- name:Add user '{{ iiab_admin_user }}' to Linux group 'lpadmin' for remote administration (or modify default 'SystemGroup lpadmin' in /etc/cups/cups-files.conf -- in coordination with ~14 '@SYSTEM' lines in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf)
command:"gpasswd -a {{ iiab_admin_user | quote }} lpadmin"# iiab-admin
- name:Copy /usr/share/cups/cupsd.conf.default to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (root:lp, 0640) -- a timestamped backup of the prior 'cupsd.conf' is saved in /etc/cups
- name:Run 'cupsctl --remote-admin --share-printers --user-cancel-any --debug-logging' for /var/log/cups/error_log (if cups_enabled) -- REPEATED USE OF 'cupsctl' COMMANDS CAN *DAMAGE* /etc/cups/cupsd.conf BY ADDING DUPLICATE LINES (AND WORSE!) -- SO PLEASE ALSO MANUALLY RUN 'sudo cupsctl' AND 'sudo cupsd -t' TO VERIFY /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
# - name: Run 'cupsctl --remote-any --share-printers --user-cancel-any --debug-logging' for /var/log/cups/error_log (if cups_enabled) -- REPEATED USE OF 'cupsctl' COMMANDS CAN *DAMAGE* /etc/cups/cupsd.conf BY ADDING DUPLICATE LINES (AND WORSE!) -- SO PLEASE ALSO MANUALLY RUN 'sudo cupsctl' AND 'sudo cupsd -t' TO VERIFY /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
# FYI repeated use of 'cupsctl' commands also removes comments and blank lines.
# - name: Run 'cupsctl --no-remote-admin --no-remote-any --no-share-printers --no-user-cancel-any --no-debug-logging' (if not cups_enabled) -- REPEATED USE OF 'cupsctl' COMMANDS CAN *DAMAGE* /etc/cups/cupsd.conf BY ADDING DUPLICATE LINES (AND WORSE!) -- SO PLEASE ALSO MANUALLY RUN 'sudo cupsctl' AND 'sudo cupsd -t' TO VERIFY /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
- name:"2021-07-11: UNFORTUNATELY http://box:631 AND http://box/print DO NOT YET WORK RELIABLY -- CUPS NEEDS TO WORK FROM MANY MORE URL'S THAN JUST http://localhost:631 AND http://192.168.0.x:631 AND -- please help us find the correct directive(s) for /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/nginx/conf.d/cups.conf followed by 'systemctl restart cups' and 'systemctl restart nginx'"
line:"{{ item }}"
insertbefore: '^Listen .*/run/cups/cups.sock$' # Also matches old form:'^Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock$'
- name:"OPTIONAL: Change 'MaxLogSize 0' (no log rotation) to 'MaxLogSize 1m' (log rotation at 1MB) in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (EITHER WAY LOG BLOAT IS A RISK!)"
line:"MaxLogSize 1m"# CUPS Documentation (claims!) log rotation at "1m" is the default. But In Practice: 'MaxLogSize 0' (no log rotation) is now part of /usr/share/cups/cupsd.conf.default