Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/iiab/iiab.git synced 2025-02-14 20:22:08 +00:00

rm 25 *.deprecated files/dirs

This commit is contained in:
root 2020-04-20 11:07:00 -04:00
parent 2a63ca5bd6
commit cb1a708abb
25 changed files with 0 additions and 2078 deletions

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- hosts: all
become: yes
- vars/default_vars.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_local.local_facts.os_ver }}.yml
- /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
- { role: 0-init, tags: ['0-init'] }
- { role: sshd, tags: ['sshd'] }
- { role: iiab-admin, tags: ['iiab-admin'] }
- { role: openvpn, tags: ['openvpn'] }

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
*/10 * * * * www-data [ -x /usr/share/awstats/tools/update.sh ] && /usr/share/awstats/tools/update.sh
# Generate static reports:
10 03 * * * www-data [ -x /usr/share/awstats/tools/buildstatic.sh ] && /usr/share/awstats/tools/buildstatic.sh

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# For new vector tileset, as documented @ http://FAQ.IIAB.IO ("How do I add zoomable maps for my region? ") & http://download.iiab.io/content/OSM/vector-tiles/
Alias /maps /library/www/html/modules/en-osm-omt-min/
Alias /osm /library/www/html/modules/en-osm-omt-min/

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Configuration file for the httpd service.
# earlier XS httpd passed memory size as command line variable
# systemd requires that this be done at setup time in httpd.conf
OPTIONS=" -f conf/httpd-xs.conf

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
apache ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/iptables-save,/usr/sbin/fdisk,/usr/bin/xs-flashbench,/usr/bin/xs-acpowergaps,/root/xs-apply-changes,/usr/bin/xs-regenerate-activities,/bin/mount,/bin/ls,/bin/df,/bin/cat,/bin/systemctl

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
apache ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/iptables-save,/usr/sbin/fdisk,/usr/bin/xs-flashbench,/usr/bin/xs-acpowergaps,/root/xs-apply-changes,/usr/bin/xs-regenerate-activities,/bin/mount,/bin/ls,/bin/df,/bin/cat,/bin/systemctl

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Alias /info/ {{ iiab_dir }}/docs/html/
Alias /info {{ iiab_dir }}/docs/html/
<directory {{ iiab_dir }}/docs/html>
Options +Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
IndexOptions HTMLTable
IndexOptions SuppressColumnsorting
IndexOptions Charset=UTF-8
Require all granted

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# This is for an OS other than Fedora 18
# The stock install puts a small /library/ka-lite/content/assessmentitems.sqlite file, so use size instead of exists
- name: See if assessment is already installed
stat: path="{{ kalite_root }}/content/assessment/khan/assessmentitems.sqlite"
register: khan_assessment_installed
- name: Run the assessment setup using kalite manage
command: "{{ kalite_program }} manage unpack_assessment_zip {{ downloads_dir }}/khan_assessment.zip"
KALITE_HOME: "{{ kalite_root }}"
async: 900
poll: 10
when: not khan_assessment_installed.stat.exists or khan_assessment_installed.stat.size < 20000

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
from kalite.project.settings.base import *
LANGUAGE_CODE = "{{ default_language }}"
ASSESSMENT_ITEMS_ZIP_URL = "scheme://{{ downloads_dir }}/khan_assessment.zip"

