This Ansible role installs the `Lokole web app <>`_ within Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB). Lokole is a project by the Canadian-Congolese non-profit `Ascoderu <>`_.
For an up-to-date list of supported languages, refer to the `Lokole translations source <>`_.
Administrators have the ability to suspend and reinstate other users' accounts. This functionality is useful for dealing with harassment, cyberbullying, and other forms of abuse.
In the event of a data breach, administrators can update a user's password to a random string. The user can then log in using this temporary password and change. This functionality is also useful in the case that a user forgets their password.
The Lokole software can be configured to access the Internet via USB modem, SIM card, or Ethernet, by setting the environment variable ``OPWEN_SIM_TYPE`` in configuration file `/home/lokole/state/ <>`_. By default, this installation of Lokole is set to local-only (offline) mode, in which users can only send emails to other users on the same Internet-in-a-Box, and cannot send emails over the Internet. This has been done by setting ``OPWEN_SIM_TYPE`` to ``LocalOnly``.
If configured to work with a USB modem or other form of Internet connection, Lokole will sync with the cloud server (operated by `Ascoderu <>`_) on a nightly basis to deliver and receive emails globally. *However, arranging this is extremely complicated.* You would need a compatible form of connection and an Internet expert familiar with modem protocols, MX records, etc. Ask that person to read the `Lokole software README <>`_ in its entirety, to help you understand whether this is realistic for your organization.
Lokole and Internet-in-a-Box would welcome a business plan (whether volunteer-based, grant-based or for-profit) from someone willing to operationalize this — making it relatively hassle-free for schools, clinics, libraries and orphanages around the world — that generally do not have access to technical experts. Please `contact us <>`_ if you have the capacity to help make such a social enterprise happen.
For an up-to-date list of open issues, please see the `Lokole project's issue tracker <>`_. See also `IIAB's issue tracker <>`_.