2. Download and install the remote.it [desktop application](https://remote.it/download/) (e.g. for Windows, macOS or Linux) on your own laptop/computer. Their https://remote.it Web Portal and [mobile apps](https://docs.remote.it/introduction/get-started/readme#installation-packages) are also sometimes sufficient, but less functional.
COMPARISON: "The Desktop and [CLI](https://docs.remote.it/software/cli) can [each] support both peer to peer connections and proxy connections [whereas] the Web Portal and API can only support proxy connections" according to https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/usage
Prerequisite: Find any IIAB with `remoteit_installed: True` in `/etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml` (this is the default!) It means that the remote.it [Device Package](https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package) is installed on your IIAB, most important. It also means the _strictly optional_`/usr/bin/remoteit` [command-line interface (CLI)](https://docs.remote.it/software/cli) is installed, offering [a few more features](https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/4412786750861-Install-the-remoteit-agent-on-your-device) than the Device Package.
(The claim code is put in `/etc/remoteit/config.json` and must be used [within 24 hours](https://docs.remote.it/device-package/installation#2.-update-your-package-manager-and-install).)
3. If your IIAB software isn't yet installed, set `remoteit_install` and `remoteit_enabled` to `True` in its [/etc/iiab/local_vars.yml](https://wiki.iiab.io/go/FAQ#What_is_local_vars.yml_and_how_do_I_customize_it.3F)
Install [IIAB software](https://download.iiab.io/) e.g. by running `sudo iiab` then follow any on-screen instructions — until "INTERNET-IN-A-BOX (IIAB) SOFTWARE INSTALL IS COMPLETE" eventually appears on screen.
(This installs and enables the remote.it [Device Package](https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package) for your CPU and OS. This also installs the _optional_`/usr/bin/remoteit` [command-line interface (CLI)](https://docs.remote.it/software/cli), which offers [a few more features](https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/4412786750861-Install-the-remoteit-agent-on-your-device) than the Device Package.)
2. Submit the claim code within the remote.it [desktop application](https://remote.it/download/) on your own laptop/computer. Or if you prefer, do that by logging into their Web Portal at: https://remote.it
Either way, click on the '+' icon to enter the remote.it claim code (to register the IIAB device to your remote.it account) as shown in this [screenshot](https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#3.-claim-and-register-the-device).
3. Authorize services/ports (e.g. SSH, HTTP, etc) for your IIAB device, as shown in these [screenshots](https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#4.-set-up-services-on-your-device).
SUMMARY: One or more [remote.it "Services"](https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/360060992631-Services) needs to be authorized (registered) to allow remote access to your IIAB device.
EXAMPLES: Add an SSH Service on port 22 and/or add an HTTP Service on port 80 ([screenshot guide](https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/360058603991-Configuring-remoteit-Services-on-devices-with-remote-it-Desktop)).
-<strike>2021-10-27: This needs to be enhanced rather urgently, so remote.it also works when IIAB is installed on Raspberry Pi OS 11 (Bullseye), Ubuntu, Mint and Debian: [#3006](https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/3006)</strike>
-<strike>2021-10-29: The above OS issues should be resolved by [PR #3007](https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/3007), [PR #3009](https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/3009) and [PR #3010](https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/3010) — but this needs final testing! (Initial testing occurred on [1] 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS Lite on Raspberry Pi 4 and [2] Ubuntu Server 20.04 on x86_64 VM.)</strike>