View file

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
Creates temp library.xml file for kiwix from contents of /zims/content and index
Updated to handle incremental additions and deletions
Author: Tim Moody <tim(at)timmoody(dot)com>
Contributors: Jerry Vonau <jvonau3(at)gmail.com>
import os, sys, syslog
import pwd, grp
import time
from datetime import date, datetime
import json
import yaml
import re
import subprocess
import shlex
#import ConfigParser
import configparser
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import argparse
import fnmatch
if not IIAB_PATH in sys.path:
from iiab_env import get_iiab_env
KIWIX_CAT = IIAB_PATH + '/kiwix_catalog.json'
# Config Files
# iiab_ini_file should be in {{ iiab_env_file }} (/etc/iiab/iiab.env) ?
#iiab_ini_file = "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" # nominally /etc/iiab/iiab.ini
iiab_ini_file = "/etc/iiab/iiab.ini" # comment out after testing
IIAB_INI = get_iiab_env('IIAB_INI') # future
iiab_ini_file = IIAB_INI
# Variables that should be read from config file
# All of these variables will be read from config files and recomputed in init()
zim_path = "/library/zims"
iiab_base_path = "/opt/iiab"
kiwix_manage = iiab_base_path + "/kiwix/bin/kiwix-manage"
doc_root = get_iiab_env('WWWROOT')
zim_version_idx_dir = doc_root + "/common/assets/"
zim_version_idx_file = "zim_version_idx.json"
#zim_version_idx_file = "zim_version_idx_test.json"
menuDefs = doc_root + "/js-menu/menu-files/menu-defs/"
menuImages = doc_root + "/js-menu/menu-files/images/"
menuJsonPath = doc_root + "/home/menu.json"
assets_dir = doc_root + "/common/assets/"
lang_codes_path = assets_dir + "lang_codes.json"
lang_codes = {}
old_zim_map = {"bad.zim" : "unparseable name"}
# Working variables
# zim_files - list of zims and possible index from file system
# path_to_id_map - list of zims in current library.xml with id (for delete)
zim_versions = {} # map of zim's generic name to version installed, e.g. wikipedia_es_all to wikipedia_es_all_2017-01
def main():
"""Server routine"""
global kiwix_library_xml
global zim_path
global zim_version_idx_dir
global zim_version_idx_file
args = parse_args()
if args.device: # allow override of path
zim_path = args.device + zim_path
zim_version_idx_dir = args.device + zim_version_idx_dir
kiwix_library_xml = zim_path + "/library.xml"
if not args.no_tmp: # don't append .tmp
kiwix_library_xml += ".tmp"
# remove existing file if force
if args.force:
except OSError:
zims_installed = {}
path_to_id_map = {}
zims_installed, path_to_id_map = read_library_xml(kiwix_library_xml)
zim_files = get_zim_list(zim_path)
# Remove zims not in file system from library.xml
remove_list_str = ""
for item in path_to_id_map:
if item not in zim_files:
# Add zims from file system that are not in library.xml
for item in zim_files:
if item not in path_to_id_map:
add_libr_xml(kiwix_library_xml, zim_path, item, zim_files[item])
print("Writing zim_versions_idx")
def get_zim_list(path):
files_processed = {}
zim_list = []
content = path + "/content/"
index = path + "/index/"
flist = os.listdir(content)
for filename in flist:
zimpos = filename.find(".zim")
if zimpos != -1:
zim_info = {}
filename = filename[:zimpos]
zimname = "content/" + filename + ".zim"
zimidx = "index/" + filename + ".zim.idx"
if zimname not in files_processed:
if not os.path.isdir (path + "/" + zimidx): # only declare index if exists (could be embedded)
zimidx = None
files_processed[zimname] = zimidx
zimname = content + filename + ".zim"
zimidx = index + filename + ".zim.idx"
if filename in old_zim_map: # handle old names that don't parse
wiki_name = old_zim_map[filename]
ulpos = filename.rfind("_")
# but old gutenberg and some other names are not canonical
if filename.rfind("-") < 0: # non-canonical name
ulpos = filename[:ulpos].rfind("_")
wiki_name = filename[:ulpos]
zim_info['file_name'] = filename
zim_versions[wiki_name] = zim_info # if there are multiples, last should win
return files_processed
def read_library_xml(lib_xml_file, kiwix_exclude_attr=[""]): # duplicated from iiab-cmdsrv
kiwix_exclude_attr.append("id") # don't include id
kiwix_exclude_attr.append("favicon") # don't include large favicon
zims_installed = {}
path_to_id_map = {}
tree = ET.parse(lib_xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
xml_item_no = 0
for child in root:
#xml_item_no += 1 # hopefully this is the array number
attributes = {}
if 'id' not in child.attrib: # is this necessary? implies there are records with no book id which would break index for removal
print ("xml record missing Book Id")
id = child.attrib['id']
for attr in child.attrib:
if attr not in kiwix_exclude_attr:
attributes[attr] = child.attrib[attr] # copy if not id or in exclusion list
zims_installed[id] = attributes
path_to_id_map[child.attrib['path']] = id
except IOError:
