-XCOMM Usage:
-XCOMM makedepend [cpp-flags] [-w width] [-s magic-string] [-f makefile]
-XCOMM [-o object-suffix]
-XCOMM Notes:
-XCOMM The C compiler used can be overridden with the environment
-XCOMM variable "CC".
-XCOMM The "-v" switch of the "makedepend" program is not supported.
-XCOMM This script should
-XCOMM work on both USG and BSD systems. However, when System V.4 comes out,
-XCOMM USG users will probably have to change "silent" to "-s" instead of
-XCOMM "-" (at least, that is what the documentation implies).
-trap "rm -f ${TMP}*; exit 1" 1 2 15
-trap "rm -f ${TMP}*; exit 0" 1 2 13
-echo " \c" > $CPPCMD
-if [ `wc -c < $CPPCMD` -eq 1 ]
- c="\c"
- n=
- c=
- n="-n"
-echo $n "$c" >$ARGS
-magic_string='# DO NOT DELETE'
-while [ $# != 0 ]
- if [ "$endmarker"x != x ] && [ "$endmarker" = "$1" ]; then
- endmarker=""
- else
- case "$1" in
- -D*|-I*)
- echo $n " '$1'$c" >> $ARGS
- ;;
- -g|-O) # ignore so we can just pass $(CFLAGS) in
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "$endmarker"x = x ]; then
- case "$1" in
- -w)
- width="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- -s)
- magic_string="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- -f*)
- if [ "$1" = "-f-" ]; then
- makefile="-"
- else
- makefile="$2"
- shift
- fi
- ;;
- -o)
- objsuffix="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --*)
- echo "$1" | sed 's/^\-\-//' >${TMP}end
- endmarker="`cat ${TMP}end`"
- rm -f ${TMP}end
- if [ "$endmarker"x = x ]; then
- endmarker="--"
- fi
- ;;
- -v)
- verbose="y"
- ;;
- -a)
- append="y"
- ;;
- -cc)
- CC="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- -*)
- echo "Unknown option '$1' ignored" 1>&2
- ;;
- *)
- files="$files $1"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- shift
-echo ' $*' >> $ARGS
-echo "#!/bin/sh" > $CPPCMD
-echo "exec $CC `cat $ARGS`" >> $CPPCMD
-chmod +x $CPPCMD
-rm $ARGS
-case "$makefile" in
- '')
- if [ -r makefile ]
- then
- makefile=makefile
- elif [ -r Makefile ]
- then
- makefile=Makefile
- else
- echo 'no makefile or Makefile found' 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -)
- makefile=$TMPMAKEFILE
- ;;
-if [ "$verbose"x = "y"x ]; then
- cat $CPPCMD
-echo '' > $DEPENDLINES
-for i in $files
- $CPPCMD $i \
- | sed -n "/^#/s;^;$i ;p"
-done \
- | sed -e 's|/[^/.][^/]*/\.\.||g' -e 's|/\.[^.][^/]*/\.\.||g' \
- -e 's|"||g' -e 's| \./| |' \
- | awk '{
- if ($1 != $4 && $2 != "#ident" && $2 != "#pragma")
- {
- ofile = substr ($1, 1, length ($1) - 2) "'"$objsuffix"'"
- print ofile, $4
- }
- }' \
- | sort -u \
- | awk '
- {
- newrec = rec " " $2
- if ($1 != old1)
- {
- old1 = $1
- if (rec != "")
- print rec
- rec = $1 ": " $2
- }
- else if (length (newrec) > '"$width"')
- {
- print rec
- rec = $1 ": " $2
- }
- else
- rec = newrec
- }
- END \
- {
- if (rec != "")
- print rec
- }' \
- | egrep -v '^[^:]*:[ ]*$' >> $DEPENDLINES
-trap "" 1 2 13 15 # Now we are committed
-case "$makefile" in
- ;;
- *)
- rm -f $makefile.bak
- cp $makefile $makefile.bak
- echo "Appending dependencies to $makefile"
- ;;
-XCOMM If not -a, append the magic string and a blank line so that
-XCOMM /^$magic_string/+1,\$d can be used to delete everything from after
-XCOMM the magic string to the end of the file. Then, append a blank
-XCOMM line again and then the dependencies.
-if [ "$append" = "n" ]
- cat >> $makefile << END_OF_APPEND
- ed $silent $makefile << END_OF_ED_SCRIPT
- echo '' >>$makefile
-cat $DEPENDLINES >>$makefile
-case "$makefile" in
- ;;
-rm -f ${TMP}*
-exit 0
diff --git a/cde/config/util/mergelib.cpp b/cde/config/util/mergelib.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index a645a69af..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/mergelib.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: mergelib.cpp /main/5 1998/02/06 11:24:31 kaleb $
-XCOMM Copyright (c) 1989, 1998 The Open Group
-XCOMM All Rights Reserved
-XCOMM The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-XCOMM all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-XCOMM Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
-XCOMM used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
-XCOMM in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
-XCOMM Author: Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium
-XCOMM mergelib - merge one library into another; this is commonly used by X
-XCOMM to add the extension library into the base Xlib.
-usage="usage: $0 to-library from-library [object-filename-prefix]"
-case $# in
- 2) ;;
- 3) objprefix=$3 ;;
- *) echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
-if [ ! -f $fromlib ]; then
- echo "$0: no such from-library $fromlib" 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -f $tolib ]; then
- echo "$0: no such to-library $tolib" 1>&2
- exit 1
-XCOMM Create a temp directory, and figure out how to reference the
-XCOMM object files from it (i.e. relative vs. absolute path names).
-mkdir $tmpdir
-if [ ! -d $tmpdir ]; then
- echo "$0: unable to create temporary directory $tmpdir" 1>&2
- exit 1
-case "$fromlib" in
- /?*) upfrom= ;;
- *) upfrom=../ ;;
-case "$tolib" in
- /?*) upto= ;;
- *) upto=../ ;;
-XCOMM In the temp directory, extract all of the object files and prefix
-XCOMM them with some symbol to avoid name clashes with the base library.
