mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 04:32:24 +00:00
dtappbuilder: make it build under autotools
This commit is contained in:
126 changed files with 846 additions and 65 deletions
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@ programs/dtappbuilder/src/ab/textp_ui.h
@ -395,7 +395,6 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(SM, SmcOpenConnection, [XTOOLLIB="-lSM ${XTOOLLIB}"], ,
AC_CHECK_LIB(Xm, XmTextSetString, [XTOOLLIB="-lXm ${XTOOLLIB}"], ,
@ -574,6 +573,15 @@ programs/dtsearchpath/libCliSrv/Makefile
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in
SUBDIRS = backdrops icons dsdm dtmail dtpad dtfile dtwm dtlogin \
dtsession dthello dtstyle dtexec dtdbcache dticon dtterm dtcalc \
dtaction dtspcd dtscreen dtcm dtsearchpath palettes \
dtaction dtspcd dtscreen dtcm dtsearchpath dtappbuilder palettes \
dtappintegrate dtprintegrate dtconfig dtcreate dtprintinfo fontaliases \
dtdspmsg dtimsstart dtpdm dtsr dtpdmd types \
tttypes util dtopen localized dthelp nsgmls
# NOTYET = dtksh dtappbuilder dtdocbook dtinfo ttsnoop
# NOTYET = dtksh dtdocbook dtinfo ttsnoop
@ -5,24 +5,3 @@ if SOLARIS
SUBDIRS = libAButil libABobj libABobjXm libABil abmf ab
@case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
for i in libAButil libABobj libABobjXm libABil ab ;\
do \
(cd $$i ; echo "making" dtbuilder "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \
@case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
for i in libAButil libABobj libABobjXm libABil abmf ;\
do \
(cd $$i ; echo "making" dtcodegen "in $(CURRENT_DIR)/$$i..."; \
bin_PROGRAMS = dtcodegen dtbuilder
$(RM) -rf include
@ -1,28 +1,551 @@
# Since dtcodegen depends on libXm, libDtWidget, and other libs,
# it will not be built properly during make includes.
# So, when 'all' is made in this directory, redo make includes/depend.
# An imake hack no doubt, but it is necessary for now.
appdefaultsdir = ${prefix}/app-defaults/C
all:: generated_includes abdepend
include "../ab.tmpl"
include "../ab.rules"
ABINCLUDES = -I../include -I../include/ab_private -I../libABil
bin_PROGRAMS = dtbuilder
appdefaults_DATA = Dtbuilder
DTCODEGENCAT = NLSPATH=$(top_builddir)/programs/dtappbuilder/src/abmf/dtcodegen.cat
DTCODEGEN = $(DTCODEGENCAT) ../abmf/dtcodegen
if BSD
UTILLIB = -lutil
Makefile.aix \
Makefile.hpux \
Makefile.sunos \
Makefile.linux \
Makefile.freebsd \
Makefile.netbsd \
CLEANFILES = AB_MAKEFILES *.res *_ui.c *_ui.h .dtcodegen.log *.delta dtbuilder.c dtbuilder.msg
SOURCES.msg = \
dtbuilder.msg \
../libAButil/libAButil.msg \
../libABobjXm/libABobjXm.msg \
dtbuilder_LDADD = ../libABil/libABil.a ../libABobjXm/libABobjXm.a \
../libABobj/libABobj.a ../libAButil/libAButil.a \
$(UTILLIB) -lm
dtbuilder_SOURCES =
dtbuilder_SOURCES = dtb_utils.c \
appfw_ui.c \
about_box_ui.c \
brws_ui.c \
color_chooser_ui.c \
conn_ui.c \
dnd_ed_ui.c \
help_ed_ui.c \
attch_ed_ui.c \
proj_ui.c \
revolv_ui.c \
button_ui.c \
choice_ui.c \
combobox_ui.c \
cpanel_ui.c \
custdlg_ui.c \
drawp_ui.c \
group_ui.c \
label_ui.c \
list_ui.c \
mainwin_ui.c \
menu_ui.c \
menubar_ui.c \
scale_ui.c \
sep_ui.c \
spinbox_ui.c \
termp_ui.c \
textf_ui.c \
textp_ui.c \
cgen_win_ui.c \
cgen_props_ui.c \
cgen_env_ui.c \
fchooser_ui.c \
message_ed_ui.c \
panedwin_ed_ui.c \
palette_ui.c \
appfw_stubs.c \
brws_stubs.c \
color_chooser_stubs.c \
conn_stubs.c \
dnd_ed_stubs.c \
help_ed_stubs.c \
attch_ed_stubs.c \
proj_stubs.c \
revolv_stubs.c \
button_stubs.c \
choice_stubs.c \
combobox_stubs.c \
cpanel_stubs.c \
custdlg_stubs.c \
drawp_stubs.c \
group_stubs.c \
label_stubs.c \
list_stubs.c \
mainwin_stubs.c \
menu_stubs.c \
menubar_stubs.c \
scale_stubs.c \
sep_stubs.c \
spinbox_stubs.c \
termp_stubs.c \
textf_stubs.c \
textp_stubs.c \
cgen_win_stubs.c \
cgen_props_stubs.c \
cgen_env_stubs.c \
fchooser_stubs.c \
message_ed_stubs.c \
palette_stubs.c \
about_box_stubs.c \
dtbuilder.c \
ab_utils.c \
ab_bil.c \
ab_dnd.c \
ab_globals.c \
abobj_align.c \
abobj_edit.c \
abobj_list.c \
abobj_events.c \
abobj_layers.c \
abobj_layout.c \
abobj_menu.c \
abobj_move.c \
abobj_resize.c \