zims_installed = {}
return zims_installed, path_to_id_map
def rem_libr_xml(id):
command = kiwix_manage + " " + kiwix_library_xml + " remove " + id
#print command
args = shlex.split(command)
outp = subprocess.check_output(args)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode != 2: # skip bogus file open error in kiwix-manage
print (outp)
def add_libr_xml(kiwix_library_xml, zim_path, zimname, zimidx):
command = kiwix_manage + " " + kiwix_library_xml + " add " + zim_path + "/" + zimname
if zimidx:
command += " -i " + zim_path + "/" + zimidx
#print command
args = shlex.split(command)
outp = subprocess.check_output(args)
except: #skip things that don't work
#print 'skipping ' + zimname
def read_lang_codes():
global lang_codes
with open(lang_codes_path,"r") as f:
reads = f.read()
lang_codes = json.loads(reads)
def kiwix_lang_to_iso2(zim_lang_code):
return lang_codes[zim_lang_code]['iso2']
def init():
global iiab_base_path
global zim_path
global kiwix_library_xml
global kiwix_manage
# config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
iiab_base_path = config.get('location','iiab_base')
zim_path = config.get('kiwix','iiab_zim_path')
kiwix_library_xml = config.get('kiwix','kiwix_library_xml')
kiwix_manage = iiab_base_path + "/kiwix/bin/kiwix-manage"
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create library.xml for Kiwix.")
parser.add_argument("--device", help="no trailing /. change the target device from internal storage to something else like /media/usb0")
parser.add_argument("--no_tmp", help="don't append .tmp to the library.xml name", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="force complete rebuild of library.xml", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print messages.", action="store_true")
return parser.parse_args()
def write_zim_versions_idx():
global zim_versions
zims_installed,path_to_id_map = read_library_xml(kiwix_library_xml)
for perma_ref in zim_versions:
zim_versions[perma_ref]['menu_item'] = find_menuitem_from_zimname(perma_ref)
articlecount,mediacount,size,tags,lang,date = \
get_substitution_data(perma_ref, zims_installed, path_to_id_map)
zim_versions[perma_ref]['article_count'] = articlecount
zim_versions[perma_ref]['media_count'] = mediacount
size = human_readable(float(size) * 1024) # kiwix reports in K
zim_versions[perma_ref]['size'] = size
zim_versions[perma_ref]['tags'] = tags
zim_versions[perma_ref]['language'] = lang
zim_versions[perma_ref]['zim_date'] = date
# Write Version Map
if os.path.isdir(zim_version_idx_dir):
with open(zim_version_idx_dir + zim_version_idx_file, 'w') as fp:
fp.write(json.dumps(zim_versions,indent=2 ))
print (zim_version_idx_dir + " not found.")
def get_substitution_data(perma_ref,zims_installed, path_to_id_map):
#reconstruct the path in the id map
path = 'content/' + zim_versions[perma_ref]['file_name'] + '.zim'
id = path_to_id_map[path]
item = zims_installed[id]
if len(item) != 0 or perma_ref == 'test':
mediacount = item.get('mediaCount','')
articlecount = item.get('articleCount','')
size = item.get('size','')
tags = item.get('tags','')
zim_lang = item.get('language')
menu_def_lang = kiwix_lang_to_iso2(zim_lang)
date = item.get('date','')
return (articlecount,mediacount,size,tags,menu_def_lang,date)
return ('0','0','0','0','0','0')
def get_menu_def_zimnames(intended_use='zim'):
menu_def_dict = {}
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.json'):
with open(filename,'r') as json_file:
readstr = json_file.read()
data = json.loads(readstr)
print("failed to parse %s"%filename)
if data.get('intended_use','') != 'zim':
zimname = data.get('zim_name','')
if zimname != '':
menu_def_dict[data['zim_name']] = menuDefs + filename
return menu_def_dict
def find_menuitem_from_zimname(zimname):
defs = get_menu_def_zimnames()
defs_filename = defs.get(zimname,'')
if defs_filename != '':
#print("reading menu-def:%s"%defs_filename)
with open(defs_filename,'r') as json_file:
readstr = json_file.read()
data = json.loads(readstr)
return data.get('menu_item_name','')
return ''
def get_kiwix_catalog_item(perma_ref):
# Read the kiwix catalog
with open(KIWIX_CAT, 'r') as kiwix_cat:
json_data = kiwix_cat.read()
download = json.loads(json_data)
zims = download['zims']
for uuid in zims.keys():
#print("%s %s"%(zims[uuid]['perma_ref'],perma_ref,))
if zims[uuid]['perma_ref'] == perma_ref:
return zims[uuid]
return {}
def human_readable(num):
# return 3 significant digits and unit specifier
# TFM 7/15/2019 change to factor of 1024, not 1000 to match similar calcs elsewhere
num = float(num)
units = [ '','K','M','G']
for i in range(4):
if num<10.0:
return "%.2f%s"%(num,units[i])
if num<100.0:
return "%.1f%s"%(num,units[i])
if num < 1000.0:
return "%.0f%s"%(num,units[i])
num /= 1024.0
# Now start the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run the main routine