-cd $tmpdir
-ar x ${upfrom}$fromlib
-for i in *.o; do
- mv $i ${objprefix}$i
-XCOMM Merge in the object modules, ranlib (if appropriate) and cleanup
-ARCMD ${upto}$tolib *.o
-RANLIB ${upto}$tolib
-cd $origdir
-rm -rf $tmpdir
diff --git a/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.man b/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.man
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f9201fc..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: mkdirhier.man /main/10 1998/02/06 11:24:42 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-.\" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not
-.\" be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
-.\" dealing in this Software without prior written authorization from The
-.\" Open Group.
-.TH MKDIRHIER 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-mkdirhier \- makes a directory hierarchy
-.B mkdirhier
-directory ...
-.I mkdirhier
-command creates the specified directories. Unlike
-.I mkdir
-if any of the parent directories of the specified directory
-do not exist, it creates them as well.
diff --git a/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.sh b/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 889094df7..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/mkdirhier.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# $XConsortium: mkdirhier.sh,v 1.7 94/03/24 15:46:34 gildea Exp $
-# Courtesy of Paul Eggert
-case ${1--} in
--*) echo >&2 "mkdirhier: usage: mkdirhier directory ..."; exit 1
-for directory
- case $directory in
- '')
- echo >&2 "mkdirhier: empty directory name"
- status=1
- continue;;
- *"$newline"*)
- echo >&2 "mkdirhier: directory name contains a newline: \`\`$directory''"
- status=1
- continue;;
- ///*) prefix=/;; # See Posix 2.3 "path".
- //*) prefix=//;;
- /*) prefix=/;;
- -*) prefix=./;;
- *) prefix=
- esac
- IFS=/
- set x $directory
- case $2 in
- */*) # IFS parsing is broken
- IFS=' '
- set x `echo $directory | tr / ' '`
- ;;
- esac
- IFS=$newline
- shift
- for filename
- do
- path=$prefix$filename
- prefix=$path/
- shift
- test -d "$path" || {
- paths=$path
- for filename
- do
- if [ "$filename" != "." ]; then
- path=$path/$filename
- paths=$paths$newline$path
- fi
- done
- mkdir $paths || status=$?
- break
- }
- done
- done
-exit $status
diff --git a/cde/config/util/syminst.sh b/cde/config/util/syminst.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f9e1863d5..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/syminst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# syminst - install with a symbolic link back to the build tree
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-lnprog="${LNPROG-ln -s}"
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) shift
- continue;;
- -m) shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) shift
- continue;;
- -DIR) srcdir=`echo $2 | sed 's;/\./;/;g'`/
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
- echo "syminst: no input file specified"
- exit 1
-if [ x"$dst" = x ]
- echo "syminst: no destination specified"
- exit 1
-# if destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-if [ -d $dst ]
- dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
-case $src in
- /*) srcdir=""
- instcmd=cp;;
-# get rid of the old one and mode the new one in
-$doit $rmcmd $dst
-$doit $instcmd $srcdir$src $dst
-exit 0
diff --git a/cde/config/util/x11mf.sh b/cde/config/util/x11mf.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c44194d5..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/x11mf.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# generate a Makefile within the build tree
-# usage: x11mf [treedir]
-if [ x$1 != x ]; then
- tree=$1
- tree=/x11
-top=`(cd $tree; /bin/pwd)`
-case $dir in
- $top*) intree=yes;;
-if [ $intree != yes ]; then
- echo "$0: Must be underneath $tree"
- exit 1
-(cd ..; make SUBDIRS=`basename $dir` Makefiles)
diff --git a/cde/config/util/xmkmf.cpp b/cde/config/util/xmkmf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d32a834d8..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/xmkmf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM make a Makefile from an Imakefile from inside or outside the sources
-XCOMM $XConsortium: xmkmf.cpp /main/22 1996/09/28 16:17:05 rws $
-usage="usage: $0 [-a] [top_of_sources_pathname [current_directory]]"
-case "$1" in
- do_all="yes"
- shift
- ;;
-case $# in
- 0) ;;
- 1) topdir=$1 ;;
- 2) topdir=$1 curdir=$2 ;;
- *) echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
-case "$topdir" in
- -*) echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
-if [ -f Makefile ]; then
- echo mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
- mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
-if [ "$topdir" = "" ]; then
- args="-DUseInstalled "$configdirspec
- args="-I$topdir/config/cf -DTOPDIR=$topdir -DCURDIR=$curdir"
-echo imake $args
-case "$do_all" in
- imake $args &&
- echo "make Makefiles" &&
- make Makefiles &&
- echo "make includes" &&
- make includes &&
- echo "make depend" &&
- make depend
- ;;
- imake $args
- ;;
diff --git a/cde/config/util/xmkmf.man b/cde/config/util/xmkmf.man
deleted file mode 100644
index fe3092fc7..000000000
--- a/cde/config/util/xmkmf.man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-.\" $TOG: xmkmf.man /main/9 1998/02/06 11:25:04 kaleb $
-.\" Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
-.\" All Rights Reserved.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-.\" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not
-.\" be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
-.\" dealing in this Software without prior written authorization from The
-.\" Open Group.
-.TH XMKMF 1 "Release 6.4" "X Version 11"
-xmkmf \- create a Makefile from an Imakefile
-.B xmkmf
-[ -a ] [
-.I topdir
-.I curdir
-] ]
-.I xmkmf
-command is the normal way to create a
-.I Makefile
-from an
-.I Imakefile
-shipped with third-party software.
-When invoked with no arguments in a directory containing an
-.I Imakefile,
-.I imake
-program is run with arguments appropriate for your system
-(configured into
-.I xmkmf
-when X was built) and generates a
-.I Makefile.
-When invoked with the
-.I \-a
-.I xmkmf
-builds the
-.I Makefile
-in the current directory, and then automatically executes
-``make Makefiles'' (in case there are subdirectories),
-``make includes'',
-and ``make depend'' for you.
-This is the normal way to configure software that is outside
-the X Consortium build tree.
-If working inside the X Consortium build tree (unlikely unless you
-are an X developer, and even then this option is never really used), the
-.I topdir
-argument should be specified as the relative pathname from the
-current directory to the top of the build tree. Optionally,
-.I curdir
-may be specified as a relative pathname from the top of the build
-tree to the current directory. It is necessary to supply
-.I curdir
-if the current directory has subdirectories, or the
-.I Makefile
-will not be able to build the subdirectories.
-If a
-.I topdir
-is given,
-.I xmkmf
-assumes nothing is installed on your system and looks for files in
-the build tree instead of using the installed versions.
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-DEMOS.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-DEMOS.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-DEMOS.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-DEMOS.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-FONTS.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-FONTS.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-FONTS.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-FONTS.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-HELP-LOC.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-LOC.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-HELP-LOC.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-LOC.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-HELP-PRG.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-PRG.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-HELP-PRG.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-PRG.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-HELP-RUN.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-RUN.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-HELP-RUN.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-HELP-RUN.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-ICONS.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-ICONS.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-ICONS.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-ICONS.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-INC.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INC.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-INC.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INC.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-INFO.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INFO.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-INFO.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INFO.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-INFOLIB-LOC.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INFOLIB-LOC.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-INFOLIB-LOC.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-INFOLIB-LOC.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-LOC.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-LOC.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-LOC.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-LOC.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-MAN-DEV.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MAN-DEV.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-MAN-DEV.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MAN-DEV.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-MAN.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MAN.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-MAN.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MAN.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-MIN.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MIN.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-MIN.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MIN.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-MSG-LOC.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MSG-LOC.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-MSG-LOC.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-MSG-LOC.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-PRG.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-PRG.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-PRG.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-PRG.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-RUN.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-RUN.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-RUN.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-RUN.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-SHLIBS.src b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-SHLIBS.src
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-SHLIBS.src
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-SHLIBS.src
diff --git a/cde/databases/CDE-TT.udb b/cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-TT.udb
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/CDE-TT.udb
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/CDE-TT.udb
diff --git a/cde/databases/Imakefile b/cde/databases-delete-later/Imakefile
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/Imakefile
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/Imakefile
diff --git a/cde/databases/findMissingFiles b/cde/databases-delete-later/findMissingFiles
similarity index 100%
rename from cde/databases/findMissingFiles
rename to cde/databases-delete-later/findMissingFiles
diff --git a/cde/include/Imakefile b/cde/include/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe3a7a4a..000000000
--- a/cde/include/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/4 1997/07/09 10:03:24 samborn $
-#define PassCDebugFlags /**/
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-HEADERS = EUSCompat.h
diff --git a/cde/include/cppfile.tmpl b/cde/include/cppfile.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c6a2342..000000000
--- a/cde/include/cppfile.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-all:: $(CPPTARGET)
- $(RM) $@
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtHelp/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtHelp/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index aa1590131..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtHelp/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/25 1996/11/22 11:17:34 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtHelp
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtHelp
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtHelp
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtHelp
-#define LibName DtHelp
-#define SoRev SODTHELPREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LargePICTable YES
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags /**/
-#if defined(LSBBitOrder) && LSBBitOrder
-INCLUDES = -I. -I./il -I./jpeg
-#if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture) || defined(OpenBSDArchitecture)
-JPEGLIB = -ljpeg
-#ifdef SharedDtHelpReqs
- CanvasP.h CanvasSegP.h Help.h \
- HelpDialog.h HelpDialogP.h HelpP.h \
- HelpQuickD.h HelpQuickDP.h
-/* These internal headers will go to the DtI directory */
- Access.h AccessI.h AccessP.h \
- ActionsI.h CallbacksI.h CanvasI.h \
- DisplayAreaI.h DisplayAreaP.h FileUtilsI.h \
- FontAttrI.h FontI.h GifUtilsI.h \
- GraphicsP.h HelpP.h HelpTermP.h \
- HelposI.h HourGlassI.h JpegUtilsI.h \
- LinkMgrP.h RegionI.h SetListI.h \
- XUICreateI.h XbmUtilsI.h bufioI.h
- LocaleXlate.h XlationSvc.h
-SRCS1 = \
- Actions.c AsciiSpc.c Callbacks.c \
- Destroy.c Environ_c.c FileListUtils.c \
- FileUtils.c Font.c Format.c \
- FormatMan.c FormatTerm.c GifUtils.c \
- GlobSearch.c Graphics.c HelpAccess.c \
- HelpDialog.c HelpQuickD.c HelpUtil.c \
- Helpos.c History.c HourGlass.c \
- HyperText.c JpegUtils.c Messages.c \
- PathArea.c Print.c Resize.c \
- SetList.c VolSelect.c XInterface.c \
- XUICreate.c XbmUtils.c
-OBJS1 = \
- Actions.o AsciiSpc.o Callbacks.o \
- Destroy.o Environ_c.o FileListUtils.o \
- FileUtils.o Font.o Format.o \
- FormatMan.o FormatTerm.o GifUtils.o \
- GlobSearch.o Graphics.o HelpAccess.o \
- HelpDialog.o HelpQuickD.o HelpUtil.o \
- Helpos.o History.o HourGlass.o \
- HyperText.o JpegUtils.o Messages.o \
- PathArea.o Print.o Resize.o \
- SetList.o VolSelect.o XInterface.o \
- XUICreate.o XbmUtils.o
-SRCS2 = \
- Access.c AccessCCDF.c AccessSDL.c \
- CCDFUtil.c CleanUp.c FontAttr.c \
- FormatCCDF.c FormatSDL.c FormatUtil.c \
- GenUtils.c Obsolete.c StringFuncs.c \
- UtilSDL.c bufio.c decompress.c
-OBJS2 = \
- Access.o AccessCCDF.o AccessSDL.o \
- CCDFUtil.o CleanUp.o FontAttr.o \
- FormatCCDF.o FormatSDL.o FormatUtil.o \
- GenUtils.o Obsolete.o StringFuncs.o \
- UtilSDL.o bufio.o decompress.o
- Canvas.c CanvasOs.c CvString.c \
- Layout.c LayoutUtil.c LinkMgr.c \
- Selection.c VirtFuncs.c
- Canvas.o CanvasOs.o CvString.o \
- Layout.o LayoutUtil.o LinkMgr.o \
- Selection.o VirtFuncs.o
- HelpXlate.c
- HelpXlate.o
-/* NOTE!!!
- * All IO_OBJS and JPEG_OBJS .o's are built in the subdirectories.
- * Each .o there must have a listing in *OBJS macros below.