abobj_select.c \
abobj_set.c \
abobj_util.c \
brws.c \
brws_find.c \
brws_mthds.c \
brws_utils.c \
cgen_utils.c \
conn_drag.c \
conn_interpret.c \
conn_obj.c \
pal.c \
pal_create.c \
pal_button.c \
pal_choice.c \
pal_combobox.c \
pal_cpanel.c \
pal_custdlg.c \
pal_drawp.c \
pal_fchooser.c \
pal_group.c \
pal_label.c \
pal_list.c \
pal_mainwin.c \
pal_menu.c \
pal_menubar.c \
pal_panedwin.c \
pal_scale.c \
pal_sep.c \
pal_spinbox.c \
pal_termp.c \
pal_textf.c \
pal_textp.c \
proj.c \
proj_utils.c \
projP_utils.c \
prop.c \
prop_items.c \
tmode.c \
tmodeP.c \
ui_msg.c \
ui_list.c \
ui_util.c \
vwr.c \
dtbuilder.msg: dtbuilder.msg.src
$(CP) $? $@ && chmod ug+w $@
dtbuilder.c: dtbuilder.c.src
$(CP) $? $@ && chmod ug+w $@
Dtbuilder: Dtbuilder.src
$(RM) $@
dtbuilder.h + dtb_utils.c + dtb_utils.h: dtbuilder.bip dtbuilder.c dtbuilder.msg
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p dtbuilder.bip -main
dtbuilder.o: dtbuilder.c dtbuilder.bip $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.h.merged)
PROJFILE = dtbuilder
about_box_ui.c + about_box_ui.h + about_box_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip about_box.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip about_box.bil
about_box_ui.o: about_box_ui.c about_box_ui.h about_box.bil
about_box_stubs.o: about_box_stubs.c about_box_ui.c about_box_ui.h about_box.bil
appfw_ui.c + appfw_ui.h + appfw_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip appfw.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip appfw.bil
appfw_ui.o: appfw_ui.c appfw_ui.h appfw.bil
appfw_stubs.o: appfw_stubs.c appfw_ui.c appfw_ui.h appfw.bil
attch_ed_ui.c + attch_ed_ui.h + attch_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip attch_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip attch_ed.bil
attch_ed_ui.o: attch_ed_ui.c attch_ed_ui.h attch_ed.bil
attch_ed_stubs.o: attch_ed_stubs.c attch_ed_ui.c attch_ed_ui.h attch_ed.bil
brws_ui.c + brws_ui.h + brws_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip brws.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip brws.bil
brws_ui.o: brws_ui.c brws_ui.h brws.bil
brws_stubs.o: brws_stubs.c brws_ui.c brws_ui.h brws.bil
button_ui.c + button_ui.h + button_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip button.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip button.bil
button_ui.o: button_ui.c button_ui.h button.bil
button_stubs.o: button_stubs.c button_ui.c button_ui.h button.bil
cgen_env_ui.c + cgen_env_ui.h + cgen_env_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_env.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_env.bil
cgen_env_ui.o: cgen_env_ui.c cgen_env_ui.h cgen_env.bil
cgen_env_stubs.o: cgen_env_stubs.c cgen_env_ui.c cgen_env_ui.h cgen_env.bil
cgen_props_ui.c + cgen_props_ui.h + cgen_props_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_props.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_props.bil
cgen_props_ui.o: cgen_props_ui.c cgen_props_ui.h cgen_props.bil
cgen_props_stubs.o: cgen_props_stubs.c cgen_props_ui.c cgen_props_ui.h cgen_props.bil
cgen_win_ui.c + cgen_win_ui.h + cgen_win_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_win.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_win.bil
cgen_win_ui.o: cgen_win_ui.c cgen_win_ui.h cgen_win.bil
cgen_win_stubs.o: cgen_win_stubs.c cgen_win_ui.c cgen_win_ui.h cgen_win.bil
choice_ui.c + choice_ui.h + choice_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip choice.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip choice.bil
choice_ui.o: choice_ui.c choice_ui.h choice.bil
choice_stubs.o: choice_stubs.c choice_ui.c choice_ui.h choice.bil
color_chooser_ui.c + color_chooser_ui.h + color_chooser_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip color_chooser.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip color_chooser.bil
color_chooser_ui.o: color_chooser_ui.c color_chooser_ui.h color_chooser.bil
color_chooser_stubs.o: color_chooser_stubs.c color_chooser_ui.c color_chooser_ui.h color_chooser.bil