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- name: Stop 'Wired WAN connection'
shell: nmcli dev disconnect {{ discovered_wan_iface }}
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
when: discovered_wan_iface != "none" and not has_WAN and has_ifcfg_gw == "none"
# set user_wan_iface: <device> for static
# use wan_* for static info
- name: Supply ifcfg-WAN file
template: src=network/ifcfg-WAN.j2
when: iiab_wan_iface != "none" and not has_WAN and has_ifcfg_gw == "none"
- name: Now setting ifcfg-WAN True after creating file
has_WAN: True
when: iiab_wan_iface != "none" and has_ifcfg_gw == "none"

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# this (hosts.yml) WAS invoked by roles/network/tasks/main.yml up until 2019-12-10
#TODO: Use vars instead of hardcoded values
- name: Remove FQDN with in /etc/hosts without LAN (if iiab_lan_iface == "none" and not installing)
path: /etc/hosts
regexp: '^172\.18\.96\.1'
state: absent
when: iiab_lan_iface == "none" and not installing
- name: Configure FQDN with in /etc/hosts with LAN (if iiab_lan_iface != "none" and not installing)
path: /etc/hosts
regexp: '^172\.18\.96\.1'
line: ' {{ iiab_hostname }}.{{ iiab_domain }} {{ iiab_hostname }} box box.lan'
state: present
when: not (iiab_lan_iface == "none") and not installing
# roles/0-init/tasks/hostname.yml ALSO does this:
- name: 'Put FQDN & hostnames in /etc/hosts: " {{ iiab_hostname }}.{{ iiab_domain }} localhost.localdomain localhost {{ iiab_hostname }} box box.lan" (if iiab_lan_iface == "none" and not installing, appliance mode?)'
path: /etc/hosts
regexp: '^127\.0\.0\.1'
line: ' {{ iiab_hostname }}.{{ iiab_domain }} localhost.localdomain localhost {{ iiab_hostname }} box box.lan'
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
when: iiab_lan_iface == "none" and not installing

