- avahi-daemon # 97kB download:RasPiOS (and package libnss-mnds, below) install this regardless -- holdover from the XO days and used to advertise ssh/admin-console being available via avahi-daemon -- used with https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/network/tasks/avahi.yml
#- avahi-discover # 46kB download: 2021-07-27: Commented out long ago
- hostapd # 764kB download:IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator -- has its service masked out of the box, and only used when IIAB's network roles detects the presence of WiFi and an AP is desired
#- inetutils-syslogd # 240kB download: 2021-07-27: Error logging facility -- holdover from the XO days, journalctl has replaced this in newer distros
- iptables-persistent # 12kB download:Boot-time loader for netfilter rules, iptables (firewall) plugin -- however Netfilter / nftables is ever moving forward so keep an eye on it!
- iw # 97kB download:RasPiOS installs this regardless -- configure Linux wireless devices -- hard dependence for ap0 creation, SEE https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/network/templates/hostapd/iiab-clone-wifi.service.j2
- name:"Use 'sysctl' to set 'kernel.core_uses_pid: 1' + 4 network settings in /etc/sysctl.conf -- e.g. disabling IPv6 (this might be overkill, as IPv6 should really only be disabled on the LAN side, i.e. br0)"