combobox_ui.c + combobox_ui.h + combobox_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip combobox.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip combobox.bil
combobox_ui.o: combobox_ui.c combobox_ui.h combobox.bil
combobox_stubs.o: combobox_stubs.c combobox_ui.c combobox_ui.h combobox.bil
conn_ui.c + conn_ui.h + conn_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip conn.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip conn.bil
conn_ui.o: conn_ui.c conn_ui.h conn.bil
conn_stubs.o: conn_stubs.c conn_ui.c conn_ui.h conn.bil
cpanel_ui.c + cpanel_ui.h + cpanel_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cpanel.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cpanel.bil
cpanel_ui.o: cpanel_ui.c cpanel_ui.h cpanel.bil
cpanel_stubs.o: cpanel_stubs.c cpanel_ui.c cpanel_ui.h cpanel.bil
custdlg_ui.c + custdlg_ui.h + custdlg_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip custdlg.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip custdlg.bil
custdlg_ui.o: custdlg_ui.c custdlg_ui.h custdlg.bil
custdlg_stubs.o: custdlg_stubs.c custdlg_ui.c custdlg_ui.h custdlg.bil
dnd_ed_ui.c + dnd_ed_ui.h + dnd_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip dnd_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip dnd_ed.bil
dnd_ed_ui.o: dnd_ed_ui.c dnd_ed_ui.h dnd_ed.bil
dnd_ed_stubs.o: dnd_ed_stubs.c dnd_ed_ui.c dnd_ed_ui.h dnd_ed.bil
drawp_ui.c + drawp_ui.h + drawp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip drawp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip drawp.bil
drawp_ui.o: drawp_ui.c drawp_ui.h drawp.bil
drawp_stubs.o: drawp_stubs.c drawp_ui.c drawp_ui.h drawp.bil
fchooser_ui.c + fchooser_ui.h + fchooser_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip fchooser.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip fchooser.bil
fchooser_ui.o: fchooser_ui.c fchooser_ui.h fchooser.bil
fchooser_stubs.o: fchooser_stubs.c fchooser_ui.c fchooser_ui.h fchooser.bil
group_ui.c + group_ui.h + group_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip group.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip group.bil
group_ui.o: group_ui.c group_ui.h group.bil
group_stubs.o: group_stubs.c group_ui.c group_ui.h group.bil
help_ed_ui.c + help_ed_ui.h + help_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip help_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip help_ed.bil
help_ed_ui.o: help_ed_ui.c help_ed_ui.h help_ed.bil
help_ed_stubs.o: help_ed_stubs.c help_ed_ui.c help_ed_ui.h help_ed.bil
label_ui.c + label_ui.h + label_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip label.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip label.bil
label_ui.o: label_ui.c label_ui.h label.bil
label_stubs.o: label_stubs.c label_ui.c label_ui.h label.bil
list_ui.c + list_ui.h + list_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip list.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip list.bil
list_ui.o: list_ui.c list_ui.h list.bil
list_stubs.o: list_stubs.c list_ui.c list_ui.h list.bil
mainwin_ui.c + mainwin_ui.h + mainwin_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip mainwin.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip mainwin.bil
mainwin_ui.o: mainwin_ui.c mainwin_ui.h mainwin.bil
mainwin_stubs.o: mainwin_stubs.c mainwin_ui.c mainwin_ui.h mainwin.bil
menu_ui.c + menu_ui.h + menu_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip menu.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip menu.bil
menu_ui.o: menu_ui.c menu_ui.h menu.bil
menu_stubs.o: menu_stubs.c menu_ui.c menu_ui.h menu.bil
menubar_ui.c + menubar_ui.h + menubar_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip menubar.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip menubar.bil
menubar_ui.o: menubar_ui.c menubar_ui.h menubar.bil
menubar_stubs.o: menubar_stubs.c menubar_ui.c menubar_ui.h menubar.bil
message_ed_ui.c + message_ed_ui.h + message_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip message_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip message_ed.bil
message_ed_ui.o: message_ed_ui.c message_ed_ui.h message_ed.bil