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Generated by IIAB
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# iiab_network_mode is {{ gui_desired_network_role }}
{% if discovered_wireless_iface != 'none' %}
auto {{ discovered_wireless_iface }}
iface {{ discovered_wireless_iface }} inet manual
{% endif %}
{% if iiab_network_mode == "Appliance" %}
################# APPLIANCE #########################
auto {{ discovered_wan_iface }}
# if gui_static_wan == true dhcpcd.conf will be modified
iface {{ discovered_wan_iface }} inet manual
{% elif iiab_network_mode == "Gateway" %}
################# GATEWAY #########################
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports {% if discovered_wireless_iface != "none" %} {{ discovered_wireless_iface }} {% endif %} {% if discovered_lan_iface != "none" %} {{ discovered_lan_iface }} {% endif %}
bridge_maxwait 0
address {{ lan_ip }}
netmask {{ lan_netmask }}
dns-nameservers {{ lan_ip }}
# change for debian 9, let dhcpcd.conf set the static ip
# if gui_static_wan == True
auto {{ discovered_wan_iface }}
iface {{ discovered_wan_iface }} inet manual
{% else %} {# end of iiab_network_mode == Gateway #}
################# LANCONTROLLER ###################
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports {% if discovered_wireless_iface != "none" %} {{ discovered_wireless_iface }} {% endif %} {% if discovered_wan_iface != "none" %} {{ discovered_wan_iface }} {% endif %}
bridge_maxwait 0
address {{ lan_ip }}
netmask {{ lan_netmask }}
gateway {{ lan_ip }}
dns-nameservers {{ lan_ip }}
dns-search {{ iiab_domain }}
post-up systemctl restart dhcpd && systemctl restart hostapd
{% endif %}

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
#grep -r "not nginx_enabled" roles/
#roles/calibre-web/tasks/main.yml: when: calibreweb_enabled and not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/calibre-web/tasks/main.yml: when: not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/kolibri/tasks/main.yml: when: kolibri_enabled and not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/kolibri/tasks/main.yml: when: not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/kiwix/tasks/kiwix_install.yml: when: kiwix_enabled and not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/kiwix/tasks/kiwix_install.yml: when: not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml: when: not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml: when: not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/sugarizer/tasks/install.yml: when: sugarizer_enabled and not nginx_enabled | bool
#roles/sugarizer/tasks/install.yml: when: sugarizer_enabled and not nginx_enabled | bool
- name: Enable Gitea for Apache
command: a2ensite gitea.conf
- name: Enable Calibre-Web for Apache
command: a2ensite calibre-web.conf
- name: Enable Kolibri for Apache
command: a2ensite kolibri.conf
- name: Enable kiwix for Apache
command: a2ensite kiwix.conf
- name: Enable Sugarizer for Apache
command: a2ensite sugarizer.conf
- name: Enable AWStats for Apache
command: a2ensite awstats.conf

View file

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
# The ~100 lines of code below are near-identical to what's in tasks/enable.yml
# for these 6 playbooks. Any way we can consolidate / reduce duplication?
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/awstats.conf
command: a2dissite awstats.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/awstats-nginx.conf from template, if awstats_enabled
src: roles/awstats/templates/awstats-nginx.conf
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/awstats-nginx.conf
when: awstats_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for AWStats, if not awstats_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/awstats-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not awstats_enabled
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/calibre-web.conf
command: a2dissite calibre-web.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/calibre-web-nginx.conf from template, if calibreweb_enabled
src: roles/calibre-web/templates/calibre-web-nginx.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/calibre-web-nginx.conf
when: calibreweb_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for Calibre-Web, if not calibreweb_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/calibre-web-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not calibreweb_enabled
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/gitea.conf
command: a2dissite gitea.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/gitea-nginx.conf from template, if gitea_enabled
src: roles/gitea/templates/gitea-nginx.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/gitea-nginx.conf
when: gitea_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for Gitea, if not gitea_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/gitea-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not gitea_enabled
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/kiwix.conf
command: a2dissite kiwix.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/kiwix-nginx.conf from template, if kiwix_enabled
src: roles/kiwix/templates/kiwix-nginx.conf
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/kiwix-nginx.conf
when: kiwix_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for Kiwix, if not kiwix_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/kiwix-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not kiwix_enabled
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/kolibri.conf
command: a2dissite kolibri.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/kolibri-nginx.conf from template, if kolibri_enabled
src: roles/kolibri/templates/kolibri-nginx.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/kolibri-nginx.conf
when: kolibri_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for Kolibri, if not kolibri_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/kolibri-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not kolibri_enabled
- name: Remove symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sugarizer.conf
command: a2dissite sugarizer.conf
- name: Install /etc/nginx/conf.d/sugarizer-nginx.conf from template, if sugarizer_enabled
src: roles/sugarizer/templates/sugarizer-nginx.conf
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/sugarizer-nginx.conf
when: sugarizer_enabled | bool
- name: Remove NGINX support for Sugarizer, if not sugarizer_enabled
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/sugarizer-nginx.conf
state: absent
when: not sugarizer_enabled

