# 2020-01-21: Ansible Input Validation (basic sanity checking for now) to check # that *_install and *_enabled variables (as set in places like # /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml) appear coherent i.e. (1) are confirmed defined, # (2) have type boolean (Ansible often inverts logic when boolean vars are # accidentally declared as strings, see below!) and (3) have plausible values. # 2020-01-23: *_installed variables (incrementally saved to # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml) are not required to be boolean (or even defined!) # for now. However if any of these are defined, the corresponding value of # *_install must be True, as IIAB does not currently support uninstalling! # Stricter validation is needed later, when roles/playbooks/tasks are invoked # by various scripts, possibly bypassing 0-init? Either way, risks abound :/ # 1. "Ansible 2.8+ ADVISORY: avoid warnings by using 'when: var | bool' for # top-level BARE vars (in case they're strings, instead of boolean)" per #1632. # 2020-10-16: NO LONGER NEC, SEE: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/2576 # 2. "How Exactly Does Ansible Parse Boolean Variables?" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47877464/how-exactly-does-ansible-parse-boolean-variables/47877502#47877502 # ...is very helpful but has it slightly wrong, as Ansible implements only ~18 # of YAML's 22 definitions of boolean (https://yaml.org/type/bool.html). # i.e. Ansible fails to implement y|Y|n|N, only allowing ~18 boolean values: # # yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO # |true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE # |on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF # # Otherwise 'var != (var | bool)' is dangerously common, e.g. (1) when a var # is not one of the above ~18 words (forcing it to become a string) or (2) when # a var is accidentally set using quotes (forcing it to become a string) these # ~18 words too WILL FAIL as strings (as will any non-empty string...so beware # casting strings to boolean later on...can make the situation worse!) # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/porting_guides/porting_guide_2.8.html#bare-variables-in-conditionals # # 2020-07-08 - Excellent analysis & summary by Jon Spriggs: "In Ansible, # determine the type of a value, and casting those values to other types" # https://jon.sprig.gs/blog/post/1801 # # 2021-01-29 - ansible-base 2.10.5 (1) is more strict about empty string vars # (2) no longer supports "when: myvar is boolean", "is integer" & "is float" # (3) brings yet more "Ansible Collections" dependency changes (undocumented!) # Details: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/2672 (see also #2669) # 3. "How do i fail a task in Ansible if the variable contains a boolean value? # I want to perform input validation for Ansible playbooks" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46664127/how-do-i-fail-a-task-in-ansible-if-the-variable-contains-a-boolean-value-i-want/46667499#46667499 # 2020-01-23: Checks 53 + 53 + up-to-53 vars...for now...expect this to change! # 2020-09-26: Commented out 14 vars that are {mandatory, dependencies, or # unmaintained-for-years} for IIAB 7.2 release. Keeping in mind that vars # will come and go as IIAB evolves, let's try to keep these 9 aligned: # # http://FAQ.IIAB.IO > "What services (IIAB apps) are suggested during installation?" # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/vars/local_vars_min.yml # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/vars/local_vars_medium.yml # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/vars/local_vars_big.yml # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/vars/default_vars.yml # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/unmaintained-roles.txt # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/0-DEPRECATED-ROLES/ # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/tests/test.yml # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/0-init/tasks/validate_vars.yml # # 2020-11-04: Fix validation of 5 [now 4] core dependencies, for ./runrole etc - name: Set vars_checklist for 45 + 45 + 41 vars ("XYZ_install" + "XYZ_enabled" + "XYZ_installed") to be checked set_fact: vars_checklist: - hostapd - dhcpd - named - dnsmasq - bluetooth #- wondershaper # Unmaintained - sshd - openvpn - admin_console #- nginx # MANDATORY ###- apache ### Dependency - excluded from _installed check below #- mysql # MANDATORY - squid - dansguardian - cups - samba - usb_lib #- xo_services # Unmaintained #- activity_server # Unmaintained #- ejabberd_xs # Unmaintained #- idmgr # Unmaintained - azuracast #- dokuwiki # Unmaintained #- ejabberd # Unmaintained - elgg - gitea - jupyterhub - lokole - mediawiki - mosquitto - nodejs # Dependency - excluded from _installed check below - nodered - nextcloud - pbx - wordpress - kalite - kolibri - kiwix - postgresql # Dependency - excluded from _installed check below - moodle - mongodb # Dependency - excluded from _installed check below - sugarizer - osm_vector_maps - transmission - awstats - monit - munin - phpmyadmin - vnstat - yarn # Dependency - excluded from _installed check below - internetarchive - captiveportal - minetest - calibre - calibreweb - name: Assert that {{ vars_checklist | length }} "XYZ_install" vars are all... defined assert: that: "{{ item }}_install is defined" fail_msg: "VARIABLE MUST BE DEFINED: '{{ item }}_install' NEEDS A PROPER (UNQUOTED) ANSIBLE BOOLEAN VALUE e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}" - name: Assert that {{ vars_checklist | length }} "XYZ_enabled" vars are all... defined assert: that: "{{ item }}_enabled is defined" fail_msg: "VARIABLE MUST BE DEFINED: '{{ item }}_enabled' NEEDS A PROPER (UNQUOTED) ANSIBLE BOOLEAN VALUE e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}" - name: Assert that {{ vars_checklist | length }} "XYZ_install" vars are all... type boolean (NOT type string, which can invert logic!) assert: that: "{{ item }}_install | type_debug == 'bool'" fail_msg: "VARIABLE MUST BE BOOLEAN: '{{ item }}_install' now has type '{{ lookup('vars', item + '_install') | type_debug }}' and value '{{ lookup('vars', item + '_install') }}' -- PLEASE SET A PROPER (UNQUOTED) ANSIBLE BOOLEAN VALUE e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}" - name: Assert that {{ vars_checklist | length }} "XYZ_enabled" vars are all... type boolean (NOT type string, which can invert logic!) assert: that: "{{ item }}_enabled | type_debug == 'bool'" fail_msg: "VARIABLE MUST BE BOOLEAN: '{{ item }}_enabled' now has type '{{ lookup('vars', item + '_enabled') | type_debug }}' and value '{{ lookup('vars', item + '_enabled') }}' -- PLEASE SET A PROPER (UNQUOTED) ANSIBLE BOOLEAN VALUE e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}" - name: 'DISALLOW "XYZ_install: False" WITH "XYZ_enabled: True" ...for all {{ vars_checklist | length }} var pairs' assert: that: "{{ item }}_install or not {{ item }}_enabled" fail_msg: "DISALLOWED: '{{ item }}_install: False' WITH '{{ item }}_enabled: True' -- IIAB DOES NOT SUPPORT UNINSTALLS -- please verify those 2 variable values e.g. in /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml, and other places variables are defined?" quiet: yes loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}" - name: 'DISALLOW "XYZ_install: False" WHEN "XYZ_installed is defined" IN /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml ...for up-to-{{ vars_checklist | length }} var pairs' assert: that: "{{ item }}_install or {{ item }}_installed is undefined" fail_msg: "DISALLOWED: '{{ item }}_install: False' (e.g. in /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml) WHEN '{{ item }}_installed' is defined (e.g. in /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml) -- IIAB DOES NOT SUPPORT UNINSTALLS -- please verify those 2 files especially, and other places variables are defined?" quiet: yes when: item != 'nodejs' and item != 'postgresql' and item != 'mongodb' and item != 'yarn' # Exclude auto-installed dependencies loop: "{{ vars_checklist }}"