# 1. CREATE/VERIFY CRITICAL DIRECTORIES & FILES ARE IN PLACE - name: Create various directories for Kiwix's ZIM files file: path: "{{ item }}" owner: root group: root mode: 0755 state: directory with_items: - "{{ iiab_zim_path }}" - "{{ iiab_zim_path }}/content" - "{{ iiab_zim_path }}/index" - name: Check for /library/zims/library.xml stat: path: "{{ kiwix_library_xml }}" register: kiwix_xml - name: Place a stub /library/zims/library.xml if file does not exist template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ kiwix_library_xml }}" mode: 0644 owner: root group: root force: no with_items: - library.xml when: not kiwix_xml.stat.exists - name: Check for /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin/kiwix-serve binary stat: path: "{{ iiab_base }}/kiwix/bin/kiwix-serve" register: kiwix_bin - name: Set kiwix_first_pass if kiwix-serve not found set_fact: kiwix_first_pass: True when: kiwix_bin.stat.exists is defined and not kiwix_bin.stat.exists - name: Copy test.zim file if 1st pass copy: src: test.zim dest: "{{ kiwix_content_path }}/test.zim" mode: 0644 owner: root group: root force: no when: kiwix_first_pass - name: Create /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin directory file: path: "{{ iiab_base }}/kiwix/bin" owner: root group: root mode: 0755 state: directory # 2. INSTALL KIWIX-TOOLS EXECUTABLES IF 1ST PASS: we get a whole web server for i686 but only the kiwix execs for linux64 & armhf - name: Unarchive Kiwix to permanent location if 1st pass (bin_only, i.e. not i686) unarchive: src: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ kiwix_src_file }}" dest: "{{ iiab_base }}/kiwix/bin" owner: root group: root when: kiwix_src_bin_only and kiwix_first_pass # EXPERIMENTAL i686 CODE PATH: as of Nov 2017 bunzip2 then untar unpacks # to /tmp/kiwix-0.10-i686/bin WHOSE CONTENTS NEEDS TO BE MOVED TO # /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin (STANZA FURTHER BELOW). All i686 code needs testing. # ALSO: code below may need to be revived to chown -R root:root & chmod - name: Unarchive kiwix-*-linux-i686.tar.bz2 to /tmp if 1st pass (not bin_only, i.e. i686) unarchive: src: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ kiwix_src_file }}" dest: /tmp # dest: "{{ iiab_base }}" owner: root group: root when: not kiwix_src_bin_only and kiwix_first_pass # EXPERIMENTAL i686 CODE PATH - name: Move /tmp/kiwix*i686/bin/* to permanent location /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin if 1st pass (not bin_only, i.e. i686) shell: "mv /tmp/kiwix*i686/bin/* /opt/iiab/kiwix/bin/" when: not kiwix_src_bin_only and kiwix_first_pass # MIGHT BE RESTORED LATER FOR i686? Unused as of Nov 2017: # # workaround because unarchive does not set ownership properly # - name: "Set ownership as if: 'chown -R root:root /opt/iiab/kiwix'" # file: # path: "{{ iiab_base }}/kiwix" # owner: root # group: root # recurse: yes # mode: ???? # 3. ENABLE MODS FOR APACHE PROXY IF DEBUNTU - name: Enable the mods which permit Apache to proxy (debuntu) apache2_module: name: "{{ item }}" with_items: - proxy - proxy_html - proxy_http - rewrite when: is_debuntu # 4. CREATE/ENABLE/DISABLE KIWIX SERVICE & ITS CRON JOB - name: Create 'kiwix-serve' service template: backup: no src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" owner: root group: root mode: "{{ item.mode }}" with_items: - { src: 'kiwix-serve.service.j2', dest: '/etc/systemd/system/kiwix-serve.service', mode: '0644'} # - { src: 'kiwix-serve-init.j2', dest: '/usr/libexec/kiwix-serve-init', mode: '0755'} - { src: 'iiab-make-kiwix-lib', dest: '/usr/bin/iiab-make-kiwix-lib', mode: '0755'} - { src: 'iiab-make-kiwix-lib.py', dest: '/usr/bin/iiab-make-kiwix-lib.py', mode: '0755'} - { src: 'iiab-make-apache-config.py', dest: '/usr/bin/iiab-make-apache-config.py', mode: '0755'} - name: Disable 'kiwix-serve' service service: name: kiwix-serve enabled: no state: stopped when: not kiwix_enabled - name: Enable 'kiwix-serve' service service: name: kiwix-serve enabled: yes state: restarted when: kiwix_enabled # In the past kiwix-serve did not stay running, so we'd been doing this hourly. # @mgautierfr & others suggest kiwix-serve might be auto-restarted w/o cron in # future, whenever service fails, if this really catches all cases? # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/484#issuecomment-342151726 - name: Make a crontab entry to restart kiwix-serve at 4AM (debuntu) lineinfile: # mn hr dy mo day-of-week[Sunday=0] username command-to-be-executed line: "0 4 * * * root /bin/systemctl restart kiwix-serve.service" dest: /etc/crontab when: kiwix_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Make a crontab entry to restart kiwix-serve at 4AM (redhat) # * * * * * user-name command to be executed lineinfile: # mn hr dy mo day-of-week[Sunday=0] username command-to-be-executed line: "0 4 * * * root /usr/bin/systemctl restart kiwix-serve.service" dest: /etc/crontab when: kiwix_enabled and is_redhat # 5. FINALIZE - name: Add 'kiwix-serve' to list of services at /etc/iiab/iiab.ini ini_file: dest: "{{ service_filelist }}" section: kiwix-serve option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" with_items: - option: name value: kiwix-serve - option: description value: '"Part of https://github.com/kiwix/kiwix-tools/ - kiwix-serve is the most used web server for ZIM files."' # The following 4 lines are unused as of Nov 2017: # - option: kiwix_url # value: "{{ kiwix_url }}" # - option: kiwix_path # value: "{{ kiwix_path }}" - option: kiwix_port value: "{{ kiwix_port }}" - option: iiab_zim_path value: "{{ iiab_zim_path }}" - option: kiwix_library_xml value: "{{ kiwix_library_xml }}" # The following 2 lines are unused as of Nov 2017: # - option: kiwix_content_path # value: "{{ kiwix_content_path }}" - option: enabled value: "{{ kiwix_enabled }}"