--password The password. Specify 'file:path_file' to store password in file.
--version Show version information
--vmid The id or name VM/CT
--viewer Executable SPICE client remote viewer```
## Copyright and License
Copyright: Corsinvest Srl
For licensing details please visit [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md)
## Commercial Support
This software is part of a suite of tools called cv4pve-tools. If you want commercial support, visit the [site](https://www.corsinvest.it/cv4pve-tools)
## Introduction
Launching SPICE remote-viewer having access VM running on Proxmox VE.
this software aims to simplify run SPICE client from Proxmox VE using command line. The reasons are:
* Proxmox VE uses tickets that expire
* do not use graphical interface (GUI)
* no download .vv file to run remove viewer
* use a simple client
## Main features
* Completely written in C#
* Use native api REST Proxmox VE (library C#)
* Independent os (Windows, Linux, Macosx)
* Installation unzip file extract binary
* Not require installation in Proxmox VE
* Execute out side Proxmox VE
* Not require Web login
## Configuration and use
E.g. install on linux 64
Download last package e.g. Debian cv4pve-pepper-linux-x64.zip, on your os and install: