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synced 2025-02-15 04:32:24 +00:00
Fix xtrace (shtests -x) for the regression tests
src/cmd/ksh93/tests/{shtests,_common}: - When xtrace is active, set SECONDS to the float type so that the $SECONDS expansion in $PS4 shows fractional seconds. src/cmd/ksh93/tests/*.sh: - Various fixes to avoid command substitutions incorporating xtrace output into their results. Sometimes this is done by avoiding a preceding assignment on a command that redirects 2>&1 (as that will also redirect the preceding assignment and its xtrace, causing the command substitution to capture the xtrace); other times it was easiest to just turn off xtrace outright within the command substitution. src/cmd/ksh93/tests/math.sh: - Remove an obsolete 'fixme' note.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 38 additions and 21 deletions
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ alias warning='_message "$LINENO" "warning:"'
integer Errors=0
if [[ -o xtrace ]]
then # PS4 is set and exported in shtests
typeset -F SECONDS # show fractional seconds in xtrace output
if ! [[ -d $tmp && -w $tmp && $tmp == "$PWD" ]]
then print -r "$Command: \$tmp not set; run this from shtests. Aborting." >&2
exit 1
@ -772,9 +772,9 @@ v=$(printf $'%.28a\n' 64)
# https://github.com/ksh93/ksh/issues/152
exp='array_test_1: 1$(echo INJECTION >&2): arithmetic syntax error'
got=$(var='1$(echo INJECTION >&2)' "$SHELL" -c 'typeset -a a; ((a[$var]++)); typeset -p a' array_test_1 2>&1)
got=$(set +x; var='1$(echo INJECTION >&2)' "$SHELL" -c 'typeset -a a; ((a[$var]++)); typeset -p a' array_test_1 2>&1)
[[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit "Array subscript quoting test 1A: expected $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got")"
got=$(var='1$(echo INJECTION >&2)' "$SHELL" -c 'typeset -a a; ((a["$var"]++)); typeset -p a' array_test_1 2>&1)
got=$(set +x; var='1$(echo INJECTION >&2)' "$SHELL" -c 'typeset -a a; ((a["$var"]++)); typeset -p a' array_test_1 2>&1)
[[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit "Array subscript quoting test 1B: expected $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got")"
exp='typeset -A a=(['\''1$(echo INJECTION >&2)'\'']=1)'
@ -836,6 +836,7 @@ fi
integer loopcount=maxlevel+10
typeset -r -A -i ro_arr=([a]=10 [b]=20 [c]=30)
set +x
for ((i=0; i<loopcount; i++)); do
let "ro_arr[i+1] += 5"
done 2>&1
@ -843,6 +844,7 @@ got=$(
[[ $got == *recursion* ]] && err_exit "recursion level not reset on readonly error (main shell)"
typeset -r -A -i ro_arr=([a]=10 [b]=20 [c]=30)
set +x
for ((i=0; i<loopcount; i++)); do
( ((ro_arr[i+1] += 5)) )
done 2>&1
@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ typeset -A expect=(
for flag in "${!expect[@]}"
do unset foo
set +x
redirect 2>&1
export foo
(typeset "-$flag" foo; readonly foo; typeset -p foo)
@ -616,6 +617,7 @@ typeset -A expect=(
for flag in "${!expect[@]}"
do unset a
set +x
redirect 2>&1
(typeset "-$flag" a=2; typeset -p a)
leak=${ typeset -p a; }
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ got=$(eval 'x=`for i in test; do case $i in test) true;; esac; done`' 2>&1) \
# Redirecting disabled the DEBUG trap
exp=$'LINENO: 4\nfoo\nLINENO: 5\nLINENO: 6\nbar\nLINENO: 7\nbaz'
got=$({ "$SHELL" -c '
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '
trap "echo LINENO: \$LINENO >&1" DEBUG # 3
echo foo # 4
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ got=$({ "$SHELL" -c '
# The DEBUG trap crashed when re-trapping inside a subshell
exp=$'trap -- \': main\' EXIT\ntrap -- \': main\' ERR\ntrap -- \': main\' KEYBD\ntrap -- \': main\' DEBUG'
got=$({ "$SHELL" -c '
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '
do trap ": main" $sig
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ got=$({ "$SHELL" -c '
# Field splitting broke upon evaluating an unquoted expansion in a DEBUG trap
got=$({ "$SHELL" -c '
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '
trap ": \$v" DEBUG
@ -385,9 +385,13 @@ error=$(set +x; "$SHELL" -c '[[ AATAATCCCAATAAT =~ (AAT){2}CCC(AAT){2} ]]' 2>&1)