message_ed_stubs.o: message_ed_stubs.c message_ed_ui.c message_ed_ui.h message_ed.bil
palette_ui.c + palette_ui.h + palette_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip palette.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip palette.bil
palette_ui.o: palette_ui.c palette_ui.h palette.bil
palette_stubs.o: palette_stubs.c palette_ui.c palette_ui.h palette.bil
panedwin_ed_ui.c + panedwin_ed_ui.h + panedwin_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip panedwin_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip panedwin_ed.bil
panedwin_ed_ui.o: panedwin_ed_ui.c panedwin_ed_ui.h panedwin_ed.bil
panedwin_ed_stubs.o: panedwin_ed_stubs.c panedwin_ed_ui.c panedwin_ed_ui.h panedwin_ed.bil
proj_ui.c + proj_ui.h + proj_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip proj.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip proj.bil
proj_ui.o: proj_ui.c proj_ui.h proj.bil
proj_stubs.o: proj_stubs.c proj_ui.c proj_ui.h proj.bil
revolv_ui.c + revolv_ui.h + revolv_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip revolv.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip revolv.bil
revolv_ui.o: revolv_ui.c revolv_ui.h revolv.bil
revolv_stubs.o: revolv_stubs.c revolv_ui.c revolv_ui.h revolv.bil
scale_ui.c + scale_ui.h + scale_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip scale.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip scale.bil
scale_ui.o: scale_ui.c scale_ui.h scale.bil
scale_stubs.o: scale_stubs.c scale_ui.c scale_ui.h scale.bil
sep_ui.c + sep_ui.h + sep_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip sep.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip sep.bil
sep_ui.o: sep_ui.c sep_ui.h sep.bil
sep_stubs.o: sep_stubs.c sep_ui.c sep_ui.h sep.bil
spinbox_ui.c + spinbox_ui.h + spinbox_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip spinbox.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip spinbox.bil
spinbox_ui.o: spinbox_ui.c spinbox_ui.h spinbox.bil
spinbox_stubs.o: spinbox_stubs.c spinbox_ui.c spinbox_ui.h spinbox.bil
termp_ui.c + termp_ui.h + termp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip termp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip termp.bil
termp_ui.o: termp_ui.c termp_ui.h termp.bil
termp_stubs.o: termp_stubs.c termp_ui.c termp_ui.h termp.bil
textf_ui.c + textf_ui.h + textf_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip textf.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip textf.bil
textf_ui.o: textf_ui.c textf_ui.h textf.bil
textf_stubs.o: textf_stubs.c textf_ui.c textf_ui.h textf.bil
textp_ui.c + textp_ui.h + textp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip textp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip textp.bil
textp_ui.o: textp_ui.c textp_ui.h textp.bil
textp_stubs.o: textp_stubs.c textp_ui.c textp_ui.h textp.bil
dtbuilder.h dtb_utils.c dtb_utils.h: dtbuilder.bip dtbuilder.c dtbuilder.msg
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p dtbuilder.bip -main
dtbuilder.o: dtbuilder.c dtbuilder.bip $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.h.merged)
PROJFILE = dtbuilder
about_box_ui.c about_box_ui.h about_box_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip about_box.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip about_box.bil
about_box_ui.o: about_box_ui.c about_box_ui.h about_box.bil
about_box_stubs.o: about_box_stubs.c about_box_ui.c about_box_ui.h about_box.bil
appfw_ui.c appfw_ui.h appfw_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip appfw.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip appfw.bil
appfw_ui.o: appfw_ui.c appfw_ui.h appfw.bil
appfw_stubs.o: appfw_stubs.c appfw_ui.c appfw_ui.h appfw.bil
attch_ed_ui.c attch_ed_ui.h attch_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip attch_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip attch_ed.bil
attch_ed_ui.o: attch_ed_ui.c attch_ed_ui.h attch_ed.bil
attch_ed_stubs.o: attch_ed_stubs.c attch_ed_ui.c attch_ed_ui.h attch_ed.bil
brws_ui.c brws_ui.h brws_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip brws.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip brws.bil
