This Ansible role installs `Kolibri <>`_ within `Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) <>`_. Kolibri is an open-source educational platform specially designed to provide offline access to a wide range of quality, openly licensed educational contents in low-resource contexts like rural schools, refugee camps, orphanages, and also in non-formal school programs.
If enabled and with the default settings Kolibri should be accessible at http://box:8009 (and in future at http://box/kolibri, work is ongoing in 2018 at `#913 <>`_).
Please look in `roles/kolibri/defaults/main.yml <>`_ for the default values of the various install parameters. Everything in this README assumes the default values.
When kolibri_provision is enabled (e.g. in `/etc/iiab/local_vars.yml <>`_) the installation will set up the following defaults::
*Feel free to override any of the above, by copying the relevant line from /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/kolibri/defaults/main.yml to /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml (then run 'cd /opt/iiab/iiab' followed by './runrole kolibri' per IIAB's general guidelines at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO).*
Kolibri 0.10 introduced ``kolibri manage deprovision`` which will remove user configurations, leaving content intact — i.e. if student and teacher privacy requires their records to be deleted. You can then copy or clone /library/kolibri to a new location, or to a new school entirely.
* Kolibri migrations can take a long time on a Raspberry Pi. These long-running migrations could cause kolibri service timeouts. Try running migrations manually using command ``kolibri manage migrate`` after following the troubleshooting instructions above. Kolibri developers are trying to address this issue. (See `learningequality/kolibri#4310 <>`_)
* Loading channels can take a long time on a Raspberry Pi. When generating channel contents for Khan Academy, the step indicated as “Generating channel listing. This could take a few minutes…” could mean ~30 minutes. The device’s computation power is the bottleneck. You might get logged out while waiting, but this is harmless and the process will continue. Sit tight!