# cv4pve-pepper [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Corsinvest/cv4pve-pepper.svg)](LICENSE.md) [![AppVeyor branch](https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/franklupo/cv4pve-pepper/master.svg)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/franklupo/cv4pve-pepper) ```text ______ _ __ / ____/___ __________(_)___ _ _____ _____/ /_ / / / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / /___/ /_/ / / (__ ) / / / / |/ / __(__ ) /_ \____/\____/_/ /____/_/_/ /_/|___/\___/____/\__/ Launching SPICE on Proxmox VE (Made in Italy) Usage: cv4pve-pepper [options] Options: -?|-h|--help Show help information --version Show version information --host The host name host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port] --api-token Api token format 'USER@REALM!TOKENID=UUID'. Require Proxmox VE 6.2 or later --username User name @ --password The password. Specify 'file:path_file' to store password in file. --vmid The id or name VM/CT --viewer Executable SPICE client remote viewer Commands: app-check-update Check update application app-upgrade Upgrade application Run 'cv4pve-pepper [command] --help' for more information about a command. cv4pve-pepper is a part of suite cv4pve-tools. For more information visit https://www.cv4pve-tools.com ``` ## Copyright and License Copyright: Corsinvest Srl For licensing details please visit [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) ## Commercial Support This software is part of a suite of tools called cv4pve-tools. If you want commercial support, visit the [site](https://www.cv4pve-tools.com) ## Introduction Launching SPICE remote-viewer having access VM running on Proxmox VE. this software aims to simplify run SPICE client from Proxmox VE using command line. The reasons are: * Proxmox VE uses tickets that expire * do not use graphical interface (GUI) * no download .vv file to run remove viewer * use a simple client ## Main features * Completely written in C# * Use native api REST Proxmox VE (library C#) * Independent os (Windows, Linux, Macosx) * Installation unzip file extract binary * Not require installation in Proxmox VE * Execute out side Proxmox VE * Not require Web login * Support multiple host for HA in --host parameter es. host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port] * Check-Update and Upgrade application * Use Api token --api-token parameter ## Api token From version 6.2 of Proxmox VE is possible to use [Api token](https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pveum-plain.html). This feature permit execute Api without using user and password. If using **Privilege Separation** when create api token remember specify in permission. ## Configuration and use E.g. install on linux 64 Download last package e.g. Debian cv4pve-pepper-linux-x64.zip, on your os and install: ```sh root@debian:~# unzip cv4pve-pepper-linux-x64.zip ``` This tool need basically no configuration. ## Run ```sh root@debian:~# cv4pve-pepper --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano --vmid 100 --viewer path-spice-viewer ``` ## SPICE client * [Windows: virt-viewer 0.5.6 or higher,](http://www.spice-space.org/download.html) * Linux: virt-viewer 0.5.6 or higher * [OS X (not yet working as expected): virt-viewer 0.5.7 or higher](https://www.spice-space.org/osx-client.html) ## Topical path of remove viewer * Linux /usr/bin/remote-viewer * Windows C:\Program Files\VirtViewer v?.?-???\bin\remote-viewer.exe