2017-11-24 16:57:46 +00:00
- name: Does systemd startup service exist
stat: path="{{ systemd_location }}/iiab-startup.service"
register: startup_unit
- name: Copy startup service to /etc/systemd/system
template: src=iiab-startup.service
when: startup_unit.stat.exists is defined and not startup_unit.stat.exists
- name: Copy startup script
template: src=iiab-startup.sh
2017-11-25 01:25:55 +00:00
2017-11-24 16:57:46 +00:00
when: startup_unit.stat.exists is defined and not startup_unit.stat.exists
- name: Ask systemd to recognize the changes
shell: systemctl daemon-reload
when: startup_unit.stat.exists is defined and not startup_unit.stat.exists
- name: Restart so systemd recognizes the changes
shell: systemctl restart iiab-startup.service
when: startup_unit.stat.exists is defined and not startup_unit.stat.exists
- name: Enable the reload service
shell: systemctl enable iiab-startup.service
when: startup_unit.stat.exists is defined and not startup_unit.stat.exists