brws_ui.o: brws_ui.c brws_ui.h brws.bil
brws_stubs.o: brws_stubs.c brws_ui.c brws_ui.h brws.bil
button_ui.c button_ui.h button_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip button.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip button.bil
button_ui.o: button_ui.c button_ui.h button.bil
button_stubs.o: button_stubs.c button_ui.c button_ui.h button.bil
cgen_env_ui.c cgen_env_ui.h cgen_env_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_env.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_env.bil
cgen_env_ui.o: cgen_env_ui.c cgen_env_ui.h cgen_env.bil
cgen_env_stubs.o: cgen_env_stubs.c cgen_env_ui.c cgen_env_ui.h cgen_env.bil
cgen_props_ui.c cgen_props_ui.h cgen_props_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_props.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_props.bil
cgen_props_ui.o: cgen_props_ui.c cgen_props_ui.h cgen_props.bil
cgen_props_stubs.o: cgen_props_stubs.c cgen_props_ui.c cgen_props_ui.h cgen_props.bil
cgen_win_ui.c cgen_win_ui.h cgen_win_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_win.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cgen_win.bil
cgen_win_ui.o: cgen_win_ui.c cgen_win_ui.h cgen_win.bil
cgen_win_stubs.o: cgen_win_stubs.c cgen_win_ui.c cgen_win_ui.h cgen_win.bil
choice_ui.c choice_ui.h choice_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip choice.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip choice.bil
choice_ui.o: choice_ui.c choice_ui.h choice.bil
choice_stubs.o: choice_stubs.c choice_ui.c choice_ui.h choice.bil
color_chooser_ui.c color_chooser_ui.h color_chooser_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip color_chooser.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip color_chooser.bil
color_chooser_ui.o: color_chooser_ui.c color_chooser_ui.h color_chooser.bil
color_chooser_stubs.o: color_chooser_stubs.c color_chooser_ui.c color_chooser_ui.h color_chooser.bil
combobox_ui.c combobox_ui.h combobox_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip combobox.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip combobox.bil
combobox_ui.o: combobox_ui.c combobox_ui.h combobox.bil
combobox_stubs.o: combobox_stubs.c combobox_ui.c combobox_ui.h combobox.bil
conn_ui.c conn_ui.h conn_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip conn.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip conn.bil
conn_ui.o: conn_ui.c conn_ui.h conn.bil
conn_stubs.o: conn_stubs.c conn_ui.c conn_ui.h conn.bil
cpanel_ui.c cpanel_ui.h cpanel_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip cpanel.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip cpanel.bil
cpanel_ui.o: cpanel_ui.c cpanel_ui.h cpanel.bil
cpanel_stubs.o: cpanel_stubs.c cpanel_ui.c cpanel_ui.h cpanel.bil
custdlg_ui.c custdlg_ui.h custdlg_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip custdlg.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip custdlg.bil
custdlg_ui.o: custdlg_ui.c custdlg_ui.h custdlg.bil
custdlg_stubs.o: custdlg_stubs.c custdlg_ui.c custdlg_ui.h custdlg.bil
dnd_ed_ui.c dnd_ed_ui.h dnd_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip dnd_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip dnd_ed.bil
dnd_ed_ui.o: dnd_ed_ui.c dnd_ed_ui.h dnd_ed.bil
dnd_ed_stubs.o: dnd_ed_stubs.c dnd_ed_ui.c dnd_ed_ui.h dnd_ed.bil
drawp_ui.c drawp_ui.h drawp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip drawp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip drawp.bil
drawp_ui.o: drawp_ui.c drawp_ui.h drawp.bil
drawp_stubs.o: drawp_stubs.c drawp_ui.c drawp_ui.h drawp.bil
fchooser_ui.c fchooser_ui.h fchooser_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip fchooser.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip fchooser.bil
fchooser_ui.o: fchooser_ui.c fchooser_ui.h fchooser.bil
fchooser_stubs.o: fchooser_stubs.c fchooser_ui.c fchooser_ui.h fchooser.bil
group_ui.c group_ui.h group_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip group.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip group.bil
