# NGINX configuration for KA Lite # # Upstream KA-Lite server uses port 7007 # Nginx proxy for KA-Lite uses port 8008 # # If you want the website to be accessible at a different port, change # PROXY_PORT = nnnn setting in /var/ka-lite/.kalite/settings.py # and change the below accordingly. upstream kalite { server; } server { listen 8008; # Default value, overwritten in nginx.d set $kalite_home {{ kalite_root }}; include /etc/ka-lite/nginx.d/*.conf; location /static { alias $kalite_home/httpsrv/static/; } location /media { alias $kalite_home/httpsrv/media/; } location /content { alias $kalite_home/content/; } location /favicon.ico { empty_gif; } location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass http://kalite; error_page 502 = @502; } location @502 { types { } default_type "text/html"; return 502 "

KA-Lite might be busy - wait a few moments and then reload this page

If KA-Lite is still busy, get help from the system administrator

Error code: nginx 502 Bad Gateway (maybe the KA-Lite webserver is not working correctly)"; } }