If you don’t get a Archive UI then look at the server log (in browser console) to see for any “FAILING” log lines which indicate a problem.
Expect to see errors in the Browser log for `http://localhost:5001/api/v0/version?stream-channels=true` which is checking for a local IPFS server which is not started here.
Expect, on slower machines or slower network connections, to see no images the first time, refresh after a little while and most should appear.
## Administration
Administration is carried out through the same User Interface as browsing.
Access [http://localhost:4244/local] to see a display of local content, this interface is under development and various admin tools will be added here. *at some point this will become the default page*.
Access [http://localhost:4244] to get the Internet Archive main interface if connected to the net.
While viewing an item or collection,
the "Crawl" button in the top bar indicates whether the item is being crawled or not.
Clicking it will cycle through three levels:
* No crawling
* Details - sufficient information will be crawled to display the page,
for a collection this also means getting the thumbnails and metadata for the top items.
* Full - crawls everything on the item, this can be a LOT of data, including full size videos etc, so use with care if bandwidth/disk is limited.
### Disks
The server checks for disks in all the likely places, the list of places it checks, in an unmodified installation can be seen at
You can override this in `dweb-mirror.config.yaml` in the home directory of the user that runs the server, this is currently `/root/dweb-mirror.config.yaml` (see 'Advanced' below )
This will usually take about 5-10 minutes depending on the amount of material cached,
just to rebuild a table of checksums.
### Advanced
Most functionality of the tool is controlled by two YAML files,
the second of which you can edit if you have access to the shell.
You can view the current configuration by going to [http://box.lan:4244/info] or [http://localhost:4244/info] depending on how you are connected.
The default, and user configurations are displayed as the `0` and `1` item in the `/info` call.
In the Repo is a [default YAML file](https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-mirror/blob/master/configDefaults.yaml) which is commented.
It would be a bad idea to edit this, so I'm not going to tell you where it is on your installation!
But anything from this file can be overridden by lines in `/root/dweb-mirror.config.yaml`.
Make sure you understand how yaml works before editing this file,
if you break it, you can copy a new default from [dweb-mirror.config.yaml on the repo](https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-mirror/blob/master/configDefaults.yaml#L7)
TODO Note this file will probably move location.
Note that this file is also edited automatically when the Crawl button described above is clicked.
As the project develops, this file will be editable via a UI.
## Update
Dweb-mirror is under rapid development, as is the Javascript UI. Its recommended to update frequently.
See [github dweb-mirror issues](https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-mirror/issues); and [github dweb-archive issues](https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-archive/issues);