group_ui.o: group_ui.c group_ui.h group.bil
group_stubs.o: group_stubs.c group_ui.c group_ui.h group.bil
help_ed_ui.c help_ed_ui.h help_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip help_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip help_ed.bil
help_ed_ui.o: help_ed_ui.c help_ed_ui.h help_ed.bil
help_ed_stubs.o: help_ed_stubs.c help_ed_ui.c help_ed_ui.h help_ed.bil
label_ui.c label_ui.h label_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip label.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip label.bil
label_ui.o: label_ui.c label_ui.h label.bil
label_stubs.o: label_stubs.c label_ui.c label_ui.h label.bil
list_ui.c list_ui.h list_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip list.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip list.bil
list_ui.o: list_ui.c list_ui.h list.bil
list_stubs.o: list_stubs.c list_ui.c list_ui.h list.bil
mainwin_ui.c mainwin_ui.h mainwin_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip mainwin.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip mainwin.bil
mainwin_ui.o: mainwin_ui.c mainwin_ui.h mainwin.bil
mainwin_stubs.o: mainwin_stubs.c mainwin_ui.c mainwin_ui.h mainwin.bil
menu_ui.c menu_ui.h menu_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip menu.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip menu.bil
menu_ui.o: menu_ui.c menu_ui.h menu.bil
menu_stubs.o: menu_stubs.c menu_ui.c menu_ui.h menu.bil
menubar_ui.c menubar_ui.h menubar_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip menubar.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip menubar.bil
menubar_ui.o: menubar_ui.c menubar_ui.h menubar.bil
menubar_stubs.o: menubar_stubs.c menubar_ui.c menubar_ui.h menubar.bil
message_ed_ui.c message_ed_ui.h message_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip message_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip message_ed.bil
message_ed_ui.o: message_ed_ui.c message_ed_ui.h message_ed.bil
message_ed_stubs.o: message_ed_stubs.c message_ed_ui.c message_ed_ui.h message_ed.bil
palette_ui.c palette_ui.h palette_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip palette.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip palette.bil
palette_ui.o: palette_ui.c palette_ui.h palette.bil
palette_stubs.o: palette_stubs.c palette_ui.c palette_ui.h palette.bil
panedwin_ed_ui.c panedwin_ed_ui.h panedwin_ed_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip panedwin_ed.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip panedwin_ed.bil
panedwin_ed_ui.o: panedwin_ed_ui.c panedwin_ed_ui.h panedwin_ed.bil
panedwin_ed_stubs.o: panedwin_ed_stubs.c panedwin_ed_ui.c panedwin_ed_ui.h panedwin_ed.bil
proj_ui.c proj_ui.h proj_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip proj.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip proj.bil
proj_ui.o: proj_ui.c proj_ui.h proj.bil
proj_stubs.o: proj_stubs.c proj_ui.c proj_ui.h proj.bil
revolv_ui.c revolv_ui.h revolv_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip revolv.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip revolv.bil
revolv_ui.o: revolv_ui.c revolv_ui.h revolv.bil
revolv_stubs.o: revolv_stubs.c revolv_ui.c revolv_ui.h revolv.bil
scale_ui.c scale_ui.h scale_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip scale.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip scale.bil
scale_ui.o: scale_ui.c scale_ui.h scale.bil
scale_stubs.o: scale_stubs.c scale_ui.c scale_ui.h scale.bil
sep_ui.c sep_ui.h sep_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip sep.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip sep.bil
sep_ui.o: sep_ui.c sep_ui.h sep.bil
sep_stubs.o: sep_stubs.c sep_ui.c sep_ui.h sep.bil
spinbox_ui.c spinbox_ui.h spinbox_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip spinbox.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip spinbox.bil
spinbox_ui.o: spinbox_ui.c spinbox_ui.h spinbox.bil
spinbox_stubs.o: spinbox_stubs.c spinbox_ui.c spinbox_ui.h spinbox.bil
termp_ui.c termp_ui.h termp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip termp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip termp.bil