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# The ~40 lines of code below are near-identical to what's in tasks/enable.yml
# for these 6 playbooks. Any way PR #2131 etc can help reduce duplication?
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/dokuwiki-nginx.conf from template, if dokuwiki_enabled
src: dokuwiki-nginx.conf
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/dokuwiki-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
when: dokuwiki_enabled | bool
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/elgg-nginx.conf from template, if elgg_enabled
src: elgg-nginx.conf
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/elgg-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
when: elgg_enabled | bool
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/lokole-nginx.conf from template, if lokole_enabled
src: lokole-nginx.conf.j2
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/lokole-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
when: lokole_enabled | bool
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/moodle-nginx.conf from template, if moodle_enabled
src: moodle-nginx.conf.j2
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/moodle-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
when: moodle_enabled | bool
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/nextcloud-nginx.conf from template, if nextcloud_enabled
src: nextcloud-nginx.conf
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/nextcloud-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
when: nextcloud_enabled | bool
- name: Install {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/nodered-nginx.conf from template, if nodered_enabled
src: nodered-nginx.conf.j2
dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/nodered-nginx.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d
# mode: '0666'
when: nodered_enabled | bool
# mediawiki and wordpress are no longer proxied
#- name: Install MediaWiki's nginx conf.d file from template
# template:
# src: mediawiki-nginx.conf.j2
# dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/mediawiki-nginx.conf
# when: mediawiki_enabled
#- name: Install WordPress's nginx conf.d file from template
# template:
# src: wordpress-nginx.conf
# dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/
# when: wordpress_enabled
#- name: Install proxpass to apache running on localhost

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
location {{ dokuwiki_url }} {
proxy_pass{{ apache_port }}{{ dokuwiki_url }};

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
location /mediawiki {
proxy_pass{{ apache_port }}/mediawiki;
location ~ /mediawiki/.*\.php$ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass{{ apache_port }};

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
location /wordpress {
proxy_pass{{ apache_port }}/wordpress;
location ~ /wordpress/.*\.php$ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass{{ apache_port }};

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
echo -e "\n\n\e[41m DEPRECATED PLEASE RUN 'iiab-support' INSTEAD \e[0m\n\n"
echo -e 'This older script TEMPORARILY (over)writes /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle to'
echo -e 'identify IIAB to the upstream OpenVPN server, until Ansible next runs.\n'
#echo -e 'CORRECT METHOD: CHANGE VARIABLE openvpn_handle IN /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml'
#echo -e 'THEN RUN "cd /opt/iiab/iiab" THEN "./runrole openvpn"\n'
echo -e 'PLEASE NOW TYPE CTRL-C TO QUIT. Or, if you really want it temporary until the'
read -p 'next time Ansible is run, what OpenVPN handle do you want? ' ans
if [ "$ans" != "" ]; then
echo $ans > /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle
echo -e "\nYour machine's openvpn_handle is TEMPORARILY now set... \n"
echo -e "\nWARNING: your machine's openvpn_handle remains unchanged...\n"
echo -e "Restarting OpenVPN daemon...\n"
# 2019-05-09: removing /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle (or setting it to "") are both very bad practices
#if [ "$ans" == "" ]; then
# if [ -f /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle ]; then
# rm -f /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle
# fi
# echo $ans > /etc/iiab/openvpn_handle
{{ systemctl_program }} restart openvpn@xscenet
# This would also work: (but would bounce all VPN connections, if others exist, causing unnec disruption if so)
#{{ systemctl_program }} restart openvpn