- */
-IL_OBJS = \
- il/ilX.o il/ilbigray.o il/ilcodec.o \
- il/ilcontext.o il/ilconvert.o il/ilcrop.o \
- il/ildata.o il/ildecompg3.o il/ildecompg4.o \
- il/ildecompjpeg.o il/ildecomplzw.o il/ildecomppackbits.o \
- il/ildecompress.o il/ildither.o il/ilformat.o \
- il/ilgraybi.o il/ilimage.o il/ilinvert.o \
- il/iljpgdecode.o il/iljpgdecodejif.o il/iljpgdedct.o \
- il/iljpgdehuff.o il/iljpgutil.o il/ilmap.o \
- il/ilobject.o il/ilpalette.o il/ilpipe.o \
- il/ilrwimage.o il/ilscale.o il/ilscalesample.o \
- il/iltiff.o il/iltiffread.o il/iltruegray.o \
- il/ilupsample.o il/ilutiljpeg.o il/ilycbcr.o
- jpeg/jcomapi.o jpeg/jdmainct.o jpeg/jidctflt.o \
- jpeg/jdapimin.o jpeg/jdmarker.o jpeg/jidctfst.o \
- jpeg/jdapistd.o jpeg/jdmaster.o jpeg/jidctint.o \
- jpeg/jdatasrc.o jpeg/jdmerge.o jpeg/jidctred.o \
- jpeg/jdcoefct.o jpeg/jdphuff.o jpeg/jmemmgr.o \
- jpeg/jdcolor.o jpeg/jdpostct.o jpeg/jmemnobs.o \
- jpeg/jddctmgr.o jpeg/jdsample.o jpeg/jquant1.o \
- jpeg/jdhuff.o jpeg/jdtrans.o jpeg/jquant2.o \
- jpeg/jdinput.o jpeg/jerror.o jpeg/jutils.o
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture) || defined(BSDArchitecture) || \
- defined(SunArchitecture)
-#ifdef HPArchitecture
-# ifdef __hp9000s300
-/* Build +O1 due to 300 optimizer bug on all architectures */
-# endif
-# if OSMajorVersion == 10
-/* Workaround compiler bug in hp 10.0 WC. Should be removed eventually. */
-# endif
-LCX_FILES = AIX.lcx CDE.lcx HP-UX.lcx SunOS.lcx Linux.lcx
-LCX_DEST = misc/dtlcx
-/* link LocaleXlate XlationSvc headers. */
- rm -f $(OBJS1)
- rm -f $(OBJS2)
- rm -f $(LCXOBJS)
- rm -f $(CVOBJS)
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtHelp/il/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtHelp/il/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 52684e542..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtHelp/il/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/1 1996/11/22 11:15:01 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtHelp
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtHelp
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtHelp
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtHelp
-#define LibName DtHelp
-#define SoRev SODTHELPREV
-#define LibHeaders NO
-#define LibCreate NO
-#define LargePICTable YES
-#if defined(LSBBitOrder) && LSBBitOrder
-INCLUDES = -I. -I..
-SRCS = ilX.c ilbigray.c ilcodec.c \
- ilcontext.c ilconvert.c ilcrop.c \
- ildata.c ildecompg3.c ildecompg4.c \
- ildecompjpeg.c ildecomplzw.c ildecomppackbits.c \
- ildecompress.c ildither.c ilformat.c \
- ilgraybi.c ilimage.c ilinvert.c \
- iljpgdecode.c iljpgdecodejif.c iljpgdedct.c \
- iljpgdehuff.c iljpgutil.c ilmap.c \
- ilobject.c ilpalette.c ilpipe.c \
- ilrwimage.c ilscale.c ilscalesample.c \
- iltiff.c iltiffread.c iltruegray.c \
- ilupsample.c ilutiljpeg.c ilycbcr.c
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to IL_OBJS in the
- * parent (DtHelp) Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = ilX.o ilbigray.o ilcodec.o \
- ilcontext.o ilconvert.o ilcrop.o \
- ildata.o ildecompg3.o ildecompg4.o \
- ildecompjpeg.o ildecomplzw.o ildecomppackbits.o \
- ildecompress.o ildither.o ilformat.o \
- ilgraybi.o ilimage.o ilinvert.o \
- iljpgdecode.o iljpgdecodejif.o iljpgdedct.o \
- iljpgdehuff.o iljpgutil.o ilmap.o \
- ilobject.o ilpalette.o ilpipe.o \
- ilrwimage.o ilscale.o ilscalesample.o \
- iltiff.o iltiffread.o iltruegray.o \
- ilupsample.o ilutiljpeg.o ilycbcr.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtMrm/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtMrm/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 889af0930..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtMrm/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/2 1996/04/21 19:14:49 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtMrm
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtMrm
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtMrm
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtMrm
-#define LibName DtMrm
-#define SoRev SODTMRMREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define HasSharedData NO
-#ifdef SharedDtMrmReqs
-SRCS = DtMrm.c
-OBJS = DtMrm.o
-HEADERS = Mrm.h
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtPamSvc/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtPamSvc/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 18630466d..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtPamSvc/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtPamSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtPamSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtPamSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtPamSvc
-#define LibName DtPamSvc
-#define SoRev SOPAMREV
-#define LibHeaders YES
-HEADERS = PamSvc.h
-SRCS = PamSvc.c
-OBJS = PamSvc.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtPrint/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtPrint/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f431a925..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtPrint/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/11 1996/10/31 02:09:04 cde-hp $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtPrint
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtPrint
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtPrint
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtPrint
-#define LibName DtPrint
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#ifndef DtPrintDefines
-# define DtPrintDefines -DMULTIBYTE -DI18N_MSG
-DEFINES = DtPrintDefines
-#ifdef SharedDtPrintReqs
-REQUIREDLIBS = SharedDtPrintReqs
- PrintMsgsP.h \
- PrintDlgMgrP.h \
- Print.h \
- PrintI.h \
- PrintOptionsP.h \
- PrintSetupBP.h \
- PsubDefProcI.h \
- PsubUtilI.h \
- dtpdmd.h
-SRCS = \
- PrintMsgs.c \
- PrintDlgMgr.c \
- PrintOptions.c \
- PrintSetupB.c \
- PsubDefProc.c \
- PsubUtil.c
-OBJS = \
- PrintMsgs.o \
- PrintDlgMgr.o \
- PrintOptions.o \
- PrintSetupB.o \
- PsubDefProc.o \
- PsubUtil.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSearch/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSearch/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d6380f6ee..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSearch/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/13 1996/08/20 15:21:22 rws $
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags /**/
-SUBDIRS = raima
-#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture) || defined(BSDArchitecture)
-#if defined(SunArchitecture)
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSearch
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSearch
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSearch
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSearch
-#define LibName DtSearch
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#ifndef DtSearchDefines
-# define DtSearchDefines -DI18N_MSG -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSearchDefines
-INCLUDES = -I. -I./raima
-YFLAGS = -d
-#ifdef SharedDtSearchReqs
-REQUIREDLIBS = SharedDtSearchReqs
- Search.h \
- SearchE.h \
- SearchP.h \
- boolpars.h \
- boolyac.h \
- dberr.h \
- dproto.h
-SRCS = \
- apndext.c ausdopen.c ausexit.c \
- bmstrstr.c boolpars.c boolsrch.c \
- boolyac.c cuslang.c dbchange.c \
- dberr.c delspace.c dtoe.c \
- dtoeinit.c dtsrapi.c dtsrdbrec.c \
- dtsrjoint.c dtsrswab.c \
- dtsrutil.c dtsrve.c \
- endslash.c fileman.c globals.c \
- hdecode.c hencode.c hilite.c \
- iscompat.c isduprec.c jpn.c \
- lang.c langmap.c msgs.c \
- msgutil.c objdate.c ocf.c \
- opendblk.c ophuf.c readchar.c \
- strupr.c userint.c vedelete.c \
- vestatis.c vstfunct.c
-OBJS1 = \
- apndext.o ausdopen.o ausexit.o \
- bmstrstr.o boolpars.o boolsrch.o \
- boolyac.o cuslang.o dbchange.o \
- dberr.o delspace.o dtoe.o \
- dtoeinit.o dtsrapi.o dtsrdbrec.o \
- dtsrjoint.o dtsrswab.o \
- dtsrutil.o dtsrve.o \
- endslash.o fileman.o globals.o \
- hdecode.o hencode.o hilite.o \
- iscompat.o isduprec.o jpn.o \
- lang.o langmap.o msgs.o \
- msgutil.o objdate.o ocf.o \
- opendblk.o ophuf.o readchar.o \
- strupr.o userint.o vedelete.o \
- vestatis.o vstfunct.o
- raima/alloc.o \
- raima/cmtype.o raima/connect.o \
- raima/cotype.o \
- raima/crget.o raima/crread.o \
- raima/crset.o \
- raima/crtype.o raima/crwrite.o \
- raima/csmget.o raima/csmread.o \
- raima/csmset.o raima/csmwrite.o \
- raima/csoget.o raima/csoread.o \
- raima/csoset.o raima/csowrite.o \
- raima/dbacode.o raima/dbdpath.o \
- raima/dbfpath.o raima/dblfcns.o \
- raima/dbswab.o \
- raima/dbuserid.o raima/delete.o \
- raima/destroy.o raima/dio.o \
- raima/discon.o raima/disdel.o \
- raima/fillnew.o raima/findco.o \
- raima/findfm.o raima/findlm.o \
- raima/findnm.o raima/findpm.o \
- raima/initial.o raima/inittab.o \
- raima/ismember.o raima/isowner.o \
- raima/keydel.o raima/keyexist.o \
- raima/keyfcns.o raima/keyfind.o \
- raima/keyfrst.o raima/keylast.o \
- raima/keynext.o raima/keyprev.o \
- raima/keystore.o raima/libfcns.o \
- raima/makenew.o raima/mapchar.o \
- raima/members.o \
- raima/oflag.o raima/opens.o \
- raima/options.o raima/pathfcns.o \
- raima/recfcns.o raima/recfrst.o \
- raima/reclast.o raima/recnext.o \
- raima/recprev.o raima/recread.o \
- raima/recset.o \
- raima/recwrite.o raima/renfile.o \
- raima/rwcurr.o raima/setdb.o \
- raima/setmm.o raima/setmo.o \
- raima/setmr.o raima/setom.o \
- raima/setoo.o raima/setor.o \
- raima/setrm.o raima/setro.o \
- raima/startup.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSearch/raima/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSearch/raima/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3600b2302..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSearch/raima/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/10 1996/08/14 17:50:16 cde-ibm $
-# (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
-# (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
-#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
-#if defined(LinuxArchitecture) || defined(BSDArchitecture)
-#if defined(SunArchitecture)
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSearch
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSearch
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSearch
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSearch
-#define LibName DtSearch
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LibCreate NO
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines \
- dbtype.h dproto.h inittab.h ncb.h task.h vista.h \
- dblock.h dbxtrn.h dtcover.h ll.h proto.h trxlog.h
-SRCS = \
- alloc.c cmtype.c connect.c \
- cotype.c crget.c crread.c crset.c \
- crtype.c crwrite.c csmget.c csmread.c \
- csmset.c csmwrite.c csoget.c csoread.c csoset.c \
- csowrite.c \
- dbacode.c dbdpath.c dbfpath.c dblfcns.c \
- dbswab.c dbuserid.c \
- delete.c destroy.c dio.c discon.c disdel.c \
- fillnew.c findco.c findfm.c findlm.c findnm.c \
- findpm.c \
- initial.c inittab.c ismember.c \
- isowner.c keydel.c keyexist.c keyfcns.c \
- keyfind.c keyfrst.c keylast.c keynext.c keyprev.c \
- keystore.c libfcns.c makenew.c mapchar.c \
- members.c oflag.c opens.c options.c \
- pathfcns.c recfcns.c recfrst.c reclast.c recnext.c \
- recprev.c recread.c recset.c \
- recwrite.c renfile.c rwcurr.c setdb.c \
- setmm.c setmo.c setmr.c setom.c setoo.c \
- setor.c setrm.c setro.c startup.c
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTUTIL1_OBJS1
- * and SHARED_DTUTIL1_OBJS1 in the DtSearch Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = \
- alloc.o cmtype.o connect.o \
- cotype.o crget.o crread.o crset.o \
- crtype.o crwrite.o csmget.o csmread.o \
- csmset.o csmwrite.o csoget.o csoread.o csoset.o \
- csowrite.o \
- dbacode.o dbdpath.o dbfpath.o dblfcns.o \
- dbswab.o dbuserid.o \
- delete.o destroy.o dio.o discon.o disdel.o \
- fillnew.o findco.o findfm.o findlm.o findnm.o \
- findpm.o \
- initial.o inittab.o ismember.o \
- isowner.o keydel.o keyexist.o keyfcns.o \
- keyfind.o keyfrst.o keylast.o keynext.o keyprev.o \
- keystore.o libfcns.o makenew.o mapchar.o \
- members.o opens.o options.o oflag.o \
- pathfcns.o recfcns.o recfrst.o reclast.o recnext.o \
- recprev.o recread.o recset.o \
- recwrite.o renfile.o rwcurr.o setdb.o \
- setmm.o setmo.o setmr.o setom.o setoo.o \
- setor.o setrm.o setro.o startup.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtCodelibs/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtCodelibs/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f06b5d30f..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtCodelibs/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/6 1996/08/20 14:48:43 drk $
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 International Business Machines Corp.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Novell, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define LibHeaders NO
-#define LibCreate NO
-#define CplusplusSource YES
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../include
-#if defined(RsArchitecture)
-CXXEXTRA_DEFINES = -qlanglvl=compat
-SRCS = buf.C filegen.C mbschr.C \
- pathcollapse.C shellscan.C strend.C \
- strhash.C stringio.C strtokx.C \
- strwcmp.C privbuf.C strcase.C
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTCODELIBS_OBJS3
- * and SHARED_DTCODELIBS_OBJS3 in the DtSvc Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = buf.o filegen.o mbschr.o \
- pathcollapse.o shellscan.o strend.o \
- strhash.o stringio.o strtokx.o \
- strwcmp.o privbuf.o strcase.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtEncap/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtEncap/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ffaab10ca..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtEncap/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/7 1996/08/22 09:10:00 rswiston $
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 International Business Machines Corp.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993-1994,1996 Novell, Inc.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
-XCOMM (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define LibHeaders NO
-#define LibCreate NO
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines \
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../include -I../DtUtil2 $(TIRPCINC)
-SRCS = MemoryMgr.c SbEvent.c Symbolic.c bmsglob.c \
- connect.c local.c nls.c noio.c \
- pathwexp.c pipe.c pty.c remote.c \
- sbstdinc.c scoop.c spc-env.c spc-error.c \
- spc-exec.c spc-net.c spc-obj.c spc-proto.c \
- spc-sm.c spc-termio.c spc-util.c spc-xt.c \
- spc.c stringbuf.c usersig.c
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTENCAP_OBJS4
- * and SHARED_DTENCAP_OBJS4 in the DtSvc Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = MemoryMgr.o SbEvent.o Symbolic.o bmsglob.o \
- connect.o local.o nls.o noio.o \
- pathwexp.o pipe.o pty.o remote.o \
- sbstdinc.o scoop.o spc-env.o spc-error.o \
- spc-exec.o spc-net.o spc-obj.o spc-proto.o \
- spc-sm.o spc-termio.o spc-util.o spc-xt.o \
- spc.o stringbuf.o usersig.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil1/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil1/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d3539917..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil1/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/6 1996/08/20 14:48:27 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LibCreate NO
-#define LargePICTable YES
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines \
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../include $(TIRPCINC)
- Action.h \
- ActionDb.h \
- ActionDbP.h \
- ActionP.h \
- ActionFind.h \
- ActionUtilP.h \
- CmdInv.h \
- CmdInvP.h \
- DbReader.h \
- DbUtil.h \
- Dnd.h \
- DndP.h \
- DndIconI.h \
- Dt.h \
- Dts.h \
- DtsDb.h \
- DtsMM.h \
- DtHash.h \
- DtShmDb.h \
- Qualify.h \
- Saver.h \
- SaverP.h \
- Session.h \
- SessionM.h \
- SessionP.h \
- Wsm.h \
- WsmM.h \
- WsmP.h
-SRCS = \
- Action.c \
- ActionTt.c \
- ActionDb.c \
- ActionFind.c \
- ActionUtil.c \
- DbReader.c \
- DbUtil.c \
- CmdSpc.c \
- CmdMain.c \
- CmdProcess.c \
- CmdUtilityP.c \
- Dnd.c \
- DndDrag.c \
- DndDrop.c \
- DndIcon.c \
- DndBuff.c \
- DndFile.c \
- DndText.c \
- Dt.c \
- Dts.c \
- DtsDb.c \
- DtsSort.c \
- DbLoad.c \
- DtsInit.c \
- DtHash.c \
- intarray.c \
- inttab.c \
- strtab.c \
- DtsMM.c \
- MMDb.c \
- GetVWmHint.c \
- GetMwmW.c \
- Qualify.c \
- Saver.c \
- SetVWmHint.c \
- SmComm.c \
- SmUtil.c \
- WmAddDelWs.c \
- WmBackWin.c \
- WmChBackD.c \
- WmGWsInfo.c \
- WmGWsList.c \
- WmMarquee.c \
- WmRestart.c \
- WmRmWsFcn.c \
- WmSetTitle.c \
- WmWsCallB.c \
- WmSetWs.c \
- WmWsHints.c \
- WmWsOccupy.c
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTUTIL1_OBJS1
- * and SHARED_DTUTIL1_OBJS1 in the DtSvc Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = \
- Action.o \
- ActionTt.o \
- ActionDb.o \
- ActionFind.o \
- ActionUtil.o \
- DbReader.o \
- DbUtil.o \
- CmdSpc.o \
- CmdMain.o \
- CmdProcess.o \
- CmdUtilityP.o \
- Dnd.o \
- DndDrag.o \
- DndDrop.o \
- DndIcon.o \
- DndBuff.o \
- DndFile.o \
- DndText.o \
- Dt.o \
- Dts.o \
- DtsDb.o \
- DtsSort.o \
- DbLoad.o \
- DtsInit.o \
- DtHash.o \
- intarray.o \
- inttab.o \
- strtab.o \
- DtsMM.o \
- MMDb.o \
