In addition:
- moved video type detection into a separate file: videoTypes.dt out
of datatypes.dt. Also, removed all actions from Antonis' dt files,
as these are handled by the new actions (listed below).
Image, postscript, and PDF types definitions are still located in
- supports most image files, PDFs, postscript files, and video files
via dtapp now.
- Added new actions:
- DisplayImage
- DisplayVideo
- DisplayPDF
- DisplayPS
All of these call the dtapp_* helpers to locate an appropriate
program to handle the task.
- Added a camera icon
- standardized the icons used to display the various types - all
images use the Dtimage icon now, as an example.
- moved the new *.dt files to their proper place in programs/types,
rather than programs/localized/C/types (my bad).
Please add any further video types into videoTypes.dt, and everything
else (for now) into datatypes.dt.
In the future, we should probably separate these out into
type-specific .dt files. Also, something should be done about playing
audio files too (maybe DisplayVideo.dt can handle all those too?)
This script is located in /usr/dt/bin/dtapp, and is then symlinked to
various helpers that can be used in DT actions to run programs.
The various helpers currently installed are:
dtapp_vimage - view an image file, override with DTAPP_VIMAGE.
Defaults to xv, display, and gimp, in that order.
dtapp_vpdf - view a PDF file, override with DTAPP_VPDF. Defaults to
okular, xpdf
dtapp_vps - view a postscript file, override with DTAPP_VPS. Defaults
to mgv, gv
dtapp_vvideo - view a video file, override with DTAPP_VVIDEO.
Defaults to vlc, ffplay.
When a request is made to view one of these files, the list of viewers
will be tried, in order, until one is found. If none are found, an
error message will be displayed. Add overrides to your ~/.dtprofile
We can add more dtapp commands and defaults for them as needed.
This is in preparation for integrating Antonis Tsolomitis' extended
actions and icon files, coming up in future commits.