- name: AzuraCast - Make config directory {{ azuracast_host_dir }} file: path: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}" state: directory - name: AzuraCast - Install {{ azuracast_host_dir }}/.env from template template: src: prod.env.j2 dest: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/.env" #owner: root #group: root mode: 0644 #- name: AzuraCast - Install {{ azuracast_host_dir }}/docker-compose.override.yml from template # template: # src: docker-compose.override.yml.j2 # dest: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/docker-compose.override.yml" #owner: root #group: root # mode: 0644 - name: AzuraCast - Download {{ docker_sh_url }} to {{ azuracast_host_dir }} get_url: url: "{{ docker_sh_url }}" dest: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/" mode: 0755 timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" - name: AzuraCast - Download AzuraCast's docker-compose.yml sample from GitHub to {{ azuracast_host_dir }} get_url: url: "{{ docker_compose_url }}" dest: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/docker-compose.yml" mode: 0755 timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" #- name: AzuraCast - Make changes to docker.sh script so it runs headless # lineinfile: # path: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/docker.sh" # regexp: "^(.*)read reply.*" # line: "\\1reply='Y'" # backrefs: yes #- name: Change default port number range 8xxx:8xxx to {{ azuracast_port_range_prefix }}xxx:{{ azuracast_port_range_prefix }}xxx icecast-stations in docker-compose.yml # replace: # path: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/docker-compose.yml" # regexp: "^( *- \\')8([0-9]{3})\\:8([0-9]{3}\\'.*)$" # replace: "\\g<1>{{ azuracast_port_range_prefix }}\\g<2>:{{ azuracast_port_range_prefix }}\\g<3>" - name: AzuraCast - Install {{ azuracast_host_dir }}/azuracast.env for altered ports template: src: azuracast.env dest: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}/" #owner: root #group: root mode: 0644 - name: AzuraCast - Make directory {{ docker_container_dir }} file: path: "{{ docker_container_dir }}" state: directory - name: AzuraCast - Symlink /var/lib/docker -> {{ docker_container_dir }} file: src: "{{ docker_container_dir }}" path: /var/lib/docker state: link - name: AzuraCast - Setup for stable channel install shell: "yes 'Y' | /bin/bash docker.sh setup-release" args: chdir: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}" - name: AzuraCast - Run the installer shell: "yes '' | /bin/bash docker.sh install" args: chdir: "{{ azuracast_host_dir }}" # RECORD AzuraCast AS INSTALLED - name: "Set 'azuracast_installed: True'" set_fact: azuracast_installed: True - name: "Add 'azuracast_installed: True' to {{ iiab_state_file }}" lineinfile: path: "{{ iiab_state_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml regexp: '^azuracast_installed' line: 'azuracast_installed: True'