- GetVWmHint.o \
- GetMwmW.o \
- Qualify.o \
- Saver.o \
- SetVWmHint.o \
- SmComm.o \
- SmUtil.o \
- WmAddDelWs.o \
- WmBackWin.o \
- WmChBackD.o \
- WmGWsInfo.o \
- WmGWsList.o \
- WmMarquee.o \
- WmRestart.o \
- WmRmWsFcn.o\
- WmSetTitle.o \
- WmWsCallB.o \
- WmSetWs.o \
- WmWsHints.o \
- WmWsOccupy.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil2/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil2/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 918a95c2c..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtUtil2/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/14 1998/04/22 14:18:31 mgreess $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LibCreate NO
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines $(XINOPT) \
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../include $(TIRPCINC)
-#ifdef SunArchitecture
-EXTRA_SRCS = SunDtHelp.c
-EXTRA_OBJS = SunDtHelp.o
- ChkpntP.h \
- Collate.h \
- CommandM.h \
- Connect.h \
- DataTypes.h \
- DtNlUtils.h \
- DtP.h \
- DtPStrings.h \
- DtosP.h \
- DtpadM.h \
- EnvControlI.h \
- EnvControlP.h \
- FileM.h \
- FileUtil.h \
- GetDispRes.h \
- DtGetMessageP.h \
- HashP.h \
- HourGlass.h \
- IconFile.h \
- Indicator.h \
- IndicatorM.h \
- Info.h \
- LocaleXlate.h \
- Lock.h \
- Message.h \
- Msg.h \
- MsgP.h \
- MsgCatP.h \
- MsgLog.h \
- MsgLogI.h \
- Service.h \
- Setlocale.h \
- SharedProcs.h \
- SmCreateDirs.h \
- Spc.h \
- SvcTT.h \
- Unistd.h \
- UserMsg.h \
- Utility.h \
- UtilityP.h \
- XlationSvc.h
-SRCS = \
- ChkpntClient.c \
- ChkpntListen.c \
- DtEnvMap.c \
- DtNlUtils.c \
- EnvControl.c \
- FileUtil.c \
- GetDispRes.c \
- GetMessage.c \
- HourGlass.c \
- Info.c \
- SharedProcs.c \
- SmCreateDirs.c \
- UErrNoBMS.c \
- Utility.c \
- ActIndicator.c \
- CmdUtility.c \
- DtGetMessage.c \
- DtUtil.c \
- GetEmbed.c \
- Hash.c \
- PrintXErr.c \
- XmWrap.c \
- addToRes.c \
- lock.c \
- SvcTT.c \
- MsgCat.c \
- MsgLog.c \
- LocaleXlate.c \
- XlationSvc.c
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTUTIL2_OBJS
- * and SHARED_DTUTIL2_OBJS in the DtSvc Imakefile.
- */
-OBJS = \
- ChkpntClient.o \
- ChkpntListen.o \
- DtEnvMap.o \
- DtNlUtils.o \
- EnvControl.o \
- FileUtil.o \
- GetDispRes.o \
- GetMessage.o \
- HourGlass.o \
- Info.o \
- SharedProcs.o \
- SmCreateDirs.o \
- UErrNoBMS.o \
- Utility.o \
- ActIndicator.o \
- CmdUtility.o \
- DtGetMessage.o \
- DtUtil.o \
- GetEmbed.o \
- Hash.o \
- PrintXErr.o \
- XmWrap.o \
- addToRes.o \
- lock.o \
- SvcTT.o \
- MsgCat.o \
- MsgLog.o \
- LocaleXlate.o \
- XlationSvc.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c5df74ff6..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/5 1996/08/20 14:48:47 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LibCreate NO
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../include
-/* WARNING!!!!
- * Any .o's added to this list need to be added to DTXPM_OBJS5
- * and SHARED_DTXPM_OBJS5 in the DtSvc Imakefile.
- */
-HEADERS = xpm.h
- SRCS = xpm.c
- OBJS = xpm.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ec2953486..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/16 1998/08/10 18:02:14 mgreess $
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-XINLIB = -lDtXinerama -lXinerama
-SUBDIRS = include DtUtil1 DtUtil2 DtEncap DtCodelibs DtXpm
-DONES = DtUtil1/DONE DtUtil2/DONE DtEncap/DONE DtCodelibs/DONE DtXpm/DONE
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtSvc
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtSvc
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtSvc
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtSvc
-#define LibName DtSvc
-#define SoRev SODTSVCREV
-#define LibHeaders NO
-#define CplusplusSource YES
-#ifndef DtSvcDefines
-# define DtSvcDefines -DMULTIBYTE
-DEFINES = DtSvcDefines $(XINOPT)
-#ifdef SharedDtSvcReqs
-#ifdef SunArchitecture
-#ifndef HasGcc2
-#if defined(SunArchitecture)
-DTUTIL2_EXTRA_OBJS = DtUtil2/SunDtHelp.o
-/* NOTE!!!
- * All .o's are built in the subdirectories.
- * Each .o must have a listing in *OBJS macros below.
- */
- DtUtil1/Action.o DtUtil1/ActionTt.o \
- DtUtil1/ActionFind.o DtUtil1/ActionDb.o \
- DtUtil1/ActionUtil.o DtUtil1/CmdSpc.o \
- DtUtil1/CmdMain.o DtUtil1/CmdProcess.o \
- DtUtil1/CmdUtilityP.o DtUtil1/DbReader.o \
- DtUtil1/DbUtil.o DtUtil1/Dnd.o \
- DtUtil1/DndDrag.o DtUtil1/DndDrop.o \
- DtUtil1/DndIcon.o DtUtil1/DndBuff.o \
- DtUtil1/DndFile.o DtUtil1/DndText.o \
- DtUtil1/Dt.o DtUtil1/Dts.o \
- DtUtil1/DtsDb.o DtUtil1/DtsSort.o \
- DtUtil1/DbLoad.o DtUtil1/DtsInit.o \
- DtUtil1/DtHash.o DtUtil1/intarray.o \
- DtUtil1/inttab.o DtUtil1/strtab.o \
- DtUtil1/MMDb.o DtUtil1/DtsMM.o \
- DtUtil1/GetMwmW.o DtUtil1/GetVWmHint.o \
- DtUtil1/Qualify.o DtUtil1/Saver.o \
- DtUtil1/SetVWmHint.o DtUtil1/SmComm.o \
- DtUtil1/SmUtil.o DtUtil1/WmAddDelWs.o \
- DtUtil1/WmBackWin.o DtUtil1/WmChBackD.o \
- DtUtil1/WmGWsInfo.o DtUtil1/WmGWsList.o \
- DtUtil1/WmMarquee.o DtUtil1/WmRestart.o \
- DtUtil1/WmRmWsFcn.o DtUtil1/WmSetTitle.o \
- DtUtil1/WmSetWs.o DtUtil1/WmWsCallB.o \
- DtUtil1/WmWsHints.o DtUtil1/WmWsOccupy.o
- DtUtil2/ChkpntClient.o DtUtil2/ChkpntListen.o \
- DtUtil2/DtEnvMap.o DtUtil2/DtNlUtils.o \
- DtUtil2/EnvControl.o DtUtil2/FileUtil.o \
- DtUtil2/GetDispRes.o DtUtil2/GetMessage.o \
- DtUtil2/HourGlass.o DtUtil2/SharedProcs.o \
- DtUtil2/SmCreateDirs.o DtUtil2/UErrNoBMS.o \
- DtUtil2/Utility.o DtUtil2/ActIndicator.o \
- DtUtil2/CmdUtility.o DtUtil2/DtGetMessage.o \
- DtUtil2/DtUtil.o DtUtil2/GetEmbed.o \
- DtUtil2/Hash.o DtUtil2/PrintXErr.o \
- DtUtil2/XmWrap.o DtUtil2/addToRes.o \
- DtUtil2/lock.o DtUtil2/SvcTT.o \
- DtUtil2/MsgCat.o DtUtil2/MsgLog.o \
- DtUtil2/Info.o DtUtil2/LocaleXlate.o \
- DtUtil2/XlationSvc.o
- DtCodelibs/buf.o DtCodelibs/filegen.o \
