zenity --warning --width=600 --text="Published password in use by user '{{ iiab_admin_user }}'.\n\nTHIS IS A SECURITY RISK - please change its password using IIAB's Admin Console (http://box.lan/admin) -> Utilities -> Change Password.\n\nSee 'What are the default passwords?' at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO"
#zenity --warning --width=600 --text="SSH is enabled and the published password is in use by user '{{ iiab_admin_user }}'.\n\nTHIS IS A SECURITY RISK - please change its password using IIAB's Admin Console (http://box.lan/admin) -> Utilities -> Change Password.\n\nSee 'What are the default passwords?' at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO"