# Local Add-ons - name: ...IS BEGINNING ==================================== command: echo - name: INTERNETARCHIVE include_role: name: internetarchive when: internetarchive_install | bool # Is porting to Python 3 complete, and if so does this belong elsewhere? - name: CAPTIVE PORTAL include_role: name: captiveportal #include_tasks: roles/captiveportal/tasks/main.yml when: captiveportal_install | bool - name: MINETEST include_role: name: minetest when: minetest_install | bool # KEEP AT THE END as this installs dependencies from Debian's 'testing' branch! - name: CALIBRE include_role: name: calibre when: calibre_install | bool - name: CALIBRE-WEB include_role: name: calibre-web when: calibreweb_install | bool # Could split these two below to Stage 10? - name: Fully Enable / Configure NGINX (already installed in Stage 3-BASE-SERVER) if 'nginx_enabled' is True include_role: name: nginx when: nginx_enabled | bool # WAS: nginx_install # If just CONFIGURING (etc) shouldn't we use one of the following instead ?? # include_tasks: roles/nginx/tasks/setup.yml # include_tasks: roles/nginx/tasks/enable.yml - name: Fully Enable / Configure Apache systemd service ({{ apache_service }}) if 'apache_enabled' is True include_role: name: httpd-enable when: apache_enabled | bool # WAS: apache_install # WARNING THAT APACHE IS AUTO-ENABLED BY THESE ~6 APPS ALONE! # https://github.com/holta/iiab/blob/scaff2/roles/0-init/tasks/main.yml#L40-L44 # Summarized @ https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/nginx/README.md # 2020-01-23: APACHE FUTURE SUMMARY QUESTIONS @ roles/httpd/tasks/main.yml - name: Recording STAGE 9 HAS COMPLETED ==================== lineinfile: dest: "{{ iiab_env_file }}" regexp: '^STAGE=*' line: 'STAGE=9'