Welcome to the Git repository for Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB). This community-based project is enabled by professional volunteers around the world. Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) is a small, inexpensive device which provides essential Internet resources (like Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, Khan Academy and others) without any Internet connection.
You are encouraged to customize this local content hotspot or server with the best of the world’s Free Knowledge — to suit your region, your school, your medical establishment, your library — or for your very own family.
Please see "What are the best places for community support?" at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO which many answers to help you along the way, in designing the digital knowledge hotspot most suitable for your own community.
FYI we are using [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com) as the underlying technology to install, deploy, configure and manage the various software components.
We greatly welcome contributions from educators, librarians *and* IT/UX/QA people of all kind!
Please see "How can I help?" at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO
Check out 2017's [Contributors Guide](https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Contributors-Guide) to learn more about contributing directly to Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) software and its open community architecture for education.
*Thank you for helping us enable offline access to the Internet's open knowledge jewels, as well as "Sneakernet-of-Alexandria" distribution of local/indigenous content, where mass media channels are not serving grassroots voices.*