termp_ui.o: termp_ui.c termp_ui.h termp.bil
termp_stubs.o: termp_stubs.c termp_ui.c termp_ui.h termp.bil
textf_ui.c textf_ui.h textf_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip textf.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip textf.bil
textf_ui.o: textf_ui.c textf_ui.h textf.bil
textf_stubs.o: textf_stubs.c textf_ui.c textf_ui.h textf.bil
textp_ui.c textp_ui.h textp_stubs.c: $(PROJFILE).bip textp.bil
$(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p $(PROJFILE).bip textp.bil
textp_ui.o: textp_ui.c textp_ui.h textp.bil
textp_stubs.o: textp_stubs.c textp_ui.c textp_ui.h textp.bil
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/param.h> /* MAXPATHLEN */
#include <errno.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/bil.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <Dt/Dt.h>
#include <Dt/Dts.h>
#include <Dt/Dnd.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/ab_dnd.h>
#include <ab_private/ab_bil.h>
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/MessageB.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj_set.h>
@ -62,7 +63,6 @@
#include <ab_private/cgen.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
#include "palette_ui.h"
#include "dtb_utils.h"
typedef struct INIT_WIN_POS {
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include <Xm/Text.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/proj.h>
#include <Dt/xpm.h> /* will this be in include/Dt? */
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
#include <ab_private/brws.h>
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include <Dt/ComboBox.h>
#include <Dt/MenuButton.h>
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/Form.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include "abobjP.h"
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/List.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/abobj_list.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
#include <Xm/CascadeB.h>
#include <Xm/MenuShell.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h> /* XmMenuPosition() */
#include <Xm/Separator.h>
#include <Xm/Separator.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
#include <ab_private/brws.h>
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/x_util.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj_edit.h>
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
#include <ab_private/x_util.h>
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
#include <ab_private/x_util.h>
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include <Xm/List.h>
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include <Dt/ComboBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/Form.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
#include <Xm/PushB.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab/util_types.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj.h>
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/DialogS.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/istr.h>
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
#include <Dt/TermPrim.h>
#include <Dt/Term.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj_set.h>
#include <ab_private/proj.h>
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/XmAll.h>
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/PushB.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include <Xm/Scale.h>
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include <Dt/ComboBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/brws.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj_set.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <sys/param.h> /* MAXPATHLEN */
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/List.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab/util_types.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Dt/TermPrim.h>
#include <Dt/Term.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/prop.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/pal.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinB.h>