# ======
# The -v unary operator should work for names with all type attributes.
unset unset
for flag in a b i l n s si u ui usi uli E F H L Mtolower Mtoupper R X lX S Z
do unset var
typeset "-$flag" var
case $flag in
n) typeset -n var=unset ;;
*) typeset "-$flag" var ;;
[[ -v var ]] && err_exit "[[ -v var ]] should be false for unset var with attribute -$flag"
[[ -n ${var+s} ]] && err_exit "[[ -n \${var+s} ]] should be false for unset var with attribute -$flag"
unset var
@ -722,6 +722,7 @@ read baz <<< 'foo\\\\bar'
# ======
# Check that I/O errors are detected <https://github.com/att/ast/issues/1093>
set +x
trap "" PIPE
@ -1239,10 +1240,10 @@ then exp=' version cat (*) ????-??-??'
got=$(PATH=/opt/ast/bin:$PATH; "${ whence -p cat; }" --version 2>&1)
[[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "path-bound builtin not executable by canonical path resulting from expansion" \
"(expected match of $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got"))"
got=$(PATH=/opt/ast/bin:$PATH "$SHELL" -o restricted -c 'cat --version' 2>&1)
got=$(PATH=/opt/ast/bin:$PATH; "$SHELL" -o restricted -c 'cat --version' 2>&1)
[[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "restricted shells do not recognize path-bound builtins" \
"(expected match of $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got"))"
got=$(PATH=/opt/ast/bin cat --version 2>&1)
got=$(set +x; PATH=/opt/ast/bin cat --version 2>&1)
[[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "path-bound builtin not found on PATH in preceding assignment" \
"(expected match of $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got"))"
else warning 'skipping path-bound builtin tests: builtin /opt/ast/bin/cat not found'
@ -23,8 +23,14 @@
set -o nounset
# ksh functions reset xtrace; remember it to re-enable it
typeset -si xtrace=0
[[ -o xtrace ]] && ((xtrace++))
function test_arithmetric_expression_accesss_array_element_through_nameref
((xtrace)) && set -x
compound out=( typeset stdout stderr ; integer res )
compound -r -a tests=(
@ -62,12 +68,6 @@ function test_arithmetric_expression_accesss_array_element_through_nameref
typeset cmd
for (( i=0 ; i < ${#tests[@]} ; i++ )) ; do
# fixme: This list should include "typeset -lX" and "typeset -X" but ast-ksh.2010-03-09 fails like this:
# 'typeset -X -a z ; z[1][3]=90 ; function x { nameref nz=$1 ; print " $(( nz ))==$(( $nz ))" ; } ; x z[1][3]'
# + typeset -X -a z
# + z[1][3]=90
# + x 'z[1][3]'
# /home/test001/bin/ksh[1]: x: line 1: x1.68000000000000000000000000000000p: no parent
for ty in \
'typeset' \
'integer' \
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ function test_arithmetric_expression_accesss_array_element_through_nameref
#set -x
((xtrace)) && set +x
out.stderr="${ { out.stdout="${ ${SHELL} -o nounset -o errexit -c "${cmd}" ; (( out.res=$? )) ; }" ; } 2>&1 ; }"
#set +x
((xtrace)) && set -x
[[ "${out.stdout}" == ${tst.stdoutpattern} ]] || err_exit "${testname}: Expected stdout to match $(printf '%q\n' "${tst.stdoutpattern}"), got $(printf '%q\n' "${out.stdout}")"
[[ "${out.stderr}" == '' ]] || err_exit "${testname}: Expected empty stderr, got $(printf '%q\n' "${out.stderr}")"
@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ function test_arithmetric_expression_accesss_array_element_through_nameref
