- name: Install httpd required packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - apache2 - php5 - php5-curl - php5-sqlite tags: - download when: is_debian - name: Install httpd required packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - apache2 - php tags: - download when: is_ubuntu - name: Install httpd required packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - httpd - php - php-curl # - php-sqlite tags: - download when: is_redhat - name: remove the default apache2 config file file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf src=/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf state=absent when: is_debuntu - name: Create httpd config files template: backup=yes src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} owner=root group=root mode={{ item.mode }} with_items: - { src: '010-xsce.conf.j2' , dest: '/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/010-xsce.conf', mode: '0755' } - { src: 'proxy_ajp.conf.j2' , dest: '/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/proxy_ajp.conf', mode: '0644' } - { src: 'php.ini.j2' , dest: '/etc/php.ini' , mode: '0644' } # remove symlinks for mpm-event, replace with mpm-prefork - name: Remove mpm event links file: path=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/{{ item }} state=absent with_items: - mpm_event.conf - mpm_event.load when: is_debuntu - name: create symlinks for mpm-prefork file: path=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/{{ item }} src=/etc/apache2/mods-available/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - mpm_prefork.conf - mpm_prefork.load when: is_debuntu - name: turn on mod_proxy command: a2enmod {{ item }} with_items: - proxy - proxy_html - headers - rewrite when: is_debuntu - name: create symlinks for enabling our site file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ item }} src=/etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - 010-xsce.conf when: is_debuntu - name: Remove the default site container file: dest=/etc/apache2/000-default.conf state=absent when: is_debuntu - name: Create http pid dir file: path=/var/run/{{ apache_user }} mode=0755 owner=root group=root state=directory - name: create admin group group: name=admin state=present - name: Add apache user to admin group user: name={{ apache_user }} groups=admin state=present createhome=no - name: Create httpd log dir file: path=/var/log/{{ apache_service }} mode=0755 owner={{ apache_data }} group={{ apache_data }} state=directory - name: Enable httpd service: name={{ apache_service }} enabled=yes - name: Create iiab-info directory file: path={{ doc_root }}/info mode=0755 owner={{ apache_data }} group={{ apache_data }} state=directory - name: Remove iiab-info.conf file: dest=/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/iiab-info.conf state=absent - name: Remove iiab-info.conf symlink file: dest=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/iiab-info.conf state=absent when: is_debuntu - include: html.yml tags: - base - include: home-page.yml