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
$ start the openvpn tunnel if the service is enabled
enabled={{ openvpn_enabled }}
VPNIP={{ openvpn_server_port }}
if [ "$enabled" = 'True' ]; then
# make sure the wan is functioning
# is one of google's dns servers
ping -c 3 -i 3
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
#echo "internet is not available, tunnel not possible"
exit 1
# check the vpn tunnel
ping -c 5 -i 5 "$VPNIP"
# a zero return means the tunnel is up
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0
killall openvpn
sleep 10
#echo "Starting openvpn and waiting 10 seconds for daemon to become ready"
systemctl start openvpn@xscenet

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Not used as of August 2018: parent service "openvpn" reliably auto-starts child service "openpn@xscenet" on OS's in common use
# But could be revived for older CentOS etc?
# If the wan has recently come up, see if we need to start openvpn
systemctl is-enabled openvpn
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
pgrep openvpn
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
systemctl start openvpn@xscenet

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
name = Sugarizer Server
description = Your Sugarizer Server
port = {{ sugarizer_port }}
min_password_size = 4
max_age = 172800000
https = false
certificate_file = ../server.crt
key_file = ../server.key
strict_ssl = false
path = ../sugarizer/
server = localhost
port = 27018
name = sugarizer
waitdb = 1
port = 8039
active = true
users = users
journal = journal
stats = stats
activities_directory_name = activities
template_directory_name = ActivityTemplate
activity_info_path = activity/activity.info
favorites = org.sugarlabs.GearsActivity,org.sugarlabs.MazeWebActivity,org.olpcfrance.PaintActivity,org.olpcfrance.TamTamMicro,org.olpcfrance.MemorizeActivity,org.olpg-france.physicsjs,org.sugarlabs.CalculateActivity,org.sugarlabs.TurtleBlocksJS,org.sugarlabs.Clock,org.sugarlabs.SpeakActivity,org.sugarlabs.moon,org.olpcfrance.RecordActivity,org.olpcfrance.Abecedarium,org.olpcfrance.videoviewer,org.olpcfrance.FoodChain,org.olpc-france.labyrinthjs,org.olpcfrance.TankOp,org.sugarlabs.ChatPrototype,org.olpcfrance.Gridpaint,org.olpc-france.LOLActivity,org.olpcfrance.sharednotes,org.sugarlabs.ColorMyWorldActivity,com.homegrownapps.xoeditor,com.homegrownapps.reflection,com.homegrownapps.abacus,org.sugarlabs.Blockrain,org.sugarlabs.StopwatchActivity,com.homegrownapps.flip,org.somosazucar.JappyActivity,org.olpcfrance.qrcode,org.sugarlabs.Markdown,org.sugarlabs.gameOfLife,org.sugarlabs.Scratch,org.sugarlabs.FotoToonJs

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// require files
var express = require('express'),
http = require('http'),
https = require('https'),
settings = require('./config/settings'),
common = require('./dashboard/helper/common');
ini = settings.load(),
app = express(),
server = null;
// init common
//configure app setting
require('./config/main')(app, ini);
// include api routes
require('./api/route')(app, ini);
// include dashboard routes
require('./dashboard/route')(app, ini);
// Handle https
if (ini.security.https) {
var credentials = common.loadCredentials(ini);
if (!credentials) {
console.log("Error reading HTTPS credentials");
server = https.createServer(credentials, app);
} else {
server = http.createServer(app);
var pathPrefix = '/sugarizer';
app.use(pathPrefix, require('path-prefix-proxy')(pathPrefix));
// Start listening
console.log("Sugarizer Server is listening on"+(ini.security.https ? " secure":"")+" port " + ini.web.port + "...");
//export app for testing
module.exports = app;