- DtCodelibs/mbschr.o DtCodelibs/pathcollapse.o \
- DtCodelibs/privbuf.o DtCodelibs/shellscan.o \
- DtCodelibs/strcase.o DtCodelibs/strend.o \
- DtCodelibs/strhash.o DtCodelibs/stringio.o \
- DtCodelibs/strtokx.o DtCodelibs/strwcmp.o
- DtEncap/MemoryMgr.o DtEncap/SbEvent.o \
- DtEncap/Symbolic.o DtEncap/bmsglob.o \
- DtEncap/connect.o DtEncap/local.o \
- DtEncap/nls.o DtEncap/noio.o \
- DtEncap/pathwexp.o DtEncap/pipe.o \
- DtEncap/pty.o DtEncap/remote.o \
- DtEncap/sbstdinc.o DtEncap/scoop.o \
- DtEncap/spc-env.o DtEncap/spc-error.o \
- DtEncap/spc-exec.o DtEncap/spc-net.o \
- DtEncap/spc-obj.o DtEncap/spc-proto.o \
- DtEncap/spc-sm.o DtEncap/spc-termio.o \
- DtEncap/spc-util.o DtEncap/spc-xt.o \
- DtEncap/spc.o DtEncap/stringbuf.o \
- DtEncap/usersig.o
- DtXpm/xpm.o
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 414b96621..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $TOG: Imakefile /main/3 1998/08/10 18:02:40 mgreess $
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-SUBDIRS = codelibs
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/codelibs/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/codelibs/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f6693be40..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtSvc/include/codelibs/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-HEADERS = pathutils.h boolean.h shellutils.h
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtTerm/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtTerm/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ab700594f..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtTerm/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/1 1996/04/21 19:20:55 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtTerm
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtTerm
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtTerm
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtTerm
-#define LibName DtTerm
-#define SoRev SODTTERMREV
-#define LibHeaders NO
-#define IHaveSubdirs
-#define PassCDebugFlags 'CDEBUGFLAGS=$(CDEBUGFLAGS)'
-SUBDIRS = TermPrim Term TermView
-INCLUDES = -I. -I./TermPrim -I./Term -I./TermView
-#ifdef SharedDtTermReqs
-REQUIREDLIBS = SharedDtTermReqs
-/* for openpty */
-#if defined(OpenBSDArchitecture)
- TermPrim/TermPrim.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimAction.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimBuffer.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimBufferWc.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimCursor.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimDebug.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimFunction.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimGetPty.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimLineDraw.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimParse.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimParseTable.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimParser.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimPendingText.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRender.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRenderMb.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRenderFont.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRenderFontSet.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRenderLineDraw.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimRepType.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimScroll.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimSelect.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimSetPty.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimSubproc.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimUtil.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimVersion.o \
- TermPrim/TermPrimWMProtocols.o
- Term/Term.o \
- Term/TermAction.o \
- Term/TermBuffer.o \
- Term/TermColor.o \
- Term/TermEnhance.o \
- Term/TermFunction.o \
- Term/TermFunctionKey.o \
- Term/TermLineData.o \
- Term/TermParse.o \
- Term/TermParseTable.o \
- Term/TermVersion.o
- TermView/TermView.o \
- TermView/TermViewMenu.o \
- TermView/TermViewGlobalDialog.o \
- TermView/TermViewTerminalDialog.o
-#if defined(HasUtempterLibrary) && HasUtempterLibrary
-REQUIREDLIBS += -lutempter
-TERMPRIM_OBJS += TermPrim/TermPrimSetUtmp.o
-OBJS = \
- $(TERM_OBJS) \
diff --git a/cde/lib/DtTerm/Term/Imakefile b/cde/lib/DtTerm/Term/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 374683ddd..000000000
--- a/cde/lib/DtTerm/Term/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/1 1996/04/21 19:15:07 drk $
-#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDtTerm
-#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDtTerm
-#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDtTerm
-#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDtTerm
-#define LibName DtTerm
-#define SoRev SODTTERMREV
-#define IncSubdir Dt
-#define LibCreate NO
-INCLUDES = -I. -I../TermPrim
-UTILDIR = ../util
-TermLineData.c: TermLineData.data $(UTILDIR)/lineToData.c
- RemoveFiles($@ lineToData)
- LinkRule(lineToData,$(CFLAGS),$(UTILDIR)/lineToData.c,$(LDLIBS))
- ./lineToData -p _DtTerm -f TermLineData.data > $@
- RemoveFile(./lineToData)
-includes:: TermLineData.c
- RemoveFile(TermLineData.c)
-HEADERS = Term.h TermP.h
-SRCS = \
- Term.c \
- TermAction.c \
- TermBuffer.c \
- TermColor.c \
- TermEnhance.c \
- TermFunction.c \
- TermFunctionKey.c \
- TermLineData.c \
- TermParse.c \
- TermParseTable.c \
- TermVersion.c
-OBJS = \
- Term.o \
- TermAction.o \
- TermBuffer.o \
- TermColor.o \
- TermEnhance.o \
- TermFunction.o \
- TermFunctionKey.o \
- TermLineData.o \
- TermParse.o \
- TermParseTable.o \
- TermVersion.o