Internet-in-a-Box (formerly known as XSCE School Server) includes a variety of educational content and applications which are attributed as follows:<br><br>
Arabic translations of Hesperian content were done by Arab Resource Collective and are available for free at <ahref=""></a>.<br>
RACHEL is a curation of selected offline content at <ahref=""></a>.<br>
Kiwix is a ZIM server and repository of Wikimedia and other content in a compressed ZIM file format at <ahref=""></a>.<br>
KA Lite is a server and repository of Khan Academy content in various languages at <ahref=""></a>.<br><br>
It is licensed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>
Licensing information may be found at <ahref=""></a>.<br>