- libsodium23 # 2021-06-28:Likewise installed in nginx/tasks/install.yml via php{{ php_version }}-fpm AND httpd/tasks/install.yml via libapache2-mod-php{{ php_version }} AND wordpress/tasks/install.yml -- it can ALSO be auto-installed by phpX.Y-cgi OR phpX.Y-cli as confirmed by 'apt rdepends libsodium23' -- Recommended by Moodle 3.11+ at https://docs.moodle.org/311/en/Environment_-_PHP_extension_sodium -- whereas https://www.php.net/manual/en/sodium.installation.php says it's always bundled with PHP 7.2+ -- VERIFY USING 'php -i | grep sodium' AND 'apt list "*sodium*"'
#- php{{ php_version }}-common # 2021-06-27: Auto-installed as an apt dependency. REGARDLESS: php{{ php_version }}-common superset php{{ php_version }}-cli is auto-installed by php{{ php_version }}-fpm in nginx/tasks/install.yml
#- php{{ php_version }}-cli # 2021-06-27: Compare to php{{ php_version }}-common just above! 2020-06-15: In the past this included (below) mbstring? However this is not true on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS.
#- php{{ php_version }}-json # 2021-07-02: Not requested by Moodle's PHP doc above. Package baked into PHP 8+. FWIW with PHP < 8, phpX.Y-json is already auto-installed by phpX.Y-fpm in 3-base-server's nginx/tasks/install.yml
#- php{{ php_version }}-opcache # 2021-07-02: Experiment with fewer dependencies
#- php{{ php_version }}-readline # 2021-07-02: Experiment with fewer dependencies
- php{{ php_version }}-xml # 2021-06-28: Likewise installed in mediawiki/tasks/install.yml, nextcloud/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml -- AND REGARDLESS dragged in later by Admin Console's use of php-pear for roles/cmdsrv/tasks/main.yml -- run 'php -m | grep -i xml' which in the end shows {libxml, SimpleXML, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter}
#- php{{ php_version }}-xmlrpc # 2021-07-02: Doesn't exist with PHP 8.0 -- officially required per https://docs.moodle.org/19/en/PHP_settings_by_Moodle_version#PHP_Extensions_and_libraries BUT UNMAINTAINED FOR YEARS (POSSIBLE SECURITY RISK) SO MOVED TO PECL: https://php.watch/versions/8.0/xmlrpc
- name:Execute {{ moodle_base }}/moodle_installer IF {{ moodle_base }}/config.php doesn't yet exist -- REQUIRES 'max_input_vars = 5000' (or higher) in /etc/php/{{ php_version }}/cli/php.ini IF PHP 8+ (as set up by www_options/tasks/main.yml) -- WHEREAS LATER ON Moodle uses /etc/php/{{ php_version }}/fpm/php.ini during regular operation
- name:Set cron job to run /opt/iiab/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php every minute (* * * * *) in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data -- per https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Cron
- name:Write extra parameters to {{ moodle_base }}/config.php -- "Setting Moodle and Nginx to use XSendfile functionality is a big win as it frees PHP from delivering files allowing Nginx to do what it does best, i.e. deliver files"
- name:Run 'php {{ moodle_base }}/admin/cli/cfg.php --name=pathtopdftoppm --set=/usr/bin/pdftoppm' for converting PDF files to PNG (faster than Ghostscript, particularly for large files) -- works with apt package 'poppler-utils' installed above (#2854)