function test_has_iszero
((xtrace)) && set -x
typeset str
integer i
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ PATH=$PATH_orig
# ======
# Check that 'command -p' searches the default OS utility PATH.
actual=$(PATH=/dev/null "$SHELL" -c 'command -p ls /dev/null' 2>&1)
actual=$(set +x; PATH=/dev/null "$SHELL" -c 'command -p ls /dev/null' 2>&1)
[[ $actual == "$expect" ]] || err_exit 'command -p fails to find standard utility' \
"(expected $(printf %q "$expect"), got $(printf %q "$actual"))"
@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ shift $OPTIND-1
if (( debug )) || [[ $trace ]]
then export PS4='+ [${SECONDS:+${SECONDS%????}s|}${.sh.pid:+P${.sh.pid},}${.sh.subshell:+S${.sh.subshell},}${.sh.file:+${.sh.file#${.sh.file%/*/*}/},}${.sh.fun:+${.sh.fun},}${LINENO:+L$LINENO,}e$?] '
typeset -F SECONDS # show fractional seconds in xtrace output
if (( debug ))
then set -x
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ echo begin
# this extra comment disables an exec optimization
expect=$'^begin\n/.*/sigtest.sh: line 2: [1-9][0-9]*: Killed\n[1-9][0-9]{1,2}$'
actual=$(LANG=C "$SHELL" -c '"$1" "$2" "$1"; echo "$?"' x "$SHELL" "$tmp/sigtest.sh" 2>&1)
actual=$(export LANG=C; "$SHELL" -c '"$1" "$2" "$1"; echo "$?"' x "$SHELL" "$tmp/sigtest.sh" 2>&1)
if ! [[ $actual =~ $expect ]]
then [[ $actual == *Killed*Killed* ]] && msg='ksh killed itself' || msg='unexpected output'
err_exit "$msg after child process signal (expected match to $(printf %q "$expect"); got $(printf %q "$actual"))"
@ -929,19 +929,19 @@ cd "$tmp/deleted"
tmp=$tmp "$SHELL" -c 'cd /; rmdir "$tmp/deleted"'
exp="subPWD: ${PWD%/deleted}"$'\n'"mainPWD: $PWD"
got=$( { "$SHELL" -c '(subshfn() { bad; }; cd ..; echo "subPWD: $PWD"); typeset -f subshfn; echo "mainPWD: $PWD"'; } 2>&1 )
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '(subshfn() { bad; }; cd ..; echo "subPWD: $PWD"); typeset -f subshfn; echo "mainPWD: $PWD"'; } 2>&1)
[[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit "subshell state not restored after 'cd ..' from deleted PWD" \
"(expected $(printf %q "$exp"), got $(printf %q "$got"))"
got=$( { "$SHELL" -c '(cd /; (cd /)); print -r -- "PWD=$PWD"'; } 2>&1 )
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '(cd /; (cd /)); print -r -- "PWD=$PWD"'; } 2>&1)
((!(e = $?))) && [[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit 'failed to restore nonexistent PWD on exiting a virtual subshell' \
"(got status $e$( ((e>128)) && print -n / && kill -l "$e"), $(printf %q "$got"))"
mkdir "$tmp/recreated"
cd "$tmp/recreated"
tmp=$tmp "$SHELL" -c 'cd /; rmdir "$tmp/recreated"; mkdir "$tmp/recreated"'
got=$( { "$SHELL" -c '(cd /); print -r -- "PWD=$PWD"'; } 2>&1 )
got=$(set +x; { "$SHELL" -c '(cd /); print -r -- "PWD=$PWD"'; } 2>&1)
((!(e = $?))) && [[ $got == "$exp" ]] || err_exit 'failed to restore re-created PWD on exiting a virtual subshell' \
"(got status $e$( ((e>128)) && print -n / && kill -l "$e"), $(printf %q "$got"))"
cd "$tmp"
Reference in a new issue