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/bil.h>
#include <ab_private/abobj.h>
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/FileSB.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/proj.h>
#include <ab_private/projP.h>
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
#include <Xm/FileSB.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include <Xm/ToggleB.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/brws.h>
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
#include <Xm/Text.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include <Xm/ToggleB.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
#include <Xm/ToggleB.h>
#include <Dt/ComboBox.h>
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/obj_notify.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "tmodeP.h"
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/List.h>
#include <Dt/ComboBox.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include <Xm/PushB.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/ab.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
#include <Dt/SpinBox.h>
#include <Dt/TermPrim.h>
#include <Dt/Term.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/XmAll.h>
#include <ab_private/x_util.h>
#include <ab_private/ui_util.h>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
ABINCLUDES = ../include
if AIX
CCOPTIONS = -qnoro
if BSD
UTILLIB = -lutil
SOURCES.msg = \
dtcodegen.msg \
../libAButil/libAButil.msg \
../libABobjXm/libABobjXm.msg \
bin_PROGRAMS = dtcodegen
#noinst_PROGRAMS = ab_func_strings test_parse test_merge
noinst_DATA = dtcodegen.cat
dtcodegen_CFLAGS = $(EXTRA_DEFINES) -I$(ABINCLUDES) -I../libABil
dtcodegen_LDADD = -lXext ../libABil/libABil.a \
../libABobjXm/libABobjXm.a \
../libABobj/libABobj.a ../libAButil/libAButil.a \
dtcodegen_SOURCES = abmf.c args.c \
cdefs.c connect.c \
create_decls.c dtb_utils.c \
generate_code.c instances.c \
lib_func_strings.c make_file.c \
merge_c.c motifdefs.c \
msg_cvt.c msg_file.c \
obj_names.c parse_c.c \
proj_c_file.c proj_header_file.c \
resource_file.c stubs_c_file.c \
ui_c_file.c ui_header_file.c \
utils.c utils_c_file.c \
utils_header_file.c write_c.c \
#ab_func_strings_LDADD = -lm ../libAButil/libAButil.a
#ab_func_strings_SOURCES = ab_func_strings.c
#test_parse_LDADD = ../libAButil/libAButil.a
#test_parse_SOURCES = parse_c.c
#test_merge_LDADD = ../libAButil/libAButil.a parse_c.o
#test_merge_SOURCES = merge_c.c
dtcodegen.cat:: $(SOURCES.msg)
$(GENCAT) dtcodegen.cat $(SOURCES.msg)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/objxm.h>
#include <ab_private/bil.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/dtb_utils.h>
#include "write_codeP.h"
#include "motifdefsP.h"
#include "argsP.h"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
#include "instancesP.h"
#include "ui_header_fileP.h"
#include "abmfP.h"
#include "abmf.h"
#include <ab_private/abmf.h>
/* glibc considers CLK_TCK obsolete */
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(CLK_TCK)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
#include <ab_private/obj.h>
#include <ab_private/trav.h>
#include <ab_private/strlist.h>
#include "abmf.h"
#include <ab_private/abmf.h>
* Constants
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/dtb_utils.h>
* Map Xt/Xm symbols to symbols we have defined
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <ab_private/util.h>
#include <ab_private/abio.h>
#include "dtb_utils.h"
#include <ab_private/dtb_utils.h>
#include "msg_file.h"
#include "obj_namesP.h"
#include "write_codeP.h"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
#include "instancesP.h"
#include "utils_header_fileP.h"
#include "utils_c_fileP.h"
#include "abmf.h"
#include <ab_private/abmf.h>
#include "msg_cvt.h"
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#define _ABIL_BIL_H_
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <ab_private/bil_parse.h>
#include "bil_parse.h"
typedef enum
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