import { charMap } from "./char-map"; import { Downloader } from "./constants"; export * from "./constants"; export class UserNotLoggedInError extends Error { constructor() { super("user not logged in"); = "UserNotLoggedInError"; } } export class SubscriptionRequiredError extends Error { constructor() { super("user does not have hydra cloud subscription"); = "UserWithoutCloudSubscriptionError"; } } const FORMAT = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; export const formatBytes = (bytes: number): string => { if (!Number.isFinite(bytes) || isNaN(bytes) || bytes <= 0) { return `0 ${FORMAT[0]}`; } const byteKBase = 1024; const base = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(byteKBase)); const formatedByte = bytes / byteKBase ** base; return `${Math.trunc(formatedByte * 10) / 10} ${FORMAT[base]}`; }; export const pipe = (...fns: ((arg: T) => any)[]) => (arg: T) => fns.reduce((prev, fn) => fn(prev), arg); export const removeReleaseYearFromName = (name: string) => name.replace(/\([0-9]{4}\)/g, ""); export const removeSymbolsFromName = (name: string) => name.replace(/[^A-Za-z 0-9]/g, ""); export const removeSpecialEditionFromName = (name: string) => name.replace( /(The |Digital )?(GOTY|Deluxe|Standard|Ultimate|Definitive|Enhanced|Collector's|Premium|Digital|Limited|Game of the Year|Reloaded|[0-9]{4}) Edition/g, "" ); export const removeDuplicateSpaces = (name: string) => name.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " "); export const replaceDotsWithSpace = (name: string) => name.replace(/\./g, " "); export const replaceUnderscoreWithSpace = (name: string) => name.replace(/_/g, " "); export const formatName = pipe( (str) => str.replace( new RegExp(Object.keys(charMap).join("|"), "g"), (match) => charMap[match] ), (str) => str.toLowerCase(), removeReleaseYearFromName, removeSpecialEditionFromName, replaceUnderscoreWithSpace, replaceDotsWithSpace, (str) => str.replace(/DIRECTOR'S CUT/g, ""), removeSymbolsFromName, removeDuplicateSpaces, (str) => str.trim() ); const realDebridHosts = ["", ""]; export const getDownloadersForUri = (uri: string) => { if (uri.startsWith("")) return [Downloader.Gofile]; if (uri.startsWith("")) return [Downloader.PixelDrain]; if (uri.startsWith("")) return [Downloader.Qiwi]; if (realDebridHosts.some((host) => uri.startsWith(host))) return [Downloader.RealDebrid]; if (uri.startsWith("magnet:")) { return [Downloader.Torrent, Downloader.RealDebrid]; } return []; }; export const getDownloadersForUris = (uris: string[]) => { const downloadersSet = uris.reduce>((prev, next) => { const downloaders = getDownloadersForUri(next); downloaders.forEach((downloader) => prev.add(downloader)); return prev; }, new Set()); return Array.from(downloadersSet); }; export const steamUrlBuilder = { library: (objectId: string) => `${objectId}/header.jpg`, libraryHero: (objectId: string) => `${objectId}/library_hero.jpg`, logo: (objectId: string) => `${objectId}/logo.png`, cover: (objectId: string) => `${objectId}/library_600x900.jpg`, icon: (objectId: string, clientIcon: string) => `${objectId}/${clientIcon}.ico`, };