- name: Install PostgreSQL packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - postgresql tags: - download - name: Install PostgreSQL for Debian package: name=postgresql-client when: is_debuntu tags: - download - name: Install PostgreSQL for Fedora package: name=postgresql-server when: not is_debuntu tags: - download - name: Create postgresql-iiab systemd service template: src=postgresql-iiab.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/postgresql-iiab.service owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: Create postgres data directory file: path=/library/pgsql-iiab owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0700 state=directory - name: Make sure that the en_US locale is enabled lineinfile: dest=/etc/locale.gen line="{{ postgresql_locale }} UTF-8" when: is_debuntu - name: Generate the selected locales command: /usr/sbin/locale-gen when: is_debuntu - name: Initialize the postgres db command: su - postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/bin/initdb -E 'UTF-8' --locale={{ postgresql_locale }} -D /library/pgsql-iiab" creates=/library/pgsql-iiab/pg_hba.conf when: is_debuntu - name: Initialize the postgres db command: su - postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb -E 'UTF-8' --lc-collate={{ postgresql_locale }} --lc-ctype={{ postgresql_locale }} -D /library/pgsql-iiab" creates=/library/pgsql-iiab/pg_hba.conf when: not is_debuntu - name: Configure PostgreSQL template: backup=yes src=postgresql.conf.j2 dest=/library/pgsql-iiab/postgresql.conf owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0640 - name: Stop postgresql service command: "/etc/init.d/postgresql stop" ignore_errors: True when: postgresql_install and is_debuntu - name: Stop and disable stock postgresql service service: name=postgresql state=stopped enabled=no - name: Start and enable postgresql-iiab service service: name=postgresql-iiab state=started enabled=yes when: postgresql_enabled - name: Stop and disable postgresql-iiab service if not postgresql_enabled service: name=postgresql-iiab state=stopped enabled=no when: not postgresql_enabled - name: Add postgresql to service list ini_file: dest='{{ service_filelist }}' section=postgresql option='{{ item.option }}' value='{{ item.value }}' with_items: - option: name value: postgresql - option: description value: '"PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system."' - option: installed value: "{{ postgresql_install }}" - option: enabled value: "{{ postgresql_enabled }}"